--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML Fri Aug 24 14:15:58 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML Fri Aug 24 14:16:44 2007 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
signature RES_ATP =
- val prover: string ref
+ val prover: ResReconstruct.atp ref
val destdir: string ref
val helper_path: string -> string -> string
val problem_name: string ref
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
structure ResAtp: RES_ATP =
+structure Recon = ResReconstruct;
fun timestamp s = Output.debug (fn () => ("At " ^ Time.toString (Time.now()) ^ ": " ^ s));
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@
(*** background linkup ***)
val run_blacklist_filter = ref true;
val time_limit = ref 60;
-val prover = ref "";
+val prover = ref Recon.E;
(*** relevance filter parameters ***)
val run_relevance_filter = ref true;
@@ -70,15 +72,15 @@
"e" =>
(max_new := 100;
theory_const := false;
- prover := "E")
+ prover := Recon.E)
| "spass" =>
(max_new := 40;
theory_const := true;
- prover := "spass")
+ prover := Recon.SPASS)
| "vampire" =>
(max_new := 60;
theory_const := false;
- prover := "vampire")
+ prover := Recon.Vampire)
| _ => error ("No such prover: " ^ atp);
val _ = set_prover "E"; (* use E as the default prover *)
@@ -822,30 +824,26 @@
Output.debug (fn () => "problem file in watcher_call_provers is " ^ probfile);
(*options are separated by Watcher.setting_sep, currently #"%"*)
- if !prover = "spass"
- then
- let val spass = helper_path "SPASS_HOME" "SPASS"
- val sopts =
- "-Auto%-SOS=1%-PGiven=0%-PProblem=0%-Splits=0%-FullRed=0%-DocProof%-TimeLimit=" ^ time
- in
- ("spass", spass, sopts, probfile) :: make_atp_list xs (n+1)
- end
- else if !prover = "vampire"
- then
- let val vampire = helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "vampire"
- val vopts = "--mode casc%-t " ^ time (*what about -m 100000?*)
- in
- ("vampire", vampire, vopts, probfile) :: make_atp_list xs (n+1)
- end
- else if !prover = "E"
- then
- let val Eprover = helper_path "E_HOME" "eproof"
- in
- ("E", Eprover,
- "--tstp-in%--tstp-out%-l5%-xAutoDev%-tAutoDev%--silent%--cpu-limit=" ^ time, probfile) ::
- make_atp_list xs (n+1)
- end
- else error ("Invalid prover name: " ^ !prover)
+ case !prover of
+ Recon.SPASS =>
+ let val spass = helper_path "SPASS_HOME" "SPASS"
+ val sopts =
+ "-Auto%-SOS=1%-PGiven=0%-PProblem=0%-Splits=0%-FullRed=0%-DocProof%-TimeLimit=" ^ time
+ in
+ ("spass", spass, sopts, probfile) :: make_atp_list xs (n+1)
+ end
+ | Recon.Vampire =>
+ let val vampire = helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "vampire"
+ val vopts = "--mode casc%-t " ^ time (*what about -m 100000?*)
+ in
+ ("vampire", vampire, vopts, probfile) :: make_atp_list xs (n+1)
+ end
+ | Recon.E =>
+ let val eproof = helper_path "E_HOME" "eproof"
+ val eopts = "--tstp-in%--tstp-out%-l5%-xAutoDev%-tAutoDev%--silent%--cpu-limit=" ^ time
+ in
+ ("E", eproof, eopts, probfile) :: make_atp_list xs (n+1)
+ end
val atp_list = make_atp_list sg_terms 1
@@ -885,7 +883,7 @@
val axcls_list = map (fn ngcls => white_cls @ relevance_filter thy included_cls (map prop_of ngcls)) goal_cls
val _ = app (fn axcls => Output.debug (fn () => "filtered clauses = " ^ Int.toString(length axcls)))
- val writer = if !prover = "spass" then dfg_writer else tptp_writer
+ val writer = if !prover = Recon.SPASS then dfg_writer else tptp_writer
fun write_all [] [] _ = []
| write_all (ccls::ccls_list) (axcls::axcls_list) k =
let val fname = probfile k
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_reconstruct.ML Fri Aug 24 14:15:58 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_reconstruct.ML Fri Aug 24 14:16:44 2007 +0200
@@ -7,22 +7,30 @@
