lots of internal cleaning and tuning;
Mon, 04 Oct 1993 15:30:49 +0100
changeset 18 c9ec452ff08f
parent 17 b35851cafd3e
child 19 929ad32d63fc
lots of internal cleaning and tuning; removed {parse,print}_{pre,post}_proc; new lexer: now human readable due to scanner combinators; new parser installed, but still inactive (due to grammar ambiguities); added Syntax.test_read; typ_of_term: sorts now made distinct and sorted; mixfix: added forced line breaks (//); PROP now printed before subterm of type prop with non-const head;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/README	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/README	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-                              Pure/Syntax
+                              Pure/Syntax/
-This directory contains the source files for Isabelle's syntax module. Which
-includes a lexer, parser, pretty printer and macro system.
+This directory contains the source files for Isabelle's syntax module, which
+includes a lexer, parser, pretty printer and macro system. Note that only
+structures Pretty, Syntax and BasicSyntax are supposed to be exported.
 There is no Makefile to compile these files separately; they are compiled as
 part of Pure Isabelle.
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/ROOT.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/ROOT.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,40 +1,48 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/ROOT
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/ROOT.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-This file builds the syntax module. It assumes the standard Isabelle
+This file builds the syntax module.
+use "lib.ML";   (* FIXME *)
+use "pretty.ML";
 use "ast.ML";
 use "xgram.ML";
+use "lexicon.ML";
 use "extension.ML";
-use "lexicon.ML";
 use "parse_tree.ML";
-use "earley0A.ML";
+use "parser.ML";
+use "earley0A.ML";        (* FIXME *)
 use "type_ext.ML";
 use "sextension.ML";
-use "pretty.ML";
 use "printer.ML";
 use "syntax.ML";
-structure Ast = AstFun();
+structure Pretty = PrettyFun();
+structure Ast = AstFun(Pretty);
 structure XGram = XGramFun(Ast);
-structure Extension = ExtensionFun(XGram);
-structure Lexicon = LexiconFun(Extension);
-structure ParseTree = ParseTreeFun(structure Lexicon = Lexicon and Ast = Ast);
-structure Earley = EarleyFun(structure XGram = XGram and ParseTree = ParseTree);
+structure Lexicon = LexiconFun();
+structure Extension = ExtensionFun(structure XGram = XGram and Lexicon = Lexicon);
+structure ParseTree = ParseTreeFun(structure Ast = Ast and Lexicon = Lexicon);
+structure Parser = ParserFun(structure Symtab = Symtab and XGram = XGram
+  and ParseTree = ParseTree);
+structure Earley = EarleyFun(structure Symtab = Symtab and XGram = XGram
+  and ParseTree = ParseTree);     (* FIXME *)
 structure TypeExt = TypeExtFun(structure Extension = Extension
   and Lexicon = Lexicon);
 structure SExtension = SExtensionFun(structure TypeExt = TypeExt
   and Lexicon = Lexicon);
-structure Pretty = PrettyFun();
 structure Printer = PrinterFun(structure Symtab = Symtab and Lexicon = Lexicon
   and TypeExt = TypeExt and SExtension = SExtension and Pretty = Pretty);
 structure Syntax = SyntaxFun(structure Symtab = Symtab and TypeExt = TypeExt
   and Parser = Earley and SExtension = SExtension and Printer = Printer);
+     (* FIXME  ^^^^^^ *)
-(*Basic_Syntax has the most important primitives, which are made pervasive*)
+(*BasicSyntax has the most important primitives, which are made pervasive*)
 signature BASIC_SYNTAX = sig include SEXTENSION0 include PRINTER0 end;
-structure Basic_Syntax: BASIC_SYNTAX = Syntax;
+structure BasicSyntax: BASIC_SYNTAX = Syntax;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/ast.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/ast.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,71 +1,105 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/ast
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/ast.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-Abstract Syntax Trees, Syntax Rules and translation, matching, normalization
-of asts.
+Abstract syntax trees, translation rules, matching and normalization of asts.
-signature AST =
+signature AST0 =
+  structure Pretty: PRETTY
   datatype ast =
     Constant of string |
     Variable of string |
     Appl of ast list
   val mk_appl: ast -> ast list -> ast
   exception AST of string * ast list
+  val str_of_ast: ast -> string
+  val pretty_ast: ast -> Pretty.T
+  val pretty_rule: (ast * ast) -> Pretty.T
+  val pprint_ast: ast -> pprint_args -> unit
+  val trace_norm_ast: bool ref
+  val stat_norm_ast: bool ref
+signature AST =
+  include AST0
   val raise_ast: string -> ast list -> 'a
-  val str_of_ast: ast -> string
   val head_of_rule: ast * ast -> string
   val rule_error: ast * ast -> string option
   val fold_ast: string -> ast list -> ast
   val fold_ast_p: string -> ast list * ast -> ast
   val unfold_ast: string -> ast -> ast list
   val unfold_ast_p: string -> ast -> ast list * ast
-  val trace_norm: bool ref
-  val stat_norm: bool ref
-  val normalize: (string -> (ast * ast) list) option -> ast -> ast
+  val normalize: bool -> bool -> (string -> (ast * ast) list) option -> ast -> ast
+  val normalize_ast: (string -> (ast * ast) list) option -> ast -> ast
-functor AstFun()(*: AST *) =  (* FIXME *)
+functor AstFun(Pretty: PRETTY): AST =
+structure Pretty = Pretty;
-(** Abstract Syntax Trees **)
+(** abstract syntax trees **)
 (*asts come in two flavours:
-   - proper asts representing terms and types: Variables are treated like
-     Constants;
+   - ordinary asts representing terms and typs: Variables are (often) treated
+     like Constants;
    - patterns used as lhs and rhs in rules: Variables are placeholders for
      proper asts*)
 datatype ast =
-  Constant of string |    (* "not", "_%", "fun" *)
-  Variable of string |    (* x, ?x, 'a, ?'a *)
-  Appl of ast list;       (* (f x y z), ("fun" 'a 'b) *)
+  Constant of string |    (*"not", "_abs", "fun"*)
+  Variable of string |    (*x, ?x, 'a, ?'a*)
+  Appl of ast list;       (*(f x y z), ("fun" 'a 'b), ("_abs" x t)*)
 (*the list of subasts of an Appl node has to contain at least 2 elements, i.e.
   there are no empty asts or nullary applications; use mk_appl for convenience*)
-fun mk_appl ast [] = ast
-  | mk_appl ast asts = Appl (ast :: asts);
+fun mk_appl f [] = f
+  | mk_appl f args = Appl (f :: args);
 (*exception for system errors involving asts*)
 exception AST of string * ast list;
-fun raise_ast msg asts = raise (AST (msg, asts));
+fun raise_ast msg asts = raise AST (msg, asts);
-(* print asts in a LISP-like style *)
+(** print asts in a LISP-like style **)
+(* str_of_ast *)
 fun str_of_ast (Constant a) = quote a
   | str_of_ast (Variable x) = x
   | str_of_ast (Appl asts) = "(" ^ (space_implode " " (map str_of_ast asts)) ^ ")";
+(* pretty_ast *)
+fun pretty_ast (Constant a) = Pretty.str (quote a)
+  | pretty_ast (Variable x) = Pretty.str x
+  | pretty_ast (Appl asts) =
+      Pretty.blk (2, (Pretty.str "(") ::
+        (separate (Pretty.brk 1) (map pretty_ast asts)) @ [Pretty.str ")"]);
+(* pprint_ast *)
+val pprint_ast = Pretty.pprint o pretty_ast;
+(* pretty_rule *)
+fun pretty_rule (lhs, rhs) =
+  Pretty.blk
+    (2, [pretty_ast lhs, Pretty.str "  ->", Pretty.brk 2, pretty_ast rhs]);
 (* head_of_ast, head_of_rule *)
 fun head_of_ast (Constant a) = Some a
@@ -76,9 +110,9 @@
-(** check Syntax Rules **)
+(** check translation rules **)
-(*a wellformed rule (lhs, rhs): (ast * ast) has the following properties:
+(*a wellformed rule (lhs, rhs): (ast * ast) obeys the following conditions:
    - the head of lhs is a constant,
    - the lhs has unique vars,
    - vars of rhs is subset of vars of lhs*)
@@ -103,7 +137,7 @@
-(** translation utilities **)
+(** ast translation utilities **)
 (* fold asts *)
@@ -120,10 +154,8 @@
       if c = c' then x :: (unfold_ast c xs) else [y]
   | unfold_ast _ y = [y];
-fun cons_fst x (xs, y) = (x :: xs, y);
 fun unfold_ast_p c (y as Appl [Constant c', x, xs]) =
-      if c = c' then cons_fst x (unfold_ast_p c xs)
+      if c = c' then apfst (cons x) (unfold_ast_p c xs)
       else ([], y)
   | unfold_ast_p _ y = ([], y);
@@ -131,6 +163,12 @@
 (** normalization of asts **)
+(* tracing options *)
+val trace_norm_ast = ref false;
+val stat_norm_ast = ref false;
 (* simple env *)
 structure Env =
@@ -163,25 +201,20 @@
-(* normalize *)   (* FIXME clean *)
-val trace_norm = ref false;
-val stat_norm = ref false;
+(* normalize *)
 (*the normalizer works yoyo-like: top-down, bottom-up, top-down, ...*)
-fun normalize get_rules pre_ast =
+fun normalize trace stat get_rules pre_ast =
     val passes = ref 0;
     val lookups = ref 0;
     val failed_matches = ref 0;
     val changes = ref 0;
-    val trace = ! trace_norm;
     fun inc i = i := ! i + 1;
-    fun subst _ (ast as (Constant _)) = ast
+    fun subst _ (ast as Constant _) = ast
       | subst env (Variable x) = Env.get (env, x)
       | subst env (Appl asts) = Appl (map (subst env) asts);
@@ -189,7 +222,7 @@
           (case match ast lhs of
             Some env => (inc changes; Some (subst env rhs))
           | None => (inc failed_matches; try_rules ast pats))
-      | try_rules ast [] = None;
+      | try_rules _ [] = None;
     fun try ast a = (inc lookups; try_rules ast (the get_rules a));
@@ -230,11 +263,11 @@
-    val () = if trace then writeln ("pre: " ^ str_of_ast pre_ast) else ();
+    val _ = if trace then writeln ("pre: " ^ str_of_ast pre_ast) else ();
     val post_ast = if is_some get_rules then normal pre_ast else pre_ast;
-    if trace orelse ! stat_norm then
+    if trace orelse stat then
       writeln ("post: " ^ str_of_ast post_ast ^ "\nnormalize: " ^
         string_of_int (! passes) ^ " passes, " ^
         string_of_int (! lookups) ^ " lookups, " ^
@@ -245,5 +278,11 @@
+(* normalize_ast *)
+fun normalize_ast get_rules ast =
+  normalize (! trace_norm_ast) (! stat_norm_ast) get_rules ast;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/earley0A.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/earley0A.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/earley0A
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/earley0A.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Tobias Nipkow
-  PARSER: renamed Prod to prod
-  renamed mk_early_gram to mk_earley_gram
+WARNING: This file is about to disappear.
 signature PARSER =
@@ -12,20 +10,67 @@
   structure XGram: XGRAM
   structure ParseTree: PARSE_TREE
   local open XGram ParseTree ParseTree.Lexicon in
-  type Gram
-  val compile_xgram: string list * Token prod list -> Gram
-  val parse: Gram * string * Token list -> ParseTree
-  val parsable: Gram * string -> bool
-  exception SYNTAX_ERR of Token list
-  val print_gram: Gram * Lexicon -> unit
+    type gram
+    val mk_gram: string list -> string prod list -> gram
+    val parse: gram -> string -> token list -> parsetree
+(*  exception SYNTAX_ERROR of token list *)
+(*  val compile_xgram: string list * token prod list -> Gram *)
+(*  val parsable: Gram * string -> bool *)
+(*  val print_gram: Gram * lexicon -> unit *)
-functor EarleyFun(structure XGram:XGRAM and ParseTree:PARSE_TREE): PARSER =
+functor EarleyFun(structure Symtab: SYMTAB and XGram: XGRAM
+  and ParseTree: PARSE_TREE): PARSER =
+structure ParseTree = ParseTree;
+structure Lexicon = ParseTree.Lexicon;
 structure XGram = XGram;
-structure ParseTree = ParseTree;
+open ParseTree Lexicon;
+(** mk_pt (from parse_tree.ML) **)
+fun mk_pt ("", [pt]) = pt
+  | mk_pt ("", _) = error "mk_pt: funny copy op in parse tree"
+  | mk_pt (s, ptl) = Node (s, ptl);
+(** token maps (from lexicon.ML) **)
+type 'b TokenMap = (token * 'b list) list * 'b list;
+val first_token = 0;
+fun int_of_token(Token(tk)) = first_token |
+    int_of_token(IdentSy _) = first_token - 1 |
+    int_of_token(VarSy _) = first_token - 2 |
+    int_of_token(TFreeSy _) = first_token - 3 |
+    int_of_token(TVarSy _) = first_token - 4 |
+    int_of_token(EndToken) = first_token - 5;
+fun lesstk(s, t) = int_of_token(s) < int_of_token(t) orelse
+                  (case (s, t) of (Token(a), Token(b)) => a<b | _ => false);
+fun mkTokenMap(atll) =
+    let val aill = atll;
+        val dom = sort lesstk (distinct(flat(map snd aill)));
+        val mt = map fst (filter (null o snd) atll);
+        fun mktm(i) =
+            let fun add(l, (a, il)) = if i mem il then a::l else l
+            in (i, foldl add ([], aill)) end;
+    in (map mktm dom, mt) end;
+fun find_al (i) =
+    let fun find((j, al)::l) = if lesstk(i, j) then [] else
+                              if matching_tokens(i, j) then al else find l |
+            find [] = [];
+    in find end;
+fun applyTokenMap((l, mt), tk:token) = mt@(find_al tk l);
 (* Linked lists: *)
 infix 5 &;
@@ -57,28 +102,28 @@
     in acc(a0,0) end;
-Gram: name of nt -> number, nt number -> productions array,
+gram: name of nt -> number, nt number -> productions array,
       nt number -> list of nt's reachable via copy ops
-datatype Symbol = T of Token | NT of int * int
+datatype Symbol = T of token | NT of int * int
      and Op = Op of OpSyn * string * int
 withtype OpSyn = Symbol array
      and OpListA = Op array * int TokenMap
      and FastAcc = int TokenMap;
-type Gram = int Symtab.table * OpListA array * int list array;
+type gram = int Symtab.table * OpListA array * int list array;
-fun non_term(Nonterminal(s,_)) = if predef_term(s)=end_token then [s] else []
+fun non_term(Nonterminal(s,_)) = if predef_term(s)=EndToken then [s] else []
   | non_term(_) = [];
 fun non_terms(Prod(_,symbs,_,_)) = flat(map non_term symbs);
 (* mk_pre_grammar converts a list of productions in external format into an
-internal Gram object. *)
+internal gram object. *)
 val dummyTM:FastAcc = mkTokenMap[];
-fun mk_pre_grammar(prods): Gram =
+fun mk_pre_grammar(prods): gram =
 let fun same_res(Prod(t1,_,_,_), Prod(t2,_,_,_)) = t1=t2;
     val partitioned0 = partition_eq same_res prods;
     val nts0 = map (fn Prod(ty,_,_,_)::_ => ty) partitioned0;
@@ -90,7 +135,7 @@
     fun nt_or_vt(s,p) =
         (case predef_term(s) of
-           end_token => let val Some(i) = Symtab.lookup(tab,s) in NT(i,p) end
+           EndToken => let val Some(i) = Symtab.lookup(tab,s) in NT(i,p) end
          | tk => T(tk));
     fun mksyn(Terminal(t)) = [T(t)]
@@ -106,7 +151,7 @@
     val subs = array(length opLA,[]) : int list array;
     fun newcp v (a,Op(syA,_,p)) =
-        if p=copy_pri
+        if p=chain_pri
         then let val NT(k,_) = sub(syA,0)
              in if k mem v then a else k ins a end
         else a;
@@ -123,7 +168,7 @@
 (* Lookahead tables for speeding up parsing. Lkhd is a mapping from
 nonterminals (in the form of OpList) to sets (lists) of token strings *)
-type Lkhd = Token list list list;
+type Lkhd = token list list list;
 (* subst_syn(s,k) syn = [ pref k ts | ts is a token string derivable from sy
                                       under substitution s ] *)
@@ -136,7 +181,7 @@
   | pref k (e::l) = e::(pref (k-1) l);
 fun subst_syn(s:Lkhd,k) =
-    let fun subst(ref(symb & syn)):Token list list =
+    let fun subst(ref(symb & syn)):token list list =
               let val l1 = case symb of T t => [[t]] |
                          NT(oplr,_) => let val Some l = assoc(s,!oplr) in l end
               in distinct(map (pref k) (cross l1 (subst syn))) end |
@@ -168,7 +213,7 @@
        iterate (replicate (length opLA) []) end;
 (* create look ahead tables *)
-fun mk_earley_gram(g as (tab,opLA,_):Gram):Gram =
+fun mk_earley_gram(g as (tab,opLA,_):gram):gram =
     let val lkhd = mk_lkhd(opLA,1);
         fun mk_fa(i):FastAcc =
             let val opA = #1(sub(opLA,i));
@@ -182,16 +227,40 @@
 fun compile_xgram(roots,prods) =
       let fun mk_root nt = Prod(RootPref^nt,
-                [Nonterminal(nt,0),Terminal(end_token)],"",0);
+                [Nonterminal(nt,0),Terminal(EndToken)],"",0);
           val prods' = (map mk_root roots) @ prods
       in mk_earley_gram(mk_pre_grammar(prods')) end;
+(* translate (from xgram.ML) *)
+fun translate trfn =
+  map
+    (fn Terminal t => Terminal (trfn t)
+      | Nonterminal s => Nonterminal s
+      | Space s => Space s
+      | Bg i => Bg i
+      | Brk i => Brk i
+      | En => En);
+(* mk_gram (from syntax.ML) *)
+fun str_to_tok (opl: string prod list): token prod list =
+  map
+    (fn Prod (t, syn, s, pa) => Prod (t, translate Token syn, s, pa))
+    opl;
+fun mk_gram roots prods = compile_xgram (roots, str_to_tok prods);
 (* State: nonterminal#, production#, index in production,
           index of originating state set,
           parse trees generated so far,
-datatype State = St of int * int * int * int * ParseTree list
+datatype State = St of int * int * int * int * parsetree list
 withtype StateSet  = State LListR * (State -> unit) LListR;
 type Compl = State -> unit;
 type StateSetList = StateSet array;
@@ -255,22 +324,27 @@
     in seq add (applyTokenMap(tm,tk)) end;
-fun parsable((tab,_,_):Gram, root:string) =
+(*(* FIXME *)
+fun parsable((tab,_,_):gram, root:string) =
         not(Symtab.lookup(tab,RootPref^root) = None);
-exception SYNTAX_ERR of Token list;
+(* exception SYNTAX_ERROR of token list; *) (* FIXME *)
-fun unknown c = error("System Error - Trying to parse unknown category "^c);
+fun unknown c = error ("Unparsable category: " ^ c);
-fun parse((tab,opLA,rchA):Gram, root:string, tl: Token list): ParseTree =
-    let val tl' = tl@[end_token];
+fun syn_err toks = error ("Syntax error at: " ^ space_implode " " (map str_of_token toks));
+fun parse ((tab,opLA,rchA):gram) (root:string) (tl: token list): parsetree =
+    let val tl' = tl;   (* FIXME was ..@[EndToken] *)
         val state_sets = mt_states(len tl' +1);
         val s0 = mt_stateS();
         val rooti = case Symtab.lookup(tab,RootPref^root) of
                 Some(ri) => ri | None => unknown root;
         fun lr (tl,isi,si,t) =
-            if ismt_stateS(si) then raise SYNTAX_ERR(t::tl) else
+(*            if ismt_stateS(si) then raise SYNTAX_ERROR(t::tl) else  *)  (* FIXME *)
+            if ismt_stateS(si) then syn_err (t::tl) else
             case tl of
               [] => () |
               t::tl =>
@@ -298,17 +372,19 @@
     in update(state_sets,0,s0);
-       lr(tl',0,s0,end_token(*dummy*));
+       lr(tl',0,s0,EndToken(*dummy*));
        (*print_stat state_sets;*)
        let val St(_,_,_,_,[pt]) = fst_state(sub(state_sets,len tl'))
        in pt end
-fun print_gram ((st,opAA,rchA):Gram,lex) =
+(*(* FIXME *)
+fun print_gram ((st,opAA,rchA):gram,lex) =
     let val tts = Lexicon.name_of_token;
         val al = map (fn (x,y)=>(y,x)) (Symtab.alist_of st);
         fun nt i = let val Some(s) = assoc(al,i) in s end;
-        fun print_sy(T(end_token)) = prs". " |
+        fun print_sy(T(EndToken)) = prs". " |
             print_sy(T(tk)) = (prs(tts tk); prs" ") |
             print_sy(NT(i,p)) = (prs((nt i)^"[");print_int p;prs"] ");
         fun print_opA(i) =
@@ -324,7 +400,9 @@
         fun print_rch(i) = (print_int i; prs" -> ";
                             print_list("[","]\n",print_int) (sub(rchA,i)))
     in forA(print_opA,opAA) (*; forA(print_rch,rchA) *) end;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/extension.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/extension.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/extension
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/extension.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-Syntax definition (internal interface)
+External grammar definition (internal interface).
