use only one data slot; rename print_quotmaps to print_quot_maps; tuned
Wed, 28 Aug 2013 14:37:35 +0200
changeset 53219 ca237b9e4542
parent 53218 9ddc3bf9f5df
child 53220 daa550823c9f
use only one data slot; rename print_quotmaps to print_quot_maps; tuned
--- a/etc/isar-keywords.el	Wed Aug 28 11:15:14 2013 +0200
+++ b/etc/isar-keywords.el	Wed Aug 28 14:37:35 2013 +0200
@@ -195,10 +195,10 @@
+    "print_quot_maps"
-    "print_quotmaps"
@@ -422,10 +422,10 @@
+    "print_quot_maps"
-    "print_quotmaps"
--- a/src/Doc/IsarRef/HOL_Specific.thy	Wed Aug 28 11:15:14 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/IsarRef/HOL_Specific.thy	Wed Aug 28 14:37:35 2013 +0200
@@ -1550,7 +1550,7 @@
     @{command_def (HOL) "setup_lifting"} & : & @{text "local_theory \<rightarrow> local_theory"}\\
     @{command_def (HOL) "lift_definition"} & : & @{text "local_theory \<rightarrow> proof(prove)"}\\
-    @{command_def (HOL) "print_quotmaps"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"}\\
+    @{command_def (HOL) "print_quot_maps"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"}\\
     @{command_def (HOL) "print_quotients"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"}\\
     @{attribute_def (HOL) "quot_map"} & : & @{text attribute} \\
     @{attribute_def (HOL) "invariant_commute"} & : & @{text attribute} \\
@@ -1626,7 +1626,7 @@
     Integration with code: For total quotients, @{command
     (HOL) "lift_definition"} uses @{text f.abs_eq} as a code equation.
-  \item @{command (HOL) "print_quotmaps"} prints stored quotient map
+  \item @{command (HOL) "print_quot_maps"} prints stored quotient map
   \item @{command (HOL) "print_quotients"} prints stored quotient
--- a/src/HOL/Lifting.thy	Wed Aug 28 11:15:14 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Lifting.thy	Wed Aug 28 14:37:35 2013 +0200
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 imports Equiv_Relations Transfer
   "parametric" and
-  "print_quotmaps" "print_quotients" :: diag and
+  "print_quot_maps" "print_quotients" :: diag and
   "lift_definition" :: thy_goal and
   "setup_lifting" :: thy_decl
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Lifting/lifting_info.ML	Wed Aug 28 11:15:14 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Lifting/lifting_info.ML	Wed Aug 28 14:37:35 2013 +0200
@@ -6,18 +6,15 @@
 signature LIFTING_INFO =
-  type quotmaps = {rel_quot_thm: thm}
-  val lookup_quotmaps: Proof.context -> string -> quotmaps option
-  val lookup_quotmaps_global: theory -> string -> quotmaps option
-  val print_quotmaps: Proof.context -> unit
-  type pcrel_info = {pcrel_def: thm, pcr_cr_eq: thm}
-  type quotients = {quot_thm: thm, pcrel_info: pcrel_info option}
-  val transform_quotients: morphism -> quotients -> quotients
-  val lookup_quotients: Proof.context -> string -> quotients option
-  val lookup_quotients_global: theory -> string -> quotients option
-  val update_quotients: string -> quotients -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
-  val dest_quotients: Proof.context -> quotients list
+  type quot_map = {rel_quot_thm: thm}
+  val lookup_quot_maps: Proof.context -> string -> quot_map option
+  val print_quot_maps: Proof.context -> unit
+  type pcr = {pcrel_def: thm, pcr_cr_eq: thm}
+  type quotient = {quot_thm: thm, pcr_info: pcr option}
+  val transform_quotient: morphism -> quotient -> quotient
