Thu, 29 Oct 2009 18:53:58 +0100
changeset 33334 cba65e4bf565
parent 33325 7994994c4d8e (current diff)
parent 33333 78faaec3209f (diff)
child 33335 1e189f96c393
child 33344 7a1f597f454e
--- a/src/CCL/Wfd.thy	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/CCL/Wfd.thy	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
 fun IHinst tac rls = SUBGOAL (fn (Bi,i) =>
   let val bvs = bvars Bi []
-      val ihs = List.filter could_IH (Logic.strip_assums_hyp Bi)
+      val ihs = filter could_IH (Logic.strip_assums_hyp Bi)
       val rnames = map (fn x=>
                     let val (a,b) = get_bno [] 0 x
                     in (List.nth(bvs,a),b) end) ihs
--- a/src/FOLP/simp.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/FOLP/simp.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
 fun add_norm_tags congs =
     let val ccs = map cong_const congs
-        val new_asms = List.filter (exists not o #2)
+        val new_asms = filter (exists not o #2)
                 (ccs ~~ (map (map atomic o prems_of) congs));
     in add_norms(congs,ccs,new_asms) end;
--- a/src/HOL/ATP_Linkup.thy	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/ATP_Linkup.thy	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@
 subsection {* Setup of external ATPs *}
-use "Tools/res_axioms.ML" setup ResAxioms.setup
+use "Tools/res_axioms.ML" setup Res_Axioms.setup
 use "Tools/res_hol_clause.ML"
-use "Tools/res_reconstruct.ML" setup ResReconstruct.setup
+use "Tools/res_reconstruct.ML" setup Res_Reconstruct.setup
 use "Tools/res_atp.ML"
 use "Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML" setup ATP_Wrapper.setup
--- a/src/HOL/Auth/KerberosIV.thy	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Auth/KerberosIV.thy	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@
 lemma u_NotexpiredSK_NotexpiredAK:
      "\<lbrakk> \<not> expiredSK Ts evs; servKlife + Ts <= authKlife + Ta \<rbrakk>
       \<Longrightarrow> \<not> expiredAK Ta evs"
-  by (metis nat_add_commute le_less_trans)
+  by (metis le_less_trans)
 subsection{* Reliability: friendly agents send something if something else happened*}
--- a/src/HOL/HOL.thy	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/HOL.thy	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+  "Tools/res_blacklist.ML"
@@ -35,6 +36,8 @@
 setup {* Intuitionistic.method_setup @{binding iprover} *}
+setup Res_Blacklist.setup
 subsection {* Primitive logic *}
@@ -833,19 +836,14 @@
   val hyp_subst_tacs = [Hypsubst.hyp_subst_tac]
-structure BasicClassical: BASIC_CLASSICAL = Classical; 
-open BasicClassical;
+structure Basic_Classical: BASIC_CLASSICAL = Classical; 
+open Basic_Classical;
 ML_Antiquote.value "claset"
   (Scan.succeed "Classical.claset_of (ML_Context.the_local_context ())");
-structure ResBlacklist = Named_Thms
-  (val name = "noatp" val description = "theorems blacklisted for ATP");
-text {*ResBlacklist holds theorems blacklisted to sledgehammer. 
-  These theorems typically produce clauses that are prolific (match too many equality or
-  membership literals) and relate to seldom-used facts. Some duplicate other rules.*}
+setup Classical.setup
 setup {*
@@ -856,8 +854,6 @@
   #> ContextRules.addSWrapper (fn tac => hyp_subst_tac' ORELSE' tac)
-  #> Classical.setup
-  #> ResBlacklist.setup
--- a/src/HOL/Import/import_syntax.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/import_syntax.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
                 val thyname = get_generating_thy thy
                 val segname = get_import_segment thy
                 val (int_thms,facts) = Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy
-                val thmnames = List.filter (not o should_ignore thyname thy) facts
+                val thmnames = filter_out (should_ignore thyname thy) facts
                 fun replay thy = 
                         val _ = ImportRecorder.load_history thyname
--- a/src/HOL/Import/shuffler.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/shuffler.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
         val all_thms =
           map (`Thm.get_name_hint) (maps #2 (Facts.dest_static [] (PureThy.facts_of thy)))
-        List.filter (match_consts ignored t) all_thms
+        filter (match_consts ignored t) all_thms
 fun gen_shuffle_tac ctxt search thms i st =
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@
   Tools/recdef.ML \
   Tools/res_atp.ML \
   Tools/res_axioms.ML \
+  Tools/res_blacklist.ML \
   Tools/res_clause.ML \
   Tools/res_hol_clause.ML \
   Tools/res_reconstruct.ML \
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
     if success then (message, SH_OK (time_isa, time_atp, theorem_names))
     else (message, SH_FAIL(time_isa, time_atp))
-  handle ResHolClause.TOO_TRIVIAL => ("trivial", SH_OK (0, 0, []))
+  handle Res_HOL_Clause.TOO_TRIVIAL => ("trivial", SH_OK (0, 0, []))
        | ERROR msg => ("error: " ^ msg, SH_ERROR)
        | TimeLimit.TimeOut => ("timeout", SH_ERROR)
--- a/src/HOL/Nominal/nominal_datatype.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Nominal/nominal_datatype.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 fun mk_case_names_exhausts descr new =
   map (RuleCases.case_names o exhaust_cases descr o #1)
-    (List.filter (fn ((_, (name, _, _))) => name mem_string new) descr);
+    (filter (fn ((_, (name, _, _))) => name mem_string new) descr);
@@ -1166,11 +1166,11 @@
     fun make_ind_prem fsT f k T ((cname, cargs), idxs) =
-        val recs = List.filter is_rec_type cargs;
+        val recs = filter is_rec_type cargs;
         val Ts = map (typ_of_dtyp descr'' sorts) cargs;
         val recTs' = map (typ_of_dtyp descr'' sorts) recs;
         val tnames = Name.variant_list pnames (DatatypeProp.make_tnames Ts);
-        val rec_tnames = map fst (List.filter (is_rec_type o snd) (tnames ~~ cargs));
+        val rec_tnames = map fst (filter (is_rec_type o snd) (tnames ~~ cargs));
         val frees = tnames ~~ Ts;
         val frees' = partition_cargs idxs frees;
         val z = (Name.variant tnames "z", fsT);
--- a/src/HOL/Nominal/nominal_primrec.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Nominal/nominal_primrec.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
      NONE =>
          val dummy_fns = map (fn (_, cargs) => Const (@{const_name undefined},
-           replicate ((length cargs) + (length (List.filter is_rec_type cargs)))
+           replicate (length cargs + length (filter is_rec_type cargs))
              dummyT ---> HOLogic.unitT)) constrs;
          val _ = warning ("No function definition for datatype " ^ quote tname)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 (* unregister ATP thread *)
-fun unregister (success, message) thread = Synchronized.change global_state
+fun unregister message thread = Synchronized.change global_state
   (fn state as {manager, timeout_heap, active, cancelling, messages, store} =>
     (case lookup_thread active thread of
       SOME (birth_time, _, description) =>
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
           (Synchronized.timed_access global_state (SOME o time_limit o #timeout_heap) action
             |> these
-            |> (unregister (false, "Interrupted (reached timeout)"));
+            |> (unregister "Interrupted (reached timeout)");
             print_new_messages ();
             (*give threads some time to respond to interrupt*)
             OS.Process.sleep min_wait_time)
@@ -263,14 +263,11 @@
             val _ = register birth_time death_time (Thread.self (), desc);
             val problem = ATP_Wrapper.problem_of_goal (! full_types) i (ctxt, (facts, goal));
-            val result =
-              let val {success, message, ...} = prover (! timeout) problem;
-              in (success, message) end
-              handle ResHolClause.TOO_TRIVIAL =>   (* FIXME !? *)
-                  (true, "Empty clause: Try this command: " ^
-                    Markup.markup Markup.sendback "apply metis")
-                | ERROR msg => (false, "Error: " ^ msg);
-            val _ = unregister result (Thread.self ());
+            val message = #message (prover (! timeout) problem)
+              handle Res_HOL_Clause.TOO_TRIVIAL =>   (* FIXME !? *)
+                  "Empty clause: Try this command: " ^ Markup.markup Markup.sendback "apply metis"
+                | ERROR msg => ("Error: " ^ msg);
+            val _ = unregister message (Thread.self ());
           in () end)
       in () end);
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_minimal.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_minimal.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
     val _ = priority ("Testing " ^ string_of_int (length name_thms_pairs) ^ " theorems... ")
     val name_thm_pairs = maps (fn (n, ths) => map (pair n) ths) name_thms_pairs
-    val axclauses = ResAxioms.cnf_rules_pairs (Proof.theory_of state) name_thm_pairs
+    val axclauses = Res_Axioms.cnf_rules_pairs (Proof.theory_of state) name_thm_pairs
     val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.raw_goal state   (* FIXME ?? *)
     val problem =
      {with_full_types = ! ATP_Manager.full_types,
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@
           val to_use =
             if length ordered_used < length name_thms_pairs then
               filter (fn (name1, _) => List.exists (equal name1) ordered_used) name_thms_pairs
-            else
-              name_thms_pairs
-          val (min_thms, n) = if null to_use then ([], 0)
+            else name_thms_pairs
+          val (min_thms, n) =
+            if null to_use then ([], 0)
             else minimal (test_thms (SOME filtered)) to_use
           val min_names = sort_distinct string_ord (map fst min_thms)
           val _ = priority (cat_lines
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
         (NONE, "Error in prover: " ^ msg)
     | (Failure, _) =>
         (NONE, "Failure: No proof with the theorems supplied"))
-    handle ResHolClause.TOO_TRIVIAL =>
+    handle Res_HOL_Clause.TOO_TRIVIAL =>
         (SOME ([], 0), "Trivial: Try this command: " ^ Markup.markup Markup.sendback "apply metis")
       | ERROR msg => (NONE, "Error: " ^ msg)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@
     (* get clauses and prepare them for writing *)
     val (ctxt, (chain_ths, th)) = goal;
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    val chain_ths = map (Thm.put_name_hint ResReconstruct.chained_hint) chain_ths;
-    val goal_cls = #1 (ResAxioms.neg_conjecture_clauses ctxt th subgoalno);
+    val chain_ths = map (Thm.put_name_hint Res_Reconstruct.chained_hint) chain_ths;
+    val goal_cls = #1 (Res_Axioms.neg_conjecture_clauses ctxt th subgoalno);
     val the_filtered_clauses =
       (case filtered_clauses of
         NONE => relevance_filter goal goal_cls
@@ -204,14 +204,14 @@
     val {with_full_types, subgoal, goal, axiom_clauses, filtered_clauses} = problem;
-      (ResAtp.get_relevant max_new_clauses insert_theory_const)
-      (ResAtp.prepare_clauses false)
-      (ResHolClause.tptp_write_file with_full_types)
+      (Res_ATP.get_relevant max_new_clauses insert_theory_const)
+      (Res_ATP.prepare_clauses false)
+      (Res_HOL_Clause.tptp_write_file with_full_types)
       (arguments timeout)
-      ResReconstruct.find_failure
-      (if emit_structured_proof then ResReconstruct.structured_proof
-       else ResReconstruct.lemma_list false)
+      Res_Reconstruct.find_failure
+      (if emit_structured_proof then Res_Reconstruct.structured_proof
+       else Res_Reconstruct.lemma_list false)
@@ -280,13 +280,13 @@
     val {with_full_types, subgoal, goal, axiom_clauses, filtered_clauses} = problem
-      (ResAtp.get_relevant max_new_clauses insert_theory_const)
-      (ResAtp.prepare_clauses true)
-      (ResHolClause.dfg_write_file with_full_types)
+      (Res_ATP.get_relevant max_new_clauses insert_theory_const)
+      (Res_ATP.prepare_clauses true)
+      (Res_HOL_Clause.dfg_write_file with_full_types)
       (arguments timeout)
-      ResReconstruct.find_failure
-      (ResReconstruct.lemma_list true)
+      Res_Reconstruct.find_failure
+      (Res_Reconstruct.lemma_list true)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -63,9 +63,11 @@
 val get_all = #types o DatatypesData.get;
 val get_info = Symtab.lookup o get_all;
-fun the_info thy name = (case get_info thy name of
-      SOME info => info
-    | NONE => error ("Unknown datatype " ^ quote name));
+fun the_info thy name =
+  (case get_info thy name of
+    SOME info => info
+  | NONE => error ("Unknown datatype " ^ quote name));
 fun info_of_constr thy (c, T) =
@@ -94,6 +96,7 @@
      cases = cases |> fold Symtab.update
        (map (fn (_, info as {case_name, ...}) => (case_name, info)) dt_infos)});
 (* complex queries *)
 fun the_spec thy dtco =
@@ -155,6 +158,7 @@
     | NONE => NONE;
 (** various auxiliary **)
 (* prepare datatype specifications *)
@@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
 (* translation rules for case *)
 fun make_case ctxt = DatatypeCase.make_case
@@ -228,6 +233,7 @@
     [], []);
 (** document antiquotation **)
 val _ = ThyOutput.antiquotation "datatype" Args.tyname
@@ -254,15 +260,17 @@
     in ThyOutput.output (ThyOutput.maybe_pretty_source (K pretty_datatype) src [()]) end);
 (** abstract theory extensions relative to a datatype characterisation **)
-structure DatatypeInterpretation = InterpretationFun
+structure Datatype_Interpretation = Interpretation
   (type T = config * string list val eq: T * T -> bool = eq_snd op =);
-fun interpretation f = DatatypeInterpretation.interpretation (uncurry f);
+fun interpretation f = Datatype_Interpretation.interpretation (uncurry f);
 fun make_dt_info alt_names descr sorts induct inducts rec_names rec_rewrites
     (index, (((((((((((_, (tname, _, _))), inject), distinct),
-      exhaust), nchotomy), case_name), case_rewrites), case_cong), weak_case_cong), (split, split_asm))) =
+      exhaust), nchotomy), case_name), case_rewrites), case_cong), weak_case_cong),
+        (split, split_asm))) =
    {index = index,
     alt_names = alt_names,
@@ -309,7 +317,8 @@
       config new_type_names descr sorts inject distinct exhaust case_rewrites thy8;
     val inducts = Project_Rule.projections (ProofContext.init thy2) induct;
-    val dt_infos = map_index (make_dt_info alt_names flat_descr sorts induct inducts rec_names rec_rewrites)
+    val dt_infos = map_index
+      (make_dt_info alt_names flat_descr sorts induct inducts rec_names rec_rewrites)
       (hd descr ~~ inject ~~ distinct ~~ exhaust ~~ nchotomys ~~
         case_names ~~ case_rewrites ~~ case_congs ~~ weak_case_congs ~~ splits);
     val dt_names = map fst dt_infos;
@@ -319,7 +328,7 @@
       [((Binding.empty, [nth inducts index]), [Induct.induct_type tname]),
        ((Binding.empty, [nth exhaust index]), [Induct.cases_type tname])]) dt_names);
     val unnamed_rules = map (fn induct =>
-      ((Binding.empty, [induct]), [Thm.kind_internal, Induct.induct_type ""]))
+      ((Binding.empty, [induct]), [RuleCases.inner_rule, Induct.induct_type ""]))
         (Library.drop (length dt_names, inducts));
@@ -337,14 +346,16 @@
     |> snd
     |> add_case_tr' case_names
     |> register dt_infos
-    |> (config, dt_names)
+    |> (config, dt_names)
     |> pair dt_names
 (** declare existing type as datatype **)
-fun prove_rep_datatype config dt_names alt_names descr sorts raw_inject half_distinct raw_induct thy1 =
+fun prove_rep_datatype config dt_names alt_names descr sorts
+    raw_inject half_distinct raw_induct thy1 =
     val raw_distinct = (map o maps) (fn thm => [thm, thm RS not_sym]) half_distinct;
     val new_type_names = map Long_Name.base_name (the_default dt_names alt_names);
@@ -417,7 +428,8 @@
             (*FIXME somehow dubious*)
-          (prove_rep_datatype config dt_names alt_names descr vs raw_inject half_distinct raw_induct)
+          (prove_rep_datatype config dt_names alt_names descr vs
+            raw_inject half_distinct raw_induct)
         #-> after_qed
@@ -430,6 +442,7 @@
 val rep_datatype_cmd = gen_rep_datatype Syntax.read_term_global default_config (K I);
 (** definitional introduction of datatypes **)
 fun gen_add_datatype prep_typ config new_type_names dts thy =
@@ -445,16 +458,20 @@
     val (tyvars, _, _, _)::_ = dts;
     val (new_dts, types_syntax) = ListPair.unzip (map (fn (tvs, tname, mx, _) =>
       let val full_tname = Sign.full_name tmp_thy (Binding.map_name (Syntax.type_name mx) tname)
-      in (case duplicates (op =) tvs of
-            [] => if eq_set (op =) (tyvars, tvs) then ((full_tname, tvs), (tname, mx))
-                  else error ("Mutually recursive datatypes must have same type parameters")
-          | dups => error ("Duplicate parameter(s) for datatype " ^ quote (Binding.str_of tname) ^
-              " : " ^ commas dups))
+      in
+        (case duplicates (op =) tvs of
+          [] =>
+            if eq_set (op =) (tyvars, tvs) then ((full_tname, tvs), (tname, mx))
+            else error ("Mutually recursive datatypes must have same type parameters")
+        | dups => error ("Duplicate parameter(s) for datatype " ^ quote (Binding.str_of tname) ^
+            " : " ^ commas dups))
       end) dts);
     val dt_names = map fst new_dts;
-    val _ = (case duplicates (op =) (map fst new_dts) @ duplicates (op =) new_type_names of
-      [] => () | dups => error ("Duplicate datatypes: " ^ commas dups));
+    val _ =
+      (case duplicates (op =) (map fst new_dts) @ duplicates (op =) new_type_names of
+        [] => ()
+      | dups => error ("Duplicate datatypes: " ^ commas dups));
     fun prep_dt_spec ((tvs, tname, mx, constrs), tname') (dts', constr_syntax, sorts, i) =
@@ -508,13 +525,15 @@
 val datatype_cmd = snd ooo gen_add_datatype read_typ default_config;
 (** package setup **)
 (* setup theory *)
 val setup =
   trfun_setup #>
-  DatatypeInterpretation.init;
+  Datatype_Interpretation.init;
 (* outer syntax *)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_abs_proofs.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_abs_proofs.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
     val case_dummy_fns = map (fn (_, (_, _, constrs)) => map (fn (_, cargs) =>
         val Ts = map (typ_of_dtyp descr' sorts) cargs;
-        val Ts' = map mk_dummyT (List.filter is_rec_type cargs)
+        val Ts' = map mk_dummyT (filter is_rec_type cargs)
       in Const (@{const_name undefined}, Ts @ Ts' ---> T')
       end) constrs) descr';
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
           val (fns1, fns2) = split_list (map (fn ((_, cargs), j) =>
               val Ts = map (typ_of_dtyp descr' sorts) cargs;
-              val Ts' = Ts @ map mk_dummyT (List.filter is_rec_type cargs);
+              val Ts' = Ts @ map mk_dummyT (filter is_rec_type cargs);
               val frees' = map (uncurry (mk_Free "x")) (Ts' ~~ (1 upto length Ts'));
               val frees = Library.take (length cargs, frees');
               val free = mk_Free "f" (Ts ---> T') j
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_aux.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_aux.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
 fun name_of_typ (Type (s, Ts)) =
       let val s' = Long_Name.base_name s
-      in space_implode "_" (List.filter (not o equal "") (map name_of_typ Ts) @
+      in space_implode "_" (filter_out (equal "") (map name_of_typ Ts) @
         [if Syntax.is_identifier s' then s' else "x"])
   | name_of_typ _ = "";
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
 fun get_arities descr = fold (fn (_, (_, _, constrs)) =>
   fold (fn (_, cargs) => fold (insert op =) (map (length o fst o strip_dtyp)
-    (List.filter is_rec_type cargs))) constrs) descr [];
+    (filter is_rec_type cargs))) constrs) descr [];
 (* interpret construction of datatype *)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_codegen.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_codegen.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
 fun add_dt_defs thy defs dep module (descr: Datatype.descr) sorts gr =
-    val descr' = List.filter (can (map DatatypeAux.dest_DtTFree o #2 o snd)) descr;
-    val rtnames = map (#1 o snd) (List.filter (fn (_, (_, _, cs)) =>
+    val descr' = filter (can (map DatatypeAux.dest_DtTFree o #2 o snd)) descr;
+    val rtnames = map (#1 o snd) (filter (fn (_, (_, _, cs)) =>
       exists (exists DatatypeAux.is_rec_type o snd) cs) descr');
     val (_, (tname, _, _)) :: _ = descr';
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_prop.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_prop.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@
             (make_pred (body_index dt) U $ app_bnds (Free (s, T)) (length Us)))
-        val recs = List.filter is_rec_type cargs;
+        val recs = filter is_rec_type cargs;
         val Ts = map (typ_of_dtyp descr' sorts) cargs;
         val recTs' = map (typ_of_dtyp descr' sorts) recs;
         val tnames = Name.variant_list pnames (make_tnames Ts);
-        val rec_tnames = map fst (List.filter (is_rec_type o snd) (tnames ~~ cargs));
+        val rec_tnames = map fst (filter (is_rec_type o snd) (tnames ~~ cargs));
         val frees = tnames ~~ Ts;
         val prems = map mk_prem (recs ~~ rec_tnames ~~ recTs');
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
       map (fn (_, cargs) =>
           val Ts = map (typ_of_dtyp descr' sorts) cargs;
-          val recs = List.filter (is_rec_type o fst) (cargs ~~ Ts);
+          val recs = filter (is_rec_type o fst) (cargs ~~ Ts);
           fun mk_argT (dt, T) =
             binder_types T ---> List.nth (rec_result_Ts, body_index dt);
@@ -223,11 +223,11 @@
     fun make_primrec T comb_t (cname, cargs) (ts, f::fs) =
-        val recs = List.filter is_rec_type cargs;
+        val recs = filter is_rec_type cargs;
         val Ts = map (typ_of_dtyp descr' sorts) cargs;
         val recTs' = map (typ_of_dtyp descr' sorts) recs;
         val tnames = make_tnames Ts;
-        val rec_tnames = map fst (List.filter (is_rec_type o snd) (tnames ~~ cargs));
+        val rec_tnames = map fst (filter (is_rec_type o snd) (tnames ~~ cargs));
         val frees = map Free (tnames ~~ Ts);
         val frees' = map Free (rec_tnames ~~ recTs');
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/pred_compile_fun.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-(* Author: Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen
-Preprocessing functions to predicates
-val define_predicates : (string * thm list) list -> theory -> (string * thm list) list * theory
-  val rewrite_intro : theory -> thm -> thm list
-  val setup_oracle : theory -> theory
-  val pred_of_function : theory -> string -> string option
-structure Predicate_Compile_Fun : PREDICATE_COMPILE_FUN =
-(* Oracle for preprocessing  *)
-val (oracle : (string * (cterm -> thm)) option Unsynchronized.ref) = Unsynchronized.ref NONE;
-fun the_oracle () =
-  case !oracle of
-    NONE => error "Oracle is not setup"
-  | SOME (_, oracle) => oracle
-val setup_oracle = Thm.add_oracle ( "pred_compile_preprocessing", I) #->
-  (fn ora => fn thy => let val _ = (oracle := SOME ora) in thy end)
-fun is_funtype (Type ("fun", [_, _])) = true
-  | is_funtype _ = false;
-fun is_Type (Type _) = true
-  | is_Type _ = false
-(* returns true if t is an application of an datatype constructor *)
-(* which then consequently would be splitted *)
-(* else false *)
-fun is_constructor thy t =
-  if (is_Type (fastype_of t)) then
-    (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy ((fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t) of
-      NONE => false
-    | SOME info => (let
-      val constr_consts = maps (fn (_, (_, _, constrs)) => map fst constrs) (#descr info)
-      val (c, _) = strip_comb t
-      in (case c of
-        Const (name, _) => name mem_string constr_consts
-        | _ => false) end))
-  else false
-(* must be exported in code.ML *)
-fun is_constr thy = is_some o Code.get_datatype_of_constr thy;
-(* Table from constant name (string) to term of inductive predicate *)
-structure Pred_Compile_Preproc = TheoryDataFun
-  type T = string Symtab.table;
-  val empty = Symtab.empty;
-  val copy = I;
-  val extend = I;
-  fun merge _ = Symtab.merge (op =);
-fun pred_of_function thy name = Symtab.lookup (Pred_Compile_Preproc.get thy) name
-fun defined thy = Symtab.defined (Pred_Compile_Preproc.get thy) 
-fun transform_ho_typ (T as Type ("fun", _)) =
-  let
-    val (Ts, T') = strip_type T
-  in if T' = @{typ "bool"} then T else (Ts @ [T']) ---> HOLogic.boolT end
-| transform_ho_typ t = t
-fun transform_ho_arg arg = 
-  case (fastype_of arg) of
-    (T as Type ("fun", _)) =>
-      (case arg of
-        Free (name, _) => Free (name, transform_ho_typ T)
-      | _ => error "I am surprised")
-| _ => arg
-fun pred_type T =
-  let
-    val (Ts, T') = strip_type T
-    val Ts' = map transform_ho_typ Ts
-  in
-    (Ts' @ [T']) ---> HOLogic.boolT
-  end;
-(* FIXME: create new predicate name -- does not avoid nameclashing *)
-fun pred_of f =
-  let
-    val (name, T) = dest_Const f
-  in
-    if (body_type T = @{typ bool}) then
-      (Free (Long_Name.base_name name ^ "P", T))
-    else
-      (Free (Long_Name.base_name name ^ "P", pred_type T))
-  end
-fun mk_param thy lookup_pred (t as Free (v, _)) = lookup_pred t
-  | mk_param thy lookup_pred t =
-  let
-  val _ = tracing ("called param with " ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t))
-  in if Predicate_Compile_Aux.is_predT (fastype_of t) then
-    t
-  else
-    let
-      val (vs, body) = strip_abs t
-      val names = Term.add_free_names body []
-      val vs_names = Name.variant_list names (map fst vs)
-      val vs' = map2 (curry Free) vs_names (map snd vs)
-      val body' = subst_bounds (rev vs', body)
-      val (f, args) = strip_comb body'
-      val resname = Name.variant (vs_names @ names) "res"
-      val resvar = Free (resname, body_type (fastype_of body'))
-      (*val P = case try lookup_pred f of SOME P => P | NONE => error "mk_param"
-      val pred_body = list_comb (P, args @ [resvar])
-      *)
-      val pred_body = HOLogic.mk_eq (body', resvar)
-      val param = fold_rev lambda (vs' @ [resvar]) pred_body
-    in param end
-  end
-(* creates the list of premises for every intro rule *)
-(* theory -> term -> (string list, term list list) *)
-fun dest_code_eqn eqn = let
-  val (lhs, rhs) = Logic.dest_equals (Logic.unvarify (Thm.prop_of eqn))
-  val (func, args) = strip_comb lhs
-in ((func, args), rhs) end;
-fun string_of_typ T = Syntax.string_of_typ_global @{theory} T
-fun string_of_term t =
-  case t of
-    Const (c, T) => "Const (" ^ c ^ ", " ^ string_of_typ T ^ ")"
-  | Free (c, T) => "Free (" ^ c ^ ", " ^ string_of_typ T ^ ")"
-  | Var ((c, i), T) => "Var ((" ^ c ^ ", " ^ string_of_int i ^ "), " ^ string_of_typ T ^ ")"
-  | Bound i => "Bound " ^ string_of_int i
-  | Abs (x, T, t) => "Abs (" ^ x ^ ", " ^ string_of_typ T ^ ", " ^ string_of_term t ^ ")"
-  | t1 $ t2 => "(" ^ string_of_term t1 ^ ") $ (" ^ string_of_term t2 ^ ")"
-fun ind_package_get_nparams thy name =
-  case try (Inductive.the_inductive (ProofContext.init thy)) name of
-    SOME (_, result) => length (Inductive.params_of (#raw_induct result))
-  | NONE => error ("No such predicate: " ^ quote name) 
-(* TODO: does not work with higher order functions yet *)
-fun mk_rewr_eq (func, pred) =
-  let
-    val (argTs, resT) = (strip_type (fastype_of func))
-    val nctxt =
-      Name.make_context (Term.fold_aterms (fn Free (x, _) => insert (op =) x | _ => I) (func $ pred) [])
-    val (argnames, nctxt') = Name.variants (replicate (length argTs) "a") nctxt
-    val ([resname], nctxt'') = Name.variants ["r"] nctxt'
-    val args = map Free (argnames ~~ argTs)
-    val res = Free (resname, resT)
-  in Logic.mk_equals
-      (HOLogic.mk_eq (res, list_comb (func, args)), list_comb (pred, args @ [res]))
-  end;
-fun has_split_rule_cname @{const_name "nat_case"} = true
-  | has_split_rule_cname @{const_name "list_case"} = true
-  | has_split_rule_cname _ = false
-fun has_split_rule_term thy (Const (@{const_name "nat_case"}, _)) = true 
-  | has_split_rule_term thy (Const (@{const_name "list_case"}, _)) = true 
-  | has_split_rule_term thy _ = false
-fun has_split_rule_term' thy (Const (@{const_name "If"}, _)) = true
-  | has_split_rule_term' thy (Const (@{const_name "Let"}, _)) = true
-  | has_split_rule_term' thy c = has_split_rule_term thy c
-fun prepare_split_thm ctxt split_thm =
-    (split_thm RS @{thm iffD2})
-    |> LocalDefs.unfold ctxt [@{thm atomize_conjL[symmetric]},
-      @{thm atomize_all[symmetric]}, @{thm atomize_imp[symmetric]}]
-fun find_split_thm thy (Const (name, typ)) =
-  let
-    fun split_name str =
-      case first_field "." str
-        of (SOME (field, rest)) => field :: split_name rest
-         | NONE => [str]
-    val splitted_name = split_name name
-  in
-    if length splitted_name > 0 andalso
-       String.isSuffix "_case" (List.last splitted_name)
-    then
-      (List.take (splitted_name, length splitted_name - 1)) @ ["split"]
-      |> space_implode "."