+  Ext of {roots, mfix, extra_consts} * {.._translation} * {.._rules}
+  remove synrules
+  extend_xgram: move '.. \\ roots1' to Syntax.extend_tables
 signature EXTENSION0 =
@@ -23,52 +28,43 @@
         mfix: mfix list,
         extra_consts: string list,
         parse_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list,
-        parse_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-        parse_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
         parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
         print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-        print_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-        print_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
         print_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list}
     datatype synrules =
       SynRules of {
         parse_rules: (ast * ast) list,
         print_rules: (ast * ast) list}
-    val max_pri: int
     val logic: string
-    val id: string
+    val args: string
     val idT: typ
-    val var: string
     val varT: typ
-    val tfree: string
     val tfreeT: typ
-    val tvar: string
     val tvarT: typ
-    val typ_to_nt: typ -> string
+    val typ_to_nonterm: typ -> string
     val applC: string
-    val args: string
     val empty_synrules: synrules
-    val empty: string xgram
-    val extend: string xgram -> (ext * synrules) -> string xgram
+    val empty_xgram: xgram
+    val extend_xgram: xgram -> (ext * synrules) -> xgram
+    val mk_xgram: (ext * synrules) -> xgram
-functor ExtensionFun(XGram: XGRAM): EXTENSION =
+functor ExtensionFun(structure XGram: XGRAM and Lexicon: LEXICON): EXTENSION =
 structure XGram = XGram;
-open XGram XGram.Ast;
+open XGram XGram.Ast Lexicon;
 (** datatype ext **)
-(* Mfix (sy, ty, c, pl, p):
-    sy: production as symbolic string
+(*Mfix (sy, ty, c, ps, p):
+    sy: rhs of production as symbolic string
     ty: type description of production
-    c: corresponding Isabelle Const
-    pl: priorities of nonterminals in sy
-    p: priority of production
+    c: head of parse tree
+    ps: priorities of arguments in sy
+    p: priority of production*)
 datatype mfix = Mfix of string * typ * string * int list * int;
@@ -78,12 +74,8 @@
     mfix: mfix list,
     extra_consts: string list,
     parse_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list,
-    parse_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-    parse_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
     parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
     print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-    print_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-    print_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
     print_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list};
 datatype synrules =
@@ -97,27 +89,20 @@
 val empty_synrules = SynRules {parse_rules = [], print_rules = []};
-(* empty xgram *)
+(* empty_xgram *)
-val empty =
+val empty_xgram =
   XGram {
     roots = [], prods = [], consts = [],
     parse_ast_translation = [],
-    parse_preproc = None,
     parse_rules = [],
-    parse_postproc = None,
     parse_translation = [],
     print_translation = [],
-    print_preproc = None,
     print_rules = [],
-    print_postproc = None,
     print_ast_translation = []};
-(** syntactic constants etc. **)
-val max_pri = 1000;   (*maximum legal priority*)
+(* syntactic categories *)
 val logic = "logic";
 val logicT = Type (logic, []);
@@ -125,114 +110,127 @@
 val logic1 = "logic1";
 val logic1T = Type (logic1, []);
+val args = "args";
+val argsT = Type (args, []);
 val funT = Type ("fun", []);
+val typeT = Type ("type", []);
 (* terminals *)
-val id = "id";
 val idT = Type (id, []);
-val var = "var";
 val varT = Type (var, []);
-val tfree = "tfree";
 val tfreeT = Type (tfree, []);
-val tvar = "tvar";
 val tvarT = Type (tvar, []);
-val terminalTs = [idT, varT, tfreeT, tvarT];
-val args = "args";
-val argsT = Type (args, []);
-val typeT = Type ("type", []);
+(* constants *)
 val applC = "_appl";
 val constrainC = "_constrain";
-fun typ_to_nt (Type (c, _)) = c
-  | typ_to_nt _ = logic;
+(* typ_to_nonterm *)
+fun typ_to_nonterm (Type (c, _)) = c
+  | typ_to_nonterm _ = logic;
+fun typ_to_nonterm1 (Type (c, _)) = c
+  | typ_to_nonterm1 _ = logic1;
-(** extend xgram **)    (* FIXME clean *)
-fun nonts syn = foldl (fn (i, "_") => i + 1 | (i, _) => i) (0, explode syn);
-val meta_chs = ["(", ")", "/", "_"];
+(** mfix_to_prod **)
-fun mk_term(pref, []) = (pref, [])
-  | mk_term(pref, "'"::c::cl) = mk_term(pref^c, cl)
-  | mk_term(pref, l as c::cl) = if is_blank(c) orelse c mem meta_chs
-        then (pref, l) else mk_term(pref^c, cl);
-fun mk_space(sp, []) = (sp, []) |
-    mk_space(sp, cl as c::cl') =
-      if is_blank(c) then mk_space(sp^c, cl') else (sp, cl);
-exception ARG_EXN;
-exception BLOCK_EXN;
+fun mfix_to_prod (Mfix (sy, typ, const, pris, pri)) =
+  let
+    fun err msg =
+      (writeln ("Error in mixfix annotation " ^ quote sy ^ " for " ^ quote const);
+        error msg);
-fun mk_syntax([], ar, _, b, sy) = if b=0 then (sy, ar) else raise BLOCK_EXN
-  | mk_syntax("_"::cs, Type("fun", [ar, ar']), [], b, sy) =
-        mk_syntax(cs, ar', [], b, sy@[Nonterminal(typ_to_nt ar, 0)])
-  | mk_syntax("_"::cs, Type("fun", [ar, ar']), p::pl, b, sy) =
-        mk_syntax(cs, ar', pl, b, sy@[Nonterminal(typ_to_nt ar, p)])
-  | mk_syntax("_"::cs, _, _, _, _) = raise ARG_EXN
-  | mk_syntax("("::cs, ar, pl, b, sy) = let val (i, cs') = scan_int cs
-        in mk_syntax(cs', ar, pl, b+1, sy@[Bg(i)]) end
-  | mk_syntax(")"::cs, ar, pl, b, sy) =
-        if b>0 then mk_syntax(cs, ar, pl, b-1, sy@[En]) else raise BLOCK_EXN
-  | mk_syntax("/"::cs, ar, pl, b, sy) = let val (sp, cs') = take_prefix is_blank cs
-        in mk_syntax(cs', ar, pl, b, sy@[Brk(length sp)]) end
-  | mk_syntax(c::cs, ar, pl, b, sy) =
-        let val (term, rest) =
-           if is_blank(c)
-           then let val (sp, cs') = mk_space(c, cs) in (Space(sp), cs') end
-           else let val (tk, cs') = mk_term("", c::cs) in(Terminal(tk), cs') end
-        in mk_syntax(rest, ar, pl, b, sy@[term]) end;
+    fun check_pri p =
+      if p >= 0 andalso p <= max_pri then ()
+      else err ("precedence out of range: " ^ string_of_int p);
-fun pri_test1 p = if 0 <= p andalso p <= max_pri then ()
-        else error("Priority out of range: " ^ string_of_int p)
-fun pri_test(pl, p) = (pri_test1 p; seq pri_test1 pl);
+    fun blocks_ok [] 0 = true
+      | blocks_ok [] _ = false
+      | blocks_ok (Bg _ :: syms) n = blocks_ok syms (n + 1)
+      | blocks_ok (En :: _) 0 = false
+      | blocks_ok (En :: syms) n = blocks_ok syms (n - 1)
+      | blocks_ok (_ :: syms) n = blocks_ok syms n;
-fun mk_prod2(sy, T, opn, pl, p) =
-let val (syn, T') = mk_syntax(explode sy, T, pl, 0, []) handle
-        ARG_EXN =>
-        error("More arguments in "^sy^" than in corresponding type") |
-        BLOCK_EXN => error("Unbalanced block parantheses in "^sy);
-    val nt = case T' of Type(c, _) => c | _ => logic1;
-in Prod(nt, syn, opn, p) end;
-fun mk_prod1(sy, T, opn, pl, p) = (pri_test(pl, p); mk_prod2(sy, T, opn, pl, p));
+    fun check_blocks syms =
+      if blocks_ok syms 0 then ()
+      else err "unbalanced block parentheses";
-fun terminal1(T as Type("fun", _)) = hd(binder_types T) mem terminalTs
-  | terminal1 _ = false;
+    fun is_meta c = c mem ["(", ")", "/", "_"];
+    fun scan_delim_char ("'" :: c :: cs) =
+          if is_blank c then err "illegal spaces in delimiter" else (c, cs)
+      | scan_delim_char ["'"] = err "trailing escape character"
+      | scan_delim_char (chs as c :: cs) =
+          if is_blank c orelse is_meta c then raise LEXICAL_ERROR else (c, cs)
+      | scan_delim_char [] = raise LEXICAL_ERROR;
+    val scan_symb =
+      $$ "_" >> K (Nonterminal ("", 0)) ||
+      $$ "(" -- scan_int >> (Bg o #2) ||
+      $$ ")" >> K En ||
+      $$ "/" -- $$ "/" >> K (Brk ~1) ||
+      $$ "/" -- scan_any is_blank >> (Brk o length o #2) ||
+      scan_any1 is_blank >> (Space o implode) ||
+      repeat1 scan_delim_char >> (Terminal o implode);
+    val cons_fst = apfst o cons;
-fun mk_prod(Mfix(sy, T, "", pl, p)) = if nonts sy <> 1
-        then error"Copy op must have exactly one argument" else
-        if filter_out is_blank (explode sy) = ["_"] andalso
-           not(terminal1 T)
-        then mk_prod2(sy, T, "", [copy_pri], copy_pri)
-        else mk_prod1(sy, T, "", pl, p)
-  | mk_prod(Mfix(sy, T, const, pl, p)) = mk_prod1(sy, T, const, pl, p)
+    fun add_args [] ty [] = ([], typ_to_nonterm1 ty)
+      | add_args [] _ _ = err "too many precedences"
+      | add_args (Nonterminal _ :: syms) (Type ("fun", [ty, tys])) [] =
+          cons_fst (Nonterminal (typ_to_nonterm ty, 0)) (add_args syms tys [])
+      | add_args (Nonterminal _ :: syms) (Type ("fun", [ty, tys])) (p :: ps) =
+          cons_fst (Nonterminal (typ_to_nonterm ty, p)) (add_args syms tys ps)
+      | add_args (Nonterminal _ :: _) _ _ =
+          err "more arguments than in corresponding type"
+      | add_args (sym :: syms) ty ps = cons_fst sym (add_args syms ty ps);
+    fun is_arg (Nonterminal _) = true
+      | is_arg _ = false;
+    fun is_term (Terminal _) = true
+      | is_term (Nonterminal (s, _)) = is_terminal s
+      | is_term _ = false;
+    fun rem_pri (Nonterminal (s, _)) = Nonterminal (s, chain_pri)
+      | rem_pri sym = sym;
+    val (raw_symbs, _) = repeat scan_symb (explode sy);
+    val (symbs, lhs) = add_args raw_symbs typ pris;
+    val prod = Prod (lhs, symbs, const, pri);
+  in
+    seq check_pri pris;
+    check_pri pri;
+    check_blocks symbs;
+    if is_terminal lhs then err ("illegal lhs: " ^ lhs) else ();
+    if const <> "" then prod
+    else if length (filter is_arg symbs) <> 1 then
+      err "copy production must have exactly one argument"
+    else if exists is_term symbs then prod
+    else Prod (lhs, map rem_pri symbs, "", chain_pri)
+  end;
-fun extend (XGram xgram) (Ext ext, SynRules rules) =
-  let
-    infix oo;
+(** extend_xgram **)
-    fun None oo None = None
-      | (Some f) oo None = Some f
-      | None oo (Some g) = Some g
-      | (Some f) oo (Some g) = Some (f o g);
+fun extend_xgram (XGram xgram) (Ext ext, SynRules rules) =
+  let
     fun descend (from, to) = Mfix ("_", to --> from, "", [0], 0);
     fun parents T = Mfix ("(1'(_'))", T --> T, "", [0], max_pri);
@@ -245,29 +243,21 @@
     fun mkvar T = Mfix ("_", varT --> T, "", [], max_pri);
     fun constrain T =
-      Mfix ("_::_", [T, typeT]--->T, constrainC, [max_pri, 0], max_pri - 1);
+      Mfix ("_::_", [T, typeT] ---> T, constrainC, [max_pri, 0], max_pri - 1);
     val {roots = roots1, prods, consts,
       parse_ast_translation = parse_ast_translation1,
-      parse_preproc = parse_preproc1,
       parse_rules = parse_rules1,
-      parse_postproc = parse_postproc1,
       parse_translation = parse_translation1,
       print_translation = print_translation1,
-      print_preproc = print_preproc1,
       print_rules = print_rules1,
-      print_postproc = print_postproc1,
       print_ast_translation = print_ast_translation1} = xgram;
     val {roots = roots2, mfix, extra_consts,
       parse_ast_translation = parse_ast_translation2,
-      parse_preproc = parse_preproc2,
-      parse_postproc = parse_postproc2,
       parse_translation = parse_translation2,
       print_translation = print_translation2,
-      print_preproc = print_preproc2,
-      print_postproc = print_postproc2,
       print_ast_translation = print_ast_translation2} = ext;
     val {parse_rules = parse_rules2, print_rules = print_rules2} = rules;
@@ -278,24 +268,26 @@
       map mkid Troots' @ map mkvar Troots' @ map constrain Troots' @
       map (apl (logicT, descend)) (Troots \\ [typeT, logicT]) @
       map (apr (descend, logic1T)) Troots';
+    val mfix_consts =
+      distinct (filter is_xid (map (fn (Mfix (_, _, c, _, _)) => c) mfix'));
     XGram {
       roots = distinct (roots1 @ roots2),
-(*      roots = roots1 union roots2,  *)    (* FIXME remove *)
-      prods = prods @ map mk_prod mfix',
-      consts = consts union extra_consts,
+      prods = prods @ map mfix_to_prod mfix',
+      consts = extra_consts union (mfix_consts union consts),
       parse_ast_translation = parse_ast_translation1 @ parse_ast_translation2,
-      parse_preproc = parse_preproc1 oo parse_preproc2,
       parse_rules = parse_rules1 @ parse_rules2,
-      parse_postproc = parse_postproc2 oo parse_postproc1,
       parse_translation = parse_translation1 @ parse_translation2,
       print_translation = print_translation1 @ print_translation2,
-      print_preproc = print_preproc1 oo print_preproc2,
       print_rules = print_rules1 @ print_rules2,
-      print_postproc = print_postproc2 oo print_postproc1,
       print_ast_translation = print_ast_translation1 @ print_ast_translation2}
+(* mk_xgram *)
+val mk_xgram = extend_xgram empty_xgram;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/lexicon.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/lexicon.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,251 +1,388 @@
-(*  Title:      Lexicon
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/lexicon.ML
     ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Tobias Nipkow, TU Muenchen
-    Copyright   1993  TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-The Isabelle Lexer
+Scanner combinators and Isabelle's main lexer (used for terms and typs).
