info: back to plain printing;
Tue, 14 Oct 2008 13:01:58 +0200
changeset 28582 c269a3045fdf
parent 28581 6cd2e5d5c6d0
child 28583 9bb9791bdc18
info: back to plain printing; maintain state as Synchronized.var (cf. Pure/Concurrent/synchronized.ML); turned start into check_thread_manager, which forks the managing thread on demand; simplified heap operations; default preferences: only include e prover, which is most likely to be installed; misc simplifcation and tuning;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/atp_manager.ML	Tue Oct 14 13:01:57 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/atp_manager.ML	Tue Oct 14 13:01:58 2008 +0200
@@ -12,11 +12,10 @@
 signature ATP_MANAGER =
   val kill_all: unit -> unit
-  val info: unit -> string
+  val info: unit -> unit
   val set_atps: string -> unit
   val set_max_atp: int -> unit
   val set_timeout: int -> unit
   val atp_thread: (unit -> 'a option) -> ('a -> string) -> Thread.thread
   val add_prover: string -> (int -> Proof.state -> Thread.thread) -> theory -> theory
   val print_provers: theory -> unit
@@ -26,157 +25,141 @@
 structure AtpManager : ATP_MANAGER =
-  structure ThreadHeap = HeapFun
-  (
-    type elem = Time.time * Thread.thread;
-    fun ord ((a, _), (b, _)) = (a, b);
-  )
+(* data structures over threads *)
+structure ThreadHeap = HeapFun
+  type elem = Time.time * Thread.thread;
+  fun ord ((a, _), (b, _)) = (a, b);
+val lookup_thread = AList.lookup Thread.equal;
+val delete_thread = AList.delete Thread.equal;
+val update_thread = AList.update Thread.equal;
+(* state of thread manager *)
-  (* state of threadmanager *)
-  datatype T = State of {
-      timeout_heap: ThreadHeap.T,
-      oldest_heap: ThreadHeap.T,
-      (* managed threads *)
-      active: (Thread.thread * (Time.time * Time.time * string)) list,
-      cancelling: (Thread.thread * (Time.time * Time.time * string)) list
-  }
-  val state = ref (State {
-        timeout_heap = ThreadHeap.empty,
-        oldest_heap = ThreadHeap.empty,
-        active = [],
-        cancelling = []})
-  (* synchronizing *)
-  val lock = Mutex.mutex ()
-  val state_change = ConditionVar.conditionVar ()
-  (* watches over running threads and interrupts them if required *)
-  val managing_thread = ref (NONE: Thread.thread option);
+datatype T = State of
+ {timeout_heap: ThreadHeap.T,
+  oldest_heap: ThreadHeap.T,
+  active: (Thread.thread * (Time.time * Time.time * string)) list,
+  cancelling: (Thread.thread * (Time.time * Time.time * string)) list};
+fun make_state timeout_heap oldest_heap active cancelling =
+  State {timeout_heap = timeout_heap, oldest_heap = oldest_heap,
+    active = active, cancelling = cancelling};
+val state = Synchronized.var "atp_manager" (make_state ThreadHeap.empty ThreadHeap.empty [] []);
-  (* active and cancelling are association lists *)
-  val lookup_th = AList.lookup Thread.equal;
-  val delete_th = AList.delete Thread.equal;
-  val update_th = AList.update Thread.equal;
-  (* waiting for a condition, checking it after time or when signalled
-     then changing state with returning a result *)
-  fun protected_wait_change_result P time f = uninterruptible (fn restore => fn () =>
-      let
-      val _ = Mutex.lock lock;
-      val _ = while not (P (! state)) do ConditionVar.waitUntil (state_change, lock, time (! state));
-      val res = Exn.Result (restore (fn () => change_result state f) ()) handle exn => Exn.Exn exn
-      val _ = ConditionVar.broadcast state_change;
-      val _ = Mutex.unlock lock;
-  in Exn.release res end) ()
-  fun protected_change f = protected_wait_change_result (fn _ => true) (fn _ => Time.zeroTime) f;
-  fun protected f = protected_change (`f);
+(* the thread manager thread *)
+(*watches over running threads and interrupts them if required*)
+val managing_thread = ref (NONE: Thread.thread option);
-  (* unregister Thread from Threadmanager = move to cancelling *)
-  fun unregister success message thread = protected_change (fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} => 
+(* unregister thread from thread manager -- move to cancelling *)
+fun unregister success message thread = Synchronized.change_result state
+  (fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} =>
-    val info = lookup_th active thread
-    (* get birthtime of unregistering thread if successful - for group-killing*)
-    val birthtime = case info of NONE => Time.zeroTime
-      | SOME (tb, _, _) => if success then tb else Time.zeroTime
-    (* move unregistering thread to cancelling *)