(* Code to deal with the transfer of proofs from a prover process *)
- sig
- val checkEProofFound:
- TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream * Posix.Process.pid *
- string * Proof.context * thm * int * string Vector.vector -> bool
- val checkVampProofFound:
- TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream * Posix.Process.pid *
- string * Proof.context * thm * int * string Vector.vector -> bool
- val checkSpassProofFound:
- TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream * Posix.Process.pid *
- string * Proof.context * thm * int * string Vector.vector -> bool
- val signal_parent:
- TextIO.outstream * Posix.Process.pid * string * string -> unit
+ datatype atp = E | SPASS | Vampire
+ val modulus: int ref
+ val recon_sorts: bool ref
+ val checkEProofFound:
+ TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream * Posix.Process.pid *
+ string * Proof.context * thm * int * string Vector.vector -> bool
+ val checkVampProofFound:
+ TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream * Posix.Process.pid *
+ string * Proof.context * thm * int * string Vector.vector -> bool
+ val checkSpassProofFound:
+ TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream * Posix.Process.pid *
+ string * Proof.context * thm * int * string Vector.vector -> bool
+ val signal_parent: TextIO.outstream * Posix.Process.pid * string * string -> unit
+ val txt_path: string -> Path.T
+ val fix_sorts: sort Vartab.table -> term -> term
+ val invert_const: string -> string
+ val invert_type_const: string -> string
+ val num_typargs: Context.theory -> string -> int
+ val make_tvar: string -> typ
+ val strip_prefix: string -> string -> string option
- end;
-structure ResReconstruct =
+structure ResReconstruct : RES_RECONSTRUCT =
val trace_path = Path.basic "atp_trace";
@@ -30,8 +38,7 @@
fun trace s = if !Output.debugging then File.append (File.tmp_path trace_path) s
else ();
-(*Full proof reconstruction wanted*)
-val full = ref true;
+datatype atp = E | SPASS | Vampire;
val recon_sorts = ref true;
@@ -467,13 +474,6 @@
OS.Process.sleep (Time.fromMilliseconds 600)
-fun tstp_extract proofextract probfile toParent ppid ctxt th sgno thm_names =
- let val cnfs = filter (String.isPrefix "cnf(") (map nospaces (lines proofextract))
- in
- signal_success probfile toParent ppid
- (decode_tstp_file cnfs ctxt th sgno thm_names)
- end;
(**** retrieve the axioms that were used in the proof ****)
@@ -491,15 +491,15 @@
(*String contains multiple lines. We want those of the form
"253[0:Inp] et cetera..."
A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned. *)
-fun get_spass_linenums proofstr =
+fun get_spass_linenums proofextract =
let val toks = String.tokens (not o Char.isAlphaNum)
fun inputno (ntok::"0"::"Inp"::_) = Int.fromString ntok
| inputno _ = NONE
- val lines = String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n") proofstr
+ val lines = String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n") proofextract
in List.mapPartial (inputno o toks) lines end
-fun get_axiom_names_spass proofstr thm_names =
- get_axiom_names thm_names (get_spass_linenums proofstr);
+fun get_axiom_names_spass proofextract thm_names =
+ get_axiom_names thm_names (get_spass_linenums proofextract);
fun not_comma c = c <> #",";
@@ -516,47 +516,43 @@
in Int.fromString ints end
handle Fail _ => NONE;
-fun get_axiom_names_tstp proofstr thm_names =
- get_axiom_names thm_names (List.mapPartial parse_tstp_line (split_lines proofstr));
+fun get_axiom_names_tstp proofextract thm_names =
+ get_axiom_names thm_names (List.mapPartial parse_tstp_line (split_lines proofextract));
(*String contains multiple lines. We want those of the form
"*********** [448, input] ***********".