-  Lexicon -> lexicon, Token -> token
-  end_token -> EndToken ?
+infix 5 -- ^^;
+infix 3 >>;
+infix 0 ||;
 signature LEXICON0 =
   val is_identifier: string -> bool
+  val string_of_vname: indexname -> string
   val scan_varname: string list -> indexname * string list
-  val string_of_vname: indexname -> string
+  val scan_var: string -> term
 signature LEXICON =
-  type Lexicon
-  datatype Token = Token of string
-                 | IdentSy of string
-                 | VarSy of string * int
-                 | TFreeSy of string
-                 | TVarSy of string * int
-                 | end_token;
-  val empty: Lexicon
-  val extend: Lexicon * string list -> Lexicon
-  val matching_tokens: Token * Token -> bool
-  val mk_lexicon: string list -> Lexicon
-  val name_of_token: Token -> string
-  val predef_term: string -> Token
+  include LEXICON0
+  val is_xid: string -> bool
+  val is_tfree: string -> bool
+  type lexicon
+  datatype token =
+    Token of string |
+    IdentSy of string |
+    VarSy of string |
+    TFreeSy of string |
+    TVarSy of string |
+    EndToken;
+  val id: string
+  val var: string
+  val tfree: string
+  val tvar: string
+  val str_of_token: token -> string
+  val display_token: token -> string
+  val matching_tokens: token * token -> bool
+  val valued_token: token -> bool
+  val predef_term: string -> token
   val is_terminal: string -> bool
-  val tokenize: Lexicon -> string -> Token list
-  val token_to_string: Token -> string
-  val valued_token: Token -> bool
-  type 'b TokenMap
-  val mkTokenMap: ('b * Token list) list -> 'b TokenMap
-  val applyTokenMap: 'b TokenMap * Token -> 'b list
-  include LEXICON0
+  val empty_lexicon: lexicon
+  val extend_lexicon: lexicon -> string list -> lexicon
+  val mk_lexicon: string list -> lexicon
+  val tokenize: lexicon -> bool -> string -> token list
+  exception LEXICAL_ERROR
+  val >> : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('b -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'd * 'c
+  val || : ('a -> 'b) * ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+  val -- : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> ('b * 'd) * 'e
+  val ^^ : ('a -> string * 'b) * ('b -> string * 'c) -> 'a -> string * 'c
+  val $$ : ''a -> ''a list -> ''a * ''a list
+  val scan_empty: 'a list -> 'b list * 'a list
+  val scan_one: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a * 'a list
+  val scan_any: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
+  val scan_any1: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
+  val scan_end: 'a list -> 'b list * 'a list
+  val optional: ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b option * 'a
+  val repeat: ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a
+  val repeat1: ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a
-functor LexiconFun(Extension: EXTENSION): LEXICON =
+functor LexiconFun(): LEXICON =
-open Extension;
+(** is_identifier etc. **)
+fun is_ident [] = false
+  | is_ident (c :: cs) = is_letter c andalso forall is_letdig cs;
+val is_identifier = is_ident o explode;
+fun is_xid s =
+  (case explode s of
+    "_" :: cs => is_ident cs
+  | cs => is_ident cs);
+fun is_tfree s =
+  (case explode s of
+    "'" :: cs => is_ident cs
+  | _ => false);
-datatype Token = Token of string
-               | IdentSy of string
-               | VarSy of string * int
-               | TFreeSy of string
-               | TVarSy of string * int
-               | end_token;
-val no_token = "";
-datatype dfa = Tip | Branch of string * string * dfa * dfa * dfa;
-type Lexicon = dfa;
-fun is_id(c::cs) = is_letter(c) andalso forall is_letdig cs
-  | is_id([])    = false;
-fun is_identifier s = is_id(explode s);
+(** string_of_vname **)
-val empty = Tip;
+fun string_of_vname (x, i) =
+  let
+    val si = string_of_int i;
+  in
+    if is_digit (last_elem (explode x)) then "?" ^ x ^ "." ^ si
+    else if i = 0 then "?" ^ x
+    else "?" ^ x ^ si
+  end;
-fun extend1(dfa, s) =
-    let fun add(Branch(c, a, less, eq, gr), cs as (d::ds)) =
-              if c>d then Branch(c, a, add(less, cs), eq, gr) else
-              if c<d then Branch(c, a, less, eq, add(gr, cs)) else
-              Branch(c, if null ds then s else a, less, add(eq, ds), gr)
-          | add(Tip, c::cs) =
-              Branch(c, if null cs then s else no_token, Tip, add(Tip, cs), Tip)
-          | add(dfa, []) = dfa
-    in add(dfa, explode s) end;
-val extend = foldl extend1;
-fun mk_lexicon ss = extend(empty, ss);
+(** datatype token **)
-fun next_dfa (Tip, _) = None
-  | next_dfa (Branch(d, a, less, eq, gr), c) =
-      if c<d then next_dfa(less, c) else
-      if c>d then next_dfa(gr, c)   else Some(a, eq);
-exception ID of string * string list;
-val eof_id = "End of input - identifier expected.\n";
+datatype token =
+  Token of string |
+  IdentSy of string |
+  VarSy of string |
+  TFreeSy of string |
+  TVarSy of string |
+  EndToken;
-(*A string of letters, digits, or ' _ *)
-fun xscan_ident exn =
-let fun scan []  =  raise exn(eof_id, [])
-      | scan(c::cs) =
-        if  is_letter c
-        then let val (ds, tail) = take_prefix is_letdig cs
-             in  (implode(c::ds), tail)  end
-        else raise exn("Identifier expected: ", c::cs)
-in scan end;
-(*Scan the offset of a Var, if present; otherwise ~1 *)
-fun scan_offset cs = case cs of
-    ("."::[]) => (~1, cs)
-  | ("."::(ds as c::cs')) => if is_digit c then scan_int ds else (~1, cs)
-  | _ => (~1, cs);
-fun split_varname s =
-    let val (rpost, rpref) = take_prefix is_digit (rev(explode s))
-        val (i, _) = scan_int(rev rpost)
-    in (implode(rev rpref), i) end;
+(* names of valued tokens *)
-fun xscan_varname exn cs : (string*int) * string list =
-let val (a, ds) = xscan_ident exn cs;
-    val (i, es) = scan_offset ds
-in if i = ~1 then (split_varname a, es) else ((a, i), es) end;
+val id = "id";
+val var = "var";
+val tfree = "tfree";
+val tvar = "tvar";
-fun scan_varname s = xscan_varname ID s
-        handle ID(err, cs) => error(err^(implode cs));
-fun tokenize (dfa) (s:string) : Token list =
-let exception LEX_ERR;
-    exception FAIL of string * string list;
-    val lexerr = "Lexical error: ";
+(* str_of_token *)
-    fun tokenize1 (_:dfa, []:string list) : Token * string list =
-          raise LEX_ERR
-      | tokenize1(dfa, c::cs) =
-          case next_dfa(dfa, c) of
-            None => raise LEX_ERR
-          | Some(a, dfa') =>
-             if a=no_token then tokenize1(dfa', cs)
-             else (tokenize1(dfa', cs) handle LEX_ERR =>
-                   if is_identifier a andalso not(null cs) andalso
-                      is_letdig(hd cs)
-                   then raise LEX_ERR else (Token(a), cs));
+fun str_of_token (Token s) = s
+  | str_of_token (IdentSy s) = s
+  | str_of_token (VarSy s) = s
+  | str_of_token (TFreeSy s) = s
+  | str_of_token (TVarSy s) = s
+  | str_of_token EndToken = "";
-    fun token(cs) = tokenize1(dfa, cs) handle LEX_ERR => raise FAIL(lexerr, cs);
+(* display_token *)
-    fun id([]) = raise FAIL(eof_id, [])
-      | id(cs as c::cs') =
-        if is_letter(c)
-        then let val (id, cs'') = xscan_ident FAIL cs
-             in (IdentSy(id), cs'') end
-        else
-        if c = "?"
-        then case cs' of
-                "'"::xs => let val ((a, i), ys) = xscan_varname FAIL xs
-                           in (TVarSy("'"^a, i), ys) end
-             | _ => let val ((a, i), ys) = xscan_varname FAIL cs'
-                    in (VarSy(a, i), ys) end
-        else
-        if c = "'"
-        then let val (a, cs'') = xscan_ident FAIL cs'
-             in (TFreeSy("'" ^ a), cs'') end
-        else raise FAIL(lexerr, cs);
+fun display_token (Token s) = quote s
+  | display_token (IdentSy s) = "id(" ^ s ^ ")"
+  | display_token (VarSy s) = "var(" ^ s ^ ")"
+  | display_token (TFreeSy s) = "tfree(" ^ s ^ ")"
+  | display_token (TVarSy s) = "tvar(" ^ s ^ ")"
+  | display_token EndToken = "";
-    fun tknize([], ts) = rev(ts)
-      | tknize(cs as c::cs', ts) =
-        if is_blank(c) then tknize(cs', ts) else
-        let val (t, cs'') =
-                if c="?" then id(cs) handle FAIL _ => token(cs)
-                else (token(cs) handle FAIL _ => id(cs))
-        in tknize(cs'', t::ts) end
+(* matching_tokens *)
-in tknize(explode s, []) handle FAIL(s, cs) => error(s^(implode cs)) end;
+fun matching_tokens (Token x, Token y) = (x = y)
+  | matching_tokens (IdentSy _, IdentSy _) = true
+  | matching_tokens (VarSy _, VarSy _) = true
+  | matching_tokens (TFreeSy _, TFreeSy _) = true
+  | matching_tokens (TVarSy _, TVarSy _) = true
+  | matching_tokens (EndToken, EndToken) = true
+  | matching_tokens _ = false;
-(*Variables have the form ?nameidx, or ?name.idx if "name" ends with a digit*)
-fun string_of_vname (a, idx) = case rev(explode a) of
-        []   => "?NULL_VARIABLE_NAME"
-      | c::_ => "?" ^
-                (if is_digit c then a ^ "." ^ string_of_int idx
-                 else if idx = 0 then a
-                 else a ^ string_of_int idx);
-fun token_to_string (Token(s)) = s
-  | token_to_string (IdentSy(s)) = s
-  | token_to_string (VarSy v) = string_of_vname v
-  | token_to_string (TFreeSy a) = a
-  | token_to_string (TVarSy v) = string_of_vname v
-  | token_to_string end_token = "\n";
+(* valued_token *)
-(* MMW *)
-fun name_of_token (Token s) = quote s
-  | name_of_token (IdentSy _) = id
-  | name_of_token (VarSy _) = var
-  | name_of_token (TFreeSy _) = tfree
-  | name_of_token (TVarSy _) = tvar;
+fun valued_token (Token _) = false
+  | valued_token (IdentSy _) = true
+  | valued_token (VarSy _) = true
+  | valued_token (TFreeSy _) = true
+  | valued_token (TVarSy _) = true
+  | valued_token EndToken = false;
-fun matching_tokens(Token(i), Token(j)) = (i=j) |
-    matching_tokens(IdentSy(_), IdentSy(_)) = true |
-    matching_tokens(VarSy _, VarSy _) = true |
-    matching_tokens(TFreeSy _, TFreeSy _) = true |
-    matching_tokens(TVarSy _, TVarSy _) = true |
-    matching_tokens(end_token, end_token) = true |
-    matching_tokens(_, _) = false;
-fun valued_token(end_token) = false
-  | valued_token(Token _) = false
-  | valued_token(IdentSy _) = true
-  | valued_token(VarSy _) = true
-  | valued_token(TFreeSy _) = true
-  | valued_token(TVarSy _) = true;
+(* predef_term *)
-(* MMW *)
 fun predef_term name =
   if name = id then IdentSy name
-  else if name = var then VarSy (name, 0)
+  else if name = var then VarSy name
   else if name = tfree then TFreeSy name
-  else if name = tvar then TVarSy (name, 0)
-  else end_token;
+  else if name = tvar then TVarSy name
+  else EndToken;
-(* MMW *)
+(* is_terminal **)
 fun is_terminal s = s mem [id, var, tfree, tvar];
-type 'b TokenMap = (Token * 'b list) list * 'b list;
-val first_token = 0;
+(** datatype lexicon **)
+datatype lexicon =
+  Empty |
+  Branch of string * string * lexicon * lexicon * lexicon;
+val no_token = "";
+(* empty_lexicon *)
+val empty_lexicon = Empty;
+(* extend_lexicon *)
+fun extend_lexicon lexicon strs =
+  let
+    fun ext (lex, s) =
+      let
+        fun add (Branch (d, a, lt, eq, gt)) (chs as c :: cs) =
+              if c < d then Branch (d, a, add lt chs, eq, gt)
+              else if c > d then Branch (d, a, lt, eq, add gt chs)
+              else Branch (d, if null cs then s else a, lt, add eq cs, gt)
+          | add Empty [c] =
+              Branch (c, s, Empty, Empty, Empty)
+          | add Empty (c :: cs) =
+              Branch (c, no_token, Empty, add Empty cs, Empty)
+          | add lex [] = lex;
+        val cs = explode s;
+      in
+        if exists is_blank cs then
+          error ("extend_lexicon: blank in literal " ^ quote s)
+        else add lex cs
+      end;
+  in
+    foldl ext (lexicon, strs)
+  end;
+(* mk_lexicon *)
+val mk_lexicon = extend_lexicon empty_lexicon;
+(** scanners **)
+exception LEXICAL_ERROR;
-fun int_of_token(Token(tk)) = first_token |
-    int_of_token(IdentSy _) = first_token - 1 |
-    int_of_token(VarSy _) = first_token - 2 |
-    int_of_token(TFreeSy _) = first_token - 3 |
-    int_of_token(TVarSy _) = first_token - 4 |
-    int_of_token(end_token) = first_token - 5;
+(* scanner combinators *)
+fun (scan >> f) cs = apfst f (scan cs);
+fun (scan1 || scan2) cs = scan1 cs handle LEXICAL_ERROR => scan2 cs;
+fun (scan1 -- scan2) cs =
+  let
+    val (x, cs') = scan1 cs;
+    val (y, cs'') = scan2 cs';
+  in
+    ((x, y), cs'')
+  end;
+fun (scan1 ^^ scan2) = scan1 -- scan2 >> op ^;
+(* generic scanners *)
+fun $$ _ [] = raise LEXICAL_ERROR
+  | $$ a (c :: cs) =
+      if a = c then (c, cs) else raise LEXICAL_ERROR;
+fun scan_empty cs = ([], cs);
-fun lesstk(s, t) = int_of_token(s) < int_of_token(t) orelse
-                  (case (s, t) of (Token(a), Token(b)) => a<b | _ => false);
+fun scan_one _ [] = raise LEXICAL_ERROR
+  | scan_one pred (c :: cs) =
+      if pred c then (c, cs) else raise LEXICAL_ERROR;
+val scan_any = take_prefix;
+fun scan_any1 pred = scan_one pred -- scan_any pred >> op ::;
+fun scan_rest cs = (cs, []);
+fun scan_end [] = ([], [])
+  | scan_end _ = raise LEXICAL_ERROR;
+fun optional scan = scan >> Some || scan_empty >> K None;
+fun repeat scan cs = (scan -- repeat scan >> op :: || scan_empty) cs;
+fun repeat1 scan = scan -- repeat scan >> op ::;
+(* other scanners *)
+val scan_letter_letdigs = scan_one is_letter -- scan_any is_letdig >> op ::;
+val scan_digits1 = scan_any1 is_digit;
+val scan_id = scan_letter_letdigs >> implode;
-fun mkTokenMap(atll) =
-    let val aill = atll;
-        val dom = sort lesstk (distinct(flat(map snd aill)));
-        val mt = map fst (filter (null o snd) atll);
-        fun mktm(i) =
-            let fun add(l, (a, il)) = if i mem il then a::l else l
-            in (i, foldl add ([], aill)) end;
-    in (map mktm dom, mt) end;
+val scan_id_nat =
+  scan_id ^^ ($$ "." ^^ (scan_digits1 >> implode) || scan_empty >> K "");
+(* scan_literal *)
+fun scan_literal lex chrs =
+  let
+    fun scan_lit _ s_cs [] = s_cs
+      | scan_lit Empty s_cs _ = s_cs
+      | scan_lit (Branch (d, a, lt, eq, gt)) s_cs (chs as c :: cs) =
+          if c < d then scan_lit lt s_cs chs
+          else if c > d then scan_lit gt s_cs chs
+          else scan_lit eq (if a = no_token then s_cs else Some (a, cs)) cs;
+  in
+    (case scan_lit lex None chrs of
+      None => raise LEXICAL_ERROR
+    | Some s_cs => s_cs)
+  end;
+(** tokenize **)
+fun tokenize lex xids str =
+  let
+    val scan_xid =
+      if xids then $$ "_" ^^ scan_id || scan_id
+      else scan_id;
+    val scan_lit = scan_literal lex >> pair Token;
+    val scan_ident =
+      $$ "?" ^^ $$ "'" ^^ scan_id_nat >> pair TVarSy ||
+      $$ "?" ^^ scan_id_nat >> pair VarSy ||
+      $$ "'" ^^ scan_id >> pair TFreeSy ||
+      scan_xid >> pair IdentSy;
+    fun scan_max_token cs =
+      (case (optional scan_lit cs, optional scan_ident cs) of
+        (tok1, (None, _)) => tok1
+      | ((None, _), tok2) => tok2
+      | (tok1 as (Some (_, s1), _), tok2 as (Some (_, s2), _)) =>
+          if size s1 >= size s2 then tok1 else tok2);
-fun find_al (i) =
-    let fun find((j, al)::l) = if lesstk(i, j) then [] else
-                              if matching_tokens(i, j) then al else find l |
-            find [] = [];
-    in find end;
-fun applyTokenMap((l, mt), tk:Token) = mt@(find_al tk l);
+    fun scan_tokens [] rev_toks = rev (EndToken :: rev_toks)
+      | scan_tokens (chs as c :: cs) rev_toks =
+          if is_blank c then scan_tokens cs rev_toks
+          else
+            (case scan_max_token chs of
+              (None, _) => error ("Lexical error at: " ^ quote (implode chs))
+            | (Some (tk, s), chs') => scan_tokens chs' (tk s :: rev_toks));
+  in
+    scan_tokens (explode str) []
+  end;
+(** scan variables **)
+(* scan_vname *)
+fun scan_vname chrs =
+  let
+    fun nat_of_chs n [] = n
+      | nat_of_chs n (c :: cs) = nat_of_chs (n * 10 + (ord c - ord "0")) cs;
+    val nat_of = nat_of_chs 0;
+    fun split_vname chs =
+      let val (cs, ds) = take_suffix is_digit chs
+      in (implode cs, nat_of ds) end
+    val scan =
+      scan_letter_letdigs --
+        ($$ "." -- scan_digits1 >> (nat_of o #2) || scan_empty >> K ~1);
+  in
+    (case scan chrs of
+      ((cs, ~1), cs') => (split_vname cs, cs')
+    | ((cs, i), cs') => ((implode cs, i), cs'))
+  end;
+(* scan_varname *)
+fun scan_varname chs =
+  scan_vname chs handle LEXICAL_ERROR
+    => error ("scan_varname: bad varname " ^ quote (implode chs));
+(* scan_var *)
+fun scan_var str =
+  let
+    fun tvar (x, i) = Var (("'" ^ x, i), dummyT);
+    fun var x_i = Var (x_i, dummyT);
+    fun free x = Free (x, dummyT);
+    val scan =
+      $$ "?" -- $$ "'" -- scan_vname -- scan_end >> (tvar o #2 o #1) ||
+      $$ "?" -- scan_vname -- scan_end >> (var o #2 o #1) ||
+      scan_rest >> (free o implode);
+  in
+    #1 (scan (explode str))
+  end;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/parse_tree.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/parse_tree.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,41 +1,38 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/parse_tree
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/parse_tree.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+  move parsetree to parser.ML
+  move pt_to_ast before ast_to_term (sextension.ML (?))
