Implement cycle-free overloading, so that definitions cannot harm consistency any more (except of course via interaction with axioms).
Sun, 29 May 2005 12:39:12 +0200
changeset 16108 cf468b93a02e
parent 16107 b16e3df5ad29
child 16109 e8c169d6f191
Implement cycle-free overloading, so that definitions cannot harm consistency any more (except of course via interaction with axioms).
--- a/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Sun May 29 05:23:28 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Sun May 29 12:39:12 2005 +0200
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
   goals.ML install_pp.ML library.ML logic.ML meta_simplifier.ML net.ML	\
   pattern.ML proof_general.ML proofterm.ML pure_thy.ML search.ML	\
   sign.ML simplifier.ML sorts.ML tactic.ML tctical.ML term.ML		\
-  theory.ML theory_data.ML thm.ML type.ML type_infer.ML unify.ML
+  defs.ML theory.ML theory_data.ML thm.ML type.ML type_infer.ML unify.ML
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sun May 29 05:23:28 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sun May 29 12:39:12 2005 +0200
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 use "unify.ML";
 use "net.ML";
 use "logic.ML";
+use "defs.ML";
 use "theory.ML";
 use "theory_data.ML";
 use "context.ML";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/defs.ML	Sun May 29 12:39:12 2005 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/General/defs.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Steven Obua, TU Muenchen
+    Checks if definitions preserve consistency of logic by enforcing that there are no cyclic definitions.
+    The algorithm is described in 
+    "Cycle-free Overloading in Isabelle", Steven Obua, technical report, to be written :-)
+signature DEFS = sig
+    type graph
+    exception DEFS of string
+    exception CIRCULAR of (typ * string * string) list
+    exception CLASH of string * string * string
+    val empty : graph
+    val declare : graph -> string -> typ -> graph  (* exception DEFS *)
+    val define : graph -> string -> typ -> string -> (string * typ) list -> graph (* exception DEFS, CIRCULAR, CLASH *)
+    (* the first argument should be the smaller graph *)
+    val merge : graph -> graph -> graph (* exception CIRCULAR, CLASH *)
+structure Defs :> DEFS = struct
+type tyenv = Type.tyenv
+type edgelabel = (int * typ * typ * (typ * string * string) list)
+type noderef = string
+datatype node = Node of
+       string  (* name of constant *)
+     * typ  (* most general type of constant *)
+     * defnode Symtab.table  (* a table of defnodes, each corresponding to 1 definition of the constant for a particular type, 
+                             indexed by axiom name *)
+     * backref Symtab.table (* a table of all back references to this node, indexed by node name *)
+and defnode = Defnode of
+       typ  (* type of the constant in this particular definition *)
+     * ((noderef * (string option * edgelabel list) list) Symtab.table) (* The edges, grouped by nodes. *)
+and backref = Backref of
+       noderef  (* a reference to the node that has defnodes which reference a certain node A *)