+  val lookup_quotients: Proof.context -> string -> quotient option
+  val update_quotients: string -> quotient -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
   val print_quotients: Proof.context -> unit
   val get_invariant_commute_rules: Proof.context -> thm list
@@ -29,7 +26,10 @@
   type relator_distr_data = {pos_mono_rule: thm, neg_mono_rule: thm, 
     pos_distr_rules: thm list, neg_distr_rules: thm list}
   val lookup_relator_distr_data: Proof.context -> string -> relator_distr_data option
-  val lookup_relator_distr_data_global: theory -> string -> relator_distr_data option
+  val get_quot_maps           : Proof.context -> quot_map Symtab.table
+  val get_quotients           : Proof.context -> quotient Symtab.table
+  val get_relator_distr_data  : Proof.context -> relator_distr_data Symtab.table
   val setup: theory -> theory
@@ -39,23 +39,62 @@
 open Lifting_Util
-(** data containers **)
+(** data container **)
+type quot_map = {rel_quot_thm: thm}
+type pcr = {pcrel_def: thm, pcr_cr_eq: thm}
+type quotient = {quot_thm: thm, pcr_info: pcr option}
+type relator_distr_data = {pos_mono_rule: thm, neg_mono_rule: thm, 
+  pos_distr_rules: thm list, neg_distr_rules: thm list}
+structure Data = Generic_Data
+  type T = 
+    { quot_maps : quot_map Symtab.table,
+      quotients : quotient Symtab.table,
+      reflexivity_rules : thm Item_Net.T,
+      relator_distr_data : relator_distr_data Symtab.table
+    }
+  val empty =
+    { quot_maps = Symtab.empty,
+      quotients = Symtab.empty,
+      reflexivity_rules = Thm.full_rules,
+      relator_distr_data = Symtab.empty
+    }
+  val extend = I
+  fun merge
+    ( { quot_maps = qm1, quotients = q1, reflexivity_rules = rr1, relator_distr_data = rdd1 },
+      { quot_maps = qm2, quotients = q2, reflexivity_rules = rr2, relator_distr_data = rdd2 } ) =
+    { quot_maps = Symtab.merge (K true) (qm1, qm2),
+      quotients = Symtab.merge (K true) (q1, q2),
+      reflexivity_rules = Item_Net.merge (rr1, rr2),
+      relator_distr_data = Symtab.merge (K true) (rdd1, rdd2) }
+fun map_data f1 f2 f3 f4
+  { quot_maps, quotients, reflexivity_rules, relator_distr_data} =
+  { quot_maps = f1 quot_maps,
+    quotients = f2 quotients,
+    reflexivity_rules = f3 reflexivity_rules,
+    relator_distr_data = f4 relator_distr_data }
+fun map_quot_maps           f = map_data f I I I
+fun map_quotients           f = map_data I f I I
+fun map_reflexivity_rules   f = map_data I I f I
+fun map_relator_distr_data  f = map_data I I I f
+val get_quot_maps'           = #quot_maps o Data.get
+val get_quotients'           = #quotients o Data.get
+val get_reflexivity_rules'   = #reflexivity_rules o Data.get
+val get_relator_distr_data'  = #relator_distr_data o Data.get
+fun get_quot_maps          ctxt = get_quot_maps' (Context.Proof ctxt)
+fun get_quotients          ctxt = get_quotients' (Context.Proof ctxt)
+fun get_relator_distr_data ctxt = get_relator_distr_data' (Context.Proof ctxt)
 (* info about Quotient map theorems *)
-type quotmaps = {rel_quot_thm: thm}
-structure Quotmaps = Generic_Data
-  type T = quotmaps Symtab.table
-  val empty = Symtab.empty
-  val extend = I
-  fun merge data = Symtab.merge (K true) data
-val lookup_quotmaps = Symtab.lookup o Quotmaps.get o Context.Proof
-val lookup_quotmaps_global = Symtab.lookup o Quotmaps.get o Context.Theory