+  delete this file
 signature PARSE_TREE =
+  structure Ast: AST
   structure Lexicon: LEXICON
-  structure Ast: AST
-  local open Lexicon Ast in
-    datatype ParseTree =
-      Node of string * ParseTree list |
-      Tip of Token
-    val mk_pt: string * ParseTree list -> ParseTree
-    val pt_to_ast: (string -> (ast list -> ast) option) -> ParseTree -> ast
+  local open Ast Lexicon in
+    datatype parsetree =
+      Node of string * parsetree list |
+      Tip of token
+    val pt_to_ast: (string -> (ast list -> ast) option) -> parsetree -> ast
-functor ParseTreeFun(structure Lexicon: LEXICON and Ast: AST): PARSE_TREE =
+functor ParseTreeFun(structure Ast: AST and Lexicon: LEXICON): PARSE_TREE =
+structure Ast = Ast;
 structure Lexicon = Lexicon;
-structure Ast = Ast;
-open Lexicon Ast;
+open Ast Lexicon;
-(* datatype ParseTree *)  (* FIXME rename *)
-datatype ParseTree =
-  Node of string * ParseTree list |
-  Tip of Token;
+(* datatype parsetree *)
-(* mk_pt *)
-fun mk_pt("", [pt]) = pt
-  | mk_pt("", _) = error "mk_pt: funny copy op in parse tree"
-  | mk_pt(s, ptl) = Node (s, ptl);
+datatype parsetree =
+  Node of string * parsetree list |
+  Tip of token;
 (* pt_to_ast *)
@@ -45,17 +42,13 @@
     fun trans a args =
       (case trf a of
         None => mk_appl (Constant a) args
-      | Some f =>
-          (f args) handle _ => error ("pt_to_ast: error in translation for " ^ a));
+      | Some f => f args handle exn
+          => (writeln ("Error in parse ast translation for " ^ quote a); raise exn));
-    fun trav (Node (a, pts)) = trans a (map trav pts)
-      | trav (Tip (IdentSy x)) = Variable x
-      | trav (Tip (VarSy xi)) = Variable (string_of_vname xi)
-      | trav (Tip (TFreeSy x)) = Variable x
-      | trav (Tip (TVarSy xi)) = Variable (string_of_vname xi)
-      | trav (Tip _) = error "pt_to_ast: unexpected token in parse tree";
+    fun ast_of (Node (a, pts)) = trans a (map ast_of pts)
+      | ast_of (Tip tok) = Variable (str_of_token tok);
-    trav pt
+    ast_of pt
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/parser.ML
+    Author:     Sonia Mahjoub and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+Isabelle's main parser (used for terms and typs).
+  ~1 --> chain_pri
+  rename T, NT
+  improve syntax error
+  fix ambiguous grammar problem
+signature PARSER =
+  structure XGram: XGRAM
+  structure ParseTree: PARSE_TREE
+  local open XGram ParseTree ParseTree.Lexicon in
+    type gram
+    val empty_gram: gram
+    val extend_gram: gram -> string list -> string prod list -> gram
+    val mk_gram: string list -> string prod list -> gram
+    val parse: gram -> string -> token list -> parsetree
+  end
+functor ParserFun(structure Symtab: SYMTAB and XGram: XGRAM
+  and ParseTree: PARSE_TREE)(*: PARSER *) =  (* FIXME *)
+structure XGram = XGram;
+structure ParseTree = ParseTree;
+structure Lexicon = ParseTree.Lexicon;
+open XGram ParseTree Lexicon;
+(** datatype gram **)
+datatype symb = T of token | NT of string * int;
+datatype gram =
+  Gram of string list * (symb list * string * int) list Symtab.table;
+(* empty_gram *)
+val empty_gram = Gram ([], Symtab.null);
+(* extend_gram *)
+(*prods are stored in reverse order*)
+fun extend_gram (Gram (roots, tab)) new_roots xprods =
+  let
+    fun symb_of (Terminal s) = Some (T (Token s))
+      | symb_of (Nonterminal (s, p)) =
+          (case predef_term s of
+            EndToken => Some (NT (s, p))
+          | tk => Some (T tk))
+      | symb_of _ = None;
+    fun prod_of (Prod (s, xsyms, c, p)) = (s, mapfilter symb_of xsyms, c, p);
+    fun add_prod (tab, (s, syms, c, p)) =
+      (case Symtab.lookup (tab, s) of
+        None => Symtab.update ((s, [(syms, c, p)]), tab)
+      | Some prods => Symtab.update ((s, (syms, c, p) :: prods), tab));
+  in
+    Gram (new_roots union roots,
+      Symtab.balance (foldl add_prod (tab, map prod_of xprods)))
+  end;
+(* mk_gram *)
+val mk_gram = extend_gram empty_gram;
+(* get_prods *)
+fun get_prods tab s pred =
+  let
+    fun rfilter [] ys = ys
+      | rfilter (x :: xs) ys = rfilter xs (if pred x then x :: ys else ys);
+  in
+    (case Symtab.lookup (tab, s) of
+      Some prods => rfilter prods []
+    | None => [])
+  end;
+(** parse **)
+type state =
+  string * int
+    * parsetree list    (*before point*)
+    * symb list         (*after point*)
+    * string * int;
+type earleystate = state list Array.array;
+fun getProductions tab A i =
+  get_prods tab A (fn (_, _, j) => j >= i orelse j = ~1);
+fun getProductions' tab A i k =
+  get_prods tab A (fn (_, _, j) => (j >= i andalso j < k) orelse j = ~1);
+fun mkState i jj A ([NT(B,~1)],id,~1) =
+                     (A,max_pri,[],[NT (B,jj)],id,i)
+  | mkState i jj A (ss,id,j) = (A,j,[],ss,id,i) ;
+fun conc (t,(k:int)) [] = (None, [(t,k)])
+  | conc (t,k) ((t',k')::ts) =
+      if (t = t')
+      then (Some k', ( if k' >= k
+                       then (t',k')::ts
+                       else (t,k)::ts )
+           )
+      else let val (n, ts') = conc (t,k) ts
+           in (n, (t',k')::ts')
+           end;
+fun update_tree ((B,(i,ts))::used) (A,t) =
+      if   (A = B)
+      then
+          let val (n,ts') = conc t ts
+          in  ((A,(i,ts'))::used, n)
+          end
+      else
+          let val (used', n) = update_tree used (A,t)
+          in  ((B,(i,ts)) :: used', n)
+          end;
+fun update_index ((B,(i,ts))::used) (A,j) =
+      if   (A = B)
+      then (A,(j,ts)) :: used
+      else (B,(i,ts)) :: (update_index used (A,j));
+fun getS A i Si =
+       filter (fn (_,_,_,(NT(B,j))::_,_,_)
+                                    => (A=B andalso j<=i)
+               |      _             => false
+              ) Si;
+fun getS' A k n Si =
+       filter (fn (_,_,_,(NT(B,j))::_,_,_) => (A=B andalso
+                                               j<=k andalso
+                                               j>n )
+               |      _                    => false
+              ) Si;
+fun getStates Estate i ii A k =
+       filter (fn (_,_,_,(NT(B,j))::_,_,_)
+                                    => (A=B andalso j<=k)
+               |      _             => false
+              )
+              (Array.sub (Estate, ii))
+(* MMW *)(* FIXME *)
+fun movedot_term (A,j,ts,T a::sa,id,i) c =
+                   if (valued_token c)
+                   then (A,j,(ts@[Tip c]),sa,id,i)
+                   else (A,j,ts,sa,id,i) ;
+fun movedot_nonterm ts  (A,j,tss,NT(B,k) ::sa,id,i) =
+                         (A,j,tss@ts,sa,id,i) ;
+fun movedot_lambda  _  [] = []
+  | movedot_lambda (B,j,tss,(NT(A,k))::sa,id,i) ((t,ki)::ts) =
+    if k <= ki
+    then (B,j,tss@t,sa,id,i) ::
+         (movedot_lambda (B,j,tss,(NT(A,k))::sa,id,i) ts)
+    else movedot_lambda (B,j,tss,(NT(A,k))::sa,id,i) ts
+  ;
+fun PROCESSS Estate grammar i c states =
+fun processS used [] (Si,Sii) = (Si,Sii)
+ |  processS used (S::States) (Si,Sii) =
+     ( case S of
+        (_,_,_,(NT (A,j))::_,_,_)  =>
+          let
+            val (used_neu, States_neu) =
+              ( case assoc (used, A) of
+                 Some (k,l) =>         (* A gehoert zu used *)
+                   if (k <= j)          (* Prioritaet wurde
+                                           behandelt  *)
+                   then
+                        (used, movedot_lambda S l)
+                   else         (* Prioritaet wurde noch nicht
+                                        behandelt  *)
+                        let val L =
+                                getProductions' grammar A j k
+                            val States' = map (mkState i j A) L
+                        in
+                            (update_index used (A,j),
+                             States'@ movedot_lambda S l
+                            )
+                        end
+                | None =>       (* A gehoert nicht zu used *)
+                      let val L = getProductions grammar A j
+                          val States' = map (mkState i j A) L
+                      in
+                          ((A,(j,[]))::used, States')
+                      end
+              )
+          in
+             processS used_neu (States @ States_neu) (S::Si,Sii)
+          end
+     |  (_,_,_,(T a)::_,_,_)  =>
+                processS used States
+                    (S::Si, if (matching_tokens (a, c))
+                            then  (movedot_term S c)::Sii   (* MMW *)(* FIXME *)
+                            else Sii
+                    )
+     |  (A,k,ts,[],id,j) =>
+          let val tt = if id = ""
+                       then ts
+                       else [Node(id,ts)]
+          in
+             if (j = i)
+             then
+                let val (used',O) = update_tree used (A,(tt,k))
+                in ( case O of
+                      None =>
+                         let val Slist = getS A k Si
+                             val States' =
+                              map (movedot_nonterm tt ) Slist
+                         in  processS used'
+                             (States @ States') (S::Si,Sii)
+                         end
+                   |  Some n =>
+                         if (n >= k)
+                         then
+                            processS used' States (S::Si,Sii)
+                         else
+                            let val Slist = getS' A k n Si
+                                val States' =
+                              map (movedot_nonterm tt ) Slist
+                            in
+                              processS used'
+                              (States @ States') (S::Si,Sii)
+                            end
+                   )
+                end
+              else
+                processS used (States @
+                               map (movedot_nonterm tt)
+                               (getStates Estate i j A k))
+                (S::Si,Sii)
+           end
+     )
+   processS [] states ([],[])
+fun syntax_error toks =
+  error ("Syntax error at: " ^ space_implode " " (map str_of_token toks));
+fun Produce grammar stateset i indata =
+      case (Array.sub (stateset,i)) of
+         [] => syntax_error indata (* MMW *)(* FIXME *)
+      |  s  =>
+           (case indata of
+                []  => Array.sub (stateset,i)
+             |  (c::cs) =>
+                       let val (si,sii) =
+                           PROCESSS stateset grammar i c s
+                       in
+                           Array.update (stateset,i,si);
+                           Array.update (stateset,i+1,sii);
+                           Produce grammar stateset (i+1) cs
+                       end
+           );
+fun get_trees [] = []
+  | get_trees ((_,_,pt_lst,_,_,_) :: stateset) =
+       let val l = get_trees stateset
+       in case pt_lst of
+            [ptree] => ptree :: l
+          |   _     => l
+       end;
+fun earley grammar startsymbol indata =
+   let  val S0 =
+       [("S'",0,[],[NT (startsymbol,0), T EndToken],"",0)]
+        val s = length indata + 1     (* MMW *)(* FIXME was .. + 2 *)
+        val Estate = Array.array (s, [])
+   in   Array.update (Estate,0,S0);
+        let val l = Produce grammar Estate 0 indata    (* MMW *)(* FIXME was .. @ [EndToken] *)
+            val p_trees = get_trees l
+        in p_trees
+        end
+   end;
+(* FIXME demo *)
+fun parse (Gram (roots, prod_tab)) root toks =
+  if root mem roots then
+    (case earley prod_tab root toks of
+      [] => error "parse: no parse trees"
+    | pt :: _ => pt)
+  else error ("Unparsable category: " ^ root);
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/pretty.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/pretty.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/pretty
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/pretty.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson
     Copyright   1991  University of Cambridge
-Pretty printing module
+Generic pretty printing module.
 Loosely based on
   D. C. Oppen, "Pretty Printing",
@@ -20,24 +20,24 @@
 a unit for breaking).
