moved isar_document.ML/scala to Pure/System/ -- side-by-side with isar.ML;
Sat, 14 Aug 2010 18:43:45 +0200
changeset 38412 c23f3abbf42d
parent 38411 001f2f44984c
child 38413 224efb14f258
moved isar_document.ML/scala to Pure/System/ -- side-by-side with isar.ML;
--- a/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Sat Aug 14 13:24:06 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Sat Aug 14 18:43:45 2010 +0200
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@
   Isar/expression.ML					\
   Isar/generic_target.ML				\
   Isar/isar_cmd.ML					\
-  Isar/isar_document.ML					\
   Isar/isar_syn.ML					\
   Isar/keyword.ML					\
   Isar/local_defs.ML					\
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@
   Syntax/type_ext.ML					\
   System/isabelle_process.ML				\
   System/isar.ML					\
+  System/isar_document.ML				\
   System/session.ML					\
   Thy/html.ML						\
   Thy/latex.ML						\
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.ML	Sat Aug 14 13:24:06 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/isar_document.ML
-    Author:     Makarius
-Interactive Isar documents, which are structured as follows:
-  - history: tree of documents (i.e. changes without merge)
-  - document: graph of nodes (cf. theory files)
-  - node: linear set of commands, potentially with proof structure
-structure Isar_Document: sig end =
-(* unique identifiers *)
-  val id_count = Synchronized.var "id" 0;
-  fun create_id () =
-    Synchronized.change_result id_count
-      (fn i =>
-        let val i' = i + 1
-        in (i', i') end);
-fun err_dup kind id = error ("Duplicate " ^ kind ^ ": " ^ Document.print_id id);
-fun err_undef kind id = error ("Undefined " ^ kind ^ ": " ^ Document.print_id id);
-(** documents **)
-datatype entry = Entry of {next: Document.command_id option, exec: Document.exec_id option};
-type node = entry Inttab.table; (*unique command entries indexed by command_id, start with no_id*)
-type document = node Graph.T;   (*development graph via static imports*)
-(* command entries *)
-fun make_entry next exec = Entry {next = next, exec = exec};
-fun the_entry (node: node) (id: Document.command_id) =
-  (case Inttab.lookup node id of
-    NONE => err_undef "command entry" id
-  | SOME (Entry entry) => entry);
-fun put_entry (id: Document.command_id, entry: entry) = Inttab.update (id, entry);
-fun put_entry_exec (id: Document.command_id) exec (node: node) =
-  let val {next, ...} = the_entry node id
-  in put_entry (id, make_entry next exec) node end;
-fun reset_entry_exec id = put_entry_exec id NONE;
-fun set_entry_exec (id, exec_id) = put_entry_exec id (SOME exec_id);
-(* iterate entries *)
-fun fold_entries id0 f (node: node) =
-  let
-    fun apply NONE x = x
-      | apply (SOME id) x =
-          let val entry = the_entry node id
-          in apply (#next entry) (f (id, entry) x) end;
-  in if Inttab.defined node id0 then apply (SOME id0) else I end;
-fun first_entry P (node: node) =
-  let
-    fun first _ NONE = NONE
-      | first prev (SOME id) =
-          let val entry = the_entry node id
-          in if P (id, entry) then SOME (prev, id, entry) else first (SOME id) (#next entry) end;
-  in first NONE (SOME Document.no_id) end;
-(* modify entries *)
-fun insert_after (id: Document.command_id) (id2: Document.command_id) (node: node) =
-  let val {next, exec} = the_entry node id in
-    node
-    |> put_entry (id, make_entry (SOME id2) exec)
-    |> put_entry (id2, make_entry next NONE)
-  end;
-fun delete_after (id: Document.command_id) (node: node) =
-  let val {next, exec} = the_entry node id in
-    (case next of
-      NONE => error ("No next entry to delete: " ^ Document.print_id id)
-    | SOME id2 =>
-        node |>
-          (case #next (the_entry node id2) of
-            NONE => put_entry (id, make_entry NONE exec)
-          | SOME id3 => put_entry (id, make_entry (SOME id3) exec) #> reset_entry_exec id3))
