--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TFL/casesplit.ML Fri Aug 20 12:20:09 2004 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
+(* Title: TFL/casesplit.ML
+ Author: Lucas Dixon, University of Edinburgh
+ lucas.dixon@ed.ac.uk
+ Date: 17 Aug 2004
+(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
+ A structure that defines a tactic to program case splits.
+ casesplit_free :
+ string * Term.type -> int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
+ casesplit_name :
+ string -> int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
+ These use the induction theorem associated with the recursive data
+ type to be split.
+ The structure includes a function to try and recursively split a
+ conjecture into a list sub-theorems:
+ splitto : Thm.thm list -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
+(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
+(* logic-specific *)
+signature CASE_SPLIT_DATA =
+ val dest_Trueprop : Term.term -> Term.term
+ val mk_Trueprop : Term.term -> Term.term
+ val read_cterm : Sign.sg -> string -> Thm.cterm
+(* for HOL *)
+structure CaseSplitData_HOL : CASE_SPLIT_DATA =
+val dest_Trueprop = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop;
+val mk_Trueprop = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop;
+val read_cterm = HOLogic.read_cterm;
+signature CASE_SPLIT =
+ (* failure to find a free to split on *)
+ exception find_split_exp of string
+ (* getting a case split thm from the induction thm *)
+ val case_thm_of_ty : Sign.sg -> Term.typ -> Thm.thm
+ val cases_thm_of_induct_thm : Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
+ (* case split tactics *)
+ val casesplit_free :
+ string * Term.typ -> int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
+ val casesplit_name : string -> int -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm Seq.seq
+ (* finding a free var to split *)
+ val find_term_split :
+ Term.term * Term.term -> (string * Term.typ) Library.option
+ val find_thm_split :
+ Thm.thm -> int -> Thm.thm -> (string * Term.typ) Library.option
+ val find_thms_split :
+ Thm.thm list -> int -> Thm.thm -> (string * Term.typ) Library.option
+ (* try to recursively split conjectured thm to given list of thms *)
+ val splitto : Thm.thm list -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
+ (* for use with the recdef package *)
+ val derive_init_eqs :
+ Sign.sg ->
+ (Thm.thm * int) list -> Term.term list -> (Thm.thm * int) list
+functor CaseSplitFUN(Data : CASE_SPLIT_DATA) =
+(* beta-eta contract the theorem *)
+fun beta_eta_contract thm =
+ let
+ val thm2 = equal_elim (Thm.beta_conversion true (Thm.cprop_of thm)) thm
+ val thm3 = equal_elim (Thm.eta_conversion (Thm.cprop_of thm2)) thm2
+ in thm3 end;
+(* make a casethm from an induction thm *)
+val cases_thm_of_induct_thm =
+ Seq.hd o (ALLGOALS (fn i => REPEAT (etac Drule.thin_rl i)));
+(* get the case_thm (my version) from a type *)
+fun case_thm_of_ty sgn ty =
+ let
+ val dtypestab = DatatypePackage.get_datatypes_sg sgn;
+ val ty_str = case ty of
+ Type(ty_str, _) => ty_str
+ | TFree(s,_) => raise ERROR_MESSAGE
+ ("Free type: " ^ s)
+ | TVar((s,i),_) => raise ERROR_MESSAGE
+ ("Free variable: " ^ s)
+ val dt = case (Symtab.lookup (dtypestab,ty_str))
+ of Some dt => dt
+ | None => raise ERROR_MESSAGE ("Not a Datatype: " ^ ty_str)
+ in
+ cases_thm_of_induct_thm (#induction dt)
+ end;
+ val ty = (snd o hd o map Term.dest_Free o Term.term_frees) t;
+(* for use when there are no prems to the subgoal *)
+(* does a case split on the given variable *)
+fun mk_casesplit_goal_thm sgn (vstr,ty) gt =
+ let
+ val x = Free(vstr,ty)
+ val abst = Abs(vstr, ty, Term.abstract_over (x, gt));
