--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/TPTP_Parser/tptp_interpret.ML Tue Sep 03 21:46:40 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/TPTP_Parser/tptp_interpret.ML Tue Sep 03 21:46:40 2013 +0100
@@ -14,15 +14,11 @@
base types. The map must be total wrt TPTP types.*)
type type_map = (TPTP_Syntax.tptp_type * typ) list
- (*Inference info, when available, consists of the name of the inference rule
- and the names of the inferences involved in the reasoning step.*)
- type inference_info = (string * string list) option
(*A parsed annotated formula is represented as a 5-tuple consisting of
the formula's label, its role, the TPTP formula, its Isabelle/HOL meaning, and
inference info*)
type tptp_formula_meaning =
- string * TPTP_Syntax.role * term * inference_info
+ string * TPTP_Syntax.role * term * TPTP_Proof.source_info option
(*In general, the meaning of a TPTP statement (which, through the Include
directive, may include the meaning of an entire TPTP file, is a map from
@@ -139,9 +135,8 @@
type const_map = (string * term) list
type var_types = (string * typ option) list
type type_map = (TPTP_Syntax.tptp_type * typ) list
-type inference_info = (string * string list) option
type tptp_formula_meaning =
- string * TPTP_Syntax.role * term * inference_info
+ string * TPTP_Syntax.role * term * TPTP_Proof.source_info option
type tptp_general_meaning =
(type_map * const_map * tptp_formula_meaning list)
@@ -811,7 +806,7 @@
((type_map, const_map,
[(label, role,
Syntax.check_term (Proof_Context.init_global thy') t,
- TPTP_Proof.extract_inference_info annotation_opt)]), thy')
+ TPTP_Proof.extract_source_info annotation_opt)]), thy')
else (*do nothing if we're not to includ this AF*)
((type_map, const_map, []), thy)