--- a/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML Fri Jul 19 18:06:31 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML Fri Jul 19 18:44:07 2002 +0200
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
val locale_facts_i: theory -> string -> thm list
val read_context_statement: xstring option -> context attribute element list ->
(string * (string list * string list)) list list -> context ->
- string option * context * context * (term * (term list * term list)) list list
+ string option * cterm option * context * context * (term * (term list * term list)) list list
val cert_context_statement: string option -> context attribute element_i list ->
(term * (term list * term list)) list list -> context ->
- string option * context * context * (term * (term list * term list)) list list
+ string option * cterm option * context * context * (term * (term list * term list)) list list
val print_locales: theory -> unit
val print_locale: theory -> expr -> context attribute element list -> unit
val add_locale: bool -> bstring -> expr -> context attribute element list -> theory -> theory
@@ -89,13 +89,22 @@
type 'att element = (string, string, string, 'att) elem_expr;
type 'att element_i = (typ, term, thm list, 'att) elem_expr;
+type view = (cterm * thm list) option;
+fun view_statement (None: view) = None
+ | view_statement (Some (ct, _)) = Some ct;
+fun view_axioms (None: view) = []
+ | view_axioms (Some (_, axs)) = axs;
type locale =
- {import: expr, (*dynamic import*)
+ {view: view, (*external view on assumptions*)
+ import: expr, (*dynamic import*)
elems: ((typ, term, thm list, context attribute) elem * stamp) list, (*static content*)
- params: (string * typ option) list * string list}; (*all vs. local params*)
+ params: (string * typ option) list * string list}; (*all/local params*)
-fun make_locale import elems params =
- {import = import, elems = elems, params = params}: locale;
+fun make_locale view import elems params =
+ {view = view, import = import, elems = elems, params = params}: locale;
@@ -111,8 +120,8 @@
val prep_ext = I;
(*joining of locale elements: only facts may be added later!*)
- fun join ({import, elems, params}: locale, {elems = elems', ...}: locale) =
- Some (make_locale import (gen_merge_lists eq_snd elems elems') params);
+ fun join ({view, import, elems, params}: locale, {elems = elems', ...}: locale) =
+ Some (make_locale view import (gen_merge_lists eq_snd elems elems') params);
fun merge ((space1, locs1), (space2, locs2)) =
(NameSpace.merge (space1, space2), Symtab.join join (locs1, locs2));
@@ -397,35 +406,47 @@
-fun activate_elem _ (ctxt, Fixes fixes) = (ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes fixes, [])
- | activate_elem _ (ctxt, Assumes asms) =
- ctxt |> ProofContext.fix_frees (flat (map (map #1 o #2) asms))
- |> ProofContext.assume_i ProofContext.export_assume asms
- |> apsnd (map (rpair false))
- | activate_elem _ (ctxt, Defines defs) =
- ctxt |> ProofContext.assume_i ProofContext.export_def
- (defs |> map (fn ((name, atts), (t, ps)) =>
- let val (c, t') = ProofContext.cert_def ctxt t
- in ((if name = "" then Thm.def_name c else name, atts), [(t', (ps, []))]) end))
- |> apsnd (map (rpair false))
- | activate_elem b (ctxt, Notes facts) =
- ctxt |> ProofContext.have_thmss_i facts |> apsnd (map (rpair b));
+fun export_axioms axs _ hyps th =