+     * (unit Symtab.table) (* the names of the defnodes that DIRECTLY reference A. *)
+fun getnode graph noderef = the (Symtab.lookup (graph, noderef))
+fun get_nodename (Node (n, _, _ ,_)) = n
+fun get_nodedefs (Node (_, _, defs, _)) = defs
+fun get_defnode (Node (_, _, defs, _)) defname = Symtab.lookup (defs, defname)
+fun get_defnode' graph noderef defname = Symtab.lookup (get_nodedefs (the (Symtab.lookup (graph, noderef))), defname)
+fun get_nodename (Node (n, _, _ ,_)) = n
+(*fun t2list t = rev (Symtab.foldl (fn (l, d) => d::l) ([], t))
+fun tmap f t = map (fn (a,b) => (a, f b)) t
+fun defnode2data (Defnode (typ, table)) = ("Defnode", typ, t2list table)
+fun backref2data (Backref (noderef, table)) = ("Backref", noderef, map fst (t2list table))
+fun node2data (Node (s, t, defs, backs)) = ("Node", ("nodename", s), ("nodetyp", t), 
+					    ("defs", tmap defnode2data (t2list defs)), ("backs", tmap backref2data (t2list backs)))
+fun graph2data g = ("Graph", tmap node2data (t2list g))
+datatype graphaction = Declare of string * typ | Define of string * typ * string * (string * typ) list
+type graph = (graphaction list) * (node Symtab.table)
+val empty = ([], Symtab.empty)
+exception DEFS of string;
+exception CIRCULAR of (typ * string * string) list;
+exception CLASH of string * string * string;
+fun def_err s = raise (DEFS s)
+fun declare (actions, g) name ty =
+    ((Declare (name, ty))::actions, 
+     Symtab.update_new ((name, Node (name, Type.varifyT(Type.strip_sorts ty), Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty)), g))
+    handle Symtab.DUP _ => def_err "declare: constant is already defined"
+fun rename ty1 ty2 = incr_tvar ((maxidx_of_typ ty1)+1) ty2;  
+fun subst_incr_tvar inc t =
+    if (inc > 0) then 
+	let
+	    val tv = typ_tvars t
+	    val t' = incr_tvar inc t
+	    fun update_subst (((n,i), _), s) =
+		Vartab.update (((n, i), ([], TVar ((n, i+inc), []))), s)
+	in
+	    (t',List.foldl update_subst Vartab.empty tv)
+	end	
+    else
+	(t, Vartab.empty)
+(* Rename tys2 so that tys2 and tys1 do not have any variables in common any more.
+   As a result, return the renamed tys2' and the substitution that takes tys2 to tys2'. *)
+fun subst_rename max1 ty2 =
+    let
+        val max2 = (maxidx_of_typ ty2)
+        val (ty2', s) = subst_incr_tvar (max1 + 1) ty2                
+    in
+	(ty2', s, max1 + max2 + 1)
+    end	       
+fun subst s ty = Envir.norm_type s ty
+fun subst_history s history = map (fn (ty, cn, dn) => (subst s ty, cn, dn)) history
+fun is_instance instance_ty general_ty =
+    Type.typ_instance Type.empty_tsig (instance_ty, general_ty)
+fun is_instance_r instance_ty general_ty =
+    is_instance instance_ty (rename instance_ty general_ty)
+fun unify ty1 ty2 = 
+    SOME (fst (Type.unify Type.empty_tsig (Vartab.empty, 0) (ty1, ty2)))
+    handle Type.TUNIFY => NONE
+   Unifies ty1 and ty2, renaming ty1 and ty2 so that they have greater indices than max and so that they
+   are different. All indices in ty1 and ty2 are supposed to be less than or equal to max.
+   Returns SOME (max', s1, s2), so that s1(ty1) = s2(ty2) and max' is greater or equal than all 
+   indices in s1, s2, ty1, ty2.
