--- a/src/HOL/UNITY/Alloc.thy Tue Sep 28 22:17:05 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/UNITY/Alloc.thy Wed Sep 29 13:13:06 1999 +0200
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
--but need invariants that values are non-negative
-Alloc = Follows + Extend + PPROD +
+Alloc = Follows + Project + PPROD +
(*Duplicated from HOL/ex/NatSum.thy.
Maybe type should be [nat=>int, nat] => int**)
--- a/src/HOL/UNITY/Extend.ML Tue Sep 28 22:17:05 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/UNITY/Extend.ML Wed Sep 29 13:13:06 1999 +0200
@@ -290,21 +290,6 @@
qed "extend_JN";
Addsimps [extend_JN];
-Goal "UNIV <= project_set h C \
-\ ==> project C h ((extend h F) Join G) = F Join (project C h G)";
-by (rtac program_equalityI 1);
-by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [image_Un, image_image_eq_UN,
- subset_UNIV RS subset_trans RS extend_act_inverse]) 2);
-by (simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_set_extend_set_Int]) 1);
-qed "project_extend_Join";
-Goal "UNIV <= project_set h C \
-\ ==> (extend h F) Join G = extend h H ==> H = F Join (project C h G)";
-by (dres_inst_tac [("f", "project C h")] arg_cong 1);
-by (asm_full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_extend_Join]) 1);
-qed "extend_Join_eq_extend_D";
(*** Safety: co, stable ***)
Goal "(extend h F : (extend_set h A) co (extend_set h B)) = \
@@ -320,88 +305,9 @@
by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [invariant_def, extend_stable]) 1);
qed "extend_invariant";
-(** Safety and project **)
-Goalw [constrains_def]
- "(project C h F : A co B) = \
-\ (F : (C Int extend_set h A) co (extend_set h B) & A <= B)";
-by (auto_tac (claset() addSIs [project_act_I], simpset() addsimps [ball_Un]));
-by (force_tac (claset() addSIs [project_act_I] addSDs [subsetD], simpset()) 1);
-(*the <== direction*)
-by (rewtac project_act_def);
-by (force_tac (claset() addSDs [subsetD], simpset()) 1);
-qed "project_constrains";
-Goalw [stable_def]
- "(project UNIV h F : stable A) = (F : stable (extend_set h A))";
-by (simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_constrains]) 1);
-qed "project_stable";
-(*This form's useful with guarantees reasoning*)
-Goal "(F Join project C h G : A co B) = \
-\ (extend h F Join G : (C Int extend_set h A) co (extend_set h B) & \
-\ F : A co B)";
-by (simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_constrains, project_constrains]) 1);
-by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [extend_constrains RS iffD2 RS constrains_weaken]
- addDs [constrains_imp_subset]) 1);
-qed "Join_project_constrains";
-(*The condition is required to prove the left-to-right direction;
- could weaken it to G : (C Int extend_set h A) co C*)
-Goalw [stable_def]
- "extend h F Join G : stable C \
-\ ==> (F Join project C h G : stable A) = \
-\ (extend h F Join G : stable (C Int extend_set h A) & \
-\ F : stable A)";
-by (simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_project_constrains]) 1);
-by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [constrains_weaken] addDs [constrains_Int]) 1);
-qed "Join_project_stable";
-Goal "(F Join project UNIV h G : increasing func) = \
-\ (extend h F Join G : increasing (func o f))";
-by (simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [increasing_def, Join_project_stable]) 1);
-by (auto_tac (claset(),
- simpset() addsimps [Join_stable, Collect_eq_extend_set RS sym,
- extend_stable RS iffD1]));
-qed "Join_project_increasing";
(*** Diff, needed for localTo ***)
-(** project versions **)
-(*Opposite direction fails because Diff in the extended state may remove
- fewer actions, i.e. those that affect other state variables.*)
-Goal "(UN act:acts. Domain act) <= project_set h C \