-      |> PureThy.get_thm thy
-      |> SOME
-      handle ERROR msg => NONE
-    else NONE
-  end
-  | find_split_thm _ _ = NONE
-fun find_split_thm' thy (Const (@{const_name "If"}, _)) = SOME @{thm split_if}
-  | find_split_thm' thy (Const (@{const_name "Let"}, _)) = SOME @{thm refl} (* TODO *)
-  | find_split_thm' thy c = find_split_thm thy c
-fun strip_all t = (Term.strip_all_vars t, Term.strip_all_body t)
-fun folds_map f xs y =
-  let
-    fun folds_map' acc [] y = [(rev acc, y)]
-      | folds_map' acc (x :: xs) y =
-        maps (fn (x, y) => folds_map' (x :: acc) xs y) (f x y)
-    in
-      folds_map' [] xs y
-    end;
-fun mk_prems thy (lookup_pred, get_nparams) t (names, prems) =
-  let
-    fun mk_prems' (t as Const (name, T)) (names, prems) =
-      if is_constr thy name orelse (is_none (try lookup_pred t)) then
-        [(t, (names, prems))]
-      else [(lookup_pred t, (names, prems))]
-    | mk_prems' (t as Free (f, T)) (names, prems) = 
-      [(lookup_pred t, (names, prems))]
-    | mk_prems' (t as Abs _) (names, prems) =
-      if Predicate_Compile_Aux.is_predT (fastype_of t) then
-      [(t, (names, prems))] else error "mk_prems': Abs "
-      (* mk_param *)
-    | mk_prems' t (names, prems) =
-      if Predicate_Compile_Aux.is_constrt thy t then
-        [(t, (names, prems))]
-      else
-        if has_split_rule_term' thy (fst (strip_comb t)) then
-          let
-            val (f, args) = strip_comb t
-            val split_thm = prepare_split_thm (ProofContext.init thy) (the (find_split_thm' thy f))
-            (* TODO: contextify things - this line is to unvarify the split_thm *)
-            (*val ((_, [isplit_thm]), _) = Variable.import true [split_thm] (ProofContext.init thy)*)
-            val (assms, concl) = Logic.strip_horn (Thm.prop_of split_thm)
-            val (P, [split_t]) = strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop concl) 
-            val subst = Pattern.match thy (split_t, t) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)
-            val (_, split_args) = strip_comb split_t
-            val match = split_args ~~ args
-            fun mk_prems_of_assm assm =
-              let
-                val (vTs, assm') = strip_all (Envir.beta_norm (Envir.subst_term subst assm))
-                val var_names = Name.variant_list names (map fst vTs)
-                val vars = map Free (var_names ~~ (map snd vTs))
-                val (prems', pre_res) = Logic.strip_horn (subst_bounds (rev vars, assm'))
-                val (_, [inner_t]) = strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop pre_res)
-              in
-                mk_prems' inner_t (var_names @ names, prems' @ prems)
-              end
-          in
-            maps mk_prems_of_assm assms
-          end
-        else
-          let
-            val (f, args) = strip_comb t
-            (* TODO: special procedure for higher-order functions: split arguments in
-              simple types and function types *)
-            val resname = Name.variant names "res"
-            val resvar = Free (resname, body_type (fastype_of t))
-            val names' = resname :: names
-            fun mk_prems'' (t as Const (c, _)) =
-              if is_constr thy c orelse (is_none (try lookup_pred t)) then
-                folds_map mk_prems' args (names', prems) |>
-                map
-                  (fn (argvs, (names'', prems')) =>
-                  let
-                    val prem = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (resvar, list_comb (f, argvs)))
-                  in (names'', prem :: prems') end)
-              else
-                let
-                  val pred = lookup_pred t
-                  val nparams = get_nparams pred
-                  val (params, args) = chop nparams args
-                  val params' = map (mk_param thy lookup_pred) params
-                in
-                  folds_map mk_prems' args (names', prems)
-                  |> map (fn (argvs, (names'', prems')) =>
-                    let
-                      val prem = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb (pred, params' @ argvs @ [resvar]))
-                    in (names'', prem :: prems') end)
-                end
-            | mk_prems'' (t as Free (_, _)) =
-                let
-                  (* higher order argument call *)
-                  val pred = lookup_pred t
-                in
-                  folds_map mk_prems' args (resname :: names, prems)
-                  |> map (fn (argvs, (names', prems')) =>
-                     let
-                       val prem = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb (pred, argvs @ [resvar]))
-                     in (names', prem :: prems') end)
-                end
-            | mk_prems'' t =
-              error ("Invalid term: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t)
-          in
-            map (pair resvar) (mk_prems'' f)
-          end
-  in
-    mk_prems' t (names, prems)
-  end;
-(* assumption: mutual recursive predicates all have the same parameters. *)  
-fun define_predicates specs thy =
-  if forall (fn (const, _) => member (op =) (Symtab.keys (Pred_Compile_Preproc.get thy)) const) specs then
-    ([], thy)
-  else
-  let
-    val consts = map fst specs
-    val eqns = maps snd specs
-    (*val eqns = maps (Predicate_Compile_Preproc_Data.get_specification thy) consts*)
-      (* create prednames *)
-    val ((funs, argss), rhss) = map_split dest_code_eqn eqns |>> split_list
-    val argss' = map (map transform_ho_arg) argss
-    val pnames = map dest_Free (distinct (op =) (maps (filter (is_funtype o fastype_of)) argss'))
-    val preds = map pred_of funs
-    val prednames = map (fst o dest_Free) preds
-    val funnames = map (fst o dest_Const) funs
-    val fun_pred_names = (funnames ~~ prednames)  
-      (* mapping from term (Free or Const) to term *)
-    fun lookup_pred (Const (name, T)) =
-      (case (Symtab.lookup (Pred_Compile_Preproc.get thy) name) of
-          SOME c => Const (c, pred_type T)
-        | NONE =>
-          (case AList.lookup op = fun_pred_names name of
-            SOME f => Free (f, pred_type T)
-          | NONE => Const (name, T)))
-      | lookup_pred (Free (name, T)) =
-        if member op = (map fst pnames) name then
-          Free (name, transform_ho_typ T)
-        else
-          Free (name, T)
-      | lookup_pred t =
-         error ("lookup function is not defined for " ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t)
-        (* mapping from term (predicate term, not function term!) to int *)
-    fun get_nparams (Const (name, _)) =
-      the_default 0 (try (ind_package_get_nparams thy) name)
-    | get_nparams (Free (name, _)) =
-        (if member op = prednames name then
-          length pnames
-        else 0)
-    | get_nparams t = error ("No parameters for " ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t))
-    (* create intro rules *)
-    fun mk_intros ((func, pred), (args, rhs)) =
-      if (body_type (fastype_of func) = @{typ bool}) then
-       (*TODO: preprocess predicate definition of rhs *)
-        [Logic.list_implies ([HOLogic.mk_Trueprop rhs], HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb (pred, args)))]
-      else
-        let
-          val names = Term.add_free_names rhs []
-        in mk_prems thy (lookup_pred, get_nparams) rhs (names, [])
-          |> map (fn (resultt, (names', prems)) =>
-            Logic.list_implies (prems, HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb (pred, args @ [resultt]))))
-        end
-    fun mk_rewr_thm (func, pred) = @{thm refl}
-  in
-    case try (maps mk_intros) ((funs ~~ preds) ~~ (argss' ~~ rhss)) of
-      NONE => ([], thy) 
-    | SOME intr_ts =>
-        if is_some (try (map (cterm_of thy)) intr_ts) then
-          let
-            val (ind_result, thy') =
-              Inductive.add_inductive_global (serial ())
-                {quiet_mode = false, verbose = false, kind = Thm.internalK,
-                  alt_name = Binding.empty, coind = false, no_elim = false,
-                  no_ind = false, skip_mono = false, fork_mono = false}
-                (map (fn (s, T) => (( s, T), NoSyn)) (distinct (op =) (map dest_Free preds)))
-                pnames
-                (map (fn x => (Attrib.empty_binding, x)) intr_ts)
-                [] thy
-            val prednames = map (fst o dest_Const) (#preds ind_result)
-            (* val rewr_thms = map mk_rewr_eq ((distinct (op =) funs) ~~ (#preds ind_result)) *)
-            (* add constants to my table *)
-            val specs = map (fn predname => (predname, filter (Predicate_Compile_Aux.is_intro predname) (#intrs ind_result))) prednames
-            val thy'' = (fold Symtab.update_new (consts ~~ prednames)) thy'
-          in
-            (specs, thy'')
-          end
-        else
-          let
-            val _ = tracing "Introduction rules of function_predicate are not welltyped"
-          in ([], thy) end
-  end
-(* preprocessing intro rules - uses oracle *)
-(* theory -> thm -> thm *)
-fun rewrite_intro thy intro =
-  let
-    fun lookup_pred (Const (name, T)) =
-      (case (Symtab.lookup (Pred_Compile_Preproc.get thy) name) of
-        SOME c => Const (c, pred_type T)
-      | NONE => error ("Function " ^ name ^ " is not inductified"))
-    | lookup_pred (Free (name, T)) = Free (name, T)
-    | lookup_pred _ = error "lookup function is not defined!"
-    fun get_nparams (Const (name, _)) =
-      the_default 0 (try (ind_package_get_nparams thy) name)
-    | get_nparams (Free _) = 0
-    | get_nparams t = error ("No parameters for " ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t))
-    val intro_t = (Logic.unvarify o prop_of) intro
-    val (prems, concl) = Logic.strip_horn intro_t
-    val frees = map fst (Term.add_frees intro_t [])
-    fun rewrite prem names =
-      let
-        val t = (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop prem)
-        val (lit, mk_lit) = case try HOLogic.dest_not t of
-            SOME t => (t, HOLogic.mk_not)
-          | NONE => (t, I)
-        val (P, args) = (strip_comb lit) 
-      in
-        folds_map (
-          fn t => if (is_funtype (fastype_of t)) then (fn x => [(t, x)])
-            else mk_prems thy (lookup_pred, get_nparams) t) args (names, [])
-        |> map (fn (resargs, (names', prems')) =>
-          let
-            val prem' = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mk_lit (list_comb (P, resargs)))
-          in (prem'::prems', names') end)
-      end
-    val intro_ts' = folds_map rewrite prems frees
-      |> maps (fn (prems', frees') =>
-        rewrite concl frees'
-        |> map (fn (concl'::conclprems, _) =>
-          Logic.list_implies ((flat prems') @ conclprems, concl')))
-  in
-    map (Drule.standard o the_oracle () o cterm_of thy) intro_ts'
-  end; 
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -156,10 +156,35 @@
 local structure P = OuterParse
+(*val parse_argmode' = P.nat >> rpair NONE || P.$$$ "(" |-- P.enum1 "," --| P.$$$ ")"*)
+datatype raw_argmode = Argmode of string | Argmode_Tuple of string list
+val parse_argmode' =
+  ((Args.$$$ "i" || Args.$$$ "o") >> Argmode) ||
+  (Args.$$$ "(" |-- P.enum1 "," (Args.$$$ "i" || Args.$$$ "o") --| Args.$$$ ")" >> Argmode_Tuple)
+fun mk_numeral_mode ss = flat (map_index (fn (i, s) => if s = "i" then [i + 1] else []) ss)
+val parse_smode' = P.$$$ "[" |-- P.enum1 "," parse_argmode' --| P.$$$ "]"
+  >> (fn m => flat (map_index
+    (fn (i, Argmode s) => if s = "i" then [(i + 1, NONE)] else []
+      | (i, Argmode_Tuple ss) => [(i + 1, SOME (mk_numeral_mode ss))]) m))
+val parse_smode = (P.$$$ "[" |-- P.enum "," P.nat --| P.$$$ "]")
+  >> map (rpair (NONE : int list option))
+fun gen_parse_mode smode_parser =
+  (Scan.optional
+    ((P.enum "=>" ((Args.$$$ "X" >> K NONE) || (smode_parser >> SOME))) --| Args.$$$ "==>") [])
+    -- smode_parser
+val parse_mode = gen_parse_mode parse_smode
+val parse_mode' = gen_parse_mode parse_smode'
 val opt_modes =
   Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- Args.$$$ "mode" |-- P.$$$ ":" |--
-   P.enum1 "," (P.$$$ "[" |-- P.enum "," P.nat --| P.$$$ "]")
-  --| P.$$$ ")" >> SOME) NONE
+    P.enum1 "," (parse_mode || parse_mode') --| P.$$$ ")" >> SOME) NONE
 val scan_params =
@@ -170,8 +195,7 @@
 val _ = OuterSyntax.local_theory_to_proof "code_pred"
   "prove equations for predicate specified by intro/elim rules"
-  OuterKeyword.thy_goal (opt_modes -- scan_params -- P.term_group >>
-    code_pred_cmd)
+  OuterKeyword.thy_goal (opt_modes -- scan_params -- P.term_group >> code_pred_cmd)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_aux.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_aux.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -9,6 +9,29 @@
 structure Predicate_Compile_Aux =
+(* mode *)
+type smode = (int * int list option) list
+type mode = smode option list * smode
+datatype tmode = Mode of mode * smode * tmode option list;
+fun string_of_smode js =
+    commas (map
+      (fn (i, is) =>
+        string_of_int i ^ (case is of NONE => ""
+    | SOME is => "p" ^ enclose "[" "]" (commas (map string_of_int is)))) js)
+fun string_of_mode (iss, is) = space_implode " -> " (map
+  (fn NONE => "X"
+    | SOME js => enclose "[" "]" (string_of_smode js))
+       (iss @ [SOME is]));
+fun string_of_tmode (Mode (predmode, termmode, param_modes)) =
+  "predmode: " ^ (string_of_mode predmode) ^ 
+  (if null param_modes then "" else
+    "; " ^ "params: " ^ commas (map (the_default "NONE" o string_of_tmode) param_modes))
 (* general syntactic functions *)
 (*Like dest_conj, but flattens conjunctions however nested*)
@@ -136,7 +159,7 @@
 (* Different options for compiler *)
 datatype options = Options of {  
-  expected_modes : (string * int list list) option,
+  expected_modes : (string * mode list) option,
   show_steps : bool,
   show_proof_trace : bool,
   show_intermediate_results : bool,
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_core.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_core.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -9,24 +9,20 @@
   val setup: theory -> theory
   val code_pred: Predicate_Compile_Aux.options -> string -> Proof.context -> Proof.state
   val code_pred_cmd: Predicate_Compile_Aux.options -> string -> Proof.context -> Proof.state
-  type smode = (int * int list option) list
-  type mode = smode option list * smode
-  datatype tmode = Mode of mode * smode * tmode option list;
   val register_predicate : (string * thm list * thm * int) -> theory -> theory
   val register_intros : string * thm list -> theory -> theory
   val is_registered : theory -> string -> bool
-  val predfun_intro_of: theory -> string -> mode -> thm
-  val predfun_elim_of: theory -> string -> mode -> thm
-  val predfun_name_of: theory -> string -> mode -> string
+  val predfun_intro_of: theory -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode -> thm
+  val predfun_elim_of: theory -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode -> thm
+  val predfun_name_of: theory -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode -> string
   val all_preds_of : theory -> string list
-  val modes_of: theory -> string -> mode list
-  val depth_limited_modes_of: theory -> string -> mode list
-  val depth_limited_function_name_of : theory -> string -> mode -> string
-  val generator_modes_of: theory -> string -> mode list
-  val generator_name_of : theory -> string -> mode -> string
-  val all_modes_of : theory -> (string * mode list) list
-  val all_generator_modes_of : theory -> (string * mode list) list
-  val string_of_mode : mode -> string
+  val modes_of: theory -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode list
+  val depth_limited_modes_of: theory -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode list
+  val depth_limited_function_name_of : theory -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode -> string
+  val generator_modes_of: theory -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode list
+  val generator_name_of : theory -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode -> string
+  val all_modes_of : theory -> (string * Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode list) list
+  val all_generator_modes_of : theory -> (string * Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode list) list
   val intros_of: theory -> string -> thm list
   val nparams_of: theory -> string -> int
   val add_intro: thm -> theory -> theory
@@ -67,8 +63,6 @@
 (* debug stuff *)
-fun tracing s = (if ! Toplevel.debug then Output.tracing s else ());
 fun print_tac s = Seq.single;
 fun print_tac' options s = 
@@ -140,9 +134,6 @@
 type mode = arg_mode list
 type tmode = Mode of mode * 
-type smode = (int * int list option) list
-type mode = smode option list * smode;
-datatype tmode = Mode of mode * smode * tmode option list;
 fun gen_split_smode (mk_tuple, strip_tuple) smode ts =
@@ -165,32 +156,16 @@
         (split_smode' smode (i+1) ts)
   in split_smode' smode 1 ts end
-val split_smode = gen_split_smode (HOLogic.mk_tuple, HOLogic.strip_tuple)   
-val split_smodeT = gen_split_smode (HOLogic.mk_tupleT, HOLogic.strip_tupleT)
+fun split_smode smode ts = gen_split_smode (HOLogic.mk_tuple, HOLogic.strip_tuple) smode ts
+fun split_smodeT smode ts = gen_split_smode (HOLogic.mk_tupleT, HOLogic.strip_tupleT) smode ts
 fun gen_split_mode split_smode (iss, is) ts =
     val (t1, t2) = chop (length iss) ts 
   in (t1, split_smode is t2) end
-val split_mode = gen_split_mode split_smode
-val split_modeT = gen_split_mode split_smodeT
-fun string_of_smode js =
-    commas (map
-      (fn (i, is) =>
-        string_of_int i ^ (case is of NONE => ""
-    | SOME is => "p" ^ enclose "[" "]" (commas (map string_of_int is)))) js)
-fun string_of_mode (iss, is) = space_implode " -> " (map
-  (fn NONE => "X"
-    | SOME js => enclose "[" "]" (string_of_smode js))
-       (iss @ [SOME is]));
-fun string_of_tmode (Mode (predmode, termmode, param_modes)) =
-  "predmode: " ^ (string_of_mode predmode) ^ 
-  (if null param_modes then "" else
-    "; " ^ "params: " ^ commas (map (the_default "NONE" o string_of_tmode) param_modes))
+fun split_mode (iss, is) ts = gen_split_mode split_smode (iss, is) ts
+fun split_modeT (iss, is) ts = gen_split_mode split_smodeT (iss, is) ts
 datatype indprem = Prem of term list * term | Negprem of term list * term | Sidecond of term
   | Generator of (string * typ);
@@ -333,7 +308,7 @@
 fun print_modes options modes =
   if show_modes options then
-    Output.tracing ("Inferred modes:\n" ^
+    tracing ("Inferred modes:\n" ^
       cat_lines (map (fn (s, ms) => s ^ ": " ^ commas (map
         string_of_mode ms)) modes))
   else ()
@@ -344,7 +319,7 @@
       ^ (string_of_entry pred mode entry)  
     fun print_pred (pred, modes) =
       "predicate " ^ pred ^ ": " ^ cat_lines (map (print_mode pred) modes)
-    val _ = Output.tracing (cat_lines (map print_pred pred_mode_table))
+    val _ = tracing (cat_lines (map print_pred pred_mode_table))
   in () end;
 fun string_of_prem thy (Prem (ts, p)) =
@@ -423,10 +398,10 @@
   case expected_modes options of
     SOME (s, ms) => (case AList.lookup (op =) modes s of
       SOME modes =>
-        if not (eq_set (op =) (map (map (rpair NONE)) ms, map snd modes)) then
+        if not (eq_set (op =) (ms, modes)) then
           error ("expected modes were not inferred:\n"
-          ^ "inferred modes for " ^ s ^ ": "
-          ^ commas (map ((enclose "[" "]") o string_of_smode o snd) modes))
+          ^ "inferred modes for " ^ s ^ ": " ^ commas (map string_of_mode modes)
+          ^ "\n expected modes for " ^ s ^ ": " ^ commas (map string_of_mode ms))
         else ()
       | NONE => ())
   | NONE => ()
@@ -444,7 +419,7 @@
      val rec_consts = fold add_term_consts_2 cs' [];
      val intr_consts = fold add_term_consts_2 intr_ts' [];
      fun unify (cname, cT) =
-       let val consts = map snd (List.filter (fn c => fst c = cname) intr_consts)
+       let val consts = map snd (filter (fn c => fst c = cname) intr_consts)
        in fold (Sign.typ_unify thy) ((replicate (length consts) cT) ~~ consts) end;
      val (env, _) = fold unify rec_consts (Vartab.empty, i');
      val subst = map_types (Envir.norm_type env)
@@ -661,7 +636,7 @@
    fun cons_intro gr =
      case try (Graph.get_node gr) name of
        SOME pred_data => Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data
-         (apfst (fn (intros, elim, nparams) => (thm::intros, elim, nparams)))) gr
+         (apfst (fn (intros, elim, nparams) => (intros @ [thm], elim, nparams)))) gr
      | NONE =>
          val nparams = the_default (guess_nparams T)  (try (#nparams o rep_pred_data o (fetch_pred_data thy)) name)
@@ -1052,16 +1027,16 @@
 fun print_failed_mode options thy modes p m rs i =
   if show_mode_inference options then
-      val _ = Output.tracing ("Clause " ^ string_of_int (i + 1) ^ " of " ^
+      val _ = tracing ("Clause " ^ string_of_int (i + 1) ^ " of " ^
       p ^ " violates mode " ^ string_of_mode m)
-      val _ = Output.tracing (string_of_clause thy p (nth rs i))
+      val _ = tracing (string_of_clause thy p (nth rs i))
     in () end
   else ()
 fun check_modes_pred options with_generator thy param_vs clauses modes gen_modes (p, ms) =
     val rs = case AList.lookup (op =) clauses p of SOME rs => rs | NONE => []
-  in (p, List.filter (fn m => case find_index
+  in (p, filter (fn m => case find_index
     (is_none o check_mode_clause with_generator thy param_vs modes gen_modes m) rs of
       ~1 => true
     | i => (print_failed_mode options thy modes p m rs i; false)) ms)
@@ -1191,6 +1166,28 @@
     (t, names)
+structure Comp_Mod =
+datatype comp_modifiers = Comp_Modifiers of
+  const_name_of : theory -> string -> Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode -> string,
+  funT_of : compilation_funs -> mode -> typ -> typ,
+  additional_arguments : string list -> term list,
+  wrap_compilation : compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term,
+  transform_additional_arguments : indprem -> term list -> term list
+fun dest_comp_modifiers (Comp_Modifiers c) = c
+val const_name_of = #const_name_of o dest_comp_modifiers
+val funT_of = #funT_of o dest_comp_modifiers
+val additional_arguments = #additional_arguments o dest_comp_modifiers
+val wrap_compilation = #wrap_compilation o dest_comp_modifiers
+val transform_additional_arguments = #transform_additional_arguments o dest_comp_modifiers
 fun compile_arg compilation_modifiers compfuns additional_arguments thy param_vs iss arg = 
     fun map_params (t as Free (f, T)) =
@@ -1198,7 +1195,7 @@
         case (the (AList.lookup (op =) (param_vs ~~ iss) f)) of
           SOME is =>
-              val T' = #funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns ([], is) T
+              val T' = Comp_Mod.funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns ([], is) T
             in fst (mk_Eval_of additional_arguments ((Free (f, T'), T), SOME is) []) end
         | NONE => t
       else t
@@ -1248,9 +1245,9 @@
      val params' = map (compile_param compilation_modifiers compfuns thy) (ms ~~ params)
      val f' =
        case f of
-         Const (name, T) => Const (#const_name_of compilation_modifiers thy name mode,
-           #funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns mode T)
-       | Free (name, T) => Free (name, #funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns mode T)
+         Const (name, T) => Const (Comp_Mod.const_name_of compilation_modifiers thy name mode,
+           Comp_Mod.funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns mode T)
+       | Free (name, T) => Free (name, Comp_Mod.funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns mode T)
        | _ => error ("PredicateCompiler: illegal parameter term")
      list_comb (f', params' @ args')
@@ -1262,13 +1259,13 @@
          val params' = map (compile_param compilation_modifiers compfuns thy) (ms ~~ params)
            (*val mk_fun_of = if depth_limited then mk_depth_limited_fun_of else mk_fun_of*)
-         val name' = #const_name_of compilation_modifiers thy name mode
-         val T' = #funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns mode T
+         val name' = Comp_Mod.const_name_of compilation_modifiers thy name mode
+         val T' = Comp_Mod.funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns mode T
          (list_comb (Const (name', T'), params' @ inargs @ additional_arguments))
   | (Free (name, T), params) =>
-    list_comb (Free (name, #funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns mode T), params @ inargs @ additional_arguments)
+    list_comb (Free (name, Comp_Mod.funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns mode T), params @ inargs @ additional_arguments)
 fun compile_clause compilation_modifiers compfuns thy all_vs param_vs additional_arguments (iss, is) inp (ts, moded_ps) =
@@ -1302,7 +1299,7 @@
             val (out_ts'', (names'', constr_vs')) = fold_map distinct_v
               out_ts' ((names', map (rpair []) vs))
             val additional_arguments' =
-              #transform_additional_arguments compilation_modifiers p additional_arguments
+              Comp_Mod.transform_additional_arguments compilation_modifiers p additional_arguments
             val (compiled_clause, rest) = case p of
                Prem (us, t) =>
@@ -1356,7 +1353,7 @@
     val (Ts1, Ts2) = chop (length (fst mode)) (binder_types T)
     val (Us1, Us2) = split_smodeT (snd mode) Ts2
     val Ts1' =
-      map2 (fn NONE => I | SOME is => #funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns ([], is)) (fst mode) Ts1
+      map2 (fn NONE => I | SOME is => Comp_Mod.funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns ([], is)) (fst mode) Ts1
     fun mk_input_term (i, NONE) =
         [Free (Name.variant (all_vs @ param_vs) ("x" ^ string_of_int i), nth Ts2 (i - 1))]
       | mk_input_term (i, SOME pis) = case HOLogic.strip_tupleT (nth Ts2 (i - 1)) of
@@ -1370,17 +1367,17 @@
                else [HOLogic.mk_tuple (map Free (vnames ~~ map (fn j => nth Ts (j - 1)) pis))] end
     val in_ts = maps mk_input_term (snd mode)
     val params = map2 (fn s => fn T => Free (s, T)) param_vs Ts1'
-    val additional_arguments = #additional_arguments compilation_modifiers (all_vs @ param_vs)
+    val additional_arguments = Comp_Mod.additional_arguments compilation_modifiers (all_vs @ param_vs)
     val cl_ts =
       map (compile_clause compilation_modifiers compfuns
         thy all_vs param_vs additional_arguments mode (HOLogic.mk_tuple in_ts)) moded_cls;
-    val compilation = #wrap_compilation compilation_modifiers compfuns s T mode additional_arguments
+    val compilation = Comp_Mod.wrap_compilation compilation_modifiers compfuns s T mode additional_arguments
       (if null cl_ts then
         mk_bot compfuns (HOLogic.mk_tupleT Us2)
       else foldr1 (mk_sup compfuns) cl_ts)
     val fun_const =
-      Const (#const_name_of compilation_modifiers thy s mode,
-        #funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns mode T)
+      Const (Comp_Mod.const_name_of compilation_modifiers thy s mode,
+        Comp_Mod.funT_of compilation_modifiers compfuns mode T)
       (HOLogic.mk_eq (list_comb (fun_const, params @ in_ts @ additional_arguments), compilation))
@@ -2139,31 +2136,47 @@
 (** main function of predicate compiler **)
+datatype steps = Steps of
+  {
+  compile_preds : theory -> string list -> string list -> (string * typ) list
+    -> (moded_clause list) pred_mode_table -> term pred_mode_table,
+  create_definitions: (string * typ) list -> string * mode list -> theory -> theory,
+  infer_modes : options -> theory -> (string * mode list) list -> (string * mode list) list
+    -> string list -> (string * (term list * indprem list) list) list
+    -> moded_clause list pred_mode_table,
+  prove : options -> theory -> (string * (term list * indprem list) list) list
+    -> (string * typ) list -> (string * mode list) list
+    -> moded_clause list pred_mode_table -> term pred_mode_table -> thm pred_mode_table,
+  are_not_defined : theory -> string list -> bool,
+  qname : bstring
+  }
 fun add_equations_of steps options prednames thy =
+    fun dest_steps (Steps s) = s
     val _ = print_step options ("Starting predicate compiler for predicates " ^ commas prednames ^ "...")
-    val _ = tracing (commas (map (Display.string_of_thm_global thy) (maps (intros_of thy) prednames)))
       (*val _ = check_intros_elim_match thy prednames*)
       (*val _ = map (check_format_of_intro_rule thy) (maps (intros_of thy) prednames)*)
     val (preds, nparams, all_vs, param_vs, extra_modes, clauses, all_modes) =
       prepare_intrs thy prednames (maps (intros_of thy) prednames)
     val _ = print_step options "Infering modes..."
-    val moded_clauses = #infer_modes steps options thy extra_modes all_modes param_vs clauses 
+    val moded_clauses = #infer_modes (dest_steps steps) options thy extra_modes all_modes param_vs clauses 
     val modes = map (fn (p, mps) => (p, map fst mps)) moded_clauses
     val _ = check_expected_modes options modes
     val _ = print_modes options modes
       (*val _ = print_moded_clauses thy moded_clauses*)
     val _ = print_step options "Defining executable functions..."
-    val thy' = fold (#create_definitions steps preds) modes thy
+    val thy' = fold (#create_definitions (dest_steps steps) preds) modes thy
       |> Theory.checkpoint
     val _ = print_step options "Compiling equations..."
     val compiled_terms =
-      (#compile_preds steps) thy' all_vs param_vs preds moded_clauses
+      #compile_preds (dest_steps steps) thy' all_vs param_vs preds moded_clauses
     val _ = print_compiled_terms options thy' compiled_terms
     val _ = print_step options "Proving equations..."