-(* FIXME export proper internal update operation!? *)
+val lookup_quot_maps = Symtab.lookup o get_quot_maps
 fun quot_map_thm_sanity_check rel_quot_thm ctxt =
@@ -102,14 +141,14 @@
     val relatorT_name = (fst o dest_Type o fst o dest_funT o fastype_of) abs
     val minfo = {rel_quot_thm = rel_quot_thm}
- (Symtab.update (relatorT_name, minfo)) ctxt
+ (map_quot_maps (Symtab.update (relatorT_name, minfo))) ctxt
 val quot_map_attribute_setup =
   Attrib.setup @{binding quot_map} (Scan.succeed (Thm.declaration_attribute add_quot_map))
     "declaration of the Quotient map theorem"
-fun print_quotmaps ctxt =
+fun print_quot_maps ctxt =
     fun prt_map (ty_name, {rel_quot_thm}) =
       Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 2)
@@ -118,67 +157,49 @@
           Pretty.str "quot. theorem:", 
           Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (prop_of rel_quot_thm)])
-    map prt_map (Symtab.dest (Quotmaps.get (Context.Proof ctxt)))
+    map prt_map (Symtab.dest (get_quot_maps ctxt))
     |> Pretty.big_list "maps for type constructors:"
     |> Pretty.writeln
 (* info about quotient types *)
-type pcrel_info = {pcrel_def: thm, pcr_cr_eq: thm}
-type quotients = {quot_thm: thm, pcrel_info: pcrel_info option}
-structure Quotients = Generic_Data
-  type T = quotients Symtab.table
-  val empty = Symtab.empty
-  val extend = I
-  fun merge data = Symtab.merge (K true) data
-fun transform_pcrel_info phi {pcrel_def, pcr_cr_eq} =
+fun transform_pcr_info phi {pcrel_def, pcr_cr_eq} =
   {pcrel_def = Morphism.thm phi pcrel_def, pcr_cr_eq = Morphism.thm phi pcr_cr_eq}
-fun transform_quotients phi {quot_thm, pcrel_info} =
-  {quot_thm = Morphism.thm phi quot_thm, pcrel_info = (transform_pcrel_info phi) pcrel_info}
+fun transform_quotient phi {quot_thm, pcr_info} =
+  {quot_thm = Morphism.thm phi quot_thm, pcr_info = (transform_pcr_info phi) pcr_info}
-val lookup_quotients = Symtab.lookup o Quotients.get o Context.Proof
-val lookup_quotients_global = Symtab.lookup o Quotients.get o Context.Theory
+fun lookup_quotients ctxt type_name = Symtab.lookup (get_quotients ctxt) type_name
-fun update_quotients str qinfo = (Symtab.update (str, qinfo))
+fun update_quotients type_name qinfo ctxt = 
+ (map_quotients (Symtab.update (type_name, qinfo))) ctxt
 fun delete_quotients quot_thm ctxt =
     val (_, qtyp) = quot_thm_rty_qty quot_thm
     val qty_full_name = (fst o dest_Type) qtyp
-    val symtab = Quotients.get ctxt
-    val opt_stored_quot_thm = Symtab.lookup symtab qty_full_name
+    val symtab = get_quotients' ctxt
+    fun compare_data (_, data) = Thm.eq_thm_prop (#quot_thm data, quot_thm)
-    case opt_stored_quot_thm of
-      SOME data => 
-        if Thm.eq_thm_prop (#quot_thm data, quot_thm) then
- (Symtab.delete qty_full_name) ctxt
-        else
-          ctxt
-      | NONE => ctxt
+    if Symtab.member compare_data symtab (qty_full_name, quot_thm)
+      then (map_quotients (Symtab.delete qty_full_name)) ctxt
+      else ctxt
-fun dest_quotients ctxt =  (* FIXME slightly expensive way to retrieve data *)
-  map snd (Symtab.dest (Quotients.get (Context.Proof ctxt)))
 fun print_quotients ctxt =
-    fun prt_quot (qty_name, {quot_thm, pcrel_info}: quotients) =
+    fun prt_quot (qty_name, {quot_thm, pcr_info}: quotient) =
       Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 2)