-\ ==> Diff (project C h G) acts <= \
-\ project C h (Diff G (extend_act h `` acts))";
-by (asm_full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [component_eq_subset, Diff_def,
- UN_subset_iff]) 1);
-by (force_tac (claset() addSIs [image_diff_subset RS subsetD],
- simpset() addsimps [image_image_eq_UN]) 1);
-qed "Diff_project_component_project_Diff";
- "[| (UN act:acts. Domain act) <= project_set h C; \
-\ Diff G (extend_act h `` acts) : (extend_set h A) co (extend_set h B) |]\
-\ ==> Diff (project C h G) acts : A co B";
-by (etac (Diff_project_component_project_Diff RS component_constrains) 1);
-by (rtac (project_constrains RS iffD2) 1);
-by (ftac constrains_imp_subset 1);
-by (Asm_full_simp_tac 1);
-by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [constrains_weaken]) 1);
-qed "Diff_project_co";
-Goalw [stable_def]
- "[| (UN act:acts. Domain act) <= project_set h C; \
-\ Diff G (extend_act h `` acts) : stable (extend_set h A) |] \
-\ ==> Diff (project C h G) acts : stable A";
-by (etac Diff_project_co 1);
-by (assume_tac 1);
-qed "Diff_project_stable";
-(** extend versions **)
Goal "(Diff (extend h G) (extend_act h `` acts)) = extend h (Diff G acts)";
by (auto_tac (claset() addSIs [program_equalityI],
simpset() addsimps [Diff_def,
@@ -419,17 +325,6 @@
by (simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Diff_extend_co, stable_def]) 1);
qed "Diff_extend_stable";
-(*Converse appears to fail*)
-Goal "[| UNIV <= project_set h C; (H : (func o f) localTo extend h G) |] \
-\ ==> (project C h H : func localTo G)";
-by (asm_full_simp_tac
- (simpset() addsimps [localTo_def,
- project_extend_Join RS sym,
- subset_UNIV RS subset_trans RS Diff_project_stable,
- Collect_eq_extend_set RS sym]) 1);
-qed "project_localTo_I";
(*** Weak safety primitives: Co, Stable ***)
Goal "p : reachable (extend h F) ==> f p : reachable F";
@@ -471,125 +366,6 @@
qed "extend_Always";
-(** Reachability and project **)
-Goal "[| reachable (extend h F Join G) <= C; \
-\ z : reachable (extend h F Join G) |] \
-\ ==> f z : reachable (F Join project C h G)";
-by (etac reachable.induct 1);
-by (force_tac (claset() addIs [reachable.Init, project_set_I],
- simpset()) 1);
-by Auto_tac;
-by (force_tac (claset() addIs [project_act_I RSN (3,reachable.Acts)],
- simpset()) 2);
-by (res_inst_tac [("act","x")] reachable.Acts 1);
-by Auto_tac;
-by (etac extend_act_D 1);
-qed "reachable_imp_reachable_project";
-Goalw [Constrains_def]
- "[| reachable (extend h F Join G) <= C; \
-\ F Join project C h G : A Co B |] \
-\ ==> extend h F Join G : (extend_set h A) Co (extend_set h B)";
-by (full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_project_constrains]) 1);
-by (Clarify_tac 1);
-by (etac constrains_weaken 1);
-by (auto_tac (claset() addDs [reachable_imp_reachable_project], simpset()));
-qed "project_Constrains_D";
-Goalw [Stable_def]
- "[| reachable (extend h F Join G) <= C; \
-\ F Join project C h G : Stable A |] \
-\ ==> extend h F Join G : Stable (extend_set h A)";
-by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_Constrains_D]) 1);
-qed "project_Stable_D";
-Goalw [Always_def]
- "[| reachable (extend h F Join G) <= C; \
-\ F Join project C h G : Always A |] \
-\ ==> extend h F Join G : Always (extend_set h A)";
-by (force_tac (claset() addIs [reachable.Init, project_set_I],
- simpset() addsimps [project_Stable_D]) 1);
-qed "project_Always_D";
-Goalw [Increasing_def]
- "[| reachable (extend h F Join G) <= C; \
-\ F Join project C h G : Increasing func |] \
-\ ==> extend h F Join G : Increasing (func o f)";
-by Auto_tac;
-by (stac Collect_eq_extend_set 1);
-by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_Stable_D]) 1);
-qed "project_Increasing_D";
