support Vampire definitions of constants as "let" constructs in Isar proofs
Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:46:50 +0200
changeset 36486 c2d7e2dff59e
parent 36485 56ce8fc56be3
child 36487 50fd056cc3ce
support Vampire definitions of constants as "let" constructs in Isar proofs
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Tue Apr 27 18:58:05 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Wed Apr 28 12:46:50 2010 +0200
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
 structure Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct : SLEDGEHAMMER_PROOF_RECONSTRUCT =
+datatype ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) raw_step =
+  Definition of 'a * 'b * 'c |
+  Inference of 'a * 'd * 'e list
 open Sledgehammer_Util
 open Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause
 open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
@@ -53,11 +57,11 @@
 (* Syntax trees, either term list or formulae *)
-datatype stree = SInt of int | SBranch of string * stree list;
+datatype node = IntLeaf of int | StrNode of string * node list
-fun atom x = SBranch (x, [])
+fun atom x = StrNode (x, [])
-fun scons (x, y) = SBranch ("cons", [x, y])
+fun scons (x, y) = StrNode ("cons", [x, y])
 val slist_of = List.foldl scons (atom "nil")
 (*Strings enclosed in single quotes, e.g. filenames*)
@@ -75,54 +79,63 @@
 (* The "x" argument is not strictly necessary, but without it Poly/ML loops
    forever at compile time. *)
 fun parse_term pool x =
-  (parse_quoted >> atom
-   || parse_integer >> SInt
+     (parse_quoted >> atom
+   || parse_integer >> IntLeaf
    || $$ "$" |-- Symbol.scan_id >> (atom o repair_bool_literal)
    || (Symbol.scan_id >> repair_name pool)
-      -- Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- parse_terms pool --| $$ ")") [] >> SBranch
+      -- Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- parse_terms pool --| $$ ")") [] >> StrNode
    || $$ "(" |-- parse_term pool --| $$ ")"
    || $$ "[" |-- Scan.optional (parse_terms pool) [] --| $$ "]" >> slist_of) x
 and parse_terms pool x =
   (parse_term pool ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_term pool)) x
-fun negate_stree t = SBranch ("c_Not", [t])
-fun equate_strees t1 t2 = SBranch ("c_equal", [t1, t2]);
+fun negate_node u = StrNode ("c_Not", [u])
+fun equate_nodes u1 u2 = StrNode ("c_equal", [u1, u2])
 (* Apply equal or not-equal to a term. *)
-fun repair_predicate_term (t, NONE) = t
-  | repair_predicate_term (t1, SOME (NONE, t2)) = equate_strees t1 t2
-  | repair_predicate_term (t1, SOME (SOME _, t2)) =
-    negate_stree (equate_strees t1 t2)
+fun repair_predicate_term (u, NONE) = u
+  | repair_predicate_term (u1, SOME (NONE, u2)) = equate_nodes u1 u2
+  | repair_predicate_term (u1, SOME (SOME _, u2)) =
+    negate_node (equate_nodes u1 u2)
 fun parse_predicate_term pool =
   parse_term pool -- Scan.option (Scan.option ($$ "!") --| $$ "="
                                   -- parse_term pool)
   >> repair_predicate_term
-(*Literals can involve negation, = and !=.*)
+(* Literals can involve "~", "=", and "!=". *)
 fun parse_literal pool x =
-  ($$ "~" |-- parse_literal pool >> negate_stree || parse_predicate_term pool) x
+  ($$ "~" |-- parse_literal pool >> negate_node || parse_predicate_term pool) x
 fun parse_literals pool =
   parse_literal pool ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "|" |-- parse_literal pool)
-(* Clause: a list of literals separated by the disjunction sign. *)
+(* Clause: a list of literals separated by disjunction operators ("|"). *)
 fun parse_clause pool =
   $$ "(" |-- parse_literals pool --| $$ ")" || Scan.single (parse_literal pool)
-fun ints_of_stree (SInt n) = cons n
-  | ints_of_stree (SBranch (_, ts)) = fold ints_of_stree ts
+fun ints_of_node (IntLeaf n) = cons n
+  | ints_of_node (StrNode (_, us)) = fold ints_of_node us
 val parse_tstp_annotations =
   Scan.optional ($$ "," |-- parse_term NONE
                    --| Scan.option ($$ "," |-- parse_terms NONE)
-                 >> (fn source => ints_of_stree source [])) []
+                 >> (fn source => ints_of_node source [])) []
+fun parse_definition pool =
+  $$ "(" |-- parse_literal NONE --| Scan.this_string "<=>"
+  -- parse_clause pool --| $$ ")"
-(* cnf(<name>, <formula_role>, <cnf_formula> <annotations>).
