new simprocs assoc_fold and combine_coeff
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 17:24:48 +0200
changeset 7072 c3f3fd86e11c
parent 7071 55b80ec1927d
child 7073 a959b4391fd8
new simprocs assoc_fold and combine_coeff
--- a/src/HOL/ROOT.ML	Fri Jul 23 16:54:28 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/ROOT.ML	Fri Jul 23 17:24:48 1999 +0200
@@ -27,10 +27,12 @@
 use "~~/src/Provers/Arith/cancel_sums.ML";
 use "~~/src/Provers/Arith/cancel_factor.ML";
 use "~~/src/Provers/Arith/abel_cancel.ML";
+use "~~/src/Provers/Arith/assoc_fold.ML";
 use "~~/src/Provers/quantifier1.ML";
 use_thy "HOL";
 use "hologic.ML";
+use "~~/src/Provers/Arith/combine_coeff.ML";
 use "cladata.ML";
 use "simpdata.ML";
@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@
 use_thy "IntDef";
 use "simproc.ML";
 use_thy "NatBin";
+use "bin_simprocs.ML";
 cd "..";
 (*the all-in-one theory*)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Provers/Arith/assoc_fold.ML	Fri Jul 23 17:24:48 1999 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+(*  Title:      Provers/Arith/assoc_fold.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+    Copyright   1999  University of Cambridge
+Simplification procedure for associative operators + and * on numeric types
+Performs constant folding when the literals are separated, as in 3+n+4.
+signature ASSOC_FOLD_DATA =
+  val ss		: simpset	(*basic simpset of object-logtic*)
+  val eq_reflection	: thm		(*object-equality to meta-equality*)
+  val thy		: theory	(*the operator's theory*)
+  val T			: typ		(*the operator's numeric type*)
+  val plus		: term		(*the operator being folded*)
+  val add_ac		: thm list      (*AC-rewrites for plus*)
+functor Assoc_Fold (Data: ASSOC_FOLD_DATA) =
+ val assoc_ss = addsimps Data.add_ac;
+ (*prove while suppressing timing information*)
+ fun prove name ct tacf = 
+     setmp Goals.proof_timing false (prove_goalw_cterm [] ct) tacf
+     handle ERROR =>
+	 error(name ^ " simproc:\nfailed to prove " ^ string_of_cterm ct);
+ exception Assoc_fail;
+ fun mk_sum []  = raise Assoc_fail
+   | mk_sum tms = foldr1 (fn (x,y) => $ x $ y) tms;
+ (*Separate the literals from the other terms being combined*)
+ fun sift_terms (t, (lits,others)) =
+     case t of
+	  Const("Numeral.number_of", _) $ _ =>
+	      (t::lits, others)         (*new literal*)
+	| (f as Const _) $ x $ y =>
+	      if f = 
+              then sift_terms (x, sift_terms (y, (lits,others)))
+	      else (lits, t::others)    (*arbitrary summand*)
+	| _ => (lits, t::others);
+ val trace = ref false;
+ (*Make a simproc to combine all literals in a associative nest*)
+ fun proc sg _ lhs =
+   let fun show t = string_of_cterm (Thm.cterm_of sg t)
+       val _ = if !trace then writeln ("assoc_fold simproc: LHS = " ^ show lhs)
+	       else ()
+       val (lits,others) = sift_terms (lhs, ([],[]))
+       val _ = if length lits < 2
+               then raise Assoc_fail (*we can't reduce the number of terms*)
+               else ()  
+       val rhs = $ mk_sum lits $ mk_sum others
+       val _ = if !trace then writeln ("RHS = " ^ show rhs) else ()
+       val th = prove "assoc_fold" 
+	           (Thm.cterm_of sg (Logic.mk_equals (lhs, rhs)))
+		   (fn _ => [rtac Data.eq_reflection 1,
+			     simp_tac assoc_ss 1])
+   in Some th end
+   handle Assoc_fail => None;
+ val conv = 
+     Simplifier.mk_simproc "assoc_fold_sums"
+       [Thm.cterm_of (Theory.sign_of Data.thy)
+	             ( $ Free("x",Data.T) $ Free("y",Data.T))]
+       proc;
+(*test data:
+set proof_timing;
+Goal "(#3 * (a * #34)) * (#2 * b * #9) = (x::int)";
+Goal "a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + n + oo + p + q + r + s + t + u + v + (w + x + y + z + a + #2 + b + #2 + c + #2 + d + #2 + e) + #2 + f + (#2 + g + #2 + h + #2 + i) + #2 + (j + #2 + k + #2 + l + #2 + m + #2) + n + #2 + (oo + #2 + p + #2 + q + #2 + r) + #2 + s + #2 + t + #2 + u + #2 + v + #2 + w + #2 + x + #2 + y + #2 + z + #2 = (uu::nat)";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Provers/Arith/combine_coeff.ML	Fri Jul 23 17:24:48 1999 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(*  Title:      Provers/Arith/combine_coeff.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+    Copyright   1999  University of Cambridge
+Simplification procedure to combine literal coefficients in sums of products
+Example, #3*x + y - (x*#2) goes to x + y
+For the relations <, <= and =, the difference is simplified
+[COULD BE GENERALIZED to products of exponentials?]
