--- a/src/Pure/sign.ML Tue May 31 11:53:23 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/sign.ML Tue May 31 11:53:24 2005 +0200
@@ -6,10 +6,8 @@
(*base names*)
-type bstring = string;
type bclass = class;
-(*external forms -- partially qualified names*)
-type xstring = string;
+(*external forms*)
type xclass = class;
type xsort = sort;
type xtyp = typ;
@@ -24,7 +22,7 @@
{self: sg_ref,
tsig: Type.tsig,
consts: (typ * stamp) Symtab.table,
- path: string list option,
+ naming: NameSpace.naming,
spaces: (string * NameSpace.T) list,
data: data}
val name_of: sg -> string
@@ -54,14 +52,14 @@
val classK: string
val typeK: string
val constK: string
+ val naming_of: sg -> NameSpace.naming
+ val base_name: string -> bstring
val full_name: sg -> bstring -> string
- val full_name': sg -> bstring -> string
val full_name_path: sg -> string -> bstring -> string
- val base_name: string -> bstring
+ val declare_name: sg -> string -> NameSpace.T -> NameSpace.T
val intern: sg -> string -> xstring -> string
val extern: sg -> string -> string -> xstring
- val cond_extern: sg -> string -> string -> xstring
- val cond_extern_table: sg -> string -> 'a Symtab.table -> (xstring * 'a) list
+ val extern_table: sg -> string -> 'a Symtab.table -> (xstring * 'a) list
val extern_typ: sg -> typ -> typ
val intern_class: sg -> xclass -> class
val intern_tycon: sg -> xstring -> string
@@ -156,6 +154,11 @@
val add_trrules: (xstring * string) Syntax.trrule list -> sg -> sg
val add_trrules_i: ast Syntax.trrule list -> sg -> sg
val add_path: string -> sg -> sg
+ val qualified_names: sg -> sg
+ val no_base_names: sg -> sg
+ val custom_accesses: (string list -> string list list) -> sg -> sg
+ val set_policy: (string -> bstring -> string) * (string list -> string list list) -> sg -> sg
+ val set_naming: NameSpace.naming -> sg -> sg
val add_space: string * string list -> sg -> sg
val hide_space: bool -> string * string list -> sg -> sg
val hide_space_i: bool -> string * string list -> sg -> sg
@@ -188,23 +191,23 @@
datatype sg =
Sg of
- {id: string ref, (*id*)
- stamps: string ref list, (*unique theory indentifier*)
- syn: syn} * (*syntax for parsing and printing*)
- {self: sg_ref, (*mutable self reference*)
- tsig: Type.tsig, (*order-sorted signature of types*)
- consts: (typ * stamp) Symtab.table, (*type schemes of constants*)
- path: string list option, (*current name space entry prefix*)
- spaces: (string * NameSpace.T) list, (*name spaces for consts, types etc.*)
- data: data} (*anytype data*)
+ {id: string ref, (*id*)
+ stamps: string ref list, (*unique theory indentifier*)
+ syn: syn} * (*syntax for parsing and printing*)
+ {self: sg_ref, (*mutable self reference*)
+ tsig: Type.tsig, (*order-sorted signature of types*)
+ consts: (typ * stamp) Symtab.table, (*type schemes of constants*)
+ naming: NameSpace.naming, (*name space declaration context*)
+ spaces: (string * NameSpace.T) list, (*name spaces for consts, types etc.*)
+ data: data} (*anytype data*)
and data =
Data of
- (Object.kind * (*kind (for authorization)*)
- (Object.T * (*value*)
- ((Object.T -> Object.T) * (*copy method*)
- (Object.T -> Object.T) * (*prepare extend method*)
- (Object.T * Object.T -> Object.T) * (*merge and prepare extend method*)
- (sg -> Object.T -> unit)))) (*print method*)
+ (Object.kind * (*kind (for authorization)*)
+ (Object.T * (*value*)
+ ((Object.T -> Object.T) * (*copy method*)
+ (Object.T -> Object.T) * (*prepare extend method*)
+ (Object.T * Object.T -> Object.T) * (*merge and prepare extend method*)
+ (sg -> Object.T -> unit)))) (*print method*)
and syn =
Syn of
@@ -217,9 +220,9 @@
SgRef of sg ref option;
(*make signature*)
-fun make_sign (id, self, tsig, consts, syn, path, spaces, data, stamps) =
+fun make_sign (id, self, tsig, consts, syn, naming, spaces, data, stamps) =
