--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/reduce_axiomsN.ML Fri Mar 10 04:03:48 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/reduce_axiomsN.ML Fri Mar 10 12:27:36 2006 +0100
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
val pass_mark = ref 0.5;
-val strategy = ref 1;
+val strategy = ref 3;
+val max_filtered = ref 2000;
fun pol_to_int true = 1
| pol_to_int false = ~1;
@@ -36,6 +37,8 @@
fun term_consts_rm ncs t = add_term_consts_rm ncs t [];
+(*Including equality in this list might be expected to stop rules like subset_antisym from
+ being chosen, but for some reason filtering works better with them listed.*)
val standard_consts =
["Trueprop","==>","all","Ex","op &","op |","Not","All","op -->","op =","==","True","False"];
@@ -189,7 +192,7 @@
(*** unit clauses ***)
-datatype clause_type = Unit_neq | Unit_geq | Other
+datatype clause_kind = Unit_neq | Unit_geq | Other
(*Whether all "simple" unit clauses should be included*)
val add_unit = ref true;
@@ -207,13 +210,14 @@
fun unit_clause_type (Const ("op =",_) $ P $ Q) = eq_clause_type (P,Q)
| unit_clause_type _ = Unit_neq;
-fun clause_type tm =
+fun clause_kind tm =
case literals_of_term [] tm of
[lit] => unit_clause_type lit
| _ => Other;
(*** constants with types ***)
+(*An abstraction of Isabelle types*)
datatype const_typ = CTVar | CType of string * const_typ list
fun uni_type (CType(con1,args1)) (CType(con2,args2)) = con1=con2 andalso uni_types args1 args2
@@ -224,15 +228,15 @@
| uni_types (a1::as1) (a2::as2) = uni_type a1 a2 andalso uni_types as1 as2;
-fun uni_constants (c1,ctp1) (c2,ctp2) = (c1 = c2) andalso (uni_types ctp1 ctp2);
+fun uni_constants (c1,ctp1) (c2,ctp2) = (c1=c2) andalso uni_types ctp1 ctp2;
fun uni_mem _ [] = false
| uni_mem (c,c_typ) ((c1,c_typ1)::ctyps) =
uni_constants (c1,c_typ1) (c,c_typ) orelse uni_mem (c,c_typ) ctyps;
-fun const_typ_of (Type (c,typs)) = CType (c,map const_typ_of typs)
- | const_typ_of (TFree(_,_)) = CTVar
- | const_typ_of (TVar(_,_)) = CTVar
+fun const_typ_of (Type (c,typs)) = CType (c, map const_typ_of typs)
+ | const_typ_of (TFree _) = CTVar
+ | const_typ_of (TVar _) = CTVar
fun const_w_typ thy (c,typ) =
@@ -252,19 +256,39 @@
fun get_goal_consts_typs thy cs = foldl (op union) [] (map (consts_typs_of_term thy) cs)
-fun lookup_or_zero (c,tab) =
- case Symtab.lookup tab c of
- NONE => 0
- | SOME n => n
+(**** Constant / Type Frequencies ****)
+fun cons_nr CTVar = 0
+ | cons_nr (CType _) = 1;
+fun const_typ_ord TU =
+ case TU of
+ (CType (a, Ts), CType (b, Us)) =>
+ (case fast_string_ord(a,b) of EQUAL => dict_ord const_typ_ord (Ts,Us) | ord => ord)
+ | (T, U) => int_ord (cons_nr T, cons_nr U);
-fun count_term_consts (Const(c,_), tab) =
- Symtab.update (c, 1 + lookup_or_zero (c,tab)) tab
- | count_term_consts (t $ u, tab) =
- count_term_consts (t, count_term_consts (u, tab))
- | count_term_consts (Abs(_,_,t), tab) = count_term_consts (t, tab)
- | count_term_consts (_, tab) = tab;
+structure CTtab = TableFun(type key = const_typ list val ord = dict_ord const_typ_ord);
-fun count_axiom_consts ((tm,_), tab) = count_term_consts (tm, tab);
+fun count_axiom_consts thy ((tm,_), tab) =
+ let fun count_term_consts (Const cT, tab) =
+ let val (c, cts) = const_w_typ thy cT
+ val cttab = Option.getOpt (Symtab.lookup tab c, CTtab.empty)
+ val n = Option.getOpt (CTtab.lookup cttab cts, 0)
+ in
+ Symtab.update (c, CTtab.update (cts, n+1) cttab) tab
+ end
+ | count_term_consts (t $ u, tab) =
+ count_term_consts (t, count_term_consts (u, tab))
+ | count_term_consts (Abs(_,_,t), tab) = count_term_consts (t, tab)
+ | count_term_consts (_, tab) = tab
+ in count_term_consts (tm, tab) end;
(******** filter clauses ********)
@@ -272,28 +296,35 @@
(*The default ignores the constant-count and gives the old Strategy 3*)
val weight_fn = ref (fn x : real => 1.0);
-fun add_ct_weight ctab ((c,_), w) =
- w + !weight_fn (100.0 / real (Option.valOf (Symtab.lookup ctab c)));
+fun const_weight ctab (c, cts) =
+ let val pairs = CTtab.dest (Option.valOf (Symtab.lookup ctab c))
+ fun add ((cts',m), n) = if uni_types cts cts' then m+n else n