+  val ss		: simpset	(*basic simpset of object-logtic*)
+  val eq_reflection	: thm		(*object-equality to meta-equality*)
+  val thy		: theory	(*the theory of the group*)
+  val T			: typ		(*the type of group elements*)
+  val trans             : thm           (*transitivity of equals*)
+  val add_ac		: thm list      (*AC-rules for the addition operator*)
+  val diff_def		: thm		(*Defines x-y as x + -y *)
+  val minus_add_distrib	: thm           (* -(x+y) = -x + -y *)        
+  val minus_minus	: thm           (* - -x = x *)
+  val mult_commute 	: thm		(*commutative law for the product*)
+  val mult_1_right 	: thm           (*the law x*1=x *)
+  val add_mult_distrib  : thm           (*law w*(x+y) = w*x + w*y *)
+  val diff_mult_distrib : thm           (*law w*(x-y) = w*x - w*y *)
+  val mult_minus_right  : thm           (*law x * -y = -(x*y) *)
+  val rel_iff_rel_0_rls : thm list      (*e.g. (x < y) = (x-y < 0) *)
+  val dest_eqI		: thm -> term   (*to get patterns from the rel rules*)
+functor Combine_Coeff (Data: COMBINE_COEFF_DATA) =
+ local open Data 
+ in
+ val rhs_ss = ss addsimps
+                    [add_mult_distrib, diff_mult_distrib,
+		     mult_minus_right, mult_1_right];
+ val lhs_ss = ss addsimps
+		 add_ac @
+		 [diff_def, minus_add_distrib, minus_minus, mult_commute];
+ end;
+ (*prove while suppressing timing information*)
+ fun prove name ct tacf = 
+     setmp Goals.proof_timing false (prove_goalw_cterm [] ct) tacf
+     handle ERROR =>
+	 error(name ^ " simproc:\nfailed to prove " ^ string_of_cterm ct);
+ val plus = Const ("op +", [Data.T,Data.T] ---> Data.T);
+ val minus = Const ("op -", [Data.T,Data.T] ---> Data.T);
+ val uminus = Const ("uminus", Data.T --> Data.T);
+ val times = Const ("op *", [Data.T,Data.T] ---> Data.T);
+ val number_of = Const ("Numeral.number_of", 
+			Type ("Numeral.bin", []) --> Data.T);
+ val zero = number_of $ HOLogic.pls_const;
+ val one =  number_of $ (HOLogic.bit_const $ 
+			 HOLogic.pls_const $ 
+			 HOLogic.true_const);
+ (*We map -t to t and (in other cases) t to -t.  No need to check the type of
+   uminus, since the simproc is only called on sums of type T.*)
+ fun negate (Const("uminus",_) $ t) = t
+   | negate t                       = uminus $ t;
+ fun mk_sum []  = zero
+   | mk_sum tms = foldr1 (fn (x,y) => plus $ x $ y) tms;
+ fun attach_coeff (Bound ~1,ns) = mk_sum ns  (*just a literal*)
+   | attach_coeff (x,ns) = times $ x $ (mk_sum ns);
+ fun add_atom (x, (neg,m)) pairs = 
+   let val m' = if neg then negate m else m
+   in 
+       case gen_assoc (op aconv) (pairs, x) of
+	   Some n => gen_overwrite (op aconv) (pairs, (x, m'::n))
+	 | None => (x,[m']) :: pairs
+   end;
+ (**STILL MISSING: a treatment of nested coeffs, e.g. a*(b*3) **)
+ (*Convert a formula built from +, * and - (binary and unary) to a
+   (atom, coeff) association list.  Handles t+t, t-t, -t, a*n, n*a, n, a
+   where n denotes a numeric literal and a is any other term.