-    val active' = delete_th thread active
-    val cancelling' = case info of NONE => cancelling
-      | SOME (tb, _, desc) => update_th (thread, (tb,, desc)) cancelling
-    (* move all threads of the same group to cancelling *)
-    val group_threads = map_filter (fn (th, (tb, _, desc)) =>
-        if tb = birthtime then SOME (th, (tb,, desc)) else NONE)
-      active 
-    val active'' = filter_out (fn (_, (tb, _, _)) => tb = birthtime) active'
-    val cancelling'' = append group_threads cancelling'
-    (* message for user *)
-    val message = case info of NONE => ""
-      | SOME (_, _, desc) => "Sledgehammer: " ^ desc ^ "\n    " ^ message ^
-        (if length group_threads > 1
-        then "\n\nInterrupted " ^ Int.toString (length group_threads - 1) ^ " others of group."
-        else "")
-    in (message, State {timeout_heap = timeout_heap,
-                  oldest_heap = oldest_heap,
-                  active = active'',
-                  cancelling = cancelling''})
-    end)
-  (* start a watching thread which runs forever - only one may exist => checked by register *)
-  fun start () = managing_thread := SOME (SimpleThread.fork false (fn () =>
+      val info = lookup_thread active thread
+      (* get birthtime of unregistering thread if successful - for group-killing*)
+      val birthtime = case info of NONE => Time.zeroTime
+        | SOME (tb, _, _) => if success then tb else Time.zeroTime
+      (* move unregistering thread to cancelling *)
+      val active' = delete_thread thread active
+      val cancelling' = case info of NONE => cancelling
+        | SOME (tb, _, desc) => update_thread (thread, (tb, (), desc)) cancelling
+      (* move all threads of the same group to cancelling *)
+      val group_threads = active |> map_filter (fn (th, (tb, _, desc)) =>
+          if tb = birthtime then SOME (th, (tb, (), desc)) else NONE)
+      val active'' = filter_out (fn (_, (tb, _, _)) => tb = birthtime) active'
+      val cancelling'' = append group_threads cancelling'
+      (* message for user *)
+      val message' = case info of NONE => ""
+        | SOME (_, _, desc) => "Sledgehammer: " ^ desc ^ "\n  " ^ message ^
+          (if null group_threads then ""
+           else "\nInterrupted " ^ Int.toString (length group_threads - 1) ^ " other group members")
+    in (message', make_state timeout_heap oldest_heap active'' cancelling'') end);
+(* start a watching thread which runs forever -- only one may exist *)
+fun check_thread_manager () =
+  if (case ! managing_thread of SOME thread => Thread.isActive thread | NONE => false)
+  then () else managing_thread := SOME (SimpleThread.fork false (fn () =>
-    val min_wait_time = Time.fromMilliseconds 300
-    val max_wait_time = Time.fromSeconds 10
-    (* action is required when there are cancelling threads, or a thread is to be cancelled *)
-    fun P (State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling}) =
-      length cancelling > 0  orelse
-        (not (ThreadHeap.is_empty timeout_heap) andalso
-        Time.< (#1 (ThreadHeap.min timeout_heap), ()))
-    (* wait for next thread to cancel, or a maximum of 10 Seconds*)
-    fun time (State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling}) =
-      if ThreadHeap.is_empty timeout_heap then Time.+ (, max_wait_time)
-      else #1 (ThreadHeap.min timeout_heap)
-    (* action: cancel find threads whose timeout is reached, and interrupt cancelling threads *)
-    fun action (State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling}) =
-      let
-      (* find out threads wich reached their timeout *)
-      fun find_threads (heap, threads) =
-        if ThreadHeap.is_empty heap then (heap, threads) else
-          let val (mintime, minthread) = ThreadHeap.min heap
-          in if Time.> (mintime,
-            then (heap, threads)
-            else find_threads (ThreadHeap.delete_min heap, minthread :: threads)
-          end
-      val (timeout_heap', timeout_threads) = find_threads (timeout_heap, [])
-      val _ = (SimpleThread.interrupt o fst) cancelling
-      val cancelling' = filter (fn (t, _) => Thread.isActive t) cancelling
-      (* return threads with timeout and changed state *)
-      in (timeout_threads, State {timeout_heap = timeout_heap',
-                    oldest_heap = oldest_heap,
-                    active = active,
-                    cancelling = cancelling'})
-      end
-    in while true do 
-        (* cancel threads found by 'action' *)