-    val result_thms = #prove steps options thy' clauses preds (extra_modes @ modes)
+    val result_thms = #prove (dest_steps steps) options thy' clauses preds (extra_modes @ modes)
       moded_clauses compiled_terms
-    val qname = #qname steps
+    val qname = #qname (dest_steps steps)
     val attrib = fn thy => Attrib.attribute_i thy (Attrib.internal (K (Thm.declaration_attribute
       (fn thm => Context.mapping (Code.add_eqn thm) I))))
     val thy'' = fold (fn (name, result_thms) => fn thy => snd (PureThy.add_thmss
@@ -2181,7 +2194,7 @@
         SOME v => (G, v)
       | NONE => (Graph.new_node (key, value_of key) G, value_of key)
     val (G'', visited') = fold (extend' value_of edges_of) (subtract (op =) visited (edges_of (key, v)))
-      (G', key :: visited) 
+      (G', key :: visited)
     (fold (Graph.add_edge o (pair key)) (edges_of (key, v)) G'', visited')
@@ -2190,6 +2203,7 @@
 fun gen_add_equations steps options names thy =
+    fun dest_steps (Steps s) = s
     val thy' = (fold (extend (fetch_pred_data thy) (depending_preds_of thy)) names) thy
       |> Theory.checkpoint;
     fun strong_conn_of gr keys =
@@ -2197,24 +2211,25 @@
     val scc = strong_conn_of (PredData.get thy') names
     val thy'' = fold_rev
       (fn preds => fn thy =>
-        if #are_not_defined steps thy preds then
+        if #are_not_defined (dest_steps steps) thy preds then
           add_equations_of steps options preds thy else thy)
       scc thy' |> Theory.checkpoint
   in thy'' end
 (* different instantiantions of the predicate compiler *)
-val predicate_comp_modifiers =
-  {const_name_of = predfun_name_of,
-  funT_of = funT_of,
+val predicate_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
+  {const_name_of = predfun_name_of : (theory -> string -> mode -> string),
+  funT_of = funT_of : (compilation_funs -> mode -> typ -> typ),
   additional_arguments = K [],
-  wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I)))),
-  transform_additional_arguments = K I
+  wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
+   : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
+  transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
-val depth_limited_comp_modifiers =
+val depth_limited_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
   {const_name_of = depth_limited_function_name_of,
-  funT_of = depth_limited_funT_of,
+  funT_of = depth_limited_funT_of : (compilation_funs -> mode -> typ -> typ),
   additional_arguments = fn names =>
       val [depth_name, polarity_name] = Name.variant_list names ["depth", "polarity"]
@@ -2245,38 +2260,38 @@
     in [polarity', depth'] end
-val rpred_comp_modifiers =
+val rpred_comp_modifiers = Comp_Mod.Comp_Modifiers
   {const_name_of = generator_name_of,
-  funT_of = K generator_funT_of,
+  funT_of = K generator_funT_of : (compilation_funs -> mode -> typ -> typ),
   additional_arguments = fn names => [Free (Name.variant names "size", @{typ code_numeral})],
-  wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I)))),
-  transform_additional_arguments = K I
+  wrap_compilation = K (K (K (K (K I))))
+    : (compilation_funs -> string -> typ -> mode -> term list -> term -> term),
+  transform_additional_arguments = K I : (indprem -> term list -> term list)
 val add_equations = gen_add_equations
-  {infer_modes = infer_modes,
+  (Steps {infer_modes = infer_modes,
   create_definitions = create_definitions,
   compile_preds = compile_preds predicate_comp_modifiers PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
   prove = prove,
   are_not_defined = fn thy => forall (null o modes_of thy),
-  qname = "equation"}
+  qname = "equation"})
 val add_depth_limited_equations = gen_add_equations
-  {infer_modes = infer_modes,
+  (Steps {infer_modes = infer_modes,
   create_definitions = create_definitions_of_depth_limited_functions,
   compile_preds = compile_preds depth_limited_comp_modifiers PredicateCompFuns.compfuns,
   prove = prove_by_skip,
   are_not_defined = fn thy => forall (null o depth_limited_modes_of thy),
-  qname = "depth_limited_equation"}
+  qname = "depth_limited_equation"})
 val add_quickcheck_equations = gen_add_equations
-  {infer_modes = infer_modes_with_generator,
+  (Steps {infer_modes = infer_modes_with_generator,
   create_definitions = rpred_create_definitions,
   compile_preds = compile_preds rpred_comp_modifiers RandomPredCompFuns.compfuns,
   prove = prove_by_skip,
   are_not_defined = fn thy => forall (null o rpred_modes_of thy),
-  qname = "rpred_equation"}
+  qname = "rpred_equation"})
 (** user interface **)
@@ -2307,7 +2322,7 @@
         (extend (fetch_pred_data thy) (depending_preds_of thy) const)) lthy
       |> LocalTheory.checkpoint
     val thy' = ProofContext.theory_of lthy'
-    val preds = Graph.all_preds (PredData.get thy') [const] |> filter_out (has_elim thy')
+    val preds = Graph.all_succs (PredData.get thy') [const] |> filter_out (has_elim thy')
     fun mk_cases const =
         val T = Sign.the_const_type thy const
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/TFL/post.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/TFL/post.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
   |   _ => r RS P_imp_P_eq_True
 (*Is this the best way to invoke the simplifier??*)
-fun rewrite L = rewrite_rule (map mk_meta_eq (List.filter(not o id_thm) L))
+fun rewrite L = rewrite_rule (map mk_meta_eq (filter_out id_thm L))
 fun join_assums th =
   let val thy = Thm.theory_of_thm th
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/TFL/rules.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/TFL/rules.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@
       (prover names) (ss0 addsimps [cut_lemma'] addeqcongs congs) ctm
     val th2 = equal_elim th1 th
- (th2, List.filter (not o restricted) (!tc_list))
+ (th2, filter_out restricted (!tc_list))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/TFL/tfl.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/TFL/tfl.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -423,13 +423,13 @@
-fun givens pats = map pat_of (List.filter given pats);
+fun givens pats = map pat_of (filter given pats);
 fun post_definition meta_tflCongs (theory, (def, pats)) =
  let val tych = Thry.typecheck theory
      val f = #lhs(S.dest_eq(concl def))
      val corollary = R.MATCH_MP Thms.WFREC_COROLLARY def
-     val pats' = List.filter given pats
+     val pats' = filter given pats
      val given_pats = map pat_of pats'
      val rows = map row_of_pat pats'
      val WFR = #ant(S.dest_imp(concl corollary))
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@
         let val ex_tm = S.mk_exists{Bvar=v,Body=tm}
         in (ex_tm, R.CHOOSE(tych v, R.ASSUME (tych ex_tm)) thm)
-      val [veq] = List.filter (can S.dest_eq) (#1 (R.dest_thm thm))
+      val [veq] = filter (can S.dest_eq) (#1 (R.dest_thm thm))
       val {lhs,rhs} = S.dest_eq veq
       val L = S.free_vars_lr rhs
   in  #2 (fold_rev CHOOSER L (veq,thm))  end;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/choice_specification.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/choice_specification.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
                 val (_, c') = Type.varify [] c
                 val (cname,ctyp) = dest_Const c'
-                case List.filter (fn t => let val (name,typ) = dest_Const t
+                case filter (fn t => let val (name,typ) = dest_Const t
                                      in name = cname andalso Sign.typ_equiv thy (typ, ctyp)
                                      end) thawed_prop_consts of
                     [] => error ("Specification: No suitable instances of constant \"" ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy c ^ "\" found")
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/inductive.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/inductive.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
           list_all (params',
             Logic.list_implies (map (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o HOLogic.mk_eq)
               (frees ~~ us) @ ts, P));
-        val c_intrs = (List.filter (equal c o #1 o #1 o #1) intrs);
+        val c_intrs = filter (equal c o #1 o #1 o #1) intrs;
         val prems = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb (c, params @ frees)) ::
            map mk_elim_prem (map #1 c_intrs)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_codegen.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_codegen.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
           let val is' = map (fn i => i - k) (List.drop (is, k))
           in map (fn x => Mode (m, is', x)) (cprods (map
             (fn (NONE, _) => [NONE]
-              | (SOME js, arg) => map SOME (List.filter
+              | (SOME js, arg) => map SOME (filter
                   (fn Mode (_, js', _) => js=js') (modes_of modes arg)))
                     (iss ~~ args1)))
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
 fun check_modes_pred thy arg_vs preds modes (p, ms) =
   let val SOME rs = AList.lookup (op =) preds p
-  in (p, List.filter (fn m => case find_index
+  in (p, filter (fn m => case find_index
     (not o check_mode_clause thy arg_vs modes m) rs of
       ~1 => true
     | i => (message ("Clause " ^ string_of_int (i+1) ^ " of " ^
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/lin_arith.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/lin_arith.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@
   val beta_eta_norm  = map (apsnd (map (Envir.eta_contract o Envir.beta_norm)))
   (* TRY (etac notE) THEN eq_assume_tac: *)
-  val result         = List.filter (not o negated_term_occurs_positively o snd)
+  val result         = filter_out (negated_term_occurs_positively o snd)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/meson.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/meson.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
 (*Is the given disjunction an all-negative support clause?*)
 fun is_negative th = forall (not o #1) (literals (prop_of th));
-val neg_clauses = List.filter is_negative;
+val neg_clauses = filter is_negative;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/metis_tools.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/metis_tools.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -63,62 +63,62 @@
 fun metis_lit b c args = (b, (c, args));
-fun hol_type_to_fol (ResClause.AtomV x) = Metis.Term.Var x
-  | hol_type_to_fol (ResClause.AtomF x) = Metis.Term.Fn(x,[])
-  | hol_type_to_fol (ResClause.Comp(tc,tps)) = Metis.Term.Fn(tc, map hol_type_to_fol tps);
+fun hol_type_to_fol (Res_Clause.AtomV x) = Metis.Term.Var x
+  | hol_type_to_fol (Res_Clause.AtomF x) = Metis.Term.Fn(x,[])
+  | hol_type_to_fol (Res_Clause.Comp(tc,tps)) = Metis.Term.Fn(tc, map hol_type_to_fol tps);
 (*These two functions insert type literals before the real literals. That is the
   opposite order from TPTP linkup, but maybe OK.*)
 fun hol_term_to_fol_FO tm =
-  case ResHolClause.strip_comb tm of
-      (ResHolClause.CombConst(c,_,tys), tms) =>
+  case Res_HOL_Clause.strip_comb tm of
+      (Res_HOL_Clause.CombConst(c,_,tys), tms) =>
         let val tyargs = map hol_type_to_fol tys
             val args   = map hol_term_to_fol_FO tms
         in Metis.Term.Fn (c, tyargs @ args) end
-    | (ResHolClause.CombVar(v,_), []) => Metis.Term.Var v
+    | (Res_HOL_Clause.CombVar(v,_), []) => Metis.Term.Var v
     | _ => error "hol_term_to_fol_FO";
-fun hol_term_to_fol_HO (ResHolClause.CombVar (a, _)) = Metis.Term.Var a
-  | hol_term_to_fol_HO (ResHolClause.CombConst (a, _, tylist)) =
+fun hol_term_to_fol_HO (Res_HOL_Clause.CombVar (a, _)) = Metis.Term.Var a
+  | hol_term_to_fol_HO (Res_HOL_Clause.CombConst (a, _, tylist)) =
       Metis.Term.Fn (fn_isa_to_met a, map hol_type_to_fol tylist)
-  | hol_term_to_fol_HO (ResHolClause.CombApp (tm1, tm2)) =
+  | hol_term_to_fol_HO (Res_HOL_Clause.CombApp (tm1, tm2)) =
        Metis.Term.Fn (".", map hol_term_to_fol_HO [tm1, tm2]);
 (*The fully-typed translation, to avoid type errors*)
 fun wrap_type (tm, ty) = Metis.Term.Fn("ti", [tm, hol_type_to_fol ty]);
-fun hol_term_to_fol_FT (ResHolClause.CombVar(a, ty)) =
+fun hol_term_to_fol_FT (Res_HOL_Clause.CombVar(a, ty)) =
       wrap_type (Metis.Term.Var a, ty)
-  | hol_term_to_fol_FT (ResHolClause.CombConst(a, ty, _)) =
+  | hol_term_to_fol_FT (Res_HOL_Clause.CombConst(a, ty, _)) =
       wrap_type (Metis.Term.Fn(fn_isa_to_met a, []), ty)
-  | hol_term_to_fol_FT (tm as ResHolClause.CombApp(tm1,tm2)) =
+  | hol_term_to_fol_FT (tm as Res_HOL_Clause.CombApp(tm1,tm2)) =
        wrap_type (Metis.Term.Fn(".", map hol_term_to_fol_FT [tm1,tm2]),
-                  ResHolClause.type_of_combterm tm);
+                  Res_HOL_Clause.type_of_combterm tm);
-fun hol_literal_to_fol FO (ResHolClause.Literal (pol, tm)) =
-      let val (ResHolClause.CombConst(p,_,tys), tms) = ResHolClause.strip_comb tm
+fun hol_literal_to_fol FO (Res_HOL_Clause.Literal (pol, tm)) =
+      let val (Res_HOL_Clause.CombConst(p,_,tys), tms) = Res_HOL_Clause.strip_comb tm
           val tylits = if p = "equal" then [] else map hol_type_to_fol tys
           val lits = map hol_term_to_fol_FO tms
       in metis_lit pol (fn_isa_to_met p) (tylits @ lits) end
-  | hol_literal_to_fol HO (ResHolClause.Literal (pol, tm)) =
-     (case ResHolClause.strip_comb tm of
-          (ResHolClause.CombConst("equal",_,_), tms) =>
+  | hol_literal_to_fol HO (Res_HOL_Clause.Literal (pol, tm)) =
+     (case Res_HOL_Clause.strip_comb tm of
+          (Res_HOL_Clause.CombConst("equal",_,_), tms) =>
             metis_lit pol "=" (map hol_term_to_fol_HO tms)
         | _ => metis_lit pol "{}" [hol_term_to_fol_HO tm])   (*hBOOL*)
-  | hol_literal_to_fol FT (ResHolClause.Literal (pol, tm)) =
-     (case ResHolClause.strip_comb tm of
-          (ResHolClause.CombConst("equal",_,_), tms) =>
+  | hol_literal_to_fol FT (Res_HOL_Clause.Literal (pol, tm)) =
+     (case Res_HOL_Clause.strip_comb tm of
+          (Res_HOL_Clause.CombConst("equal",_,_), tms) =>
             metis_lit pol "=" (map hol_term_to_fol_FT tms)
         | _ => metis_lit pol "{}" [hol_term_to_fol_FT tm])   (*hBOOL*);
 fun literals_of_hol_thm thy mode t =
-      let val (lits, types_sorts) = ResHolClause.literals_of_term thy t
+      let val (lits, types_sorts) = Res_HOL_Clause.literals_of_term thy t
       in  (map (hol_literal_to_fol mode) lits, types_sorts) end;
 (*Sign should be "true" for conjecture type constraints, "false" for type lits in clauses.*)
-fun metis_of_typeLit pos (ResClause.LTVar (s,x))  = metis_lit pos s [Metis.Term.Var x]
-  | metis_of_typeLit pos (ResClause.LTFree (s,x)) = metis_lit pos s [Metis.Term.Fn(x,[])];
+fun metis_of_typeLit pos (Res_Clause.LTVar (s,x))  = metis_lit pos s [Metis.Term.Var x]
+  | metis_of_typeLit pos (Res_Clause.LTFree (s,x)) = metis_lit pos s [Metis.Term.Fn(x,[])];
 fun default_sort _ (TVar _) = false
   | default_sort ctxt (TFree (x, s)) = (s = the_default [] (Variable.def_sort ctxt (x, ~1)));
@@ -132,9 +132,9 @@
              (literals_of_hol_thm thy mode o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) th
       if is_conjecture then
-          (Metis.Thm.axiom (Metis.LiteralSet.fromList mlits), ResClause.add_typs types_sorts)
+          (Metis.Thm.axiom (Metis.LiteralSet.fromList mlits), Res_Clause.add_typs types_sorts)
-        let val tylits = ResClause.add_typs
+        let val tylits = Res_Clause.add_typs
                            (filter (not o default_sort ctxt) types_sorts)
             val mtylits = if Config.get ctxt type_lits
                           then map (metis_of_typeLit false) tylits else []
@@ -145,13 +145,13 @@
-fun m_arity_cls (ResClause.TConsLit (c,t,args)) =
-      metis_lit true (ResClause.make_type_class c) [Metis.Term.Fn(t, map Metis.Term.Var args)]
-  | m_arity_cls (ResClause.TVarLit (c,str))     =
-      metis_lit false (ResClause.make_type_class c) [Metis.Term.Var str];
+fun m_arity_cls (Res_Clause.TConsLit (c,t,args)) =
+      metis_lit true (Res_Clause.make_type_class c) [Metis.Term.Fn(t, map Metis.Term.Var args)]
+  | m_arity_cls (Res_Clause.TVarLit (c,str))     =
+      metis_lit false (Res_Clause.make_type_class c) [Metis.Term.Var str];
 (*TrueI is returned as the Isabelle counterpart because there isn't any.*)
-fun arity_cls (ResClause.ArityClause{conclLit,premLits,...}) =
+fun arity_cls (Res_Clause.ArityClause{conclLit,premLits,...}) =
    Metis.Thm.axiom (Metis.LiteralSet.fromList (map m_arity_cls (conclLit :: premLits))));
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 fun m_classrel_cls subclass superclass =
   [metis_lit false subclass [Metis.Term.Var "T"], metis_lit true superclass [Metis.Term.Var "T"]];
-fun classrel_cls (ResClause.ClassrelClause {subclass, superclass, ...}) =
+fun classrel_cls (Res_Clause.ClassrelClause {subclass, superclass, ...}) =
   (TrueI, Metis.Thm.axiom (Metis.LiteralSet.fromList (m_classrel_cls subclass superclass)));
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -209,14 +209,14 @@
   | strip_happ args x = (x, args);
 fun fol_type_to_isa _ (Metis.Term.Var v) =
-     (case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.tvar_prefix v of
-          SOME w => ResReconstruct.make_tvar w
-        | NONE   => ResReconstruct.make_tvar v)
+     (case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.tvar_prefix v of
+          SOME w => Res_Reconstruct.make_tvar w
+        | NONE   => Res_Reconstruct.make_tvar v)
   | fol_type_to_isa ctxt (Metis.Term.Fn(x, tys)) =
-     (case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.tconst_prefix x of
-          SOME tc => Term.Type (ResReconstruct.invert_type_const tc, map (fol_type_to_isa ctxt) tys)
+     (case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.tconst_prefix x of
+          SOME tc => Term.Type (Res_Reconstruct.invert_type_const tc, map (fol_type_to_isa ctxt) tys)
         | NONE    =>
-      case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.tfree_prefix x of
+      case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.tfree_prefix x of
           SOME tf => mk_tfree ctxt tf
         | NONE    => error ("fol_type_to_isa: " ^ x));
@@ -225,10 +225,10 @@
   let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
       val _ = trace_msg (fn () => "fol_term_to_hol: " ^ Metis.Term.toString fol_tm)
       fun tm_to_tt (Metis.Term.Var v) =
-             (case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.tvar_prefix v of
-                  SOME w => Type (ResReconstruct.make_tvar w)
+             (case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.tvar_prefix v of
+                  SOME w => Type (Res_Reconstruct.make_tvar w)
                 | NONE =>
-              case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.schematic_var_prefix v of
+              case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.schematic_var_prefix v of
                   SOME w => Term (mk_var (w, HOLogic.typeT))
                 | NONE   => Term (mk_var (v, HOLogic.typeT)) )
                     (*Var from Metis with a name like _nnn; possibly a type variable*)
@@ -245,14 +245,14 @@
       and applic_to_tt ("=",ts) =
             Term (list_comb(Const ("op =", HOLogic.typeT), terms_of (map tm_to_tt ts)))
         | applic_to_tt (a,ts) =
-            case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.const_prefix a of
+            case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.const_prefix a of
                 SOME b =>
-                  let val c = ResReconstruct.invert_const b
-                      val ntypes = ResReconstruct.num_typargs thy c
+                  let val c = Res_Reconstruct.invert_const b
+                      val ntypes = Res_Reconstruct.num_typargs thy c
                       val nterms = length ts - ntypes
                       val tts = map tm_to_tt ts
                       val tys = types_of (List.take(tts,ntypes))
-                      val ntyargs = ResReconstruct.num_typargs thy c
+                      val ntyargs = Res_Reconstruct.num_typargs thy c
                   in if length tys = ntyargs then
                          apply_list (Const (c, dummyT)) nterms (List.drop(tts,ntypes))
                      else error ("Constant " ^ c ^ " expects " ^ Int.toString ntyargs ^
@@ -263,14 +263,14 @@
                                  cat_lines (map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) (terms_of tts)))
               | NONE => (*Not a constant. Is it a type constructor?*)
-            case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.tconst_prefix a of
+            case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.tconst_prefix a of
                 SOME b =>
-                  Type (Term.Type (ResReconstruct.invert_type_const b, types_of (map tm_to_tt ts)))
+                  Type (Term.Type (Res_Reconstruct.invert_type_const b, types_of (map tm_to_tt ts)))
               | NONE => (*Maybe a TFree. Should then check that ts=[].*)
-            case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.tfree_prefix a of
+            case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.tfree_prefix a of
                 SOME b => Type (mk_tfree ctxt b)
               | NONE => (*a fixed variable? They are Skolem functions.*)
-            case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.fixed_var_prefix a of
+            case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.fixed_var_prefix a of
                 SOME b =>
                   let val opr = Term.Free(b, HOLogic.typeT)
                   in  apply_list opr (length ts) (map tm_to_tt ts)  end
@@ -281,16 +281,16 @@
 fun fol_term_to_hol_FT ctxt fol_tm =
   let val _ = trace_msg (fn () => "fol_term_to_hol_FT: " ^ Metis.Term.toString fol_tm)
       fun cvt (Metis.Term.Fn ("ti", [Metis.Term.Var v, _])) =
-             (case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.schematic_var_prefix v of
+             (case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.schematic_var_prefix v of
                   SOME w =>  mk_var(w, dummyT)
                 | NONE   => mk_var(v, dummyT))
         | cvt (Metis.Term.Fn ("ti", [Metis.Term.Fn ("=",[]), _])) =
             Const ("op =", HOLogic.typeT)
         | cvt (Metis.Term.Fn ("ti", [Metis.Term.Fn (x,[]), ty])) =
-           (case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.const_prefix x of
-                SOME c => Const (ResReconstruct.invert_const c, dummyT)
+           (case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.const_prefix x of
+                SOME c => Const (Res_Reconstruct.invert_const c, dummyT)
               | NONE => (*Not a constant. Is it a fixed variable??*)
-            case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.fixed_var_prefix x of
+            case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.fixed_var_prefix x of
                 SOME v => Free (v, fol_type_to_isa ctxt ty)
               | NONE => error ("fol_term_to_hol_FT bad constant: " ^ x))
         | cvt (Metis.Term.Fn ("ti", [Metis.Term.Fn (".",[tm1,tm2]), _])) =
@@ -301,10 +301,10 @@
         | cvt (Metis.Term.Fn ("=", [tm1,tm2])) =
             list_comb(Const ("op =", HOLogic.typeT), map cvt [tm1,tm2])
         | cvt (t as Metis.Term.Fn (x, [])) =
-           (case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.const_prefix x of
-                SOME c => Const (ResReconstruct.invert_const c, dummyT)
+           (case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.const_prefix x of
+                SOME c => Const (Res_Reconstruct.invert_const c, dummyT)
               | NONE => (*Not a constant. Is it a fixed variable??*)
-            case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.fixed_var_prefix x of
+            case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.fixed_var_prefix x of
                 SOME v => Free (v, dummyT)
               | NONE => (trace_msg (fn () => "fol_term_to_hol_FT bad const: " ^ x);
                   fol_term_to_hol_RAW ctxt t))
@@ -383,9 +383,9 @@
                                        " in " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt i_th);
       fun remove_typeinst (a, t) =
-            case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.schematic_var_prefix a of
+            case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.schematic_var_prefix a of
                 SOME b => SOME (b, t)
-              | NONE   => case ResReconstruct.strip_prefix ResClause.tvar_prefix a of
+              | NONE   => case Res_Reconstruct.strip_prefix Res_Clause.tvar_prefix a of
                 SOME _ => NONE          (*type instantiations are forbidden!*)
               | NONE   => SOME (a,t)    (*internal Metis var?*)
       val _ = trace_msg (fn () => "  isa th: " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt i_th)
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@
   in  cterm_instantiate [(refl_x, c_t)] REFL_THM  end;
 fun get_ty_arg_size _ (Const ("op =", _)) = 0  (*equality has no type arguments*)
-  | get_ty_arg_size thy (Const (c, _)) = (ResReconstruct.num_typargs thy c handle TYPE _ => 0)
+  | get_ty_arg_size thy (Const (c, _)) = (Res_Reconstruct.num_typargs thy c handle TYPE _ => 0)
   | get_ty_arg_size _ _ = 0;
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@
   | step ctxt mode _ (_, Metis.Proof.Equality (f_lit, f_p, f_r)) =
       equality_inf ctxt mode f_lit f_p f_r;
-fun real_literal (_, (c, _)) = not (String.isPrefix ResClause.class_prefix c);
+fun real_literal (_, (c, _)) = not (String.isPrefix Res_Clause.class_prefix c);
 fun translate _ _ thpairs [] = thpairs
   | translate mode ctxt thpairs ((fol_th, inf) :: infpairs) =
@@ -564,23 +564,23 @@
 (* Translation of HO Clauses                                                 *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun cnf_th thy th = hd (ResAxioms.cnf_axiom thy th);
+fun cnf_th thy th = hd (Res_Axioms.cnf_axiom thy th);
 val equal_imp_fequal' = cnf_th @{theory} @{thm equal_imp_fequal};
 val fequal_imp_equal' = cnf_th @{theory} @{thm fequal_imp_equal};
-val comb_I = cnf_th @{theory} ResHolClause.comb_I;
-val comb_K = cnf_th @{theory} ResHolClause.comb_K;
-val comb_B = cnf_th @{theory} ResHolClause.comb_B;
-val comb_C = cnf_th @{theory} ResHolClause.comb_C;
-val comb_S = cnf_th @{theory} ResHolClause.comb_S;
+val comb_I = cnf_th @{theory} Res_HOL_Clause.comb_I;
+val comb_K = cnf_th @{theory} Res_HOL_Clause.comb_K;
+val comb_B = cnf_th @{theory} Res_HOL_Clause.comb_B;
+val comb_C = cnf_th @{theory} Res_HOL_Clause.comb_C;
+val comb_S = cnf_th @{theory} Res_HOL_Clause.comb_S;
 fun type_ext thy tms =
-  let val subs = ResAtp.tfree_classes_of_terms tms
-      val supers = ResAtp.tvar_classes_of_terms tms
-      and tycons = ResAtp.type_consts_of_terms thy tms
-      val (supers', arity_clauses) = ResClause.make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
-      val classrel_clauses = ResClause.make_classrel_clauses thy subs supers'
+  let val subs = Res_ATP.tfree_classes_of_terms tms
+      val supers = Res_ATP.tvar_classes_of_terms tms
+      and tycons = Res_ATP.type_consts_of_terms thy tms
+      val (supers', arity_clauses) = Res_Clause.make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
+      val classrel_clauses = Res_Clause.make_classrel_clauses thy subs supers'
   in  map classrel_cls classrel_clauses @ map arity_cls arity_clauses
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@
 type logic_map =
   {axioms : (Metis.Thm.thm * thm) list,
-   tfrees : ResClause.type_literal list};
+   tfrees : Res_Clause.type_literal list};
 fun const_in_metis c (pred, tm_list) =
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@
 (*Extract TFree constraints from context to include as conjecture clauses*)
 fun init_tfrees ctxt =
   let fun add ((a,i),s) Ts = if i = ~1 then TFree(a,s) :: Ts else Ts
-  in  ResClause.add_typs (Vartab.fold add (#2 (Variable.constraints_of ctxt)) []) end;
+  in  Res_Clause.add_typs (Vartab.fold add (#2 (Variable.constraints_of ctxt)) []) end;
 (*transform isabelle type / arity clause to metis clause *)
 fun add_type_thm [] lmap = lmap
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
 (* Main function to start metis prove and reconstruction *)
 fun FOL_SOLVE mode ctxt cls ths0 =
   let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-      val th_cls_pairs = map (fn th => (Thm.get_name_hint th, ResAxioms.cnf_axiom thy th)) ths0
+      val th_cls_pairs = map (fn th => (Thm.get_name_hint th, Res_Axioms.cnf_axiom thy th)) ths0
       val ths = maps #2 th_cls_pairs
       val _ = trace_msg (fn () => "FOL_SOLVE: CONJECTURE CLAUSES")
       val _ = app (fn th => trace_msg (fn () => Display.string_of_thm ctxt th)) cls
@@ -673,14 +673,14 @@
       val (mode, {axioms,tfrees}) = build_map mode ctxt cls ths
       val _ = if null tfrees then ()
               else (trace_msg (fn () => "TFREE CLAUSES");
-                    app (fn tf => trace_msg (fn _ => ResClause.tptp_of_typeLit true tf)) tfrees)
+                    app (fn tf => trace_msg (fn _ => Res_Clause.tptp_of_typeLit true tf)) tfrees)
       val _ = trace_msg (fn () => "CLAUSES GIVEN TO METIS")
       val thms = map #1 axioms
       val _ = app (fn th => trace_msg (fn () => Metis.Thm.toString th)) thms
       val _ = trace_msg (fn () => "mode = " ^ string_of_mode mode)
       val _ = trace_msg (fn () => "START METIS PROVE PROCESS")
-      case List.filter (is_false o prop_of) cls of
+      case filter (is_false o prop_of) cls of
           false_th::_ => [false_th RS @{thm FalseE}]
         | [] =>
       case refute thms of
@@ -694,10 +694,11 @@
                 and used = map_filter (used_axioms axioms) proof
                 val _ = trace_msg (fn () => "METIS COMPLETED...clauses actually used:")
                 val _ = app (fn th => trace_msg (fn () => Display.string_of_thm ctxt th)) used
-                val unused = filter (fn (_, cls) => not (common_thm used cls)) th_cls_pairs
+                val unused = th_cls_pairs |> map_filter (fn (name, cls) =>
+                  if common_thm used cls then NONE else SOME name)
                 if null unused then ()
-                else warning ("Metis: unused theorems " ^ commas_quote (map #1 unused));
+                else warning ("Metis: unused theorems " ^ commas_quote unused);
                 case result of
                     (_,ith)::_ =>
                         (trace_msg (fn () => "success: " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt ith);
@@ -714,12 +715,12 @@
   let val _ = trace_msg (fn () =>
         "Metis called with theorems " ^ cat_lines (map (Display.string_of_thm ctxt) ths))
-     if exists_type ResAxioms.type_has_empty_sort (prop_of st0)
+     if exists_type Res_Axioms.type_has_empty_sort (prop_of st0)
      then (warning "Proof state contains the empty sort"; Seq.empty)
-       (Meson.MESON ResAxioms.neg_clausify
+       (Meson.MESON Res_Axioms.neg_clausify
          (fn cls => resolve_tac (FOL_SOLVE mode ctxt cls ths) 1) ctxt i
-        THEN ResAxioms.expand_defs_tac st0) st0
+        THEN Res_Axioms.expand_defs_tac st0) st0
   handle METIS s => (warning ("Metis: " ^ s); Seq.empty);
@@ -736,7 +737,7 @@
   method @{binding metisF} FO "METIS for FOL problems" #>
   method @{binding metisFT} FT "METIS With-fully typed translation" #>
   Method.setup @{binding finish_clausify}
-    (Scan.succeed (K (SIMPLE_METHOD (ResAxioms.expand_defs_tac refl))))
+    (Scan.succeed (K (SIMPLE_METHOD (Res_Axioms.expand_defs_tac refl))))
     "cleanup after conversion to clauses";
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/old_primrec.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/old_primrec.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
      NONE =>
          val dummy_fns = map (fn (_, cargs) => Const ("HOL.undefined",
-           replicate ((length cargs) + (length (List.filter is_rec_type cargs)))
+           replicate (length cargs + length (filter is_rec_type cargs))
              dummyT ---> HOLogic.unitT)) constrs;
          val _ = warning ("No function definition for datatype " ^ quote tname)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/primrec.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/primrec.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
      NONE =>
          val dummy_fns = map (fn (_, cargs) => Const ("HOL.undefined",
-           replicate ((length cargs) + (length (List.filter is_rec_type cargs)))
+           replicate (length cargs + length (filter is_rec_type cargs))
              dummyT ---> HOLogic.unitT)) constrs;
          val _ = warning ("No function definition for datatype " ^ quote tname)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/refute.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/refute.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
     (* (string * int) list *)
     val sizes     = map_filter
       (fn (name, value) => (pair name) (Int.fromString value))
-      (List.filter (fn (name, _) => name<>"minsize" andalso name<>"maxsize"
+      (filter (fn (name, _) => name<>"minsize" andalso name<>"maxsize"
         andalso name<>"maxvars" andalso name<>"maxtime"
         andalso name<>"satsolver") allparams)
@@ -1070,8 +1070,7 @@
         (* continue search *)
         next max (len+1) (sum+x1) (x2::xs)
     (* only consider those types for which the size is not fixed *)
-    val mutables = List.filter
-      (not o (AList.defined (op =) sizes) o string_of_typ o fst) xs
+    val mutables = filter_out (AList.defined (op =) sizes o string_of_typ o fst) xs
     (* subtract 'minsize' from every size (will be added again at the end) *)
     val diffs = map (fn (_, n) => n-minsize) mutables
@@ -2552,7 +2551,7 @@
                         (* arguments                                         *)
                         val (_, _, constrs) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr idx)
                         val (_, dtyps)      = List.nth (constrs, c)
-                        val rec_dtyps_args  = List.filter
+                        val rec_dtyps_args  = filter
                           (DatatypeAux.is_rec_type o fst) (dtyps ~~ args)
                         (* map those indices to interpretations *)
                         val rec_dtyps_intrs = map (fn (dtyp, arg) =>
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-(*  Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, NICTA *)
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML
+    Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, NICTA
 signature RES_ATP =
@@ -9,14 +11,14 @@
   val get_relevant : int -> bool -> Proof.context * (thm list * 'a) -> thm list ->
     (thm * (string * int)) list
   val prepare_clauses : bool -> thm list -> thm list ->
-    (thm * (ResHolClause.axiom_name * ResHolClause.clause_id)) list ->
-    (thm * (ResHolClause.axiom_name * ResHolClause.clause_id)) list -> theory ->
-    ResHolClause.axiom_name vector *
-      (ResHolClause.clause list * ResHolClause.clause list * ResHolClause.clause list *
-      ResHolClause.clause list * ResClause.classrelClause list * ResClause.arityClause list)
+    (thm * (Res_HOL_Clause.axiom_name * Res_HOL_Clause.clause_id)) list ->
+    (thm * (Res_HOL_Clause.axiom_name * Res_HOL_Clause.clause_id)) list -> theory ->
+    Res_HOL_Clause.axiom_name vector *
+      (Res_HOL_Clause.clause list * Res_HOL_Clause.clause list * Res_HOL_Clause.clause list *
+      Res_HOL_Clause.clause list * Res_Clause.classrelClause list * Res_Clause.arityClause list)
-structure ResAtp: RES_ATP =
+structure Res_ATP: RES_ATP =
@@ -236,10 +238,10 @@
       let val cls = sort compare_pairs newpairs
           val accepted = List.take (cls, max_new)
-        ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("Number of candidates, " ^ Int.toString nnew ^ 
+        Res_Axioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("Number of candidates, " ^ Int.toString nnew ^ 
                        ", exceeds the limit of " ^ Int.toString (max_new)));
-        ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("Effective pass mark: " ^ Real.toString (#2 (List.last accepted))));
-        ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => "Actually passed: " ^
+        Res_Axioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("Effective pass mark: " ^ Real.toString (#2 (List.last accepted))));
+        Res_Axioms.trace_msg (fn () => "Actually passed: " ^
           space_implode ", " (map (fn (((_,(name,_)),_),_) => name) accepted));
         (map #1 accepted, map #1 (List.drop (cls, max_new)))
@@ -254,7 +256,7 @@
                 val rel_consts' = List.foldl add_const_typ_table rel_consts new_consts
                 val newp = p + (1.0-p) / convergence
-              ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("relevant this iteration: " ^ Int.toString (length newrels)));
+              Res_Axioms.trace_msg (fn () => "relevant this iteration: " ^ Int.toString (length newrels));
                (map #1 newrels) @ 
                (relevant_clauses max_new thy ctab newp rel_consts' (more_rejects@rejects))
@@ -262,12 +264,12 @@
             let val weight = clause_weight ctab rel_consts consts_typs
               if p <= weight orelse (follow_defs andalso defines thy (#1 clsthm) rel_consts)
-              then (ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => (name ^ " clause " ^ Int.toString n ^ 
+              then (Res_Axioms.trace_msg (fn () => (name ^ " clause " ^ Int.toString n ^ 
                                             " passes: " ^ Real.toString weight));
                     relevant ((ax,weight)::newrels, rejects) axs)
               else relevant (newrels, ax::rejects) axs
-    in  ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("relevant_clauses, current pass mark = " ^ Real.toString p));
+    in  Res_Axioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("relevant_clauses, current pass mark = " ^ Real.toString p));
         relevant ([],[]) 
@@ -276,12 +278,12 @@
   let val const_tab = List.foldl (count_axiom_consts theory_const thy) Symtab.empty axioms
       val goal_const_tab = get_goal_consts_typs thy goals
-      val _ = ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("Initial constants: " ^
+      val _ = Res_Axioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("Initial constants: " ^
                                  space_implode ", " (Symtab.keys goal_const_tab)));
       val rels = relevant_clauses max_new thy const_tab (pass_mark) 
                    goal_const_tab  (map (pair_consts_typs_axiom theory_const thy) axioms)
-      ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("Total relevant: " ^ Int.toString (length rels)));
+      Res_Axioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("Total relevant: " ^ Int.toString (length rels)));
  else axioms;
@@ -335,7 +337,7 @@
 fun make_unique xs =
   let val ht = mk_clause_table 7000
-      ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("make_unique gets " ^ Int.toString (length xs) ^ " clauses"));
+      Res_Axioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("make_unique gets " ^ Int.toString (length xs) ^ " clauses"));
       app (ignore o Polyhash.peekInsert ht) xs;
       Polyhash.listItems ht
@@ -352,11 +354,12 @@
 fun valid_facts facts =
   Facts.fold_static (fn (name, ths) =>
-    if run_blacklist_filter andalso is_package_def name then I
+    if Facts.is_concealed facts name orelse
+      (run_blacklist_filter andalso is_package_def name) then I
       let val xname = Facts.extern facts name in
         if Name_Space.is_hidden xname then I
-        else cons (xname, filter_out ResAxioms.bad_for_atp ths)
+        else cons (xname, filter_out Res_Axioms.bad_for_atp ths)
       end) facts [];
 fun all_valid_thms ctxt =
@@ -365,29 +368,29 @@
     val local_facts = ProofContext.facts_of ctxt;
   in valid_facts global_facts @ valid_facts local_facts end;
-fun multi_name a (th, (n,pairs)) =
-  (n+1, (a ^ "(" ^ Int.toString n ^ ")", th) :: pairs)
+fun multi_name a th (n, pairs) =
+  (n + 1, (a ^ "(" ^ Int.toString n ^ ")", th) :: pairs);
-fun add_single_names ((a, []), pairs) = pairs
-  | add_single_names ((a, [th]), pairs) = (a,th)::pairs
-  | add_single_names ((a, ths), pairs) = #2 (List.foldl (multi_name a) (1,pairs) ths);
+fun add_single_names (a, []) pairs = pairs
+  | add_single_names (a, [th]) pairs = (a, th) :: pairs
+  | add_single_names (a, ths) pairs = #2 (fold (multi_name a) ths (1, pairs));
 (*Ignore blacklisted basenames*)
-fun add_multi_names ((a, ths), pairs) =
-  if (Long_Name.base_name a) mem_string ResAxioms.multi_base_blacklist  then pairs
-  else add_single_names ((a, ths), pairs);
+fun add_multi_names (a, ths) pairs =
+  if (Long_Name.base_name a) mem_string Res_Axioms.multi_base_blacklist then pairs
+  else add_single_names (a, ths) pairs;
 fun is_multi (a, ths) = length ths > 1 orelse String.isSuffix ".axioms" a;
 (*The single theorems go BEFORE the multiple ones. Blacklist is applied to all.*)
 fun name_thm_pairs ctxt =
-  let val (mults,singles) = List.partition is_multi (all_valid_thms ctxt)
-      val ht = mk_clause_table 900   (*ht for blacklisted theorems*)
-      fun blacklisted x = run_blacklist_filter andalso is_some (Polyhash.peek ht x)
+  let
+    val (mults, singles) = List.partition is_multi (all_valid_thms ctxt)
+    fun blacklisted (_, th) =
+      run_blacklist_filter andalso Res_Blacklist.blacklisted ctxt th
-      app (fn th => ignore (Polyhash.peekInsert ht (th,()))) (ResBlacklist.get ctxt);
-      filter (not o blacklisted o #2)
-        (List.foldl add_single_names (List.foldl add_multi_names [] mults) singles)
+    filter_out blacklisted
+      (fold add_single_names singles (fold add_multi_names mults []))
 fun check_named ("", th) =
@@ -396,7 +399,7 @@
 fun get_all_lemmas ctxt =
   let val included_thms =
-        tap (fn ths => ResAxioms.trace_msg
+        tap (fn ths => Res_Axioms.trace_msg
                      (fn () => ("Including all " ^ Int.toString (length ths) ^ " theorems")))
             (name_thm_pairs ctxt)
@@ -499,17 +502,14 @@
     | Fol => true
     | Hol => false
-fun ths_to_cls thy ths =
-  ResAxioms.cnf_rules_pairs thy (filter check_named (map ResAxioms.pairname ths))
 fun get_relevant max_new theory_const (ctxt, (chain_ths, th)) goal_cls =
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
     val isFO = isFO thy goal_cls
-    val included_thms = get_all_lemmas ctxt
-    val included_cls = included_thms |> ResAxioms.cnf_rules_pairs thy |> make_unique
-                                     |> restrict_to_logic thy isFO
-                                     |> remove_unwanted_clauses
+    val included_cls = get_all_lemmas ctxt
+      |> Res_Axioms.cnf_rules_pairs thy |> make_unique
+      |> restrict_to_logic thy isFO
+      |> remove_unwanted_clauses
     relevance_filter max_new theory_const thy included_cls (map prop_of goal_cls) 
@@ -519,24 +519,25 @@
 fun prepare_clauses dfg goal_cls chain_ths axcls extra_cls thy =
     (* add chain thms *)
-    val chain_cls = ths_to_cls thy chain_ths
+    val chain_cls =
+      Res_Axioms.cnf_rules_pairs thy (filter check_named (map Res_Axioms.pairname chain_ths))
     val axcls = chain_cls @ axcls
     val extra_cls = chain_cls @ extra_cls
     val isFO = isFO thy goal_cls
     val ccls = subtract_cls goal_cls extra_cls
-    val _ = app (fn th => ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn _ => Display.string_of_thm_global thy th)) ccls
+    val _ = app (fn th => Res_Axioms.trace_msg (fn _ => Display.string_of_thm_global thy th)) ccls
     val ccltms = map prop_of ccls
     and axtms = map (prop_of o #1) extra_cls
     val subs = tfree_classes_of_terms ccltms
     and supers = tvar_classes_of_terms axtms
     and tycons = type_consts_of_terms thy (ccltms@axtms)
     (*TFrees in conjecture clauses; TVars in axiom clauses*)
-    val conjectures = ResHolClause.make_conjecture_clauses dfg thy ccls
-    val (_, extra_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (ResHolClause.make_axiom_clauses dfg thy extra_cls)
-    val (clnames,axiom_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (ResHolClause.make_axiom_clauses dfg thy axcls)
-    val helper_clauses = ResHolClause.get_helper_clauses dfg thy isFO (conjectures, extra_cls, [])
-    val (supers',arity_clauses) = ResClause.make_arity_clauses_dfg dfg thy tycons supers
-    val classrel_clauses = ResClause.make_classrel_clauses thy subs supers'
+    val conjectures = Res_HOL_Clause.make_conjecture_clauses dfg thy ccls
+    val (_, extra_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (Res_HOL_Clause.make_axiom_clauses dfg thy extra_cls)
+    val (clnames,axiom_clauses) = ListPair.unzip (Res_HOL_Clause.make_axiom_clauses dfg thy axcls)
+    val helper_clauses = Res_HOL_Clause.get_helper_clauses dfg thy isFO (conjectures, extra_cls, [])
+    val (supers',arity_clauses) = Res_Clause.make_arity_clauses_dfg dfg thy tycons supers
+    val classrel_clauses = Res_Clause.make_classrel_clauses thy subs supers'
     (Vector.fromList clnames,
       (conjectures, axiom_clauses, extra_clauses, helper_clauses, classrel_clauses, arity_clauses))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_axioms.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_axioms.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(*  Author: Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/res_axioms.ML
+    Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
 Transformation of axiom rules (elim/intro/etc) into CNF forms.