Sg ({id = id, stamps = stamps, syn = syn}, {self = self, tsig = tsig,
- consts = consts, path = path, spaces = spaces, data = data});
+ consts = consts, naming = naming, spaces = spaces, data = data});
(* basic operations *)
@@ -237,9 +240,10 @@
val tsig_of = #tsig o rep_sg;
fun is_logtype sg c = c mem_string Type.logical_types (tsig_of sg);
fun const_type (Sg (_, {consts, ...})) c = Option.map #1 (Symtab.lookup (consts, c));
+fun naming_of (Sg (_, {naming, ...})) = naming;
-fun declared_tyname sg c = isSome (Symtab.lookup (#types (Type.rep_tsig (tsig_of sg)), c));
-fun declared_const sg c = isSome (const_type sg c);
+fun declared_tyname sg c = is_some (Symtab.lookup (#types (Type.rep_tsig (tsig_of sg)), c));
+fun declared_const sg c = is_some (const_type sg c);
(* id and self *)
@@ -444,11 +448,11 @@
else id :: stmps
-fun create_sign self stamps name (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) =
+fun create_sign self stamps name (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) =
val id = ref name;
val sign =
- make_sign (id, self, tsig, ctab, syn, path, spaces, data, ext_stamps stamps id);
+ make_sign (id, self, tsig, ctab, syn, naming, spaces, data, ext_stamps stamps id);
(case self of
SgRef (SOME r) => r := sign
@@ -457,7 +461,7 @@
fun extend_sign keep extfun name decls
- (sg as Sg ({id = _, stamps, syn}, {self, tsig, consts, path, spaces, data})) =
+ (sg as Sg ({id = _, stamps, syn}, {self, tsig, consts, naming, spaces, data})) =
val _ = check_stale sg;
val (self', data') =
@@ -465,13 +469,21 @@
else (SgRef (SOME (ref sg)), prep_ext_data data);
create_sign self' stamps name
- (extfun sg (syn, tsig, consts, (path, spaces), data') decls)
+ (extfun sg (syn, tsig, consts, (naming, spaces), data') decls)
(** name spaces **)
+(* naming *)
+val base_name = NameSpace.base;
+val full_name = NameSpace.full o naming_of;
+fun full_name_path sg elems = NameSpace.full (NameSpace.add_path elems (naming_of sg));
+val declare_name = NameSpace.declare o naming_of;
(* kinds *)
val classK = "class";
@@ -481,46 +493,20 @@
(* declare and retrieve names *)
-fun space_of spaces kind =
- getOpt (assoc (spaces, kind), NameSpace.empty);
+fun get_space spaces kind =
+ if_none (assoc_string (spaces, kind)) NameSpace.empty;
(*input and output of qualified names*)
-fun intrn spaces kind = NameSpace.intern (space_of spaces kind);
-fun extrn spaces kind = NameSpace.extern (space_of spaces kind);
-fun cond_extrn spaces kind = NameSpace.cond_extern (space_of spaces kind);
-fun cond_extrn_table spaces kind tab = NameSpace.cond_extern_table (space_of spaces kind) tab;
+val intrn = NameSpace.intern oo get_space;
+val extrn = NameSpace.extern oo get_space;
+fun extrn_table spaces = NameSpace.extern_table o (get_space spaces);
(*add / hide names*)
-fun change_space f spaces kind x = overwrite (spaces, (kind, f (space_of spaces kind, x)));
-fun add_names x = change_space NameSpace.extend x;
-fun hide_names b x = change_space (NameSpace.hide b) x;
+fun change_space f kind names spaces =
+ overwrite (spaces, (kind, f names (get_space spaces kind)));
-(*make full names, standard version*)
-fun full _ "" = error "Attempt to declare empty name \"\""
- | full NONE bname = bname
- | full (SOME path) bname =
- if NameSpace.is_qualified bname then
- error ("Attempt to declare qualified name " ^ quote bname)
- else
- let val name = NameSpace.pack (path @ [bname]) in
- if Syntax.is_identifier bname then ()
- else warning ("Declared non-identifier " ^ quote name); name
- end;
-(*make full names, variant permitting qualified names*)
-fun full' _ "" = error "Attempt to declare empty name \"\""
- | full' NONE bname = bname
- | full' (SOME path) bname =
- let
- val bnames = NameSpace.unpack bname;
