--- a/src/Provers/classical.ML Mon Nov 09 15:42:08 1998 +0100
+++ b/src/Provers/classical.ML Mon Nov 09 15:49:38 1998 +0100
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
For a rule to be safe, its premises and conclusion should be logically
equivalent. There should be no variables in the premises that are not in
the conclusion.
+ - only BASIC_CLASSICAL made pervasive;
+ - fix global claset data;
(*higher precedence than := facilitates use of references*)
@@ -44,7 +48,7 @@
val hyp_subst_tacs: (int -> tactic) list
-signature CLASSICAL =
+signature BASIC_CLASSICAL =
type claset
val empty_cs: claset
@@ -140,6 +144,31 @@
val Deepen_tac : int -> int -> tactic
+signature CLASSICAL =
+ val print_local_claset: Proof.context -> unit
+ val get_local_claset: Proof.context -> claset
+ val put_local_claset: claset -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
+ val dest_global: theory attribute
+ val elim_global: theory attribute
+ val intro_global: theory attribute
+ val safe_dest_global: theory attribute
+ val safe_elim_global: theory attribute
+ val safe_intro_global: theory attribute
+ val delrules_global: theory attribute
+ val dest_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val elim_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val intro_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val safe_dest_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val safe_elim_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val safe_intro_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val delrules_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val trace_rules: bool ref
+ val single_tac: claset -> tthm list -> int -> tactic
+ val setup: (theory -> theory) list
structure ClasetThyData: CLASET_THY_DATA =
@@ -800,6 +829,22 @@
val Delrules = change_claset (op delrules);
+(* proof data kind 'Provers/claset' *)
+structure LocalClasetArgs =
+ val name = "Provers/claset";
+ type T = claset;
+ val init = claset_of;
+ fun print _ cs = print_cs cs;
+structure LocalClaset = ProofDataFun(LocalClasetArgs);
+val print_local_claset = LocalClaset.print;
+val get_local_claset = LocalClaset.get;
+val put_local_claset = LocalClaset.put;
(* tactics referring to the implicit claset *)
(*the abstraction over the proof state delays the dereferencing*)
@@ -816,4 +861,157 @@
+(** attributes **)
+(* add / del rules *)
+val introN = "intro";
+val elimN = "elim";
+val destN = "dest";
+val delN = "del";
+val addDs' = Attribute.lift_modifier (op addDs);
+val addEs' = Attribute.lift_modifier (op addEs);
+val addIs' = Attribute.lift_modifier (op addIs);
+val addSDs' = Attribute.lift_modifier (op addSDs);
+val addSEs' = Attribute.lift_modifier (op addSEs);
+val addSIs' = Attribute.lift_modifier (op addSIs);
+val delrules' = Attribute.lift_modifier (op delrules);
+ fun change_global_cs f (thy, tth) =
+ let val r = claset_ref_of thy
+ in r := f (! r, [tth]); (thy, tth) end;
+ fun change_local_cs f (ctxt, tth) =
+ let val cs = f (get_local_claset ctxt, [tth])
+ in (put_local_claset cs ctxt, tth) end;
+ fun cla_att change f g = Attrib.syntax (Args.$$$ "!" >> K f || Scan.succeed g) change;
+ val dest_global = change_global_cs addDs';
+ val elim_global = change_global_cs addEs';
+ val intro_global = change_global_cs addIs';
+ val safe_dest_global = change_global_cs addDs';
+ val safe_elim_global = change_global_cs addEs';
+ val safe_intro_global = change_global_cs addIs';