-        (map (priority o (unregister false "Interrupted (reached timeout)")) (protected_wait_change_result P time action);
+      val min_wait_time = Time.fromMilliseconds 300
+      val max_wait_time = Time.fromSeconds 10
+      (* wait for next thread to cancel, or maximum*)
+      fun time_limit (State {timeout_heap, ...}) =
+        (case try ThreadHeap.min timeout_heap of
+          NONE => SOME (Time.+ ( (), max_wait_time))
+        | SOME (time, _) => SOME time)
+      (* action: cancel find threads whose timeout is reached, and interrupt cancelling threads *)
+      fun action (State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling}) =
+        let val (timeout_threads, timeout_heap') =
+          ThreadHeap.upto ( (), Thread.self ()) timeout_heap
+        in
+          if null timeout_threads andalso null cancelling then NONE
+          else
+            let
+              val _ = (SimpleThread.interrupt o #1) cancelling
+              val cancelling' = filter (Thread.isActive o #1) cancelling
+              val state' = make_state timeout_heap' oldest_heap active cancelling'
+            in SOME (map #2 timeout_threads, state') end
+        end
+    in
+      while true do
+       ((* cancel threads found by action *)
+        Synchronized.timed_access state time_limit action
+        |> these
+        |> (priority o unregister false "Interrupted (reached timeout)");
         (* give threads time to respond to interrupt *)
         OS.Process.sleep min_wait_time)
-    end))
+    end));
+(* thread is registered here by sledgehammer *)
-  (* calling thread is registered here by sledgehammer *)
-  fun register birthtime deadtime (thread, desc) = protected_change (
-    fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} => 
-    let val _ = (* create the atp-managing-thread if this is the first call to register *)
-      if (case ! managing_thread of SOME thread => Thread.isActive thread | NONE => false)
-      then () else start ()
-    (* insertion *)
-    in ((),State {timeout_heap = ThreadHeap.insert (deadtime, thread) timeout_heap,
-                  oldest_heap = ThreadHeap.insert (birthtime, thread) oldest_heap,
-                  active = update_th (thread, (birthtime, deadtime, desc)) active,
-                  cancelling = cancelling})
-    end)
+fun register birthtime deadtime (thread, desc) =
+ (check_thread_manager ();
+  Synchronized.change state (fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} =>
+    let
+      val timeout_heap' = ThreadHeap.insert (deadtime, thread) timeout_heap
+      val oldest_heap' = ThreadHeap.insert (birthtime, thread) oldest_heap
+      val active' = update_thread (thread, (birthtime, deadtime, desc)) active
+    in make_state timeout_heap' oldest_heap' active' cancelling end));
-  (* Move all threads to cancelling *)
-  fun kill_all () = protected_change (fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} =>
-    let
-    val active' = (map (fn (th, (tb, _, desc)) => (th, (tb,, desc))) active)
-    in ((),State {timeout_heap = timeout_heap,
-                  oldest_heap = oldest_heap,
-                  active = [],
-                  cancelling = append active' cancelling})
-    end)
-  (* give information on running threads *)
-  fun info () = protected (fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} =>
-    let
+(* move all threads to cancelling *)
+fun kill_all () = Synchronized.change state
+  (fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} =>
+    let val formerly_active = map (fn (th, (tb, _, desc)) => (th, (tb, (), desc))) active
+    in make_state timeout_heap oldest_heap [] (formerly_active @ cancelling) end);
+(* information on running threads *)
+fun info () =
+  let
+    val State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} = Synchronized.value state
     fun running_info (_, (birth_time, dead_time, desc)) = "Running: "
-        ^ ((Int.toString o Time.toSeconds) (Time.- (, birth_time)))
+        ^ ((Int.toString o Time.toSeconds) (Time.- ( (), birth_time)))
         ^ " s  --  "
-        ^ ((Int.toString o Time.toSeconds) (Time.- (dead_time,
+        ^ ((Int.toString o Time.toSeconds) (Time.- (dead_time, ())))
         ^ " s to live:\n" ^ desc
     fun cancelling_info (_, (_, dead_time, desc)) = "Trying to interrupt thread since "
-        ^ (Int.toString o Time.toSeconds) (Time.- (, dead_time))
+        ^ (Int.toString o Time.toSeconds) (Time.- ( (), dead_time))
         ^ " s:\n" ^ desc
     val running = if null active then "No ATPs running."