- val name = NameSpace.pack (path @ bnames)
- in
- if forall Syntax.is_identifier bnames then ()
- else warning ("Declared non-identifier " ^ quote name); name
- end;
-(*base name*)
-val base_name = NameSpace.base;
+val add_names = change_space o fold o declare_name;
+val hide_names = change_space o fold o NameSpace.hide;
(* intern / extern names *)
@@ -531,7 +517,7 @@
fun f' x = let val y = f x in if x = y then NONE else SOME (x, y) end;
val table = List.mapPartial f' (add_xs (t, []));
- fun lookup x = getOpt (assoc (table, x), x);
+ fun lookup x = if_none (assoc (table, x)) x;
in lookup end;
(*intern / extern typ*)
@@ -550,23 +536,22 @@
val spaces_of = #spaces o rep_sg;
fun intrn_class spaces = intrn spaces classK;
- fun extrn_class spaces = cond_extrn spaces classK;
+ fun extrn_class spaces = extrn spaces classK;
val intrn_sort = map o intrn_class;
val intrn_typ = trn_typ o intrn;
val intrn_term = trn_term o intrn;
val extrn_sort = map o extrn_class;
- val extrn_typ = trn_typ o cond_extrn;
- val extrn_term = trn_term o cond_extrn;
+ val extrn_typ = trn_typ o extrn;
+ val extrn_term = trn_term o extrn;
fun intrn_tycons spaces T =
map_typ I (mapping (intrn spaces typeK) add_typ_tycons T) T;
val intern = intrn o spaces_of;
val extern = extrn o spaces_of;
- val cond_extern = cond_extrn o spaces_of;
- fun cond_extern_table sg = cond_extrn_table (spaces_of sg);
+ fun extern_table sg = extrn_table (spaces_of sg);
fun extern_typ (sg as Sg (_, {spaces, ...})) T =
if ! NameSpace.long_names then T else extrn_typ spaces T;
@@ -580,13 +565,6 @@
fun intern_const sg = intrn (spaces_of sg) constK;
val intern_tycons = intrn_tycons o spaces_of;
- val full_name = full o #path o rep_sg;
- val full_name' = full' o #path o rep_sg;
- fun full_name_path sg elems =
- full (SOME (getOpt (#path (rep_sg sg), []) @ NameSpace.unpack elems));
@@ -597,11 +575,11 @@
Syn (Syntax.pure_syn, (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty));
val dummy_sg = make_sign (ref "", SgRef NONE, Type.empty_tsig,
- Symtab.empty, pure_syn, SOME [], [], empty_data, []);
+ Symtab.empty, pure_syn, NameSpace.default_naming, [], empty_data, []);
val pre_pure =
create_sign (SgRef (SOME (ref dummy_sg))) [] "#"
- (pure_syn, Type.empty_tsig, Symtab.empty, (SOME [], []), empty_data);
+ (pure_syn, Type.empty_tsig, Symtab.empty, (NameSpace.default_naming, []), empty_data);
val PureN = "Pure";
val CPureN = "CPure";
@@ -629,7 +607,7 @@
fun pretty_arity sg (t, Ss, S) =
- val t' = cond_extern sg typeK t;
+ val t' = extern sg typeK t;
val dom =
if null Ss then []
else [Pretty.list "(" ")" (map (pretty_sort sg) Ss), Pretty.brk 1];
@@ -782,7 +760,7 @@
fun read_const sg raw_c =
let val c = intern_const sg raw_c in
- if isSome (const_type sg c) then Const (c, dummyT)
+ if is_some (const_type sg c) then Const (c, dummyT)
else raise TYPE ("Undeclared constant: " ^ quote c, [], [])
@@ -865,17 +843,17 @@
(** signature extension functions **) (*exception ERROR*)
-fun decls_of path name_of mfixs =
- map (fn (x, y, mx) => (full path (name_of x mx), y)) mfixs;
+fun decls_of sg name_of mfixs =
+ map (fn (x, y, mx) => (full_name sg (name_of x mx), y)) mfixs;
fun no_read _ _ _ _ decl = decl;
(* add default sort *)
-fun ext_defS prep_sort sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) S =
+fun ext_defS prep_sort sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) S =
(syn, Type.set_defsort (prep_sort sg syn tsig spaces S) tsig,
- ctab, (path, spaces), data);
+ ctab, (naming, spaces), data);
fun ext_defsort arg = ext_defS rd_sort arg;
fun ext_defsort_i arg = ext_defS cert_sort arg;
@@ -883,12 +861,12 @@
(* add type constructors *)
-fun ext_types sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) types =
+fun ext_types sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) types =