        [Pretty.str "type:", 
         Pretty.str qty_name,
         Pretty.str "quot. thm:",
         Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (prop_of quot_thm),
         Pretty.str "pcrel_def thm:",
-        option_fold (Pretty.str "-") ((Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) o prop_of o #pcrel_def) pcrel_info,
+        option_fold (Pretty.str "-") ((Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) o prop_of o #pcrel_def) pcr_info,
         Pretty.str "pcr_cr_eq thm:",
-        option_fold (Pretty.str "-") ((Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) o prop_of o #pcr_cr_eq) pcrel_info])
+        option_fold (Pretty.str "-") ((Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) o prop_of o #pcr_cr_eq) pcr_info])
-    map prt_quot (Symtab.dest (Quotients.get (Context.Proof ctxt)))
+    map prt_quot (Symtab.dest (get_quotients ctxt))
     |> Pretty.big_list "quotients:"
     |> Pretty.writeln
@@ -187,6 +208,8 @@
   Attrib.setup @{binding quot_del} (Scan.succeed (Thm.declaration_attribute delete_quotients))
     "deletes the Quotient theorem"
+(* theorems that a relator of an invariant is an invariant of the corresponding predicate *)
 structure Invariant_Commute = Named_Thms
   val name = @{binding invariant_commute}
@@ -197,16 +220,8 @@
 (* info about reflexivity rules *)
-structure Reflexivity_Rule = Generic_Data
-  type T = thm Item_Net.T
-  val empty = Thm.full_rules
-  val extend = I
-  val merge = Item_Net.merge
-fun get_reflexivity_rules ctxt = ctxt
-  |> (Item_Net.content o Reflexivity_Rule.get o Context.Proof)
+fun get_reflexivity_rules ctxt = Item_Net.content (get_reflexivity_rules' (Context.Proof ctxt))
 (* Conversion to create a reflp' variant of a reflexivity rule  *)
 fun safe_reflp_conv ct =
@@ -219,7 +234,7 @@
       Conv.all_conv) ct
-fun add_reflexivity_rule_raw thm = (Item_Net.update thm)
+fun add_reflexivity_rule_raw thm = (map_reflexivity_rules (Item_Net.update thm))
 val add_reflexivity_rule_raw_attribute = Thm.declaration_attribute add_reflexivity_rule_raw
 fun add_reflexivity_rule thm = add_reflexivity_rule_raw thm #>
@@ -230,40 +245,30 @@
 val relfexivity_rule_setup =
     val name = @{binding reflexivity_rule}
-    fun del_thm_raw thm = (Item_Net.remove thm)
+    fun del_thm_raw thm = (map_reflexivity_rules (Item_Net.remove thm))
     fun del_thm thm = del_thm_raw thm #>
       del_thm_raw (Conv.fconv_rule prep_reflp_conv thm)
     val del = Thm.declaration_attribute del_thm
     val text = "rules that are used to prove that a relation is reflexive"
-    val content = Item_Net.content o Reflexivity_Rule.get
+    val content = Item_Net.content o get_reflexivity_rules'
     Attrib.setup name (Attrib.add_del add_reflexivity_rule_attribute del) text
     #> Global_Theory.add_thms_dynamic (name, content)
 (* info about relator distributivity theorems *)
-type relator_distr_data = {pos_mono_rule: thm, neg_mono_rule: thm, 
-  pos_distr_rules: thm list, neg_distr_rules: thm list}
-fun map_relator_distr_data f1 f2 f3 f4
+fun map_relator_distr_data' f1 f2 f3 f4
   {pos_mono_rule, neg_mono_rule, pos_distr_rules, neg_distr_rules} =
   {pos_mono_rule   = f1 pos_mono_rule, 
    neg_mono_rule   = f2 neg_mono_rule,
    pos_distr_rules = f3 pos_distr_rules, 
    neg_distr_rules = f4 neg_distr_rules}
-fun map_pos_mono_rule f = map_relator_distr_data f I I I