-   The <name> could be an identifier, but we assume integers. *)
-fun retuple_tstp_line ((name, ts), deps) = (name, ts, deps)
+(* Syntax: cnf(<num>, <formula_role>, <cnf_formula> <annotations>).
+   The <num> could be an identifier, but we assume integers. *)
+fun finish_tstp_definition_line (num, (u, us)) = Definition (num, u, us)
+fun finish_tstp_inference_line ((num, us), deps) = Inference (num, us, deps)
 fun parse_tstp_line pool =
-  (Scan.this_string "cnf" -- $$ "(") |-- parse_integer --| $$ ","
-   --| Symbol.scan_id --| $$ "," -- parse_clause pool -- parse_tstp_annotations
-   --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
-  >> retuple_tstp_line
+     ((Scan.this_string "fof" -- $$ "(") |-- parse_integer --| $$ ","
+       --| Scan.this_string "definition" --| $$ "," -- parse_definition pool
+       --| parse_tstp_annotations --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
+      >> finish_tstp_definition_line)
+  || ((Scan.this_string "cnf" -- $$ "(") |-- parse_integer --| $$ ","
+       --| Symbol.scan_id --| $$ "," -- parse_clause pool
+       -- parse_tstp_annotations --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
+      >> finish_tstp_inference_line)
@@ -143,22 +156,22 @@
   Scan.repeat (parse_starred_predicate_term pool) --| $$ "-" --| $$ ">"
   -- Scan.repeat (parse_starred_predicate_term pool)
   >> (fn ([], []) => [atom "c_False"]
-       | (clauses1, clauses2) => map negate_stree clauses1 @ clauses2)
+       | (clauses1, clauses2) => map negate_node clauses1 @ clauses2)
-(* Syntax: <name>[0:<inference><annotations>] ||
+(* Syntax: <num>[0:<inference><annotations>] ||
            <cnf_formulas> -> <cnf_formulas>. *)
-fun retuple_spass_line ((name, deps), ts) = (name, ts, deps)
+fun finish_spass_line ((num, deps), us) = Inference (num, us, deps)
 fun parse_spass_line pool =
   parse_integer --| $$ "[" --| $$ "0" --| $$ ":" --| Symbol.scan_id
   -- parse_spass_annotations --| $$ "]" --| $$ "|" --| $$ "|"
   -- parse_horn_clause pool --| $$ "."
-  >> retuple_spass_line
+  >> finish_spass_line
 fun parse_line pool = fst o (parse_tstp_line pool || parse_spass_line pool)
-exception STREE of stree;
+exception NODE of node
 (*If string s has the prefix s1, return the result of deleting it.*)
 fun strip_prefix s1 s =
@@ -181,24 +194,21 @@
 (*Type variables are given the basic sort, HOL.type. Some will later be constrained
   by information from type literals, or by type inference.*)
-fun type_of_stree t =
-  case t of
-      SInt _ => raise STREE t
-    | SBranch (a,ts) =>
-        let val Ts = map type_of_stree ts
-        in
-          case strip_prefix tconst_prefix a of
-              SOME b => Type(invert_type_const b, Ts)
-            | NONE =>
-                if not (null ts) then raise STREE t  (*only tconsts have type arguments*)
-                else
-                case strip_prefix tfree_prefix a of
-                    SOME b => TFree("'" ^ b, HOLogic.typeS)
-                  | NONE =>
-                case strip_prefix tvar_prefix a of
-                    SOME b => make_tvar b
-                  | NONE => make_tparam a  (* Variable from the ATP, say "X1" *)
-        end;
+fun type_of_node (u as IntLeaf _) = raise NODE u
+  | type_of_node (u as StrNode (a, us)) =
+    let val Ts = map type_of_node us in
+      case strip_prefix tconst_prefix a of
+        SOME b => Type (invert_type_const b, Ts)
+      | NONE =>
+        if not (null us) then
+          raise NODE u  (*only tconsts have type arguments*)
+        else case strip_prefix tfree_prefix a of
+          SOME b => TFree ("'" ^ b, HOLogic.typeS)
+        | NONE =>
+          case strip_prefix tvar_prefix a of
+            SOME b => make_tvar b
+          | NONE => make_tparam a  (* Variable from the ATP, say "X1" *)
+    end
 (*Invert the table of translations between Isabelle and ATPs*)
 val const_trans_table_inv =
@@ -213,46 +223,68 @@
 (*Generates a constant, given its type arguments*)
 fun const_of thy (a,Ts) = Const(a, Sign.const_instance thy (a,Ts));
+fun fix_atp_variable_name s =
