--- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_history.scala Mon Jun 06 19:17:53 2022 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_history.scala Mon Jun 06 19:19:12 2022 +0200
@@ -89,21 +89,19 @@
- /** build_history **/
+ /** local build --- from sync_repos directory **/
private val default_user_home = Path.USER_HOME
- private val default_rev = "tip"
private val default_multicore = (1, 1)
private val default_heap = 1500
private val default_isabelle_identifier = "build_history"
- def build_history(
+ def local_build(
options: Options,
root: Path,
user_home: Path = default_user_home,
progress: Progress = new Progress,
- rev: String = default_rev,
- afp_rev: Option[String] = None,
+ afp: Boolean = false,
afp_partition: Int = 0,
isabelle_identifier: String = default_isabelle_identifier,
ml_statistics_step: Int = 1,
@@ -140,33 +138,30 @@
System.getenv("ISABELLE_SETTINGS_PRESENT") match {
case null | "" =>
- case _ => error("Cannot run build_history within existing Isabelle settings environment")
+ case _ => error("Cannot run Admin/build_other within existing Isabelle settings environment")
- /* checkout Isabelle + AFP repository */
+ /* Isabelle + AFP directory (produced via sync_repos) */
- def checkout(dir: Path, version: String): String = {
- val hg = Mercurial.repository(dir)
- hg.update(rev = version, clean = true)
- progress.echo_if(verbose, hg.log(version, options = "-l1"))
- hg.id(rev = version)
+ def directory(dir: Path): Mercurial.Hg_Sync.Directory = {
+ val directory = Mercurial.Hg_Sync.directory(dir)
+ if (verbose) progress.echo(directory.log)
+ directory
- val isabelle_version = checkout(root, rev)
- val afp_repos = root + Path.explode("AFP")
- val afp_version = afp_rev.map(checkout(afp_repos, _))
+ val isabelle_directory = directory(root)
+ val afp_directory = if (afp) Some(directory(root + Path.explode("AFP"))) else None
val (afp_build_args, afp_sessions) =
- if (afp_rev.isEmpty) (Nil, Nil)
+ if (afp_directory.isEmpty) (Nil, Nil)
else {
val (opt, sessions) = {
if (afp_partition == 0) ("-d", Nil)
else {
try {
- val afp = AFP.init(options, afp_repos)
- ("-d", afp.partition(afp_partition))
+ val afp_info = AFP.init(options, base_dir = afp_directory.get.root)
+ ("-d", afp_info.partition(afp_partition))
} catch { case ERROR(_) => ("-D", Nil) }
@@ -276,8 +271,8 @@
Build_Log.Prop.build_host.name -> build_host,
Build_Log.Prop.build_start.name -> Build_Log.print_date(build_start),
Build_Log.Prop.build_end.name -> Build_Log.print_date(build_end),
- Build_Log.Prop.isabelle_version.name -> isabelle_version) :::
- afp_version.map(Build_Log.Prop.afp_version.name -> _).toList
+ Build_Log.Prop.isabelle_version.name -> isabelle_directory.id) :::
+ afp_directory.map(dir => Build_Log.Prop.afp_version.name -> dir.id).toList
build_out_progress.echo("Reading session build info ...")
val session_build_info =
@@ -397,7 +392,7 @@
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Command_Line.tool {
- var afp_rev: Option[String] = None
+ var afp = false
var multicore_base = false
var components_base: Path = Components.default_components_base
var heap: Option[Int] = None
@@ -413,7 +408,6 @@
var init_settings: List[String] = Nil
var arch_64 = false
var output_file = ""
- var rev = default_rev
var ml_statistics_step = 1
var build_tags = List.empty[String]
var user_home = default_user_home
@@ -421,10 +415,10 @@
var exit_code = false
val getopts = Getopts("""
-Usage: Admin/build_history [OPTIONS] REPOSITORY [ARGS ...]
+Usage: Admin/build_other [OPTIONS] ISABELLE_HOME [ARGS ...]
Options are:
- -A REV include $ISABELLE_HOME/AFP repository at given revision
+ -A include $ISABELLE_HOME/AFP directory
-B first multicore build serves as base for scheduling information
-C DIR base directory for Isabelle components (default: """ +
Components.default_components_base + """)
@@ -441,9 +435,9 @@
-h NAME override local hostname
-i TEXT initial text for generated etc/settings
-m ARCH processor architecture (32=x86, 64=x86_64, default: x86)
+ -n no build: sync only
-o FILE output file for log names (default: stdout)
-p TEXT additional text for generated etc/preferences
- -r REV update to revision (default: """ + default_rev + """)
-s NUMBER step size for ML statistics (0=none, 1=all, n=step, default: 1)
-t TAG free-form build tag (multiple occurrences possible)
-u DIR alternative USER_HOME directory
@@ -456,7 +450,7 @@
Each MULTICORE configuration consists of one or two numbers (default 1):
THREADS or THREADSxPROCESSES, e.g. -M 1,2,4 or -M 1x4,2x2,4.