+ th |> Drule.satisfy_hyps axs
+ |> Drule.implies_intr_list (Library.drop (length axs, hyps))
+ |> Seq.single;
-fun activate_elems ((name, ps), elems) = ProofContext.qualified_result (fn ctxt =>
- foldl_map (activate_elem (name = "")) (ctxt, elems) handle ProofContext.CONTEXT (msg, ctxt) =>
- err_in_locale ctxt msg [(name, map fst ps)]);
+fun activate_elem _ ((ctxt, axs), Fixes fixes) = ((ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes fixes, axs), [])
+ | activate_elem _ ((ctxt, axs), Assumes asms) =
+ let
+ val ts = flat (map (map #1 o #2) asms);
+ val n = length ts;
+ val (ctxt', res) =
+ ctxt |> ProofContext.fix_frees ts
+ |> ProofContext.assume_i (export_axioms (Library.take (n, axs))) asms;
+ in ((ctxt', Library.drop (n, axs)), map (rpair false) res) end
+ | activate_elem _ ((ctxt, axs), Defines defs) =
+ let val (ctxt', res) =
+ ctxt |> ProofContext.assume_i ProofContext.export_def
+ (defs |> map (fn ((name, atts), (t, ps)) =>
+ let val (c, t') = ProofContext.cert_def ctxt t
+ in ((if name = "" then Thm.def_name c else name, atts), [(t', (ps, []))]) end))
+ in ((ctxt', axs), map (rpair false) res) end
+ | activate_elem is_ext ((ctxt, axs), Notes facts) =
+ let val (ctxt', res) = ctxt |> ProofContext.have_thmss_i facts
+ in ((ctxt', axs), map (rpair is_ext) res) end;
-fun activate_elemss prep_facts = foldl_map (fn (ctxt, ((name, ps), raw_elems)) =>
+fun activate_elems ((name, ps), elems) (ctxt, axs) =
+ let val ((ctxt', axs'), res) =
+ foldl_map (activate_elem (name = "")) ((ProofContext.qualified true ctxt, axs), elems)
+ handle ProofContext.CONTEXT (msg, ctxt) => err_in_locale ctxt msg [(name, map fst ps)]
+ in ((ProofContext.restore_qualified ctxt ctxt', axs'), res) end;
+fun activate_elemss prep_facts = foldl_map (fn ((ctxt, axs), ((name, ps), raw_elems)) =>
val elems = map (prep_facts ctxt) raw_elems;
- val (ctxt', facts) = apsnd flat (activate_elems ((name, ps), elems) ctxt);
- in (ctxt', (((name, ps), elems), facts)) end);
+ val ((ctxt', axs'), res) = apsnd flat (activate_elems ((name, ps), elems) (ctxt, axs));
+ in ((ctxt', axs'), (((name, ps), elems), res)) end);
-fun activate_facts prep_facts ctxt_elemss =
- let val (ctxt', (elemss', factss)) = apsnd split_list (activate_elemss prep_facts ctxt_elemss)
- in (ctxt', (elemss', flat factss)) end;
+fun activate_facts prep_facts arg =
+ apsnd (apsnd flat o Library.split_list) (activate_elemss prep_facts arg);
@@ -617,8 +638,8 @@
val all_propp' = map2 (op ~~)
(#1 (#2 (ProofContext.bind_propp_schematic_i (ctxt, all_propp))), map (map snd) all_propp);
val n = length raw_concl;
- val concl = take (n, all_propp');
- val propp = drop (n, all_propp');
+ val concl = Library.take (n, all_propp');
+ val propp = Library.drop (n, all_propp');
val propps = unflat raw_propps propp;
val proppss = map (uncurry unflat) (raw_proppss ~~ propps);
@@ -669,7 +690,7 @@
fun prep_context_statement prep_expr prep_elemss prep_facts
- do_close fixed_params import elements raw_concl context =
+ do_close axioms fixed_params import elements raw_concl context =
val sign = ProofContext.sign_of context;
@@ -685,10 +706,10 @@
context fixed_params (raw_import_elemss @ raw_elemss) raw_concl;
val n = length raw_import_elemss;
- val (import_ctxt, (import_elemss, import_facts)) =
- activate_facts prep_facts (context, take (n, all_elemss));