+ val delrules_global = change_global_cs delrules';
+ val dest_local = change_local_cs addDs';
+ val elim_local = change_local_cs addEs';
+ val intro_local = change_local_cs addIs';
+ val safe_dest_local = change_local_cs addDs';
+ val safe_elim_local = change_local_cs addEs';
+ val safe_intro_local = change_local_cs addIs';
+ val delrules_local = change_local_cs delrules';
+ fun cla_attr f g = (cla_att change_global_cs f g, cla_att change_local_cs f g);
+ val del_attr = (Attrib.no_args delrules_global, Attrib.no_args delrules_local);
+(* setup_attrs *)
+val setup_attrs = Attrib.add_attributes
+ [("dest", cla_attr addDs' addSDs', "destruction rule"),
+ ("elim", cla_attr addEs' addSEs', "elimination rule"),
+ ("intro", cla_attr addIs' addSIs', "introduction rule"),
+ ("del", del_attr, "delete rule")];
+(** standard rule proof method **)
+(* utils *)
+fun resolve_from_seq_tac rq i st = Seq.flat (Seq.map (fn r => rtac r i st) rq);
+fun order_rules xs = map snd (Tactic.orderlist xs);
+fun find_rules concl nets =
+ let fun rules_of (inet, _) = order_rules (Net.unify_term inet concl)
+ in flat (map rules_of nets) end;
+fun find_erules [] _ = []
+ | find_erules facts nets =
+ let
+ fun may_unify net = Net.unify_term net o #prop o Thm.rep_thm;
+ fun erules_of (_, enet) = order_rules (flat (map (may_unify enet) facts));
+ in flat (map erules_of nets) end;
+(* trace rules *)
+val trace_rules = ref false;
+fun print_rules rules i =
+ if not (! trace_rules) then ()
+ else
+ Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list ("trying standard rule(s) on goal #" ^ string_of_int i ^ ":")
+ (map Display.pretty_thm rules));
+(* single_tac *)
+fun single_tac cs tfacts =
+ let
+ val CS {safe0_netpair, safep_netpair, haz_netpair, dup_netpair, ...} = cs;
+ val facts = map Attribute.thm_of tfacts;
+ val nets = [safe0_netpair, safep_netpair, haz_netpair, dup_netpair];
+ val erules = find_erules facts nets;
+ val tac = SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) =>
+ let
+ val irules = find_rules (Logic.strip_assums_concl goal) nets;
+ val rules = erules @ irules;
+ val ruleq = Method.forward_chain facts rules;
+ in
+ print_rules rules i;
+ fn st => Seq.flat (Seq.map (fn rule => Tactic.rtac rule i st) ruleq) end);
+ in tac end;
+val single = Method.METHOD (FIRSTGOAL o (fn facts => CLASET' (fn cs => single_tac cs facts)));
+(** automatic methods **)
+(* FIXME handle "!" *)
+fun cla_args meth =
+ Method.sectioned_args get_local_claset addIs'
+ [(destN, addSDs'), ("unsafe_dest", addDs'),
+ (elimN, addSEs'), ("unsafe_elim", addEs'),
+ (introN, addSIs'), ("unsafe_intro", addIs'),
+ (delN, delrules')] meth;
+(* FIXME facts!? (e.g. apply trivial first) *)
+fun gen_cla tac = cla_args (fn cs => Method.METHOD0 (tac cs));
+fun gen_cla' tac = cla_args (fn cs => Method.METHOD0 (FIRSTGOAL (tac cs)));
+(** setup_methods **)
+val setup_methods = Method.add_methods
+ [("single", Method.no_args single, "apply standard rule (single step)"),
+ ("default", Method.no_args single, "apply standard rule (single step)"),
+ ("safe_tac", gen_cla safe_tac, "safe_tac"),
+ ("safe_step", gen_cla' safe_step_tac, "step_tac"),
+ ("fast", gen_cla' fast_tac, "fast_tac"),
+ ("best", gen_cla' best_tac, "best_tac"),
+ ("slow", gen_cla' slow_tac, "slow_tac"),
+ ("slow_best", gen_cla' slow_best_tac, "slow_best_tac")];
+(** theory setup **)
+(* FIXME claset theory data *)
+val setup = [LocalClaset.init, setup_attrs, setup_methods];