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
   val setup: theory -> theory
-structure ResAxioms: RES_AXIOMS =
+structure Res_Axioms: RES_AXIOMS =
 val trace = Unsynchronized.ref false;
@@ -285,7 +286,7 @@
   map (skolem_of_def o assume o (cterm_of (theory_of_thm th))) (assume_skofuns s th);
-(*** Blacklisting (duplicated in ResAtp?) ***)
+(*** Blacklisting (duplicated in Res_ATP?) ***)
 val max_lambda_nesting = 3;
@@ -316,18 +317,17 @@
 fun is_strange_thm th =
   case head_of (concl_of th) of
-      Const (a,_) => (a <> "Trueprop" andalso a <> "==")
+      Const (a, _) => (a <> "Trueprop" andalso a <> "==")
     | _ => false;
 fun bad_for_atp th =
-  Thm.is_internal th
-  orelse too_complex (prop_of th)
+  too_complex (prop_of th)
   orelse exists_type type_has_empty_sort (prop_of th)
   orelse is_strange_thm th;
 val multi_base_blacklist =
-   "cases","ext_cases"];  (*FIXME: put other record thms here, or use the "Internal" marker*)
+   "cases","ext_cases"];  (* FIXME put other record thms here, or declare as "noatp" *)
 (*Keep the full complexity of the original name*)
 fun flatten_name s = space_implode "_X" (Long_Name.explode s);
@@ -387,14 +387,14 @@
 fun cnf_rules_pairs_aux _ pairs [] = pairs
   | cnf_rules_pairs_aux thy pairs ((name,th)::ths) =
       let val pairs' = (pair_name_cls 0 (name, cnf_axiom thy th)) @ pairs
-                       handle THM _ => pairs | ResClause.CLAUSE _ => pairs
+                       handle THM _ => pairs | Res_Clause.CLAUSE _ => pairs
       in  cnf_rules_pairs_aux thy pairs' ths  end;
 (*The combination of rev and tail recursion preserves the original order*)
 fun cnf_rules_pairs thy l = cnf_rules_pairs_aux thy [] (rev l);
-(**** Convert all facts of the theory into clauses (ResClause.clause, or ResHolClause.clause) ****)
+(**** Convert all facts of the theory into clauses (Res_Clause.clause, or Res_HOL_Clause.clause) ****)
@@ -421,8 +421,10 @@
 fun saturate_skolem_cache thy =
-    val new_facts = (PureThy.facts_of thy, []) |-> Facts.fold_static (fn (name, ths) =>
-      if already_seen thy name then I else cons (name, ths));
+    val facts = PureThy.facts_of thy;
+    val new_facts = (facts, []) |-> Facts.fold_static (fn (name, ths) =>
+      if Facts.is_concealed facts name orelse already_seen thy name then I
+      else cons (name, ths));
     val new_thms = (new_facts, []) |-> fold (fn (name, ths) =>
       if member (op =) multi_base_blacklist (Long_Name.base_name name) then I
       else fold_index (fn (i, th) =>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_blacklist.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/res_blacklist.ML
+    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+    Author:     Makarius
+Theorems blacklisted to sledgehammer.  These theorems typically
+produce clauses that are prolific (match too many equality or
+membership literals) and relate to seldom-used facts.  Some duplicate
+other rules.
+signature RES_BLACKLIST =
+  val setup: theory -> theory
+  val blacklisted: Proof.context -> thm -> bool
+  val add: attribute
+  val del: attribute
+structure Res_Blacklist: RES_BLACKLIST =
+structure Data = GenericDataFun
+  type T = thm Termtab.table;
+  val empty = Termtab.empty;
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ tabs = Termtab.merge (K true) tabs;
+fun blacklisted ctxt th =
+  Termtab.defined (Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt)) (Thm.full_prop_of th);
+fun add_thm th = (Termtab.update (Thm.full_prop_of th, th));
+fun del_thm th = (Termtab.delete_safe (Thm.full_prop_of th));
+val add = Thm.declaration_attribute add_thm;
+val del = Thm.declaration_attribute del_thm;
+val setup =
+  Attrib.setup @{binding noatp} (Attrib.add_del add del) "sledgehammer blacklisting" #>
+  PureThy.add_thms_dynamic (@{binding noatp}, map #2 o Termtab.dest o Data.get);
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-(*  Author: Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Copyright 2004 University of Cambridge
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML
+    Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-Storing/printing FOL clauses and arity clauses.
-Typed equality is treated differently.
+Storing/printing FOL clauses and arity clauses.  Typed equality is
+treated differently.
+FIXME: combine with res_hol_clause!
-(*FIXME: combine with res_hol_clause!*)
 signature RES_CLAUSE =
   val schematic_var_prefix: string
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@
   val tptp_classrelClause : classrelClause -> string
-structure ResClause: RES_CLAUSE =
+structure Res_Clause: RES_CLAUSE =
 val schematic_var_prefix = "V_";
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_hol_clause.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_hol_clause.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-   Author: Jia Meng, NICTA
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/res_hol_clause.ML
+    Author:     Jia Meng, NICTA
 FOL clauses translated from HOL formulae.
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
   type polarity = bool
   type clause_id = int
   datatype combterm =
-      CombConst of string * ResClause.fol_type * ResClause.fol_type list (*Const and Free*)
-    | CombVar of string * ResClause.fol_type
+      CombConst of string * Res_Clause.fol_type * Res_Clause.fol_type list (*Const and Free*)
+    | CombVar of string * Res_Clause.fol_type
     | CombApp of combterm * combterm
   datatype literal = Literal of polarity * combterm
   datatype clause = Clause of {clause_id: clause_id, axiom_name: axiom_name, th: thm,
-                    kind: ResClause.kind,literals: literal list, ctypes_sorts: typ list}
-  val type_of_combterm: combterm -> ResClause.fol_type
+                    kind: Res_Clause.kind,literals: literal list, ctypes_sorts: typ list}
+  val type_of_combterm: combterm -> Res_Clause.fol_type
   val strip_comb: combterm -> combterm * combterm list
   val literals_of_term: theory -> term -> literal list * typ list
   exception TOO_TRIVIAL
@@ -38,18 +38,18 @@
        clause list
   val tptp_write_file: bool -> Path.T ->
     clause list * clause list * clause list * clause list *
-    ResClause.classrelClause list * ResClause.arityClause list ->
+    Res_Clause.classrelClause list * Res_Clause.arityClause list ->
     int * int
   val dfg_write_file: bool -> Path.T ->
     clause list * clause list * clause list * clause list *
-    ResClause.classrelClause list * ResClause.arityClause list ->
+    Res_Clause.classrelClause list * Res_Clause.arityClause list ->
     int * int
-structure ResHolClause: RES_HOL_CLAUSE =
+structure Res_HOL_Clause: RES_HOL_CLAUSE =
-structure RC = ResClause;
+structure RC = Res_Clause;   (* FIXME avoid structure alias *)
 (* theorems for combinators and function extensionality *)
 val ext = thm "HOL.ext";
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
   else ct;
 fun cnf_helper_thms thy =
-  ResAxioms.cnf_rules_pairs thy o map ResAxioms.pairname
+  Res_Axioms.cnf_rules_pairs thy o map Res_Axioms.pairname
 fun get_helper_clauses dfg thy isFO (conjectures, axcls, user_lemmas) =
   if isFO then []  (*first-order*)
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
   fold count_constants_lit literals (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL);
 fun display_arity const_needs_hBOOL (c,n) =
-  ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => "Constant: " ^ c ^ " arity:\t" ^ Int.toString n ^
+  Res_Axioms.trace_msg (fn () => "Constant: " ^ c ^ " arity:\t" ^ Int.toString n ^
                 (if needs_hBOOL const_needs_hBOOL c then " needs hBOOL" else ""));
 fun count_constants (conjectures, _, extra_clauses, helper_clauses, _, _) =
@@ -527,4 +527,5 @@
       length helper_clauses + 1, length tfree_clss + length dfg_clss)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_reconstruct.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_reconstruct.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-(*  Author:     L C Paulson and Claire Quigley, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory *)
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/res_reconstruct.ML
+    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson and Claire Quigley, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-(*  Code to deal with the transfer of proofs from a prover process         *)
+Transfer of proofs from external provers.
 signature RES_RECONSTRUCT =
   val chained_hint: string
@@ -23,13 +24,13 @@
     string * string vector * (int * int) * Proof.context * thm * int -> string * string list
-structure ResReconstruct : RES_RECONSTRUCT =
+structure Res_Reconstruct : RES_RECONSTRUCT =
 val trace_path = Path.basic "atp_trace";
 fun trace s =
-  if ! ResAxioms.trace then File.append (File.tmp_path trace_path) s
+  if ! Res_Axioms.trace then File.append (File.tmp_path trace_path) s
   else ();
 fun string_of_thm ctxt = PrintMode.setmp [] (Display.string_of_thm ctxt);
@@ -106,12 +107,12 @@
 (*If string s has the prefix s1, return the result of deleting it.*)
 fun strip_prefix s1 s =
   if String.isPrefix s1 s
-  then SOME (ResClause.undo_ascii_of (String.extract (s, size s1, NONE)))
+  then SOME (Res_Clause.undo_ascii_of (String.extract (s, size s1, NONE)))
   else NONE;
 (*Invert the table of translations between Isabelle and ATPs*)
 val type_const_trans_table_inv =
-      Symtab.make (map swap (Symtab.dest ResClause.type_const_trans_table));
+      Symtab.make (map swap (Symtab.dest Res_Clause.type_const_trans_table));
 fun invert_type_const c =
     case Symtab.lookup type_const_trans_table_inv c of
@@ -129,15 +130,15 @@
     | Br (a,ts) =>
         let val Ts = map type_of_stree ts
-          case strip_prefix ResClause.tconst_prefix a of
+          case strip_prefix Res_Clause.tconst_prefix a of
               SOME b => Type(invert_type_const b, Ts)
             | NONE =>
                 if not (null ts) then raise STREE t  (*only tconsts have type arguments*)
-                case strip_prefix ResClause.tfree_prefix a of
+                case strip_prefix Res_Clause.tfree_prefix a of
                     SOME b => TFree("'" ^ b, HOLogic.typeS)
                   | NONE =>
-                case strip_prefix ResClause.tvar_prefix a of
+                case strip_prefix Res_Clause.tvar_prefix a of
                     SOME b => make_tvar b
                   | NONE => make_tvar a   (*Variable from the ATP, say X1*)
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@
 (*Invert the table of translations between Isabelle and ATPs*)
 val const_trans_table_inv =
       Symtab.update ("fequal", "op =")
-        (Symtab.make (map swap (Symtab.dest ResClause.const_trans_table)));
+        (Symtab.make (map swap (Symtab.dest Res_Clause.const_trans_table)));
 fun invert_const c =
     case Symtab.lookup const_trans_table_inv c of
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@
     | Br ("hBOOL",[t]) => term_of_stree [] thy t  (*ignore hBOOL*)
     | Br ("hAPP",[t,u]) => term_of_stree (u::args) thy t
     | Br (a,ts) =>
-        case strip_prefix ResClause.const_prefix a of
+        case strip_prefix Res_Clause.const_prefix a of
             SOME "equal" =>
               list_comb(Const ("op =", HOLogic.typeT), (term_of_stree [] thy) ts)
           | SOME b =>
@@ -180,10 +181,10 @@
           | NONE => (*a variable, not a constant*)
               let val T = HOLogic.typeT
                   val opr = (*a Free variable is typically a Skolem function*)
-                    case strip_prefix ResClause.fixed_var_prefix a of
+                    case strip_prefix Res_Clause.fixed_var_prefix a of
                         SOME b => Free(b,T)
                       | NONE =>
-                    case strip_prefix ResClause.schematic_var_prefix a of
+                    case strip_prefix Res_Clause.schematic_var_prefix a of
                         SOME b => make_var (b,T)
                       | NONE => make_var (a,T)    (*Variable from the ATP, say X1*)
               in  list_comb (opr, (term_of_stree [] thy) (ts@args))  end;
@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@
   | constraint_of_stree pol t = case t of
         Int _ => raise STREE t
       | Br (a,ts) =>
-            (case (strip_prefix ResClause.class_prefix a, map type_of_stree ts) of
+            (case (strip_prefix Res_Clause.class_prefix a, map type_of_stree ts) of
                  (SOME b, [T]) => (pol, b, T)
                | _ => raise STREE t);
@@ -443,11 +444,11 @@
       val _ = trace (Int.toString (length nonnull_lines) ^ " nonnull_lines extracted\n")
       val (_,lines) = List.foldr (add_wanted_prfline ctxt) (0,[]) nonnull_lines
       val _ = trace (Int.toString (length lines) ^ " lines extracted\n")
-      val (ccls,fixes) = ResAxioms.neg_conjecture_clauses ctxt th sgno
+      val (ccls,fixes) = Res_Axioms.neg_conjecture_clauses ctxt th sgno
       val _ = trace (Int.toString (length ccls) ^ " conjecture clauses\n")
       val ccls = map forall_intr_vars ccls
       val _ =
-        if ! ResAxioms.trace then app (fn th => trace ("\nccl: " ^ string_of_thm ctxt th)) ccls
+        if ! Res_Axioms.trace then app (fn th => trace ("\nccl: " ^ string_of_thm ctxt th)) ccls
         else ()
       val ilines = isar_lines ctxt (map prop_of ccls) (stringify_deps thm_names [] lines)
       val _ = trace "\ndecode_tstp_file: finishing\n"
@@ -456,124 +457,128 @@
-  val begin_proof_strings = ["# SZS output start CNFRefutation.",
-      "=========== Refutation ==========",
+val begin_proof_strings = ["# SZS output start CNFRefutation.",
+  "=========== Refutation ==========",
   "Here is a proof"];
-  val end_proof_strings = ["# SZS output end CNFRefutation",
-      "======= End of refutation =======",
+val end_proof_strings = ["# SZS output end CNFRefutation",
+  "======= End of refutation =======",
   "Formulae used in the proof"];
-  fun get_proof_extract proof =
-    let
+fun get_proof_extract proof =
+  let
     (*splits to_split by the first possible of a list of splitters*)
     val (begin_string, end_string) =
       (find_first (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof) begin_proof_strings,
       find_first (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof) end_proof_strings)
-    in
-      if is_none begin_string orelse is_none end_string
-      then error "Could not extract proof (no substring indicating a proof)"
-      else proof |> first_field (the begin_string) |> the |> snd
-                 |> first_field (the end_string) |> the |> fst end;
+  in
+    if is_none begin_string orelse is_none end_string
+    then error "Could not extract proof (no substring indicating a proof)"
+    else proof |> first_field (the begin_string) |> the |> snd
+               |> first_field (the end_string) |> the |> fst
+  end;
-  val failure_strings_E = ["SZS status: Satisfiable","SZS status Satisfiable",
-    "SZS status: ResourceOut","SZS status ResourceOut","# Cannot determine problem status"];
-  val failure_strings_vampire = ["Satisfiability detected", "Refutation not found", "CANNOT PROVE"];
-  val failure_strings_SPASS = ["SPASS beiseite: Completion found.",
-    "SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time.", "SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded."];
-  val failure_strings_remote = ["Remote-script could not extract proof"];
-  fun find_failure proof =
-    let val failures =
-      map_filter (fn s => if String.isSubstring s proof then SOME s else NONE)
-        (failure_strings_E @ failure_strings_vampire @ failure_strings_SPASS @ failure_strings_remote)
-    val correct = null failures andalso
-      exists (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof) begin_proof_strings andalso
-      exists (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof) end_proof_strings
-    in
-      if correct then NONE
-      else if null failures then SOME "Output of ATP not in proper format"
-      else SOME (hd failures) end;
+val failure_strings_E = ["SZS status: Satisfiable","SZS status Satisfiable",
+  "SZS status: ResourceOut","SZS status ResourceOut","# Cannot determine problem status"];
+val failure_strings_vampire = ["Satisfiability detected", "Refutation not found", "CANNOT PROVE"];
+val failure_strings_SPASS = ["SPASS beiseite: Completion found.",
+  "SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time.", "SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded."];
+val failure_strings_remote = ["Remote-script could not extract proof"];
+fun find_failure proof =
+  let val failures =
+    map_filter (fn s => if String.isSubstring s proof then SOME s else NONE)
+      (failure_strings_E @ failure_strings_vampire @ failure_strings_SPASS @ failure_strings_remote)
+  val correct = null failures andalso
+    exists (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof) begin_proof_strings andalso
+    exists (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof) end_proof_strings
+  in
+    if correct then NONE
+    else if null failures then SOME "Output of ATP not in proper format"
+    else SOME (hd failures) end;
-  (* === EXTRACTING LEMMAS === *)
-  (* lines have the form "cnf(108, axiom, ...",
-  the number (108) has to be extracted)*)
-  fun get_step_nums false proofextract =
-    let val toks = String.tokens (not o Char.isAlphaNum)
-    fun inputno ("cnf"::ntok::"axiom"::_) = Int.fromString ntok
-      | inputno ("cnf"::ntok::"negated"::"conjecture"::_) = Int.fromString ntok
-      | inputno _ = NONE
-    val lines = split_lines proofextract
-    in  map_filter (inputno o toks) lines  end
-  (*String contains multiple lines. We want those of the form
-    "253[0:Inp] et cetera..."
-    A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned. *)
-  |  get_step_nums true proofextract =
-    let val toks = String.tokens (not o Char.isAlphaNum)
-    fun inputno (ntok::"0"::"Inp"::_) = Int.fromString ntok
-      | inputno _ = NONE
-    val lines = split_lines proofextract
-    in  map_filter (inputno o toks) lines  end
-  (*extracting lemmas from tstp-output between the lines from above*)
-  fun extract_lemmas get_step_nums (proof, thm_names, conj_count, _, _, _) =
+(* === EXTRACTING LEMMAS === *)
+(* lines have the form "cnf(108, axiom, ...",
+the number (108) has to be extracted)*)
+fun get_step_nums false proofextract =
+  let val toks = String.tokens (not o Char.isAlphaNum)
+  fun inputno ("cnf"::ntok::"axiom"::_) = Int.fromString ntok
+    | inputno ("cnf"::ntok::"negated"::"conjecture"::_) = Int.fromString ntok
+    | inputno _ = NONE
+  val lines = split_lines proofextract
+  in  map_filter (inputno o toks) lines  end
+(*String contains multiple lines. We want those of the form
+  "253[0:Inp] et cetera..."
+  A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned. *)
+|  get_step_nums true proofextract =
+  let val toks = String.tokens (not o Char.isAlphaNum)
+  fun inputno (ntok::"0"::"Inp"::_) = Int.fromString ntok
+    | inputno _ = NONE
+  val lines = split_lines proofextract
+  in  map_filter (inputno o toks) lines  end
+(*extracting lemmas from tstp-output between the lines from above*)
+fun extract_lemmas get_step_nums (proof, thm_names, conj_count, _, _, _) =
+  let
+  (* get the names of axioms from their numbers*)
+  fun get_axiom_names thm_names step_nums =
-    (* get the names of axioms from their numbers*)
-    fun get_axiom_names thm_names step_nums =
-      let
-      val last_axiom = Vector.length thm_names
-      fun is_axiom n = n <= last_axiom
-      fun is_conj n = n >= fst conj_count andalso n < fst conj_count + snd conj_count
-      fun getname i = Vector.sub(thm_names, i-1)
-      in
-        (sort_distinct string_ord (filter (fn x => x <> "??.unknown")
-          (map getname (filter is_axiom step_nums))),
-        exists is_conj step_nums)
-      end
-    val proofextract = get_proof_extract proof
+    val last_axiom = Vector.length thm_names
+    fun is_axiom n = n <= last_axiom
+    fun is_conj n = n >= fst conj_count andalso n < fst conj_count + snd conj_count
+    fun getname i = Vector.sub(thm_names, i-1)
-      get_axiom_names thm_names (get_step_nums proofextract)
-    end;
+      (sort_distinct string_ord (filter (fn x => x <> "??.unknown")
+        (map getname (filter is_axiom step_nums))),
+      exists is_conj step_nums)
+    end
+  val proofextract = get_proof_extract proof
+  in
+    get_axiom_names thm_names (get_step_nums proofextract)
+  end;
-  (*Used to label theorems chained into the sledgehammer call*)
-  val chained_hint = "CHAINED";
-  val nochained = filter_out (fn y => y = chained_hint)
-  (* metis-command *)
-  fun metis_line [] = "apply metis"
-    | metis_line xs = "apply (metis " ^ space_implode " " xs ^ ")"
+(*Used to label theorems chained into the sledgehammer call*)
+val chained_hint = "CHAINED";
+val nochained = filter_out (fn y => y = chained_hint)
+(* metis-command *)
+fun metis_line [] = "apply metis"
+  | metis_line xs = "apply (metis " ^ space_implode " " xs ^ ")"
-  (* atp_minimize [atp=<prover>] <lemmas> *)
-  fun minimize_line _ [] = ""
-    | minimize_line name lemmas = "For minimizing the number of lemmas try this command:\n" ^
-          (Markup.markup Markup.sendback) ("atp_minimize [atp=" ^ name ^ "] " ^
-                                           space_implode " " (nochained lemmas))
+(* atp_minimize [atp=<prover>] <lemmas> *)
+fun minimize_line _ [] = ""
+  | minimize_line name lemmas = "For minimizing the number of lemmas try this command:\n" ^
+        (Markup.markup Markup.sendback) ("atp_minimize [atp=" ^ name ^ "] " ^
+                                         space_implode " " (nochained lemmas))
-  fun sendback_metis_nochained lemmas =
-    (Markup.markup Markup.sendback o metis_line) (nochained lemmas)
+fun sendback_metis_nochained lemmas =
+  (Markup.markup Markup.sendback o metis_line) (nochained lemmas)
-  fun lemma_list dfg name result =
-    let val (lemmas, used_conj) = extract_lemmas (get_step_nums dfg) result
-    in (sendback_metis_nochained lemmas ^ "\n" ^ minimize_line name lemmas ^
-      (if used_conj then ""
-       else "\nWarning: Goal is provable because context is inconsistent."),
-       nochained lemmas)
-    end;
+fun lemma_list dfg name result =
+  let val (lemmas, used_conj) = extract_lemmas (get_step_nums dfg) result
+  in (sendback_metis_nochained lemmas ^ "\n" ^ minimize_line name lemmas ^
+    (if used_conj then ""
+     else "\nWarning: Goal is provable because context is inconsistent."),
+     nochained lemmas)
+  end;
-  (* === Extracting structured Isar-proof === *)
-  fun structured_proof name (result as (proof, thm_names, conj_count, ctxt, goal, subgoalno)) =
-    let
-    (*Could use split_lines, but it can return blank lines...*)
-    val lines = String.tokens (equal #"\n");
-    val nospaces = String.translate (fn c => if Char.isSpace c then "" else str c)
-    val proofextract = get_proof_extract proof
-    val cnfs = filter (String.isPrefix "cnf(") (map nospaces (lines proofextract))
-    val (one_line_proof, lemma_names) = lemma_list false name result
-    val structured = if chained_hint mem_string (String.tokens (fn c => c = #" ") one_line_proof) then ""
-                else decode_tstp_file cnfs ctxt goal subgoalno thm_names
-    in
-    (one_line_proof ^ "\n\n" ^ (Markup.markup Markup.sendback) structured, lemma_names)
-  end
+(* === Extracting structured Isar-proof === *)
+fun structured_proof name (result as (proof, thm_names, conj_count, ctxt, goal, subgoalno)) =
+  let
+  (*Could use split_lines, but it can return blank lines...*)
+  val lines = String.tokens (equal #"\n");
+  val nospaces = String.translate (fn c => if Char.isSpace c then "" else str c)
+  val proofextract = get_proof_extract proof
+  val cnfs = filter (String.isPrefix "cnf(") (map nospaces (lines proofextract))
+  val (one_line_proof, lemma_names) = lemma_list false name result
+  val structured =
+    if chained_hint mem_string (String.tokens (fn c => c = #" ") one_line_proof) then ""
+    else decode_tstp_file cnfs ctxt goal subgoalno thm_names
+  in
+  (one_line_proof ^ "\n\n" ^ Markup.markup Markup.sendback structured, lemma_names)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/sat_solver.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/sat_solver.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
         parse_lines lines
-    (parse_lines o (List.filter (fn l => l <> "")) o split_lines o path
+    (parse_lines o filter (fn l => l <> "") o split_lines o path
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
     o (map int_from_string)
     o (maps (String.fields (fn c => c mem [#" ", #"\t", #"\n"])))
     o filter_preamble
-    o (List.filter (fn l => l <> ""))
+    o filter (fn l => l <> "")
     o split_lines
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/typecopy.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/typecopy.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
 (* interpretation of type copies *)
-structure TypecopyInterpretation = InterpretationFun(type T = string val eq = op =);
-val interpretation = TypecopyInterpretation.interpretation;
+structure Typecopy_Interpretation = Interpretation(type T = string val eq = op =);
+val interpretation = Typecopy_Interpretation.interpretation;
 (* introducing typecopies *)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
           |> ( o Symtab.update_new) (tyco, info)
-          |> tyco
+          |> tyco
           |> pair (tyco, info)
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
 val setup =
-  TypecopyInterpretation.init
+  Typecopy_Interpretation.init
   #> interpretation add_default_code
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/typedef.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/typedef.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
 fun declare_type_name a = Variable.declare_constraints (Logic.mk_type (TFree (a, dummyS)));
-structure TypedefInterpretation = InterpretationFun(type T = string val eq = op =);
-val interpretation = TypedefInterpretation.interpretation;
+structure Typedef_Interpretation = Interpretation(type T = string val eq = op =);
+val interpretation = Typedef_Interpretation.interpretation;
 fun prepare_typedef prep_term def name (t, vs, mx) raw_set opt_morphs thy =
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
           |> put_info full_tname info
-          |> full_tname
+          |> full_tname
           |> pair (full_tname, info)
@@ -264,6 +264,6 @@
-val setup = TypedefInterpretation.init;
+val setup = Typedef_Interpretation.init;
--- a/src/HOL/ex/Predicate_Compile_Alternative_Defs.thy	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/Predicate_Compile_Alternative_Defs.thy	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     unfolding mem_def[symmetric, of _ a2]
     apply auto
     unfolding mem_def
-    apply auto
+    apply fastsimp
--- a/src/HOL/ex/Predicate_Compile_ex.thy	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/Predicate_Compile_ex.thy	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 theory Predicate_Compile_ex
-imports Main Predicate_Compile_Alternative_Defs
+imports "../Main" Predicate_Compile_Alternative_Defs
 subsection {* Basic predicates *}
 inductive False' :: "bool"
-code_pred (mode: []) False' .