A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned. *)
-fun get_vamp_linenums proofstr =
+fun get_vamp_linenums proofextract =
let val toks = String.tokens (not o Char.isAlphaNum)
fun inputno [ntok,"input"] = Int.fromString ntok
| inputno _ = NONE
- val lines = String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n") proofstr
+ val lines = String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n") proofextract
in List.mapPartial (inputno o toks) lines end
-fun get_axiom_names_vamp proofstr thm_names =
- get_axiom_names thm_names (get_vamp_linenums proofstr);
+fun get_axiom_names_vamp proofextract thm_names =
+ get_axiom_names thm_names (get_vamp_linenums proofextract);
+fun get_axiom_names E = get_axiom_names_tstp
+ | get_axiom_names SPASS = get_axiom_names_spass
+ | get_axiom_names Vampire = get_axiom_names_vamp;
fun rules_to_metis [] = "metis"
| rules_to_metis xs = "(metis " ^ space_implode " " xs ^ ")"
+fun metis_line atp proofextract thm_names =
+ "apply " ^ rules_to_metis (get_axiom_names atp proofextract thm_names);
(*The signal handler in watcher.ML must be able to read the output of this.*)
-fun prover_lemma_list_aux getax proofstr probfile toParent ppid thm_names =
- (trace ("\n\nGetting lemma names. proofstr is " ^ proofstr ^
- " num of clauses is " ^ string_of_int (Vector.length thm_names));
- signal_success probfile toParent ppid
- ("apply " ^ rules_to_metis (getax proofstr thm_names))
- )
- handle e => (*FIXME: exn handler is too general!*)
- (trace ("\nprover_lemma_list_aux: In exception handler: " ^ Toplevel.exn_message e);
- TextIO.output (toParent, "Translation failed for the proof: " ^
- String.toString proofstr ^ "\n");
- TextIO.output (toParent, probfile);
- TextIO.flushOut toParent;
- Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2));
+fun lemma_list atp proofextract thm_names probfile toParent ppid =
+ signal_success probfile toParent ppid (metis_line atp proofextract thm_names);
-val e_lemma_list = prover_lemma_list_aux get_axiom_names_tstp;
-val vamp_lemma_list = prover_lemma_list_aux get_axiom_names_vamp;
-val spass_lemma_list = prover_lemma_list_aux get_axiom_names_spass;
+fun tstp_extract atp proofextract thm_names probfile toParent ppid ctxt th sgno =
+ let val cnfs = filter (String.isPrefix "cnf(") (map nospaces (lines proofextract))
+ val line1 = metis_line atp proofextract thm_names
+ in
+ signal_success probfile toParent ppid
+ (line1 ^ "\n" ^ decode_tstp_file cnfs ctxt th sgno thm_names)
+ end;
(**** Extracting proofs from an ATP's output ****)
@@ -592,16 +588,22 @@
| SOME thisLine =>
if String.isPrefix endS thisLine
then let val proofextract = currentString ^ cut_before endS thisLine
- val lemma_list = if endS = end_V8 then vamp_lemma_list
- else if endS = end_SPASS then spass_lemma_list
- else e_lemma_list
+ val atp = if endS = end_V8 then Vampire
+ else if endS = end_SPASS then SPASS
+ else E
trace ("\nExtracted proof:\n" ^ proofextract);
- if !full andalso String.isPrefix "cnf(" proofextract
- then tstp_extract proofextract probfile toParent ppid ctxt th sgno thm_names
- else lemma_list proofextract probfile toParent ppid thm_names;
+ if String.isPrefix "cnf(" proofextract
+ then tstp_extract atp proofextract thm_names probfile toParent ppid ctxt th sgno
+ else lemma_list atp proofextract thm_names probfile toParent ppid;
+ handle e => (*FIXME: exn handler is too general!*)
+ (trace ("\nstartTransfer: In exception handler: " ^ Toplevel.exn_message e);
+ TextIO.output (toParent, "Translation failed\n" ^ probfile);
+ TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+ Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
+ true)
else transferInput (currentString^thisLine))
transferInput ""
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/watcher.ML Fri Aug 24 14:15:58 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/watcher.ML Fri Aug 24 14:16:44 2007 +0200
@@ -360,12 +360,14 @@
(*Successful outcome: auto-insertion of commands into the PG buffer. Thanks to D Aspinall!!*)
fun report_success i s sgtx =
- let val lines = String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n") s
- in if length lines > 1 then report i (s ^ sgtx) (*multiple commands: do the old way*)
- else priority (cat_lines ["Subgoal " ^ string_of_int i ^ ":", sgtx,
- " Try this command:", Markup.enclose Markup.sendback s])
- end;
+ let val sgline = "Subgoal " ^ string_of_int i ^ ":"
+ val outlines =
+ case split_lines s of
+ [] => ["Received bad string: " ^ s]
+ | line::lines => [" Try this command:", (*Markup.enclose Markup.sendback*) line, ""]
+ @ lines
+ in priority (cat_lines (sgline::sgtx::outlines)) end;
fun createWatcher (ctxt, th, thm_names_list) =
let val {pid=childpid, instr=childin, outstr=childout} = setupWatcher (ctxt,th,thm_names_list)
fun decr_watched() =