(de)serialization for search query and result
Mon, 30 May 2011 17:07:48 +0200 (2011-05-30)
changeset 43071 c9859f634cef
parent 43070 0318781be055
child 43072 8aeb7ec8003a
(de)serialization for search query and result
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/find_theorems.ML	Mon May 30 17:07:48 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/find_theorems.ML	Mon May 30 17:07:48 2011 +0200
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@
   val read_criterion: Proof.context -> string criterion -> term criterion
   val query_parser: (bool * string criterion) list parser
+  val xml_of_query: term query -> XML.tree
+  val query_of_xml: XML.tree -> term query
+  val xml_of_result: int option * theorem list -> XML.tree
+  val result_of_xml: XML.tree -> int option * theorem list
   val find_theorems: Proof.context -> thm option -> int option -> bool ->
     (bool * term criterion) list -> int option * (Facts.ref * thm) list
   val find_theorems_cmd: Proof.context -> thm option -> int option -> bool ->
@@ -108,12 +113,86 @@
 fun map_criteria f {goal, limit, rem_dups, criteria} =
   {goal=goal, limit=limit, rem_dups=rem_dups, criteria=f criteria};
+fun xml_of_criterion (Name name) = XML.Elem (("Name", [("val", name)]), [])
+  | xml_of_criterion Intro = XML.Elem (("Intro", []) , [])
+  | xml_of_criterion IntroIff = XML.Elem (("IntroIff", []) , [])
+  | xml_of_criterion Elim = XML.Elem (("Elim", []) , [])
+  | xml_of_criterion Dest = XML.Elem (("Dest", []) , [])
+  | xml_of_criterion Solves = XML.Elem (("Solves", []) , [])
+  | xml_of_criterion (Simp pat) = XML.Elem (("Simp", []) , [XML_Syntax.xml_of_term pat])
+  | xml_of_criterion (Pattern pat) = XML.Elem (("Pattern", []) , [XML_Syntax.xml_of_term pat]);
+fun criterion_of_xml (XML.Elem (("Name", [("val", name)]), [])) = Name name
+  | criterion_of_xml (XML.Elem (("Intro", []) , [])) = Intro
+  | criterion_of_xml (XML.Elem (("IntroIff", []) , [])) = IntroIff
+  | criterion_of_xml (XML.Elem (("Elim", []) , [])) = Elim
+  | criterion_of_xml (XML.Elem (("Dest", []) , [])) = Dest
+  | criterion_of_xml (XML.Elem (("Solves", []) , [])) = Solves
+  | criterion_of_xml (XML.Elem (("Simp", []) , [tree])) = Simp (XML_Syntax.term_of_xml tree)
+  | criterion_of_xml (XML.Elem (("Pattern", []) , [tree])) = Pattern (XML_Syntax.term_of_xml tree)
+  | criterion_of_xml tree = raise XML_Syntax.XML ("criterion_of_xml: bad tree", tree);
+fun xml_of_query {goal=NONE, limit, rem_dups, criteria} =
+      let
+        val properties = []
+          |> (if rem_dups then cons ("rem_dups", "") else I)
+          |> (if is_some limit then cons ("limit", Markup.print_int (the limit)) else I);
+      in
+        XML.Elem (("Query", properties), XML_Data.make_list 
+          (XML_Data.make_pair XML_Data.make_bool (single o xml_of_criterion)) criteria)
+      end
+  | xml_of_query _ = raise Fail "cannot serialize goal";
+fun query_of_xml (XML.Elem (("Query", properties), body)) =
+      let
+        val rem_dups = Properties.defined properties "rem_dups";
+        val limit = Properties.get properties "limit" |> Option.map Markup.parse_int;
+        val criteria = XML_Data.dest_list (XML_Data.dest_pair XML_Data.dest_bool 
+          (criterion_of_xml o the_single)) body;
+      in
+        {goal=NONE, limit=limit, rem_dups=rem_dups, criteria=criteria}
+      end
+  | query_of_xml tree = raise XML_Syntax.XML ("query_of_xml: bad tree", tree);
 (** theorems, either internal or external (without proof) **)
 datatype theorem =
   Internal of Facts.ref * thm |
-  External of Facts.ref * term;
+  External of Facts.ref * term; (* FIXME: Facts.ref not appropriate *)
+fun fact_ref_markup (Facts.Named ((name, pos), SOME [Facts.Single i])) =
+      Position.markup pos o Markup.properties [("name", name), ("index", Markup.print_int i)]
+  | fact_ref_markup (Facts.Named ((name, pos), NONE)) =
+      Position.markup pos o Markup.properties [("name", name)]
+  | fact_ref_markup fact_ref = raise Fail "bad fact ref"
+fun xml_of_theorem (Internal _) = raise Fail "xml_of_theorem: Internal"
+  | xml_of_theorem (External (fact_ref, prop)) =
+      XML.Elem (fact_ref_markup fact_ref ("External", []), [XML_Syntax.xml_of_term prop])
+fun theorem_of_xml (XML.Elem (("External", properties), [tree])) =
+    let
+      val name = the (Properties.get properties "name");
+      val pos = Position.of_properties properties;
+      val intvs_opt = Option.map (single o Facts.Single o Markup.parse_int)
+        (Properties.get properties "index");
+    in
+      External (Facts.Named ((name, pos), intvs_opt), XML_Syntax.term_of_xml tree)
+    end
+  | theorem_of_xml tree = raise XML_Syntax.XML ("theorem_of_xml: bad tree", tree);
+fun xml_of_result (opt_found, theorems) =
+  let
+    val properties =
+      if is_some opt_found then [("found", Markup.print_int (the opt_found))] else [];
+  in
+    XML.Elem (("Result", properties), XML_Data.make_list (single o xml_of_theorem) theorems)
+  end;
+fun result_of_xml (XML.Elem (("Result", properties), body)) =
+      (Properties.get properties "found" |> Option.map Markup.parse_int,
+       XML_Data.dest_list (theorem_of_xml o the_single) body)
+  | result_of_xml tree = raise XML_Syntax.XML ("result_of_xml: bad tree", tree);
 fun prop_of (Internal (_, thm)) = Thm.full_prop_of thm
   | prop_of (External (_, prop)) = prop;