+code_pred (mode : []) False' .
 code_pred [depth_limited] False' .
 code_pred [rpred] False' .
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 definition EmptySet' :: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
 where "EmptySet' = {}"
-code_pred (mode: [], [1]) [inductify, show_intermediate_results] EmptySet' .
+code_pred (mode: [], [1]) [inductify] EmptySet' .
 inductive EmptyRel :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> bool"
@@ -26,7 +26,13 @@
 inductive EmptyClosure :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
 for r :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
-code_pred (mode: [], [1], [2], [1, 2])EmptyClosure .
+  (mode: [] ==> [], [] ==> [1], [] ==> [2], [] ==> [1, 2],
+         [1] ==> [], [1] ==> [1], [1] ==> [2], [1] ==> [1, 2],
+         [2] ==> [], [2] ==> [1], [2] ==> [2], [2] ==> [1, 2],
+         [1, 2] ==> [], [1, 2] ==> [1], [1, 2] ==> [2], [1, 2] ==> [1, 2])
+  EmptyClosure .
 thm EmptyClosure.equation
 (* TODO: inductive package is broken!
 inductive False'' :: "bool"
@@ -60,8 +66,88 @@
   "zerozero (0, 0)"
-code_pred zerozero .
-code_pred [rpred, show_compilation] zerozero .
+code_pred (mode: [i], [(i, o)], [(o, i)], [o]) zerozero .
+code_pred [rpred] zerozero .
+subsection {* Alternative Rules *}
+datatype char = C | D | E | F | G | H
+inductive is_C_or_D
+  "(x = C) \<or> (x = D) ==> is_C_or_D x"
+code_pred (mode: [1]) is_C_or_D .
+thm is_C_or_D.equation
+inductive is_D_or_E
+  "(x = D) \<or> (x = E) ==> is_D_or_E x"
+lemma [code_pred_intros]:
+  "is_D_or_E D"
+by (auto intro: is_D_or_E.intros)
+lemma [code_pred_intros]:
+  "is_D_or_E E"
+by (auto intro: is_D_or_E.intros)
+code_pred (mode: [], [1]) is_D_or_E
+proof -
+  case is_D_or_E
+  from this(1) show thesis
+  proof
+    fix x
+    assume x: "a1 = x"
+    assume "x = D \<or> x = E"
+    from this show thesis
+    proof
+      assume "x = D" from this x is_D_or_E(2) show thesis by simp
+    next
+      assume "x = E" from this x is_D_or_E(3) show thesis by simp
+    qed
+  qed
+thm is_D_or_E.equation
+inductive is_F_or_G
+  "x = F \<or> x = G ==> is_F_or_G x"
+lemma [code_pred_intros]:
+  "is_F_or_G F"
+by (auto intro: is_F_or_G.intros)
+lemma [code_pred_intros]:
+  "is_F_or_G G"
+by (auto intro: is_F_or_G.intros)
+inductive is_FGH
+  "is_F_or_G x ==> is_FGH x"
+| "is_FGH H"
+text {* Compilation of is_FGH requires elimination rule for is_F_or_G *}
+code_pred (mode: [], [1]) is_FGH
+proof -
+  case is_F_or_G
+  from this(1) show thesis
+  proof
+    fix x
+    assume x: "a1 = x"
+    assume "x = F \<or> x = G"
+    from this show thesis
+    proof
+      assume "x = F"
+      from this x is_F_or_G(2) show thesis by simp
+    next
+      assume "x = G"
+      from this x is_F_or_G(3) show thesis by simp
+    qed
+  qed
 subsection {* Preprocessor Inlining  *}
@@ -123,7 +209,7 @@
 definition odd' where "odd' x == \<not> even x"
-code_pred [inductify] odd' .
+code_pred (mode: [1]) [inductify] odd' .
 code_pred [inductify, depth_limited] odd' .
 code_pred [inductify, rpred] odd' .
@@ -135,7 +221,7 @@
   "n mod 2 = 0 \<Longrightarrow> is_even n"
-code_pred is_even .
+code_pred (mode: [1]) is_even .
 subsection {* append predicate *}
@@ -172,10 +258,19 @@
 lemmas [code_pred_intros] = append2_Nil append2.intros(2)
-code_pred append2
+code_pred (mode: [1, 2], [3], [2, 3], [1, 3], [1, 2, 3]) append2
 proof -
   case append2
-  from append2.cases[OF append2(1)] append2(2-3) show thesis by blast
+  from append2(1) show thesis
+  proof
+    fix xs
+    assume "a1 = []" "a2 = xs" "a3 = xs"
+    from this append2(2) show thesis by simp
+  next
+    fix xs ys zs x
+    assume "a1 = x # xs" "a2 = ys" "a3 = x # zs" "append2 xs ys zs"
+    from this append2(3) show thesis by fastsimp
+  qed
 inductive tupled_append :: "'a list \<times> 'a list \<times> 'a list \<Rightarrow> bool"
@@ -183,7 +278,7 @@
   "tupled_append ([], xs, xs)"
 | "tupled_append (xs, ys, zs) \<Longrightarrow> tupled_append (x # xs, ys, x # zs)"
-code_pred tupled_append .
+code_pred (mode: [(i,i,o)], [(i,o,i)], [(o,i,i)], [(o,o,i)], [i]) tupled_append .
 code_pred [rpred] tupled_append .
 thm tupled_append.equation
@@ -197,7 +292,7 @@
 | "[| ys = fst (xa, y); x # zs = snd (xa, y);
  tupled_append' (xs, ys, zs) |] ==> tupled_append' (x # xs, xa, y)"
-code_pred tupled_append' .
+code_pred (mode: [(i,i,o)], [(i,o,i)], [(o,i,i)], [(o,o,i)], [i]) tupled_append' .
 thm tupled_append'.equation
 inductive tupled_append'' :: "'a list \<times> 'a list \<times> 'a list \<Rightarrow> bool"
@@ -205,9 +300,7 @@
   "tupled_append'' ([], xs, xs)"
 | "ys = fst yszs ==> x # zs = snd yszs ==> tupled_append'' (xs, ys, zs) \<Longrightarrow> tupled_append'' (x # xs, yszs)"
-thm tupled_append''.cases
-code_pred [inductify] tupled_append'' .
+code_pred (mode: [(i,i,o)], [(i,o,i)], [(o,i,i)], [(o,o,i)], [i]) [inductify] tupled_append'' .
 thm tupled_append''.equation
 inductive tupled_append''' :: "'a list \<times> 'a list \<times> 'a list \<Rightarrow> bool"
@@ -215,7 +308,7 @@
   "tupled_append''' ([], xs, xs)"
 | "yszs = (ys, zs) ==> tupled_append''' (xs, yszs) \<Longrightarrow> tupled_append''' (x # xs, ys, x # zs)"
-code_pred [inductify] tupled_append''' .
+code_pred (mode: [(i,i,o)], [(i,o,i)], [(o,i,i)], [(o,o,i)], [i]) [inductify] tupled_append''' .
 thm tupled_append'''.equation
 subsection {* map_ofP predicate *}
@@ -237,7 +330,7 @@
 | "P x ==> filter1 P xs ys ==> filter1 P (x#xs) (x#ys)"
 | "\<not> P x ==> filter1 P xs ys ==> filter1 P (x#xs) ys"
-code_pred (mode: [1], [1, 2]) filter1 .
+code_pred (mode: [1] ==> [1], [1] ==> [1, 2]) filter1 .
 code_pred [depth_limited] filter1 .
 code_pred [rpred] filter1 .
@@ -260,7 +353,7 @@
   "List.filter P xs = ys ==> filter3 P xs ys"
-code_pred filter3 .
+code_pred (mode: [] ==> [1], [] ==> [1, 2], [1] ==> [1], [1] ==> [1, 2]) filter3 .
 code_pred [depth_limited] filter3 .
 thm filter3.depth_limited_equation
@@ -268,7 +361,7 @@
   "List.filter P xs = ys ==> filter4 P xs ys"
-code_pred filter4 .
+code_pred (mode: [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]) filter4 .
 code_pred [depth_limited] filter4 .
 code_pred [rpred] filter4 .
@@ -288,7 +381,7 @@
   "tupled_rev ([], [])"
 | "tupled_rev (xs, xs') \<Longrightarrow> tupled_append (xs', [x], ys) \<Longrightarrow> tupled_rev (x#xs, ys)"
-code_pred tupled_rev .
+code_pred (mode: [(i, o)], [(o, i)], [i]) tupled_rev .
 thm tupled_rev.equation
 subsection {* partition predicate *}
@@ -299,7 +392,7 @@
   | "f x \<Longrightarrow> partition f xs ys zs \<Longrightarrow> partition f (x # xs) (x # ys) zs"
   | "\<not> f x \<Longrightarrow> partition f xs ys zs \<Longrightarrow> partition f (x # xs) ys (x # zs)"
-code_pred (mode: [1], [2, 3], [1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 2, 3]) partition .
+code_pred (mode: [1] ==> [1], [1] ==> [2, 3], [1] ==> [1, 2], [1] ==> [1, 3], [1] ==> [1, 2, 3]) partition .
 code_pred [depth_limited] partition .
 code_pred [rpred] partition .
@@ -314,7 +407,7 @@
   | "f x \<Longrightarrow> tupled_partition f (xs, ys, zs) \<Longrightarrow> tupled_partition f (x # xs, x # ys, zs)"
   | "\<not> f x \<Longrightarrow> tupled_partition f (xs, ys, zs) \<Longrightarrow> tupled_partition f (x # xs, ys, x # zs)"
-code_pred tupled_partition .
+code_pred (mode: [i] ==> [i], [i] ==> [(i, i, o)], [i] ==> [(i, o, i)], [i] ==> [(o, i, i)], [i] ==> [(i, o, o)]) tupled_partition .
 thm tupled_partition.equation
@@ -325,7 +418,7 @@
 subsection {* transitive predicate *}
-code_pred tranclp
+code_pred (mode: [1] ==> [1, 2], [1] ==> [1], [2] ==> [1, 2], [2] ==> [2], [] ==> [1, 2], [] ==> [1], [] ==> [2], [] ==> []) tranclp
 proof -
   case tranclp
   from this converse_tranclpE[OF this(1)] show thesis by metis
@@ -658,6 +751,8 @@
 | "w \<in> S\<^isub>4 \<Longrightarrow> b # w \<in> B\<^isub>4"
 | "\<lbrakk>v \<in> B\<^isub>4; w \<in> B\<^isub>4\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a # v @ w \<in> B\<^isub>4"
+code_pred (mode: [], [1]) S\<^isub>4p .
 subsection {* Lambda *}
 datatype type =
@@ -708,4 +803,10 @@
   | appR [simp, intro!]: "s \<rightarrow>\<^sub>\<beta> t ==> u \<degree> s \<rightarrow>\<^sub>\<beta> u \<degree> t"
   | abs [simp, intro!]: "s \<rightarrow>\<^sub>\<beta> t ==> Abs T s \<rightarrow>\<^sub>\<beta> Abs T t"
+code_pred (mode: [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]) typing .
+thm typing.equation
+code_pred (mode: [1], [1, 2]) beta .
+thm beta.equation
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/HOL/ex/predicate_compile.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2182 +0,0 @@
-(* Author: Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen
-(Prototype of) A compiler from predicates specified by intro/elim rules
-to equations.
-  type mode = int list option list * int list
-  (*val add_equations_of: bool -> string list -> theory -> theory *)
-  val register_predicate : (thm list * thm * int) -> theory -> theory
-  val is_registered : theory -> string -> bool
- (* val fetch_pred_data : theory -> string -> (thm list * thm * int)  *)
-  val predfun_intro_of: theory -> string -> mode -> thm
-  val predfun_elim_of: theory -> string -> mode -> thm
-  val strip_intro_concl: int -> term -> term * (term list * term list)
-  val predfun_name_of: theory -> string -> mode -> string
-  val all_preds_of : theory -> string list
-  val modes_of: theory -> string -> mode list
-  val string_of_mode : mode -> string
-  val intros_of: theory -> string -> thm list
-  val nparams_of: theory -> string -> int
-  val add_intro: thm -> theory -> theory
-  val set_elim: thm -> theory -> theory
-  val setup: theory -> theory
-  val code_pred: string -> Proof.context -> Proof.state
-  val code_pred_cmd: string -> Proof.context -> Proof.state
-  val print_stored_rules: theory -> unit
-  val print_all_modes: theory -> unit
-  val do_proofs: bool Unsynchronized.ref
-  val mk_casesrule : Proof.context -> int -> thm list -> term
-  val analyze_compr: theory -> term -> term
-  val eval_ref: (unit -> term Predicate.pred) option Unsynchronized.ref
-  val add_equations : string list -> theory -> theory
-  val code_pred_intros_attrib : attribute
-  (* used by Quickcheck_Generator *) 
-  (*val funT_of : mode -> typ -> typ
-  val mk_if_pred : term -> term
-  val mk_Eval : term * term -> term*)
-  val mk_tupleT : typ list -> typ
-(*  val mk_predT :  typ -> typ *)
-  (* temporary for testing of the compilation *)
-  datatype indprem = Prem of term list * term | Negprem of term list * term | Sidecond of term |
-    GeneratorPrem of term list * term | Generator of (string * typ);
-  val prepare_intrs: theory -> string list ->
-    (string * typ) list * int * string list * string list * (string * mode list) list *
-    (string * (term list * indprem list) list) list * (string * (int option list * int)) list
-  datatype compilation_funs = CompilationFuns of {
-    mk_predT : typ -> typ,
-    dest_predT : typ -> typ,
-    mk_bot : typ -> term,
-    mk_single : term -> term,
-    mk_bind : term * term -> term,
-    mk_sup : term * term -> term,
-    mk_if : term -> term,
-    mk_not : term -> term,
-    mk_map : typ -> typ -> term -> term -> term,
-    lift_pred : term -> term
-  };  
-  datatype tmode = Mode of mode * int list * tmode option list;
-  type moded_clause = term list * (indprem * tmode) list
-  type 'a pred_mode_table = (string * (mode * 'a) list) list
-  val infer_modes : bool -> theory -> (string * (int list option list * int list) list) list
-    -> (string * (int option list * int)) list -> string list
-    -> (string * (term list * indprem list) list) list
-    -> (moded_clause list) pred_mode_table
-  val infer_modes_with_generator : theory -> (string * (int list option list * int list) list) list
-    -> (string * (int option list * int)) list -> string list
-    -> (string * (term list * indprem list) list) list
-    -> (moded_clause list) pred_mode_table  
-  (*val compile_preds : theory -> compilation_funs -> string list -> string list
-    -> (string * typ) list -> (moded_clause list) pred_mode_table -> term pred_mode_table
-  val rpred_create_definitions :(string * typ) list -> string * mode list
-    -> theory -> theory 
-  val split_smode : int list -> term list -> (term list * term list) *)
-  val print_moded_clauses :
-    theory -> (moded_clause list) pred_mode_table -> unit
-  val print_compiled_terms : theory -> term pred_mode_table -> unit
-  (*val rpred_prove_preds : theory -> term pred_mode_table -> thm pred_mode_table*)
-  val rpred_compfuns : compilation_funs
-  val dest_funT : typ -> typ * typ
- (* val depending_preds_of : theory -> thm list -> string list *)
-  val add_quickcheck_equations : string list -> theory -> theory
-  val add_sizelim_equations : string list -> theory -> theory
-  val is_inductive_predicate : theory -> string -> bool
-  val terms_vs : term list -> string list
-  val subsets : int -> int -> int list list
-  val check_mode_clause : bool -> theory -> string list ->
-    (string * mode list) list -> (string * mode list) list -> mode -> (term list * indprem list)
-      -> (term list * (indprem * tmode) list) option
-  val string_of_moded_prem : theory -> (indprem * tmode) -> string
-  val all_modes_of : theory -> (string * mode list) list
-  val all_generator_modes_of : theory -> (string * mode list) list
-  val compile_clause : compilation_funs -> term option -> (term list -> term) ->
-    theory -> string list -> string list -> mode -> term -> moded_clause -> term
-  val preprocess_intro : theory -> thm -> thm
-  val is_constrt : theory -> term -> bool
-  val is_predT : typ -> bool
-  val guess_nparams : typ -> int
-structure Predicate_Compile : PREDICATE_COMPILE =
-(** auxiliary **)
-(* debug stuff *)
-fun tracing s = (if ! Toplevel.debug then tracing s else ());
-fun print_tac s = Seq.single; (* (if ! Toplevel.debug then Tactical.print_tac s else Seq.single); *)
-fun debug_tac msg = Seq.single; (* (fn st => (tracing msg; Seq.single st)); *)
-val do_proofs = Unsynchronized.ref true;
-fun mycheat_tac thy i st =
-  (Tactic.rtac (Skip_Proof.make_thm thy (Var (("A", 0), propT))) i) st
-fun remove_last_goal thy st =
-  (Tactic.rtac (Skip_Proof.make_thm thy (Var (("A", 0), propT))) (nprems_of st)) st
-(* reference to preprocessing of InductiveSet package *)
-val ind_set_codegen_preproc = Inductive_Set.codegen_preproc;
-(** fundamentals **)
-(* syntactic operations *)
-fun mk_eq (x, xs) =
-  let fun mk_eqs _ [] = []
-        | mk_eqs a (b::cs) =
-            HOLogic.mk_eq (Free (a, fastype_of b), b) :: mk_eqs a cs
-  in mk_eqs x xs end;
-fun mk_tupleT [] = HOLogic.unitT
-  | mk_tupleT Ts = foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT Ts;
-fun dest_tupleT (Type (@{type_name Product_Type.unit}, [])) = []
-  | dest_tupleT (Type (@{type_name "*"}, [T1, T2])) = T1 :: (dest_tupleT T2)
-  | dest_tupleT t = [t]
-fun mk_tuple [] = HOLogic.unit
-  | mk_tuple ts = foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prod ts;
-fun dest_tuple (Const (@{const_name Product_Type.Unity}, _)) = []
-  | dest_tuple (Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2) = t1 :: (dest_tuple t2)
-  | dest_tuple t = [t]
-fun mk_scomp (t, u) =
-  let
-    val T = fastype_of t
-    val U = fastype_of u
-    val [A] = binder_types T
-    val D = body_type U 
-  in 
-    Const (@{const_name "scomp"}, T --> U --> A --> D) $ t $ u
-  end;
-fun dest_funT (Type ("fun",[S, T])) = (S, T)
-  | dest_funT T = raise TYPE ("dest_funT", [T], [])
-fun mk_fun_comp (t, u) =
-  let
-    val (_, B) = dest_funT (fastype_of t)
-    val (C, A) = dest_funT (fastype_of u)
-  in
-    Const(@{const_name "Fun.comp"}, (A --> B) --> (C --> A) --> C --> B) $ t $ u
-  end;
-fun dest_randomT (Type ("fun", [@{typ Random.seed},
-  Type ("*", [Type ("*", [T, @{typ "unit => Code_Evaluation.term"}]) ,@{typ Random.seed}])])) = T
-  | dest_randomT T = raise TYPE ("dest_randomT", [T], [])
-(* destruction of intro rules *)
-(* FIXME: look for other place where this functionality was used before *)
-fun strip_intro_concl nparams intro = let
-  val _ $ u = Logic.strip_imp_concl intro
-  val (pred, all_args) = strip_comb u
-  val (params, args) = chop nparams all_args
-in (pred, (params, args)) end
-(** data structures **)
-type smode = int list;
-type mode = smode option list * smode;
-datatype tmode = Mode of mode * int list * tmode option list;
-fun split_smode is ts =
-  let
-    fun split_smode' _ _ [] = ([], [])
-      | split_smode' is i (t::ts) = (if i mem is then apfst else apsnd) (cons t)
-          (split_smode' is (i+1) ts)
-  in split_smode' is 1 ts end
-fun split_mode (iss, is) ts =
-  let
-    val (t1, t2) = chop (length iss) ts 
-  in (t1, split_smode is t2) end
-fun string_of_mode (iss, is) = space_implode " -> " (map
-  (fn NONE => "X"
-    | SOME js => enclose "[" "]" (commas (map string_of_int js)))
-       (iss @ [SOME is]));
-fun string_of_tmode (Mode (predmode, termmode, param_modes)) =
-  "predmode: " ^ (string_of_mode predmode) ^ 
-  (if null param_modes then "" else
-    "; " ^ "params: " ^ commas (map (the_default "NONE" o string_of_tmode) param_modes))
-datatype indprem = Prem of term list * term | Negprem of term list * term | Sidecond of term |
-  GeneratorPrem of term list * term | Generator of (string * typ);
-type moded_clause = term list * (indprem * tmode) list
-type 'a pred_mode_table = (string * (mode * 'a) list) list
-datatype predfun_data = PredfunData of {
-  name : string,
-  definition : thm,
-  intro : thm,
-  elim : thm
-fun rep_predfun_data (PredfunData data) = data;
-fun mk_predfun_data (name, definition, intro, elim) =
-  PredfunData {name = name, definition = definition, intro = intro, elim = elim}
-datatype function_data = FunctionData of {
-  name : string,
-  equation : thm option (* is not used at all? *)
-fun rep_function_data (FunctionData data) = data;
-fun mk_function_data (name, equation) =
-  FunctionData {name = name, equation = equation}
-datatype pred_data = PredData of {
-  intros : thm list,
-  elim : thm option,
-  nparams : int,
-  functions : (mode * predfun_data) list,
-  generators : (mode * function_data) list,
-  sizelim_functions : (mode * function_data) list 
-fun rep_pred_data (PredData data) = data;
-fun mk_pred_data ((intros, elim, nparams), (functions, generators, sizelim_functions)) =
-  PredData {intros = intros, elim = elim, nparams = nparams,
-    functions = functions, generators = generators, sizelim_functions = sizelim_functions}
-fun map_pred_data f (PredData {intros, elim, nparams, functions, generators, sizelim_functions}) =
-  mk_pred_data (f ((intros, elim, nparams), (functions, generators, sizelim_functions)))
-fun eq_option eq (NONE, NONE) = true
-  | eq_option eq (SOME x, SOME y) = eq (x, y)
-  | eq_option eq _ = false
-fun eq_pred_data (PredData d1, PredData d2) = 
-  eq_list (Thm.eq_thm) (#intros d1, #intros d2) andalso
-  eq_option (Thm.eq_thm) (#elim d1, #elim d2) andalso
-  #nparams d1 = #nparams d2
-structure PredData = TheoryDataFun
-  type T = pred_data Graph.T;
-  val empty = Graph.empty;
-  val copy = I;
-  val extend = I;
-  fun merge _ = Graph.merge eq_pred_data;
-(* queries *)
-fun lookup_pred_data thy name =
- rep_pred_data (try (Graph.get_node (PredData.get thy)) name)
-fun the_pred_data thy name = case lookup_pred_data thy name
- of NONE => error ("No such predicate " ^ quote name)  
-  | SOME data => data;
-val is_registered = is_some oo lookup_pred_data 
-val all_preds_of = Graph.keys o PredData.get
-val intros_of = #intros oo the_pred_data
-fun the_elim_of thy name = case #elim (the_pred_data thy name)
- of NONE => error ("No elimination rule for predicate " ^ quote name)
-  | SOME thm => thm 
-val has_elim = is_some o #elim oo the_pred_data;
-val nparams_of = #nparams oo the_pred_data
-val modes_of = (map fst) o #functions oo the_pred_data
-fun all_modes_of thy = map (fn name => (name, modes_of thy name)) (all_preds_of thy) 
-val is_compiled = not o null o #functions oo the_pred_data
-fun lookup_predfun_data thy name mode =
- rep_predfun_data (AList.lookup (op =)
-  (#functions (the_pred_data thy name)) mode)
-fun the_predfun_data thy name mode = case lookup_predfun_data thy name mode
-  of NONE => error ("No function defined for mode " ^ string_of_mode mode ^ " of predicate " ^ name)
-   | SOME data => data;
-val predfun_name_of = #name ooo the_predfun_data
-val predfun_definition_of = #definition ooo the_predfun_data
-val predfun_intro_of = #intro ooo the_predfun_data
-val predfun_elim_of = #elim ooo the_predfun_data
-fun lookup_generator_data thy name mode = 
- rep_function_data (AList.lookup (op =)
-  (#generators (the_pred_data thy name)) mode)
-fun the_generator_data thy name mode = case lookup_generator_data thy name mode
-  of NONE => error ("No generator defined for mode " ^ string_of_mode mode ^ " of predicate " ^ name)
-   | SOME data => data
-val generator_name_of = #name ooo the_generator_data
-val generator_modes_of = (map fst) o #generators oo the_pred_data
-fun all_generator_modes_of thy =
-  map (fn name => (name, generator_modes_of thy name)) (all_preds_of thy) 
-fun lookup_sizelim_function_data thy name mode =
- rep_function_data (AList.lookup (op =)
-  (#sizelim_functions (the_pred_data thy name)) mode)
-fun the_sizelim_function_data thy name mode = case lookup_sizelim_function_data thy name mode
-  of NONE => error ("No size-limited function defined for mode " ^ string_of_mode mode
-    ^ " of predicate " ^ name)
-   | SOME data => data
-val sizelim_function_name_of = #name ooo the_sizelim_function_data
-(*val generator_modes_of = (map fst) o #generators oo the_pred_data*)
-(* diagnostic display functions *)
-fun print_modes modes = tracing ("Inferred modes:\n" ^
-  cat_lines (map (fn (s, ms) => s ^ ": " ^ commas (map
-    string_of_mode ms)) modes));
-fun print_pred_mode_table string_of_entry thy pred_mode_table =
-  let
-    fun print_mode pred (mode, entry) =  "mode : " ^ (string_of_mode mode)
-      ^ (string_of_entry pred mode entry)  
-    fun print_pred (pred, modes) =
-      "predicate " ^ pred ^ ": " ^ cat_lines (map (print_mode pred) modes)
-    val _ = tracing (cat_lines (map print_pred pred_mode_table))
-  in () end;
-fun string_of_moded_prem thy (Prem (ts, p), tmode) =
-    (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy (list_comb (p, ts))) ^
-    "(" ^ (string_of_tmode tmode) ^ ")"
-  | string_of_moded_prem thy (GeneratorPrem (ts, p), Mode (predmode, is, _)) =
-    (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy (list_comb (p, ts))) ^
-    "(generator_mode: " ^ (string_of_mode predmode) ^ ")"
-  | string_of_moded_prem thy (Generator (v, T), _) =
-    "Generator for " ^ v ^ " of Type " ^ (Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T)
-  | string_of_moded_prem thy (Negprem (ts, p), Mode (_, is, _)) =
-    (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy (list_comb (p, ts))) ^
-    "(negative mode: " ^ (space_implode ", " (map string_of_int is)) ^ ")"
-  | string_of_moded_prem thy (Sidecond t, Mode (_, is, _)) =
-    (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t) ^
-    "(sidecond mode: " ^ (space_implode ", " (map string_of_int is)) ^ ")"    
-  | string_of_moded_prem _ _ = error "string_of_moded_prem: unimplemented"
-fun print_moded_clauses thy =
-  let        
-    fun string_of_clause pred mode clauses =
-      cat_lines (map (fn (ts, prems) => (space_implode " --> "
-        (map (string_of_moded_prem thy) prems)) ^ " --> " ^ pred ^ " "
-        ^ (space_implode " " (map (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy) ts))) clauses)
-  in print_pred_mode_table string_of_clause thy end;
-fun print_compiled_terms thy =
-  print_pred_mode_table (fn _ => fn _ => Syntax.string_of_term_global thy) thy
-fun print_stored_rules thy =
-  let
-    val preds = (Graph.keys o PredData.get) thy
-    fun print pred () = let
-      val _ = writeln ("predicate: " ^ pred)
-      val _ = writeln ("number of parameters: " ^ string_of_int (nparams_of thy pred))
-      val _ = writeln ("introrules: ")
-      val _ = fold (fn thm => fn u => writeln (Display.string_of_thm_global thy thm))
-        (rev (intros_of thy pred)) ()
-    in
-      if (has_elim thy pred) then
-        writeln ("elimrule: " ^ Display.string_of_thm_global thy (the_elim_of thy pred))
-      else
-        writeln ("no elimrule defined")
-    end
-  in
-    fold print preds ()
-  end;
-fun print_all_modes thy =
-  let
-    val _ = writeln ("Inferred modes:")
-    fun print (pred, modes) u =
-      let
-        val _ = writeln ("predicate: " ^ pred)
-        val _ = writeln ("modes: " ^ (commas (map string_of_mode modes)))
-      in u end  
-  in
-    fold print (all_modes_of thy) ()
-  end
-(** preprocessing rules **)  
-fun imp_prems_conv cv ct =
-  case Thm.term_of ct of
-    Const ("==>", _) $ _ $ _ => Conv.combination_conv (Conv.arg_conv cv) (imp_prems_conv cv) ct
-  | _ => Conv.all_conv ct
-fun Trueprop_conv cv ct =
-  case Thm.term_of ct of
-    Const ("Trueprop", _) $ _ => Conv.arg_conv cv ct  
-  | _ => error "Trueprop_conv"
-fun preprocess_intro thy rule =
-  Conv.fconv_rule
-    (imp_prems_conv
-      (Trueprop_conv (Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv (Thm.symmetric @{thm Predicate.eq_is_eq})))))
-    (Thm.transfer thy rule)
-fun preprocess_elim thy nparams elimrule =
-  let
-    fun replace_eqs (Const ("Trueprop", _) $ (Const ("op =", T) $ lhs $ rhs)) =
-       HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Const (@{const_name Predicate.eq}, T) $ lhs $ rhs)
-     | replace_eqs t = t
-    val prems = Thm.prems_of elimrule
-    val nargs = length (snd (strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (hd prems)))) - nparams
-    fun preprocess_case t =
-     let
-       val params = Logic.strip_params t
-       val (assums1, assums2) = chop nargs (Logic.strip_assums_hyp t)
-       val assums_hyp' = assums1 @ (map replace_eqs assums2)
-     in
-       list_all (params, Logic.list_implies (assums_hyp', Logic.strip_assums_concl t))
-     end 
-    val cases' = map preprocess_case (tl prems)
-    val elimrule' = Logic.list_implies ((hd prems) :: cases', Thm.concl_of elimrule)
-  in
-    Thm.equal_elim
-      (Thm.symmetric (Conv.implies_concl_conv (MetaSimplifier.rewrite true [@{thm eq_is_eq}])
-         (cterm_of thy elimrule')))
-      elimrule
-  end;
-(* special case: predicate with no introduction rule *)
-fun noclause thy predname elim = let
-  val T = (Logic.unvarifyT o Sign.the_const_type thy) predname
-  val Ts = binder_types T
-  val names = Name.variant_list []
-        (map (fn i => "x" ^ (string_of_int i)) (1 upto (length Ts)))
-  val vs = map2 (curry Free) names Ts
-  val clausehd = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb (Const (predname, T), vs))
-  val intro_t = Logic.mk_implies (@{prop False}, clausehd)
-  val P = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Free ("P", HOLogic.boolT))
-  val elim_t = Logic.list_implies ([clausehd, Logic.mk_implies (@{prop False}, P)], P)
-  val intro = Goal.prove (ProofContext.init thy) names [] intro_t
-        (fn {...} => etac @{thm FalseE} 1)
-  val elim = Goal.prove (ProofContext.init thy) ("P" :: names) [] elim_t
-        (fn {...} => etac elim 1) 
-  ([intro], elim)
-fun fetch_pred_data thy name =
-  case try (Inductive.the_inductive (ProofContext.init thy)) name of
-    SOME (info as (_, result)) => 
-      let
-        fun is_intro_of intro =
-          let
-            val (const, _) = strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of intro))
-          in (fst (dest_Const const) = name) end;      
-        val intros = ind_set_codegen_preproc thy ((map (preprocess_intro thy))
-          (filter is_intro_of (#intrs result)))
-        val pre_elim = nth (#elims result) (find_index (fn s => s = name) (#names (fst info)))
-        val nparams = length (Inductive.params_of (#raw_induct result))
-        val elim = singleton (ind_set_codegen_preproc thy) (preprocess_elim thy nparams pre_elim)
-        val (intros, elim) = if null intros then noclause thy name elim else (intros, elim)
-      in
-        mk_pred_data ((intros, SOME elim, nparams), ([], [], []))
-      end                                                                    
-  | NONE => error ("No such predicate: " ^ quote name)
-(* updaters *)
-fun apfst3 f (x, y, z) =  (f x, y, z)
-fun apsnd3 f (x, y, z) =  (x, f y, z)
-fun aptrd3 f (x, y, z) =  (x, y, f z)
-fun add_predfun name mode data =
-  let
-    val add = (apsnd o apfst3 o cons) (mode, mk_predfun_data data)
-  in (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data add)) end
-fun is_inductive_predicate thy name =
-  is_some (try (Inductive.the_inductive (ProofContext.init thy)) name)
-fun depending_preds_of thy (key, value) =
-  let
-    val intros = (#intros o rep_pred_data) value
-  in
-    fold Term.add_const_names (map Thm.prop_of intros) []
-      |> filter (fn c => (not (c = key)) andalso (is_inductive_predicate thy c orelse is_registered thy c))
-  end;
-(* code dependency graph *)    
-fun dependencies_of thy name =
-  let
-    val (intros, elim, nparams) = fetch_pred_data thy name 
-    val data = mk_pred_data ((intros, SOME elim, nparams), ([], [], []))
-    val keys = depending_preds_of thy intros
-  in
-    (data, keys)
-  end;
-(* guessing number of parameters *)
-fun find_indexes pred xs =
-  let
-    fun find is n [] = is
-      | find is n (x :: xs) = find (if pred x then (n :: is) else is) (n + 1) xs;
-  in rev (find [] 0 xs) end;
-fun is_predT (T as Type("fun", [_, _])) = (snd (strip_type T) = HOLogic.boolT)
-  | is_predT _ = false
-fun guess_nparams T =
-  let
-    val argTs = binder_types T
-    val nparams = fold Integer.max
-      (map (fn x => x + 1) (find_indexes is_predT argTs)) 0
-  in nparams end;
-fun add_intro thm thy = let
-   val (name, T) = dest_Const (fst (strip_intro_concl 0 (prop_of thm)))
-   fun cons_intro gr =
-     case try (Graph.get_node gr) name of
-       SOME pred_data => Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data
-         (apfst (fn (intro, elim, nparams) => (thm::intro, elim, nparams)))) gr
-     | NONE =>
-       let
-         val nparams = the_default (guess_nparams T)  (try (#nparams o rep_pred_data o (fetch_pred_data thy)) name)
-       in Graph.new_node (name, mk_pred_data (([thm], NONE, nparams), ([], [], []))) gr end;
-  in cons_intro thy end
-fun set_elim thm = let
-    val (name, _) = dest_Const (fst 
-      (strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (hd (prems_of thm)))))
-    fun set (intros, _, nparams) = (intros, SOME thm, nparams)  
-  in (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data (apfst set))) end
-fun set_nparams name nparams = let
-    fun set (intros, elim, _ ) = (intros, elim, nparams) 
-  in (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data (apfst set))) end
-fun register_predicate (pre_intros, pre_elim, nparams) thy = let
-    val (name, _) = dest_Const (fst (strip_intro_concl nparams (prop_of (hd pre_intros))))
-    (* preprocessing *)
-    val intros = ind_set_codegen_preproc thy (map (preprocess_intro thy) pre_intros)
-    val elim = singleton (ind_set_codegen_preproc thy) (preprocess_elim thy nparams pre_elim)
-  in
-      (Graph.new_node (name, mk_pred_data ((intros, SOME elim, nparams), ([], [], [])))) thy
-  end
-fun set_generator_name pred mode name = 
-  let
-    val set = (apsnd o apsnd3 o cons) (mode, mk_function_data (name, NONE))
-  in
- (Graph.map_node pred (map_pred_data set))
-  end
-fun set_sizelim_function_name pred mode name = 
-  let
-    val set = (apsnd o aptrd3 o cons) (mode, mk_function_data (name, NONE))
-  in
- (Graph.map_node pred (map_pred_data set))
-  end
-(** data structures for generic compilation for different monads **)
-(* maybe rename functions more generic:
-  mk_predT -> mk_monadT; dest_predT -> dest_monadT
-  mk_single -> mk_return (?)