-fun map_neg_mono_rule f = map_relator_distr_data I f I I
-fun map_pos_distr_rules f = map_relator_distr_data I I f I 
-fun map_neg_distr_rules f = map_relator_distr_data I I I f
-structure Relator_Distr = Generic_Data
-  type T = relator_distr_data Symtab.table
-  val empty = Symtab.empty
-  val extend = I
-  fun merge data = Symtab.merge (K true) data
+fun map_pos_mono_rule f = map_relator_distr_data' f I I I
+fun map_neg_mono_rule f = map_relator_distr_data' I f I I
+fun map_pos_distr_rules f = map_relator_distr_data' I I f I 
+fun map_neg_distr_rules f = map_relator_distr_data' I I I f
 fun introduce_polarities rule =
@@ -315,14 +320,14 @@
     val mono_rule = introduce_polarities mono_rule
     val mono_ruleT_name = (fst o dest_Type o fst o relation_types o fst o relation_types o snd o 
       dest_Const o head_of o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o concl_of) mono_rule
-    val _ = if Symtab.defined (Relator_Distr.get ctxt) mono_ruleT_name 
+    val _ = if Symtab.defined (get_relator_distr_data' ctxt) mono_ruleT_name 
       then error ("Monotocity rule for type " ^ quote mono_ruleT_name ^ " is already_defined.")
       else ()
     val neg_mono_rule = negate_mono_rule mono_rule
     val relator_distr_data = {pos_mono_rule = mono_rule, neg_mono_rule = neg_mono_rule, 
       pos_distr_rules = [], neg_distr_rules = []}
- (Symtab.update (mono_ruleT_name, relator_distr_data)) ctxt
+ (map_relator_distr_data (Symtab.update (mono_ruleT_name, relator_distr_data))) ctxt
@@ -331,8 +336,9 @@
       val distr_ruleT_name = (fst o dest_Type o fst o relation_types o fst o relation_types o snd o 
         dest_Const o head_of o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o concl_of) distr_rule
-      if Symtab.defined (Relator_Distr.get ctxt) distr_ruleT_name then 
- (Symtab.map_entry distr_ruleT_name (update_entry distr_rule)) ctxt
+      if Symtab.defined (get_relator_distr_data' ctxt) distr_ruleT_name then 
+ (map_relator_distr_data (Symtab.map_entry distr_ruleT_name (update_entry distr_rule))) 
+          ctxt
       else error "The monoticity rule is not defined."
@@ -425,14 +431,13 @@
 fun get_distr_rules_raw ctxt = Symtab.fold 
   (fn (_, {pos_distr_rules, neg_distr_rules, ...}) => fn rules => pos_distr_rules @ neg_distr_rules @ rules) 
-    (Relator_Distr.get ctxt) []
+    (get_relator_distr_data' ctxt) []
 fun get_mono_rules_raw ctxt = Symtab.fold 
   (fn (_, {pos_mono_rule, neg_mono_rule, ...}) => fn rules => [pos_mono_rule, neg_mono_rule] @ rules) 
-    (Relator_Distr.get ctxt) []
+    (get_relator_distr_data' ctxt) []
-val lookup_relator_distr_data = Symtab.lookup o Relator_Distr.get o Context.Proof
-val lookup_relator_distr_data_global = Symtab.lookup o Relator_Distr.get o Context.Theory
+val lookup_relator_distr_data = Symtab.lookup o get_relator_distr_data
 val relator_distr_attribute_setup =
   Attrib.setup @{binding relator_mono} (Scan.succeed (Thm.declaration_attribute add_mono_rule))
@@ -456,8 +461,8 @@
 (* outer syntax commands *)
 val _ =
-  Outer_Syntax.improper_command @{command_spec "print_quotmaps"} "print quotient map functions"
-    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep (print_quotmaps o Toplevel.context_of)))
+  Outer_Syntax.improper_command @{command_spec "print_quot_maps"} "print quotient map functions"
