more general ML_Antiquotation.special_form;
more general "try" forms: support 'finally' or 'catch';
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/isabelle_thread.ML Sun Sep 24 15:55:42 2023 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/isabelle_thread.ML Mon Sep 25 16:17:43 2023 +0200
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
val interrupt_exn: 'a Exn.result
val interrupt_self: unit -> 'a
val interrupt_other: T -> unit
+ val try_catch: (unit -> 'a) -> (exn -> 'a) -> 'a
+ val try_finally: (unit -> 'a) -> (unit -> unit) -> 'a
val try: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a option
val can: (unit -> 'a) -> bool
@@ -117,6 +119,12 @@
fun interrupt_other t =
Thread.Thread.interrupt (get_thread t) handle Thread.Thread _ => ();
+fun try_catch e f =
+ e () handle exn => if Exn.is_interrupt exn then Exn.reraise exn else f exn;
+fun try_finally e f =
+ Exn.release (Exn.capture e () before f ());
fun try e = Basics.try e ();
fun can e = Basics.can e ();
--- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_antiquotation.ML Sun Sep 24 15:55:42 2023 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_antiquotation.ML Mon Sep 25 16:17:43 2023 +0200
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
val inline_embedded: binding -> string context_parser -> theory -> theory
val value: binding -> string context_parser -> theory -> theory
val value_embedded: binding -> string context_parser -> theory -> theory
- val special_form: binding -> string -> theory -> theory
+ val special_form: binding ->
+ (Proof.context -> Input.source -> string * ML_Lex.token Antiquote.antiquote list list) ->
+ theory -> theory
val conditional: binding -> (Proof.context -> bool) -> theory -> theory
@@ -67,23 +69,31 @@
(* ML macros *)
-fun special_form binding operator =
+fun special_form binding parse =
ML_Context.add_antiquotation binding true
(fn _ => fn src => fn ctxt =>
- val s = ctxt Parse.embedded_input src;
+ val input = ctxt Parse.embedded_input src;
val tokenize = ML_Lex.tokenize_no_range;
- val tokenize_range = ML_Lex.tokenize_range (Input.range_of s);
+ val tokenize_range = ML_Lex.tokenize_range (Input.range_of input);
+ val eq = tokenize " = ";
- val (decl, ctxt') = ML_Context.read_antiquotes s ctxt;
+ val (operator, sections) = parse ctxt input;
+ val (decls, ctxt') = ML_Context.expand_antiquotes_list sections ctxt;
fun decl' ctxt'' =
- val (ml_env, ml_body) = decl ctxt'';
+ val (sections_env, sections_body) = split_list (decls ctxt'');
+ val sections_bind =
+ sections_body |> map_index (fn (i, body) =>
+ let
+ val name = tokenize ("expr" ^ (if i = 0 then "" else string_of_int i));
+ val bind = if i = 0 then tokenize "val " else tokenize "and ";
+ in (bind @ name @ eq @ body, name) end);
val ml_body' =
- tokenize "let val expr = (fn () => " @ ml_body @ tokenize ");" @
- tokenize " val " @ tokenize_range "result" @
- tokenize (" = " ^ operator ^ " expr; in result end");
- in (ml_env, ml_body') end;
+ tokenize "let " @ maps #1 sections_bind @
+ tokenize " val " @ tokenize_range "result" @ eq @
+ tokenize operator @ maps #2 sections_bind @ tokenize " in result end";
+ in (flat sections_env, ml_body') end;
in (decl', ctxt') end);
fun conditional binding check =
--- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_antiquotations.ML Sun Sep 24 15:55:42 2023 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_antiquotations.ML Mon Sep 25 16:17:43 2023 +0200
@@ -340,12 +340,68 @@
in end;
-(* special forms for option type *)
+(* exception handling *)
+val tokenize = ML_Lex.tokenize_no_range;
+val tokenize_range = ML_Lex.tokenize_range o Input.range_of;
+val tokenize_text = map Antiquote.Text o ML_Lex.tokenize_no_range;
+val bg_expr = tokenize_text "(fn () =>";
+val en_expr = tokenize_text ")";
+fun make_expr a = bg_expr @ a @ en_expr;
+val bg_handler = tokenize_text "(fn";
+val en_handler = tokenize_text "| exn => Exn.reraise exn)";
+fun make_handler a = bg_handler @ a @ en_handler;
+fun report_special tok = (ML_Lex.pos_of tok, Markup.keyword3);
+fun print_special tok =
+ let val (pos, markup) = report_special tok
+ in Markup.markup markup (ML_Lex.content_of tok) ^ pos end;
+val is_catch = ML_Lex.is_ident_with (fn x => x = "catch");
+val is_finally = ML_Lex.is_ident_with (fn x => x = "finally");
+fun is_special t = is_catch t orelse is_finally t;
+val is_special_text = fn Antiquote.Text t => is_special t | _ => false;
+fun parse_try ctxt input =
+ let
+ val ants = ML_Lex.read_source input;
+ val specials = ants
+ |> map_filter (fn Antiquote.Text t => if is_special t then SOME t else NONE | _ => NONE);
+ val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt (map report_special specials);
+ in
+ (case specials of
+ [] => ("Isabelle_Thread.try", [make_expr ants])
+ | [s] =>
+ let val (a, b) = ants |> chop_prefix (not o is_special_text) ||> tl in
+ if is_finally s
+ then ("Isabelle_Thread.try_finally", [make_expr a, make_expr b])
+ else ("Isabelle_Thread.try_catch", [make_expr a, make_handler b])
+ end
+ | _ => error ("Too many special keywords: " ^ commas (map print_special specials)))
+ end;
+fun parse_can (_: Proof.context) input =
+ ("Isabelle_Thread.can", [make_expr (ML_Lex.read_source input)]);
val _ = Theory.setup
- (ML_Antiquotation.special_form \<^binding>\<open>try\<close> "Isabelle_Thread.try" #>
- ML_Antiquotation.special_form \<^binding>\<open>can\<close> "Isabelle_Thread.can" #>
- ML_Context.add_antiquotation \<^binding>\<open>if_none\<close> true
+ (ML_Antiquotation.special_form \<^binding>\<open>try\<close> parse_try #>
+ ML_Antiquotation.special_form \<^binding>\<open>can\<close> parse_can);
+(* special form for option type *)
+val _ = Theory.setup
+ (ML_Context.add_antiquotation \<^binding>\<open>if_none\<close> true
(fn _ => fn src => fn ctxt =>
val s = ctxt Parse.embedded_input src;
--- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_lex.ML Sun Sep 24 15:55:42 2023 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_lex.ML Mon Sep 25 16:17:43 2023 +0200
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
Space | Comment of Comment.kind option | Error of string | EOF
eqtype token
val stopper: token Scan.stopper
+ val is_ident_with: (string -> bool) -> token -> bool
val is_regular: token -> bool
val is_improper: token -> bool
val is_comment: token -> bool
@@ -110,6 +111,9 @@
fun is_delimiter (Token (_, (Keyword, x))) = not (Symbol.is_ascii_identifier x)
| is_delimiter _ = false;
+fun is_ident_with pred (Token (_, (Ident, x))) = pred x
+ | is_ident_with _ _ = false;
fun is_regular (Token (_, (Error _, _))) = false
| is_regular (Token (_, (EOF, _))) = false
| is_regular _ = true;