+fun unify_r max ty1 ty2 = 
+    let
+	val max =  Int.max(max, 0)
+	val max1 = max (* >= maxidx_of_typ ty1 *)
+	val max2 = max (* >= maxidx_of_typ ty2 *)
+	val max = Int.max(max, Int.max (max1, max2))
+        val (ty1, s1) = subst_incr_tvar (max+1) ty1
+	val (ty2, s2) = subst_incr_tvar (max+max1+2) ty2
+        val max = max+max1+max2+2	
+	fun merge a b = Vartab.merge (fn _ => false) (a, b)
+    in
+	case unify ty1 ty2 of
+	    NONE => NONE
+	  | SOME s => SOME (max, merge s1 s, merge s2 s)
+    end
+fun can_be_unified_r ty1 ty2 =
+    let
+	val ty2 = rename ty1 ty2
+    in
+	case unify ty1 ty2 of
+	    NONE => false
+	  | _ => true
+    end
+fun can_be_unified ty1 ty2 =
+    case unify ty1 ty2 of
+	NONE => false
+      | _ => true
+fun checkT (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (a, map checkT Ts)
+  | checkT (TVar ((a, 0), _)) = TVar ((a, 0), [])
+  | checkT (TVar ((a, i), _)) = def_err "type is not clean"
+  | checkT (TFree (a, _)) = TVar ((a, 0), [])
+fun forall_table P tab = Symtab.foldl (fn (true, e) => P e | (b, _) => b) (true, tab);
+fun label_ord NONE NONE = EQUAL
+  | label_ord NONE (SOME _) = LESS
+  | label_ord (SOME _) NONE = GREATER
+  | label_ord (SOME l1) (SOME l2) = string_ord (l1,l2)
+fun compare_edges (e1 as (maxidx1, u1, v1, history1)) (e2 as (maxidx2, u2, v2, history2)) =
+    let
+	val t1 = u1 --> v1
+	val t2 = u2 --> v2
+    in
+	if (is_instance_r t1 t2) then
+	    (if is_instance_r t2 t1 then
+		 SOME (int_ord (length history2, length history1))
+	     else
+	else if (is_instance_r t2 t1) then
+	else
+	    NONE
+    end
+fun merge_edges_1 (x, []) = []
+  | merge_edges_1 (x, (y::ys)) = 
+    (case compare_edges x y of
+	 SOME LESS => (y::ys)
+       | SOME EQUAL => (y::ys)
+       | SOME GREATER => merge_edges_1 (x, ys)
+       | NONE => y::(merge_edges_1 (x, ys)))
+fun merge_edges xs ys = foldl merge_edges_1 xs ys
+fun pack_edges xs = merge_edges [] xs
+fun merge_labelled_edges [] es = es
+  | merge_labelled_edges es [] = es
+  | merge_labelled_edges ((l1,e1)::es1) ((l2,e2)::es2) = 
+    (case label_ord l1 l2 of
+	 LESS => (l1, e1)::(merge_labelled_edges es1 ((l2, e2)::es2))
+       | GREATER => (l2, e2)::(merge_labelled_edges ((l1, e1)::es1) es2)
+       | EQUAL => (l1, merge_edges e1 e2)::(merge_labelled_edges es1 es2))
+fun defnode_edges_foldl f a defnode =
+    let
+	val (Defnode (ty, def_edges)) = defnode
+	fun g (b, (_, (n, labelled_edges))) =
+	    foldl (fn ((s, edges), b') => 
+		      (foldl (fn (e, b'') => f ty n s e b'') b' edges))
+		  b
+		  labelled_edges		  		     
+    in
+	Symtab.foldl g (a, def_edges)
+    end	
+fun define (actions, graph) name ty axname body =
+    let
+	val ty = checkT ty
+	val body = map (fn (n,t) => (n, checkT t)) body		 
+	val mainref = name
+	val mainnode  = (case Symtab.lookup (graph, mainref) of 
+			     NONE => def_err ("constant "^(quote mainref)^" is not declared")
+			   | SOME n => n)
+	val (Node (n, gty, defs, backs)) = mainnode
+	val _ = (if is_instance_r ty gty then () else def_err "type of constant does not match declared type")
+	fun check_def (s, Defnode (ty', _)) = 
+	    (if can_be_unified_r ty ty' then 
+		 raise (CLASH (mainref, axname, s))
+	     else if s = axname then
+	         def_err "name of axiom is already used for another definition of this constant"
+	     else true)
+	val _ = forall_table check_def defs		
+	(* now we know that the only thing that can prevent acceptance of the definition is a cyclic dependency *)