- val (ctxt, (elemss, facts)) =
- activate_facts prep_facts (import_ctxt, drop (n, all_elemss));
+ val ((import_ctxt, axioms'), (import_elemss, import_facts)) =
+ activate_facts prep_facts ((context, axioms), Library.take (n, all_elemss));
+ val ((ctxt, _), (elemss, facts)) =
+ activate_facts prep_facts ((import_ctxt, axioms'), Library.drop (n, all_elemss));
((((import_ctxt, (import_elemss, import_facts)),
(ctxt, (elemss, facts))), (parms, spec, defs)), concl)
@@ -697,28 +718,31 @@
val gen_context = prep_context_statement intern_expr read_elemss get_facts;
val gen_context_i = prep_context_statement (K I) cert_elemss get_facts_i;
-fun gen_facts prep_locale thy name =
- let val ((((_, (_, facts)), _), _), _) = thy |> ProofContext.init
- |> gen_context_i false [] (Locale (prep_locale (Theory.sign_of thy) name)) [] [];
- in flat (map (#2 o #1) facts) end;
fun gen_statement prep_locale prep_ctxt raw_locale elems concl ctxt =
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
val locale = apsome (prep_locale (Theory.sign_of thy)) raw_locale;
- val (fixed_params, import) =
- (case locale of None => ([], empty)
- | Some name => (param_types (#1 (#params (the_locale thy name))), Locale name));
+ val (view, fixed_params, import) =
+ (case locale of None => (None, [], empty)
+ | Some name =>
+ let val {view, params = (ps, _), ...} = the_locale thy name
+ in (view, param_types ps, Locale name) end);
val ((((locale_ctxt, _), (elems_ctxt, _)), _), concl') =
- prep_ctxt false fixed_params import elems concl ctxt;
- in (locale, locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, concl') end;
+ prep_ctxt false (view_axioms view) fixed_params import elems concl ctxt;
+ in (locale, view_statement view, locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, concl') end;
+fun gen_facts prep_locale thy name =
+ let val ((((_, (_, facts)), _), _), _) = thy |> ProofContext.init
+ |> gen_context_i false [] [] (Locale (prep_locale (Theory.sign_of thy) name)) [] [];
+ in flat (map (#2 o #1) facts) end;
-fun read_context x y z = #1 (gen_context true [] x y [] z);
-fun cert_context x y z = #1 (gen_context_i true [] x y [] z);
val locale_facts = gen_facts intern;
val locale_facts_i = gen_facts (K I);
+fun read_context x y z = #1 (gen_context true [] [] x y [] z);
+fun cert_context x y z = #1 (gen_context_i true [] [] x y [] z);
val read_context_statement = gen_statement intern gen_context;
val cert_context_statement = gen_statement (K I) gen_context_i;
@@ -792,18 +816,18 @@
fun put_facts loc args thy =
- val {import, elems, params} = the_locale thy loc;
+ val {view, import, elems, params} = the_locale thy loc;
val note = Notes (map (fn ((a, more_atts), th_atts) =>
((a, more_atts), map (apfst (map (curry Thm.name_thm a))) th_atts)) args);
- in thy |> put_locale loc (make_locale import (elems @ [(note, stamp ())]) params) end;
+ in thy |> put_locale loc (make_locale view import (elems @ [(note, stamp ())]) params) end;
fun gen_have_thmss prep_locale get_thms kind raw_loc raw_args thy =
val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
val loc = prep_locale (Theory.sign_of thy) raw_loc;
- val loc_ctxt = #1 (#1 (#1 (cert_context (Locale loc) [] thy_ctxt)));
+ val (_, view, loc_ctxt, _, _) = cert_context_statement (Some loc) [] [] thy_ctxt;
val args = map (apsnd (map (apfst (get_thms loc_ctxt)))) raw_args;