       else String.concatWith "\n\n" ("--- RUNNING ATPs ---" ::
@@ -184,147 +167,156 @@
     val interrupting = if null cancelling then ""
       else String.concatWith "\n\n" ("--- TRYING TO INTERRUPT FOLLOWING ATPs ---" ::
       (map (fn entry => cancelling_info entry) cancelling))
-    in running ^ "\n" ^ interrupting end)
+  in writeln (running ^ "\n" ^ interrupting) end;
+(* thread wrapping an atp-call *)
-    (* thread wrapping an atp-call *)   
-    fun atp_thread call_prover produce_answer =
-      SimpleThread.fork true (fn () =>
-        let
-        val result = call_prover ()
-        val message = case result of NONE => "Failed."
-            | SOME result => "Try this command: " ^ produce_answer result
-        in priority (unregister (isSome result) message (Thread.self()))
-        end handle Interrupt => ()
-      )
+fun atp_thread call_prover produce_answer =
+  SimpleThread.fork true (fn () =>
+    let
+      val result = call_prover ()
+      val message = case result of NONE => "Failed."
+          | SOME result => "Try this command: " ^ produce_answer result
+    in priority (unregister (is_some result) message (Thread.self ()))
+    end handle Interrupt => ());
-    (* preferences *)
+(* preferences *)
-    val atps = ref "e spass"
-    val maximum_atps = ref 5   (* ~1 means infinite number of atps*)
-    val timeout = ref 60
-    val groupkilling = ref true
-    fun set_atps str = CRITICAL (fn () => atps := str);
-    fun set_max_atp number = CRITICAL (fn () => maximum_atps := number);
-    fun set_timeout time = CRITICAL (fn () => timeout := time);
+val atps = ref "e spass";
+val maximum_atps = ref 5;   (* ~1 means infinite number of atps*)
+val timeout = ref 60;
+fun set_atps str = CRITICAL (fn () => atps := str);
+fun set_max_atp number = CRITICAL (fn () => maximum_atps := number);
+fun set_timeout time = CRITICAL (fn () => timeout := time);
-    val _ = ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference "Proof"
-        {name = "ATP - Provers (see print_atps)",
-         descr = "Default automatic provers (seperated by whitespace)",
-         default = !atps,
-         pgiptype = PgipTypes.Pgipstring,
-         get = fn () => !atps,
-         set = set_atps}
-        handle ERROR _ => warning "Preference already exists";
+val _ = ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference "Proof"
+    {name = "ATP - Provers (see print_atps)",
+     descr = "Default automatic provers (seperated by whitespace)",
+     default = !atps,
+     pgiptype = PgipTypes.Pgipstring,
+     get = fn () => !atps,
+     set = set_atps}
+    handle ERROR _ => warning "Preference already exists";
-    val _ = ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference "Proof"
-        {name = "ATP - Maximum number",
-         descr = "How many provers may run in parallel",
-         default = Int.toString (! maximum_atps),
-         pgiptype = PgipTypes.Pgipstring,
-         get = fn () => Int.toString (! maximum_atps),
-         set = fn str => set_max_atp (the_default 1 (Int.fromString str))}
-        handle ERROR _ => warning "Preference already exists";
+val _ = ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference "Proof"
+    {name = "ATP - Maximum number",
+     descr = "How many provers may run in parallel",
+     default = Int.toString (! maximum_atps),
+     pgiptype = PgipTypes.Pgipstring,
+     get = fn () => Int.toString (! maximum_atps),
+     set = fn str => set_max_atp (the_default 1 (Int.fromString str))}
+    handle ERROR _ => warning "Preference already exists";
-    val _ = ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference "Proof"
-        {name = "ATP - Timeout",
-         descr = "ATPs will be interrupted after this time (in seconds)",
-         default = Int.toString (! timeout),
-         pgiptype = PgipTypes.Pgipstring,
-         get = fn () => Int.toString (! timeout),
