removed obsolete file
Fri, 23 Aug 2013 16:02:32 +0200
changeset 53157 c8369b691d04
parent 53156 f79f4693868b
child 53158 4b9df3461eda
removed obsolete file
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/MaSh/src/	Fri Aug 23 15:49:27 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-#     Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/MaSh/src/
-#     Author:     Daniel Kuehlwein, ICIS, Radboud University Nijmegen
-#     Copyright   2012
-# Entry point for MaSh (Machine Learning for Sledgehammer).
-MaSh - Machine Learning for Sledgehammer
-MaSh allows to use different machine learning algorithms to predict relevant fact for Sledgehammer.
-Created on July 12, 2012
-@author: Daniel Kuehlwein
-import logging,datetime,string,os,sys
-from argparse import ArgumentParser,RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
-from time import time
-from stats import Statistics
-from theoryStats import TheoryStatistics
-from theoryModels import TheoryModels
-from dictionaries import Dictionaries
-#from fullNaiveBayes import NBClassifier
-from sparseNaiveBayes import sparseNBClassifier
-from snow import SNoW
-from predefined import Predefined
-# Set up command-line parser
-parser = ArgumentParser(description='MaSh - Machine Learning for Sledgehammer.  \n\n\
-MaSh allows to use different machine learning algorithms to predict relevant facts for Sledgehammer.\n\n\
---------------- Example Usage ---------------\n\
-First initialize:\n./ -l test.log -o ../tmp/ --init --inputDir ../data/Jinja/ \n\
-Then create predictions:\n./ -i ../data/Jinja/mash_commands -p ../data/Jinja/mash_suggestions -l test.log -o ../tmp/ --statistics\n\
-Author: Daniel Kuehlwein, July 2012',formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
-parser.add_argument('-i','--inputFile',help='File containing all problems to be solved.')
-parser.add_argument('-o','--outputDir', default='../tmp/',help='Directory where all created files are stored. Default=../tmp/.')
-parser.add_argument('-p','--predictions',default='../tmp/%s.predictions' %,
-                    help='File where the predictions stored. Default=../tmp/dateTime.predictions.')
-parser.add_argument('--numberOfPredictions',default=200,help="Number of premises to write in the output. Default=200.",type=int)
-parser.add_argument('--init',default=False,action='store_true',help="Initialize Mash. Requires --inputDir to be defined. Default=False.")
-                    help='Directory containing all the input data. MaSh expects the following files: mash_features,mash_dependencies,mash_accessibility')
-parser.add_argument('--depFile', default='mash_dependencies',
-                    help='Name of the file with the premise dependencies. The file must be in inputDir. Default = mash_dependencies')
-parser.add_argument('--saveModel',default=False,action='store_true',help="Stores the learned Model at the end of a prediction run. Default=False.")
-parser.add_argument('--learnTheories',default=False,action='store_true',help="Uses a two-lvl prediction mode. First the theories, then the premises. Default=False.")
-# Theory Parameters
-parser.add_argument('--theoryDefValPos',default=-7.5,help="Default value for positive unknown features. Default=-7.5.",type=float)
-parser.add_argument('--theoryDefValNeg',default=-10.0,help="Default value for negative unknown features. Default=-15.0.",type=float)
-parser.add_argument('--theoryPosWeight',default=2.0,help="Weight value for positive features. Default=2.0.",type=float)
-parser.add_argument('--nb',default=False,action='store_true',help="Use Naive Bayes for learning. This is the default learning method.")
-# NB Parameters
-parser.add_argument('--NBDefaultPriorWeight',default=20.0,help="Initializes classifiers with value * p |- p. Default=20.0.",type=float)
-parser.add_argument('--NBDefVal',default=-15.0,help="Default value for unknown features. Default=-15.0.",type=float)
-parser.add_argument('--NBPosWeight',default=10.0,help="Weight value for positive features. Default=10.0.",type=float)
-# TODO: Rename to sineFeatures
-parser.add_argument('--sineFeatures',default=False,action='store_true',help="Uses a SInE like prior for premise lvl predictions. Default=False.")
-parser.add_argument('--sineWeight',default=0.5,help="How much the SInE prior is weighted. Default=0.5.",type=float)
-parser.add_argument('--snow',default=False,action='store_true',help="Use SNoW's naive bayes instead of Naive Bayes for learning.")
-parser.add_argument('--predef',help="Use predefined predictions. Used only for comparison with the actual learning. Argument is the filename of the predictions.")
-parser.add_argument('--statistics',default=False,action='store_true',help="Create and show statistics for the top CUTOFF predictions.\
-                    WARNING: This will make the program a lot slower! Default=False.")
-parser.add_argument('--saveStats',default=None,help="If defined, stores the statistics in the filename provided.")
-parser.add_argument('--cutOff',default=500,help="Option for statistics. Only consider the first cutOff predictions. Default=500.",type=int)
-parser.add_argument('-l','--log', default='../tmp/%s.log' %, help='Log file name. Default=../tmp/dateTime.log')
-parser.add_argument('-q','--quiet',default=False,action='store_true',help="If enabled, only print warnings. Default=False.")