-(* FIXME improve? *)
-type pprint_args = (string -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (unit -> unit);
+type pprint_args = (string -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) *
+  (unit -> unit) * (unit -> unit);
 signature PRETTY =
-  sig
   type T
-  val blk : int * T list -> T
-  val brk : int -> T
-  val fbrk : T
-  val str : string -> T
-  val lst : string * string -> T list -> T
-  val quote : T -> T
-  val string_of : T -> string
-  val str_of : T -> string
-  val pprint : T -> pprint_args -> unit
+  val blk: int * T list -> T
+  val brk: int -> T
+  val fbrk: T
+  val str: string -> T
+  val lst: string * string -> T list -> T
+  val quote: T -> T
+  val string_of: T -> string
+  val str_of: T -> string
+  val pprint: T -> pprint_args -> unit
   val setdepth: int -> unit
   val setmargin: int -> unit
-  end;
 functor PrettyFun () : PRETTY =
@@ -159,23 +159,23 @@
 fun string_of e = #tx (format ([prune (!depth) e],0,0) emptytext);
-fun brk_width (force, wd) = if force andalso wd = 0 then 1 else wd;
 fun str_of prt =
     fun s_of (Block (prts, _, _)) = implode (map s_of prts)
       | s_of (String s) = s
-      | s_of (Break f_w) = repstring " " (brk_width f_w);
+      | s_of (Break (false, wd)) = repstring " " wd
+      | s_of (Break (true, _)) = " ";
     s_of (prune (! depth) prt)
-fun pprint prt (put_str, begin_blk, put_brk, end_blk) =
+fun pprint prt (put_str, begin_blk, put_brk, put_fbrk, end_blk) =
     fun pp (Block (prts, ind, _)) = (begin_blk ind; pp_lst prts; end_blk ())
       | pp (String s) = put_str s
-      | pp (Break f_w) = put_brk (brk_width f_w)
+      | pp (Break (false, wd)) = put_brk wd
+      | pp (Break (true, _)) = put_fbrk ()
     and pp_lst [] = ()
       | pp_lst (prt :: prts) = (pp prt; pp_lst prts);
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/printer.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/printer.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/printer
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/printer.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+Pretty printing of asts, terms, types and print (ast) translation.
 signature PRINTER0 =
@@ -16,14 +18,15 @@
   structure XGram: XGRAM
   structure Pretty: PRETTY
   local open XGram XGram.Ast in
-    val pretty_ast: ast -> Pretty.T
-    val pretty_rule: (ast * ast) -> Pretty.T
     val term_to_ast: (string -> (term list -> term) option) -> term -> ast
     val typ_to_ast: (string -> (term list -> term) option) -> typ -> ast
-    type tab
-    val mk_print_tab: (string prod list) -> (ast list -> ast) Symtab.table -> tab
-    val pretty_term_ast: tab -> ast -> Pretty.T
-    val pretty_typ_ast: tab -> ast -> Pretty.T
+    type prtab
+    val empty_prtab: prtab
+    val extend_prtab: prtab -> (string prod list) -> (string * (ast list -> ast)) list
+      -> prtab
+    val mk_prtab: (string prod list) -> (string * (ast list -> ast)) list -> prtab
+    val pretty_term_ast: prtab -> ast -> Pretty.T
+    val pretty_typ_ast: prtab -> ast -> Pretty.T
@@ -46,36 +49,27 @@
-(** simple prettying **)
-(* pretty_ast *)
-fun pretty_ast (Constant a) = Pretty.str (quote a)
-  | pretty_ast (Variable x) = Pretty.str x
-  | pretty_ast (Appl asts) =
-      Pretty.blk
-        (2, (Pretty.str "(") ::
-          (separate (Pretty.brk 1) (map pretty_ast asts)) @ [Pretty.str ")"]);
+(** convert term or typ to ast **)
-(* pretty_rule *)
-fun pretty_rule (lhs, rhs) =
-  Pretty.blk
-    (2, [pretty_ast lhs, Pretty.str "  ->", Pretty.brk 2, pretty_ast rhs]);
-(** convert term/typ to ast **)   (* FIXME check *)
-fun apply_trans a f args =
-  ((f args) handle
+fun apply_trans name a f args =
+  (f args handle
     Match => raise Match
-  | exn => (writeln ("Error in translation for " ^ quote a); raise exn));
+  | exn => (writeln ("Error in " ^ name ^ " for " ^ quote a); raise exn));
 fun ast_of_term trf show_types show_sorts tm =
+(*(* FIXME old - remove *)
+    fun fix_aprop tys (Abs (x, ty, t)) = Abs (x, ty, fix_aprop (ty :: tys) t)
+      | fix_aprop tys t =
+          let
+            val (f, args) = strip_comb t;
+            val t' = list_comb (f, map (fix_aprop tys) args);
+          in
+            if not (is_Const f) andalso fastype_of (tys, t) = propT
+            then Const (apropC, dummyT) $ t' else t'
+          end;
     val aprop_const = Const (apropC, dummyT);
     fun fix_aprop (tm as Const _) = tm
@@ -87,6 +81,28 @@
       | fix_aprop (Abs (x, ty, t)) = Abs (x, ty, fix_aprop t)
       | fix_aprop (t1 $ t2) = fix_aprop t1 $ fix_aprop t2;
+    val fix_aprop = fn _ => fn tm => fix_aprop tm;
+    (* FIXME check *)
+    fun aprop t = Const (apropC, dummyT) $ t;
+    fun is_prop tys tm =
+      fastype_of (tys, tm) = propT handle TERM _ => false;
+    fun fix_aprop _ (tm as Const _) = tm
+      | fix_aprop _ (tm as Free (x, ty)) =
+          if ty = propT then aprop (Free (x, dummyT)) else tm
+      | fix_aprop _ (tm as Var (xi, ty)) =
+          if ty = propT then aprop (Var (xi, dummyT)) else tm
+      | fix_aprop tys (tm as Bound _) =
+          if is_prop tys tm then aprop tm else tm
+      | fix_aprop tys (Abs (x, ty, t)) = Abs (x, ty, fix_aprop (ty :: tys) t)
+      | fix_aprop tys (tm as t1 $ t2) =
+          (if is_Const (head_of tm) orelse not (is_prop tys tm)
+            then I else aprop) (fix_aprop tys t1 $ fix_aprop tys t2);
     fun prune_typs (t_seen as (Const _, _)) = t_seen
       | prune_typs (t as Free (x, ty), seen) =
@@ -122,7 +138,7 @@
     and trans a args =
       (case trf a of
-        Some f => ast_of (apply_trans a f args)
+        Some f => ast_of (apply_trans "print translation" a f args)
       | None => raise Match)
           handle Match => mk_appl (Constant a) (map ast_of args)
@@ -131,8 +147,8 @@
         ast_of (Const (constrainC, dummyT) $ t $ term_of_typ show_sorts ty)
       else Variable x;
-    if show_types then ast_of (fst (prune_typs (fix_aprop tm, [])))
-    else ast_of (fix_aprop tm)
+    if show_types then ast_of (#1 (prune_typs (fix_aprop [] tm, [])))
+    else ast_of (fix_aprop [] tm)
@@ -149,7 +165,7 @@
-(** type tab **)
+(** type prtab **)
 datatype symb =
   Arg of int |
@@ -163,13 +179,18 @@
   Trns of ast list -> ast |
   TorP of (ast list -> ast) * (symb list * int * int);
-type tab = format Symtab.table;
+type prtab = format Symtab.table;
+(* empty_prtab *)
+val empty_prtab = Symtab.null;
-(** mk_print_tab **)
+(** extend_prtab **)
-fun mk_print_tab prods ast_trans =
+fun extend_prtab prtab prods trfuns =
     fun nargs (Arg _ :: symbs) = nargs symbs + 1
       | nargs (TypArg _ :: symbs) = nargs symbs + 1
@@ -181,15 +202,15 @@
     fun merge (s, String s' :: l) = String (s ^ s') :: l
       | merge (s, l) = String s :: l;
-    fun mk_prnp sy opn p =
+    fun mk_prnp sy c p =
-        val constr = (opn = constrainC orelse opn = constrainIdtC);
+        val constr = (c = constrainC orelse c = constrainIdtC);
         fun syn2pr (Terminal s :: sy) =
-              let val (symbs, sy') = syn2pr sy
+              let val (symbs, sy') = syn2pr sy;
               in (merge (s, symbs), sy') end
           | syn2pr (Space s :: sy) =
-              let val (symbs, sy') = syn2pr sy
+              let val (symbs, sy') = syn2pr sy;
               in (merge (s, symbs), sy') end
           | syn2pr (Nonterminal (s, p) :: sy) =
@@ -204,7 +225,7 @@
                 val (symbs, sy'') = syn2pr sy';
               in (Block (i, bsymbs) :: symbs, sy'') end
           | syn2pr (Brk i :: sy) =
-              let val (symbs, sy') = syn2pr sy
+              let val (symbs, sy') = syn2pr sy;
               in (Break i :: symbs, sy') end
           | syn2pr (En :: sy) = ([], sy)
           | syn2pr [] = ([], []);
@@ -214,38 +235,54 @@
         (pr, nargs pr, p)
-    fun add_prod (Prod (_, _, "", _), tab) = tab
-      | add_prod (Prod (_, sy, opn, p), tab) =
-          (case Symtab.lookup (tab, opn) of
-            None => Symtab.update ((opn, Prnt (mk_prnp sy opn p)), tab)
-          | Some (Prnt _) => tab
-          | Some (Trns f) => Symtab.update ((opn, TorP (f, mk_prnp sy opn p)), tab)
-          | Some (TorP _) => tab);
+    fun trns_err c = error ("More than one parse ast translation for " ^ quote c);
+    fun add_fmt tab c fmt x = Symtab.update ((c, fmt x), tab);
-    fun add_tr (tab, (opn, f)) = Symtab.update_new ((opn, Trns f), tab);
+    fun add_prod (tab, Prod (_, _, "", _)) = tab
+      | add_prod (tab, Prod (_, sy, c, p)) =
+          (case Symtab.lookup (tab, c) of
+            None => add_fmt tab c Prnt (mk_prnp sy c p)
+          | Some (Prnt _) => add_fmt tab c Prnt (mk_prnp sy c p)
+          | Some (Trns f) => add_fmt tab c TorP (f, mk_prnp sy c p)
+          | Some (TorP (f, _)) => add_fmt tab c TorP (f, mk_prnp sy c p));
+    fun add_tr (tab, (c, f)) =
+      (case Symtab.lookup (tab, c) of
+        None => add_fmt tab c Trns f
+      | Some (Prnt pr) => add_fmt tab c TorP (f, pr)
+      | Some (Trns _) => trns_err c
+      | Some (TorP _) => trns_err c);
-    Symtab.balance
-      (foldr add_prod
-        (prods, foldl add_tr (Symtab.null, Symtab.alist_of ast_trans)))
+    Symtab.balance (foldl add_prod (foldl add_tr (prtab, trfuns), prods))
+(* mk_prtab *)
-(** pretty term/typ asts **)  (* FIXME check *)
+val mk_prtab = extend_prtab empty_prtab;
+(** pretty term/typ asts **)
-(*assumes a syntax derived from Pure*)
+(*pretty assumes a syntax derived from Pure, otherwise it may loop forever*)
-fun pretty tab appT ast0 p0 =
+fun pretty tab type_mode ast0 p0 =
+    val trans = apply_trans "print ast translation";
+    val appT = if type_mode then tappl_ast_tr' else appl_ast_tr';
     fun synT ([], args) = ([], args)
       | synT (Arg p :: symbs, t :: args) =
-          let val (Ts, args') = synT (symbs, args)
+          let val (Ts, args') = synT (symbs, args);
           in (astT (t, p) @ Ts, args') end
       | synT (TypArg p :: symbs, t :: args) =
-          let val (Ts, args') = synT (symbs, args)
-          in (pretty tab tappl_ast_tr' t p @ Ts, args') end
+          let val (Ts, args') = synT (symbs, args);
+          in (pretty tab true t p @ Ts, args') end
       | synT (String s :: symbs, args) =
-          let val (Ts, args') = synT (symbs, args)
+          let val (Ts, args') = synT (symbs, args);
           in (Pretty.str s :: Ts, args') end
       | synT (Block (i, bsymbs) :: symbs, args) =
@@ -253,39 +290,47 @@
             val (Ts, args'') = synT (symbs, args');
           in (Pretty.blk (i, bTs) :: Ts, args'') end
       | synT (Break i :: symbs, args) =
-          let val (Ts, args') = synT (symbs, args)
-          in (Pretty.brk i :: Ts, args') end
+          let val (Ts, args') = synT (symbs, args);
+          in ((if i < 0 then Pretty.fbrk else Pretty.brk i) :: Ts, args') end
       | synT (_ :: _, []) = error "synT"
     and parT (pr, args, p, p': int) =
-      if p > p' then fst (synT ([Block(1, String"(" :: pr @ [String")"])], args))
-      else fst (synT (pr, args))
+      if p > p' then
+        #1 (synT ([Block (1, String "(" :: pr @ [String ")"])], args))
+      else #1 (synT (pr, args))
     and prefixT (_, a, [], _) = [Pretty.str a]
       | prefixT (c, _, args, p) = astT (appT (c, args), p)
+    and splitT 0 ([x], ys) = (x, ys)
+      | splitT 0 (rev_xs, ys) = (Appl (rev rev_xs), ys)
+      | splitT n (rev_xs, y :: ys) = splitT (n - 1) (y :: rev_xs, ys)
+      | splitT _ _ = error "splitT"
     and combT (tup as (c, a, args, p)) =
         val nargs = length args;
         fun prnt (pr, n, p') =
-          if n = nargs then parT (pr, args, p, p')
-          else if n > nargs then prefixT tup
-          else astT (appT (c, args), p);     (* FIXME ??? *)
+          if nargs = n then parT (pr, args, p, p')
+          else if nargs < n orelse type_mode then prefixT tup
+          else astT (appT (splitT n ([c], args)), p);
-        case Symtab.lookup (tab, a) of
+        (case Symtab.lookup (tab, a) of
           None => prefixT tup
         | Some (Prnt prnp) => prnt prnp
         | Some (Trns f) =>
-            (astT (apply_trans a f args, p) handle Match => prefixT tup)
+            (astT (trans a f args, p) handle Match => prefixT tup)
         | Some (TorP (f, prnp)) =>
-            (astT (apply_trans a f args, p) handle Match => prnt prnp)
+            (astT (trans a f args, p) handle Match => prnt prnp))
     and astT (c as Constant a, p) = combT (c, a, [], p)
       | astT (Variable x, _) = [Pretty.str x]
-      | astT (Appl ((c as Constant a) :: args), p) = combT (c, a, args, p)
+      | astT (Appl ((c as Constant a) :: (args as _ :: _)), p) =
+          combT (c, a, args, p)
       | astT (Appl (f :: (args as _ :: _)), p) = astT (appT (f, args), p)
-      | astT (ast as (Appl _), _) = raise_ast "pretty: malformed ast" [ast];
+      | astT (ast as Appl _, _) = raise_ast "pretty: malformed ast" [ast];
     astT (ast0, p0)
@@ -294,13 +339,13 @@
 (* pretty_term_ast *)
 fun pretty_term_ast tab ast =
-  Pretty.blk (0, pretty tab appl_ast_tr' ast 0);
+  Pretty.blk (0, pretty tab false ast 0);
 (* pretty_typ_ast *)
 fun pretty_typ_ast tab ast =
-  Pretty.blk (0, pretty tab tappl_ast_tr' ast 0);
+  Pretty.blk (0, pretty tab true ast 0);
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/sextension.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/sextension.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/sextension
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/sextension.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-Syntax extensions: mixfix declarations, syntax rules, infixes, binders and
-the Pure syntax.
+Syntax extensions (external interface): mixfix declarations, syntax rules,
+infixes, binders and the Pure syntax.
