New title page.
Thu, 06 May 1999 11:13:01 +0200 (1999-05-06)
changeset 6605 c2754409919b
parent 6604 d646567156c3
child 6606 94b638b3827c
New title page.
--- a/doc-src/HOL/logics-HOL.tex	Wed May 05 18:48:32 1999 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/HOL/logics-HOL.tex	Thu May 06 11:13:01 1999 +0200
@@ -17,14 +17,17 @@
 \title{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{isabelle_hol.eps} \\[4ex] 
        Isabelle's Logics: HOL}
-\author{{\em Lawrence C. Paulson}\\
-        Computer Laboratory \\ University of Cambridge \\
-        \texttt{}\\[3ex] 
-        With Contributions by Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel%
-        \thanks{Tobias Nipkow developed~\HOL{}.  Markus Wenzel made numerous
-          improvements.  The research has been funded by the EPSRC (grants
-          GR/G53279, GR/H40570, GR/K57381, GR/K77051) and by ESPRIT project
-          6453: Types.}}
+\author{Tobias Nipkow\footnote
+{Institut f\"ur Informatik, Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen,
+ \texttt{}},
+Lawrence C. Paulson\footnote
+{Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, \texttt{}},
+Markus Wenzel\footnote
+{Institut f\"ur Informatik, Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen,
+ \texttt{}}}
+%\thanks{The research has been funded by the EPSRC (grants
+%          GR/G53279, GR/H40570, GR/K57381, GR/K77051), by ESPRIT project
+%          6453: Types, and by the DFG Schwerpunktprogramm \emph{Deduktion}.}
 \newcommand\subcaption[1]{\par {\centering\normalsize\sc#1\par}\bigskip