+  let
+    fun subscript_name s n = s ^ nat_subscript n
+    val s = Char.toLower s
+  in
+    case space_explode "_" s of
+      [_] => (case take_suffix Char.isDigit (String.explode s) of
+                (cs1 as _ :: _, cs2 as _ :: _) =>
+                subscript_name (String.implode cs1)
+                               (the (Int.fromString (String.implode cs2)))
+              | (_, _) => s)
+    | [s1, s2] => (case Int.fromString s2 of
+                     SOME n => subscript_name s1 n
+                   | NONE => s)
+    | _ => s
+  end
 (*First-order translation. No types are known for variables. HOLogic.typeT should allow
   them to be inferred.*)
-fun term_of_stree args thy t =
-  case t of
-      SInt _ => raise STREE t
-    | SBranch ("hBOOL", [t]) => term_of_stree [] thy t  (*ignore hBOOL*)
-    | SBranch ("hAPP", [t, u]) => term_of_stree (u::args) thy t
-    | SBranch (a, ts) =>
-        case strip_prefix const_prefix a of
-            SOME "equal" =>
-              list_comb(Const (@{const_name "op ="}, HOLogic.typeT), (term_of_stree [] thy) ts)
-          | SOME b =>
-              let val c = invert_const b
-                  val nterms = length ts - num_typargs thy c
-                  val us = (term_of_stree [] thy) (List.take(ts,nterms) @ args)
-                  (*Extra args from hAPP come AFTER any arguments given directly to the
-                    constant.*)
-                  val Ts = type_of_stree (List.drop(ts,nterms))
-              in  list_comb(const_of thy (c, Ts), us)  end
-          | NONE => (*a variable, not a constant*)
-              let val T = HOLogic.typeT
-                  val opr = (*a Free variable is typically a Skolem function*)
-                    case strip_prefix fixed_var_prefix a of
-                        SOME b => Free(b,T)
-                      | NONE =>
-                    case strip_prefix schematic_var_prefix a of
-                        SOME b => make_var (b,T)
-                      | NONE => make_var (a,T)  (* Variable from the ATP, say "X1" *)
-              in  list_comb (opr, (term_of_stree [] thy) (ts@args))  end;
+fun term_of_node args thy u =
+  case u of
+    IntLeaf _ => raise NODE u
+  | StrNode ("hBOOL", [u]) => term_of_node [] thy u  (* ignore hBOOL *)
+  | StrNode ("hAPP", [u1, u2]) => term_of_node (u2 :: args) thy u1
+  | StrNode (a, us) =>
+    case strip_prefix const_prefix a of
+      SOME "equal" =>
+      list_comb (Const (@{const_name "op ="}, HOLogic.typeT),
+                 map (term_of_node [] thy) us)
+    | SOME b =>
+      let
+        val c = invert_const b
+        val nterms = length us - num_typargs thy c
+        val ts = map (term_of_node [] thy) (take nterms us @ args)
+        (*Extra args from hAPP come AFTER any arguments given directly to the
+          constant.*)
+        val Ts = map type_of_node (drop nterms us)
+      in list_comb(const_of thy (c, Ts), ts) end
+    | NONE => (*a variable, not a constant*)
+      let
+        val opr =
+          (* a Free variable is typically a Skolem function *)
+          case strip_prefix fixed_var_prefix a of
+            SOME b => Free (b, HOLogic.typeT)
+          | NONE =>
+            case strip_prefix schematic_var_prefix a of
+              SOME b => make_var (b, HOLogic.typeT)
+            | NONE =>
+              (* Variable from the ATP, say "X1" *)
+              make_var (fix_atp_variable_name a, HOLogic.typeT)
+      in list_comb (opr, map (term_of_node [] thy) (us @ args)) end
 (* Type class literal applied to a type. Returns triple of polarity, class,
    type. *)
-fun constraint_of_stree pol (SBranch ("c_Not", [t])) =
-    constraint_of_stree (not pol) t
-  | constraint_of_stree pol t = case t of
-        SInt _ => raise STREE t
-      | SBranch (a, ts) =>
-            (case (strip_prefix class_prefix a, map type_of_stree ts) of
-                 (SOME b, [T]) => (pol, b, T)
-               | _ => raise STREE t);
+fun constraint_of_node pos (StrNode ("c_Not", [u])) =
+    constraint_of_node (not pos) u