+ val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
+ val ctypify = Thm.ctyp_of sgn;
+ val case_thm = case_thm_of_ty sgn ty;
+ val abs_ct = ctermify abst;
+ val free_ct = ctermify x;
+ val casethm_vars = rev (Term.term_vars (Thm.concl_of case_thm));
+ val tsig = Sign.tsig_of sgn;
+ val casethm_tvars = Term.term_tvars (Thm.concl_of case_thm);
+ val (Pv, Dv, type_insts) =
+ case (Thm.concl_of case_thm) of
+ (_ $ ((Pv as Var(P,Pty)) $ (Dv as Var(D, Dty)))) =>
+ (Pv, Dv,
+ Vartab.dest (Type.typ_match tsig (Vartab.empty, (Dty, ty))))
+ | _ => raise ERROR_MESSAGE ("not a valid case thm");
+ val type_cinsts = map (apsnd ctypify) type_insts;
+ val cPv = ctermify (Sign.inst_term_tvars sgn type_insts Pv);
+ val cDv = ctermify (Sign.inst_term_tvars sgn type_insts Dv);
+ in
+ (beta_eta_contract
+ (case_thm
+ |> Thm.instantiate (type_cinsts, [])
+ |> Thm.instantiate ([], [(cPv, abs_ct), (cDv, free_ct)])))
+ end;
+(* for use when there are no prems to the subgoal *)
+(* does a case split on the given variable (Free fv) *)
+fun casesplit_free fv i th =
+ let
+ val gt = Data.dest_Trueprop (nth_elem( i - 1, Thm.prems_of th));
+ val sgn = Thm.sign_of_thm th;
+ in
+ Tactic.rtac (mk_casesplit_goal_thm sgn fv gt) i th
+ end;
+(* for use when there are no prems to the subgoal *)
+(* does a case split on the given variable *)
+fun casesplit_name vstr i th =
+ let
+ val gt = Data.dest_Trueprop (nth_elem( i - 1, Thm.prems_of th));
+ val freets = Term.term_frees gt;
+ fun getter x = let val (n,ty) = Term.dest_Free x in
+ if vstr = n then Some (n,ty) else None end;
+ val (n,ty) = case Library.get_first getter freets
+ of Some (n, ty) => (n, ty)
+ | _ => raise ERROR_MESSAGE ("no such variable " ^ vstr);
+ val sgn = Thm.sign_of_thm th;
+ in
+ Tactic.rtac (mk_casesplit_goal_thm sgn (n,ty) gt) i th
+ end;
+(* small example:
+Goal "P (x :: nat) & (C y --> Q (y :: nat))";
+by (rtac (thm "conjI") 1);
+val th = topthm();
+val i = 2;
+val vstr = "y";
+by (casesplit_name "y" 2);
+val th = topthm();
+val i = 1;
+val th' = casesplit_name "x" i th;
+(* the find_XXX_split functions are simply doing a lightwieght (I
+think) term matching equivalent to find where to do the next split *)
+(* assuming two twems are identical except for a free in one at a
+subterm, or constant in another, ie assume that one term is a plit of
+another, then gives back the free variable that has been split. *)
+exception find_split_exp of string
+fun find_term_split (Free v, _ $ _) = Some v
+ | find_term_split (Free v, Const _) = Some v
+ | find_term_split (Free v, Abs _) = Some v (* do we really want this case? *)
+ | find_term_split (a $ b, a2 $ b2) =
+ (case find_term_split (a, a2) of
+ None => find_term_split (b,b2)
+ | vopt => vopt)
+ | find_term_split (Abs(_,ty,t1), Abs(_,ty2,t2)) =
+ find_term_split (t1, t2)
+ | find_term_split (Const (x,ty), Const(x2,ty2)) =
+ if x = x2 then None else (* keep searching *)
+ raise find_split_exp (* stop now *)
+ "Terms are not identical upto a free varaible! (Consts)"
+ | find_term_split (Bound i, Bound j) =
+ if i = j then None else (* keep searching *)
+ raise find_split_exp (* stop now *)
+ "Terms are not identical upto a free varaible! (Bound)"
+ | find_term_split (a, b) =
+ raise find_split_exp (* stop now *)
+ "Terms are not identical upto a free varaible! (Other)";
+(* assume that "splitth" is a case split form of subgoal i of "genth",
+then look for a free variable to split, breaking the subgoal closer to
+splitth. *)
+fun find_thm_split splitth i genth =
+ find_term_split (Logic.get_goal (Thm.prop_of genth) i,
+ Thm.concl_of splitth) handle find_split_exp _ => None;