-         set = fn str => set_timeout (the_default 60 (Int.fromString str))}
-        handle ERROR _ => warning "Preference already exists";
+val _ = ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference "Proof"
+    {name = "ATP - Timeout",
+     descr = "ATPs will be interrupted after this time (in seconds)",
+     default = Int.toString (! timeout),
+     pgiptype = PgipTypes.Pgipstring,
+     get = fn () => Int.toString (! timeout),
+     set = fn str => set_timeout (the_default 60 (Int.fromString str))}
+    handle ERROR _ => warning "Preference already exists";
-  (* named provers *)
-  fun err_dup_prover name = error ("Duplicate prover: " ^ quote name);
+(* named provers *)
-  structure Provers = TheoryDataFun
-  (
-    type T = ((int -> Proof.state -> Thread.thread) * stamp) Symtab.table
-    val empty = Symtab.empty
-    val copy = I
-    val extend = I
-    fun merge _ tabs : T = Symtab.merge (eq_snd op =) tabs
-      handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup_prover dup;
-  );
+fun err_dup_prover name = error ("Duplicate prover: " ^ quote name);
-  fun add_prover name prover_fn =
- (Symtab.update_new (name, (prover_fn, stamp ())))
-      handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup_prover dup;
-  fun print_provers thy = Pretty.writeln
-    (Pretty.strs ("external provers:" :: sort_strings (Symtab.keys (Provers.get thy))));
-  fun prover_desc state subgoal name =
-     let val (ctxt, (chain_ths, goal)) = Proof.get_goal state
-     in "External prover " ^ quote name ^ " for Subgoal " ^ Int.toString subgoal^ ":\n" ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (List.nth(prems_of goal, subgoal-1)) end   
-  fun run_prover state subgoal name =
-    (case Symtab.lookup (Provers.get (Proof.theory_of state)) name of
-      NONE => (warning ("Unknown external prover: " ^ quote name); NONE)
-    | SOME (prover_fn, _) => SOME (prover_fn subgoal state, prover_desc state subgoal name));
+structure Provers = TheoryDataFun
+  type T = ((int -> Proof.state -> Thread.thread) * stamp) Symtab.table
+  val empty = Symtab.empty
+  val copy = I
+  val extend = I
+  fun merge _ tabs : T = Symtab.merge (eq_snd op =) tabs
+    handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup_prover dup;
-  fun kill_one () = 
-    let
-    val oldest = protected_change (fn (s as State {timeout_heap , oldest_heap, active, cancelling}) =>
-      if ThreadHeap.is_empty oldest_heap orelse length active <= !maximum_atps orelse ! maximum_atps = ~1 then (NONE, s)
-      else
-      let val (_, oldest_thread) = ThreadHeap.min (oldest_heap)
-      in (SOME oldest_thread, State {timeout_heap = timeout_heap,
-        oldest_heap = ThreadHeap.delete_min oldest_heap,
-        active = active,
-        cancelling = cancelling}) end)
-    in case oldest of NONE => ()
-      | SOME thread => priority (unregister false "Interrupted (Maximum number of ATPs exceeded)." thread) end
-  fun kill_oldest (State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling}) =
-    if length active > !maximum_atps andalso !maximum_atps > ~1
-    then let val _ = kill_one () in kill_oldest (! state) end
-    else ()
-  (* sledghammer for first subgoal *)
+fun add_prover name prover_fn =
+ (Symtab.update_new (name, (prover_fn, stamp ())))
+    handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup_prover dup;
+fun print_provers thy = Pretty.writeln
+  (Pretty.strs ("external provers:" :: sort_strings (Symtab.keys (Provers.get thy))));
-  fun sledgehammer names proof_state =
-    let
-    val proverids = case names of
-      [] => String.tokens (Symbol.is_ascii_blank o String.str) (! atps)
-      | names => names
-    val threads_names = map_filter (run_prover proof_state 1) proverids
-    val birthtime =
-    val deadtime = Time.+ (, Time.fromSeconds (! timeout))
-    val _ = (register birthtime deadtime) threads_names
