removed some old/unused stuff;
Mon, 23 Jul 2012 14:18:28 +0200
changeset 48444 c8c7b2b388d1
parent 48443 6f2762eedca0
child 48445 cb4136e4cabf
removed some old/unused stuff;
--- a/Admin/isatest/annomaly	Mon Jul 23 12:05:48 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Create AnnoMaLy documentation for Isabelle
-# See
-#   2007  Martin von Gagern (
-# Abort on any error
-set -e -o pipefail
-export CVS_RSH=ssh
-export SMLNJ_HOME="$HOME/annomaly"
-export PATH="$SMLNJ_HOME/bin:$PATH"
-export SML_DOC_DIR="$HTML_DIR.tmp"
-# export SML_DOC_DEBUG="all"
-# Parse command line
-for ARG in "$@"; do case "$ARG" in
-	-p) TARGET=Pure ;;
-	-n) CVSUP=false ;;
-	-l) export SML_LOG_DIR="$HOME/logs" ;;
-esac; done
-# Update CVS
-cd "$ADMIN_CVS"
-if $CVSUP; then
-  echo "Updating CVS"
-  cvs -q up -d
-# Find nightly isabelle tarball
-for i in /home/html/isatest/Isabelle_[0-9]*-20[0-9][0-9].tar.gz; do
-  if [[ -r "$i" ]]; then ISABELLE_TAR="$i"; fi
-if [[ -z $ISABELLE_TAR ]]; then
-  echo "No isabelle tarball found!" >&2
-  exit 1
-# Create build environemnt
-mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR"
-cd "$BUILD_DIR"
-if [[ -d Isabelle ]]; then
-  rm -rf *
-tar xzf "$ISABELLE_TAR"
-cp "$ADMIN_CVS"/isatest/annomaly.ML src/Pure/ML-Systems/annomaly.ML
-ln -s run-smlnj lib/scripts/run-annomaly
-# Create clean output directory
-rm -rf "$SML_DOC_DIR"
-mkdir "$SML_DOC_DIR"
-cp "$SMLNJ_HOME/annomaly/resources/"* "$SML_DOC_DIR"
-cat > "$SML_DOC_DIR/.htaccess" <<EOF
-DirectoryIndex index.html source.html
-<IfModule mod_deflate>
-SetOutputFilter DEFLATE 
-AddType text/plain .dot
-# Build isabelle
-export SML_DOC_REWRITE="isabelle=$(cd src; pwd -P)"
-rm -rf heaps
-./build -b $TARGET
-cd "$BUILD_DIR"
-rm -rf *
-# Postprocess created files
-dot -Tsvg \
-  | perl -pe 's/(width|height)="(\d+)/sprintf("%s=\"%.2f",$1,$2*0.6)/ge' \
-  > depGraph.svg
-dot -Tps2 >
-ps2pdf depGraph.pdf
-grep -rl "$ISABELLE_HOME" . | xargs sed -i "s@$ISABELLE_HOME@\$ISABELLE_HOME@g"
-# Install result by renaming, to be almost atomic
-rm -rf "$HTML_DIR.bac"
-if [[ -d $HTML_DIR ]]; then mv "$HTML_DIR" "$HTML_DIR.bac"; fi
-rm -rf "$HTML_DIR.bac"
-# Done
-echo "Completed successfully"
-exit 0
--- a/Admin/isatest/annomaly.ML	Mon Jul 23 12:05:48 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Admin/isatest/annomaly.ML
-    Author:     Martin von Gagern <>
-use "ML-Systems/smlnj.ML";
-  val smlnj_use_text = use_text
-  val smlnj_use_file = use_file
-  val smlnj_forget_structure = forget_structure
-  fun mkAbsolute path =
-      OS.Path.mkAbsolute { path = path, relativeTo = OS.FileSys.getDir () }
-  fun toArcs path = #arcs (OS.Path.fromString path)
-  val isabelleHome =
-      case OS.Process.getEnv "ISABELLE_HOME"
-       of  NONE => OS.FileSys.getDir ()
-         | SOME home => mkAbsolute home
-  fun noparent [] = []
-    | noparent (n :: ns) =
-      if n = OS.Path.parentArc then noparent ns else n :: noparent ns
-  fun isabellePath [] = []
-    | isabellePath ("src" :: name) = "Isabelle" :: name
-    | isabellePath (name as (n :: ns)) =
-      if n = OS.Path.parentArc then noparent ns else "Isabelle" :: name
-  fun rewrite defPrefix name =
-      let val abs = mkAbsolute name
-          val rel = OS.Path.mkRelative { path = abs, relativeTo = isabelleHome }
-          val exists = (OS.FileSys.access(abs, nil)
-                        handle OS.SysErr _ => false)
-      in  if exists andalso rel <> ""
-          then isabellePath (toArcs rel)
-          else defPrefix @ noparent (toArcs name)