+  | constraint_of_node pos u = case u of
+        IntLeaf _ => raise NODE u
+      | StrNode (a, us) =>
+            (case (strip_prefix class_prefix a, map type_of_node us) of
+                 (SOME b, [T]) => (pos, b, T)
+               | _ => raise NODE u)
 (** Accumulate type constraints in a clause: negative type literals **)
@@ -276,7 +308,8 @@
     @{const "op |"} $ negate_term thy t1 $ negate_term thy t2
   | negate_term thy (@{const "op |"} $ t1 $ t2) =
     @{const "op &"} $ negate_term thy t1 $ negate_term thy t2
-  | negate_term thy (@{const Not} $ t) = t
+  | negate_term _ (@{const Not} $ t) = t
+  | negate_term _ t = @{const Not} $ t
 fun negate_formula thy (@{const Trueprop} $ t) =
     @{const Trueprop} $ negate_term thy t
   | negate_formula thy t =
@@ -301,11 +334,10 @@
          |> clause_for_literals thy
 (*Accumulate sort constraints in vt, with "real" literals in lits.*)
-fun lits_of_strees thy (vt, lits) [] = (vt, finish_clause thy lits)
-  | lits_of_strees thy (vt, lits) (t :: ts) =
-    lits_of_strees thy (add_constraint (constraint_of_stree true t, vt), lits)
-                   ts
-    handle STREE _ => lits_of_strees thy (vt, term_of_stree [] thy t :: lits) ts
+fun lits_of_nodes thy (vt, lits) [] = (vt, finish_clause thy lits)
+  | lits_of_nodes thy (vt, lits) (u :: us) =
+    lits_of_nodes thy (add_constraint (constraint_of_node true u, vt), lits) us
+    handle NODE _ => lits_of_nodes thy (vt, term_of_node [] thy u :: lits) us
 (*Update TVars/TFrees with detected sort constraints.*)
 fun repair_sorts vt =
@@ -317,103 +349,133 @@
         | tmsubst (Var (xi, T)) = Var (xi, tysubst T)
         | tmsubst (t as Bound _) = t
         | tmsubst (Abs (a, T, t)) = Abs (a, tysubst T, tmsubst t)
-        | tmsubst (t $ u) = tmsubst t $ tmsubst u;
+        | tmsubst (t1 $ t2) = tmsubst t1 $ tmsubst t2
   in not (Vartab.is_empty vt) ? tmsubst end;
-(*Interpret a list of syntax trees as a clause, given by "real" literals and sort constraints.
-  vt0 holds the initial sort constraints, from the conjecture clauses.*)
-fun clause_of_strees ctxt vt ts =
-  let val (vt, dt) = lits_of_strees (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) (vt, []) ts in
-    dt |> repair_sorts vt |> TypeInfer.constrain HOLogic.boolT
-       |> Syntax.check_term (ProofContext.set_mode ProofContext.mode_schematic
-                                                   ctxt)
-  end
-fun decode_line vt0 (name, ts, deps) ctxt =
-  let val cl = clause_of_strees ctxt vt0 ts in
-    ((name, cl, deps), fold Variable.declare_term (OldTerm.term_frees cl) ctxt)
+(* Interpret a list of syntax trees as a clause, given by "real" literals and
+   sort constraints. "vt" holds the initial sort constraints, from the
+   conjecture clauses. *)
+fun clause_of_nodes ctxt vt us =
+  let val (vt, dt) = lits_of_nodes (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) (vt, []) us in
+    dt |> repair_sorts vt
-(** Global sort constraints on TFrees (from tfree_tcs) are positive unit clauses. **)
+fun check_clause ctxt =
+  TypeInfer.constrain HOLogic.boolT
+  #> Syntax.check_term (ProofContext.set_mode ProofContext.mode_schematic ctxt)
+fun checked_clause_of_nodes ctxt = check_clause ctxt oo clause_of_nodes ctxt
-fun add_tfree_constraint ((true, cl, TFree(a,_)), vt) =
-    add_var ((a, ~1) , cl) vt
-  | add_tfree_constraint (_, vt) = vt;
+(** Global sort constraints on TFrees (from tfree_tcs) are positive unit
+    clauses. **)
+fun add_tfree_constraint (true, cl, TFree (a, _)) = add_var ((a, ~1), cl)
+  | add_tfree_constraint _ = I
 fun tfree_constraints_of_clauses vt [] = vt
-  | tfree_constraints_of_clauses vt ([lit]::tss) =
-      (tfree_constraints_of_clauses (add_tfree_constraint (constraint_of_stree true lit, vt)) tss
-       handle STREE _ => (*not a positive type constraint: ignore*)
-       tfree_constraints_of_clauses vt tss)
-  | tfree_constraints_of_clauses vt (_::tss) = tfree_constraints_of_clauses vt tss;
+  | tfree_constraints_of_clauses vt ([lit] :: uss) =
+    (tfree_constraints_of_clauses (add_tfree_constraint