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep (print_quot_maps o Toplevel.context_of)))
 val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.improper_command @{command_spec "print_quotients"} "print quotients"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Lifting/lifting_setup.ML	Wed Aug 28 11:15:14 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Lifting/lifting_setup.ML	Wed Aug 28 14:37:35 2013 +0200
@@ -201,12 +201,12 @@
     val (pcr_cr_eq, lthy) = case pcrel_def of
       SOME pcrel_def => apfst SOME (define_pcr_cr_eq lthy pcrel_def)
       | NONE => (NONE, lthy)
-    val pcrel_info = case pcrel_def of
+    val pcr_info = case pcrel_def of
       SOME pcrel_def => SOME { pcrel_def = pcrel_def, pcr_cr_eq = the pcr_cr_eq }
       | NONE => NONE
-    val quotients = { quot_thm = quot_thm, pcrel_info = pcrel_info }
+    val quotients = { quot_thm = quot_thm, pcr_info = pcr_info }
     val qty_full_name = (fst o dest_Type) qtyp  
-    fun quot_info phi = Lifting_Info.transform_quotients phi quotients
+    fun quot_info phi = Lifting_Info.transform_quotient phi quotients
     val reflexivity_rule_attr = Attrib.internal (K Lifting_Info.add_reflexivity_rule_attribute)
     val lthy = case opt_reflp_thm of
       SOME reflp_thm => lthy
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
       reduced_assm RS thm
-  fun parametrize_domain dom_thm (pcrel_info : Lifting_Info.pcrel_info) ctxt =
+  fun parametrize_domain dom_thm (pcr_info : Lifting_Info.pcr) ctxt =
       fun reduce_first_assm ctxt rules thm =
@@ -386,9 +386,9 @@
           reduced_assm RS thm
-      val pcr_cr_met_eq = #pcr_cr_eq pcrel_info RS @{thm eq_reflection}
+      val pcr_cr_met_eq = #pcr_cr_eq pcr_info RS @{thm eq_reflection}
       val pcr_Domainp_eq = rewrite_first_Domainp_arg (Thm.symmetric pcr_cr_met_eq) dom_thm
-      val pcrel_def = #pcrel_def pcrel_info
+      val pcrel_def = #pcrel_def pcr_info
       val pcr_Domainp_par_left_total = 
         (dom_thm RS @{thm pcr_Domainp_par_left_total})
           |> fold_Domainp_pcrel pcrel_def
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
 fun get_pcrel_info ctxt qty_full_name =  
-  #pcrel_info (the (Lifting_Info.lookup_quotients ctxt qty_full_name))
+  #pcr_info (the (Lifting_Info.lookup_quotients ctxt qty_full_name))
 fun get_Domainp_thm quot_thm =
    the (get_first (try(curry op RS quot_thm)) [@{thm invariant_to_Domainp}, @{thm Quotient_to_Domainp}])
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Lifting/lifting_term.ML	Wed Aug 28 11:15:14 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Lifting/lifting_term.ML	Wed Aug 28 14:37:35 2013 +0200
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
 fun get_pcrel_info ctxt s =
-  case #pcrel_info (get_quot_data ctxt s) of
-    SOME pcrel_info => pcrel_info
+  case #pcr_info (get_quot_data ctxt s) of
+    SOME pcr_info => pcr_info
   | NONE => raise QUOT_THM_INTERNAL (Pretty.block 
     [Pretty.str ("No parametrized correspondce relation for " ^ quote s), 
      Pretty.brk 1, 
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
-    (case Lifting_Info.lookup_quotmaps ctxt s of
+    (case Lifting_Info.lookup_quot_maps ctxt s of
       SOME map_data => Thm.transfer thy (#rel_quot_thm map_data)
     | NONE => raise QUOT_THM_INTERNAL (Pretty.block 
       [Pretty.str ("No relator for the type " ^ quote s),