-      end handle OS.Path.Path => defPrefix @ noparent (toArcs name)
-  fun use_text tune str_of_pos name_space (line, name) p v t =
-    let val name = case name of "" => "unnamed" | name => name
-        val arcs = rewrite ["use_text"] name
-        (* should we have different files for different line numbers? *
-        val arcs = if line <= 1 then arcs
-                   else arcs @ [ "l." ^ Int.toString line ]
-        *)
-        val arcs = if t = "structure Isabelle =\nstruct\nend;"
-                      andalso name = "ML"
-                   then ["empty_Isabelle", "empty" ] else arcs
-        val _    = AnnoMaLy.nameNextStream arcs
-    in  smlnj_use_text tune str_of_pos name_space (line, name) p v t  end;
-  fun use_file tune str_of_pos name_space output verbose name =
-      let val arcs = rewrite ["use_file"] name
-          val _    = AnnoMaLy.nameNextStream arcs
-      in  smlnj_use_file tune str_of_pos name_space output verbose name  end;
-  fun forget_structure name =
-      let val arcs = [ "forget_structure", name ]
-          val _    = AnnoMaLy.nameNextStream arcs
-      in  smlnj_forget_structure name  end;
--- a/Admin/isatest/isatest-annomaly	Mon Jul 23 12:05:48 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Create AnnoMaLy documentation for Isabelle
-# Based on
-#   2007  Martin von Gagern (
-## global settings
-. ~/admin/isatest/isatest-settings
-PRG="$(basename "$0")"
-export SMLNJ_HOME="/home/gagern/annomaly"
-export SML_DOC_DIR="$HOME/anno-html"
-# Abort on any error
-set -e -o pipefail
-function usage()
-  echo
-  echo "Usage: $PRG"
-  echo
-  echo "  Generate html documentation from .ML files"
-  echo
-  exit 1
-function fail()
-  echo "$1" >&2
-  log "FAILED, $1"
-  exit 2
-## main
-[ -d $ISABELLE_HOME ] || fail "$ISABELLE_HOME is not a directory."
-# Create clean output directory
-rm -rf "$SML_DOC_DIR"
-mkdir "$SML_DOC_DIR"
-cp "$SMLNJ_HOME/annomaly/resources/"* "$SML_DOC_DIR"
-cat > "$SML_DOC_DIR/.htaccess" <<EOF
-DirectoryIndex index.html source.html
-<IfModule mod_deflate>
-SetOutputFilter DEFLATE 
-AddType text/plain .dot
-# Prepare build environemnt
-cp "$ADMIN/annomaly.ML" src/Pure/ML-Systems/annomaly.ML
-ln -fs run-smlnj lib/scripts/run-annomaly
-export SML_DOC_REWRITE="isabelle=$(cd src; pwd -P)"
-# Process image(s)
-for L in $LOGICS
-  ( cd "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/$L"; \
-    cat ~/settings/annomaly >> $ISABELLE_HOME/etc/settings; \
-    "$ISABELLE_TOOL" make || fail "isabelle make for $L failed." )
-# Postprocess created files
-cd "$SML_DOC_DIR"
-dot -Tsvg \
-  | perl -pe 's/(width|height)="(\d+)/sprintf("%s=\"%.2f",$1,$2*0.6)/ge' \
-  > depGraph.svg
-dot -Tps2 >
-ps2pdf depGraph.pdf
-# $ISABELLE_HOME does not seem to occur anywhere ??
-# grep -rl "$ISABELLE_HOME" . | xargs sed -i "s@$ISABELLE_HOME@\$ISABELLE_HOME@g"
-log "annomaly docs generated successfully."
--- a/Admin/isatest/settings/annomaly	Mon Jul 23 12:05:48 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript:
-ML_OPTIONS="-m $SMLNJ_HOME/annomaly/ @SMLdebug=/dev/null"
-ML_PLATFORM=$(eval $("$ML_HOME/.arch-n-opsys" 2>/dev/null); echo "$HEAP_SUFFIX")
-# Where to look for isabelle tools (multiple dirs separated by ':').
-# Location for temporary files (should be on a local file system).
-# Heap input locations. ML system identifier is included in lookup.
-# Heap output location. ML system identifier is appended automatically later on.
-ISABELLE_USEDIR_OPTIONS="-i true -d pdf -v true"