+                                          (constraint_of_node true lit) vt) uss
+     handle NODE _ => (* Not a positive type constraint? Ignore the literal. *)
+     tfree_constraints_of_clauses vt uss)
+  | tfree_constraints_of_clauses vt (_ :: uss) =
+    tfree_constraints_of_clauses vt uss
 (**** Translation of TSTP files to Isar Proofs ****)
-fun decode_lines ctxt tuples =
-  let val vt0 = tfree_constraints_of_clauses Vartab.empty (map #2 tuples) in
-    #1 (fold_map (decode_line vt0) tuples ctxt)
-  end
+fun unvarify_term (Var ((s, 0), T)) = Free (s, T)
+  | unvarify_term t = raise TERM ("unvarify_term: non-Var", [t])
-fun unequal t (_, t', _) = not (t aconv t');
+fun clauses_in_lines (Definition (_, u, us)) = u :: us
+  | clauses_in_lines (Inference (_, us, _)) = us
-(*No "real" literals means only type information*)
-fun eq_types t = t aconv HOLogic.true_const;
+fun decode_line vt (Definition (num, u, us)) ctxt =
+    let
+      val cl1 = clause_of_nodes ctxt vt [u]
+      val vars = snd (strip_comb cl1)
+      val frees = map unvarify_term vars
+      val unvarify_args = subst_atomic (vars ~~ frees)
+      val cl2 = clause_of_nodes ctxt vt us
+      val (cl1, cl2) =
+        HOLogic.eq_const HOLogic.typeT $ cl1 $ cl2
+        |> unvarify_args |> check_clause ctxt |> HOLogic.dest_eq
+    in
+      (Definition (num, cl1, cl2),
+       fold Variable.declare_term (maps OldTerm.term_frees [cl1, cl2]) ctxt)
+    end
+  | decode_line vt (Inference (num, us, deps)) ctxt =
+    let val cl = us |> clause_of_nodes ctxt vt |> check_clause ctxt in
+      (Inference (num, cl, deps),
+       fold Variable.declare_term (OldTerm.term_frees cl) ctxt)
+    end
+fun decode_lines ctxt lines =
+  let
+    val vt = tfree_constraints_of_clauses Vartab.empty
+                                          (map clauses_in_lines lines)
+  in #1 (fold_map (decode_line vt) lines ctxt) end
-fun replace_dep (old, new) dep = if dep = old then new else [dep]
-fun replace_deps p (num, t, deps) =
-  (num, t, fold (union (op =) o replace_dep p) deps [])
+fun aint_inference _ (Definition _) = true
+  | aint_inference t (Inference (_, t', _)) = not (t aconv t')
+(* No "real" literals means only type information (tfree_tcs, clsrel, or
+   clsarity). *)
+val is_only_type_information = curry (op aconv) HOLogic.true_const
+fun replace_one_dep (old, new) dep = if dep = old then new else [dep]
+fun replace_deps_in_line _ (line as Definition _) = line
+  | replace_deps_in_line p (Inference (num, t, deps)) =
+    Inference (num, t, fold (union (op =) o replace_one_dep p) deps [])
 (*Discard axioms; consolidate adjacent lines that prove the same clause, since they differ
   only in type information.*)
-fun add_line thm_names (num, t, []) lines =
-      (* No dependencies: axiom or conjecture clause? *)
-      if is_axiom_clause_number thm_names num then
-        (* Axioms are not proof lines *)
-        if eq_types t then
-          (* Must be clsrel/clsarity: type information, so delete refs to it *)
-          map (replace_deps (num, [])) lines
-        else
-          (case take_prefix (unequal t) lines of
-             (_,[]) => lines                  (*no repetition of proof line*)
-           | (pre, (num', _, _) :: post) =>   (*repetition: replace later line by earlier one*)
-               pre @ map (replace_deps (num', [num])) post)
-      else
-        (num, t, []) :: lines
-  | add_line _ (num, t, deps) lines =
-      if eq_types t then (num, t, deps) :: lines
-      (*Type information will be deleted later; skip repetition test.*)
-      else (*FIXME: Doesn't this code risk conflating proofs involving different types??*)
-      case take_prefix (unequal t) lines of
-         (_,[]) => (num, t, deps) :: lines  (*no repetition of proof line*)
-       | (pre, (num', t', _) :: post) =>
-           (num, t', deps) ::               (*repetition: replace later line by earlier one*)
-           (pre @ map (replace_deps (num', [num])) post);
+fun add_line _ (line as Definition _) lines = line :: lines
+  | add_line thm_names (Inference (num, t, [])) lines =