-  end;
-(* node operations *)
-val empty_node: node = Inttab.make [(Document.no_id, make_entry NONE (SOME Document.no_id))];
-fun the_node (document: document) name =
-  Graph.get_node document name handle Graph.UNDEF _ => empty_node;
-fun edit_node (id, SOME id2) = insert_after id id2
-  | edit_node (id, NONE) = delete_after id;
-fun edit_nodes (name, SOME edits) =
-      Graph.default_node (name, empty_node) #>
-      Graph.map_node name (fold edit_node edits)
-  | edit_nodes (name, NONE) = Graph.del_node name;
-(** global configuration **)
-(* command executions *)
-val global_execs =
-  Unsynchronized.ref (Inttab.make [(Document.no_id, Lazy.value (SOME Toplevel.toplevel))]);
-fun define_exec (id: Document.exec_id) exec =
-  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
-    Unsynchronized.change global_execs (Inttab.update_new (id, exec))
-      handle Inttab.DUP dup => err_dup "exec" dup);
-fun the_exec (id: Document.exec_id) =
-  (case Inttab.lookup (! global_execs) id of
-    NONE => err_undef "exec" id
-  | SOME exec => exec);
-(* commands *)
-val global_commands = Unsynchronized.ref (Inttab.make [(Document.no_id, Toplevel.empty)]);
-fun define_command (id: Document.command_id) text =
-  let
-    val id_string = Document.print_id id;
-    val tr =
-      Position.setmp_thread_data (Position.id_only id_string) (fn () =>
-        Outer_Syntax.prepare_command ( id_string) text) ();
-  in
-    NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
-      Unsynchronized.change global_commands (Inttab.update_new (id, Toplevel.put_id id_string tr))
-        handle Inttab.DUP dup => err_dup "command" dup)
-  end;
-fun the_command (id: Document.command_id) =
-  (case Inttab.lookup (! global_commands) id of
-    NONE => err_undef "command" id
-  | SOME tr => tr);
-(* document versions *)
-val global_documents = Unsynchronized.ref (Inttab.make [(Document.no_id, Graph.empty: document)]);
-fun define_document (id: Document.version_id) document =
-  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
-    Unsynchronized.change global_documents (Inttab.update_new (id, document))
-      handle Inttab.DUP dup => err_dup "document" dup);
-fun the_document (id: Document.version_id) =
-  (case Inttab.lookup (! global_documents) id of
-    NONE => err_undef "document" id
-  | SOME document => document);
-(** document editing **)
-(* execution *)
-val execution: unit future list Unsynchronized.ref = Unsynchronized.ref [];
-fun force_exec NONE = ()
-  | force_exec (SOME exec_id) = ignore (Lazy.force (the_exec exec_id));
-fun execute document =
-  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
-    let
-      val old_execution = ! execution;
-      val _ = Future.cancel old_execution;
-      fun await_cancellation () = uninterruptible (K Future.join_results) old_execution;
-      (* FIXME proper node deps *)
-      val new_execution = Graph.keys document |> map (fn name =>
-        Future.fork_pri 1 (fn () =>
-          let
-            val _ = await_cancellation ();
-            val exec =
-              fold_entries Document.no_id (fn (_, {exec, ...}) => fn () => force_exec exec)
-                (the_node document name);
-          in exec () end));
-    in execution := new_execution end);
-(* editing *)
-fun is_changed node' (id, {next = _, exec}) =
-  (case try (the_entry node') id of
-    NONE => true
-  | SOME {next = _, exec = exec'} => exec' <> exec);
-fun new_exec name (id: Document.command_id) (exec_id, updates) =
-  let
-    val exec = the_exec exec_id;
-    val exec_id' = create_id ();
-    val tr = Toplevel.put_id (Document.print_id exec_id') (the_command id);
-    val exec' =
-      Lazy.lazy (fn () =>
-        (case Lazy.force exec of
-          NONE => NONE
-        | SOME st => Toplevel.run_command name tr st));
-    val _ = define_exec exec_id' exec';
-  in (exec_id', (id, exec_id') :: updates) end;
-fun updates_status new_id updates =