-parser.add_argument('--modelFile', default='../tmp/model.pickle', help='Model file name. Default=../tmp/model.pickle')
-parser.add_argument('--dictsFile', default='../tmp/dict.pickle', help='Dict file name. Default=../tmp/dict.pickle')
-parser.add_argument('--theoryFile', default='../tmp/theory.pickle', help='Model file name. Default=../tmp/theory.pickle')
-def mash(argv = sys.argv[1:]):
-    # Initializing command-line arguments
-    args = parser.parse_args(argv)
-    # Set up logging
-    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,
-                        format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
-                        datefmt='%d-%m %H:%M:%S',
-                        filename=args.log,
-                        filemode='w')    
-    logger = logging.getLogger('')
-    """
-    # remove old handler for tester
-    # TODO: Comment out for Jasmins version. This crashes python 2.6.1
-    logger.root.handlers[0].stream.close()
-    logger.root.removeHandler(logger.root.handlers[0])
-    file_handler = logging.FileHandler(args.log)
-    file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
-    file_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
-    logger.root.addHandler(file_handler)
-    #"""
-    if args.quiet:
-        logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
-        #console.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
-    else:
-        console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
-        console.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-        formatter = logging.Formatter('# %(message)s')
-        console.setFormatter(formatter)
-        logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console)
-    if not os.path.exists(args.outputDir):
-        os.makedirs(args.outputDir)
-'Using the following settings: %s',args)
-    # Pick algorithm
-    if args.nb:
-'Using sparse Naive Bayes for learning.')
-        model = sparseNBClassifier(args.NBDefaultPriorWeight,args.NBPosWeight,args.NBDefVal)
-    elif args.snow:
-'Using naive bayes (SNoW) for learning.')
-        model = SNoW()
-    elif args.predef:
-'Using predefined predictions.')
-        model = Predefined(args.predef)
-    else:
-'No algorithm specified. Using sparse Naive Bayes.')
-        model = sparseNBClassifier(args.NBDefaultPriorWeight,args.NBPosWeight,args.NBDefVal)
-    # Initializing model
-    if args.init:
-'Initializing Model.')
-        startTime = time()
-        # Load all data
-        dicts = Dictionaries()
-        dicts.init_all(args)
-        # Create Model
-        trainData = dicts.featureDict.keys()
-        model.initializeModel(trainData,dicts)
-        if args.learnTheories:
-            depFile = os.path.join(args.inputDir,args.depFile)
-            theoryModels = TheoryModels(args.theoryDefValPos,args.theoryDefValNeg,args.theoryPosWeight)
-            theoryModels.init(depFile,dicts)
-'All Done. %s seconds needed.',round(time()-startTime,2))
-        return 0
-    # Create predictions and/or update model
-    else:
-        lineCounter = 1
-        statementCounter = 1
-        computeStats = False
-        dicts = Dictionaries()
-        theoryModels = TheoryModels(args.theoryDefValPos,args.theoryDefValNeg,args.theoryPosWeight)
-        # Load Files
-        if os.path.isfile(args.dictsFile):
-  'Loading Dictionaries')
-            #startTime = time()
-            dicts.load(args.dictsFile)            
-  'Done %s',time()-startTime)
-        if os.path.isfile(args.modelFile):
-  'Loading Model')
-            #startTime = time()
-            model.load(args.modelFile)            
-  'Done %s',time()-startTime)
-        if os.path.isfile(args.theoryFile) and args.learnTheories:
-  'Loading Theory Models')
-            #startTime = time()
-            theoryModels.load(args.theoryFile)
-  'Done %s',time()-startTime)
-'All loading completed')
-        # IO Streams
-        OS = open(args.predictions,'w')
-        IS = open(args.inputFile,'r')
-        # Statistics
-        if args.statistics:
-            stats = Statistics(args.cutOff)
-            if args.learnTheories:
-                theoryStats = TheoryStatistics()
-        predictions = None
-        predictedTheories = None
-        #Reading Input File
-        for line in IS:
-#           try:
-            if True:
-                if line.startswith('!'):
-                    problemId = dicts.parse_fact(line)    
-                    # Statistics
-                    if args.statistics and computeStats:
-                        computeStats = False
-                        # Assume '!' comes after '?'
-                        if args.predef:
-                            predictions = model.predict(problemId)
-                        if args.learnTheories:
-                            tmp = [dicts.idNameDict[x] for x in dicts.dependenciesDict[problemId]]
-                            usedTheories = set([x.split('.')[0] for x in tmp]) 
-                            theoryStats.update((dicts.idNameDict[problemId]).split('.')[0],predictedTheories,usedTheories,len(theoryModels.accessibleTheories))                        
-                        stats.update(predictions,dicts.dependenciesDict[problemId],statementCounter)
-                        if not stats.badPreds == []:
-                            bp = string.join([str(dicts.idNameDict[x]) for x in stats.badPreds], ',')
-                            logger.debug('Bad predictions: %s',bp)
-                    statementCounter += 1
-                    # Update Dependencies, p proves p
-                    dicts.dependenciesDict[problemId] = [problemId]+dicts.dependenciesDict[problemId]
-                    if args.learnTheories:
-                        theoryModels.update(problemId,dicts.featureDict[problemId],dicts.dependenciesDict[problemId],dicts)
-                    if args.snow:
-                        model.update(problemId,dicts.featureDict[problemId],dicts.dependenciesDict[problemId],dicts)
-                    else:
-                        model.update(problemId,dicts.featureDict[problemId],dicts.dependenciesDict[problemId])
-                elif line.startswith('p'):
-                    # Overwrite old proof.