+    (* No dependencies: axiom or conjecture clause *)
+    if is_axiom_clause_number thm_names num then
+      (* Axioms are not proof lines. *)
+      if is_only_type_information t then
+        map (replace_deps_in_line (num, [])) lines
+      (* Is there a repetition? If so, replace later line by earlier one. *)
+      else case take_prefix (aint_inference t) lines of
+        (_, []) => lines (*no repetition of proof line*)
+      | (pre, Inference (num', _, _) :: post) =>
+        pre @ map (replace_deps_in_line (num', [num])) post
+    else
+      Inference (num, t, []) :: lines
+  | add_line _ (Inference (num, t, deps)) lines =
+    (* Type information will be deleted later; skip repetition test. *)
+    if is_only_type_information t then
+      Inference (num, t, deps) :: lines
+    (* Is there a repetition? If so, replace later line by earlier one. *)
+    else case take_prefix (aint_inference t) lines of
+      (* FIXME: Doesn't this code risk conflating proofs involving different
+         types?? *)
+       (_, []) => Inference (num, t, deps) :: lines
+     | (pre, Inference (num', t', _) :: post) =>
+       Inference (num, t', deps) ::
+       pre @ map (replace_deps_in_line (num', [num])) post
-(*Recursively delete empty lines (type information) from the proof.*)
-fun add_nonnull_line (num, t, []) lines = (*no dependencies, so a conjecture clause*)
-    if eq_types t then
-      (*must be type information, tfree_tcs, clsrel, clsarity: delete refs to it*)
-      delete_dep num lines
-    else
-      (num, t, []) :: lines
-  | add_nonnull_line (num, t, deps) lines = (num, t, deps) :: lines
+(* Recursively delete empty lines (type information) from the proof. *)
+fun add_nontrivial_line (Inference (num, t, [])) lines =
+    if is_only_type_information t then delete_dep num lines
+    else Inference (num, t, []) :: lines
+  | add_nontrivial_line line lines = line :: lines
 and delete_dep num lines =
-  fold_rev add_nonnull_line (map (replace_deps (num, [])) lines) []
+  fold_rev add_nontrivial_line (map (replace_deps_in_line (num, [])) lines) []
+fun is_bad_free (Free (a, _)) = String.isPrefix skolem_prefix a
+  | is_bad_free _ = false
-fun bad_free (Free (a,_)) = String.isPrefix skolem_prefix a
-  | bad_free _ = false;
-fun add_desired_line ctxt _ (num, t, []) (j, lines) =
-    (j, (num, t, []) :: lines)  (* conjecture clauses must be kept *)
-  | add_desired_line ctxt shrink_factor (num, t, deps) (j, lines) =
+fun add_desired_line _ _ (line as Definition _) (j, lines) = (j, line :: lines)
+  | add_desired_line ctxt _ (Inference (num, t, [])) (j, lines) =
+    (j, Inference (num, t, []) :: lines)  (* conjecture clauses must be kept *)
+  | add_desired_line ctxt shrink_factor (Inference (num, t, deps)) (j, lines) =
     (j + 1,
-     if eq_types t orelse not (null (Term.add_tvars t [])) orelse
-        exists_subterm bad_free t orelse
+     if is_only_type_information t orelse
+        not (null (Term.add_tvars t [])) orelse
+        exists_subterm is_bad_free t orelse
         (length deps < 2 orelse j mod shrink_factor <> 0) then
-       map (replace_deps (num, deps)) lines  (* delete line *)
+       map (replace_deps_in_line (num, deps)) lines  (* delete line *)
-       (num, t, deps) :: lines)
+       Inference (num, t, deps) :: lines)
@@ -465,20 +527,22 @@
     val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
   in (metis_line i n lemmas ^ minimize_line minimize_command lemmas, lemmas) end
-val is_valid_line = String.isPrefix "cnf(" orf String.isSubstring "||"
+val is_valid_line =
+  String.isPrefix "fof(" orf String.isPrefix "cnf(" orf String.isSubstring "||"
+(** Isar proof construction and manipulation **)
+fun merge_fact_sets (ls1, ss1) (ls2, ss2) =
+  (union (op =) ls1 ls2, union (op =) ss1 ss2)
 type label = string * int
 type facts = label list * string list
-fun merge_fact_sets (ls1, ss1) (ls2, ss2) =
-  (union (op =) ls1 ls2, union (op =) ss1 ss2)
 datatype qualifier = Show | Then | Moreover | Ultimately
 datatype step =