-datatype compilation_funs = CompilationFuns of {
-  mk_predT : typ -> typ,
-  dest_predT : typ -> typ,
-  mk_bot : typ -> term,
-  mk_single : term -> term,
-  mk_bind : term * term -> term,
-  mk_sup : term * term -> term,
-  mk_if : term -> term,
-  mk_not : term -> term,
-(*  funT_of : mode -> typ -> typ, *)
-(*  mk_fun_of : theory -> (string * typ) -> mode -> term, *) 
-  mk_map : typ -> typ -> term -> term -> term,
-  lift_pred : term -> term
-fun mk_predT (CompilationFuns funs) = #mk_predT funs
-fun dest_predT (CompilationFuns funs) = #dest_predT funs
-fun mk_bot (CompilationFuns funs) = #mk_bot funs
-fun mk_single (CompilationFuns funs) = #mk_single funs
-fun mk_bind (CompilationFuns funs) = #mk_bind funs
-fun mk_sup (CompilationFuns funs) = #mk_sup funs
-fun mk_if (CompilationFuns funs) = #mk_if funs
-fun mk_not (CompilationFuns funs) = #mk_not funs
-(*fun funT_of (CompilationFuns funs) = #funT_of funs*)
-(*fun mk_fun_of (CompilationFuns funs) = #mk_fun_of funs*)
-fun mk_map (CompilationFuns funs) = #mk_map funs
-fun lift_pred (CompilationFuns funs) = #lift_pred funs
-fun funT_of compfuns (iss, is) T =
-  let
-    val Ts = binder_types T
-    val (paramTs, (inargTs, outargTs)) = split_mode (iss, is) Ts
-    val paramTs' = map2 (fn NONE => I | SOME is => funT_of compfuns ([], is)) iss paramTs 
-  in
-    (paramTs' @ inargTs) ---> (mk_predT compfuns (mk_tupleT outargTs))
-  end;
-fun sizelim_funT_of compfuns (iss, is) T =
-  let
-    val Ts = binder_types T
-    val (paramTs, (inargTs, outargTs)) = split_mode (iss, is) Ts
-    val paramTs' = map2 (fn SOME is => sizelim_funT_of compfuns ([], is) | NONE => I) iss paramTs 
-  in
-    (paramTs' @ inargTs @ [@{typ "code_numeral"}]) ---> (mk_predT compfuns (mk_tupleT outargTs))
-  end;  
-fun mk_fun_of compfuns thy (name, T) mode = 
-  Const (predfun_name_of thy name mode, funT_of compfuns mode T)
-fun mk_sizelim_fun_of compfuns thy (name, T) mode =
-  Const (sizelim_function_name_of thy name mode, sizelim_funT_of compfuns mode T)
-fun mk_generator_of compfuns thy (name, T) mode = 
-  Const (generator_name_of thy name mode, sizelim_funT_of compfuns mode T)
-structure PredicateCompFuns =
-fun mk_predT T = Type (@{type_name "Predicate.pred"}, [T])
-fun dest_predT (Type (@{type_name "Predicate.pred"}, [T])) = T
-  | dest_predT T = raise TYPE ("dest_predT", [T], []);
-fun mk_bot T = Const (@{const_name}, mk_predT T);
-fun mk_single t =
-  let val T = fastype_of t
-  in Const(@{const_name Predicate.single}, T --> mk_predT T) $ t end;
-fun mk_bind (x, f) =
-  let val T as Type ("fun", [_, U]) = fastype_of f
-  in
-    Const (@{const_name Predicate.bind}, fastype_of x --> T --> U) $ x $ f
-  end;
-val mk_sup = HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name sup};
-fun mk_if cond = Const (@{const_name Predicate.if_pred},
-  HOLogic.boolT --> mk_predT HOLogic.unitT) $ cond;
-fun mk_not t = let val T = mk_predT HOLogic.unitT
-  in Const (@{const_name Predicate.not_pred}, T --> T) $ t end
-fun mk_Enum f =
-  let val T as Type ("fun", [T', _]) = fastype_of f
-  in
-    Const (@{const_name Predicate.Pred}, T --> mk_predT T') $ f    
-  end;
-fun mk_Eval (f, x) =
-  let
-    val T = fastype_of x
-  in
-    Const (@{const_name Predicate.eval}, mk_predT T --> T --> HOLogic.boolT) $ f $ x
-  end;
-fun mk_map T1 T2 tf tp = Const (@{const_name},
-  (T1 --> T2) --> mk_predT T1 --> mk_predT T2) $ tf $ tp;
-val lift_pred = I
-val compfuns = CompilationFuns {mk_predT = mk_predT, dest_predT = dest_predT, mk_bot = mk_bot,
-  mk_single = mk_single, mk_bind = mk_bind, mk_sup = mk_sup, mk_if = mk_if, mk_not = mk_not,
-  mk_map = mk_map, lift_pred = lift_pred};
-(* termify_code:
-val termT = Type ("Code_Evaluation.term", []);
-fun termifyT T = HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, HOLogic.unitT --> termT)
-fun lift_random random =
-  let
-    val T = dest_randomT (fastype_of random)
-  in
-    mk_scomp (random,
-      mk_fun_comp (HOLogic.pair_const (PredicateCompFuns.mk_predT T) @{typ Random.seed},
-        mk_fun_comp (Const (@{const_name Predicate.single}, T --> (PredicateCompFuns.mk_predT T)),
-          Const (@{const_name "fst"}, HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, @{typ "unit => term"}) --> T)))) 
-  end;
-structure RPredCompFuns =
-fun mk_rpredT T =
-  @{typ "Random.seed"} --> HOLogic.mk_prodT (PredicateCompFuns.mk_predT T, @{typ "Random.seed"})
-fun dest_rpredT (Type ("fun", [_,
-  Type (@{type_name "*"}, [Type (@{type_name "Predicate.pred"}, [T]), _])])) = T
-  | dest_rpredT T = raise TYPE ("dest_rpredT", [T], []); 
-fun mk_bot T = Const(@{const_name}, mk_rpredT T)
-fun mk_single t =
-  let
-    val T = fastype_of t
-  in
-    Const (@{const_name RPred.return}, T --> mk_rpredT T) $ t
-  end;
-fun mk_bind (x, f) =
-  let
-    val T as (Type ("fun", [_, U])) = fastype_of f
-  in
-    Const (@{const_name RPred.bind}, fastype_of x --> T --> U) $ x $ f
-  end
-val mk_sup = HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name RPred.supp}
-fun mk_if cond = Const (@{const_name RPred.if_rpred},
-  HOLogic.boolT --> mk_rpredT HOLogic.unitT) $ cond;
-fun mk_not t = error "Negation is not defined for RPred"
-fun mk_map t = error "FIXME" (*FIXME*)
-fun lift_pred t =
-  let
-    val T = PredicateCompFuns.dest_predT (fastype_of t)
-    val lift_predT = PredicateCompFuns.mk_predT T --> mk_rpredT T 
-  in
-    Const (@{const_name "RPred.lift_pred"}, lift_predT) $ t  
-  end;
-val compfuns = CompilationFuns {mk_predT = mk_rpredT, dest_predT = dest_rpredT, mk_bot = mk_bot,
-    mk_single = mk_single, mk_bind = mk_bind, mk_sup = mk_sup, mk_if = mk_if, mk_not = mk_not,
-    mk_map = mk_map, lift_pred = lift_pred};
-(* for external use with interactive mode *)
-val rpred_compfuns = RPredCompFuns.compfuns;
-fun lift_random random =
-  let
-    val T = dest_randomT (fastype_of random)
-  in
-    Const (@{const_name lift_random}, (@{typ Random.seed} -->
-      HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, @{typ "unit => term"}), @{typ Random.seed})) --> 
-      RPredCompFuns.mk_rpredT T) $ random
-  end;
-(* Mode analysis *)
-(*** check if a term contains only constructor functions ***)
-fun is_constrt thy =
-  let
-    val cnstrs = flat (maps
-      (map (fn (_, (Tname, _, cs)) => map (apsnd (rpair Tname o length)) cs) o #descr o snd)
-      (Symtab.dest (Datatype.get_all thy)));
-    fun check t = (case strip_comb t of
-        (Free _, []) => true
-      | (Const (s, T), ts) => (case (AList.lookup (op =) cnstrs s, body_type T) of
-            (SOME (i, Tname), Type (Tname', _)) => length ts = i andalso Tname = Tname' andalso forall check ts
-          | _ => false)
-      | _ => false)
-  in check end;
-(*** check if a type is an equality type (i.e. doesn't contain fun)
-  FIXME this is only an approximation ***)
-fun is_eqT (Type (s, Ts)) = s <> "fun" andalso forall is_eqT Ts
-  | is_eqT _ = true;
-fun term_vs tm = fold_aterms (fn Free (x, T) => cons x | _ => I) tm [];
-val terms_vs = distinct (op =) o maps term_vs;
-(** collect all Frees in a term (with duplicates!) **)
-fun term_vTs tm =
-  fold_aterms (fn Free xT => cons xT | _ => I) tm [];
-(*FIXME this function should not be named merge... make it local instead*)
-fun merge xs [] = xs
-  | merge [] ys = ys
-  | merge (x::xs) (y::ys) = if length x >= length y then x::merge xs (y::ys)
-      else y::merge (x::xs) ys;
-fun subsets i j = if i <= j then
-       let val is = subsets (i+1) j
-       in merge (map (fn ks => i::ks) is) is end
-     else [[]];
-(* FIXME: should be in library - map_prod *)
-fun cprod ([], ys) = []
-  | cprod (x :: xs, ys) = map (pair x) ys @ cprod (xs, ys);
-fun cprods xss = List.foldr (map op :: o cprod) [[]] xss;
-(*TODO: cleanup function and put together with modes_of_term *)
-fun modes_of_param default modes t = let
-    val (vs, t') = strip_abs t
-    val b = length vs
-    fun mk_modes name args = (maps (fn (m as (iss, is)) =>
-        let
-          val (args1, args2) =
-            if length args < length iss then
-              error ("Too few arguments for inductive predicate " ^ name)
-            else chop (length iss) args;
-          val k = length args2;
-          val perm = map (fn i => (find_index_eq (Bound (b - i)) args2) + 1)
-            (1 upto b)  
-          val partial_mode = (1 upto k) \\ perm
-        in
-          if not (partial_mode subset is) then [] else
-          let
-            val is' = 
-            (fold_index (fn (i, j) => if j mem is then cons (i + 1) else I) perm [])
-            |> fold (fn i => if i > k then cons (i - k + b) else I) is
-           val res = map (fn x => Mode (m, is', x)) (cprods (map
-            (fn (NONE, _) => [NONE]
-              | (SOME js, arg) => map SOME (filter
-                  (fn Mode (_, js', _) => js=js') (modes_of_term modes arg)))
-                    (iss ~~ args1)))
-          in res end
-        end)) (AList.lookup op = modes name)
-  in case strip_comb t' of
-    (Const (name, _), args) => the_default default (mk_modes name args)
-    | (Var ((name, _), _), args) => the (mk_modes name args)
-    | (Free (name, _), args) => the (mk_modes name args)
-    | _ => default end
-fun modes_of_term modes t =
-  let
-    val ks = 1 upto length (binder_types (fastype_of t));
-    val default = [Mode (([], ks), ks, [])];
-    fun mk_modes name args = (maps (fn (m as (iss, is)) =>
-        let
-          val (args1, args2) =
-            if length args < length iss then
-              error ("Too few arguments for inductive predicate " ^ name)
-            else chop (length iss) args;
-          val k = length args2;
-          val prfx = 1 upto k
-        in
-          if not (is_prefix op = prfx is) then [] else
-          let val is' = map (fn i => i - k) (List.drop (is, k))
-          in map (fn x => Mode (m, is', x)) (cprods (map
-            (fn (NONE, _) => [NONE]
-              | (SOME js, arg) => map SOME (filter
-                  (fn Mode (_, js', _) => js=js') (modes_of_term modes arg)))
-                    (iss ~~ args1)))
-          end
-        end)) (AList.lookup op = modes name)
-  in
-    case strip_comb (Envir.eta_contract t) of
-      (Const (name, _), args) => the_default default (mk_modes name args)
-    | (Var ((name, _), _), args) => the (mk_modes name args)
-    | (Free (name, _), args) => the (mk_modes name args)
-    | (Abs _, []) => error "Abs at param position" (* modes_of_param default modes t *)
-    | _ => default
-  end
-fun select_mode_prem thy modes vs ps =
-  find_first (is_some o snd) (ps ~~ map
-    (fn Prem (us, t) => find_first (fn Mode (_, is, _) =>
-          let
-            val (in_ts, out_ts) = split_smode is us;
-            val (out_ts', in_ts') = List.partition (is_constrt thy) out_ts;
-            val vTs = maps term_vTs out_ts';
-            val dupTs = map snd (duplicates (op =) vTs) @
-              map_filter (AList.lookup (op =) vTs) vs;
-          in
-            subset (op =) (terms_vs (in_ts @ in_ts'), vs) andalso
-            forall (is_eqT o fastype_of) in_ts' andalso
-            subset (op =) (term_vs t, vs) andalso
-            forall is_eqT dupTs
-          end)
-            (modes_of_term modes t handle Option =>
-               error ("Bad predicate: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t))
-      | Negprem (us, t) => find_first (fn Mode (_, is, _) =>
-            length us = length is andalso
-            subset (op =) (terms_vs us, vs) andalso
-            subset (op =) (term_vs t, vs)
-            (modes_of_term modes t handle Option =>
-               error ("Bad predicate: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t))
-      | Sidecond t => if subset (op =) (term_vs t, vs) then SOME (Mode (([], []), [], []))
-          else NONE
-      ) ps);
-fun fold_prem f (Prem (args, _)) = fold f args
-  | fold_prem f (Negprem (args, _)) = fold f args
-  | fold_prem f (Sidecond t) = f t
-fun all_subsets [] = [[]]
-  | all_subsets (x::xs) = let val xss' = all_subsets xs in xss' @ (map (cons x) xss') end
-fun generator vTs v = 
-  let
-    val T = the (AList.lookup (op =) vTs v)
-  in
-    (Generator (v, T), Mode (([], []), [], []))
-  end;
-fun gen_prem (Prem (us, t)) = GeneratorPrem (us, t) 
-  | gen_prem _ = error "gen_prem : invalid input for gen_prem"
-fun param_gen_prem param_vs (p as Prem (us, t as Free (v, _))) =
-  if member (op =) param_vs v then
-    GeneratorPrem (us, t)
-  else p  
-  | param_gen_prem param_vs p = p
-fun check_mode_clause with_generator thy param_vs modes gen_modes (iss, is) (ts, ps) =
-  let
-    val modes' = modes @ map_filter
-      (fn (_, NONE) => NONE | (v, SOME js) => SOME (v, [([], js)]))
-        (param_vs ~~ iss);
-    val gen_modes' = gen_modes @ map_filter
-      (fn (_, NONE) => NONE | (v, SOME js) => SOME (v, [([], js)]))
-        (param_vs ~~ iss);  
-    val vTs = distinct (op =) ((fold o fold_prem) Term.add_frees ps (fold Term.add_frees ts []))
-    val prem_vs = distinct (op =) ((fold o fold_prem) Term.add_free_names ps [])
-    fun check_mode_prems acc_ps vs [] = SOME (acc_ps, vs)
-      | check_mode_prems acc_ps vs ps = (case select_mode_prem thy modes' vs ps of
-          NONE =>
-            (if with_generator then
-              (case select_mode_prem thy gen_modes' vs ps of
-                  SOME (p, SOME mode) => check_mode_prems ((gen_prem p, mode) :: acc_ps) 
-                  (case p of Prem (us, _) => union (op =) vs (terms_vs us) | _ => vs)
-                  (filter_out (equal p) ps)
-                | NONE =>
-                  let 
-                    val all_generator_vs = all_subsets (prem_vs \\ vs) |> sort (int_ord o (pairself length))
-                  in
-                    case (find_first (fn generator_vs => is_some
-                      (select_mode_prem thy modes' (union (op =) vs generator_vs) ps)) all_generator_vs) of
-                      SOME generator_vs => check_mode_prems ((map (generator vTs) generator_vs) @ acc_ps)
-                        (union (op =) vs generator_vs) ps
-                    | NONE => NONE
-                  end)
-            else
-              NONE)
-        | SOME (p, SOME mode) => check_mode_prems ((if with_generator then param_gen_prem param_vs p else p, mode) :: acc_ps) 
-            (case p of Prem (us, _) => union (op =) vs (terms_vs us) | _ => vs)
-            (filter_out (equal p) ps))
-    val (in_ts, in_ts') = List.partition (is_constrt thy) (fst (split_smode is ts));
-    val in_vs = terms_vs in_ts;
-    val concl_vs = terms_vs ts
-  in
-    if forall is_eqT (map snd (duplicates (op =) (maps term_vTs in_ts))) andalso
-    forall (is_eqT o fastype_of) in_ts' then
-      case check_mode_prems [] (union (op =) param_vs in_vs) ps of
-         NONE => NONE
-       | SOME (acc_ps, vs) =>
-         if with_generator then
-           SOME (ts, (rev acc_ps) @ (map (generator vTs) (concl_vs \\ vs))) 
-         else
-           if subset (op =) (concl_vs, vs) then SOME (ts, rev acc_ps) else NONE
-    else NONE
-  end;
-fun check_modes_pred with_generator thy param_vs preds modes gen_modes (p, ms) =
-  let val SOME rs = AList.lookup (op =) preds p
-  in (p, List.filter (fn m => case find_index
-    (is_none o check_mode_clause with_generator thy param_vs modes gen_modes m) rs of
-      ~1 => true
-    | i => (tracing ("Clause " ^ string_of_int (i + 1) ^ " of " ^
-      p ^ " violates mode " ^ string_of_mode m); false)) ms)
-  end;
-fun get_modes_pred with_generator thy param_vs preds modes gen_modes (p, ms) =
-  let
-    val SOME rs = AList.lookup (op =) preds p 
-  in
-    (p, map (fn m =>
-      (m, map (the o check_mode_clause with_generator thy param_vs modes gen_modes m) rs)) ms)
-  end;
-fun fixp f (x : (string * mode list) list) =
-  let val y = f x
-  in if x = y then x else fixp f y end;
-fun modes_of_arities arities =
-  (map (fn (s, (ks, k)) => (s, cprod (cprods (map
-            (fn NONE => [NONE]
-              | SOME k' => map SOME (subsets 1 k')) ks),
-            subsets 1 k))) arities)
-fun infer_modes with_generator thy extra_modes arities param_vs preds =
-  let
-    val modes =
-      fixp (fn modes =>
-        map (check_modes_pred with_generator thy param_vs preds (modes @ extra_modes) []) modes)
-          (modes_of_arities arities)
-  in
-    map (get_modes_pred with_generator thy param_vs preds (modes @ extra_modes) []) modes
-  end;
-fun remove_from rem [] = []
-  | remove_from rem ((k, vs) :: xs) =
-    (case AList.lookup (op =) rem k of
-      NONE => (k, vs)
-    | SOME vs' => (k, vs \\ vs'))
-    :: remove_from rem xs
-fun infer_modes_with_generator thy extra_modes arities param_vs preds =
-  let
-    val prednames = map fst preds
-    val extra_modes = all_modes_of thy
-    val gen_modes = all_generator_modes_of thy
-      |> filter_out (fn (name, _) => member (op =) prednames name)
-    val starting_modes = remove_from extra_modes (modes_of_arities arities) 
-    val modes =
-      fixp (fn modes =>
-        map (check_modes_pred true thy param_vs preds extra_modes (gen_modes @ modes)) modes)
-         starting_modes 
-  in
-    map (get_modes_pred true thy param_vs preds extra_modes (gen_modes @ modes)) modes
-  end;
-(* term construction *)
-fun mk_v (names, vs) s T = (case AList.lookup (op =) vs s of
-      NONE => (Free (s, T), (names, (s, [])::vs))
-    | SOME xs =>
-        let
-          val s' = Name.variant names s;
-          val v = Free (s', T)
-        in
-          (v, (s'::names, AList.update (op =) (s, v::xs) vs))
-        end);
-fun distinct_v (Free (s, T)) nvs = mk_v nvs s T
-  | distinct_v (t $ u) nvs =
-      let
-        val (t', nvs') = distinct_v t nvs;
-        val (u', nvs'') = distinct_v u nvs';
-      in (t' $ u', nvs'') end
-  | distinct_v x nvs = (x, nvs);
-fun compile_match thy compfuns eqs eqs' out_ts success_t =
-  let
-    val eqs'' = maps mk_eq eqs @ eqs'
-    val names = fold Term.add_free_names (success_t :: eqs'' @ out_ts) [];
-    val name = Name.variant names "x";
-    val name' = Name.variant (name :: names) "y";
-    val T = mk_tupleT (map fastype_of out_ts);
-    val U = fastype_of success_t;
-    val U' = dest_predT compfuns U;
-    val v = Free (name, T);
-    val v' = Free (name', T);
-  in
-    lambda v (fst (Datatype.make_case
-      (ProofContext.init thy) false [] v
-      [(mk_tuple out_ts,
-        if null eqs'' then success_t
-        else Const (@{const_name HOL.If}, HOLogic.boolT --> U --> U --> U) $
-          foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj eqs'' $ success_t $
-            mk_bot compfuns U'),
-       (v', mk_bot compfuns U')]))
-  end;
-(*FIXME function can be removed*)
-fun mk_funcomp f t =
-  let
-    val names = Term.add_free_names t [];
-    val Ts = binder_types (fastype_of t);
-    val vs = map Free
-      (Name.variant_list names (replicate (length Ts) "x") ~~ Ts)
-  in
-    fold_rev lambda vs (f (list_comb (t, vs)))
-  end;
-fun compile_param_ext thy compfuns modes (NONE, t) = t
-  | compile_param_ext thy compfuns modes (m as SOME (Mode ((iss, is'), is, ms)), t) =
-      let
-        val (vs, u) = strip_abs t
-        val (ivs, ovs) = split_mode is vs    
-        val (f, args) = strip_comb u
-        val (params, args') = chop (length ms) args
-        val (inargs, outargs) = split_mode is' args'
-        val b = length vs
-        val perm = map (fn i => (find_index_eq (Bound (b - i)) args') + 1) (1 upto b)
-        val outp_perm =
-          snd (split_mode is perm)
-          |> map (fn i => i - length (filter (fn x => x < i) is'))
-        val names = [] -- TODO
-        val out_names = Name.variant_list names (replicate (length outargs) "x")
-        val f' = case f of
-            Const (name, T) =>
-              if AList.defined op = modes name then
-                mk_predfun_of thy compfuns (name, T) (iss, is')
-              else error "compile param: Not an inductive predicate with correct mode"
-          | Free (name, T) => Free (name, param_funT_of compfuns T (SOME is'))
-        val outTs = dest_tupleT (dest_predT compfuns (body_type (fastype_of f')))
-        val out_vs = map Free (out_names ~~ outTs)
-        val params' = map (compile_param thy modes) (ms ~~ params)
-        val f_app = list_comb (f', params' @ inargs)
-        val single_t = (mk_single compfuns (mk_tuple (map (fn i => nth out_vs (i - 1)) outp_perm)))
-        val match_t = compile_match thy compfuns [] [] out_vs single_t
-      in list_abs (ivs,
-        mk_bind compfuns (f_app, match_t))
-      end
-  | compile_param_ext _ _ _ _ = error "compile params"
-fun compile_param size thy compfuns (NONE, t) = t
-  | compile_param size thy compfuns (m as SOME (Mode ((iss, is'), is, ms)), t) =
-   let
-     val (f, args) = strip_comb (Envir.eta_contract t)
-     val (params, args') = chop (length ms) args
-     val params' = map (compile_param size thy compfuns) (ms ~~ params)
-     val mk_fun_of = case size of NONE => mk_fun_of | SOME _ => mk_sizelim_fun_of
-     val funT_of = case size of NONE => funT_of | SOME _ => sizelim_funT_of
-     val f' =
-       case f of
-         Const (name, T) =>
-           mk_fun_of compfuns thy (name, T) (iss, is')
-       | Free (name, T) => Free (name, funT_of compfuns (iss, is') T)
-       | _ => error ("PredicateCompiler: illegal parameter term")
-   in list_comb (f', params' @ args') end
-fun compile_expr size thy ((Mode (mode, is, ms)), t) =
-  case strip_comb t of
-    (Const (name, T), params) =>
-       let
-         val params' = map (compile_param size thy PredicateCompFuns.compfuns) (ms ~~ params)
-         val mk_fun_of = case size of NONE => mk_fun_of | SOME _ => mk_sizelim_fun_of
-       in
-         list_comb (mk_fun_of PredicateCompFuns.compfuns thy (name, T) mode, params')
-       end
-  | (Free (name, T), args) =>
-       let 
-         val funT_of = case size of NONE => funT_of | SOME _ => sizelim_funT_of 
-       in
-         list_comb (Free (name, funT_of PredicateCompFuns.compfuns ([], is) T), args)
-       end;
-fun compile_gen_expr size thy compfuns ((Mode (mode, is, ms)), t) =
-  case strip_comb t of
-    (Const (name, T), params) =>
-      let
-        val params' = map (compile_param size thy compfuns) (ms ~~ params)
-      in
-        list_comb (mk_generator_of compfuns thy (name, T) mode, params')
-      end
-    | (Free (name, T), args) =>
-      list_comb (Free (name, sizelim_funT_of RPredCompFuns.compfuns ([], is) T), args)
-(** specific rpred functions -- move them to the correct place in this file *)
-(* uncommented termify code; causes more trouble than expected at first *) 
-fun mk_valtermify_term (t as Const (c, T)) = HOLogic.mk_prod (t, Abs ("u", HOLogic.unitT, HOLogic.reflect_term t))
-  | mk_valtermify_term (Free (x, T)) = Free (x, termifyT T) 
-  | mk_valtermify_term (t1 $ t2) =
-    let
-      val T = fastype_of t1
-      val (T1, T2) = dest_funT T
-      val t1' = mk_valtermify_term t1
-      val t2' = mk_valtermify_term t2
-    in
-      Const ("Code_Evaluation.valapp", termifyT T --> termifyT T1 --> termifyT T2) $ t1' $ t2'
-    end
-  | mk_valtermify_term _ = error "Not a valid term for mk_valtermify_term"
-fun compile_clause compfuns size final_term thy all_vs param_vs (iss, is) inp (ts, moded_ps) =
-  let
-    fun check_constrt t (names, eqs) =
-      if is_constrt thy t then (t, (names, eqs)) else
-        let
-          val s = Name.variant names "x";
-          val v = Free (s, fastype_of t)
-        in (v, (s::names, HOLogic.mk_eq (v, t)::eqs)) end;
-    val (in_ts, out_ts) = split_smode is ts;
-    val (in_ts', (all_vs', eqs)) =
-      fold_map check_constrt in_ts (all_vs, []);
-    fun compile_prems out_ts' vs names [] =
-          let
-            val (out_ts'', (names', eqs')) =
-              fold_map check_constrt out_ts' (names, []);
-            val (out_ts''', (names'', constr_vs)) = fold_map distinct_v
-              out_ts'' (names', map (rpair []) vs);
-          in
-          (* termify code:
-            compile_match thy compfuns constr_vs (eqs @ eqs') out_ts'''
-              (mk_single compfuns (mk_tuple (map mk_valtermify_term out_ts)))
-           *)
-            compile_match thy compfuns constr_vs (eqs @ eqs') out_ts'''
-              (final_term out_ts)
-          end
-      | compile_prems out_ts vs names ((p, mode as Mode ((_, is), _, _)) :: ps) =
-          let
-            val vs' = distinct (op =) (flat (vs :: map term_vs out_ts));
-            val (out_ts', (names', eqs)) =
-              fold_map check_constrt out_ts (names, [])
-            val (out_ts'', (names'', constr_vs')) = fold_map distinct_v
-              out_ts' ((names', map (rpair []) vs))
-            val (compiled_clause, rest) = case p of
-               Prem (us, t) =>
-                 let
-                   val (in_ts, out_ts''') = split_smode is us;
-                   val args = case size of
-                     NONE => in_ts
-                   | SOME size_t => in_ts @ [size_t]
-                   val u = lift_pred compfuns
-                     (list_comb (compile_expr size thy (mode, t), args))                     
-                   val rest = compile_prems out_ts''' vs' names'' ps
-                 in
-                   (u, rest)
-                 end
-             | Negprem (us, t) =>
-                 let
-                   val (in_ts, out_ts''') = split_smode is us
-                   val u = lift_pred compfuns
-                     (mk_not PredicateCompFuns.compfuns (list_comb (compile_expr NONE thy (mode, t), in_ts)))
-                   val rest = compile_prems out_ts''' vs' names'' ps
-                 in
-                   (u, rest)
-                 end
-             | Sidecond t =>
-                 let
-                   val rest = compile_prems [] vs' names'' ps;
-                 in
-                   (mk_if compfuns t, rest)
-                 end
-             | GeneratorPrem (us, t) =>
-                 let
-                   val (in_ts, out_ts''') = split_smode is us;
-                   val args = case size of
-                     NONE => in_ts
-                   | SOME size_t => in_ts @ [size_t]
-                   val u = list_comb (compile_gen_expr size thy compfuns (mode, t), args)
-                   val rest = compile_prems out_ts''' vs' names'' ps
-                 in
-                   (u, rest)
-                 end
-             | Generator (v, T) =>
-                 let
-                   val u = lift_random (HOLogic.mk_random T @{term "1::code_numeral"})
-                   val rest = compile_prems [Free (v, T)]  vs' names'' ps;
-                 in
-                   (u, rest)
-                 end
-          in
-            compile_match thy compfuns constr_vs' eqs out_ts'' 
-              (mk_bind compfuns (compiled_clause, rest))
-          end
-    val prem_t = compile_prems in_ts' param_vs all_vs' moded_ps;
-  in
-    mk_bind compfuns (mk_single compfuns inp, prem_t)
-  end
-fun compile_pred compfuns mk_fun_of use_size thy all_vs param_vs s T mode moded_cls =
-  let
-    val (Ts1, (Us1, Us2)) = split_mode mode (binder_types T)
-    val funT_of = if use_size then sizelim_funT_of else funT_of 
-    val Ts1' = map2 (fn NONE => I | SOME is => funT_of compfuns ([], is)) (fst mode) Ts1
-    val xnames = Name.variant_list (all_vs @ param_vs)
-      (map (fn i => "x" ^ string_of_int i) (snd mode));
-    val size_name = Name.variant (all_vs @ param_vs @ xnames) "size"
-    (* termify code: val xs = map2 (fn s => fn T => Free (s, termifyT T)) xnames Us1; *)
-    val xs = map2 (fn s => fn T => Free (s, T)) xnames Us1;
-    val params = map2 (fn s => fn T => Free (s, T)) param_vs Ts1'
-    val size = Free (size_name, @{typ "code_numeral"})
-    val decr_size =
-      if use_size then