-  SEXTENSION: added Ast, xrule
-  changed sext
-  added ast_to_term
-  ext_of_sext: added xconsts
-  SEXTENSION1: added empty_sext, appl_ast_tr'
-  SEXTENSION1: removed appl_tr'
+  move ast_to_term (?)
 infix |-> <-| <->;
 signature SEXTENSION0 =
@@ -43,17 +36,13 @@
         mixfix: mixfix list,
         xrules: xrule list,
         parse_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list,
-        parse_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-        parse_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
         parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
         print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-        print_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-        print_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
         print_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list}
     val eta_contract: bool ref
     val mk_binder_tr: string * string -> string * (term list -> term)
     val mk_binder_tr': string * string -> string * (term list -> term)
-    val ndependent_tr: string -> term list -> term
+    val ndependent_tr: string -> term list -> term    (* FIXME remove *)
     val dependent_tr': string * string -> term list -> term
     val max_pri: int
@@ -86,12 +75,12 @@
-functor SExtensionFun(structure TypeExt: TYPE_EXT and Lexicon: LEXICON)(*: SEXTENSION *) = (* FIXME *)
+functor SExtensionFun(structure TypeExt: TYPE_EXT and Lexicon: LEXICON): SEXTENSION =
 structure Extension = TypeExt.Extension;
 structure Ast = Extension.XGram.Ast;
-open Extension Ast;
+open Lexicon Extension Extension.XGram Ast;
 (** datatype sext **)
@@ -119,12 +108,8 @@
     mixfix: mixfix list,
     xrules: xrule list,
     parse_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list,
-    parse_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-    parse_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
     parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
     print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-    print_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-    print_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
     print_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list};
@@ -145,12 +130,8 @@
       {mixfix = mixfix,
         xrules = [],
         parse_ast_translation = [],
-        parse_preproc = None,
-        parse_postproc = None,
         parse_translation = parse_translation,
         print_translation = print_translation,
-        print_preproc = None,
-        print_postproc = None,
         print_ast_translation = []}
   | sext_components (NewSext cmps) = cmps;
@@ -168,7 +149,7 @@
-(** parse translations **)
+(** parse (ast) translations **)
 (* application *)
@@ -182,18 +163,24 @@
   | idtyp_ast_tr (*"_idtyp"*) asts = raise_ast "idtyp_ast_tr" asts;
 fun lambda_ast_tr (*"_lambda"*) [idts, body] =
-      fold_ast_p "_%" (unfold_ast "_idts" idts, body)
+      fold_ast_p "_abs" (unfold_ast "_idts" idts, body)
   | lambda_ast_tr (*"_lambda"*) asts = raise_ast "lambda_ast_tr" asts;
-fun abs_tr (*"_%"*) [Free (x, T), body] = absfree (x, T, body)
-  | abs_tr (*"_%"*) (ts as [Const (c, _) $ Free (x, T) $ tT, body]) =
+fun abs_tr (*"_abs"*) [Free (x, T), body] = absfree (x, T, body)
+  | abs_tr (*"_abs"*) (ts as [Const (c, _) $ Free (x, T) $ tT, body]) =
       if c = constrainC then
         Const ("_constrainAbs", dummyT) $ absfree (x, T, body) $ tT
-      else raise (TERM ("abs_tr", ts))
-  | abs_tr (*"_%"*) ts = raise (TERM ("abs_tr", ts));
+      else raise_term "abs_tr" ts
+  | abs_tr (*"_abs"*) ts = raise_term "abs_tr" ts;
-(* binder *)  (* FIXME check *) (* FIXME check *)
+(* nondependent abstraction *)
+fun k_tr (*"_K"*) [t] = Abs ("x", dummyT, incr_boundvars 1 t)
+  | k_tr (*"_K"*) ts = raise_term "k_tr" ts;
+(* binder *)
 fun mk_binder_tr (sy, name) =
@@ -201,14 +188,14 @@
     fun tr (Free (x, T), t) = const $ absfree (x, T, t)
       | tr (Const ("_idts", _) $ idt $ idts, t) = tr (idt, tr (idts, t))
-      | tr (t1 as (Const (c, _) $ Free (x, T) $ tT), t) =   (* FIXME *)
+      | tr (t1 as Const (c, _) $ Free (x, T) $ tT, t) =
           if c = constrainC then
             const $ (Const ("_constrainAbs", dummyT) $ absfree (x, T, t) $ tT)
-          else raise (TERM ("binder_tr", [t1, t]))
-      | tr (t1, t2) = raise (TERM ("binder_tr", [t1, t2]));
+          else raise_term "binder_tr" [t1, t]
+      | tr (t1, t2) = raise_term "binder_tr" [t1, t2];
     fun binder_tr (*sy*) [idts, body] = tr (idts, body)
-      | binder_tr (*sy*) ts = raise (TERM ("binder_tr", ts));
+      | binder_tr (*sy*) ts = raise_term "binder_tr" ts;
     (sy, binder_tr)
@@ -216,8 +203,9 @@
 (* atomic props *)
-fun aprop_ast_tr (*"_aprop"*) [ast] = ast
-  | aprop_ast_tr (*"_aprop"*) asts = raise_ast "aprop_ast_tr" asts;
+fun aprop_tr (*"_aprop"*) [t] =
+      Const (constrainC, dummyT) $ t $ Free ("prop", dummyT)
+  | aprop_tr (*"_aprop"*) ts = raise_term "aprop_tr" ts;
 (* meta implication *)
@@ -227,15 +215,15 @@
   | bigimpl_ast_tr (*"_bigimpl"*) asts = raise_ast "bigimpl_ast_tr" asts;
-(* 'dependent' type operators *)
+(* 'dependent' type operators *)  (* FIXME remove *)
 fun ndependent_tr q [A, B] =
       Const (q, dummyT) $ A $ Abs ("x", dummyT, incr_boundvars 1 B)
-  | ndependent_tr _ _ = raise Match;
+  | ndependent_tr _ ts = raise_term "ndependent_tr" ts;
-(** print translations **)
+(** print (ast) translations **)
 (* application *)
@@ -243,16 +231,17 @@
   | appl_ast_tr' (f, args) = Appl [Constant "_appl", f, fold_ast "_args" args];
-(* abstraction *)   (* FIXME check *)
+(* abstraction *)
 fun strip_abss vars_of body_of tm =
+    fun free (x, _) = Free (x, dummyT);
     val vars = vars_of tm;
     val body = body_of tm;
     val rev_new_vars = rename_wrt_term body vars;
-    (map Free (rev rev_new_vars),
-      subst_bounds (map (fn (x, _) => Free (x, dummyT)) rev_new_vars, body))
+    (map Free (rev rev_new_vars), subst_bounds (map free rev_new_vars, body))
 (*do (partial) eta-contraction before printing*)
@@ -263,7 +252,7 @@
     fun eta_abs (Abs (a, T, t)) =
           (case eta_abs t of
-            t' as (f $ u) =>
+            t' as f $ u =>
               (case eta_abs u of
                 Bound 0 =>
                   if not (0 mem loose_bnos f) then incr_boundvars ~1 f
@@ -277,17 +266,17 @@
 fun abs_tr' tm =
-  foldr (fn (x, t) => Const ("_%", dummyT) $ x $ t)
+  foldr (fn (x, t) => Const ("_abs", dummyT) $ x $ t)
     (strip_abss strip_abs_vars strip_abs_body (eta_contr tm));
-fun lambda_ast_tr' (*"_%"*) asts =
-  (case unfold_ast_p "_%" (Appl (Constant "_%" :: asts)) of
-    ([], _) => raise_ast "lambda_ast_tr'" asts
+fun abs_ast_tr' (*"_abs"*) asts =
+  (case unfold_ast_p "_abs" (Appl (Constant "_abs" :: asts)) of
+    ([], _) => raise_ast "abs_ast_tr'" asts
   | (xs, body) => Appl [Constant "_lambda", fold_ast "_idts" xs, body]);
-(* binder *) (* FIXME check *)
+(* binder *)
 fun mk_binder_tr' (name, sy) =
@@ -323,59 +312,43 @@
 fun impl_ast_tr' (*"==>"*) asts =
   (case unfold_ast_p "==>" (Appl (Constant "==>" :: asts)) of
-    (asms as (_ :: _ :: _), concl)
+    (asms as _ :: _ :: _, concl)
       => Appl [Constant "_bigimpl", fold_ast "_asms" asms, concl]
   | _ => raise Match);
-(* 'dependent' type operators *)
+(* dependent / nondependent quantifiers *)
-fun dependent_tr' (q, r) [A, Abs (x, T, B)] =
+fun dependent_tr' (q, r) (A :: Abs (x, T, B) :: ts) =
       if 0 mem (loose_bnos B) then
         let val (x', B') = variant_abs (x, dummyT, B);
-        in Const (q, dummyT) $ Free (x', T) $ A $ B' end
-      else Const (r, dummyT) $ A $ B
+        in list_comb (Const (q, dummyT) $ Free (x', T) $ A $ B', ts) end
+      else list_comb (Const (r, dummyT) $ A $ B, ts)
   | dependent_tr' _ _ = raise Match;
-(** constants **)
-(* FIXME opn, clean: move *)
-val clean =
-  let
-    fun q ("'" :: c :: cs) = c ^ q cs
-      | q (c :: cs) = c ^ q cs
-      | q ([]) = ""
-  in q o explode end;
-val opn = "op ";
+(** ext_of_sext **)
-fun constants sext =
+fun strip_esc str =
-    fun consts (Delimfix (_, ty, c)) = ([c], ty)
-      | consts (Mixfix (_, ty, c, _, _)) = ([c], ty)
-      | consts (Infixl (c, ty, _)) = ([opn ^ clean c], ty)
-      | consts (Infixr (c, ty, _)) = ([opn ^ clean c], ty)
-      | consts (Binder (_, ty, c, _, _)) = ([c], ty)
-      | consts _ = ([""], "");    (*is filtered out below*)
+    fun strip ("'" :: c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
+      | strip ["'"] = []
+      | strip (c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
+      | strip [] = [];
-    distinct (filter_out (fn (l, _) => l = [""]) (map consts (mixfix_of sext)))
+    implode (strip (explode str))
+fun infix_name sy = "op " ^ strip_esc sy;
-(** ext_of_sext **)   (* FIXME check, clean *)
 fun ext_of_sext roots xconsts read_typ sext =
-    val
-      {mixfix, parse_ast_translation, parse_preproc, parse_postproc,
-        parse_translation, print_translation, print_preproc, print_postproc,
-        print_ast_translation, ...} = sext_components sext;
+    val {mixfix, parse_ast_translation, parse_translation, print_translation,
+      print_ast_translation, ...} = sext_components sext;
-    val infixT = [typeT, typeT] ---> typeT;
+    val tinfixT = [typeT, typeT] ---> typeT;
     fun binder (Binder (sy, _, name, _, _)) = Some (sy, name)
       | binder _ = None;
@@ -384,79 +357,76 @@
       (case read_typ ty of
         Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [_, T2]), T3]) =>
           [Type ("idts", []), T2] ---> T3
-      | _ => error (quote ty ^ " is not a valid binder type."));
+      | _ => error ("Illegal binder type " ^ quote ty));
-    fun mfix_of (Mixfix (sy, ty, c, pl, p)) = [Mfix (sy, read_typ ty, c, pl, p)]
+    fun mk_infix sy T c p1 p2 p3 =
+      [Mfix ("op " ^ sy, T, c, [], max_pri),
+       Mfix ("(_ " ^ sy ^ "/ _)", T, c, [p1, p2], p3)];
+    fun mfix_of (Mixfix (sy, ty, c, ps, p)) = [Mfix (sy, read_typ ty, c, ps, p)]
       | mfix_of (Delimfix (sy, ty, c)) = [Mfix (sy, read_typ ty, c, [], max_pri)]
       | mfix_of (Infixl (sy, ty, p)) =
-          let val T = read_typ ty and c = opn ^ sy and c' = opn ^ clean sy
-          in
-            [Mfix (c, T, c', [], max_pri),
-             Mfix("(_ " ^ sy ^ "/ _)", T, c', [p, p + 1], p)]
-          end
+          mk_infix sy (read_typ ty) (infix_name sy) p (p + 1) p
       | mfix_of (Infixr (sy, ty, p)) =
-          let val T = read_typ ty and c = opn ^ sy and c' = opn ^ clean sy
-          in
-            [Mfix(c, T, c', [], max_pri),
-             Mfix("(_ " ^ sy ^ "/ _)", T, c', [p + 1, p], p)]
-          end
+          mk_infix sy (read_typ ty) (infix_name sy) (p + 1) p p
       | mfix_of (Binder (sy, ty, _, p, q)) =
           [Mfix ("(3" ^ sy ^ "_./ _)", binder_typ ty, sy, [0, p], q)]
       | mfix_of (TInfixl (s, c, p)) =
-          [Mfix ("(_ " ^ s ^ "/ _)", infixT, c, [p, p + 1], p)]
+          [Mfix ("(_ " ^ s ^ "/ _)", tinfixT, c, [p, p + 1], p)]
       | mfix_of (TInfixr (s, c, p)) =
-          [Mfix ("(_ " ^ s ^ "/ _)", infixT, c, [p + 1, p], p)];
+          [Mfix ("(_ " ^ s ^ "/ _)", tinfixT, c, [p + 1, p], p)];
     val mfix = flat (map mfix_of mixfix);
-    val mfix_consts = map (fn (Mfix (_, _, c, _, _)) => c) mfix;
-    val bs = mapfilter binder mixfix;
-    val bparses = map mk_binder_tr bs;
-    val bprints = map (mk_binder_tr' o (fn (x, y) => (y, x))) bs;
+    val binders = mapfilter binder mixfix;
+    val bparses = map mk_binder_tr binders;
+    val bprints = map (mk_binder_tr' o (fn (x, y) => (y, x))) binders;
     Ext {
       roots = roots, mfix = mfix,
-      extra_consts = distinct (filter Lexicon.is_identifier (xconsts @ mfix_consts)),
+      extra_consts = distinct (filter is_xid xconsts),
       parse_ast_translation = parse_ast_translation,
-      parse_preproc = parse_preproc,
-      parse_postproc = parse_postproc,
       parse_translation = bparses @ parse_translation,
       print_translation = bprints @ print_translation,
-      print_preproc = print_preproc,
-      print_postproc = print_postproc,
       print_ast_translation = print_ast_translation}
+(** constants **)
+fun constants sext =
+  let
+    fun consts (Delimfix (_, ty, c)) = ([c], ty)
+      | consts (Mixfix (_, ty, c, _, _)) = ([c], ty)
+      | consts (Infixl (c, ty, _)) = ([infix_name c], ty)
+      | consts (Infixr (c, ty, _)) = ([infix_name c], ty)
+      | consts (Binder (_, ty, c, _, _)) = ([c], ty)
+      | consts _ = ([""], "");    (*is filtered out below*)
+  in
+    distinct (filter_out (fn (l, _) => l = [""]) (map consts (mixfix_of sext)))
+  end;
 (** ast_to_term **)
 fun ast_to_term trf ast =
-    fun scan_vname prfx cs =
-      (case Lexicon.scan_varname cs of
-        ((x, i), []) => Var ((prfx ^ x, i), dummyT)
-      | _ => error ("ast_to_term: bad variable name " ^ quote (implode cs)));
-    fun vname_to_var v =
-      (case explode v of
-        "?" :: "'" :: cs => scan_vname "'" cs
-      | "?" :: cs => scan_vname "" cs
-      | _ => Free (v, dummyT));
     fun trans a args =
       (case trf a of
         None => list_comb (Const (a, dummyT), args)
-      | Some f => ((f args)
-          handle _ => error ("ast_to_term: error in translation for " ^ quote a)));
+      | Some f => f args handle exn
+          => (writeln ("Error in parse translation for " ^ quote a); raise exn));
-    fun trav (Constant a) = trans a []
-      | trav (Appl (Constant a :: (asts as _ :: _))) = trans a (map trav asts)
-      | trav (Appl (ast :: (asts as _ :: _))) =
-          list_comb (trav ast, map trav asts)
-      | trav (ast as (Appl _)) = raise_ast "ast_to_term: malformed ast" [ast]
-      | trav (Variable x) = vname_to_var x;
+    fun term_of (Constant a) = trans a []
+      | term_of (Variable x) = scan_var x
+      | term_of (Appl (Constant a :: (asts as _ :: _))) =
+          trans a (map term_of asts)
+      | term_of (Appl (ast :: (asts as _ :: _))) =
+          list_comb (term_of ast, map term_of asts)
+      | term_of (ast as Appl _) = raise_ast "ast_to_term: malformed ast" [ast];
-    trav ast
+    term_of ast
@@ -488,19 +458,14 @@
     xrules = [],
     parse_ast_translation =
       [(applC, appl_ast_tr), ("_lambda", lambda_ast_tr), ("_idtyp", idtyp_ast_tr),
-        ("_aprop", aprop_ast_tr), ("_bigimpl", bigimpl_ast_tr)],
-    parse_preproc = None,
-    parse_postproc = None,
-    parse_translation = [("_%", abs_tr)],
+        ("_bigimpl", bigimpl_ast_tr)],
+    parse_translation = [("_abs", abs_tr), ("_K", k_tr), ("_aprop", aprop_tr)],
     print_translation = [],
-    print_preproc = None,
-    print_postproc = None,
-    print_ast_translation = [("_%", lambda_ast_tr'), ("_idts", idts_ast_tr'),
+    print_ast_translation = [("_abs", abs_ast_tr'), ("_idts", idts_ast_tr'),
       ("==>", impl_ast_tr')]};
-val syntax_types =    (* FIXME clean, check *)
-  [logic, "aprop", args, "asms", id, "idt", "idts", tfree, tvar, "type", "types",
-    var, "sort", "classes"]
+val syntax_types = [id, var, tfree, tvar, logic, "type", "types", "sort",
+  "classes", args, "idt", "idts", "aprop", "asms"];
 val constrainIdtC = "_idtyp";
 val constrainAbsC = "_constrainAbs";
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,47 +1,53 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/syntax
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+Root of Isabelle's syntax module.
+  extend_tables (requires extend_gram) (roots!)
