debugging concerning sort variables
Wed, 29 Oct 1997 14:23:49 +0100
changeset 4030 ca44afcc259c
parent 4029 22f2d1b17f97
child 4031 42cbf6256d60
debugging concerning sort variables theorems are now proved immediately after generating the syntax
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/extender.ML	Tue Oct 28 17:58:35 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/extender.ML	Wed Oct 29 14:23:49 1997 +0100
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
     fun analyse_equation ((dname,typevars),cons') = 
 	val tvars = map rep_TFree typevars;
+	fun distinct_name s = "'"^Sign.base_name dname^"_"^s;
+	val distinct_typevars = map (fn (n,sort) => 
+				     TFree (distinct_name n,sort)) tvars;
 	fun rm_sorts (TFree(s,_)) = TFree(s,[])
 	|   rm_sorts (Type(s,ts)) = Type(s,remove_sorts ts)
 	|   rm_sorts (TVar(s,_))  = TVar(s,[])
@@ -44,20 +47,21 @@
 	fun analyse(TFree(v,s)) = (case assoc_string(tvars,v) of 
 		    None      => error ("Free type variable " ^ v ^ " on rhs.")
 	          | Some sort => if eq_set_string (s,defaultS) orelse
-				    eq_set_string (s,sort    ) then TFree(v,sort)
+				    eq_set_string (s,sort    )
+				 then TFree(distinct_name v,sort)
 				 else error ("Additional constraint on rhs "^
 					     "for type variable "^quote v))
-        |    analyse(Type(s,typl)) = (case assoc_string (dtnvs,s) of 
-		    None     =>      Type(s,map analyse typl)
-	          | Some tvs => if remove_sorts tvs = remove_sorts typl 
+        |    analyse(Type(s,typl)) = if s <> dname 
+			then Type(s,map analyse typl)
+			else if remove_sorts typevars = remove_sorts typl 
 				then Type(s,map analyse typl) 
 				else error ("Recursion of type " ^ s ^ 
-					    " with different arguments"))
+					    " with different arguments")
         | analyse(TVar _) = Imposs "extender:analyse";
 	fun check_pcpo t = (pcpo_type sg t orelse 
 			   error("Not a pcpo type: "^string_of_typ sg t); t);
 	val analyse_con = upd_third (map (upd_third (check_pcpo o analyse)));
-      in ((dname,typevars), map analyse_con cons') end; 
+      in ((dname,distinct_typevars), map analyse_con cons') end; 
   in analyse_equation (dtnvs,cons'')
   end; (* let *)
@@ -86,7 +90,7 @@
 	  list list end;
     fun test_equal_type tn (cn,_,(_,rt)) = fst (rep_Type rt) = tn orelse
 		      error("Inappropriate result type for constructor "^cn);
-    val typs = (fn (tn, cnstrs) => (map (test_equal_type tn) cnstrs;
+    val typs = (fn (tn, cnstrs) =>(map (test_equal_type tn) cnstrs;
 				snd(third(hd(cnstrs)))))  (typs',cnstrss);
     val test_typs = (fn (typ,cnstrs) => 
 			if not (pcpo_type sg' typ)
@@ -99,15 +103,15 @@
 	fun occurs tn (Type(tn',ts)) = (tn'=tn) orelse exists (occurs tn) ts
 	|   occurs _  _              = false;
 	fun proper_arg cn atyp = forall (fn typ => let 
-				   val tn = fst (rep_Type typ) 
-				   in atyp=typ orelse not (occurs tn atyp) orelse 
-				      error("Illegal use of type "^ tn ^
-					 " as argument of constructor " ^cn)end )typs;
+				  val tn = fst (rep_Type typ) 
+				  in atyp=typ orelse not (occurs tn atyp) orelse
+				     error("Illegal use of type "^ tn ^
+				   " as argument of constructor " ^cn)end )typs;
 	fun proper_curry (cn,_,(args,_)) = forall (proper_arg cn) args;
     in map (map proper_curry) cnstrss end;