+	(* body contains the constants that this constant definition depends on. For each element of body,
+           the function make_edges_to calculates a group of edges that connect this constant with 
+           the constant that is denoted by the element of the body *)
+	fun make_edges_to (bodyn, bodyty) =
+	    let
+		val bnode = 
+		    (case Symtab.lookup (graph, bodyn) of 
+			 NONE => def_err "body of constant definition references undeclared constant"
+		       | SOME x => x)
+		val (Node (_, general_btyp, bdefs, bbacks)) = bnode
+	    in
+		case unify_r 0 bodyty general_btyp of
+		    NONE => NONE
+		  | SOME (maxidx, sigma1, sigma2) => 
+		    SOME (
+		    let
+			(* For each definition of the constant in the body, 
+			   check if the definition unifies with the type of the constant in the body. *)	                
+	              fun make_edges ((swallowed, l),(def_name, Defnode (def_ty, _))) =
+			  if swallowed then
+			      (swallowed, l)
+			  else 
+			      (case unify_r 0 bodyty def_ty of
+				   NONE => (swallowed, l)
+				 | SOME (maxidx, sigma1, sigma2) => 
+				   (is_instance bodyty def_ty,
+				    merge_labelled_edges l [(SOME def_name,[(maxidx, subst sigma1 ty, subst sigma2 def_ty, [])])]))
+          	      val (swallowed, edges) = Symtab.foldl make_edges ((false, []), bdefs)
+		    in
+			if swallowed then 
+			    (bodyn, edges)
+			else
+			    (bodyn, [(NONE, [(maxidx, subst sigma1 ty, subst sigma2 general_btyp,[])])]@edges)
+		    end)
+	    end 
+	fun update_edges (b as (bodyn, bodyty), edges) =
+	    (case make_edges_to b of
+		 NONE => edges
+	       | SOME m =>
+		 (case Symtab.lookup (edges, bodyn) of
+		      NONE => Symtab.update ((bodyn, m), edges)
+		    | SOME (_, es') => 
+		      let 
+			  val (_, es) = m
+			  val es = merge_labelled_edges es es'
+		      in
+			  Symtab.update ((bodyn, (bodyn, es)), edges)
+		      end
+		 )
+	    )
+	val edges = foldl update_edges Symtab.empty body
+	fun insert_edge edges (nodename, (defname_opt, edge)) = 
+	    let
+		val newlink = [(defname_opt, [edge])]
+	    in
+		case Symtab.lookup (edges, nodename) of
+		    NONE => Symtab.update ((nodename, (nodename, newlink)), edges)		    
+		  | SOME (_, links) => 
+		    let
+			val links' = merge_labelled_edges links newlink
+		    in
+			Symtab.update ((nodename, (nodename, links')), edges)
+		    end
+	    end				    
+        (* We constructed all direct edges that this defnode has. 
+           Now we have to construct the transitive hull by going a single step further. *)
+        val thisDefnode = Defnode (ty, edges)
+	fun make_trans_edges _ noderef defname_opt (max1, alpha1, beta1, history1) edges = 
+	    case defname_opt of 
+		NONE => edges
+	      | SOME defname => 		
+		let
+		    val defnode = the (get_defnode' graph noderef defname)
+		    fun make_trans_edge _ noderef2 defname_opt2 (max2, alpha2, beta2, history2) edges =
+			case unify_r (Int.max (max1, max2)) beta1 alpha2 of
+			    NONE => edges
+			  | SOME (max, sleft, sright) =>
+			    insert_edge edges (noderef2, 
+					       (defname_opt2, 							  
+						(max, subst sleft alpha1, subst sright beta2, 
+						 (subst_history sleft history1)@
+						 ((subst sleft beta1, noderef, defname)::
+						  (subst_history sright history2)))))
+		in
+		    defnode_edges_foldl make_trans_edge edges defnode
+		end
+	val edges = defnode_edges_foldl make_trans_edges edges thisDefnode