-                    problemId,newDependencies = dicts.parse_overwrite(line)
-                    newDependencies = [problemId]+newDependencies
-                    model.overwrite(problemId,newDependencies,dicts)
-                    if args.learnTheories:
-                        theoryModels.overwrite(problemId,newDependencies,dicts)
-                    dicts.dependenciesDict[problemId] = newDependencies
-                elif line.startswith('?'):               
-                    startTime = time()
-                    computeStats = True
-                    if args.predef:
-                        continue
-                    name,features,accessibles,hints = dicts.parse_problem(line)  
-                    # Create predictions
-          'Starting computation for problem on line %s',lineCounter)
-                    # Update Models with hints
-                    if not hints == []:
-                        if args.learnTheories:
-                            accessibleTheories = set([(dicts.idNameDict[x]).split('.')[0] for x in accessibles])
-                            theoryModels.update_with_acc('hints',features,hints,dicts,accessibleTheories)
-                        if args.snow:
-                            pass
-                        else:
-                            model.update('hints',features,hints)
-                    # Predict premises
-                    if args.learnTheories:
-                        predictedTheories,accessibles = theoryModels.predict(features,accessibles,dicts)
-                    # Add additional features on premise lvl if sine is enabled
-                    if args.sineFeatures:
-                        origFeatures = [f for f,_w in features]
-                        secondaryFeatures = []
-                        for f in origFeatures:
-                            if dicts.featureCountDict[f] == 1:
-                                continue
-                            triggeredFormulas = dicts.featureTriggeredFormulasDict[f]                                
-                            for formula in triggeredFormulas: 
-                                tFeatures = dicts.triggerFeaturesDict[formula]                                
-                                #tFeatures = [ff for ff,_fw in dicts.featureDict[formula]]
-                                newFeatures = set(tFeatures).difference(secondaryFeatures+origFeatures)
-                            for fNew in newFeatures:
-                                secondaryFeatures.append((fNew,args.sineWeight))
-                        predictionsFeatures = features+secondaryFeatures
-                    else:
-                        predictionsFeatures = features                    
-                    predictions,predictionValues = model.predict(predictionsFeatures,accessibles,dicts)
-                    assert len(predictions) == len(predictionValues)
-                    # Delete hints
-                    if not hints == []:
-                        if args.learnTheories:
-                            theoryModels.delete('hints',features,hints,dicts)
-                        if args.snow:
-                            pass
-                        else:
-                            model.delete('hints',features,hints)
-          'Done. %s seconds needed.',round(time()-startTime,2))
-                    # Output        
-                    predictionNames = [str(dicts.idNameDict[p]) for p in predictions[:args.numberOfPredictions]]
-                    predictionValues = [str(x) for x in predictionValues[:args.numberOfPredictions]]
-                    predictionsStringList = ['%s=%s' % (predictionNames[i],predictionValues[i]) for i in range(len(predictionNames))]
-                    predictionsString = string.join(predictionsStringList,' ')
-                    outString = '%s: %s' % (name,predictionsString)
-                    OS.write('%s\n' % outString)
-                else:
-                    logger.warning('Unspecified input format: \n%s',line)
-                    sys.exit(-1)
-                lineCounter += 1
-            """
-            except:
-                logger.warning('An error occurred on line %s .',line)
-                lineCounter += 1
-                continue
-            """
-        OS.close()
-        IS.close()
-        # Statistics
-        if args.statistics:
-            if args.learnTheories:
-                theoryStats.printAvg()
-            stats.printAvg()
-        # Save
-        if args.saveModel:
-            if args.learnTheories:
-        if not args.saveStats == None:
-            if args.learnTheories:
-                theoryStatsFile = os.path.join(args.outputDir,'theoryStats')
-            statsFile = os.path.join(args.outputDir,args.saveStats)
-    return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # Cezary Auth  
-    args = ['--statistics', '--init', '--inputDir', '../data/20130118/Jinja', '--log', '../tmp/auth.log', '--theoryFile', '../tmp/t0', '--modelFile', '../tmp/m0', '--dictsFile', '../tmp/d0','--NBDefaultPriorWeight', '20.0', '--NBDefVal', '-15.0', '--NBPosWeight', '10.0']
-    mash(args)
-    args = ['-i', '../data/20130118/Jinja/mash_commands', '-p', '../tmp/auth.pred0', '--statistics', '--cutOff', '500', '--log', '../tmp/auth.log','--modelFile', '../tmp/m0', '--dictsFile', '../tmp/d0']
-    mash(args)   
-    #sys.exit(mash(args))
-    sys.exit(mash())