+(* as above but searches "splitths" for a theorem that suggest a case split *)
+fun find_thms_split splitths i genth =
+ Library.get_first (fn sth => find_thm_split sth i genth) splitths;
+(* split the subgoal i of "genth" until we get to a member of
+splitths. Assumes that genth will be a general form of splitths, that
+can be case-split, as needed. Otherwise fails. Note: We assume that
+all of "splitths" are aplit to the same level, and thus it doesn't
+matter which one we choose to look for the next split. Simply add
+search on splitthms and plit variable, to change this. *)
+(* Note: possible efficiency measure: when a case theorem is no longer
+useful, drop it? *)
+(* Note: This should not be a separate tactic but integrated into the
+case split done during recdef's case analysis, this would avoid us
+having to (re)search for variables to split. *)
+fun splitto splitths genth =
+ let
+ val _ = assert (not (null splitths)) "splitto: no given splitths";
+ val sgn = Thm.sign_of_thm genth;
+ (* check if we are a member of splitths - FIXME: quicker and
+ more flexible with discrim net. *)
+ fun solve_by_splitth th split = biresolution false [(false,split)] 1 th;
+ fun split th =
+ (case find_thms_split splitths 1 th of
+ None => raise ERROR_MESSAGE "splitto: cannot find variable to split on"
+ | Some v =>
+ let
+ val gt = Data.dest_Trueprop (nth_elem(0, Thm.prems_of th));
+ val split_thm = mk_casesplit_goal_thm sgn v gt;
+ val (subthms, expf) = IsaND.fixed_subgoal_thms split_thm;
+ in
+ expf (map recsplitf subthms)
+ end)
+ and recsplitf th =
+ (* note: multiple unifiers! we only take the first element,
+ probably fine -- there is probably only one anyway. *)
+ (case Library.get_first (Seq.pull o solve_by_splitth th) splitths of
+ None => split th
+ | Some (solved_th, more) => solved_th)
+ in
+ recsplitf genth
+ end;
+(* Note: We dont do this if wf conditions fail to be solved, as each
+case may have a different wf condition - we could group the conditions
+togeather and say that they must be true to solve the general case,
+but that would hide from the user which sub-case they were related
+to. Probably this is not important, and it would work fine, but I
+prefer leaving more fine grain control to the user. *)
+(* derive eqs, assuming strict, ie the rules have no assumptions = all
+ the well-foundness conditions have been solved. *)
+ fun get_related_thms i =
+ mapfilter ((fn (r,x) => if x = i then Some r else None));
+ fun solve_eq (th, [], i) =
+ raise ERROR_MESSAGE "derive_init_eqs: missing rules"
+ | solve_eq (th, [a], i) = (a, i)
+ | solve_eq (th, splitths as (_ :: _), i) = (splitto splitths th,i);
+fun derive_init_eqs sgn rules eqs =
+ let
+ val eqths = map (Thm.trivial o (Thm.cterm_of sgn) o Data.mk_Trueprop)
+ eqs
+ in
+ (rev o map solve_eq)
+ (Library.foldln
+ (fn (e,i) =>
+ (curry (op ::)) (e, (get_related_thms (i - 1) rules), i - 1))
+ eqths [])
+ end;
+ val (rs_hwfc, unhidefs) = Library.split_list (map hide_prems rules)
+ (map2 (op |>) (ths, expfs))
+structure CaseSplit = CaseSplitFUN(CaseSplitData_HOL);
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TFL/isand.ML Fri Aug 20 12:20:09 2004 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
+(* Title: TFL/isand.ML
+ Author: Lucas Dixon, University of Edinburgh
+ lucas.dixon@ed.ac.uk
+ Date: 6 Aug 2004
+(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
+ Natural Deduction tools
+ For working with Isbaelle theorem in a natural detuction style,
+ ie, not having to deal with meta level quantified varaibles,
+ instead, we work with newly introduced frees, and hide the
+ "all"'s, exporting results from theorems proved with the frees, to
+ solve the all cases of the previous goal.