+	val thisDefnode = Defnode (ty, edges)
+	(* We also have to add the backreferences that this new defnode induces. *)
+	fun hasNONElink ((NONE, _)::_) = true
+	  | hasNONElink _ = false
+	fun install_backref graph noderef pointingnoderef pointingdefname = 
+	    let
+		val (Node (pname, _, _, _)) = getnode graph pointingnoderef
+		val (Node (name, ty, defs, backs)) = getnode graph noderef
+	    in
+		case Symtab.lookup (backs, pname) of
+		    NONE => 
+		    let 
+			val defnames = Symtab.update ((pointingdefname, ()), Symtab.empty)
+			val backs = Symtab.update ((pname, Backref (pointingnoderef, defnames)), backs)
+		    in
+			Symtab.update ((name, Node (name, ty, defs, backs)), graph) 			
+		    end
+		  | SOME (Backref (pointingnoderef, defnames)) =>
+		    let
+			val defnames = Symtab.update_new ((pointingdefname, ()), defnames)
+			val backs = Symtab.update ((pname, Backref (pointingnoderef, defnames)), backs)
+		    in
+			Symtab.update ((name, Node (name, ty, defs, backs)), graph)
+		    end
+		    handle Symtab.DUP _ => graph
+	    end
+	fun install_backrefs (graph, (_, (noderef, labelled_edges))) =
+	    if hasNONElink labelled_edges then
+		install_backref graph noderef mainref axname
+	    else 
+		graph
+        val graph = Symtab.foldl install_backrefs (graph, edges)
+        val (Node (_, _, _, backs)) = getnode graph mainref
+	val graph = Symtab.update ((mainref, Node (n, gty, Symtab.update_new ((axname, thisDefnode), defs), backs)), graph)
+	(* Now we have to check all backreferences to this node and inform them about the new defnode. 
+	   In this section we also check for circularity. *)
+        fun update_backrefs ((backs, newedges), (nodename, Backref (noderef, defnames))) =	    
+	    let
+		val node = getnode graph noderef
+		fun update_defs ((defnames, newedges),(defname, _)) =
+		    let
+			val (Defnode (_, defnode_edges)) = the (get_defnode node defname)
+			val (_, labelled_edges) = the (Symtab.lookup (defnode_edges, n))
+			(* the type of thisDefnode is ty *)
+			fun update (e as (max, alpha, beta, history), (none_edges, this_edges)) = 
+			    case unify_r max beta ty of
+				NONE => (e::none_edges, this_edges)
+			      | SOME (max', s_beta, s_ty) =>
+				let
+				    val alpha' = subst s_beta alpha
+				    val ty' = subst s_ty ty				      
+				    val _ = 
+					if noderef = mainref andalso defname = axname then
+					    (case unify alpha' ty' of
+						 NONE => ()
+					       | SOME s => raise (CIRCULAR (
+								  (subst s alpha', mainref, axname)::
+								  (subst_history s (subst_history s_beta history))@
+								  [(subst s ty', mainref, axname)])))
+					else ()
+				    val edge = (max', alpha', ty', subst_history s_beta history)
+				in
+				    if is_instance_r beta ty then 
+					(none_edges, edge::this_edges)
+				    else
+					(e::none_edges, edge::this_edges)
+				end					    			   			    
+		    in
+			case labelled_edges of 
+			    ((NONE, edges)::_) => 
+			    let
+				val (none_edges, this_edges) = foldl update ([], []) edges
+				val defnames = if none_edges = [] then defnames else Symtab.update_new ((defname, ()), defnames) 
+			    in
+				(defnames, (defname, none_edges, this_edges)::newedges)
+			    end			    
+			  | _ => def_err "update_defs, internal error, corrupt backrefs"
+		    end
+		val (defnames, newedges') = Symtab.foldl update_defs ((Symtab.empty, []), defnames)
+	    in
+		if Symtab.is_empty defnames then 