-  implode (map (fn (id, exec_id) =>
-      Markup.markup (Markup.edit (Document.print_id id) (Document.print_id exec_id)) "") updates)
-  |> Markup.markup Markup.assign
-  |> Position.setmp_thread_data (Position.id_only (Document.print_id new_id)) Output.status;
-  (*FIXME avoid setmp -- direct message argument*)
-fun edit_document (old_id: Document.version_id) (new_id: Document.version_id) edits =
-  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
-    let
-      val old_document = the_document old_id;
-      val new_document = fold edit_nodes edits old_document;
-      fun update_node name node =
-        (case first_entry (is_changed (the_node old_document name)) node of
-          NONE => ([], node)
-        | SOME (prev, id, _) =>
-            let
-              val prev_exec_id = the (#exec (the_entry node (the prev)));
-              val (_, updates) = fold_entries id (new_exec name o #1) node (prev_exec_id, []);
-              val node' = fold set_entry_exec updates node;
-            in (rev updates, node') end);
-      (* FIXME proper node deps *)
-      val (updatess, new_document') =
-        (Graph.keys new_document, new_document)
-          |-> fold_map (fn name => Graph.map_node_yield name (update_node name));
-      val _ = define_document new_id new_document';
-      val _ = updates_status new_id (flat updatess);
-      val _ = execute new_document';
-    in () end);
-(** Isabelle process commands **)
-val _ =
-  Isabelle_Process.add_command "Isar_Document.define_command"
-    (fn [id, text] => define_command (Document.parse_id id) text);
-val _ =
-  Isabelle_Process.add_command "Isar_Document.edit_document"
-    (fn [old_id, new_id, edits] =>
-      edit_document (Document.parse_id old_id) (Document.parse_id new_id)
-        (XML_Data.dest_list (XML_Data.dest_pair XML_Data.dest_string
-            (XML_Data.dest_option (XML_Data.dest_list
-                (XML_Data.dest_pair XML_Data.dest_int
-                  (XML_Data.dest_option XML_Data.dest_int))))) (YXML.parse_body edits)));
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_document.scala	Sat Aug 14 13:24:06 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Pure/Isar/isar_document.scala
-    Author:     Makarius
-Interactive Isar documents.
-package isabelle
-object Isar_Document
-  /* protocol messages */
-  object Assign {
-    def unapply(msg: XML.Tree): Option[List[(Document.Command_ID, Document.Exec_ID)]] =
-      msg match {
-        case XML.Elem(Markup.Assign, edits) =>
-          val id_edits =
-          if (id_edits.forall(_.isDefined)) Some(
-          else None
-        case _ => None
-      }
-  }
-  object Edit {
-    def unapply(msg: XML.Tree): Option[(Document.Command_ID, Document.Exec_ID)] =
-      msg match {
-        case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.EDIT, List((Markup.ID, cmd_id), (Markup.STATE, state_id))), Nil) =>
-          (Markup.parse_long(cmd_id), Markup.parse_long(state_id)) match {
-            case (Some(i), Some(j)) => Some((i, j))
-            case _ => None
-          }
-        case _ => None
-      }
-  }
-trait Isar_Document extends Isabelle_Process
-  import Isar_Document._
-  /* commands */
-  def define_command(id: Document.Command_ID, text: String): Unit =
-    input("Isar_Document.define_command", Document.print_id(id), text)
-  /* documents */
-  def edit_document(old_id: Document.Version_ID, new_id: Document.Version_ID,
-      edits: List[Document.Edit[Document.Command_ID]])
-  {
-    def make_id1(id1: Option[Document.Command_ID]): XML.Body =
-      XML_Data.make_long(id1 getOrElse Document.NO_ID)
-    val arg =
-      XML_Data.make_list(
-        XML_Data.make_pair(XML_Data.make_string)(
-          XML_Data.make_option(XML_Data.make_list(
-              XML_Data.make_pair(make_id1)(XML_Data.make_option(XML_Data.make_long))))))(edits)
-    input("Isar_Document.edit_document",