+ Note: A nice idea: allow esxporting to solve any subgoal, thus
+ allowing the interleaving of proof, or provide a structure for the
+ ordering of proof, thus allowing proof attempts in parrelle, but
+ recording the order to apply things in.
+structure IsaND =
+(* Solve *some* subgoal of "th" directly by "sol" *)
+(* Note: this is probably what Markus ment to do upon export of a
+"show" but maybe he used RS/rtac intead, which would wrongly lead to
+failing if there are premices to the shown goal. *)
+fun solve_with sol th =
+ let fun solvei 0 = Seq.empty
+ | solvei i =
+ Seq.append (bicompose false (false,sol,0) i th,
+ solvei (i - 1))
+ in
+ solvei (Thm.nprems_of th)
+ end;
+(* fix parameters of a subgoal "i", as free variables, and create an
+exporting function that will use the result of this proved goal to
+show the goal in the original theorem.
+Note, an advantage of this over Isar is that it supports instantiation
+of unkowns in the earlier theorem, ie we can do instantiation of meta
+vars! *)
+fun fix_alls' i th =
+ let
+ val t = (prop_of th);
+ val names = Term.add_term_names (t,[]);
+ val gt = Logic.get_goal t i;
+ val body = Term.strip_all_body gt;
+ val alls = rev (Term.strip_all_vars gt);
+ val fvs = map Free
+ ((Term.variantlist (map fst alls, names))
+ ~~ (map snd alls));
+ val sgn = Thm.sign_of_thm th;
+ val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
+ val cfvs = rev (map ctermify fvs);
+ val body' = (subst_bounds (fvs,body));
+ val gthi0 = Thm.trivial (ctermify body');
+ (* Given a thm justifying subgoal i, solve subgoal i *)
+ (* Note: fails if there are choices! *)
+ fun exportf thi =
+ Drule.compose_single (Drule.forall_intr_list cfvs thi,
+ i, th)
+ in
+ (gthi0, exportf)
+ end;
+(* small example:
+Goal "!! x. [| False; C x |] ==> P x";
+val th = topthm();
+val i = 1;
+val (goalth, expf) = fix_alls i (topthm());
+(* a nicer version of the above that leaves only a single subgoal (the
+other subgoals are hidden hyps, that the exporter suffles about)
+namely the subgoal that we were trying to solve. *)
+fun fix_alls i th =
+ let
+ val (gthi, exportf) = fix_alls' i th
+ val gthi' = Drule.rotate_prems 1 gthi
+ val sgn = Thm.sign_of_thm th;
+ val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
+ val prems = tl (Thm.prems_of gthi)
+ val cprems = map ctermify prems;
+ val aprems = map Thm.assume cprems;
+ val exportf' =
+ exportf o (Drule.implies_intr_list cprems)
+ in
+ (Drule.implies_elim_list gthi' aprems, exportf')
+ end;
+(* small example:
+Goal "P x";
+val i = 1;
+val th = topthm();
+val x = fix_alls (topthm()) 1;
+Goal "!! x. [| False; C x |] ==> P x";
+val th = topthm();
+val i = 1;
+val (goalth, expf) = fix_alls' th i;
+val (premths, goalth2, expf2) = assume_prems 1 goalth;
+val False_th = nth_elem (0,premths);
+val anything = False_th RS (thm "FalseE");
+val th2 = anything RS goalth2;
+val th1 = expf2 th2;
+val final_th = flat (map expf th1);
+(* assume the premises of subgoal "i", this gives back a list of
+assumed theorems that are the premices of subgoal i, it also gives
+back a new goal thm and an exporter, the new goalthm is as the old
+one, but without the premices, and the exporter will use a proof of
+the new goalthm, possibly using the assumed premices, to shoe the
+orginial goal. *)
+(* Note: Dealing with meta vars, need to meta-level-all them in the
+shyps, which we can later instantiate with a specific value.... ?