- "A:" -> (arg => afp_rev = Some(arg)),
+ "A" -> (_ => afp = true),
"B" -> (_ => multicore_base = true),
"C:" -> (arg => components_base = Path.explode(arg)),
"H:" -> (arg => heap = Some(Value.Int.parse(arg))),
@@ -477,7 +471,6 @@
"o:" -> (arg => output_file = arg),
"p:" -> (arg => more_preferences = more_preferences ::: List(arg)),
- "r:" -> (arg => rev = arg),
"s:" -> (arg => ml_statistics_step = Value.Int.parse(arg)),
"t:" -> (arg => build_tags = build_tags ::: List(arg)),
"u:" -> (arg => user_home = Path.explode(arg)),
@@ -494,8 +487,8 @@
val progress = new Console_Progress(stderr = true)
val results =
- build_history(Options.init(), root, user_home = user_home, progress = progress, rev = rev,
- afp_rev = afp_rev, afp_partition = afp_partition,
+ local_build(Options.init(), root, user_home = user_home, progress = progress,
+ afp = afp, afp_partition = afp_partition,
isabelle_identifier = isabelle_identifier, ml_statistics_step = ml_statistics_step,
component_repository = component_repository, components_base = components_base,
fresh = fresh, hostname = hostname, multicore_base = multicore_base,
@@ -521,91 +514,81 @@
- /** remote build_history -- via command-line **/
+ /** remote build -- via rsync and ssh **/
- def remote_build_history(
+ def remote_build(
ssh: SSH.Session,
- isabelle_repos_self: Path,
- isabelle_repos_other: Path,
- isabelle_repository: Mercurial.Server = Isabelle_System.isabelle_repository,
- afp_repository: Mercurial.Server = Isabelle_System.afp_repository,
+ isabelle_self: Path,
+ isabelle_other: Path,
isabelle_identifier: String = "remote_build_history",
self_update: Boolean = false,
progress: Progress = new Progress,
rev: String = "",
- afp_rev: Option[String] = None,
+ afp_repos: Option[Path] = None,
+ afp_rev: String = "",
options: String = "",
- args: String = ""
+ args: String = "",
+ no_build: Boolean = false
): List[(String, Bytes)] = {
- /* Isabelle self repository */
+ /* synchronize Isabelle + AFP repositories */
- val self_hg =
- Mercurial.setup_repository(isabelle_repository.root, isabelle_repos_self, ssh = ssh)
+ def sync_repos(target: Path, accurate: Boolean = false,
+ rev: String = "", afp_rev: String = "", afp: Boolean = false
+ ): Unit = {
+ Sync_Repos.sync_repos(ssh.rsync_path(target), port = ssh.port, progress = progress,
+ thorough = accurate, preserve_jars = !accurate,
+ rev = rev, afp_rev = afp_rev, afp_root = if (afp) afp_repos else None)
+ }
- def execute(cmd: String, args: String, echo: Boolean = false, strict: Boolean = true): Unit =
+ def execute(command: String, args: String,
+ echo: Boolean = false,
+ strict: Boolean = true
+ ): Unit =
Isabelle_System.export_isabelle_identifier(isabelle_identifier) +
- ssh.bash_path(isabelle_repos_self + Path.explode(cmd)) + " " + args,
+ ssh.bash_path(isabelle_self + Path.explode(command)) + " " + args,
progress_stdout = progress.echo_if(echo, _),
progress_stderr = progress.echo_if(echo, _),
strict = strict).check
if (self_update) {
- val hg = Mercurial.self_repository()
- hg.push(self_hg.root_url, force = true)
- self_hg.update(rev = hg.parent(), clean = true)
+ sync_repos(isabelle_self)
execute("bin/isabelle", "components -I")
execute("bin/isabelle", "components -a", echo = true)
execute("bin/isabelle", "jedit -bf")
- val rev_id = self_hg.id(rev)
- /* Isabelle other + AFP repository */
- if (Mercurial.is_repository(isabelle_repos_other, ssh = ssh)) {
- ssh.rm_tree(isabelle_repos_other)
- }
- Mercurial.clone_repository(
- ssh.bash_path(isabelle_repos_self), isabelle_repos_other, rev = rev_id, ssh = ssh)
- val afp_options =
- if (afp_rev.isEmpty) ""
- else {
- val afp_repos = isabelle_repos_other + Path.explode("AFP")
- Mercurial.setup_repository(afp_repository.root, afp_repos, ssh = ssh)
- " -A " + Bash.string(afp_rev.get)
- }
+ sync_repos(isabelle_other, accurate = true,
+ rev = proper_string(rev) getOrElse "tip",
+ afp_rev = proper_string(afp_rev) getOrElse "tip",
+ afp = true)
- /* Admin/build_history */
- ssh.with_tmp_dir { tmp_dir =>
- val output_file = tmp_dir + Path.explode("output")
- val rev_options = if (rev == "") "" else " -r " + Bash.string(rev_id)
+ /* build */
- try {
- execute("Admin/build_history",
- "-o " + ssh.bash_path(output_file) + rev_options + afp_options + " " + options + " " +
- ssh.bash_path(isabelle_repos_other) + " " + args,
- echo = true, strict = false)
- }
- catch {
- case ERROR(msg) =>
- cat_error(msg,
- "The error(s) above occurred for build_bistory " + rev_options + afp_options)
- }
+ if (no_build) Nil
+ else {
+ ssh.with_tmp_dir { tmp_dir =>
+ val output_file = tmp_dir + Path.explode("output")
+ val build_options = (if (afp_repos.isEmpty) "" else " -A") + " " + options
+ try {
+ execute("Admin/build_other",
+ "-o " + ssh.bash_path(output_file) + build_options + " " +
+ ssh.bash_path(isabelle_other) + " " + args,
+ echo = true, strict = false)
+ }
+ catch {
+ case ERROR(msg) =>
+ cat_error(msg, "The error(s) above occurred for Admin/build_other " + build_options)
+ }
- for (line <- split_lines(ssh.read(output_file)))
- yield {
- val log = Path.explode(line)
- val bytes = ssh.read_bytes(log)
- ssh.rm(log)
- (log.file_name, bytes)
+ for (line <- split_lines(ssh.read(output_file)))
+ yield {
+ val log = Path.explode(line)
+ val bytes = ssh.read_bytes(log)
+ ssh.rm(log)
+ (log.file_name, bytes)
+ }