- val decls = decls_of path Syntax.type_name types;
+ val decls = decls_of sg Syntax.type_name types;
val syn' = map_syntax (Syntax.extend_type_gram types) syn;
val tsig' = Type.add_types decls tsig;
- in (syn', tsig', ctab, (path, add_names spaces typeK (map fst decls)), data) end;
+ in (syn', tsig', ctab, (naming, add_names sg typeK (map fst decls) spaces), data) end;
(* add type abbreviations *)
@@ -897,17 +875,17 @@
(t, vs, rd_raw_typ (make_syntax sg syn) tsig spaces (K NONE) rhs_src)
handle ERROR => error ("in type abbreviation " ^ t);
-fun ext_abbrs rd_abbr sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) abbrs =
+fun ext_abbrs rd_abbr sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) abbrs =
fun mfix_of (t, vs, _, mx) = (t, length vs, mx);
val syn' = syn |> map_syntax (Syntax.extend_type_gram (map mfix_of abbrs));
val abbrs' =
map (fn (t, vs, rhs, mx) =>
- (full path (Syntax.type_name t mx), vs, rhs)) abbrs;
- val spaces' = add_names spaces typeK (map #1 abbrs');
+ (full_name sg (Syntax.type_name t mx), vs, rhs)) abbrs;
+ val spaces' = add_names sg typeK (map #1 abbrs') spaces;
val decls = map (rd_abbr sg syn' tsig spaces') abbrs';
- in (syn', Type.add_abbrs decls tsig, ctab, (path, spaces'), data) end;
+ in (syn', Type.add_abbrs decls tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces'), data) end;
fun ext_tyabbrs abbrs = ext_abbrs read_abbr abbrs;
fun ext_tyabbrs_i abbrs = ext_abbrs no_read abbrs;
@@ -915,23 +893,23 @@
(* add nonterminals *)
-fun ext_nonterminals _ (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) bnames =
- let val names = map (full path) bnames in
+fun ext_nonterminals sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) bnames =
+ let val names = map (full_name sg) bnames in
(map_syntax (Syntax.extend_consts names) syn,
Type.add_nonterminals names tsig, ctab,
- (path, add_names spaces typeK names), data)
+ (naming, add_names sg typeK names spaces), data)
(* add type arities *)
-fun ext_ars int prep_sort sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) arities =
+fun ext_ars int prep_sort sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) arities =
val prepS = prep_sort sg syn tsig spaces;
fun prep_arity (c, Ss, S) =
(if int then intrn spaces typeK c else c, map prepS Ss, prepS S);
val tsig' = Type.add_arities (pp sg) (map prep_arity arities) tsig;
- in (syn, tsig', ctab, (path, spaces), data) end;
+ in (syn, tsig', ctab, (naming, spaces), data) end;
fun ext_arities arg = ext_ars true rd_sort arg;
fun ext_arities_i arg = ext_ars false cert_sort arg;
@@ -939,8 +917,8 @@
(* add term constants and syntax *)
-fun const_name path c mx =
- full path (Syntax.const_name c mx);
+fun const_name sg c mx =
+ full_name sg (Syntax.const_name c mx);
fun err_in_const c =
error ("in declaration of constant " ^ quote c);
@@ -949,27 +927,27 @@
error ("Duplicate declaration of constant(s) " ^ commas_quote cs);
-fun read_cnst sg syn tsig (path, spaces) (c, ty_src, mx) =
+fun read_cnst sg syn tsig (naming, spaces) (c, ty_src, mx) =
(c, rd_raw_typ (make_syntax sg syn) tsig spaces (K NONE) ty_src, mx)
- handle ERROR => err_in_const (const_name path c mx);
+ handle ERROR => err_in_const (const_name sg c mx);
-fun change_cnsts change_gram rd_const syn_only prmode sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data)
+fun change_cnsts change_gram rd_const syn_only prmode sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data)
raw_consts =
val prep_typ = compress_type o Type.varifyT o Type.no_tvars o
(if syn_only then Type.cert_typ_syntax tsig else Term.no_dummyT o Type.cert_typ tsig);
fun prep_const (c, ty, mx) = (c, prep_typ ty, mx) handle TYPE (msg, _, _) =>
- (error_msg msg; err_in_const (const_name path c mx));
+ (error_msg msg; err_in_const (const_name sg c mx));