   Fix of (string * typ) list |
+  Let of term * term |
   Assume of label * term |
   Have of qualifier list * label * term * byline
 and byline =
@@ -495,11 +559,12 @@
     apfst (insert (op =) (raw_prefix, num))
-fun generalize_all_vars t = fold_rev Logic.all (map Var (Term.add_vars t [])) t
-fun step_for_tuple _ _ (label, t, []) = Assume ((raw_prefix, label), t)
-  | step_for_tuple thm_names j (label, t, deps) =
-    Have (if j = 1 then [Show] else [], (raw_prefix, label),
-          generalize_all_vars (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop t),
+fun quantify_over_all_vars t = fold_rev Logic.all (map Var ((*Term.add_vars t###*) [])) t
+fun step_for_line _ _ (Definition (num, t1, t2)) = Let (t1, t2)
+  | step_for_line _ _ (Inference (num, t, [])) = Assume ((raw_prefix, num), t)
+  | step_for_line thm_names j (Inference (num, t, deps)) =
+    Have (if j = 1 then [Show] else [], (raw_prefix, num),
+          quantify_over_all_vars (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop t),
           Facts (fold (add_fact_from_dep thm_names) deps ([], [])))
 fun strip_spaces_in_list [] = ""
@@ -521,18 +586,18 @@
 fun proof_from_atp_proof pool ctxt shrink_factor atp_proof thm_names frees =
-    val tuples =
-      atp_proof |> split_lines |> map strip_spaces
-                |> filter is_valid_line
-                |> map (parse_line pool o explode)
-                |> decode_lines ctxt
-    val tuples = fold_rev (add_line thm_names) tuples []
-    val tuples = fold_rev add_nonnull_line tuples []
-    val tuples = fold_rev (add_desired_line ctxt shrink_factor) tuples (0, [])
-                 |> snd
+    val lines =
+      atp_proof
+      |> split_lines |> map strip_spaces |> filter is_valid_line
+      |> map (parse_line pool o explode)
+      |> decode_lines ctxt
+      |> rpair [] |-> fold_rev (add_line thm_names)
+      |> rpair [] |-> fold_rev add_nontrivial_line
+      |> rpair (0, []) |-> fold_rev (add_desired_line ctxt shrink_factor)
+      |> snd
     (if null frees then [] else [Fix frees]) @
-    map2 (step_for_tuple thm_names) (length tuples downto 1) tuples
+    map2 (step_for_line thm_names) (length lines downto 1) lines
 val indent_size = 2
@@ -555,6 +620,7 @@
 and using_of proof = fold (union (op =) o using_of_step) proof []
 fun new_labels_of_step (Fix _) = []
+  | new_labels_of_step (Let _) = []
   | new_labels_of_step (Assume (l, _)) = [l]
   | new_labels_of_step (Have (_, l, _, _)) = [l]
 val new_labels_of = maps new_labels_of_step
@@ -594,6 +660,8 @@
     fun first_pass ([], contra) = ([], contra)
       | first_pass ((ps as Fix _) :: proof, contra) =
         first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons ps
+      | first_pass ((ps as Let _) :: proof, contra) =
+        first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons ps
       | first_pass ((ps as Assume (l, t)) :: proof, contra) =
         if member (op =) concl_ls l then
           first_pass (proof, contra ||> cons ps)
@@ -671,17 +739,15 @@
            | _ => raise Fail "malformed proof")
        | second_pass _ _ = raise Fail "malformed proof"
-    val (proof_bottom, _) =
-      second_pass [Show] (contra_proof, [], ([], ([], [])))
+    val proof_bottom =
+      second_pass [Show] (contra_proof, [], ([], ([], []))) |> fst
   in proof_top @ proof_bottom end
 val kill_duplicate_assumptions_in_proof =
     fun relabel_facts subst =
       apfst (map (fn l => AList.lookup (op =) subst l |> the_default l))
-    fun do_step (ps as Fix _) (proof, subst, assums) =
-        (ps :: proof, subst, assums)
-      | do_step (ps as Assume (l, t)) (proof, subst, assums) =
+    fun do_step (ps as Assume (l, t)) (proof, subst, assums) =
         (case AList.lookup (op aconv) assums t of
            SOME l' => (proof, (l', l) :: subst, assums)
          | NONE => (ps :: proof, subst, (t, l) :: assums))
@@ -692,13 +758,13 @@
                | CaseSplit (proofs, facts) =>
                  CaseSplit (map do_proof proofs, relabel_facts subst facts)) ::
          proof, subst, assums)
