BNF/Examples/Stream: rename same to sconst; define same, fromN in terms of siterate
--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Examples/Stream.thy Mon Nov 18 17:14:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Examples/Stream.thy Mon Nov 18 17:15:01 2013 +0100
@@ -319,62 +319,60 @@
by (induct n arbitrary: u) (auto simp: rotate1_rotate_swap rotate1_hd_tl rotate_conv_mod[symmetric])
+subsection {* iterated application of a function *}
+primcorec siterate where
+ "shd (siterate f x) = x"
+| "stl (siterate f x) = siterate f (f x)"
+lemma stake_Suc: "stake (Suc n) s = stake n s @ [s !! n]"
+ by (induct n arbitrary: s) auto
+lemma snth_siterate[simp]: "siterate f x !! n = (f^^n) x"
+ by (induct n arbitrary: x) (auto simp: funpow_swap1)
+lemma sdrop_siterate[simp]: "sdrop n (siterate f x) = siterate f ((f^^n) x)"
+ by (induct n arbitrary: x) (auto simp: funpow_swap1)
+lemma stake_siterate[simp]: "stake n (siterate f x) = map (\<lambda>n. (f^^n) x) [0 ..< n]"
+ by (induct n arbitrary: x) (auto simp del: stake.simps(2) simp: stake_Suc)
+lemma sset_siterate: "sset (siterate f x) = {(f^^n) x | n. True}"
+ by (auto simp: sset_range)
+lemma smap_siterate: "smap f (siterate f x) = siterate f (f x)"
+ by (coinduction arbitrary: x) auto
subsection {* stream repeating a single element *}
-primcorec same where
- "shd (same x) = x"
-| "stl (same x) = same x"
+abbreviation "sconst \<equiv> siterate id"
-lemma snth_same[simp]: "same x !! n = x"
- unfolding same_def by (induct n) auto
+lemma shift_replicate_sconst[simp]: "replicate n x @- sconst x = sconst x"
+ by (subst (3) stake_sdrop[symmetric]) (simp add: map_replicate_trivial)
-lemma stake_same[simp]: "stake n (same x) = replicate n x"
- unfolding same_def by (induct n) (auto simp: upt_rec)
+lemma stream_all_same[simp]: "sset (sconst x) = {x}"
+ by (simp add: sset_siterate)
-lemma sdrop_same[simp]: "sdrop n (same x) = same x"
- unfolding same_def by (induct n) auto
-lemma shift_replicate_same[simp]: "replicate n x @- same x = same x"
- by (metis sdrop_same stake_same stake_sdrop)
+lemma same_cycle: "sconst x = cycle [x]"
+ by coinduction auto
-lemma stream_all_same[simp]: "stream_all P (same x) \<longleftrightarrow> P x"
- unfolding stream_all_def by auto
+lemma smap_sconst: "smap f (sconst x) = sconst (f x)"
+ by coinduction auto
-lemma same_cycle: "same x = cycle [x]"
- by coinduction auto
+lemma sconst_streams: "x \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> sconst x \<in> streams A"
+ by (simp add: streams_iff_sset)
subsection {* stream of natural numbers *}
-primcorec fromN :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat stream" where
- "fromN n = n ## fromN (n + 1)"
-lemma snth_fromN[simp]: "fromN n !! m = n + m"
- unfolding fromN_def by (induct m arbitrary: n) auto
-lemma stake_fromN[simp]: "stake m (fromN n) = [n ..< m + n]"
- unfolding fromN_def by (induct m arbitrary: n) (auto simp: upt_rec)
-lemma sdrop_fromN[simp]: "sdrop m (fromN n) = fromN (n + m)"
- unfolding fromN_def by (induct m arbitrary: n) auto
-lemma sset_fromN[simp]: "sset (fromN n) = {n ..}" (is "?L = ?R")
-proof safe
- fix m assume "m \<in> ?L"
- moreover
- { fix s assume "m \<in> sset s" "\<exists>n'\<ge>n. s = fromN n'"
- hence "n \<le> m" by (induct arbitrary: n rule: sset_induct1) fastforce+
- }
- ultimately show "n \<le> m" by auto
- fix m assume "n \<le> m" thus "m \<in> ?L" by (metis le_iff_add snth_fromN snth_sset)
-lemma fromN_Suc_eq_smap: "fromN (Suc n) = smap Suc (fromN n)"
- by (coinduction arbitrary: n) auto
+abbreviation "fromN \<equiv> siterate Suc"
abbreviation "nats \<equiv> fromN 0"
+lemma sset_fromN[simp]: "sset (fromN n) = {n ..}"
+ by (auto simp add: sset_siterate) arith
subsection {* flatten a stream of lists *}
@@ -535,26 +533,4 @@
"smap2 f s1 s2 = smap (split f) (szip s1 s2)"
by (coinduction arbitrary: s1 s2) auto
-subsection {* iterated application of a function *}
-primcorec siterate where
- "shd (siterate f x) = x"
-| "stl (siterate f x) = siterate f (f x)"
-lemma stake_Suc: "stake (Suc n) s = stake n s @ [s !! n]"
- by (induct n arbitrary: s) auto
-lemma snth_siterate[simp]: "siterate f x !! n = (f^^n) x"
- by (induct n arbitrary: x) (auto simp: funpow_swap1)
-lemma sdrop_siterate[simp]: "sdrop n (siterate f x) = siterate f ((f^^n) x)"
- by (induct n arbitrary: x) (auto simp: funpow_swap1)
-lemma stake_siterate[simp]: "stake n (siterate f x) = map (\<lambda>n. (f^^n) x) [0 ..< n]"
- by (induct n arbitrary: x) (auto simp del: stake.simps(2) simp: stake_Suc)
-lemma sset_siterate: "sset (siterate f x) = {(f^^n) x | n. True}"
- by (auto simp: sset_range)