- val consts = map (prep_const o rd_const sg syn tsig (path, spaces)) raw_consts;
+ val consts = map (prep_const o rd_const sg syn tsig (naming, spaces)) raw_consts;
val decls =
if syn_only then []
- else decls_of path Syntax.const_name consts;
+ else decls_of sg Syntax.const_name consts;
(map_syntax (change_gram (is_logtype sg) prmode consts) syn, tsig,
Symtab.extend (ctab, map (fn (c, T) => (c, (T, stamp ()))) decls)
handle Symtab.DUPS cs => err_dup_consts cs,
- (path, add_names spaces constK (map fst decls)), data)
+ (naming, add_names sg constK (map fst decls) spaces), data)
fun ext_cnsts rd = change_cnsts Syntax.extend_const_gram rd;
@@ -999,30 +977,30 @@
-fun ext_classes int sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) classes =
+fun ext_classes int sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) classes =
val names = map fst classes;
val consts =
map (fn c => (const_of_class c, a_itselfT --> propT, NoSyn)) names;
- val full_names = map (full path) names;
- val spaces' = add_names spaces classK full_names;
+ val full_names = map (full_name sg) names;
+ val spaces' = add_names sg classK full_names spaces;
val intrn = if int then map (intrn_class spaces') else I;
val classes' =
ListPair.map (fn (c, (_, cs)) => (c, intrn cs)) (full_names, classes);
ext_consts_i sg
(map_syntax (Syntax.extend_consts names) syn,
- Type.add_classes (pp sg) classes' tsig, ctab, (path, spaces'), data)
+ Type.add_classes (pp sg) classes' tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces'), data)
(* add to classrel *)
-fun ext_classrel int sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) pairs =
+fun ext_classrel int sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) pairs =
let val intrn = if int then map (pairself (intrn_class spaces)) else I in
- (syn, Type.add_classrel (pp sg) (intrn pairs) tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data)
+ (syn, Type.add_classrel (pp sg) (intrn pairs) tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data)
@@ -1058,40 +1036,31 @@
(* add translation rules *)
-fun ext_trrules sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) args =
+fun ext_trrules sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) args =
(syn |> map_syntax (Syntax.extend_trrules (is_logtype sg) (make_syntax sg syn)
(map (Syntax.map_trrule (fn (root, str) => (intrn spaces typeK root, str))) args)),
- tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data);
+ tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data);
fun ext_trrules_i _ (syn, tsig, ctab, names, data) args =
(syn |> map_syntax (Syntax.extend_trrules_i args), tsig, ctab, names, data);
-(* add to path *)
+(* change naming *)
-fun ext_path _ (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) elems =
- let
- val path' =
- if elems = "//" then NONE
- else if elems = "/" then SOME []
- else if elems = ".." andalso isSome path andalso path <> SOME [] then
- SOME (fst (split_last (valOf path)))
- else SOME (getOpt (path,[]) @ NameSpace.unpack elems);
- in
- (syn, tsig, ctab, (path', spaces), data)
- end;
+fun change_naming f _ (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) args =
+ (syn, tsig, ctab, (f args naming, spaces), data);
(* change name space *)
-fun ext_add_space _ (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) (kind, names) =
- (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, add_names spaces kind names), data);
+fun ext_add_space sg (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) (kind, names) =
+ (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, add_names sg kind names spaces), data);
-fun ext_hide_space _ (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) (b, (kind, xnames)) =