+ in List.foldl add 0 pairs end;
+fun add_ct_weight ctab ((c,T), w) =
+ w + !weight_fn (real (const_weight ctab (c,T)));
fun consts_typs_weight ctab =
List.foldl (add_ct_weight ctab) 0.0;
+(*Relevant constants are weighted according to frequency,
+ but irrelevant constants are simply counted. Otherwise, Skolem functions,
+ which are rare, would harm a clause's chances of being picked.*)
fun clause_weight_s_3 ctab gctyps consts_typs =
let val rel = filter (fn s => uni_mem s gctyps) consts_typs
+ val rel_weight = consts_typs_weight ctab rel
- (consts_typs_weight ctab rel) / (consts_typs_weight ctab consts_typs)
+ rel_weight / (rel_weight + real (length consts_typs - length rel))
-fun find_clause_weight_s_3_alt ctab consts_typs (_,(refconsts_typs,wa)) =
- wa * clause_weight_s_3 ctab refconsts_typs consts_typs;
fun relevant_clauses_ax_3 ctab rel_axs [] P (addc,tmpc) keep =
if null addc orelse null tmpc
then (addc @ rel_axs @ keep, tmpc) (*termination!*)
else relevant_clauses_ax_3 ctab addc tmpc P ([],[]) (rel_axs @ keep)
| relevant_clauses_ax_3 ctab rel_axs ((clstm,(consts_typs,weight))::e_axs) P (addc,tmpc) keep =
- let val weights = map (find_clause_weight_s_3_alt ctab consts_typs) rel_axs
- val weight' = List.foldl Real.max weight weights
+ let fun clause_weight_ax (_,(refconsts_typs,wa)) =
+ wa * clause_weight_s_3 ctab refconsts_typs consts_typs;
+ val weight' = List.foldl Real.max weight (map clause_weight_ax rel_axs)
val e_ax' = (clstm, (consts_typs,weight'))
if P <= weight'
@@ -301,35 +332,51 @@
else relevant_clauses_ax_3 ctab rel_axs e_axs P (addc, e_ax'::tmpc) keep
-fun weight_of_axiom thy (tm,name) =
+fun pair_consts_typs_axiom thy (tm,name) =
((tm,name), (consts_typs_of_term thy tm));
-fun safe_unit_clause ((clstm,_), _) =
- case clause_type clstm of
+fun safe_unit_clause ((t,_), _) =
+ case clause_kind t of
Unit_neq => true
| Unit_geq => true
| Other => false;
+fun axiom_ord ((_,(_,w1)), (_,(_,w2))) = Real.compare (w2,w1);
-fun relevance_filter3_aux thy axioms goals =
- let val pass = !pass_mark
- val const_tab = List.foldl count_axiom_consts Symtab.empty axioms
- val goals_consts_typs = get_goal_consts_typs thy goals
- fun relevant [] (ax,r) = (ax,r)
- | relevant ((clstm,consts_typs)::y) (ax,r) =
- let val weight = clause_weight_s_3 const_tab goals_consts_typs consts_typs
- val ccc = (clstm, (consts_typs,weight))
- in
- if pass <= weight
- then relevant y (ccc::ax, r)
- else relevant y (ax, ccc::r)
- end
- val (rel_clauses,nrel_clauses) =
- relevant (map (weight_of_axiom thy) axioms) ([],[])
- val (ax,r) = relevant_clauses_ax_3 const_tab rel_clauses nrel_clauses pass ([],[]) []
- in
- if !add_unit then (filter safe_unit_clause r) @ ax
- else ax
- end;
+fun showconst (c,cttab) =
+ List.app (fn n => Output.debug (Int.toString n ^ " occurrences of " ^ c))
+ (map #2 (CTtab.dest cttab))
+fun show_cname (name,k) = name ^ "__" ^ Int.toString k;
+fun showax ((_,cname), (_,w)) =
+ Output.debug ("Axiom " ^ show_cname cname ^ " has weight " ^ Real.toString w)
+ fun relevance_filter3_aux thy axioms goals =
+ let val pass = !pass_mark
+ val const_tab = List.foldl (count_axiom_consts thy) Symtab.empty axioms
+ val goals_consts_typs = get_goal_consts_typs thy goals
+ fun relevant [] (ax,r) = (ax,r)
+ | relevant ((clstm,consts_typs)::y) (ax,r) =
+ let val weight = clause_weight_s_3 const_tab goals_consts_typs consts_typs
+ val ccc = (clstm, (consts_typs,weight))
+ in
+ if pass <= weight
+ then relevant y (ccc::ax, r)
+ else relevant y (ax, ccc::r)
+ end
+ val (rel_clauses,nrel_clauses) =
+ relevant (map (pair_consts_typs_axiom thy) axioms) ([],[])
+ val (ax,r) = relevant_clauses_ax_3 const_tab rel_clauses nrel_clauses pass ([],[]) []
+ val ax' = Library.take(!max_filtered, Library.sort axiom_ord ax)
+ in
+ if !Output.show_debug_msgs then
+ (List.app showconst (Symtab.dest const_tab);
+ List.app showax ax)
+ else ();
+ if !add_unit then (filter safe_unit_clause r) @ ax'
+ else ax'
+ end;
fun relevance_filter3 thy axioms goals =
map #1 (relevance_filter3_aux thy axioms goals);