-      Document.print_id(old_id), Document.print_id(new_id), YXML.string_of_body(arg))
-  }
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sat Aug 14 13:24:06 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sat Aug 14 18:43:45 2010 +0200
@@ -255,9 +255,9 @@
 (* Isabelle/Isar system *)
 use "System/session.ML";
+use "System/isabelle_process.ML";
+use "System/isar_document.ML";
 use "System/isar.ML";
-use "System/isabelle_process.ML";
-use "Isar/isar_document.ML";
 (* miscellaneous tools and packages for Pure Isabelle *)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isar_document.ML	Sat Aug 14 18:43:45 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/System/isar_document.ML
+    Author:     Makarius
+Interactive Isar documents, which are structured as follows:
+  - history: tree of documents (i.e. changes without merge)
+  - document: graph of nodes (cf. theory files)
+  - node: linear set of commands, potentially with proof structure
+structure Isar_Document: sig end =
+(* unique identifiers *)
+  val id_count = Synchronized.var "id" 0;
+  fun create_id () =
+    Synchronized.change_result id_count
+      (fn i =>
+        let val i' = i + 1
+        in (i', i') end);
+fun err_dup kind id = error ("Duplicate " ^ kind ^ ": " ^ Document.print_id id);
+fun err_undef kind id = error ("Undefined " ^ kind ^ ": " ^ Document.print_id id);
+(** documents **)
+datatype entry = Entry of {next: Document.command_id option, exec: Document.exec_id option};
+type node = entry Inttab.table; (*unique command entries indexed by command_id, start with no_id*)
+type document = node Graph.T;   (*development graph via static imports*)
+(* command entries *)
+fun make_entry next exec = Entry {next = next, exec = exec};
+fun the_entry (node: node) (id: Document.command_id) =
+  (case Inttab.lookup node id of
+    NONE => err_undef "command entry" id
+  | SOME (Entry entry) => entry);
+fun put_entry (id: Document.command_id, entry: entry) = Inttab.update (id, entry);
+fun put_entry_exec (id: Document.command_id) exec (node: node) =
+  let val {next, ...} = the_entry node id
+  in put_entry (id, make_entry next exec) node end;
+fun reset_entry_exec id = put_entry_exec id NONE;
+fun set_entry_exec (id, exec_id) = put_entry_exec id (SOME exec_id);
+(* iterate entries *)
+fun fold_entries id0 f (node: node) =
+  let
+    fun apply NONE x = x
+      | apply (SOME id) x =
+          let val entry = the_entry node id
+          in apply (#next entry) (f (id, entry) x) end;
+  in if Inttab.defined node id0 then apply (SOME id0) else I end;
+fun first_entry P (node: node) =
+  let
+    fun first _ NONE = NONE
+      | first prev (SOME id) =
+          let val entry = the_entry node id
+          in if P (id, entry) then SOME (prev, id, entry) else first (SOME id) (#next entry) end;
+  in first NONE (SOME Document.no_id) end;
+(* modify entries *)
+fun insert_after (id: Document.command_id) (id2: Document.command_id) (node: node) =
+  let val {next, exec} = the_entry node id in
+    node
+    |> put_entry (id, make_entry (SOME id2) exec)
+    |> put_entry (id2, make_entry next NONE)
+  end;
+fun delete_after (id: Document.command_id) (node: node) =
+  let val {next, exec} = the_entry node id in
+    (case next of
+      NONE => error ("No next entry to delete: " ^ Document.print_id id)
+    | SOME id2 =>
+        node |>
+          (case #next (the_entry node id2) of
+            NONE => put_entry (id, make_entry NONE exec)
+          | SOME id3 => put_entry (id, make_entry (SOME id3) exec) #> reset_entry_exec id3))
+  end;
+(* node operations *)
+val empty_node: node = Inttab.make [(Document.no_id, make_entry NONE (SOME Document.no_id))];
+fun the_node (document: document) name =
+  Graph.get_node document name handle Graph.UNDEF _ => empty_node;
+fun edit_node (id, SOME id2) = insert_after id id2
+  | edit_node (id, NONE) = delete_after id;
+fun edit_nodes (name, SOME edits) =
