--- a/TFL/tfl.sml Mon Oct 04 21:39:36 1999 +0200
+++ b/TFL/tfl.sml Mon Oct 04 21:41:09 1999 +0200
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
val trace = ref false;
+open BasisLibrary; (*restore original structures*)
(* Abbreviations *)
structure R = Rules;
structure S = USyntax;
@@ -146,11 +148,11 @@
* pattern with constructor = Name.
fun mk_group Name rows =
- U.itlist (fn (row as ((prefix, p::rst), rhs)) =>
+ U.itlist (fn (row as ((prfx, p::rst), rhs)) =>
fn (in_group,not_in_group) =>
let val (pc,args) = S.strip_comb p
in if ((#1(dest_Const pc) = Name) handle _ => false)
- then (((prefix,args@rst), rhs)::in_group, not_in_group)
+ then (((prfx,args@rst), rhs)::in_group, not_in_group)
else (in_group, row::not_in_group) end)
rows ([],[]);
@@ -159,7 +161,7 @@
fun partition _ _ (_,_,_,[]) = raise TFL_ERR{func="partition", mesg="no rows"}
| partition gv ty_match
- (constructors, colty, res_ty, rows as (((prefix,_),_)::_)) =
+ (constructors, colty, res_ty, rows as (((prfx,_),_)::_)) =
let val fresh = fresh_constr ty_match colty gv
fun part {constrs = [], rows, A} = rev A
| part {constrs = c::crst, rows, A} =
@@ -168,7 +170,7 @@
val (in_group, not_in_group) = mk_group Name rows
val in_group' =
if (null in_group) (* Constructor not given *)
- then [((prefix, #2(fresh c)), OMITTED (S.ARB res_ty, ~1))]
+ then [((prfx, #2(fresh c)), OMITTED (S.ARB res_ty, ~1))]
else in_group
part{constrs = crst,
@@ -186,16 +188,16 @@
fun mk_pat (c,l) =
let val L = length (binder_types (type_of c))
- fun build (prefix,tag,plist) =
+ fun build (prfx,tag,plist) =
let val args = take (L,plist)
and plist' = drop(L,plist)
- in (prefix,tag,list_comb(c,args)::plist') end
+ in (prfx,tag,list_comb(c,args)::plist') end
in map build l end;
-fun v_to_prefix (prefix, v::pats) = (v::prefix,pats)
- | v_to_prefix _ = raise TFL_ERR{func="mk_case", mesg="v_to_prefix"};
+fun v_to_prfx (prfx, v::pats) = (v::prfx,pats)
+ | v_to_prfx _ = raise TFL_ERR{func="mk_case", mesg="v_to_prfx"};
-fun v_to_pats (v::prefix,tag, pats) = (prefix, tag, v::pats)
+fun v_to_pats (v::prfx,tag, pats) = (prfx, tag, v::pats)
| v_to_pats _ = raise TFL_ERR{func="mk_case", mesg="v_to_pats"};
@@ -213,24 +215,24 @@
val fresh_var = gvvariant usednames
val divide = partition fresh_var ty_match
fun expand constructors ty ((_,[]), _) = mk_case_fail"expand_var_row"
- | expand constructors ty (row as ((prefix, p::rst), rhs)) =
+ | expand constructors ty (row as ((prfx, p::rst), rhs)) =
if (is_Free p)
then let val fresh = fresh_constr ty_match ty fresh_var
fun expnd (c,gvs) =
let val capp = list_comb(c,gvs)
- in ((prefix, capp::rst), pattern_subst[(p,capp)] rhs)
+ in ((prfx, capp::rst), pattern_subst[(p,capp)] rhs)
in map expnd (map fresh constructors) end
else [row]
fun mk{rows=[],...} = mk_case_fail"no rows"
- | mk{path=[], rows = ((prefix, []), rhs)::_} = (* Done *)
+ | mk{path=[], rows = ((prfx, []), rhs)::_} = (* Done *)
let val (tag,tm) = dest_pattern rhs
- in ([(prefix,tag,[])], tm)
+ in ([(prfx,tag,[])], tm)
| mk{path=[], rows = _::_} = mk_case_fail"blunder"
- | mk{path as u::rstp, rows as ((prefix, []), rhs)::rst} =
+ | mk{path as u::rstp, rows as ((prfx, []), rhs)::rst} =
mk{path = path,
- rows = ((prefix, [fresh_var(type_of u)]), rhs)::rst}
+ rows = ((prfx, [fresh_var(type_of u)]), rhs)::rst}
| mk{path = u::rstp, rows as ((_, p::_), _)::_} =
let val (pat_rectangle,rights) = ListPair.unzip rows
val col0 = map(hd o #2) pat_rectangle
@@ -238,7 +240,7 @@
if (forall is_Free col0)
then let val rights' = map (fn(v,e) => pattern_subst[(v,u)] e)
(ListPair.zip (col0, rights))
- val pat_rectangle' = map v_to_prefix pat_rectangle
+ val pat_rectangle' = map v_to_prfx pat_rectangle
val (pref_patl,tm) = mk{path = rstp,
rows = ListPair.zip (pat_rectangle',
@@ -250,7 +252,7 @@
case (ty_info ty_name)
of None => mk_case_fail("Not a known datatype: "^ty_name)
| Some{case_const,constructors} =>
- let open BasisLibrary (*restore original List*)
+ let
val case_const_name = #1(dest_Const case_const)
val nrows = List.concat (map (expand constructors pty) rows)
val subproblems = divide(constructors, pty, range_ty, nrows)