   in (typs, flat cnstrss) end;
-(* ----- calls for building new thy and thms -------------------------------------- *)
+(* ----- calls for building new thy and thms -------------------------------- *)
@@ -129,13 +133,15 @@
     fun cons cons' = (map (fn (con,syn,args) =>
 	((ThyOps.const_name con syn), (fn ((lazy,sel,tp),vn) => ((lazy,
-					 find (tp,dts) handle LIST "find" => ~1),
+					find (tp,dts) handle LIST "find" => ~1),
 	     (args,(mk_var_names(map third args)))
 	 )) cons') : cons list;
     val eqs = map (fn (dtnvs,cons') => (dtnvs,cons cons')) eqs' : eq list;
-    val thy         = thy' |> Domain_Axioms.add_axioms (comp_dnam,eqs);
-  in (thy,eqs) end;
+    val thy       = thy' |> Domain_Axioms.add_axioms (comp_dnam,eqs);
+    val thmss     = map (Domain_Theorems.theorems thy eqs) eqs;
+    val comp_thms = Domain_Theorems.comp_theorems thy (comp_dnam, eqs, thmss);
+  in (thy, thmss, comp_thms) end;
   fun add_gen_by ((tname,finite),(typs',cnstrss')) thy' = let
    val (typs,cnstrs) = check_gen_by (sign_of thy') (typs',cnstrss');
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/interface.ML	Tue Oct 28 17:58:35 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/interface.ML	Wed Oct 29 14:23:49 1997 +0100
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
   open ThyParse;
   open Domain_Library;
-(* --- generation of bindings for axioms and theorems in trailer of .thy.ML - *)
+(* --- generation of bindings for axioms and theorems in .thy.ML - *)
   fun gt_ax         name   = "get_axiom thy " ^ quote name;
   fun gen_val dname name   = "val "^name^" = "^ gt_ax (dname^"_"^name)^";";
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
  	      \con_rews @ sel_rews @ dis_rews @ dists_le @ dists_eq @\n\
-  fun gen_domain eqname num ((dname,_), cons') = let
+  fun gen_struct thms_str num ((dname,_), cons') = let
     val axioms1 = ["abs_iso", "rep_iso", "when_def"];
 		   (* con_defs , sel_defs, dis_defs *) 
     val axioms2 = ["copy_def"];
@@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
       gen_vall"dis_defs"(map(fn (con,_,_) => gt_ax(dis_name_ con^"_def")) 
       cat_lines(map (gen_val dname) axioms2)^"\n"^
-      "val ("^ theorems ^") =\n\
-      \Domain_Theorems.theorems thy "^eqname^";\n" ^
+      "val ("^ theorems ^") = "^thms_str^";\n" ^
       (if num > 1 then "val rews = " ^rews1 ^";\n" else "")
@@ -59,14 +58,14 @@
     val thy_ext_string = let
       fun mk_conslist cons' = 
-	  mk_list (map (fn (c,syn,ts)=>
+	  mk_list (map (fn (c,syn,ts)=> "\n"^
 		    mk_triple(quote c, syn, mk_list (map (fn (b,s ,tp) =>
 		    mk_triple(Bool.toString b, quote s, tp)) ts))) cons');
-    in "val (thy, "^comp_dname^"_equations) = thy |> Domain_Extender.add_domain \n"
-       ^ mk_pair(quote comp_dname, mk_list(map (fn ((n,vs),cs) => 
+    in "val (thy, thmss, comp_thms) = thy |> Domain_Extender.add_domain "
+       ^ mk_pair(quote comp_dname, mk_list(map (fn ((n,vs),cs) => "\n"^
 				   mk_pair (mk_pair (quote n, mk_list vs), 
 					    mk_conslist cs)) eqs'))
-       ^ ";\nval thy = thy"
+       ^ ";\n"
 (* ----- string for calling (comp_)theorems and producing the structures ---- *)
@@ -76,32 +75,35 @@
       val comp_axioms   = [(* copy, *) "reach", "take_def", "finite_def"
 			   (*, "bisim_def" *)];