+      | do_step ps (proof, subst, assums) = (ps :: proof, subst, assums)
     and do_proof proof = fold do_step proof ([], [], []) |> #1 |> rev
   in do_proof end
 val then_chain_proof =
     fun aux _ [] = []
-      | aux _ ((ps as Fix _) :: proof) = ps :: aux no_label proof
       | aux _ ((ps as Assume (l, _)) :: proof) = ps :: aux l proof
       | aux l' (Have (qs, l, t, by) :: proof) =
         (case by of
@@ -711,20 +777,21 @@
          | CaseSplit (proofs, facts) =>
            Have (qs, l, t, CaseSplit (map (aux no_label) proofs, facts))) ::
         aux l proof
+      | aux _ (ps :: proof) = ps :: aux no_label proof
   in aux no_label end
 fun kill_useless_labels_in_proof proof =
     val used_ls = using_of proof
     fun do_label l = if member (op =) used_ls l then l else no_label
-    fun kill (Fix xs) = Fix xs
-      | kill (Assume (l, t)) = Assume (do_label l, t)
+    fun kill (Assume (l, t)) = Assume (do_label l, t)
       | kill (Have (qs, l, t, by)) =
         Have (qs, do_label l, t,
               case by of
                 CaseSplit (proofs, facts) =>
                 CaseSplit (map (map kill) proofs, facts)
               | _ => by)
+      | kill ps = ps
   in map kill proof end
 fun prefix_for_depth n = replicate_string (n + 1)
@@ -732,8 +799,6 @@
 val relabel_proof =
     fun aux _ _ _ [] = []
-      | aux subst depth nextp ((ps as Fix _) :: proof) =
-        ps :: aux subst depth nextp proof
       | aux subst depth (next_assum, next_fact) (Assume (l, t) :: proof) =
         if l = no_label then
           Assume (l, t) :: aux subst depth (next_assum, next_fact) proof
@@ -751,7 +816,7 @@
                 val l' = (prefix_for_depth depth fact_prefix, next_fact)
               in (l', (l, l') :: subst, next_fact + 1) end
-          val relabel_facts = apfst (map (the o AList.lookup (op =) subst))
+          val relabel_facts = apfst (map_filter (AList.lookup (op =) subst))
           val by =
             case by of
               Facts facts => Facts (relabel_facts facts)
@@ -762,6 +827,7 @@
           Have (qs, l', t, by) ::
           aux subst depth (next_assum, next_fact) proof
+      | aux subst depth nextp (ps :: proof) = ps :: aux subst depth nextp proof
   in aux [] 0 (1, 1) end
 fun string_for_proof ctxt sorts i n =
@@ -785,12 +851,13 @@
     val do_term = maybe_quote o fix_print_mode (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt)
     fun do_using [] = ""
       | do_using ls = "using " ^ (space_implode " " (map do_raw_label ls)) ^ " "
-    fun do_by_facts [] [] = "by blast"
-      | do_by_facts _ [] = "by metis"
-      | do_by_facts _ ss = "by (metis " ^ space_implode " " ss ^ ")"
-    fun do_facts (ls, ss) = do_using ls ^ do_by_facts ls ss
+    fun do_by_facts [] = "by metis"
+      | do_by_facts ss = "by (metis " ^ space_implode " " ss ^ ")"
+    fun do_facts (ls, ss) = do_using ls ^ do_by_facts ss
     and do_step ind (Fix xs) =
         do_indent ind ^ "fix " ^ space_implode " and " (map do_free xs) ^ "\n"
+      | do_step ind (Let (t1, t2)) =
+        do_indent ind ^ "let " ^ do_term t1 ^ " = " ^ do_term t2 ^ "\n"
       | do_step ind (Assume (l, t)) =
         do_indent ind ^ "assume " ^ do_label l ^ do_term t ^ "\n"
       | do_step ind (Have (qs, l, t, Facts facts)) =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML	Tue Apr 27 18:58:05 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML	Wed Apr 28 12:46:50 2010 +0200
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
   val timestamp : unit -> string
   val parse_bool_option : bool -> string -> string -> bool option
   val parse_time_option : string -> string -> Time.time option
+  val nat_subscript : int -> string
   val unyxml : string -> string
   val maybe_quote : string -> string
@@ -74,6 +75,9 @@
         SOME (Time.fromMilliseconds msecs)
+val subscript = implode o map (prefix "\<^isub>") o explode
+val nat_subscript = subscript o string_of_int
 fun plain_string_from_xml_tree t =
   Buffer.empty |> XML.add_content t |> Buffer.content
 val unyxml = plain_string_from_xml_tree o YXML.parse