+   No need to check types PROVIDED they are checked upon entry!*)
+ fun add_terms neg (Const("op +", _) $ x $ y, pairs) =
+	 add_terms neg (x, add_terms neg (y, pairs))
+   | add_terms neg (Const("op -", _) $ x $ y, pairs) =
+	 add_terms neg (x, add_terms (not neg) (y, pairs))
+   | add_terms neg (Const("uminus", _) $ x, pairs) = 
+	 add_terms (not neg) (x, pairs)
+   | add_terms neg (lit as Const("Numeral.number_of", _) $ _, pairs) =
+	 (*literal: make it the coefficient of a dummy term*)
+	 add_atom (Bound ~1, (neg, lit)) pairs
+   | add_terms neg (Const("op *", _) $ x 
+		             $ (lit as Const("Numeral.number_of", _) $ _),
+		    pairs) =
+	 (*coefficient on the right*)
+	 add_atom (x, (neg, lit)) pairs
+   | add_terms neg (Const("op *", _) 
+		             $ (lit as Const("Numeral.number_of", _) $ _)
+                             $ x, pairs) =
+	 (*coefficient on the left*)
+	 add_atom (x, (neg, lit)) pairs
+   | add_terms neg (x, pairs) = add_atom (x, (neg, one)) pairs;
+ fun terms fml = add_terms false (fml, []);
+ exception CC_fail;
+ (*The number of terms in t, assuming no collapsing takes place*)
+ fun term_count (Const("op +", _) $ x $ y) = term_count x + term_count y
+   | term_count (Const("op -", _) $ x $ y) = term_count x + term_count y
+   | term_count (Const("uminus", _) $ x) = term_count x
+   | term_count x = 1;
+ val trace = ref false;
+ (*The simproc for sums*)
+ fun sum_proc sg _ lhs =
+   let fun show t = string_of_cterm (Thm.cterm_of sg t)
+       val _ = if !trace then writeln 
+	                   ("combine_coeff sum simproc: LHS = " ^ show lhs)
+	       else ()
+       val ts = terms lhs
+       val _ = if term_count lhs = length ts 
+               then raise CC_fail (*we can't reduce the number of terms*)
+               else ()  
+       val rhs = mk_sum (map attach_coeff ts)
+       val _ = if !trace then writeln ("RHS = " ^ show rhs) else ()
+       val th = prove "combine_coeff" 
+	           (Thm.cterm_of sg (Logic.mk_equals (lhs, rhs)))
+		   (fn _ => [rtac Data.eq_reflection 1,
+			     simp_tac rhs_ss 1,
+			     IF_UNSOLVED (simp_tac lhs_ss 1)])
+   in Some th end
+   handle CC_fail => None;
+ val sum_conv = 
+     Simplifier.mk_simproc "combine_coeff_sums"
+       (map (Thm.read_cterm (Theory.sign_of Data.thy)) 
+	[("x + y", Data.T), ("x - y", Data.T)])
+       sum_proc;
+ (*The simproc for relations, which just replaces x<y by x-y<0 and simplifies*)
+ val trans_eq_reflection = Data.trans RS Data.eq_reflection |> standard;
+ fun rel_proc sg asms (lhs as (rel$lt$rt)) =
+   let val _ = if !trace then writeln
+                               ("cc_rel simproc: LHS = " ^ 
+				string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg lhs))
+	       else ()
+       val _ = if lt=zero orelse rt=zero then raise CC_fail 
+               else ()   (*this simproc can do nothing if either side is zero*)
+       val cc_th = the (sum_proc sg asms (minus $ lt $ rt))
+                   handle OPTION => raise CC_fail
+       val _ = if !trace then 
+		 writeln ("cc_th = " ^ string_of_thm cc_th)
+	       else ()
+       val cc_lr = #2 (Logic.dest_equals (concl_of cc_th))
+       val rhs = rel $ cc_lr $ zero
+       val _ = if !trace then 
+		 writeln ("RHS = " ^ string_of_cterm (Thm.cterm_of sg rhs))
+	       else ()
+       val ct = Thm.cterm_of sg (Logic.mk_equals (lhs,rhs))
+       val th = prove "cc_rel" ct 
+                  (fn _ => [rtac trans_eq_reflection 1,
+			    resolve_tac Data.rel_iff_rel_0_rls 1,
+			    simp_tac ( addsimps [cc_th]) 1])
+   in Some th end
+   handle CC_fail => None;
+ val rel_conv = 
+     Simplifier.mk_simproc "cc_relations"
+       (map (Thm.cterm_of (Theory.sign_of Data.thy) o Data.dest_eqI)
+            Data.rel_iff_rel_0_rls)
+       rel_proc;