-        SOME (Const ("HOL.minus_class.minus", @{typ "code_numeral => code_numeral => code_numeral"})
-          $ size $ Const ("", @{typ "Code_Numeral.code_numeral"}))
-      else
-        NONE
-    val cl_ts =
-      map (compile_clause compfuns decr_size (fn out_ts => mk_single compfuns (mk_tuple out_ts))
-        thy all_vs param_vs mode (mk_tuple xs)) moded_cls;
-    val t = foldr1 (mk_sup compfuns) cl_ts
-    val T' = mk_predT compfuns (mk_tupleT Us2)
-    val size_t = Const (@{const_name "If"}, @{typ bool} --> T' --> T' --> T')
-      $ HOLogic.mk_eq (size, @{term "0 :: code_numeral"})
-      $ mk_bot compfuns (dest_predT compfuns T') $ t
-    val fun_const = mk_fun_of compfuns thy (s, T) mode
-    val eq = if use_size then
-      (list_comb (fun_const, params @ xs @ [size]), size_t)
-    else
-      (list_comb (fun_const, params @ xs), t)
-  in
-    HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq eq)
-  end;
-(* special setup for simpset *)                  
-val HOL_basic_ss' = HOL_basic_ss setSolver 
-  (mk_solver "all_tac_solver" (fn _ => fn _ => all_tac))
-(* Definition of executable functions and their intro and elim rules *)
-fun print_arities arities = tracing ("Arities:\n" ^
-  cat_lines (map (fn (s, (ks, k)) => s ^ ": " ^
-    space_implode " -> " (map
-      (fn NONE => "X" | SOME k' => string_of_int k')
-        (ks @ [SOME k]))) arities));
-fun mk_Eval_of ((x, T), NONE) names = (x, names)
-  | mk_Eval_of ((x, T), SOME mode) names = let
-  val Ts = binder_types T
-  val argnames = Name.variant_list names
-        (map (fn i => "x" ^ string_of_int i) (1 upto (length Ts)));
-  val args = map Free (argnames ~~ Ts)
-  val (inargs, outargs) = split_smode mode args
-  val r = PredicateCompFuns.mk_Eval (list_comb (x, inargs), mk_tuple outargs)
-  val t = fold_rev lambda args r 
-  (t, argnames @ names)
-fun create_intro_elim_rule (mode as (iss, is)) defthm mode_id funT pred thy =
-  val Ts = binder_types (fastype_of pred)
-  val funtrm = Const (mode_id, funT)
-  val argnames = Name.variant_list []
-        (map (fn i => "x" ^ string_of_int i) (1 upto (length Ts)));
-  val (Ts1, Ts2) = chop (length iss) Ts;
-  val Ts1' = map2 (fn NONE => I | SOME is => funT_of (PredicateCompFuns.compfuns) ([], is)) iss Ts1
-  val args = map Free (argnames ~~ (Ts1' @ Ts2))
-  val (params, ioargs) = chop (length iss) args
-  val (inargs, outargs) = split_smode is ioargs
-  val param_names = Name.variant_list argnames
-    (map (fn i => "p" ^ string_of_int i) (1 upto (length iss)))
-  val param_vs = map Free (param_names ~~ Ts1)
-  val (params', names) = fold_map mk_Eval_of ((params ~~ Ts1) ~~ iss) []
-  val predpropI = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb (pred, param_vs @ ioargs))
-  val predpropE = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb (pred, params' @ ioargs))
-  val param_eqs = map (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o HOLogic.mk_eq) (param_vs ~~ params')
-  val funargs = params @ inargs
-  val funpropE = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (PredicateCompFuns.mk_Eval (list_comb (funtrm, funargs),
-                  if null outargs then Free("y", HOLogic.unitT) else mk_tuple outargs))
-  val funpropI = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (PredicateCompFuns.mk_Eval (list_comb (funtrm, funargs),
-                   mk_tuple outargs))
-  val introtrm = Logic.list_implies (predpropI :: param_eqs, funpropI)
-  val simprules = [defthm, @{thm eval_pred},
-                   @{thm "split_beta"}, @{thm "fst_conv"}, @{thm "snd_conv"}]
-  val unfolddef_tac = Simplifier.asm_full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps simprules) 1
-  val introthm = Goal.prove (ProofContext.init thy) (argnames @ param_names @ ["y"]) [] introtrm (fn {...} => unfolddef_tac)
-  val P = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Free ("P", HOLogic.boolT));
-  val elimtrm = Logic.list_implies ([funpropE, Logic.mk_implies (predpropE, P)], P)
-  val elimthm = Goal.prove (ProofContext.init thy) (argnames @ param_names @ ["y", "P"]) [] elimtrm (fn {...} => unfolddef_tac)
-  (introthm, elimthm)
-fun create_constname_of_mode thy prefix name mode = 
-  let
-    fun string_of_mode mode = if null mode then "0"
-      else space_implode "_" (map string_of_int mode)
-    val HOmode = space_implode "_and_"
-      (fold (fn NONE => I | SOME mode => cons (string_of_mode mode)) (fst mode) [])
-  in
-    (Sign.full_bname thy (prefix ^ (Long_Name.base_name name))) ^
-      (if HOmode = "" then "_" else "_for_" ^ HOmode ^ "_yields_") ^ (string_of_mode (snd mode))
-  end;
-fun create_definitions preds (name, modes) thy =
-  let
-    val compfuns = PredicateCompFuns.compfuns
-    val T = AList.lookup (op =) preds name |> the
-    fun create_definition (mode as (iss, is)) thy = let
-      val mode_cname = create_constname_of_mode thy "" name mode
-      val mode_cbasename = Long_Name.base_name mode_cname
-      val Ts = binder_types T
-      val (Ts1, Ts2) = chop (length iss) Ts
-      val (Us1, Us2) =  split_smode is Ts2
-      val Ts1' = map2 (fn NONE => I | SOME is => funT_of compfuns ([], is)) iss Ts1
-      val funT = (Ts1' @ Us1) ---> (mk_predT compfuns (mk_tupleT Us2))
-      val names = Name.variant_list []
-        (map (fn i => "x" ^ string_of_int i) (1 upto (length Ts)));
-      val xs = map Free (names ~~ (Ts1' @ Ts2));                   
-      val (xparams, xargs) = chop (length iss) xs;
-      val (xins, xouts) = split_smode is xargs 
-      val (xparams', names') = fold_map mk_Eval_of ((xparams ~~ Ts1) ~~ iss) names
-      fun mk_split_lambda [] t = lambda (Free (Name.variant names' "x", HOLogic.unitT)) t
-        | mk_split_lambda [x] t = lambda x t
-        | mk_split_lambda xs t =
-        let
-          fun mk_split_lambda' (x::y::[]) t = HOLogic.mk_split (lambda x (lambda y t))
-            | mk_split_lambda' (x::xs) t = HOLogic.mk_split (lambda x (mk_split_lambda' xs t))
-        in
-          mk_split_lambda' xs t
-        end;
-      val predterm = PredicateCompFuns.mk_Enum (mk_split_lambda xouts
-        (list_comb (Const (name, T), xparams' @ xargs)))
-      val lhs = list_comb (Const (mode_cname, funT), xparams @ xins)
-      val def = Logic.mk_equals (lhs, predterm)
-      val ([definition], thy') = thy |>
-        Sign.add_consts_i [( mode_cbasename, funT, NoSyn)] |>
-        PureThy.add_defs false [(( (mode_cbasename ^ "_def"), def), [])]
-      val (intro, elim) =
-        create_intro_elim_rule mode definition mode_cname funT (Const (name, T)) thy'
-      in thy' |> add_predfun name mode (mode_cname, definition, intro, elim)
-        |> PureThy.store_thm ( (mode_cbasename ^ "I"), intro) |> snd
-        |> PureThy.store_thm ( (mode_cbasename ^ "E"), elim)  |> snd
-        |> Theory.checkpoint
-      end;
-  in
-    fold create_definition modes thy
-  end;
-fun sizelim_create_definitions preds (name, modes) thy =
-  let
-    val T = AList.lookup (op =) preds name |> the
-    fun create_definition mode thy =
-      let
-        val mode_cname = create_constname_of_mode thy "sizelim_" name mode
-        val funT = sizelim_funT_of PredicateCompFuns.compfuns mode T
-      in
-        thy |> Sign.add_consts_i [( (Long_Name.base_name mode_cname), funT, NoSyn)]
-        |> set_sizelim_function_name name mode mode_cname 
-      end;
-  in
-    fold create_definition modes thy
-  end;
-fun rpred_create_definitions preds (name, modes) thy =
-  let
-    val T = AList.lookup (op =) preds name |> the
-    fun create_definition mode thy =
-      let
-        val mode_cname = create_constname_of_mode thy "gen_" name mode
-        val funT = sizelim_funT_of RPredCompFuns.compfuns mode T
-      in
-        thy |> Sign.add_consts_i [( (Long_Name.base_name mode_cname), funT, NoSyn)]
-        |> set_generator_name name mode mode_cname 
-      end;
-  in
-    fold create_definition modes thy
-  end;
-(* Proving equivalence of term *)
-fun is_Type (Type _) = true
-  | is_Type _ = false
-(* returns true if t is an application of an datatype constructor *)
-(* which then consequently would be splitted *)
-(* else false *)
-fun is_constructor thy t =
-  if (is_Type (fastype_of t)) then
-    (case Datatype.get_info thy ((fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t) of
-      NONE => false
-    | SOME info => (let
-      val constr_consts = maps (fn (_, (_, _, constrs)) => map fst constrs) (#descr info)
-      val (c, _) = strip_comb t
-      in (case c of
-        Const (name, _) => name mem_string constr_consts
-        | _ => false) end))
-  else false
-(* MAJOR FIXME:  prove_params should be simple
- - different form of introrule for parameters ? *)
-fun prove_param thy (NONE, t) = TRY (rtac @{thm refl} 1)
-  | prove_param thy (m as SOME (Mode (mode, is, ms)), t) =
-  let
-    val  (f, args) = strip_comb (Envir.eta_contract t)
-    val (params, _) = chop (length ms) args
-    val f_tac = case f of
-      Const (name, T) => simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps 
-         (@{thm eval_pred}::(predfun_definition_of thy name mode)::
-         @{thm "Product_Type.split_conv"}::[])) 1
-    | Free _ => TRY (rtac @{thm refl} 1)
-    | Abs _ => error "prove_param: No valid parameter term"
-  in
-    REPEAT_DETERM (etac @{thm thin_rl} 1)
-    THEN REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm ext} 1)
-    THEN print_tac "prove_param"
-    THEN f_tac
-    THEN print_tac "after simplification in prove_args"
-    THEN (EVERY (map (prove_param thy) (ms ~~ params)))
-    THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (atac 1))
-  end
-fun prove_expr thy (Mode (mode, is, ms), t, us) (premposition : int) =
-  case strip_comb t of
-    (Const (name, T), args) =>  
-      let
-        val introrule = predfun_intro_of thy name mode
-        val (args1, args2) = chop (length ms) args
-      in
-        rtac @{thm bindI} 1
-        THEN print_tac "before intro rule:"
-        (* for the right assumption in first position *)
-        THEN rotate_tac premposition 1
-        THEN debug_tac (Display.string_of_thm (ProofContext.init thy) introrule)
-        THEN rtac introrule 1
-        THEN print_tac "after intro rule"
-        (* work with parameter arguments *)
-        THEN (atac 1)
-        THEN (print_tac "parameter goal")
-        THEN (EVERY (map (prove_param thy) (ms ~~ args1)))
-        THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (atac 1))
-      end
-  | _ => rtac @{thm bindI} 1 THEN atac 1
-fun SOLVED tac st = FILTER (fn st' => nprems_of st' = nprems_of st - 1) tac st; 
-fun SOLVEDALL tac st = FILTER (fn st' => nprems_of st' = 0) tac st
-fun prove_match thy (out_ts : term list) = let
-  fun get_case_rewrite t =
-    if (is_constructor thy t) then let
-      val case_rewrites = (#case_rewrites (Datatype.the_info thy
-        ((fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t)))
-      in case_rewrites @ maps get_case_rewrite (snd (strip_comb t)) end
-    else []
-  val simprules = @{thm "unit.cases"} :: @{thm "prod.cases"} :: maps get_case_rewrite out_ts
-(* replace TRY by determining if it necessary - are there equations when calling compile match? *)
-   (* make this simpset better! *)
-  asm_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss' addsimps simprules) 1
-  THEN print_tac "after prove_match:"
-  THEN (DETERM (TRY (EqSubst.eqsubst_tac (ProofContext.init thy) [0] [@{thm "HOL.if_P"}] 1
-         THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm conjI} 1 THEN (SOLVED (asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss 1))))
-         THEN (SOLVED (asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss 1)))))
-  THEN print_tac "after if simplification"
-(* corresponds to compile_fun -- maybe call that also compile_sidecond? *)
-fun prove_sidecond thy modes t =
-  let
-    fun preds_of t nameTs = case strip_comb t of 
-      (f as Const (name, T), args) =>
-        if AList.defined (op =) modes name then (name, T) :: nameTs
-          else fold preds_of args nameTs
-      | _ => nameTs
-    val preds = preds_of t []
-    val defs = map
-      (fn (pred, T) => predfun_definition_of thy pred ([], (1 upto (length (binder_types T)))))
-        preds
-  in 
-    (* remove not_False_eq_True when simpset in prove_match is better *)
-    simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps @{thm not_False_eq_True} :: @{thm eval_pred} :: defs) 1 
-    (* need better control here! *)
-  end
-fun prove_clause thy nargs modes (iss, is) (_, clauses) (ts, moded_ps) =
-  let
-    val (in_ts, clause_out_ts) = split_smode is ts;
-    fun prove_prems out_ts [] =
-      (prove_match thy out_ts)
-      THEN asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1
-      THEN (rtac (if null clause_out_ts then @{thm singleI_unit} else @{thm singleI}) 1)
-    | prove_prems out_ts ((p, mode as Mode ((iss, is), _, param_modes)) :: ps) =
-      let
-        val premposition = (find_index (equal p) clauses) + nargs
-        val rest_tac = (case p of Prem (us, t) =>
-            let
-              val (_, out_ts''') = split_smode is us
-              val rec_tac = prove_prems out_ts''' ps
-            in
-              print_tac "before clause:"
-              THEN asm_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss 1
-              THEN print_tac "before prove_expr:"
-              THEN prove_expr thy (mode, t, us) premposition
-              THEN print_tac "after prove_expr:"
-              THEN rec_tac
-            end
-          | Negprem (us, t) =>
-            let
-              val (_, out_ts''') = split_smode is us
-              val rec_tac = prove_prems out_ts''' ps
-              val name = (case strip_comb t of (Const (c, _), _) => SOME c | _ => NONE)
-              val (_, params) = strip_comb t
-            in
-              rtac @{thm bindI} 1
-              THEN (if (is_some name) then
-                  simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [predfun_definition_of thy (the name) (iss, is)]) 1
-                  THEN rtac @{thm not_predI} 1
-                  THEN simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [@{thm not_False_eq_True}]) 1
-                  THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (atac 1))
-                  (* FIXME: work with parameter arguments *)
-                  THEN (EVERY (map (prove_param thy) (param_modes ~~ params)))
-                else
-                  rtac @{thm not_predI'} 1)
-                  THEN simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [@{thm not_False_eq_True}]) 1
-              THEN rec_tac
-            end
-          | Sidecond t =>
-           rtac @{thm bindI} 1
-           THEN rtac @{thm if_predI} 1
-           THEN print_tac "before sidecond:"
-           THEN prove_sidecond thy modes t
-           THEN print_tac "after sidecond:"
-           THEN prove_prems [] ps)
-      in (prove_match thy out_ts)
-          THEN rest_tac
-      end;
-    val prems_tac = prove_prems in_ts moded_ps
-  in
-    rtac @{thm bindI} 1
-    THEN rtac @{thm singleI} 1
-    THEN prems_tac
-  end;
-fun select_sup 1 1 = []
-  | select_sup _ 1 = [rtac @{thm supI1}]
-  | select_sup n i = (rtac @{thm supI2})::(select_sup (n - 1) (i - 1));
-fun prove_one_direction thy clauses preds modes pred mode moded_clauses =
-  let
-    val T = the (AList.lookup (op =) preds pred)
-    val nargs = length (binder_types T) - nparams_of thy pred
-    val pred_case_rule = the_elim_of thy pred
-  in
-    REPEAT_DETERM (CHANGED (rewtac @{thm "split_paired_all"}))
-    THEN etac (predfun_elim_of thy pred mode) 1
-    THEN etac pred_case_rule 1
-    THEN (EVERY (map
-           (fn i => EVERY' (select_sup (length moded_clauses) i) i) 
-             (1 upto (length moded_clauses))))
-    THEN (EVERY (map2 (prove_clause thy nargs modes mode) clauses moded_clauses))
-    THEN print_tac "proved one direction"
-  end;
-(** Proof in the other direction **)
-fun prove_match2 thy out_ts = let
-  fun split_term_tac (Free _) = all_tac
-    | split_term_tac t =
-      if (is_constructor thy t) then let
-        val info = Datatype.the_info thy ((fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t)
-        val num_of_constrs = length (#case_rewrites info)
-        (* special treatment of pairs -- because of fishing *)
-        val split_rules = case (fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t of
-          "*" => [@{thm prod.split_asm}] 
-          | _ => PureThy.get_thms thy (((fst o dest_Type o fastype_of) t) ^ ".split_asm")
-        val (_, ts) = strip_comb t
-      in
-        (Splitter.split_asm_tac split_rules 1)
-(*        THEN (Simplifier.asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss 1)
-          THEN (DETERM (TRY (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1))) *)
-        THEN (REPEAT_DETERM_N (num_of_constrs - 1) (etac @{thm botE} 1 ORELSE etac @{thm botE} 2))
-        THEN (EVERY (map split_term_tac ts))
-      end
-    else all_tac
-  in
-    split_term_tac (mk_tuple out_ts)
-    THEN (DETERM (TRY ((Splitter.split_asm_tac [@{thm "split_if_asm"}] 1) THEN (etac @{thm botE} 2))))
-  end
-(* VERY LARGE SIMILIRATIY to function prove_param 
--- join both functions
-(* TODO: remove function *)
-fun prove_param2 thy (NONE, t) = all_tac 
-  | prove_param2 thy (m as SOME (Mode (mode, is, ms)), t) = let
-    val  (f, args) = strip_comb (Envir.eta_contract t)
-    val (params, _) = chop (length ms) args
-    val f_tac = case f of
-        Const (name, T) => full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps 
-           (@{thm eval_pred}::(predfun_definition_of thy name mode)
-           :: @{thm "Product_Type.split_conv"}::[])) 1
-      | Free _ => all_tac
-      | _ => error "prove_param2: illegal parameter term"
-  in  
-    print_tac "before simplification in prove_args:"
-    THEN f_tac
-    THEN print_tac "after simplification in prove_args"
-    THEN (EVERY (map (prove_param2 thy) (ms ~~ params)))
-  end
-fun prove_expr2 thy (Mode (mode, is, ms), t) = 
-  (case strip_comb t of
-    (Const (name, T), args) =>
-      etac @{thm bindE} 1
-      THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (CHANGED (rewtac @{thm "split_paired_all"})))
-      THEN print_tac "prove_expr2-before"
-      THEN (debug_tac (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy
-        (prop_of (predfun_elim_of thy name mode))))
-      THEN (etac (predfun_elim_of thy name mode) 1)
-      THEN print_tac "prove_expr2"
-      THEN (EVERY (map (prove_param2 thy) (ms ~~ args)))
-      THEN print_tac "finished prove_expr2"      
-    | _ => etac @{thm bindE} 1)
-(* FIXME: what is this for? *)
-(* replace defined by has_mode thy pred *)
-(* TODO: rewrite function *)
-fun prove_sidecond2 thy modes t = let
-  fun preds_of t nameTs = case strip_comb t of 
-    (f as Const (name, T), args) =>
-      if AList.defined (op =) modes name then (name, T) :: nameTs
-        else fold preds_of args nameTs
-    | _ => nameTs
-  val preds = preds_of t []
-  val defs = map
-    (fn (pred, T) => predfun_definition_of thy pred ([], (1 upto (length (binder_types T)))))
-      preds
-  in
-   (* only simplify the one assumption *)
-   full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss' addsimps @{thm eval_pred} :: defs) 1 
-   (* need better control here! *)
-   THEN print_tac "after sidecond2 simplification"
-   end
-fun prove_clause2 thy modes pred (iss, is) (ts, ps) i =
-  let
-    val pred_intro_rule = nth (intros_of thy pred) (i - 1)
-    val (in_ts, clause_out_ts) = split_smode is ts;
-    fun prove_prems2 out_ts [] =
-      print_tac "before prove_match2 - last call:"
-      THEN prove_match2 thy out_ts
-      THEN print_tac "after prove_match2 - last call:"
-      THEN (etac @{thm singleE} 1)
-      THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1))
-      THEN (asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1)
-      THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1))
-      THEN (asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1)
-      THEN SOLVED (print_tac "state before applying intro rule:"
-      THEN (rtac pred_intro_rule 1)
-      (* How to handle equality correctly? *)
-      THEN (print_tac "state before assumption matching")
-      THEN (REPEAT (atac 1 ORELSE 
-         (CHANGED (asm_full_simp_tac HOL_basic_ss' 1)
-          THEN print_tac "state after simp_tac:"))))
-    | prove_prems2 out_ts ((p, mode as Mode ((iss, is), _, param_modes)) :: ps) =
-      let
-        val rest_tac = (case p of
-          Prem (us, t) =>
-          let
-            val (_, out_ts''') = split_smode is us
-            val rec_tac = prove_prems2 out_ts''' ps
-          in
-            (prove_expr2 thy (mode, t)) THEN rec_tac
-          end
-        | Negprem (us, t) =>
-          let
-            val (_, out_ts''') = split_smode is us
-            val rec_tac = prove_prems2 out_ts''' ps
-            val name = (case strip_comb t of (Const (c, _), _) => SOME c | _ => NONE)
-            val (_, params) = strip_comb t
-          in
-            print_tac "before neg prem 2"
-            THEN etac @{thm bindE} 1
-            THEN (if is_some name then
-                full_simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [predfun_definition_of thy (the name) (iss, is)]) 1 
-                THEN etac @{thm not_predE} 1
-                THEN simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [@{thm not_False_eq_True}]) 1
-                THEN (EVERY (map (prove_param2 thy) (param_modes ~~ params)))
-              else
-                etac @{thm not_predE'} 1)
-            THEN rec_tac
-          end 
-        | Sidecond t =>
-          etac @{thm bindE} 1
-          THEN etac @{thm if_predE} 1
-          THEN prove_sidecond2 thy modes t 
-          THEN prove_prems2 [] ps)
-      in print_tac "before prove_match2:"
-         THEN prove_match2 thy out_ts
-         THEN print_tac "after prove_match2:"
-         THEN rest_tac
-      end;
-    val prems_tac = prove_prems2 in_ts ps 
-  in
-    print_tac "starting prove_clause2"
-    THEN etac @{thm bindE} 1
-    THEN (etac @{thm singleE'} 1)
-    THEN (TRY (etac @{thm Pair_inject} 1))
-    THEN print_tac "after singleE':"
-    THEN prems_tac
-  end;
-fun prove_other_direction thy modes pred mode moded_clauses =
-  let
-    fun prove_clause clause i =
-      (if i < length moded_clauses then etac @{thm supE} 1 else all_tac)
-      THEN (prove_clause2 thy modes pred mode clause i)
-  in
-    (DETERM (TRY (rtac @{thm unit.induct} 1)))
-     THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (CHANGED (rewtac @{thm split_paired_all})))
-     THEN (rtac (predfun_intro_of thy pred mode) 1)
-     THEN (REPEAT_DETERM (rtac @{thm refl} 2))
-     THEN (EVERY (map2 prove_clause moded_clauses (1 upto (length moded_clauses))))
-  end;
-(** proof procedure **)
-fun prove_pred thy clauses preds modes pred mode (moded_clauses, compiled_term) =
-  let
-    val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy
-    val clauses = the (AList.lookup (op =) clauses pred)
-  in
-    Goal.prove ctxt (Term.add_free_names compiled_term []) [] compiled_term
-      (if !do_proofs then
-        (fn _ =>
-        rtac @{thm pred_iffI} 1
-        THEN prove_one_direction thy clauses preds modes pred mode moded_clauses
-        THEN print_tac "proved one direction"
-        THEN prove_other_direction thy modes pred mode moded_clauses
-        THEN print_tac "proved other direction")
-       else (fn _ => mycheat_tac thy 1))
-  end;
-(* composition of mode inference, definition, compilation and proof *)
-(** auxillary combinators for table of preds and modes **)
-fun map_preds_modes f preds_modes_table =
-  map (fn (pred, modes) =>
-    (pred, map (fn (mode, value) => (mode, f pred mode value)) modes)) preds_modes_table
-fun join_preds_modes table1 table2 =
-  map_preds_modes (fn pred => fn mode => fn value =>
-    (value, the (AList.lookup (op =) (the (AList.lookup (op =) table2 pred)) mode))) table1
-fun maps_modes preds_modes_table =
-  map (fn (pred, modes) =>
-    (pred, map (fn (mode, value) => value) modes)) preds_modes_table  
-fun compile_preds compfuns mk_fun_of use_size thy all_vs param_vs preds moded_clauses =
-  map_preds_modes (fn pred => compile_pred compfuns mk_fun_of use_size thy all_vs param_vs pred
-      (the (AList.lookup (op =) preds pred))) moded_clauses  
-fun prove thy clauses preds modes moded_clauses compiled_terms =
-  map_preds_modes (prove_pred thy clauses preds modes)
-    (join_preds_modes moded_clauses compiled_terms)
-fun prove_by_skip thy _ _ _ _ compiled_terms =
-  map_preds_modes (fn pred => fn mode => fn t => Drule.standard (Skip_Proof.make_thm thy t))
-    compiled_terms
-fun prepare_intrs thy prednames =
-  let
-    val intrs = maps (intros_of thy) prednames
-      |> map (Logic.unvarify o prop_of)
-    val nparams = nparams_of thy (hd prednames)
-    val extra_modes = all_modes_of thy |> filter_out (fn (name, _) => member (op =) prednames name)
-    val preds = distinct (op =) (map (dest_Const o fst o (strip_intro_concl nparams)) intrs)
-    val _ $ u = Logic.strip_imp_concl (hd intrs);
-    val params = List.take (snd (strip_comb u), nparams);
-    val param_vs = maps term_vs params
-    val all_vs = terms_vs intrs
-    fun dest_prem t =
-      (case strip_comb t of
-        (v as Free _, ts) => if v mem params then Prem (ts, v) else Sidecond t
-      | (c as Const (@{const_name Not}, _), [t]) => (case dest_prem t of          
-          Prem (ts, t) => Negprem (ts, t)
-        | Negprem _ => error ("Double negation not allowed in premise: " ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy (c $ t))) 
-        | Sidecond t => Sidecond (c $ t))
-      | (c as Const (s, _), ts) =>
-        if is_registered thy s then
-          let val (ts1, ts2) = chop (nparams_of thy s) ts
-          in Prem (ts2, list_comb (c, ts1)) end
-        else Sidecond t
-      | _ => Sidecond t)
-    fun add_clause intr (clauses, arities) =
-    let
-      val _ $ t = Logic.strip_imp_concl intr;
-      val (Const (name, T), ts) = strip_comb t;
-      val (ts1, ts2) = chop nparams ts;
-      val prems = map (dest_prem o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop) (Logic.strip_imp_prems intr);
-      val (Ts, Us) = chop nparams (binder_types T)
-    in
-      (AList.update op = (name, these (AList.lookup op = clauses name) @
-        [(ts2, prems)]) clauses,
-       AList.update op = (name, (map (fn U => (case strip_type U of
-                 (Rs as _ :: _, Type ("bool", [])) => SOME (length Rs)
-               | _ => NONE)) Ts,
-             length Us)) arities)
-    end;
-    val (clauses, arities) = fold add_clause intrs ([], []);
-  in (preds, nparams, all_vs, param_vs, extra_modes, clauses, arities) end;
-(** main function of predicate compiler **)
-fun add_equations_of steps prednames thy =
-  let
-    val _ = tracing ("Starting predicate compiler for predicates " ^ commas prednames ^ "...")
-    val (preds, nparams, all_vs, param_vs, extra_modes, clauses, arities) =
-      prepare_intrs thy prednames
-    val _ = tracing "Infering modes..."
-    val moded_clauses = #infer_modes steps thy extra_modes arities param_vs clauses 
-    val modes = map (fn (p, mps) => (p, map fst mps)) moded_clauses
-    val _ = print_modes modes
-    val _ = print_moded_clauses thy moded_clauses
-    val _ = tracing "Defining executable functions..."
-    val thy' = fold (#create_definitions steps preds) modes thy
-      |> Theory.checkpoint
-    val _ = tracing "Compiling equations..."
-    val compiled_terms =
-      (#compile_preds steps) thy' all_vs param_vs preds moded_clauses
-    val _ = print_compiled_terms thy' compiled_terms
-    val _ = tracing "Proving equations..."