+think about this... maybe need to introduce some new fixed vars and
+then remove them again at the end... like I do with rw_inst. *)
+fun assume_prems i th =
+ let
+ val t = (prop_of th);
+ val gt = Logic.get_goal t i;
+ val _ = case Term.strip_all_vars gt of [] => ()
+ | _ => raise ERROR_MESSAGE "assume_prems: goal has params"
+ val body = gt;
+ val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems body;
+ val concl = Logic.strip_imp_concl body;
+ val sgn = Thm.sign_of_thm th;
+ val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
+ val cprems = map ctermify prems;
+ val aprems = map Thm.assume cprems;
+ val gthi = Thm.trivial (ctermify concl);
+ fun explortf thi =
+ Drule.compose (Drule.implies_intr_list cprems thi,
+ i, th)
+ in
+ (aprems, gthi, explortf)
+ end;
+(* small example:
+Goal "False ==> b";
+val th = topthm();
+val i = 1;
+val (prems, goalth, expf) = assume_prems i (topthm());
+val F = hd prems;
+val FalseE = thm "FalseE";
+val anything = F RS FalseE;
+val thi = anything RS goalth;
+val res' = expf thi;
+(* Fixme: allow different order of subgoals *)
+fun subgoal_thms th =
+ let
+ val t = (prop_of th);
+ val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems t;
+ val sgn = Thm.sign_of_thm th;
+ val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
+ val aprems = map (Thm.trivial o ctermify) prems;
+ fun explortf premths =
+ Drule.implies_elim_list th premths
+ in
+ (aprems, explortf)
+ end;
+(* small example:
+Goal "A & B";
+by (rtac conjI 1);
+val th = topthm();
+val (subgoals, expf) = subgoal_thms (topthm());
+(* make all the premices of a theorem hidden, and provide an unhide
+function, that will bring them back out at a later point. This is
+useful if you want to get back these premices, after having used the
+theorem with the premices hidden *)
+fun hide_prems th =
+ let
+ val sgn = Thm.sign_of_thm th;
+ val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
+ val t = (prop_of th);
+ val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems t;
+ val cprems = map ctermify prems;
+ val aprems = map Thm.trivial cprems;
+ val unhidef = Drule.implies_intr_list cprems;
+ in
+ (Drule.implies_elim_list th aprems, unhidef)
+ end;
+(* Fixme: allow different order of subgoals *)
+fun fixed_subgoal_thms th =
+ let
+ val (subgoals, expf) = subgoal_thms th;
+(* fun export_sg (th, exp) = exp th; *)
+ fun export_sgs expfs ths =
+ expf (map2 (op |>) (ths, expfs));
+(* expf (map export_sg (ths ~~ expfs)); *)
+ in
+ apsnd export_sgs (Library.split_list (map (fix_alls 1) subgoals))
+ end;
+(* small example:
+Goal "(!! x. ((C x) ==> (A x)))";
+val th = topthm();
+val i = 1;
+val (subgoals, expf) = fixed_subgoal_thms (topthm());
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/TFL/post.ML Thu Aug 19 12:35:45 2004 +0200
+++ b/TFL/post.ML Fri Aug 20 12:20:09 2004 +0200
@@ -195,6 +195,42 @@
error (mesg ^
"\n (In TFL function " ^ module ^ "." ^ func ^ ")");
+(* Derive the initial equations from the case-split rules to meet the
+users specification of the recursive function.
