--- a/src/Pure/General/scan.ML Mon Jul 09 23:12:37 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/scan.ML Mon Jul 09 23:12:38 2007 +0200
@@ -60,21 +60,18 @@
val trace': ('a * 'b list -> 'c * ('d * 'e list)) -> 'a * 'b list ->
('c * 'b list) * ('d * 'e list)
val trace: ('a list -> 'b * 'c list) -> 'a list -> ('b * 'a list) * 'c list
- val try: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
- val force: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val prompt: string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val finite': 'a * ('a -> bool) -> ('b * 'a list -> 'c * ('d * 'a list))
-> 'b * 'a list -> 'c * ('d * 'a list)
val finite: 'a * ('a -> bool) -> ('a list -> 'b * 'a list) -> 'a list -> 'b * 'a list
val read: 'a * ('a -> bool) -> ('a list -> 'b * 'a list) -> 'a list -> 'b option
- val catch: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val error: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val source': string -> (string -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a) -> ('b list * 'a -> 'c) ->
'b * ('b -> bool) -> ('d * 'b list -> 'e list * ('d * 'b list)) ->
- ('d * 'b list -> 'e list * ('d * 'b list)) option -> 'd * 'a -> 'e list * ('d * 'c)
+ (string -> 'd * 'b list -> 'e list * ('d * 'b list)) option -> 'd * 'a -> 'e list * ('d * 'c)
val source: string -> (string -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a) -> ('b list * 'a -> 'c) ->
'b * ('b -> bool) -> ('b list -> 'd list * 'b list) ->
- ('b list -> 'd list * 'b list) option -> 'a -> 'd list * 'c
+ (string -> 'b list -> 'd list * 'b list) option -> 'a -> 'd list * 'c
val single: ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a
val bulk: ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a
type lexicon
@@ -213,8 +210,8 @@
(* exception handling *)
fun !! err scan xs = scan xs handle FAIL msg => raise ABORT (err (xs, msg));
-fun try scan xs = scan xs handle MORE _ => raise FAIL NONE | ABORT _ => raise FAIL NONE;
-fun force scan xs = scan xs handle MORE _ => raise FAIL NONE;
+fun permissive scan xs = scan xs handle MORE _ => raise FAIL NONE | ABORT _ => raise FAIL NONE;
+fun strict scan xs = scan xs handle MORE _ => raise FAIL NONE;
fun prompt str scan xs = scan xs handle MORE NONE => raise MORE (SOME str);
fun catch scan xs = scan xs handle ABORT msg => raise FAIL (SOME msg);
fun error scan xs = scan xs handle ABORT msg => Library.error msg;
@@ -233,7 +230,7 @@
if exists is_stopper input then
raise ABORT "Stopper may not occur in input of finite scan!"
- else (force scan --| lift stop) (state, input @ [stopper])
+ else (strict scan --| lift stop) (state, input @ [stopper])
fun finite stopper scan = unlift (finite' stopper (lift scan));
@@ -258,20 +255,21 @@
fun drain_loop recover inp =
drain_with (catch scanner) inp handle FAIL msg =>
- (Output.error_msg (the_default "Syntax error." msg); drain_with recover inp);
+ (drain_with (recover (the_default "Syntax error." msg)) inp);
val ((ys, (state', xs')), src') =
(case (get def_prmpt src, opt_recover) of
(([], s), _) => (([], (state, [])), s)
| ((xs, s), NONE) => drain_with (error scanner) ((state, xs), s)
- | ((xs, s), SOME r) => drain_loop (unless (lift (one (#2 stopper))) r) ((state, xs), s));
+ | ((xs, s), SOME r) => drain_loop (unless (lift (one (#2 stopper))) o r) ((state, xs), s));
in (ys, (state', unget (xs', src'))) end;
fun source def_prmpt get unget stopper scan opt_recover =
- unlift (source' def_prmpt get unget stopper (lift scan) (Option.map lift opt_recover));
+ unlift (source' def_prmpt get unget stopper (lift scan)
+ (Option.map (fn r => lift o r) opt_recover));
fun single scan = scan >> (fn x => [x]);
-fun bulk scan = scan -- repeat (try scan) >> (op ::);
+fun bulk scan = scan -- repeat (permissive scan) >> (op ::);