-    val result_thms = #prove steps thy' clauses preds (extra_modes @ modes)
-      moded_clauses compiled_terms
-    val qname = #qname steps
-    (* val attrib = gn thy => Attrib.attribute_i thy Code.add_eqn_attrib *)
-    val attrib = fn thy => Attrib.attribute_i thy (Attrib.internal (K (Thm.declaration_attribute
-      (fn thm => Context.mapping (Code.add_eqn thm) I))))
-    val thy'' = fold (fn (name, result_thms) => fn thy => snd (PureThy.add_thmss
-      [((Binding.qualify true (Long_Name.base_name name) ( qname), result_thms),
-        [attrib thy ])] thy))
-      (maps_modes result_thms) thy'
-      |> Theory.checkpoint
-  in
-    thy''
-  end
-fun extend' value_of edges_of key (G, visited) =
-  let
-    val (G', v) = case try (Graph.get_node G) key of
-        SOME v => (G, v)
-      | NONE => (Graph.new_node (key, value_of key) G, value_of key)
-    val (G'', visited') = fold (extend' value_of edges_of) (edges_of (key, v) \\ visited)
-      (G', key :: visited) 
-  in
-    (fold (Graph.add_edge o (pair key)) (edges_of (key, v)) G'', visited')
-  end;
-fun extend value_of edges_of key G = fst (extend' value_of edges_of key (G, [])) 
-fun gen_add_equations steps names thy =
-  let
-    val thy' = (fold (extend (fetch_pred_data thy) (depending_preds_of thy)) names) thy
-      |> Theory.checkpoint;
-    fun strong_conn_of gr keys =
-      Graph.strong_conn (Graph.subgraph (member (op =) (Graph.all_succs gr keys)) gr)
-    val scc = strong_conn_of (PredData.get thy') names
-    val thy'' = fold_rev
-      (fn preds => fn thy =>
-        if #are_not_defined steps thy preds then add_equations_of steps preds thy else thy)
-      scc thy' |> Theory.checkpoint
-  in thy'' end
-(* different instantiantions of the predicate compiler *)
-val add_equations = gen_add_equations
-  {infer_modes = infer_modes false,
-  create_definitions = create_definitions,
-  compile_preds = compile_preds PredicateCompFuns.compfuns mk_fun_of false,
-  prove = prove,
-  are_not_defined = (fn thy => forall (null o modes_of thy)),
-  qname = "equation"}
-val add_sizelim_equations = gen_add_equations
-  {infer_modes = infer_modes false,
-  create_definitions = sizelim_create_definitions,
-  compile_preds = compile_preds PredicateCompFuns.compfuns mk_sizelim_fun_of true,
-  prove = prove_by_skip,
-  are_not_defined = (fn thy => fn preds => true), (* TODO *)
-  qname = "sizelim_equation"
-  }
-val add_quickcheck_equations = gen_add_equations
-  {infer_modes = infer_modes_with_generator,
-  create_definitions = rpred_create_definitions,
-  compile_preds = compile_preds RPredCompFuns.compfuns mk_generator_of true,
-  prove = prove_by_skip,
-  are_not_defined = (fn thy => fn preds => true), (* TODO *)
-  qname = "rpred_equation"}
-(** user interface **)
-(* generation of case rules from user-given introduction rules *)
-fun mk_casesrule ctxt nparams introrules =
-  let
-    val intros = map (Logic.unvarify o prop_of) introrules
-    val (pred, (params, args)) = strip_intro_concl nparams (hd intros)
-    val ([propname], ctxt1) = Variable.variant_fixes ["thesis"] ctxt
-    val prop = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Free (propname, HOLogic.boolT))
-    val (argnames, ctxt2) = Variable.variant_fixes
-      (map (fn i => "a" ^ string_of_int i) (1 upto (length args))) ctxt1
-    val argvs = map2 (curry Free) argnames (map fastype_of args)
-    fun mk_case intro =
-      let
-        val (_, (_, args)) = strip_intro_concl nparams intro
-        val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems intro
-        val eqprems = map (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o HOLogic.mk_eq) (argvs ~~ args)
-        val frees = (fold o fold_aterms)
-          (fn t as Free _ =>
-              if member (op aconv) params t then I else insert (op aconv) t
-           | _ => I) (args @ prems) []
-      in fold Logic.all frees (Logic.list_implies (eqprems @ prems, prop)) end
-    val assm = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb (pred, params @ argvs))
-    val cases = map mk_case intros
-  in Logic.list_implies (assm :: cases, prop) end;
-(* code_pred_intro attribute *)
-fun attrib f = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn thm => Context.mapping (f thm) I);
-val code_pred_intros_attrib = attrib add_intro;
-(* TODO: make TheoryDataFun to GenericDataFun & remove duplication of local theory and theory *)
-(* TODO: must create state to prove multiple cases *)
-fun generic_code_pred prep_const raw_const lthy =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of lthy
-    val const = prep_const thy raw_const
-    val lthy' = LocalTheory.theory (
-        (extend (fetch_pred_data thy) (depending_preds_of thy) const)) lthy
-      |> LocalTheory.checkpoint
-    val thy' = ProofContext.theory_of lthy'
-    val preds = Graph.all_preds (PredData.get thy') [const] |> filter_out (has_elim thy')
-    fun mk_cases const =
-      let
-        val nparams = nparams_of thy' const
-        val intros = intros_of thy' const
-      in mk_casesrule lthy' nparams intros end  
-    val cases_rules = map mk_cases preds
-    val cases =
-      map (fn case_rule => RuleCases.Case {fixes = [],
-        assumes = [("", Logic.strip_imp_prems case_rule)],
-        binds = [], cases = []}) cases_rules
-    val case_env = map2 (fn p => fn c => (Long_Name.base_name p, SOME c)) preds cases
-    val lthy'' = lthy'
-      |> fold Variable.auto_fixes cases_rules 
-      |> ProofContext.add_cases true case_env
-    fun after_qed thms goal_ctxt =
-      let
-        val global_thms = ProofContext.export goal_ctxt
-          (ProofContext.init (ProofContext.theory_of goal_ctxt)) (map the_single thms)
-      in
-        goal_ctxt |> LocalTheory.theory (fold set_elim global_thms #> add_equations [const])
-      end  
-  in
-    Proof.theorem_i NONE after_qed (map (single o (rpair [])) cases_rules) lthy''
-  end;
-structure P = OuterParse
-val code_pred = generic_code_pred (K I);
-val code_pred_cmd = generic_code_pred Code.read_const
-val setup = PredData.put (Graph.empty) #>
-  Attrib.setup @{binding code_pred_intros} (Scan.succeed (attrib add_intro))
-    "adding alternative introduction rules for code generation of inductive predicates"
-(*  Attrib.setup @{binding code_ind_cases} (Scan.succeed add_elim_attrib)
-    "adding alternative elimination rules for code generation of inductive predicates";
-    *)
-  (*FIXME name discrepancy in attribs and ML code*)
-  (*FIXME intros should be better named intro*)
-  (*FIXME why distinguished attribute for cases?*)
-val _ = OuterSyntax.local_theory_to_proof "code_pred"
-  "prove equations for predicate specified by intro/elim rules"
-  OuterKeyword.thy_goal (P.term_group >> code_pred_cmd)
-- Naming of auxiliary rules necessary?
-- add default code equations P x y z = P_i_i_i x y z
-(* transformation for code generation *)
-val eval_ref = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE : (unit -> term Predicate.pred) option);
-(*FIXME turn this into an LCF-guarded preprocessor for comprehensions*)
-fun analyze_compr thy t_compr =
-  let
-    val split = case t_compr of (Const (@{const_name Collect}, _) $ t) => t
-      | _ => error ("Not a set comprehension: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t_compr);
-    val (body, Ts, fp) = HOLogic.strip_psplits split;
-    val (pred as Const (name, T), all_args) = strip_comb body;
-    val (params, args) = chop (nparams_of thy name) all_args;
-    val user_mode = map_filter I (map_index
-      (fn (i, t) => case t of Bound j => if j < length Ts then NONE
-        else SOME (i+1) | _ => SOME (i+1)) args); (*FIXME dangling bounds should not occur*)
-    val modes = filter (fn Mode (_, is, _) => is = user_mode)
-      (modes_of_term (all_modes_of thy) (list_comb (pred, params)));
-    val m = case modes
-     of [] => error ("No mode possible for comprehension "
-                ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t_compr)
-      | [m] => m
-      | m :: _ :: _ => (warning ("Multiple modes possible for comprehension "
-                ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t_compr); m);
-    val (inargs, outargs) = split_smode user_mode args;
-    val t_pred = list_comb (compile_expr NONE thy (m, list_comb (pred, params)), inargs);
-    val t_eval = if null outargs then t_pred else let
-        val outargs_bounds = map (fn Bound i => i) outargs;
-        val outargsTs = map (nth Ts) outargs_bounds;
-        val T_pred = HOLogic.mk_tupleT outargsTs;
-        val T_compr = HOLogic.mk_ptupleT fp Ts;
-        val arrange_bounds = map_index I outargs_bounds
-          |> sort (prod_ord (K EQUAL) int_ord)
-          |> map fst;
-        val arrange = funpow (length outargs_bounds - 1) HOLogic.mk_split
-          (Term.list_abs (map (pair "") outargsTs,
-            HOLogic.mk_ptuple fp T_compr (map Bound arrange_bounds)))
-      in mk_map PredicateCompFuns.compfuns T_pred T_compr arrange t_pred end
-  in t_eval end;
-fun eval thy t_compr =
-  let
-    val t = analyze_compr thy t_compr;
-    val T = dest_predT PredicateCompFuns.compfuns (fastype_of t);
-    val t' = mk_map PredicateCompFuns.compfuns T HOLogic.termT (HOLogic.term_of_const T) t;
-  in (T, Code_ML.eval NONE ("Predicate_Compile.eval_ref", eval_ref) thy t' []) end;
-fun values ctxt k t_compr =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    val (T, t) = eval thy t_compr;
-    val setT = HOLogic.mk_setT T;
-    val (ts, _) = Predicate.yieldn k t;
-    val elemsT = HOLogic.mk_set T ts;
-  in if k = ~1 orelse length ts < k then elemsT
-    else Const (@{const_name Lattices.sup}, setT --> setT --> setT) $ elemsT $ t_compr
-  end;
-fun values_cmd modes k raw_t state =
-  let
-    val ctxt = Toplevel.context_of state;
-    val t = Syntax.read_term ctxt raw_t;
-    val t' = values ctxt k t;
-    val ty' = Term.type_of t';
-    val ctxt' = Variable.auto_fixes t' ctxt;
-    val p = PrintMode.with_modes modes (fn () =>
-      Pretty.block [Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt' t'), Pretty.fbrk,
-        Pretty.str "::", Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt' ty')]) ();
-  in Pretty.writeln p end;
-local structure P = OuterParse in
-val opt_modes = Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.!!! (Scan.repeat1 P.xname --| P.$$$ ")")) [];
-val _ = OuterSyntax.improper_command "values" "enumerate and print comprehensions" OuterKeyword.diag
-  (opt_modes -- Scan.optional P.nat ~1 -- P.term
-    >> (fn ((modes, k), t) => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.keep
-        (values_cmd modes k t)));
--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_axioms.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_axioms.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
       fun one_con (con,args) = let
         val nonrec_args = filter_out is_rec args;
-        val    rec_args = List.filter     is_rec args;
+        val    rec_args = filter is_rec args;
         val    recs_cnt = length rec_args;
         val allargs     = nonrec_args @ rec_args
                           @ map (upd_vname (fn s=> s^"'")) rec_args;
--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_library.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_library.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -241,8 +241,8 @@
 val upd_vname =   upd_third;
 fun is_rec         arg = rec_of arg >=0;
 fun is_nonlazy_rec arg = is_rec arg andalso not (is_lazy arg);
-fun nonlazy     args   = map vname (filter_out is_lazy    args);
-fun nonlazy_rec args   = map vname (List.filter is_nonlazy_rec args);
+fun nonlazy     args   = map vname (filter_out is_lazy args);
+fun nonlazy_rec args   = map vname (filter is_nonlazy_rec args);
 (* ----- combinators for making dtyps ----- *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_theorems.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_theorems.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
       val nlas = nonlazy args;
       val vns = map vname args;
       val vnn = List.nth (vns, n);
-      val nlas' = List.filter (fn v => v <> vnn) nlas;
+      val nlas' = filter (fn v => v <> vnn) nlas;
       val lhs = (%%:sel)`(con_app con args);
       val goal = lift_defined %: (nlas', mk_trp (lhs === %:vnn));
       fun tacs1 ctxt =
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
       val sargs = case largs of [_] => [] | _ => nonlazy args;
       val prop = lift_defined %: (sargs, mk_trp (prem === concl));
     in pg con_appls prop end;
-  val cons' = List.filter (fn (_,args) => args<>[]) cons;
+  val cons' = filter (fn (_,args) => args<>[]) cons;
   val _ = trace " Proving inverts...";
   val inverts =
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@
           else (%# arg);
       val rhs = con_app2 con one_rhs args;
       val goal = lift_defined %: (nonlazy_rec args, mk_trp (lhs === rhs));
-      val args' = List.filter (fn a => not (is_rec a orelse is_lazy a)) args;
+      val args' = filter_out (fn a => is_rec a orelse is_lazy a) args;
       val stricts = abs_strict :: rep_strict :: @{thms domain_fun_stricts};
       fun tacs1 ctxt = map (case_UU_tac ctxt stricts 1 o vname) args';
       val rules = [ax_abs_iso] @ @{thms domain_fun_simps};
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
   fun has_nonlazy_rec (_, args) = exists is_nonlazy_rec args;
   val _ = trace " Proving copy_stricts...";
-  val copy_stricts = map one_strict (List.filter has_nonlazy_rec cons);
+  val copy_stricts = map one_strict (filter has_nonlazy_rec cons);
 val copy_rews = copy_strict :: copy_apps @ copy_stricts;
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@
         in Library.foldr mk_all (map vname args, lhs === rhs) end;
       fun mk_eqns ((dn, _), cons) = map (mk_eqn dn) cons;
       val goal = mk_trp (foldr1 mk_conj (maps mk_eqns eqs));
-      val simps = List.filter (has_fewer_prems 1) copy_rews;
+      val simps = filter (has_fewer_prems 1) copy_rews;
       fun con_tac ctxt (con, args) =
         if nonlazy_rec args = []
         then all_tac
@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@
       fun ind_hyp arg = %:(P_name (1 + rec_of arg)) $ bound_arg args arg;
       val t1 = mk_trp (%:p $ con_app2 con (bound_arg args) args);
-      val t2 = lift ind_hyp (List.filter is_rec args, t1);
+      val t2 = lift ind_hyp (filter is_rec args, t1);
       val t3 = lift_defined (bound_arg (map vname args)) (nonlazy args, t2);
     in Library.foldr mk_All (map vname args, t3) end;
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
         maps (fn (_,args) => 
           resolve_tac prems 1 ::
           map (K(atac 1)) (nonlazy args) @
-          map (K(atac 1)) (List.filter is_rec args))
+          map (K(atac 1)) (filter is_rec args))
@@ -812,10 +812,10 @@
               (List.nth (dnames, rec_of arg) ^ "_take n$" ^ vname arg);
           fun con_tacs (con, args) = 
             asm_simp_tac take_ss 1 ::
-            map arg_tac (List.filter is_nonlazy_rec args) @
+            map arg_tac (filter is_nonlazy_rec args) @
             [resolve_tac prems 1] @
-            map (K (atac 1))      (nonlazy args) @
-            map (K (etac spec 1)) (List.filter is_rec args);
+            map (K (atac 1)) (nonlazy args) @
+            map (K (etac spec 1)) (filter is_rec args);
           fun cases_tacs (cons, cases) =
             res_inst_tac context [(("x", 0), "x")] cases 1 ::
             asm_simp_tac (take_ss addsimps prems) 1 ::
--- a/src/Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
   case ty  of Eq => k <> 0 | Le => k > 0 | Lt => k >= 0;
 fun calc_blowup l =
-  let val (p,n) = List.partition (curry (op <) 0) (List.filter (curry (op <>) 0) l)
+  let val (p,n) = List.partition (curry (op <) 0) (filter (curry (op <>) 0) l)
   in length p * length n end;
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
--- a/src/Provers/classical.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Provers/classical.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@
 (*version of bimatch_from_nets_tac that only applies rules that
   create precisely n subgoals.*)
 fun n_bimatch_from_nets_tac n =
-    biresolution_from_nets_tac (order_list o List.filter (nsubgoalsP n)) true;
+    biresolution_from_nets_tac (order_list o filter (nsubgoalsP n)) true;
 fun eq_contr_tac i = ematch_tac [not_elim] i  THEN  eq_assume_tac i;
 val eq_assume_contr_tac = eq_assume_tac ORELSE' eq_contr_tac;
--- a/src/Provers/splitter.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Provers/splitter.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
   if n > length ts then []
   else let val lev = length apsns
            val lbnos = fold add_lbnos (Library.take (n, ts)) []
-           val flbnos = List.filter (fn i => i < lev) lbnos
+           val flbnos = filter (fn i => i < lev) lbnos
            val tt = incr_boundvars (~lev) t
        in if null flbnos then
             if T = T' then [(thm,[],pos,TB,tt)] else []
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/code.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/code.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -639,7 +639,8 @@
 (* datatypes *)
-structure Type_Interpretation = InterpretationFun(type T = string * serial val eq = eq_snd (op =) : T * T -> bool);
+structure Type_Interpretation =
+  Interpretation(type T = string * serial val eq = eq_snd (op =) : T * T -> bool);
 fun add_datatype raw_cs thy =
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/expression.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/expression.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -641,8 +641,8 @@
       |> bodyT = propT ? Sign.add_advanced_trfuns ([], [], [aprop_tr' (length args) name], [])
       |> Sign.declare_const ((bname, predT), NoSyn) |> snd
       |> PureThy.add_defs false
-        [((Binding.conceal (Binding.map_name Thm.def_name bname), Logic.mk_equals (head, body)),
-          [Thm.kind_internal])];
+        [((Binding.conceal (Binding.map_name Thm.def_name bname),
+            Logic.mk_equals (head, body)), [])];
     val defs_ctxt = ProofContext.init defs_thy |> Variable.declare_term head;
     val cert = Thm.cterm_of defs_thy;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/rule_cases.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/rule_cases.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
   val name: string list -> thm -> thm
   val case_names: string list -> attribute
   val case_conclusion: string * string list -> attribute
+  val is_inner_rule: thm -> bool
+  val inner_rule: attribute
   val save: thm -> thm -> thm
   val get: thm -> (string * string list) list * int
   val rename_params: string list list -> thm -> thm
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@
 fun extract_case is_open thy (case_outline, raw_prop) name concls =
-    val rename = if is_open then I else (apfst (Name.internal o Name.clean));
+    val rename = if is_open then I else apfst (Name.internal o Name.clean);
     val props = Logic.dest_conjunctions (Drule.norm_hhf thy raw_prop);
     val len = length props;
@@ -212,7 +214,7 @@
 val consumes_tagN = "consumes";
 fun lookup_consumes th =
-  (case AList.lookup (op =) (Thm.get_tags th) (consumes_tagN) of
+  (case AList.lookup (op =) (Thm.get_tags th) consumes_tagN of
     NONE => NONE
   | SOME s =>
       (case Lexicon.read_nat s of SOME n => SOME n
@@ -223,14 +225,13 @@
 fun put_consumes NONE th = th
   | put_consumes (SOME n) th = th
       |> Thm.untag_rule consumes_tagN
-      |> Thm.tag_rule
-        (consumes_tagN, Library.string_of_int (if n < 0 then Thm.nprems_of th + n else n));
+      |> Thm.tag_rule (consumes_tagN, string_of_int (if n < 0 then Thm.nprems_of th + n else n));
 fun add_consumes k th = put_consumes (SOME (k + get_consumes th)) th;
 val save_consumes = put_consumes o lookup_consumes;
-fun consumes n x = Thm.rule_attribute (K (put_consumes (SOME n))) x;
+fun consumes n = Thm.rule_attribute (K (put_consumes (SOME n)));
 fun consumes_default n x =
   if is_some (lookup_consumes (#2 x)) then x else consumes n x;
@@ -282,7 +283,24 @@
       else NONE)
   in fold add_case_concl concls end;
-fun case_conclusion concl = Thm.rule_attribute (fn _ => add_case_concl concl);
+fun case_conclusion concl = Thm.rule_attribute (K (add_case_concl concl));
+(** inner rule **)
+val inner_rule_tagN = "inner_rule";
+fun is_inner_rule th =
+  AList.defined (op =) (Thm.get_tags th) inner_rule_tagN;
+fun put_inner_rule inner =
+  Thm.untag_rule inner_rule_tagN
+  #> inner ? Thm.tag_rule (inner_rule_tagN, "");
+val save_inner_rule = put_inner_rule o is_inner_rule;
+val inner_rule = Thm.rule_attribute (K (put_inner_rule true));
@@ -290,7 +308,11 @@
 (* access hints *)
-fun save th = save_consumes th #> save_case_names th #> save_case_concls th;
+fun save th =
+  save_consumes th #>
+  save_case_names th #>
+  save_case_concls th #>
+  save_inner_rule th;
 fun get th =
@@ -357,5 +379,5 @@
-structure BasicRuleCases: BASIC_RULE_CASES = RuleCases;
-open BasicRuleCases;
+structure Basic_Rule_Cases: BASIC_RULE_CASES = RuleCases;
+open Basic_Rule_Cases;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/rule_insts.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/rule_insts.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
     (* Separate type and term insts *)
     fun has_type_var ((x, _), _) =
       (case Symbol.explode x of "'" :: _ => true | _ => false);
-    val Tinsts = List.filter has_type_var insts;
+    val Tinsts = filter has_type_var insts;
     val tinsts = filter_out has_type_var insts;
     (* Tactic *)
--- a/src/Pure/Proof/extraction.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Proof/extraction.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@
                     val nt = Envir.beta_norm t;
                     val args = filter_out (fn v => member (op =) rtypes
                       (tname_of (body_type (fastype_of v)))) (vfs_of prop);
-                    val args' = List.filter (fn v => Logic.occs (v, nt)) args;
+                    val args' = filter (fn v => Logic.occs (v, nt)) args;
                     val t' = mkabs nt args';
                     val T = fastype_of t';
                     val cname = extr_name s vs';
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -615,11 +615,11 @@
 (*Get all rhss with precedence >= minPrec*)
-fun getRHS minPrec = List.filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= minPrec);
+fun getRHS minPrec = filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= minPrec);
 (*Get all rhss with precedence >= minPrec and < maxPrec*)
 fun getRHS' minPrec maxPrec =
-  List.filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= minPrec andalso prec < maxPrec);
+  filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= minPrec andalso prec < maxPrec);
 (*Make states using a list of rhss*)
 fun mkStates i minPrec lhsID rhss =
@@ -655,19 +655,19 @@
   in update (used, []) end;
 fun getS A maxPrec Si =
-  List.filter
+  filter
     (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _)
           => A = B andalso prec <= maxPrec
       | _ => false) Si;
 fun getS' A maxPrec minPrec Si =
-  List.filter
+  filter
     (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _)
           => A = B andalso prec > minPrec andalso prec <= maxPrec
       | _ => false) Si;
 fun getStates Estate i ii A maxPrec =
-  List.filter
+  filter
     (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _)
           => A = B andalso prec <= maxPrec
       | _ => false)
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/syn_ext.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/syn_ext.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
 val read_symbs = map_filter I o the o Symbol.stopper scan_symbs;
 fun unique_index xsymbs =
-  if length (List.filter is_index xsymbs) <= 1 then xsymbs
+  if length (filter is_index xsymbs) <= 1 then xsymbs
   else error "Duplicate index arguments (\\<index>)";
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
 val read_mfix = unique_index o read_symbs o Symbol.explode;
 fun mfix_delims sy = fold_rev (fn Delim s => cons s | _ => I) (read_mfix sy) [];
-val mfix_args = length o List.filter is_argument o read_mfix;
+val mfix_args = length o filter is_argument o read_mfix;
 val escape_mfix = implode o map (fn s => if is_meta s then "'" ^ s else s) o Symbol.explode;
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
     val raw_symbs = read_mfix sy handle ERROR msg => err_in_mfix msg mfix;
-    val args = List.filter (fn Argument _ => true | _ => false) raw_symbs;
+    val args = filter (fn Argument _ => true | _ => false) raw_symbs;
     val (const', typ', parse_rules) =
       if not (exists is_index args) then (const, typ, [])
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
     val xprod' =
       if Lexicon.is_terminal lhs' then err_in_mfix ("Illegal lhs: " ^ lhs') mfix
       else if const <> "" then xprod
-      else if length (List.filter is_argument symbs') <> 1 then
+      else if length (filter is_argument symbs') <> 1 then
         err_in_mfix "Copy production must have exactly one argument" mfix
       else if exists is_terminal symbs' then xprod
       else XProd (lhs', map rem_pri symbs', "", chain_pri);
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/find_consts.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/find_consts.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -11,11 +11,10 @@
       Strict of string
     | Loose of string
     | Name of string
   val find_consts : Proof.context -> (bool * criterion) list -> unit
-structure FindConsts : FIND_CONSTS =
+structure Find_Consts : FIND_CONSTS =
 (* search criteria *)
@@ -162,7 +161,7 @@
 val _ =
   OuterSyntax.improper_command "find_consts" "search constants by type pattern" K.diag
-    (Scan.repeat (((Scan.option P.minus >> is_none) -- criterion))
+    (Scan.repeat ((Scan.option P.minus >> is_none) -- criterion)
       >> (Toplevel.no_timing oo find_consts_cmd));
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/find_theorems.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/find_theorems.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
     (bool * string criterion) list -> unit
-structure FindTheorems: FIND_THEOREMS =
+structure Find_Theorems: FIND_THEOREMS =
 (** search criteria **)
@@ -28,24 +28,22 @@
   Pattern of 'term;
 fun apply_dummies tm =
-  strip_abs tm
-  |> fst
-  |> map (Term.dummy_pattern o snd)
-  |> betapplys o pair tm
-  |> (fn x => Term.replace_dummy_patterns x 1)
-  |> fst;
+  let
+    val (xs, _) = Term.strip_abs tm;
+    val tm' = Term.betapplys (tm, map (Term.dummy_pattern o #2) xs);
+  in #1 (Term.replace_dummy_patterns tm' 1) end;
 fun parse_pattern ctxt nm =
-    val nm' = case Syntax.parse_term ctxt nm of Const (n, _) => n | _ => nm;
     val consts = ProofContext.consts_of ctxt;
+    val nm' =
+      (case Syntax.parse_term ctxt nm of
+        Const (c, _) => c
+      | _ => Consts.intern consts nm);
-    nm'
-    |> Consts.intern consts
-    |> Consts.the_abbreviation consts
-    |> snd
-    |> apply_dummies
-    handle TYPE _ => ProofContext.read_term_pattern ctxt nm
+    (case try (Consts.the_abbreviation consts) nm' of
+      SOME (_, rhs) => apply_dummies rhs
+    | NONE => ProofContext.read_term_pattern ctxt nm)
 fun read_criterion _ (Name name) = Name name
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/named_thms.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/named_thms.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 (*  Title:      Pure/Tools/named_thms.ML
     Author:     Makarius
-Named collections of theorems in canonical order.
+Named collections of theorems in canonical order.  Based on naive data
+structures -- not scalable!
 signature NAMED_THMS =
--- a/src/Pure/axclass.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/axclass.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
         ( (Thm.def_name c'), Logic.mk_equals (Const (c, T'), const'))
       #>> Thm.varifyT
       #-> (fn thm => add_inst_param (c, tyco) (c'', thm)
-      #> PureThy.add_thm ((Binding.conceal ( c'), thm), [Thm.kind_internal])
+      #> PureThy.add_thm ((Binding.conceal ( c'), thm), [])
       #> snd
       #> Sign.restore_naming thy
       #> pair (Const (c, T))))
--- a/src/Pure/codegen.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/codegen.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
   | args_of (Ignore :: ms) (_ :: xs) = args_of ms xs
   | args_of (_ :: ms) xs = args_of ms xs;
-fun num_args_of x = length (List.filter is_arg x);
+fun num_args_of x = length (filter is_arg x);
 (**** theory data ****)
--- a/src/Pure/interpretation.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/interpretation.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   val init: theory -> theory
-functor InterpretationFun(type T val eq: T * T -> bool): INTERPRETATION =
+functor Interpretation(type T val eq: T * T -> bool): INTERPRETATION =
 type T = T;
--- a/src/Pure/more_thm.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/more_thm.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -91,13 +91,9 @@
   val lemmaK: string
   val corollaryK: string
   val internalK: string
-  val has_kind: thm -> bool
   val get_kind: thm -> string
   val kind_rule: string -> thm -> thm
   val kind: string -> attribute
-  val kind_internal: attribute
-  val has_internal: list -> bool
-  val is_internal: thm -> bool
 structure Thm: THM =
@@ -425,16 +421,10 @@
 val corollaryK = "corollary";
 val internalK = Markup.internalK;
-fun the_kind thm = the (Properties.get (Thm.get_tags thm) Markup.kindN);
-val has_kind = can the_kind;
-val get_kind = the_default "" o try the_kind;
+fun get_kind thm = the_default "" (Properties.get (Thm.get_tags thm) Markup.kindN);
 fun kind_rule k = tag_rule (Markup.kindN, k) o untag_rule Markup.kindN;
 fun kind k x = if k = "" then x else rule_attribute (K (kind_rule k)) x;
-fun kind_internal x = kind internalK x;
-fun has_internal tags = exists (fn tg => tg = (Markup.kindN, internalK)) tags;
-val is_internal = has_internal o Thm.get_tags;
 open Thm;
--- a/src/Pure/proofterm.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/proofterm.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@
 (** see pattern.ML **)
-fun flt (i: int) = List.filter (fn n => n < i);
+fun flt (i: int) = filter (fn n => n < i);
 fun fomatch Ts tymatch j =
--- a/src/Pure/unify.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/unify.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
       if i<lev then Bound i
       else  if member (op =) banned (i-lev)
       then raise CHANGE_FAIL (**flexible occurrence: give up**)
-      else  Bound (i - length (List.filter (fn j => j < i-lev) banned))
+      else  Bound (i - length (filter (fn j => j < i-lev) banned))
   | change lev (Abs (a,T,t)) = Abs (a, T, change(lev+1) t)
   | change lev (t$u) = change lev t $ change lev u
   | change lev t = t
--- a/src/Tools/IsaPlanner/rw_inst.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/IsaPlanner/rw_inst.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
                        OldTerm.add_term_tfrees (t,tfrees)))
                   ([],[]) ts;
         val unfixed_tvars = 
-            List.filter (fn (ix,s) => not (member (op =) ignore_ixs ix)) tvars;
+            filter (fn (ix,s) => not (member (op =) ignore_ixs ix)) tvars;
         val (fixtyinsts, _) = List.foldr new_tfree ([], map fst tfrees) unfixed_tvars
     in (fixtyinsts, tfrees) end;
--- a/src/Tools/auto_solve.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/auto_solve.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 existing theorem.  Duplicate lemmas can be detected in this way.
 The implementation is based in part on Berghofer and Haftmann's
-quickcheck.ML.  It relies critically on the FindTheorems solves
+quickcheck.ML.  It relies critically on the Find_Theorems solves
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state;
-    val crits = [(true, FindTheorems.Solves)];
-    fun find g = snd (FindTheorems.find_theorems ctxt (SOME g) (SOME (! limit)) false crits);
+    val crits = [(true, Find_Theorems.Solves)];
+    fun find g = snd (Find_Theorems.find_theorems ctxt (SOME g) (SOME (! limit)) false crits);
     fun prt_result (goal, results) =
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
           (msg ^ " could be solved directly with:")
-          (map (FindTheorems.pretty_thm ctxt) results)
+          (map (Find_Theorems.pretty_thm ctxt) results)
     fun seek_against_goal () =
--- a/src/Tools/induct.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/induct.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@
       ((fn [] => NONE | ts => List.last ts) #>
         (fn NONE => TVar (("'a", 0), []) | SOME t => Term.fastype_of t) #>
         find_inductT ctxt)) [[]]
-  |> filter_out (forall Thm.is_internal);
+  |> filter_out (forall RuleCases.is_inner_rule);
 fun get_inductP ctxt (fact :: _) = map single (find_inductP ctxt (Thm.concl_of fact))
   | get_inductP _ _ = [];
--- a/src/ZF/arith_data.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/ZF/arith_data.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 fun prove_conv name tacs ctxt prems (t,u) =
   if t aconv u then NONE
-  let val prems' = List.filter (not o is_eq_thm) prems
+  let val prems' = filter_out is_eq_thm prems
       val goal = Logic.list_implies (map (#prop o Thm.rep_thm) prems',
         FOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mk_eq_iff (t, u)));
   in SOME (prems' MRS Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal (K (EVERY tacs)))
--- a/src/ZF/ind_syntax.ML	Thu Oct 29 16:22:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/src/ZF/ind_syntax.ML	Thu Oct 29 18:53:58 2009 +0100
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
 fun union_params (rec_tm, cs) =
   let val (_,args) = strip_comb rec_tm
       fun is_ind arg = (type_of arg = iT)
-  in  case List.filter is_ind (args @ cs) of
-         []     => @{const 0}
+  in  case filter is_ind (args @ cs) of
+         [] => @{const 0}
        | u_args => Balanced_Tree.make mk_Un u_args