-(** Converse results for weak safety: benefits of the argument C *)
-Goal "[| C <= reachable(extend h F Join G); \
-\ x : reachable (F Join project C h G) |] \
-\ ==> EX y. h(x,y) : reachable (extend h F Join G)";
-by (etac reachable.induct 1);
-by (ALLGOALS Asm_full_simp_tac);
-(*SLOW: 6.7s*)
-by (force_tac (claset() delrules [Id_in_Acts]
- addIs [reachable.Acts, extend_act_D],
- simpset() addsimps [project_act_def]) 2);
-by (force_tac (claset() addIs [reachable.Init],
- simpset() addsimps [project_set_def]) 1);
-qed "reachable_project_imp_reachable";
-Goalw [Constrains_def]
- "[| C <= reachable (extend h F Join G); \
-\ extend h F Join G : (extend_set h A) Co (extend_set h B) |] \
-\ ==> F Join project C h G : A Co B";
-by (full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_project_constrains,
- extend_set_Int_distrib]) 1);
-by (rtac conjI 1);
-by (etac constrains_weaken 1);
-by Auto_tac;
-by (asm_full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_constrains]) 1);
-(*Some generalization of constrains_weaken_L would be better, but what is it?*)
-by (rewtac constrains_def);
-by Auto_tac;
-by (thin_tac "ALL act : Acts G. ?P act" 1);
-by (force_tac (claset() addSDs [reachable_project_imp_reachable],
- simpset()) 1);
-qed "project_Constrains_I";
-Goalw [Stable_def]
- "[| C <= reachable (extend h F Join G); \
-\ extend h F Join G : Stable (extend_set h A) |] \
-\ ==> F Join project C h G : Stable A";
-by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_Constrains_I]) 1);
-qed "project_Stable_I";
-Goalw [Increasing_def]
- "[| C <= reachable (extend h F Join G); \
-\ extend h F Join G : Increasing (func o f) |] \
-\ ==> F Join project C h G : Increasing func";
-by Auto_tac;
-by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Collect_eq_extend_set RS sym,
- project_Stable_I]) 1);
-qed "project_Increasing_I";
-Goal "(F Join project (reachable (extend h F Join G)) h G : A Co B) = \
-\ (extend h F Join G : (extend_set h A) Co (extend_set h B))";
-by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [project_Constrains_I, project_Constrains_D]) 1);
-qed "project_Constrains";
-Goalw [Stable_def]
- "(F Join project (reachable (extend h F Join G)) h G : Stable A) = \
-\ (extend h F Join G : Stable (extend_set h A))";
-by (rtac project_Constrains 1);
-qed "project_Stable";
- "(F Join project (reachable (extend h F Join G)) h G : Increasing func) = \
-\ (extend h F Join G : Increasing (func o f))";
-by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Increasing_def, project_Stable,
- Collect_eq_extend_set RS sym]) 1);
-qed "project_Increasing";
(*** Progress: transient, ensures ***)
Goal "(extend h F : transient (extend_set h A)) = (F : transient A)";
@@ -687,221 +463,6 @@
qed "extend_LeadsTo";
-(** Progress includes safety in the definition of ensures **)
-(*** Progress for (project C h F) ***)
-(** transient **)
-(*Premise is that C includes the domains of all actions that could be the
- transient one. Could have C=UNIV of course*)
-Goalw [transient_def]
- "[| ALL act: Acts F. act ^^ extend_set h A <= - extend_set h A --> \
-\ Domain act <= C; \
-\ F : transient (extend_set h A) |] \
-\ ==> project C h F : transient A";
-by (auto_tac (claset() delrules [ballE],
- simpset() addsimps [Domain_project_act, Int_absorb2]));
-by (REPEAT (ball_tac 1));
-by (auto_tac (claset(),
- simpset() addsimps [extend_set_def, project_set_def,
- project_act_def]));
-by (ALLGOALS Blast_tac);
-qed "transient_extend_set_imp_project_transient";
-(*Converse of the above...it requires a strong assumption about actions
- being enabled for all possible values of the new variables.*)
-Goalw [transient_def]
- "[| project C h F : transient A; \