-      (*maximum number of atps must not exceed*)
-    val _ = kill_oldest (! state)
-    in () end
+fun prover_desc state subgoal name =
+   let val (ctxt, (chain_ths, goal)) = Proof.get_goal state
+   in "External prover " ^ quote name ^ " for Subgoal " ^ Int.toString subgoal^ ":\n" ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (List.nth(prems_of goal, subgoal-1)) end
+fun run_prover state subgoal name =
+  (case Symtab.lookup (Provers.get (Proof.theory_of state)) name of
+    NONE => (warning ("Unknown external prover: " ^ quote name); NONE)
+  | SOME (prover_fn, _) => SOME (prover_fn subgoal state, prover_desc state subgoal name));
-  (* concrete syntax *)
+(* kill excessive atp threads *)
-  local structure K = OuterKeyword and P = OuterParse in
-  val _ =
-    OuterSyntax.improper_command "atp_kill" "kill all managed provers" K.diag
-      (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative kill_all));
+fun excessive_atps active =
+  let val max = ! maximum_atps
+  in length active > max andalso max > ~1 end;
-  val _ =
-    OuterSyntax.improper_command "atp_info" "print information about managed provers" K.diag
-      (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative (priority o info)));
-  val _ =
-    OuterSyntax.improper_command "print_atps" "print external provers" K.diag
-      (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_theory o
-        Toplevel.keep (print_provers o Toplevel.theory_of)));
-  val _ =
-    OuterSyntax.command "sledgehammer" "call all automatic theorem provers" K.diag
-      (Scan.repeat P.xname >> (fn names => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_proof o
-      Toplevel.keep ((sledgehammer names) o Toplevel.proof_of)));
+fun kill_oldest () =
+  let exception Unchanged in
+    Synchronized.change_result state (fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling} =>
+        if ThreadHeap.is_empty oldest_heap orelse not (excessive_atps active)
+        then raise Unchanged
+        else
+          let val ((_, oldest_thread), oldest_heap') = ThreadHeap.min_elem oldest_heap
+          in (oldest_thread, make_state timeout_heap oldest_heap' active cancelling) end)
+      |> (priority o unregister false "Interrupted (Maximum number of ATPs exceeded).")
+    handle Unchanged => ()
+fun kill_excessive () =
+  let val State {active, ...} = Synchronized.value state
+  in if excessive_atps active then (kill_oldest (); kill_excessive ()) else () end;
+(* sledghammer for first subgoal *)
+fun sledgehammer names proof_state =
+  let
+    val proverids =
+      if null names then String.tokens (Symbol.is_ascii_blank o String.str) (! atps)
+      else names
+    val threads_names = map_filter (run_prover proof_state 1) proverids
+    val birthtime = ()
+    val deadtime = Time.+ ( (), Time.fromSeconds (! timeout))
+    val _ = (register birthtime deadtime) threads_names
+    val _ = kill_excessive ()
+  in () end
+(* concrete syntax *)
+local structure K = OuterKeyword and P = OuterParse in
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "atp_kill" "kill all managed provers" K.diag
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative kill_all));
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "atp_info" "print information about managed provers" K.diag
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative info));
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "print_atps" "print external provers" K.diag
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_theory o
+      Toplevel.keep (print_provers o Toplevel.theory_of)));
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.command "sledgehammer" "call all automatic theorem provers" K.diag
+    (Scan.repeat P.xname >> (fn names => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_proof o
+    Toplevel.keep ((sledgehammer names) o Toplevel.proof_of)));