+  replace add_synrules by extend_tables
+  extend, merge: make roots handling more robust
+  extend: read_typ (incl check) as arg, remove def_sort
+  extend: use extend_tables
 signature SYNTAX =
-  (* FIXME include AST0 (?) *)
+  include AST0
   include LEXICON0
   include EXTENSION0
   include TYPE_EXT0
   include SEXTENSION1
   include PRINTER0
-  structure Extension: EXTENSION
-  structure Pretty: PRETTY
-  local open Extension.XGram Extension.XGram.Ast in
-    type syntax
-    val print_gram: syntax -> unit
-    val print_trans: syntax -> unit
-    val print_syntax: syntax -> unit
-    val read_ast: syntax -> string * string -> ast
-    val read: syntax -> typ -> string -> term
-    val pretty_term: syntax -> term -> Pretty.T
-    val pretty_typ: syntax -> typ -> Pretty.T
-    val string_of_term: syntax -> term -> string
-    val string_of_typ: syntax -> typ -> string
-    val type_syn: syntax
-    val extend: syntax * (indexname -> sort) -> string list * string list * sext
-      -> syntax
-    val merge: syntax * syntax -> syntax
-  end
+  type syntax
+  val type_syn: syntax
+  val extend: syntax * (indexname -> sort) -> string list * string list * sext
+    -> syntax
+  val merge: syntax * syntax -> syntax
+  val print_gram: syntax -> unit
+  val print_trans: syntax -> unit
+  val print_syntax: syntax -> unit
+  val test_read: syntax -> string -> string -> unit
+  val read: syntax -> typ -> string -> term
+  val pretty_term: syntax -> term -> Pretty.T
+  val pretty_typ: syntax -> typ -> Pretty.T
+  val string_of_term: syntax -> term -> string
+  val string_of_typ: syntax -> typ -> string
 functor SyntaxFun(structure Symtab: SYMTAB and TypeExt: TYPE_EXT
   and Parser: PARSER and SExtension: SEXTENSION and Printer: PRINTER
-  sharing TypeExt.Extension.XGram = Parser.XGram = Printer.XGram
-  and TypeExt.Extension = SExtension.Extension
-  and Parser.ParseTree.Ast = Parser.XGram.Ast)(*: SYNTAX *) = (* FIXME *)
+  sharing TypeExt.Extension = SExtension.Extension
+  and Parser.XGram = TypeExt.Extension.XGram = Printer.XGram
+  and Parser.XGram.Ast = Parser.ParseTree.Ast)(*: SYNTAX *) = (* FIXME *)
 structure Extension = TypeExt.Extension;
 structure XGram = Extension.XGram;
 structure Lexicon = Parser.ParseTree.Lexicon;
-open Lexicon Extension TypeExt SExtension Printer XGram XGram.Ast;
+open Lexicon Parser Parser.ParseTree Extension TypeExt SExtension Printer
+  XGram XGram.Ast;
 fun lookup tab a = Symtab.lookup (tab, a);
@@ -51,20 +57,17 @@
 (** datatype syntax **)
 datatype tables =
-  Tab of {
-    gram: Parser.Gram,
-    lexicon: Lexicon,
-    const_tab: unit Symtab.table,
+  Tabs of {
+    lexicon: lexicon,
+    roots: string list,
+    gram: gram,
+    consts: string list,
     parse_ast_trtab: (ast list -> ast) Symtab.table,
-    parse_preproc: ast -> ast,
     parse_ruletab: (ast * ast) list Symtab.table,
-    parse_postproc: ast -> ast,
     parse_trtab: (term list -> term) Symtab.table,
     print_trtab: (term list -> term) Symtab.table,
-    print_preproc: ast -> ast,
     print_ruletab: (ast * ast) list Symtab.table,
-    print_postproc: ast -> ast,
-    print_tab: Printer.tab};
+    prtab: prtab};
 datatype gramgraph =
   EmptyGG |
@@ -77,6 +80,75 @@
 (*** compile syntax ***)
+(* translation funs *)
+fun extend_trtab tab trfuns name =
+  Symtab.balance (Symtab.st_of_alist (trfuns, tab)) handle Symtab.DUPLICATE s
+    => error ("More than one " ^ name ^ " for " ^ quote s);
+val mk_trtab = extend_trtab Symtab.null;
+(* translation rules *)
+fun mk_ruletab rules =
+  let
+    fun add_rule (r, tab) =
+      let val a = head_of_rule r;
+      in
+        (case lookup tab a of
+          None => Symtab.update ((a, [r]), tab)
+        | Some rs => Symtab.update ((a, r :: rs), tab))
+      end;
+  in
+    Symtab.balance (foldr add_rule (rules, Symtab.null))
+  end;
+fun extend_ruletab tab rules =
+  mk_ruletab (flat (map #2 (Symtab.alist_of tab)) @ rules);
+(* mk_tables *)
+fun mk_tables (XGram xgram) =
+  let
+    val {roots, prods, consts, parse_ast_translation, parse_rules,
+      parse_translation, print_translation, print_rules,
+      print_ast_translation} = xgram;
+  in
+    Tabs {
+      lexicon = mk_lexicon (literals_of prods),
+      roots = roots,
+      gram = mk_gram roots prods,
+      consts = consts,
+      parse_ast_trtab = mk_trtab parse_ast_translation "parse ast translation",
+      parse_ruletab = mk_ruletab parse_rules,
+      parse_trtab = mk_trtab parse_translation "parse translation",
+      print_trtab = mk_trtab print_translation "print translation",
+      print_ruletab = mk_ruletab print_rules,
+      prtab = mk_prtab prods print_ast_translation}
+  end;
+(* add_synrules *)
+fun add_synrules (Tabs tabs) (SynRules rules) =
+  let
+    val {lexicon, roots, gram, consts, parse_ast_trtab, parse_ruletab,
+      parse_trtab, print_trtab, print_ruletab, prtab} = tabs;
+    val {parse_rules, print_rules} = rules;
+  in
+    Tabs {
+      lexicon = lexicon, roots = roots, gram = gram, consts = consts,
+      parse_ast_trtab = parse_ast_trtab,
+      parse_ruletab = extend_ruletab parse_ruletab parse_rules,
+      parse_trtab = parse_trtab,
+      print_trtab = print_trtab,
+      print_ruletab = extend_ruletab print_ruletab print_rules,
+      prtab = prtab}
+  end;
 (* ggr_to_xgram *)
 fun ggr_to_xgram ggr =
@@ -86,130 +158,38 @@
     and flatGG' (ref EmptyGG) xgv = xgv
       | flatGG' (ref (ExtGG (ggr, ext))) xgv =
-            val (xg', v') = flatGG ggr xgv
+            val (xg', v') = flatGG ggr xgv;
-            (Extension.extend xg' ext, v')
+            (extend_xgram xg' ext, v')
       | flatGG' (ref (MergeGG (ggr1, ggr2))) xgv =
           flatGG ggr1 (flatGG ggr2 xgv);
-    fst (flatGG ggr (Extension.empty, []))
-  end;
-(* mk_ruletab *)
-fun mk_ruletab rules =
-  let
-    fun add_rule (r, tab) =
-      let
-        val a = head_of_rule r
-      in
-        case lookup tab a of
-          None => Symtab.update ((a, [r]), tab)
-        | Some rs => Symtab.update ((a, r :: rs), tab)
-      end;
-  in
-    Symtab.balance (foldr add_rule (rules, Symtab.null))
+    #1 (flatGG ggr (empty_xgram, []))
 (* make_syntax *)
-fun make_syntax ggr =
-  let
-    fun mk_const_tab cs =
-      Symtab.balance
-        (Symtab.st_of_alist ((map (fn c => (c, ())) cs), Symtab.null));
-    fun mk_trtab alst name =
-      Symtab.balance (Symtab.st_of_alist (alst, Symtab.null))
-        handle Symtab.DUPLICATE s => error ("More than one " ^ name ^ " for " ^ quote s);
-    fun mk_proc (Some f) = f
-      | mk_proc None = I;
-    fun all_strings (opl: string prod list): string list =
-        flat (map (fn Prod (_, syn, _, _) => terminals syn) opl);
-    fun str_to_tok (opl: string prod list, lex: Lexicon): Token prod list =
-      map
-        (fn Prod (t, syn, s, pa) =>
-          Prod (t, translate (hd o tokenize lex) syn, s, pa))
-        opl;
-    fun xgram_to_tables (XGram xgram) =
-      let
-        val {roots, prods, consts, parse_ast_translation, parse_preproc, parse_rules,
-          parse_postproc, parse_translation, print_translation, print_preproc,
-          print_rules, print_postproc, print_ast_translation} = xgram;
-        val lexicon = mk_lexicon (all_strings prods);
-      in
-        Tab {
-          gram = Parser.compile_xgram (roots, str_to_tok (prods, lexicon)),
-          lexicon = lexicon,
-          const_tab = mk_const_tab consts,
-          parse_ast_trtab = mk_trtab parse_ast_translation "parse ast translation",
-          parse_preproc = mk_proc parse_preproc,
-          parse_ruletab = mk_ruletab parse_rules,
-          parse_postproc = mk_proc parse_postproc,
-          parse_trtab = mk_trtab parse_translation "parse translation",
-          print_trtab = mk_trtab print_translation "print translation",
-          print_preproc = mk_proc print_preproc,
-          print_ruletab = mk_ruletab print_rules,
-          print_postproc = mk_proc print_postproc,
-          print_tab = mk_print_tab prods
-            (mk_trtab print_ast_translation "print ast translation")}
-      end;
-  in
-    Syntax (ggr, xgram_to_tables (ggr_to_xgram ggr))
-  end;
-(* add_synrules *)
-fun add_synrules (Tab tabs) (SynRules rules) =
-  let
-    val {gram, lexicon, const_tab, parse_ast_trtab, parse_preproc, parse_ruletab,
-      parse_postproc, parse_trtab, print_trtab, print_preproc, print_ruletab,
-      print_postproc, print_tab} = tabs;
-    val {parse_rules, print_rules} = rules;
-    val parse_rs = flat (map snd (Symtab.alist_of parse_ruletab)) @ parse_rules;
-    val print_rs = flat (map snd (Symtab.alist_of print_ruletab)) @ print_rules;
-  in
-    Tab {
-      gram = gram, lexicon = lexicon, const_tab = const_tab,
-      parse_ast_trtab = parse_ast_trtab,
-      parse_preproc = parse_preproc,
-      parse_ruletab = mk_ruletab parse_rs,
-      parse_postproc = parse_postproc,
-      parse_trtab = parse_trtab,
-      print_trtab = print_trtab,
-      print_preproc = print_preproc,
-      print_ruletab = mk_ruletab print_rs,
-      print_postproc = print_postproc,
-      print_tab = print_tab}
-  end;
+fun make_syntax ggr = Syntax (ggr, mk_tables (ggr_to_xgram ggr));
 (*** inspect syntax ***)
-(* print_syntax_old *) (* FIXME remove *)
-fun print_syntax_old (Syntax (_, Tab {gram, lexicon, ...})) =
-  Parser.print_gram (gram, lexicon);
 fun xgram_of (Syntax (ggr, _)) = ggr_to_xgram ggr;
 fun string_of_big_list name prts =
   Pretty.string_of (Pretty.blk (2,
     separate Pretty.fbrk (Pretty.str name :: prts)));
+fun string_of_strings name strs =
+  Pretty.string_of (Pretty.blk (2,
+    separate (Pretty.brk 1)
+      (map Pretty.str (name :: map quote (sort_strings strs)))));
-(* print_gram *)    (* FIXME check *)
+(* print_gram *)
 fun prt_gram (XGram {roots, prods, ...}) =
@@ -233,51 +213,36 @@
       Pretty.blk (2, pretty_name name @ pretty_xsymbs xsymbs @
         pretty_const const @ pretty_pri pri);
+    writeln (string_of_strings "lexicon:" (literals_of prods));
     writeln (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.blk (2,
       separate (Pretty.brk 1) (map Pretty.str ("roots:" :: roots)))));
     writeln (string_of_big_list "prods:" (map pretty_prod prods))
 val print_gram = prt_gram o xgram_of;
-(* print_trans *)   (* FIXME check *)
+(* print_trans *)
 fun prt_trans (XGram xgram) =
-    fun string_of_strings name strs =
-      Pretty.string_of (Pretty.blk (2,
-        separate (Pretty.brk 1) (map Pretty.str (name :: map quote strs))));
     fun string_of_trs name trs = string_of_strings name (map fst trs);
-    fun string_of_proc name proc =
-      Pretty.string_of (Pretty.blk (2, [Pretty.str name, Pretty.brk 1,
-        Pretty.str (if is_none proc then "None" else "Some fn")]));
     fun string_of_rules name rules =
       string_of_big_list name (map pretty_rule rules);
-    val {consts, parse_ast_translation, parse_preproc, parse_rules,
-      parse_postproc, parse_translation, print_translation, print_preproc,
-      print_rules, print_postproc, print_ast_translation, ...} = xgram;
+    val {consts, parse_ast_translation, parse_rules, parse_translation,
+      print_translation, print_rules, print_ast_translation, ...} = xgram;
     writeln (string_of_strings "consts:" consts);
     writeln (string_of_trs "parse_ast_translation:" parse_ast_translation);
-    writeln (string_of_proc "parse_preproc:" parse_preproc);
     writeln (string_of_rules "parse_rules:" parse_rules);
-    writeln (string_of_proc "parse_postproc:" parse_postproc);
     writeln (string_of_trs "parse_translation:" parse_translation);
     writeln (string_of_trs "print_translation:" print_translation);
-    writeln (string_of_proc "print_preproc:" print_preproc);
     writeln (string_of_rules "print_rules:" print_rules);
-    writeln (string_of_proc "print_postproc:" print_postproc);
     writeln (string_of_trs "print_ast_translation:" print_ast_translation)
 val print_trans = prt_trans o xgram_of;
@@ -294,63 +259,116 @@
 (*** parsing and printing ***)
-(* read_ast *)
+(* mk_get_rules *)
-fun read_ast syn (root, s) =
-  let
-    val Syntax (_, Tab {gram, lexicon, parse_ast_trtab, ...}) = syn;
-    val root = if Parser.parsable (gram, root) then root else error ("Unparsable root " ^ root) (* Extension.logic *);    (* FIXME *)
-    fun syn_err toks =
-      error ("Syntax error at\n" ^ space_implode " " (map token_to_string toks));
-  in
-    Parser.ParseTree.pt_to_ast (lookup parse_ast_trtab)
-      (Parser.parse (gram, root, tokenize lexicon s))
-        handle Parser.SYNTAX_ERR toks => syn_err toks
-  end;
-(* norm_ast *)
-fun norm_ast ruletab ast =
+fun mk_get_rules ruletab =
     fun get_rules a =
       (case lookup ruletab a of
         Some rules => rules
       | None => []);
-    normalize (if Symtab.is_null ruletab then None else Some get_rules) ast
+    if Symtab.is_null ruletab then None else Some get_rules
+  end;
+(* read_ast *)
+fun read_ast (Syntax (_, tabs)) xids root str =
+  let
+    val Tabs {lexicon, gram, parse_ast_trtab, ...} = tabs;
+  in
+    pt_to_ast (lookup parse_ast_trtab)
+      (parse gram root (tokenize lexicon xids str))
+(** test_read **)
+fun test_read (Syntax (_, tabs)) root str =
+  let
+    val Tabs {lexicon, gram, parse_ast_trtab, parse_ruletab, ...} = tabs;
+    val toks = tokenize lexicon false str;
+    val _ = writeln ("tokens: " ^ space_implode " " (map display_token toks));
+    val pt = parse gram root toks;
+    val raw_ast = pt_to_ast (K None) pt;
+    val _ = writeln ("raw: " ^ str_of_ast raw_ast);
+    val pre_ast = pt_to_ast (lookup parse_ast_trtab) pt;
+    val _ = normalize true true (mk_get_rules parse_ruletab) pre_ast;
+  in () end;
 (** read **)
-fun read (syn as Syntax (_, Tab tabs)) ty s =
+fun read (syn as Syntax (_, tabs)) ty str =
-    val {parse_preproc, parse_ruletab, parse_postproc, parse_trtab, ...} = tabs;
-    val ast = read_ast syn (typ_to_nt ty, s);
+    val Tabs {parse_ruletab, parse_trtab, ...} = tabs;
+    val ast = read_ast syn false (typ_to_nonterm ty) str;
     ast_to_term (lookup parse_trtab)
-      (parse_postproc (norm_ast parse_ruletab (parse_preproc ast)))
+      (normalize_ast (mk_get_rules parse_ruletab) ast)
-(** pprint_ast **)
+(** read_rule **)
+fun read_rule syn (xrule as ((_, lhs_src), (_, rhs_src))) =
+  let
+    val Syntax (_, Tabs {consts, ...}) = syn;
+    fun constantify (ast as Constant _) = ast
+      | constantify (ast as Variable x) =
+          if x mem consts then Constant x else ast
+      | constantify (Appl asts) = Appl (map constantify asts);
-val pprint_ast = Pretty.pprint o pretty_ast;
+    fun read_pat (root, str) =
+      constantify (read_ast syn true root str)
+        handle ERROR => error ("The error above occurred in " ^ quote str);
+    val rule as (lhs, rhs) = (pairself read_pat) xrule;
+  in
+    (case rule_error rule of
+      Some msg =>
+        error ("Error in syntax translation rule: " ^ msg ^
+          "\nexternal: " ^ quote lhs_src ^ "  ->  " ^ quote rhs_src ^
+          "\ninternal: " ^ str_of_ast lhs ^ "  ->  " ^ str_of_ast rhs)
+    | None => rule)
+  end;
-(** pretty term, typ **)
+(** read_xrules **)
+fun read_xrules syn xrules =
+  let
+    fun right_rule (xpat1 |-> xpat2) = Some (xpat1, xpat2)
+      | right_rule (xpat1 <-| xpat2) = None
+      | right_rule (xpat1 <-> xpat2) = Some (xpat1, xpat2);
-fun pretty_t t_to_ast pretty_t (syn as Syntax (_, Tab tabs)) t =
+    fun left_rule (xpat1 |-> xpat2) = None
+      | left_rule (xpat1 <-| xpat2) = Some (xpat2, xpat1)
+      | left_rule (xpat1 <-> xpat2) = Some (xpat2, xpat1);
+  in
+    (map (read_rule syn) (mapfilter right_rule xrules),
+     map (read_rule syn) (mapfilter left_rule xrules))
+  end;
+(** pretty terms or typs **)
+fun pretty_t t_to_ast pretty_t (syn as Syntax (_, tabs)) t =
-    val {print_trtab, print_preproc, print_ruletab, print_postproc, print_tab, ...} = tabs;
+    val Tabs {print_trtab, print_ruletab, prtab, ...} = tabs;
     val ast = t_to_ast (lookup print_trtab) t;
-    pretty_t print_tab
-      (print_postproc (norm_ast print_ruletab (print_preproc ast)))
+    pretty_t prtab (normalize_ast (mk_get_rules print_ruletab) ast)
 val pretty_term = pretty_t term_to_ast pretty_term_ast;
@@ -370,53 +388,23 @@
 val type_syn = make_syntax (ref (ExtGG (ref EmptyGG, (type_ext, empty_synrules))));
-(* extend *)  (* FIXME check *)
+(** extend **)
 fun extend (old_syn as Syntax (ggr, _), def_sort) (roots, xconsts, sext) =
     fun read_typ s = typ_of_term def_sort (read old_syn typeT s);
     val ext = ext_of_sext roots xconsts read_typ sext;
-    fun right_rule (xpat1 |-> xpat2) = Some (xpat1, xpat2)
-      | right_rule (xpat1 <-| xpat2) = None
-      | right_rule (xpat1 <-> xpat2) = Some (xpat1, xpat2);
-    fun left_rule (xpat1 |-> xpat2) = None
-      | left_rule (xpat1 <-| xpat2) = Some (xpat2, xpat1)
-      | left_rule (xpat1 <-> xpat2) = Some (xpat2, xpat1);
     val (tmp_syn as Syntax (_, tmp_tabs)) =
       make_syntax (ref (ExtGG (ggr, (ext, empty_synrules))));
-    val Syntax (_, Tab {const_tab, ...}) = tmp_syn;
-    fun constantify (ast as (Constant _)) = ast
-      | constantify (ast as (Variable x)) =
-          if is_some (lookup const_tab x) then Constant x else ast
-      | constantify (Appl asts) = Appl (map constantify asts);
-    fun read_pat (r_s as (root, s)) =
-      constantify ((read_ast tmp_syn r_s)
-        handle ERROR => error ("The error above occurred in " ^ quote s));
-    fun read_rule (xrule as ((_, lhs_src), (_, rhs_src))) =
-      let
-        val rule as (lhs, rhs) = (pairself read_pat) xrule;
-      in
-        case rule_error rule of
-          Some msg =>
-            error ("Error in syntax translation rule: " ^ msg ^
-              "\nexternal: " ^ quote lhs_src ^ "  ->  " ^ quote rhs_src ^
-              "\ninternal: " ^ str_of_ast lhs ^ "  ->  " ^ str_of_ast rhs)
-        | None => rule
-      end;
-    val xrules = xrules_of sext;
-    val new_rules =
+    val (parse_rules, print_rules) = read_xrules tmp_syn (xrules_of sext);
+    val rules =
       SynRules {
-        parse_rules = map read_rule (mapfilter right_rule xrules),
-        print_rules = map read_rule (mapfilter left_rule xrules)};
+        parse_rules = parse_rules,
+        print_rules = print_rules};
-    Syntax (ref (ExtGG (ggr, (ext, new_rules))), add_synrules tmp_tabs new_rules)
+    Syntax (ref (ExtGG (ggr, (ext, rules))), add_synrules tmp_tabs rules)
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/type_ext.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/type_ext.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/type_ext
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/type_ext.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-The concrete syntax of types (used to bootstrap Pure)
+The concrete syntax of types (used to bootstrap Pure).