-\ ALL act: Acts F. project_act C h act ^^ A <= - A --> \
-\ Domain act <= C \
-\ & extend_set h (project_set h (Domain act)) <= Domain act |] \
-\ ==> F : transient (extend_set h A)";
-by (auto_tac (claset() delrules [ballE],
- simpset() addsimps [Domain_project_act]));
-by (ball_tac 1);
-by (rtac bexI 1);
-by (assume_tac 2);
-by Auto_tac;
-by (eres_inst_tac [("P", "A <= ?B")] rev_mp 1);
-by (force_tac (claset(), simpset() addsimps [Int_absorb2]) 1);
-(*The Domain requirement's proved; must prove the Image requirement*)
-by (res_inst_tac [("y1", "x")] (surj_h RS surjD RS exE) 1);
-by (res_inst_tac [("y1", "xa")] (surj_h RS surjD RS exE) 1);
-by Auto_tac;
-by (thin_tac "A <= ?B" 1);
-by (force_tac (claset() addSIs [ImageI, project_act_I], simpset()) 1);
-qed "project_transient_imp_transient_extend_set";
-(** ensures **)
-(*For simplicity, the complicated condition on C is eliminated
-Goal "F : (extend_set h A) ensures (extend_set h B) \
-\ ==> project UNIV h F : A ensures B";
-by (asm_full_simp_tac
- (simpset() addsimps [ensures_def, project_constrains,
- transient_extend_set_imp_project_transient,
- extend_set_Un_distrib RS sym,
- extend_set_Diff_distrib RS sym]) 1);
-by (Blast_tac 1);
-qed "ensures_extend_set_imp_project_ensures";
-(*A super-strong condition: G is not allowed to affect the
- shared variables at all.*)
-Goal "[| ALL x. project UNIV h G ~: transient {x}; \
-\ F Join project UNIV h G : A ensures B |] \
-\ ==> extend h F Join G : (extend_set h A) ensures (extend_set h B)";
-by (case_tac "A <= B" 1);
-by (etac (extend_set_mono RS subset_imp_ensures) 1);
-by (asm_full_simp_tac
- (simpset() addsimps [ensures_def, extend_constrains, extend_transient,
- extend_set_Un_distrib RS sym,
- extend_set_Diff_distrib RS sym,
- Join_transient, Join_constrains,
- project_constrains, Int_absorb1]) 1);
-(*otherwise PROOF FAILED*)
-by Auto_tac;
-by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [transient_strengthen]) 1);
-qed_spec_mp "Join_project_ensures";
-Goal "[| ALL x. project UNIV h G ~: transient {x}; \
-\ F Join project UNIV h G : A leadsTo B |] \
-\ ==> extend h F Join G : (extend_set h A) leadsTo (extend_set h B)";
-by (etac leadsTo_induct 1);
-by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [leadsTo_UN, extend_set_Union]) 3);
-by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [leadsTo_Trans]) 2);
-by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [leadsTo_Basis, Join_project_ensures]) 1);
-qed "Join_project_leadsTo_I";
-Goal "F : stable{s} ==> F ~: transient {s}";
-by (auto_tac (claset(),
- simpset() addsimps [FP_def, transient_def,
- stable_def, constrains_def]));
-qed "stable_sing_imp_not_transient";
-(** Strong precondition and postcondition; doesn't seem very useful. **)
-Goal "F : X guarantees Y ==> \
-\ extend h F : (extend h `` X) guarantees (extend h `` Y)";
-by (rtac guaranteesI 1);
-by Auto_tac;
-by (blast_tac (claset() addDs [project_set_UNIV RS extend_Join_eq_extend_D,
- guaranteesD]) 1);
-qed "guarantees_imp_extend_guarantees";
-Goal "extend h F : (extend h `` X) guarantees (extend h `` Y) \
-\ ==> F : X guarantees Y";
-by (rtac guaranteesI 1);
-by (auto_tac (claset(), simpset() addsimps [guar_def, component_def]));
-by (dtac spec 1);
-by (dtac (mp RS mp) 1);
-by (Blast_tac 2);
-by (blast_tac (claset() addSDs [inj_extend RS inj_image_mem_iff RS iffD1]) 2);
-by Auto_tac;
-qed "extend_guarantees_imp_guarantees";
-Goal "(extend h F : (extend h `` X) guarantees (extend h `` Y)) = \
-\ (F : X guarantees Y)";
-by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [guarantees_imp_extend_guarantees,
- extend_guarantees_imp_guarantees]) 1);
-qed "extend_guarantees_eq";
-(*Weak precondition and postcondition; this is the good one!