- (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, hide_names b spaces kind (map (intrn spaces kind) xnames)), data);
+fun ext_hide_space _ (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) (b, (kind, xnames)) =
+ (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, hide_names b kind (map (intrn spaces kind) xnames) spaces), data);
-fun ext_hide_space_i _ (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, spaces), data) (b, (kind, names)) =
- (syn, tsig, ctab, (path, hide_names b spaces kind names), data);
+fun ext_hide_space_i _ (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, spaces), data) (b, (kind, names)) =
+ (syn, tsig, ctab, (naming, hide_names b kind names spaces), data);
(* signature data *)
@@ -1106,13 +1075,13 @@
fun copy_data (k, (e, mths as (cp, _, _, _))) =
(k, (cp e handle exn => err_method "copy" (Object.name_of_kind k) exn, mths));
-fun copy (sg as Sg ({id = _, stamps, syn}, {self, tsig, consts, path, spaces, data})) =
+fun copy (sg as Sg ({id = _, stamps, syn}, {self, tsig, consts, naming, spaces, data})) =
val _ = check_stale sg;
val self' = SgRef (SOME (ref sg));
val Data tab = data;
val data' = Data (Symtab.map copy_data tab);
- in create_sign self' stamps "#" (syn, tsig, consts, (path, spaces), data') end;
+ in create_sign self' stamps "#" (syn, tsig, consts, (naming, spaces), data') end;
(* the external interfaces *)
@@ -1144,7 +1113,12 @@
val add_tokentrfuns = extend_sign true ext_tokentrfuns "#";
val add_trrules = extend_sign true ext_trrules "#";
val add_trrules_i = extend_sign true ext_trrules_i "#";
-val add_path = extend_sign true ext_path "#";
+val add_path = extend_sign true (change_naming NameSpace.add_path) "#";
+val qualified_names = extend_sign true (change_naming (K NameSpace.qualified_names)) "#" ();
+val no_base_names = extend_sign true (change_naming (K NameSpace.no_base_names)) "#" ();
+val custom_accesses = extend_sign true (change_naming NameSpace.custom_accesses) "#";
+val set_policy = extend_sign true (change_naming NameSpace.set_policy) "#";
+val set_naming = extend_sign true (change_naming K) "#";
val add_space = extend_sign true ext_add_space "#";
val hide_space = curry (extend_sign true ext_hide_space "#");
val hide_space_i = curry (extend_sign true ext_hide_space_i "#");
@@ -1204,10 +1178,10 @@
val Sg ({id = _, stamps = stamps1, syn = Syn (syntax1, trfuns1)},
{self = _, tsig = tsig1, consts = consts1,
- path = _, spaces = spaces1, data = data1}) = sg1;
+ naming = _, spaces = spaces1, data = data1}) = sg1;
val Sg ({id = _, stamps = stamps2, syn = Syn (syntax2, trfuns2)},
{self = _, tsig = tsig2, consts = consts2,
- path = _, spaces = spaces2, data = data2}) = sg2;
+ naming = _, spaces = spaces2, data = data2}) = sg2;
val stamps = merge_stamps stamps1 stamps2;
val syntax = Syntax.merge_syntaxes syntax1 syntax2;
@@ -1215,23 +1189,23 @@
val consts = Symtab.merge eq_snd (consts1, consts2)
handle Symtab.DUPS cs => err_dup_consts cs;
- val path = SOME [];
+ val naming = NameSpace.default_naming;
val kinds = distinct (map fst (spaces1 @ spaces2));
val spaces =
kinds ~~
ListPair.map NameSpace.merge
- (map (space_of spaces1) kinds, map (space_of spaces2) kinds);
+ (map (get_space spaces1) kinds, map (get_space spaces2) kinds);
val data = merge_data (data1, data2);
val pre_sign = make_sign (ref "", SgRef (SOME (ref dummy_sg)),
- tsig1, consts, Syn (syntax, trfuns), path, spaces, data, ref "#" :: stamps1);
+ tsig1, consts, Syn (syntax, trfuns), naming, spaces, data, ref "#" :: stamps1);
val tsig = Type.merge_tsigs (pp pre_sign) (tsig1, tsig2);
val self_ref = ref dummy_sg;
val self = SgRef (SOME self_ref);
val sign = make_sign (ref "", self, tsig, consts, Syn (syntax, trfuns),
- path, spaces, data, stamps);
+ naming, spaces, data, stamps);
in self_ref := sign; syn_of sign; sign end;