- val export = ProofContext.export_standard loc_ctxt thy_ctxt;
+ val export = ProofContext.export_standard view loc_ctxt thy_ctxt;
val results = map (map export o #2) (#2 (ProofContext.have_thmss_i args loc_ctxt));
val args' = map (rpair [] o #1 o #1) args ~~ map (single o Thm.no_attributes) results;
@@ -821,7 +845,9 @@
val args' = map (fn ((a, ths), atts) => ((a, atts), [(ths, [])])) args;
val thy' = put_facts loc args' thy;
- val (ctxt', (_, facts')) = activate_facts (K I) (ctxt, [((loc, []), [Notes args'])]);
+ val {view, ...} = the_locale thy loc;
+ val ((ctxt', _), (_, facts')) =
+ activate_facts (K I) ((ctxt, view_axioms view), [((loc, []), [Notes args'])]);
in ((thy', ctxt'), map #1 facts') end;
@@ -859,7 +885,7 @@
val Ts = map #2 xs;
val extraTs = (Term.term_tfrees body \\ foldr Term.add_typ_tfrees (Ts, []))
|> Library.sort_wrt #1 |> map TFree;
- val predT = extraTs ---> Ts ---> bodyT;
+ val predT = map Term.itselfT extraTs ---> Ts ---> bodyT;
val args = map Logic.mk_type extraTs @ map Free xs;
val head = Term.list_comb (Const (name, predT), args);
@@ -881,9 +907,8 @@
Tactic.compose_tac (false, Drule.conj_intr_list (map (Thm.assume o cert) ts'), 0) 1);
val conjuncts =
- Thm.assume (cert statement)
- |> Tactic.rewrite_rule [pred_def]
- |> Thm.equal_elim (Thm.symmetric body_eq)
+ Drule.equal_elim_rule1 OF [Thm.symmetric body_eq,
+ Tactic.rewrite_rule [pred_def] (Thm.assume (cert statement))]
|> Drule.conj_elim_precise (length ts);
val axioms = (ts ~~ conjuncts) |> map (fn (t, ax) =>
Tactic.prove defs_sign [] [] t (fn _ =>
@@ -927,10 +952,11 @@
val (def_thy, (statement, intro, axioms)) =
thy' |> def_pred bname parms defs (ints @ more_ts) (ints' @ more_ts);
+ val cstatement = Thm.cterm_of (Theory.sign_of def_thy) statement;
def_thy |> have_thmss_qualified "" bname
[((introN, [ContextRules.intro_query_global None]), [([intro], [])])]
- |> #1 |> rpair (Some (statement, axioms))
+ |> #1 |> rpair (Some (cstatement, axioms))
in (thy'', (elemss', view)) end;
@@ -953,18 +979,18 @@
prep_ctxt raw_import raw_body thy_ctxt;
val elemss = import_elemss @ body_elemss;
- val (pred_thy, (elemss', view)) = (* FIXME use view *)
+ val (pred_thy, (elemss', view)) =
if do_pred then thy |> define_preds bname text elemss
else (thy, (elemss, None));
val pred_ctxt = ProofContext.init pred_thy;
- val (ctxt, (_, facts)) = activate_facts (K I) (pred_ctxt, elemss')
- val export = ProofContext.export_standard ctxt pred_ctxt;
+ val ((ctxt, _), (_, facts)) = activate_facts (K I) ((pred_ctxt, view_axioms view), elemss')
+ val export = ProofContext.export_standard (view_statement view) ctxt pred_ctxt;
|> have_thmss_qualified "" name (facts |> filter #2 |> map (fn ((a, ths), _) =>
((a, []), [(map export ths, [])]))) |> #1
|> declare_locale name
- |> put_locale name (make_locale (prep_expr sign raw_import)
+ |> put_locale name (make_locale view (prep_expr sign raw_import)
(map (fn e => (e, stamp ())) (flat (map #2 (filter (equal "" o #1 o #1) elemss'))))
(params_of elemss', map #1 (params_of body_elemss)))
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/proof.ML Fri Jul 19 18:06:31 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/proof.ML Fri Jul 19 18:44:07 2002 +0200
@@ -133,14 +133,16 @@
datatype kind =
Theorem of {kind: string,
theory_spec: (bstring * theory attribute list) * theory attribute list list,