       val comp_theorems = "take_rews, " ^ implode (separate ", " (map plural
-			       ["take_lemma","finite"]))^", finite_ind, ind, coind";
-      fun eqname n = "(hd(funpow "^string_of_int n^" tl "^comp_dname^"_equations), "
-							 ^comp_dname^"_equations)";
+			   ["take_lemma","finite"]))^", finite_ind, ind, coind";
+      fun thms_str n = "hd (funpow "^string_of_int n^" tl thmss)";
       fun collect sep name = if num = 1 then name else
 			     implode (separate sep (map (fn s => s^"."^name) dnames));
-      implode (separate "end; (* struct *)\n\n" 
-        	 (mapn (fn n => gen_domain (eqname n) num) 0 eqs'))^(if num > 1 then
-      "end; (* struct *)\n\n\
-      \structure "^comp_dname^" = struct\n" else "") ^
+	implode (separate "end; (* struct *)\n" 
+			  (mapn (fn n => gen_struct (thms_str n) num) 0 eqs')) ^
+	(if num > 1 then "end; (* struct *)\n\n\
+		       \structure "^comp_dname^" = struct\n" else "") ^
 	(if num > 1 then gen_val comp_dname "copy_def" ^"\n" else "") ^
-	implode ((map (fn s => gen_vall (plural s)
-	           (map (fn dn => gt_ax(dn ^ "_" ^ s)) dnames) ^"\n") comp_axioms)) ^
-	 gen_val comp_dname "bisim_def" ^"\n\
-        \val ("^ comp_theorems ^") =\n\
-	\Domain_Theorems.comp_theorems thy \
-	\(" ^ quote comp_dname   ^ ","^ comp_dname ^"_equations,\n\
-	\ ["^collect "    ," "cases"    ^"],\n\
-	\  "^collect "@"     "con_rews " ^",\n\
-	\  "^collect " @"    "copy_rews" ^");\n\
-	\val rews = "^(if num>1 then collect" @ " "rews"else rews1)^ " @ take_rews;\n\
-      \end; (* struct *)"
+	implode (map (fn s => gen_vall (plural s)
+			      (map (fn dn => gt_ax(dn ^ "_" ^ s)) dnames) ^"\n")
+		 comp_axioms) ^
+	gen_val comp_dname "bisim_def" ^"\n\
+        \val ("^ comp_theorems ^") = comp_thms;\n\
+	\val rews = "^(if num>1 then collect" @ " "rews"else rews1)^ 
+		    " @ take_rews;\n\
+      \end; (* struct *)\n"
-  in (thy_ext_string, val_gen_string) end;
+  in ("local\n"^
+      thy_ext_string^
+      "in\n"^
+      "val thy = thy;\n"^
+      val_gen_string^
+      "end; (* local *)\n\n"^
+      "val thy = thy",
+      "") end;
-(* ----- strings for calling add_gen_by and producing the value binding ----------- *)
+(* ----- strings for calling add_gen_by and producing the value binding ----- *)
   fun mk_gen_by (finite,eqs) = let
       val typs    = map fst eqs;
@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@
 			 mk_list (map (fn cns => mk_list(map quote cns)) cnstrss))),
        "val "^tname^"_induct = " ^gt_ax (tname^"_induct")^";") end;
-(* ----- parser for domain declaration equation ----------------------------------- *)
+(* ----- parser for domain declaration equation ----------------------------- *)
   val name' = name >> strip_quotes;
   val type_var' = type_var >> strip_quotes;
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/theorems.ML	Tue Oct 28 17:58:35 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/theorems.ML	Wed Oct 29 14:23:49 1997 +0100
@@ -59,16 +59,19 @@
-fun theorems thy (((dname,_),cons) : eq, eqs :eq list) =
+type thms = (thm list * thm * thm * thm list *
+	     thm list * thm list * thm list * thm list * thm  list * thm list *
+	     thm list * thm list);
+fun (theorems thy: eq list -> eq -> thms) eqs ((dname,_),cons)  =
