more GUI functionality;
Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:39:18 +0200
changeset 76023 c7fed2fd52f5
parent 76022 6ce62e4e7dc0
child 76024 dc1a950183a4
more GUI functionality;
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_dockable.scala	Wed Aug 31 15:05:28 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_dockable.scala	Wed Aug 31 16:39:18 2022 +0200
@@ -12,16 +12,68 @@
 import java.awt.BorderLayout
 import java.awt.event.{ComponentEvent, ComponentAdapter}
+import scala.swing.{ScrollPane, TextArea, Label, TabbedPane, BorderPanel, Component}
 import org.gjt.sp.jedit.{jEdit, View}
+object Document_Dockable {
+  def document_output(): Path =
+    Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/document/root.pdf")
+  object Status extends Enumeration {
+    val WAITING = Value("waiting")
+    val RUNNING = Value("running")
+    val FINISHED = Value("finished")
+  }
+  sealed case class Result(output: List[XML.Tree] = Nil, ok: Boolean = true)
+  object State {
+    val empty: State = State()
+    def finish(result: Result): State = State(ok = result.ok, output = result.output)
+  }
+  sealed case class State(
+    progress: Progress = new Progress,
+    process: Future[Unit] = Future.value(()),
+    ok: Boolean = true,
+    output: List[XML.Tree] = Nil,
+    status: Status.Value = Status.FINISHED
+  )
 class Document_Dockable(view: View, position: String) extends Dockable(view, position) {
   GUI_Thread.require {}
-  /* text area with zoom/resize */
+  /* component state -- owned by GUI thread */
+  private val current_state = Synchronized(Document_Dockable.State.empty)
+  private val process_indicator = new Process_Indicator
+  private val pretty_text_area = new Pretty_Text_Area(view)
+  private val message_pane = new TabbedPane
+  def show_state(): Unit = GUI_Thread.later {
+    val st = current_state.value
+    pretty_text_area.update(Document.Snapshot.init, Command.Results.empty, st.output)
-  val pretty_text_area = new Pretty_Text_Area(view)
+    st.status match {
+      case Document_Dockable.Status.WAITING =>
+        process_indicator.update("Waiting for PIDE document content ...", 5)
+      case Document_Dockable.Status.RUNNING =>
+        process_indicator.update("Running document build process ...", 15)
+      case Document_Dockable.Status.FINISHED =>
+        process_indicator.update(null, 0)
+    }
+    if (!st.ok && output_page != null) = output_page
+  }
+  /* text area with zoom/resize */
   override def detach_operation: Option[() => Unit] = pretty_text_area.detach_operation
@@ -36,12 +88,74 @@
     override def componentShown(e: ComponentEvent): Unit = delay_resize.invoke()
-  set_content(pretty_text_area)
+  /* progress log */
+  private val log_area = new TextArea {
+    editable = false
+    columns = 60
+    rows = 24
+  }
+  log_area.font = GUI.copy_font((new Label).font)
+  private val scroll_log_area = new ScrollPane(log_area)
+  private def init_progress() = {
+    GUI_Thread.later { log_area.text = "" }
+    new Progress {
+      override def echo(txt: String): Unit =
+        GUI_Thread.later {
+          log_area.append(txt + "\n")
+          val vertical = scroll_log_area.peer.getVerticalScrollBar
+          vertical.setValue(vertical.getMaximum)
+        }
+      override def theory(theory: Progress.Theory): Unit = echo(theory.message)
+    }
+  }
   /* document build process */
-  private val process_indicator = new Process_Indicator
+  private def cancel(): Unit =
+    current_state.change { st => st.process.cancel(); st }
+  private def finish(result: Document_Dockable.Result): Unit = {
+    current_state.change { _ => Document_Dockable.State.finish(result) }
+    show_state()
+  }
+  private def build_document(): Unit = {
+    current_state.change { st =>
+      if (st.process.is_finished) {
+        val progress = init_progress()
+        val process =
+          Future.thread[Unit](name = "document_build") {
+            val res =
+              Exn.capture {
+                progress.echo("Start " +
+                Time.seconds(2.0).sleep()
+                progress.echo("Stop " +
+              }
+            val (ok, msg) =
+              res match {
+                case Exn.Res(_) => (true, Protocol.make_message(XML.string("OK")))
+                case Exn.Exn(exn) => (false, Protocol.error_message(XML.string(Exn.message(exn))))
+              }
+            val result = Document_Dockable.Result(ok = ok, output = List(msg))
+            finish(result)
+          }
+        st.copy(progress = progress, process = process, status = Document_Dockable.Status.RUNNING)
+      }
+      else st
+    }
+    show_state()
+  }
+  private def view_document(): Unit = {
+    val path = Document_Dockable.document_output()
+    if (path.is_file) Isabelle_System.pdf_viewer(path)
+  }
   /* controls */
@@ -54,22 +168,51 @@
   private val build_button =
     new GUI.Button("<html><b>Build</b></html>") {
       tooltip = "Build document"
-      override def clicked(): Unit = {
-        pretty_text_area.update(
-          Document.Snapshot.init, Command.Results.empty,
-            List(XML.Text(  // FIXME
-      }
+      override def clicked(): Unit = build_document()
+    }
+  private val cancel_button =
+    new GUI.Button("Cancel") {
+      tooltip = "Cancel build process"
+      override def clicked(): Unit = cancel()
+    }
+  private val view_button =
+    new GUI.Button("View") {
+      tooltip = "View document"
+      override def clicked(): Unit = view_document()
   private val controls =
     Wrap_Panel(List(document_session, process_indicator.component, build_button,
-      pretty_text_area.search_label, pretty_text_area.search_field, zoom))
+      view_button, cancel_button))
   add(controls.peer, BorderLayout.NORTH)
   override def focusOnDefaultComponent(): Unit = build_button.requestFocus()
+  /* message pane with pages */
+  private val output_controls =
+    Wrap_Panel(List(pretty_text_area.search_label, pretty_text_area.search_field, zoom))
+  private val output_page =
+    new TabbedPane.Page("Output", new BorderPanel {
+      layout(output_controls) = BorderPanel.Position.North
+      layout(Component.wrap(pretty_text_area)) = BorderPanel.Position.Center
+    }, "Output from build process")
+  private val log_page =
+    new TabbedPane.Page("Log", new BorderPanel {
+      layout(log_area) = BorderPanel.Position.Center
+    }, "Raw log of build process")
+  message_pane.pages ++= List(output_page, log_page)
+  set_content(message_pane)
   /* main */
   private val main =