+		    (backs, (noderef, newedges')::newedges)
+		else
+		    let
+			val backs = Symtab.update_new ((nodename, Backref (noderef, defnames)), backs)
+		    in
+			(backs, newedges)
+		    end
+	    end
+	val (backs, newedges) = Symtab.foldl update_backrefs ((Symtab.empty, []), backs)
+	(* If a Circular exception is thrown then we never reach this point. *)
+        (* Ok, the definition is consistent, let's update this node. *)
+	val graph = Symtab.update ((mainref, Node (n, gty, Symtab.update ((axname, thisDefnode), defs), backs)), graph)
+        (* Furthermore, update all the other nodes that backreference this node. *)
+        fun final_update_backrefs graph noderef defname none_edges this_edges =
+	    let
+		val node = getnode graph noderef
+		val (Node (nodename, nodety, defs, backs)) = node
+		val (Defnode (defnode_ty, defnode_edges)) = the (get_defnode node defname)
+		val (_, defnode_links) = the (Symtab.lookup (defnode_edges, n))
+		fun update edges none_edges this_edges =
+		    let 
+			val u = merge_labelled_edges edges [(SOME axname, pack_edges this_edges)]
+		    in
+			if none_edges = [] then
+			    u
+			else
+			    (NONE, pack_edges none_edges)::u
+		    end
+		val defnode_links' = 
+		    case defnode_links of 
+			((NONE, _) :: edges) => update edges none_edges this_edges
+		      | edges => update edges none_edges this_edges
+		val defnode_edges' = Symtab.update ((n, (mainref, defnode_links')), defnode_edges)
+		val defs' = Symtab.update ((defname, Defnode (defnode_ty, defnode_edges')), defs)
+	    in
+		Symtab.update ((nodename, Node (nodename, nodety, defs', backs)), graph)
+	    end
+	val graph = foldl (fn ((noderef, newedges),graph) => foldl (fn ((defname, none_edges, this_edges), graph) =>
+           final_update_backrefs graph noderef defname none_edges this_edges) graph newedges) graph newedges		    
+    in	    
+	((Define (name, ty, axname, body))::actions, graph)	   
+    end 
+    fun merge' (Declare (name, ty), g) = (declare g name ty handle _ => g)
+      | merge' (Define (name, ty, axname, body), g as (_, graph)) = 
+	(case Symtab.lookup (graph, name) of
+	     NONE => define g name ty axname body
+	   | SOME (Node (_, _, defs, _)) => 
+	     (case Symtab.lookup (defs, axname) of
+		  NONE => define g name ty axname body
+		| SOME _ => g))
+    fun merge (actions, _) g = foldr merge' g actions
+(*fun tvar name = TVar ((name, 0), [])
+val bool = Type ("bool", [])
+val int = Type ("int", [])
+val alpha = tvar "'a"
+val beta = tvar "'b"
+val gamma = tvar "'c"
+fun pair a b = Type ("pair", [a,b])
+val _ = print "make empty"
+val g = Defs.empty 
+val _ = print "declare"
+val g = Defs.declare g "M" (alpha --> bool)
+val g = Defs.declare g "N" (beta --> bool)
+val _ = print "define"
+val g = Defs.define g "N" (alpha --> bool) "defN" [("M", alpha --> bool)]
+val g = Defs.define g "M" (alpha --> bool) "defM" [("N", int --> alpha)]
+val g = Defs.declare g "0" alpha
+val g = Defs.define g "0" (pair alpha beta) "zp" [("0", alpha), ("0", beta)]*)
--- a/src/Pure/term.ML	Sun May 29 05:23:28 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/term.ML	Sun May 29 12:39:12 2005 +0200
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
   val add_term_classes: term * class list -> class list
   val add_term_consts: term * string list -> string list
   val term_consts: term -> string list
+  val term_constsT: term -> (string * typ) list
   val add_term_frees: term * term list -> term list