- locale_spec: (string * (context attribute list * context attribute list list)) option} |
+ locale_spec: ((string * (context attribute list * context attribute list list)) *
+ cterm option) option} |
Show of context attribute list list |
Have of context attribute list list;
fun kind_name _ (Theorem {kind = s, theory_spec = ((a, _), _), locale_spec = None}) =
s ^ (if a = "" then "" else " " ^ a)
- | kind_name sg (Theorem {kind = s, theory_spec = ((a, _), _), locale_spec = Some (name, _)}) =
- s ^ " (in " ^ Locale.cond_extern sg name ^ ")" ^ (if a = "" then "" else " " ^ a)
+ | kind_name sg (Theorem {kind = s, theory_spec = ((a, _), _),
+ locale_spec = Some ((name, _), _)}) =
+ s ^ " (in " ^ Locale.cond_extern sg name ^ ")" ^ (if a = "" then "" else " " ^ a)
| kind_name _ (Show _) = "show"
| kind_name _ (Have _) = "have";
@@ -688,9 +690,10 @@
fun global_goal prep kind raw_locale a elems concl thy =
val init = init_state thy;
- val (opt_name, locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, propp) =
+ val (opt_name, view, locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, propp) =
prep (apsome fst raw_locale) elems (map snd concl) (context_of init);
- val locale_spec = (case raw_locale of None => None | Some (_, x) => Some (the opt_name, x));
+ val locale_spec =
+ (case raw_locale of None => None | Some (_, x) => Some ((the opt_name, x), view));
|> open_block
@@ -799,18 +802,19 @@
val (goal_ctxt, (((kind, names, tss), (_, raw_thm)), _)) = current_goal state;
val locale_ctxt = context_of (state |> close_block);
val theory_ctxt = context_of (state |> close_block |> close_block);
+ val {kind = k, theory_spec = ((name, atts), attss), locale_spec} =
+ (case kind of Theorem x => x | _ => err_malformed "finish_global" state);
+ val view = (case locale_spec of Some (_, Some view) => Some view | _ => None);
val ts = flat tss;
- val locale_results = map (ProofContext.export_standard goal_ctxt locale_ctxt)
+ val locale_results = map (ProofContext.export_standard None goal_ctxt locale_ctxt)
(prep_result state ts raw_thm);
val results = map (Drule.strip_shyps_warning o
- ProofContext.export_standard locale_ctxt theory_ctxt) locale_results;
- val {kind = k, theory_spec = ((name, atts), attss), locale_spec} =
- (case kind of Theorem x => x | _ => err_malformed "finish_global" state);
+ ProofContext.export_standard view locale_ctxt theory_ctxt) locale_results;
val (theory', results') =
theory_of state
- |> (case locale_spec of None => I | Some (loc, (loc_atts, loc_attss)) => fn thy =>
+ |> (case locale_spec of None => I | Some ((loc, (loc_atts, loc_attss)), view) => fn thy =>
if length names <> length loc_attss then
raise THEORY ("Bad number of locale attributes", [thy])
else (thy, locale_ctxt)
@@ -819,10 +823,10 @@
if name = "" andalso null loc_atts then thy'
else (thy', ctxt')
|> (#1 o #1 o Locale.add_thmss loc [((name, flat (map #2 res)), loc_atts)])))
- |> Locale.smart_have_thmss k locale_spec
+ |> Locale.smart_have_thmss k (apsome #1 locale_spec)
((names ~~ attss) ~~ map (single o Thm.no_attributes) (Library.unflat tss results))
|> (fn (thy, res) => (thy, res)
- |>> (#1 o Locale.smart_have_thmss k locale_spec
+ |>> (#1 o Locale.smart_have_thmss k (apsome #1 locale_spec)
[((name, atts), [(flat (map #2 res), [])])]));
in (theory', ((k, name), results')) end;