- Not clear that it has a converse [or that we want one!]*)
-val [xguary,project,extend] =
-Goal "[| F : X guarantees Y; \
-\ !!G. extend h F Join G : X' ==> F Join proj G h G : X; \
-\ !!G. [| F Join proj G h G : Y; extend h F Join G : X'; \
-\ Disjoint (extend h F) G |] \
-\ ==> extend h F Join G : Y' |] \
-\ ==> extend h F : X' guarantees Y'";
-by (rtac (xguary RS guaranteesD RS extend RS guaranteesI) 1);
-by (etac project 1);
-by (assume_tac 1);
-by (assume_tac 1);
-qed "project_guarantees";
-(** It seems that neither "guarantees" law can be proved from the other. **)
-(*** guarantees corollaries ***)
-Goal "F : UNIV guarantees increasing func \
-\ ==> extend h F : UNIV guarantees increasing (func o f)";
-by (etac project_guarantees 1);
- (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_project_increasing RS sym])));
-qed "extend_guar_increasing";
-Goal "F : UNIV guarantees Increasing func \
-\ ==> extend h F : UNIV guarantees Increasing (func o f)";
-by (etac project_guarantees 1);
-by (rtac (subset_UNIV RS project_Increasing_D) 2);
-by Auto_tac;
-qed "extend_guar_Increasing";
-Goal "F : (func localTo G) guarantees increasing func \
-\ ==> extend h F : (func o f) localTo (extend h G) \
-\ guarantees increasing (func o f)";
-by (etac project_guarantees 1);
-(*the "increasing" guarantee*)
-by (asm_simp_tac
- (simpset() addsimps [Join_project_increasing RS sym]) 2);
-(*the "localTo" requirement*)
-by (stac (project_set_UNIV RS project_extend_Join RS sym) 1);
-by (asm_simp_tac
- (simpset() addsimps [project_set_UNIV RS project_localTo_I]) 1);
-qed "extend_localTo_guar_increasing";
-Goal "F : (func localTo G) guarantees Increasing func \
-\ ==> extend h F : (func o f) localTo (extend h G) \
-\ guarantees Increasing (func o f)";
-by (etac project_guarantees 1);
-(*the "Increasing" guarantee*)
-by (etac (subset_UNIV RS project_Increasing_D) 2);
-(*the "localTo" requirement*)
-by (stac (project_set_UNIV RS project_extend_Join RS sym) 1);
-by (asm_simp_tac
- (simpset() addsimps [project_set_UNIV RS project_localTo_I]) 1);
-qed "extend_localTo_guar_Increasing";
-(** Guarantees with a leadsTo postcondition **)
-Goal "[| G : f localTo extend h F; \
-\ Disjoint (extend h F) G |] ==> project UNIV h G : stable {x}";
-by (asm_full_simp_tac
- (simpset() addsimps [localTo_imp_stable,
- extend_set_sing, project_stable]) 1);
-qed "localTo_imp_project_stable";
-Goal "F : (A co A') guarantees (B leadsTo B') \
-\ ==> extend h F : ((extend_set h A) co (extend_set h A')) \
-\ Int (f localTo (extend h F)) \
-\ guarantees ((extend_set h B) leadsTo (extend_set h B'))";
-by (etac project_guarantees 1);
-(*the safety precondition*)
-by (stac (project_set_UNIV RS project_extend_Join RS sym) 1);
-by (asm_full_simp_tac
- (simpset() addsimps [project_constrains, Join_constrains,
- extend_constrains]) 1);
-by (fast_tac (claset() addDs [constrains_imp_subset]) 1);
-(*the liveness postcondition*)
-by (rtac Join_project_leadsTo_I 1);
-by Auto_tac;
-by (asm_full_simp_tac
- (simpset() addsimps [Join_localTo, self_localTo,
- localTo_imp_project_stable, stable_sing_imp_not_transient]) 1);
-qed "extend_co_guar_leadsTo";
Close_locale "Extend";
(*Close_locale should do this!