   val term_frees: term -> term list
   val add_term_free_names: term * string list -> string list
@@ -784,8 +785,6 @@
         else a :: invent_names used b (n - 1)
 (** Consts etc. **)
 fun add_typ_classes (Type (_, Ts), cs) = foldr add_typ_classes cs Ts
@@ -803,8 +802,15 @@
   | add_term_consts (Abs (_, _, t), cs) = add_term_consts (t, cs)
   | add_term_consts (_, cs) = cs;
+fun add_term_constsT (Const c, cs) = c::cs
+  | add_term_constsT (t $ u, cs) = add_term_constsT (t, add_term_constsT (u, cs))
+  | add_term_constsT (Abs (_, _, t), cs) = add_term_constsT (t, cs)
+  | add_term_constsT (_, cs) = cs;
 fun term_consts t = add_term_consts(t,[]);
+fun term_constsT t = add_term_constsT(t,[]);
 fun exists_Const P t = let
         fun ex (Const c      ) = P c
         |   ex (t $ u        ) = ex t orelse ex u
--- a/src/Pure/theory.ML	Sun May 29 05:23:28 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/theory.ML	Sun May 29 12:39:12 2005 +0200
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   exception THEORY of string * theory list
   val rep_theory: theory ->
-      const_deps: unit Graph.T,
+      const_deps: Defs.graph,
       final_consts: typ list Symtab.table,
       axioms: term Symtab.table,
       oracles: (( * Object.T -> term) * stamp) Symtab.table,
@@ -121,12 +121,10 @@
 (** datatype theory **)
-(*Note: dependencies are only tracked for non-overloaded constant definitions*)
 datatype theory =
   Theory of {
-    const_deps: unit Graph.T,
+    const_deps: Defs.graph,
     final_consts: typ list Symtab.table,
     axioms: term Symtab.table,
     oracles: (( * Object.T -> term) * stamp) Symtab.table,
@@ -163,7 +161,7 @@
 (*partial Pure theory*)
 val pre_pure =
-  make_theory Sign.pre_pure Graph.empty Symtab.empty Symtab.empty Symtab.empty [] [];
+  make_theory Sign.pre_pure Defs.empty Symtab.empty Symtab.empty Symtab.empty [] [];
@@ -317,7 +315,7 @@
 (* clash_types, clash_consts *)
-(*check if types have common instance (ignoring sorts)*)
+(*check if types have common instance (ignoring sorts)
 fun clash_types ty1 ty2 =
@@ -327,9 +325,9 @@
 fun clash_consts (c1, ty1) (c2, ty2) =
   c1 = c2 andalso clash_types ty1 ty2;
-(* clash_defns *)
+(* clash_defns 
 fun clash_defn c_ty (name, tm) =
   let val (c, ty') = dest_Const (head_of (fst (Logic.dest_equals (Logic.strip_imp_concl tm)))) in
@@ -338,6 +336,7 @@
 fun clash_defns c_ty axms =
   distinct (List.mapPartial (clash_defn c_ty) axms);
 (* overloading *)
@@ -395,15 +394,22 @@
   (error_msg msg;
     error ("The error(s) above occurred in definition " ^ quote (Sign.full_name sg name)));
-fun cycle_msg namess = "Cyclic dependency of constants:\n" ^
-  cat_lines (map (space_implode " -> " o map quote o rev) namess);
+fun pretty_const sg (c, ty) = [Pretty.str c, Pretty.str " ::", Pretty.quote (Sign.pretty_typ sg (#1 (Type.freeze_thaw_type ty)))];
-fun add_deps (c, cs) deps =
-  let fun declare (G, x) = Graph.new_node (x, ()) G handle Graph.DUP _ => G
-  in Library.foldl declare (deps, c :: cs) |> Graph.add_deps_acyclic (c, cs) end;
+fun cycle_msg sg namess = Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block (((Pretty.str "cyclic dependency found: ") :: Pretty.fbrk :: (
+  let      
+      fun f last (ty, constname, defname) =  
+	  (pretty_const sg (constname, ty)) @ (if last then [] else [Pretty.str (" depends via "^ quote defname^ " on ")])
+  in
+      foldr (fn (x,r) => (f (r=[]) x)@[Pretty.fbrk]@r) [] namess
+  end))))