+  term_of_typ: prune sorts
+  move "_K" (?)
 signature TYPE_EXT0 =
@@ -25,39 +29,41 @@
 structure Extension = Extension;
-open Extension Extension.XGram.Ast;
+open Extension Extension.XGram Extension.XGram.Ast Lexicon;
-(** typ_of_term **)   (* FIXME check *)
+(** typ_of_term **)
 fun typ_of_term def_sort t =
     fun sort_err (xi as (x, i)) =
-      error ("typ_of_term: inconsistent sort constraints for type variable " ^
-        (if i < 0 then x else Lexicon.string_of_vname xi));
-    fun is_tfree name =
-      (case explode name of
-        "'" :: _ :: _ => true
-      | _ :: _ => false
-      | _ => error ("typ_of_term: bad var name " ^ quote name));
+      error ("Inconsistent sort constraints for type variable " ^
+        quote (if i < 0 then x else string_of_vname xi));
     fun put_sort scs xi s =
       (case assoc (scs, xi) of
         None => (xi, s) :: scs
       | Some s' =>  if s = s' then scs else sort_err xi);
-    fun classes (Const (s, _)) = [s]
-      | classes (Free (s, _)) = [s]
-      | classes (Const ("_sortcons", _) $ Const (s, _) $ cls) = s :: classes cls
-      | classes (Const ("_sortcons", _) $ Free (s, _) $ cls) = s :: classes cls
-      | classes tm = raise (TERM ("typ_of_term: bad encoding of classes", [tm]));
+    fun insert x [] = [x: string]
+      | insert x (lst as y :: ys) =
+          if x > y then y :: insert x ys
+          else if x = y then lst
+          else x :: lst;
+    fun classes (Const (c, _)) = [c]
+      | classes (Free (c, _)) = [c]
+      | classes (Const ("_classes", _) $ Const (c, _) $ cls) =
+          insert c (classes cls)
+      | classes (Const ("_classes", _) $ Free (c, _) $ cls) =
+          insert c (classes cls)
+      | classes tm = raise_term "typ_of_term: bad encoding of classes" [tm];
     fun sort (Const ("_emptysort", _)) = []
       | sort (Const (s, _)) = [s]
       | sort (Free (s, _)) = [s]
-      | sort (Const ("_classes", _) $ cls) = classes cls
-      | sort tm = raise (TERM ("typ_of_term: bad encoding of sort", [tm]));
+      | sort (Const ("_sort", _) $ cls) = classes cls
+      | sort tm = raise_term "typ_of_term: bad encoding of sort" [tm];
     fun typ (Free (x, _), scs) =
           (if is_tfree x then TFree (x, []) else Type (x, []), scs)
@@ -67,19 +73,19 @@
       | typ (Const ("_ofsort", _) $ Var (xi, _) $ st, scs) =
           (TVar (xi, []), put_sort scs xi (sort st))
       | typ (Const (a, _), scs) = (Type (a, []), scs)
-      | typ (tm as (_ $ _), scs) =
+      | typ (tm as _ $ _, scs) =
             val (t, ts) = strip_comb tm;
             val a =
-              case t of
+              (case t of
                 Const (x, _) => x
               | Free (x, _) => x
-              | _ => raise (TERM ("typ_of_term: bad type application", [tm]));
+              | _ => raise_term "typ_of_term: bad type application" [tm]);
             val (tys, scs') = typs (ts, scs);
             (Type (a, tys), scs')
-      | typ (tm, _) = raise (TERM ("typ_of_term: bad encoding of typ", [tm]))
+      | typ (tm, _) = raise_term "typ_of_term: bad encoding of typ" [tm]
     and typs (t :: ts, scs) =
             val (ty, scs') = typ (t, scs);
@@ -109,40 +115,43 @@
 fun term_of_typ show_sorts ty =
     fun const x = Const (x, dummyT);
+    fun free x = Free (x, dummyT);
+    fun var xi = Var (xi, dummyT);
     fun classes [] = raise Match
-      | classes [s] = const s
-      | classes (s :: ss) = const "_sortcons" $ const s $ classes ss;
+      | classes [c] = free c
+      | classes (c :: cs) = const "_classes" $ free c $ classes cs;
     fun sort [] = const "_emptysort"
-      | sort [s] = const s
-      | sort ss = const "_classes" $ classes ss;
+      | sort [s] = free s
+      | sort ss = const "_sort" $ classes ss;
     fun of_sort t ss =
       if show_sorts then const "_ofsort" $ t $ sort ss else t;
-    fun typ (Type (a, tys)) = list_comb (const a, map typ tys)
-      | typ (TFree (x, ss)) = of_sort (Free (x, dummyT)) ss
-      | typ (TVar (xi, ss)) = of_sort (Var (xi, dummyT)) ss;
+    fun term_of (Type (a, tys)) = list_comb (const a, map term_of tys)
+      | term_of (TFree (x, ss)) = of_sort (free x) ss
+      | term_of (TVar (xi, ss)) = of_sort (var xi) ss;
-    typ ty
+    term_of ty
 (** the type syntax **)
-(* parse translations *)
+(* parse ast translations *)
-fun tappl_ast_tr (*"_tappl"*) [types, f] = Appl (f :: unfold_ast "_types" types)
-  | tappl_ast_tr (*"_tappl"*) asts = raise_ast "tappl_ast_tr" asts;
+fun tappl_ast_tr (*"_tapp(l)"*) [types, f] =
+      Appl (f :: unfold_ast "_types" types)
+  | tappl_ast_tr (*"_tapp(l)"*) asts = raise_ast "tappl_ast_tr" asts;
 fun bracket_ast_tr (*"_bracket"*) [dom, cod] =
       fold_ast_p "fun" (unfold_ast "_types" dom, cod)
   | bracket_ast_tr (*"_bracket"*) asts = raise_ast "bracket_ast_tr" asts;
-(* print translations *)
+(* print ast translations *)
 fun tappl_ast_tr' (f, []) = raise_ast "tappl_ast_tr'" [f]
   | tappl_ast_tr' (f, [ty]) = Appl [Constant "_tapp", ty, f]
@@ -150,7 +159,7 @@
 fun fun_ast_tr' (*"fun"*) asts =
   (case unfold_ast_p "fun" (Appl (Constant "fun" :: asts)) of
-    (dom as (_ :: _ :: _), cod)
+    (dom as _ :: _ :: _, cod)
       => Appl [Constant "_bracket", fold_ast "_types" dom, cod]
   | _ => raise Match);
@@ -165,31 +174,27 @@
   Ext {
     roots = [logic, "type"],
     mfix = [
-      Mfix ("_",           idT --> sortT,                 "", [], max_pri),
-      Mfix ("{}",          sortT,                         "_emptysort", [], max_pri),
-      Mfix ("{_}",         classesT --> sortT,            "_classes", [], max_pri),
-      Mfix ("_",           idT --> classesT,              "", [], max_pri),
-      Mfix ("_,_",         [idT, classesT] ---> classesT, "_sortcons", [], max_pri),
       Mfix ("_",           tfreeT --> typeT,              "", [], max_pri),
       Mfix ("_",           tvarT --> typeT,               "", [], max_pri),
       Mfix ("_",           idT --> typeT,                 "", [], max_pri),
       Mfix ("_::_",        [tfreeT, sortT] ---> typeT,    "_ofsort", [max_pri, 0], max_pri),
       Mfix ("_::_",        [tvarT, sortT] ---> typeT,     "_ofsort", [max_pri, 0], max_pri),
-      Mfix ("_ _",         [typeT, idT] ---> typeT,       "_tapp", [max_pri, 0], max_pri),
-      Mfix ("((1'(_'))_)", [typesT, idT] ---> typeT,      "_tappl", [], max_pri),
+      Mfix ("_",           idT --> sortT,                 "", [], max_pri),
+      Mfix ("{}",          sortT,                         "_emptysort", [], max_pri),
+      Mfix ("{_}",         classesT --> sortT,            "_sort", [], max_pri),
+      Mfix ("_",           idT --> classesT,              "", [], max_pri),
+      Mfix ("_,_",         [idT, classesT] ---> classesT, "_classes", [], max_pri),
+      Mfix ("_ _",         [typeT, idT] ---> typeT,       "_tapp", [max_pri, 0], max_pri),  (* FIXME ambiguous *)
+      Mfix ("((1'(_'))_)", [typesT, idT] ---> typeT,      "_tappl", [], max_pri),           (* FIXME ambiguous *)
       Mfix ("_",           typeT --> typesT,              "", [], max_pri),
       Mfix ("_,/ _",       [typeT, typesT] ---> typesT,   "_types", [], max_pri),
       Mfix ("(_/ => _)",   [typeT, typeT] ---> typeT,     "fun", [1, 0], 0),
       Mfix ("([_]/ => _)", [typesT, typeT] ---> typeT,    "_bracket", [0, 0], 0)],
-    extra_consts = ["fun"],
+    extra_consts = ["_K"],
     parse_ast_translation = [("_tapp", tappl_ast_tr), ("_tappl", tappl_ast_tr),
       ("_bracket", bracket_ast_tr)],
-    parse_preproc = None,
-    parse_postproc = None,
     parse_translation = [],
     print_translation = [],
-    print_preproc = None,
-    print_postproc = None,
     print_ast_translation = [("fun", fun_ast_tr')]};
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/xgram.ML	Fri Oct 01 13:26:22 1993 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/xgram.ML	Mon Oct 04 15:30:49 1993 +0100
@@ -1,61 +1,54 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/xgram
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/xgram.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-External Grammar Representation
+External grammar representation (internal interface).
-  XGRAM: added Ast, changed XGram,
-    renamed (XSymb, Prod, XGram) to (xsymb, prod, xgram)
-  removed Symtab
-  prod, xsymb, xgram: 'a -> string (?)
+  prod, xsymb: 'a --> string
+  Terminal --> Literal, Nonterminal --> Argument (?)
 signature XGRAM =
   structure Ast: AST
-  datatype 'a xsymb =
-    Terminal of 'a |
-    Nonterminal of string * int |
-    Space of string |
-    Bg of int | Brk of int | En
-  datatype 'a prod = Prod of string * ('a xsymb list) * string * int
   local open Ast in
-    datatype 'a xgram =
+    datatype 'a xsymb =
+      Terminal of 'a |
+      Nonterminal of string * int |
+      Space of string |
+      Bg of int | Brk of int | En
+    datatype 'a prod = Prod of string * ('a xsymb list) * string * int
+    val max_pri: int
+    val chain_pri: int
+    val literals_of: string prod list -> string list
+    datatype xgram =
       XGram of {
         roots: string list,
-        prods: 'a prod list,
+        prods: string prod list,
         consts: string list,
         parse_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list,
-        parse_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
         parse_rules: (ast * ast) list,
-        parse_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
         parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
         print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-        print_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
         print_rules: (ast * ast) list,
-        print_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
         print_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list}
-  val copy_pri: int
-  val terminals: 'a xsymb list -> 'a list
-  val nonterminals: 'a xsymb list -> string list
-  val translate: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a xsymb list -> 'b xsymb list
-functor XGramFun(Ast: AST)(*: XGRAM*) =  (* FIXME *)
+functor XGramFun(Ast: AST): XGRAM =
 structure Ast = Ast;
 open Ast;
-(** datatype 'a xgram **)
+(** datatype prod **)
-(* Terminal a: terminal a
-   Nonterminal (s, p): nonterminal named s, require priority >= p
-   Space s: some white space for printing
-   Bg, Brk, En: see resp. routines in Pretty *)
+(*Terminal s: literal token s
+  Nonterminal (s, p): nonterminal s requiring priority >= p, or valued token
+  Space s: some white space for printing
+  Bg, Brk, En: blocks and breaks for pretty printing*)
 datatype 'a xsymb =
   Terminal of 'a |
@@ -64,53 +57,43 @@
   Bg of int | Brk of int | En;
-(* Prod (lhs, rhs, opn, p):
+(*Prod (lhs, syms, c, p):
     lhs: name of nonterminal on the lhs of the production
-    rhs: list of symbols on the rhs of the production
-    opn: name of the corresponding Isabelle Const
-    p: priority of this production, 0 <= p <= max_pri *)
+    syms: list of symbols on the rhs of the production
+    c: head of parse tree
+    p: priority of this production*)
 datatype 'a prod = Prod of string * ('a xsymb list) * string * int;
+val max_pri = 1000;   (*maximum legal priority*)
+val chain_pri = ~1;   (*dummy for chain productions*)
-datatype 'a xgram =
-  XGram of {
-    roots: string list,
-    prods: 'a prod list,
-    consts: string list,
-    parse_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list,
-    parse_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-    parse_rules: (ast * ast) list,
-    parse_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-    parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-    print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-    print_preproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-    print_rules: (ast * ast) list,
-    print_postproc: (ast -> ast) option,
-    print_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list};
+(* literals_of *)
+fun literals_of prods =
+  let
+    fun lits_of (Prod (_, syn, _, _)) =
+      mapfilter (fn Terminal s => Some s | _ => None) syn;
+  in
+    distinct (flat (map lits_of prods))
+  end;
-(** misc stuff **)
-val copy_pri = ~1;  (* must be < all legal priorities, i.e. 0 *)
-fun terminals [] = []
-  | terminals (Terminal s :: sl) = s :: terminals sl
-  | terminals (_ :: sl) = terminals sl;
+(** datatype xgram **)
-fun nonterminals [] = []
-  | nonterminals (Nonterminal (s, _) :: sl) = s :: nonterminals sl
-  | nonterminals (_ :: sl) = nonterminals sl;
-fun translate trfn =
-  map
-    (fn Terminal t => Terminal (trfn t)
-      | Nonterminal s => Nonterminal s
-      | Space s => Space s
-      | Bg i => Bg i
-      | Brk i => Brk i
-      | En => En);
+datatype xgram =
+  XGram of {
+    roots: string list,
+    prods: string prod list,
+    consts: string list,
+    parse_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list,
+    parse_rules: (ast * ast) list,
+    parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
+    print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
+    print_rules: (ast * ast) list,
+    print_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list};