+      Graph.default_node (name, empty_node) #>
+      Graph.map_node name (fold edit_node edits)
+  | edit_nodes (name, NONE) = Graph.del_node name;
+(** global configuration **)
+(* command executions *)
+val global_execs =
+  Unsynchronized.ref (Inttab.make [(Document.no_id, Lazy.value (SOME Toplevel.toplevel))]);
+fun define_exec (id: Document.exec_id) exec =
+  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
+    Unsynchronized.change global_execs (Inttab.update_new (id, exec))
+      handle Inttab.DUP dup => err_dup "exec" dup);
+fun the_exec (id: Document.exec_id) =
+  (case Inttab.lookup (! global_execs) id of
+    NONE => err_undef "exec" id
+  | SOME exec => exec);
+(* commands *)
+val global_commands = Unsynchronized.ref (Inttab.make [(Document.no_id, Toplevel.empty)]);
+fun define_command (id: Document.command_id) text =
+  let
+    val id_string = Document.print_id id;
+    val tr =
+      Position.setmp_thread_data (Position.id_only id_string) (fn () =>
+        Outer_Syntax.prepare_command ( id_string) text) ();
+  in
+    NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
+      Unsynchronized.change global_commands (Inttab.update_new (id, Toplevel.put_id id_string tr))
+        handle Inttab.DUP dup => err_dup "command" dup)
+  end;
+fun the_command (id: Document.command_id) =
+  (case Inttab.lookup (! global_commands) id of
+    NONE => err_undef "command" id
+  | SOME tr => tr);
+(* document versions *)
+val global_documents = Unsynchronized.ref (Inttab.make [(Document.no_id, Graph.empty: document)]);
+fun define_document (id: Document.version_id) document =
+  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
+    Unsynchronized.change global_documents (Inttab.update_new (id, document))
+      handle Inttab.DUP dup => err_dup "document" dup);
+fun the_document (id: Document.version_id) =
+  (case Inttab.lookup (! global_documents) id of
+    NONE => err_undef "document" id
+  | SOME document => document);
+(** document editing **)
+(* execution *)
+val execution: unit future list Unsynchronized.ref = Unsynchronized.ref [];
+fun force_exec NONE = ()
+  | force_exec (SOME exec_id) = ignore (Lazy.force (the_exec exec_id));
+fun execute document =
+  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
+    let
+      val old_execution = ! execution;
+      val _ = Future.cancel old_execution;
+      fun await_cancellation () = uninterruptible (K Future.join_results) old_execution;
+      (* FIXME proper node deps *)
+      val new_execution = Graph.keys document |> map (fn name =>
+        Future.fork_pri 1 (fn () =>
+          let
+            val _ = await_cancellation ();
+            val exec =
+              fold_entries Document.no_id (fn (_, {exec, ...}) => fn () => force_exec exec)
+                (the_node document name);
+          in exec () end));
+    in execution := new_execution end);
+(* editing *)
+fun is_changed node' (id, {next = _, exec}) =
+  (case try (the_entry node') id of
+    NONE => true
+  | SOME {next = _, exec = exec'} => exec' <> exec);
+fun new_exec name (id: Document.command_id) (exec_id, updates) =
+  let
+    val exec = the_exec exec_id;
+    val exec_id' = create_id ();
+    val tr = Toplevel.put_id (Document.print_id exec_id') (the_command id);
+    val exec' =
+      Lazy.lazy (fn () =>
+        (case Lazy.force exec of
+          NONE => NONE
+        | SOME st => Toplevel.run_command name tr st));
+    val _ = define_exec exec_id' exec';
+  in (exec_id', (id, exec_id') :: updates) end;
+fun updates_status new_id updates =
+  implode (map (fn (id, exec_id) =>
+      Markup.markup (Markup.edit (Document.print_id id) (Document.print_id exec_id)) "") updates)
+  |> Markup.markup Markup.assign
+  |> Position.setmp_thread_data (Position.id_only (Document.print_id new_id)) Output.status;
+  (*FIXME avoid setmp -- direct message argument*)
+fun edit_document (old_id: Document.version_id) (new_id: Document.version_id) edits =