 fun check_defn sg overloaded final_consts ((deps, axms), def as (name, tm)) =
+    val name = Sign.full_name sg name
     fun is_final (c, ty) =
       case Symtab.lookup(final_consts,c) of
         SOME [] => true
@@ -422,35 +428,43 @@
     val (c_ty as (c, ty), rhs) = dest_defn tm
       handle TERM (msg, _) => err_in_defn sg name msg;
-    val c_decl =
-      (case Sign.const_type sg c of SOME T => T
-      | NONE => err_in_defn sg name ("Undeclared constant " ^ quote c));
+    fun decl deps c = 
+	(case Sign.const_type sg c of 
+	     SOME T => (Defs.declare deps c T handle _ => deps, T)
+	   | NONE => err_in_defn sg name ("Undeclared constant " ^ quote c));
-    val clashed = clash_defns c_ty axms;
+    val (deps, c_decl) = decl deps c
+    val body = Term.term_constsT rhs
+    val deps = foldl (fn ((c, _), deps) => fst (decl deps c)) deps body
-    if not (null clashed) then
-      err_in_defn sg name (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks
-        (def_txt (c_ty, " clashes with") :: map (show_defn c) clashed)))
-    else if is_final c_ty then
+    if is_final c_ty then
       err_in_defn sg name (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
         ([Pretty.str "The constant",Pretty.brk 1] @
 	 pretty_const c_ty @
 	 [Pretty.brk 1,Pretty.str "has been declared final"])))
       (case overloading sg c_decl ty of
-        NoOverloading =>
-          (add_deps (c, Term.term_consts rhs) deps
-              handle Graph.CYCLES namess => err_in_defn sg name (cycle_msg namess),
-            def :: axms)
-      | Useless =>
+	 Useless =>
            err_in_defn sg name (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks
-             [Library.setmp show_sorts true def_txt (c_ty, ""), Pretty.str
-                 "imposes additional sort constraints on the declared type of the constant"]))
-      | Plain =>
-         (if not overloaded then warning (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks
-           [def_txt (c_ty, ""), Pretty.str ("is strictly less general than the declared type (see "
-               ^ quote (Sign.full_name sg name) ^ ")")]))
-         else (); (deps, def :: axms)))
+	   [Library.setmp show_sorts true def_txt (c_ty, ""), Pretty.str
+              "imposes additional sort constraints on the declared type of the constant"]))   
+       | ov =>
+	 let 
+	     val deps' = Defs.define deps c ty name body
+		 handle Defs.DEFS s => err_in_defn sg name ("DEFS: "^s) 
+		      | Defs.CIRCULAR s => err_in_defn sg name (cycle_msg sg s)
+                      | Defs.CLASH (_, def1, def2) => err_in_defn sg name (
+			  "clashing definitions "^ quote def1 ^" and "^ quote def2)
+	 in
+	     ((if ov = Plain andalso not overloaded then
+		   warning (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks
+		     [def_txt (c_ty, ""), Pretty.str ("is strictly less general than the declared type (see " ^ quote name ^ ")")]))
+	       else
+		   ()); (deps', def::axms))
+	 end)
@@ -550,8 +564,8 @@
     val sign' = Sign.prep_ext_merge (map sign_of thys)
     val depss = map (#const_deps o rep_theory) thys;
-    val deps' = Library.foldl (Graph.merge_acyclic (K true)) (hd depss, tl depss)
-      handle Graph.CYCLES namess => error (cycle_msg namess);
+    val deps' = foldl (uncurry Defs.merge) (hd depss) (tl depss)
+      handle Defs.CIRCULAR namess => error (cycle_msg sign' namess);
     val final_constss = map (#final_consts o rep_theory) thys;
     val final_consts' =