+ Note: We don't do this if the wf conditions fail to be solved, as each
+case may have a different wf condition. We could group the conditions
+together and say that they must be true to solve the general case,
+but that would hide from the user which sub-case they were related
+to. Probably this is not important, and it would work fine, but, for now, I
+prefer leaving more fine-grain control to the user. *)
+ fun get_related_thms i =
+ mapfilter ((fn (r,x) => if x = i then Some r else None));
+ fun solve_eq (th, [], i) =
+ raise ERROR_MESSAGE "derive_init_eqs: missing rules"
+ | solve_eq (th, [a], i) = [(a, i)]
+ | solve_eq (th, splitths as (_ :: _), i) =
+ [((standard o ObjectLogic.rulify_no_asm)
+ (CaseSplit.splitto splitths th), i)]
+ (* if there's an error, pretend nothing happened with this definition
+ We should probably print something out so that the user knows...? *)
+ handle ERROR_MESSAGE _ => map (fn x => (x,i)) splitths;
+fun derive_init_eqs sgn rules eqs =
+ let
+ val eqths = map (Thm.trivial o (Thm.cterm_of sgn) o HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)
+ eqs
+ fun countlist l =
+ (rev o snd o (foldl (fn ((i,L), e) => (i + 1,(e,i) :: L)))) ((0,[]), l)
+ in
+ flat (map (fn (e,i) => solve_eq (e, (get_related_thms i rules), i))
+ (countlist eqths))
+ end;
* Defining a function with an associated termination relation.
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile Thu Aug 19 12:35:45 2004 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile Fri Aug 20 12:20:09 2004 +0200
@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@
$(SRC)/Provers/quasi.ML \
$(SRC)/Provers/simplifier.ML $(SRC)/Provers/splitter.ML \
$(SRC)/Provers/trancl.ML \
- $(SRC)/TFL/dcterm.ML $(SRC)/TFL/post.ML $(SRC)/TFL/rules.ML \
+ $(SRC)/TFL/isand.ML $(SRC)/TFL/casesplit.ML $(SRC)/TFL/dcterm.ML\
+ $(SRC)/TFL/post.ML $(SRC)/TFL/rules.ML \
$(SRC)/TFL/tfl.ML $(SRC)/TFL/thms.ML $(SRC)/TFL/thry.ML \
$(SRC)/TFL/usyntax.ML $(SRC)/TFL/utils.ML \
Datatype.thy Datatype_Universe.ML Datatype_Universe.thy \
@@ -96,7 +97,8 @@
Nat.thy NatArith.ML NatArith.thy \
Power.thy PreList.thy Product_Type.ML Product_Type.thy \
Refute.thy ROOT.ML \
- Recdef.thy Record.thy Relation.ML Relation.thy Relation_Power.ML \
+ Recdef.thy Reconstruction.thy Record.thy\
+ Relation.ML Relation.thy Relation_Power.ML \
Relation_Power.thy LOrder.thy OrderedGroup.thy OrderedGroup.ML Ring_and_Field.thy\
Set.ML Set.thy SetInterval.ML SetInterval.thy \
Sum_Type.ML Sum_Type.thy Tools/datatype_abs_proofs.ML Tools/datatype_aux.ML \
@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@
Tools/primrec_package.ML \
Tools/prop_logic.ML \
Tools/recdef_package.ML Tools/recfun_codegen.ML \
- Tools/record_package.ML \
+ Tools/record_package.ML Tools/reconstruction.ML\
Tools/refute.ML Tools/refute_isar.ML \
Tools/rewrite_hol_proof.ML \
Tools/sat_solver.ML \
--- a/src/HOL/Recdef.thy Thu Aug 19 12:35:45 2004 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Recdef.thy Fri Aug 20 12:20:09 2004 +0200
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
theory Recdef
imports Wellfounded_Relations Datatype
+ ("../TFL/isand.ML")
+ ("../TFL/casesplit.ML")
@@ -43,6 +45,8 @@
lemma tfl_exE: "\<exists>x. P x ==> \<forall>x. P x --> Q ==> Q"
by blast
+use "../TFL/isand.ML"
+use "../TFL/casesplit.ML"
use "../TFL/utils.ML"
use "../TFL/usyntax.ML"
use "../TFL/dcterm.ML"