-val dummy = writeln ("Proving isomorphism   properties of domain "^dname^"...");
+val dummy = writeln ("Proving isomorphism properties of domain "^dname^" ...");
 val pg = pg' thy;
 infixr 0 y;
 val b = 0;
 fun _ y t = by t;
-fun  g  defs t = let val sg = sign_of thy;
+fun g defs t = let val sg = sign_of thy;
                      val ct = Thm.cterm_of sg (inferT sg t);
                  in goalw_cterm defs ct end;
@@ -328,14 +331,16 @@
 end; (* let *)
-fun comp_theorems thy (comp_dnam, eqs: eq list, casess, con_rews, copy_rews) =
+fun comp_theorems thy (comp_dnam, eqs: eq list, thmss: thms list) =
+val casess    =       map #3  thmss;
+val con_rews  = flat (map #5  thmss);
+val copy_rews = flat (map #12 thmss);
 val dnames = map (fst o fst) eqs;
 val conss  = map  snd        eqs;
 val comp_dname = Sign.full_name (sign_of thy) comp_dnam;
-val dummy = writeln("Proving induction properties of domain "^comp_dname^"...");
+val d = writeln("Proving induction   properties of domain "^comp_dname^" ...");
 val pg = pg' thy;
 (* ----- getting the composite axiom and definitions ------------------------ *)
@@ -361,9 +366,10 @@
   val copy_con_rews  = copy_rews @ con_rews;
   val copy_take_defs =(if n_eqs = 1 then [] else [ax_copy2_def]) @ axs_take_def;
   val take_stricts=pg copy_take_defs(mk_trp(foldr' mk_conj(map(fn((dn,args),_)=>
-            strict(dc_take dn $ %"n")) eqs)))([
+            strict(dc_take dn $ %"n")) eqs))) ([
+			if n_eqs = 1 then all_tac else rewtac ax_copy2_def,
                         nat_ind_tac "n" 1,
-                        simp_tac iterate_Cprod_ss 1,
+                         simp_tac iterate_Cprod_ss 1,
                         asm_simp_tac (iterate_Cprod_ss addsimps copy_rews)1]);
   val take_stricts' = rewrite_rule copy_take_defs take_stricts;
   val take_0s = mapn(fn n=> fn dn => pg axs_take_def(mk_trp((dc_take dn $ %%"0")
@@ -420,8 +426,8 @@
               (lazy_rec orelse is_lazy arg) (n, (nth_elem(rec_of arg,conss))))
           ) o snd) cons;
     fun all_rec_to ns  = rec_to forall not all_rec_to  ns;
-    fun warn (n,cons)  = if all_rec_to [] false (n,cons) then (writeln 
-        ("WARNING: domain "^nth_elem(n,dnames)^" is empty!"); true) else false;
+    fun warn (n,cons)  = if all_rec_to [] false (n,cons) then (warning
+        ("domain "^nth_elem(n,dnames)^" is empty!"); true) else false;
     fun lazy_rec_to ns = rec_to exists Id  lazy_rec_to ns;
   in val n__eqs     = mapn (fn n => fn (_,cons) => (n,cons)) 0 eqs;
@@ -530,9 +536,9 @@
                                     axs_reach @ [
                                 quant_tac 1,
                                 rtac (adm_impl_admw RS wfix_ind) 1,
-                                REPEAT_DETERM(rtac adm_all2 1),
-                                REPEAT_DETERM(TRY(rtac adm_conj 1) THEN 
-                                                  rtac adm_subst 1 THEN 
+                                 REPEAT_DETERM(rtac adm_all2 1),
+                                 REPEAT_DETERM(TRY(rtac adm_conj 1) THEN 
+                                                   rtac adm_subst 1 THEN 
                                         cont_tacR 1 THEN resolve_tac prems 1),
                                 strip_tac 1,
                                 rtac (rewrite_rule axs_take_def finite_ind) 1,