+  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
+    let
+      val old_document = the_document old_id;
+      val new_document = fold edit_nodes edits old_document;
+      fun update_node name node =
+        (case first_entry (is_changed (the_node old_document name)) node of
+          NONE => ([], node)
+        | SOME (prev, id, _) =>
+            let
+              val prev_exec_id = the (#exec (the_entry node (the prev)));
+              val (_, updates) = fold_entries id (new_exec name o #1) node (prev_exec_id, []);
+              val node' = fold set_entry_exec updates node;
+            in (rev updates, node') end);
+      (* FIXME proper node deps *)
+      val (updatess, new_document') =
+        (Graph.keys new_document, new_document)
+          |-> fold_map (fn name => Graph.map_node_yield name (update_node name));
+      val _ = define_document new_id new_document';
+      val _ = updates_status new_id (flat updatess);
+      val _ = execute new_document';
+    in () end);
+(** Isabelle process commands **)
+val _ =
+  Isabelle_Process.add_command "Isar_Document.define_command"
+    (fn [id, text] => define_command (Document.parse_id id) text);
+val _ =
+  Isabelle_Process.add_command "Isar_Document.edit_document"
+    (fn [old_id, new_id, edits] =>
+      edit_document (Document.parse_id old_id) (Document.parse_id new_id)
+        (XML_Data.dest_list (XML_Data.dest_pair XML_Data.dest_string
+            (XML_Data.dest_option (XML_Data.dest_list
+                (XML_Data.dest_pair XML_Data.dest_int
+                  (XML_Data.dest_option XML_Data.dest_int))))) (YXML.parse_body edits)));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isar_document.scala	Sat Aug 14 18:43:45 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/System/isar_document.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Interactive Isar documents.
+package isabelle
+object Isar_Document
+  /* protocol messages */
+  object Assign {
+    def unapply(msg: XML.Tree): Option[List[(Document.Command_ID, Document.Exec_ID)]] =
+      msg match {
+        case XML.Elem(Markup.Assign, edits) =>
+          val id_edits =
+          if (id_edits.forall(_.isDefined)) Some(
+          else None
+        case _ => None
+      }
+  }
+  object Edit {
+    def unapply(msg: XML.Tree): Option[(Document.Command_ID, Document.Exec_ID)] =
+      msg match {
+        case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.EDIT, List((Markup.ID, cmd_id), (Markup.STATE, state_id))), Nil) =>
+          (Markup.parse_long(cmd_id), Markup.parse_long(state_id)) match {
+            case (Some(i), Some(j)) => Some((i, j))
+            case _ => None
+          }
+        case _ => None
+      }
+  }
+trait Isar_Document extends Isabelle_Process
+  import Isar_Document._
+  /* commands */
+  def define_command(id: Document.Command_ID, text: String): Unit =
+    input("Isar_Document.define_command", Document.print_id(id), text)
+  /* documents */
+  def edit_document(old_id: Document.Version_ID, new_id: Document.Version_ID,
+      edits: List[Document.Edit[Document.Command_ID]])
+  {
+    def make_id1(id1: Option[Document.Command_ID]): XML.Body =
+      XML_Data.make_long(id1 getOrElse Document.NO_ID)
+    val arg =
+      XML_Data.make_list(
+        XML_Data.make_pair(XML_Data.make_string)(
+          XML_Data.make_option(XML_Data.make_list(
+              XML_Data.make_pair(make_id1)(XML_Data.make_option(XML_Data.make_long))))))(edits)
+    input("Isar_Document.edit_document",
+      Document.print_id(old_id), Document.print_id(new_id), YXML.string_of_body(arg))
+  }
--- a/src/Pure/build-jars	Sat Aug 14 13:24:06 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/build-jars	Sat Aug 14 18:43:45 2010 +0200
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
-  Isar/isar_document.scala
@@ -49,6 +48,7 @@
+  System/isar_document.scala