--- a/src/HOL/UNITY/Lift_prog.thy Tue Sep 28 22:17:05 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/UNITY/Lift_prog.thy Wed Sep 29 13:13:06 1999 +0200
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
lift_prog, etc: replication of components
-Lift_prog = Guar + Extend +
+Lift_prog = Project +
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/UNITY/Project.ML Wed Sep 29 13:13:06 1999 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+(* Title: HOL/UNITY/Project.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+ Copyright 1999 University of Cambridge
+Projections of state sets (also of actions and programs)
+Inheritance of GUARANTEES properties under extension
+Open_locale "Extend";
+Goalw [restr_def] "Init (restr C h F) = Init F";
+by Auto_tac;
+qed "Init_restr";
+Goalw [restr_act_def, extend_act_def, project_act_def]
+ "((x,x') : restr_act C h act) = ((x,x') : act & (EX y. h(x,y) : C))";
+by (Blast_tac 1);
+qed "restr_act_iff";
+Addsimps [restr_act_iff];
+Goal "Acts (restr C h F) = insert Id (restr_act C h `` Acts F)";
+by (auto_tac (claset(),
+ simpset() addsimps [restr_def, symmetric restr_act_def,
+ image_image_eq_UN]));
+qed "Acts_restr";
+Addsimps [Init_restr, Acts_restr];
+(*The definitions are RE-ORIENTED*)
+Addsimps [symmetric restr_act_def, symmetric restr_def];
+Goal "project C h ((extend h F) Join G) = (restr C h F) Join (project C h G)";
+by (rtac program_equalityI 1);
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [symmetric restr_act_def,
+ image_Un, image_image]) 2);
+by (simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_set_extend_set_Int]) 1);
+qed "project_extend_Join_restr";
+Goalw [project_set_def]
+ "Domain act <= project_set h C ==> restr_act C h act = act";
+by (Force_tac 1);
+qed "restr_act_ident";
+Addsimps [restr_act_ident];
+Goal "F : A co B ==> restr C h F : A co B";
+by (auto_tac (claset(), simpset() addsimps [constrains_def]));
+by (Blast_tac 1);
+qed "restr_constrains";
+Goal "F : stable A ==> restr C h F : stable A";
+by (asm_full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [stable_def, restr_constrains]) 1);
+qed "restr_stable";
+Goal "UNIV <= project_set h C ==> restr C h F = F";
+by (rtac program_equalityI 1);
+by (force_tac (claset(),
+ simpset() addsimps [image_def,
+ subset_UNIV RS subset_trans RS restr_act_ident]) 2);
+by (Simp_tac 1);
+qed "restr_ident";
+(*Ideally, uses of this should be eliminated. But often we see it re-oriented
+ as project_extend_Join RS sym*)
+Goal "UNIV <= project_set h C \
+\ ==> project C h ((extend h F) Join G) = F Join (project C h G)";
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_extend_Join_restr,
+ restr_ident]) 1);
+qed "project_extend_Join";
+Goal "UNIV <= project_set h C \
+\ ==> (extend h F) Join G = extend h H ==> H = F Join (project C h G)";
+by (dres_inst_tac [("f", "project C h")] arg_cong 1);
+by (asm_full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_extend_Join_restr,
+ restr_ident]) 1);
+qed "extend_Join_eq_extend_D";
+(** Safety **)
+Goalw [constrains_def]
+ "(project C h F : A co B) = \
+\ (F : (C Int extend_set h A) co (extend_set h B) & A <= B)";
+by (auto_tac (claset() addSIs [project_act_I], simpset() addsimps [ball_Un]));
+by (force_tac (claset() addSIs [project_act_I] addSDs [subsetD], simpset()) 1);
+(*the <== direction*)
+by (rewtac project_act_def);
+by (force_tac (claset() addSDs [subsetD], simpset()) 1);
+qed "project_constrains";
+Goalw [stable_def]
+ "(project UNIV h F : stable A) = (F : stable (extend_set h A))";
+by (simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_constrains]) 1);
+qed "project_stable";
+(*This form's useful with guarantees reasoning*)
+Goal "(F Join project C h G : A co B) = \
+\ (extend h F Join G : (C Int extend_set h A) co (extend_set h B) & \
+\ F : A co B)";
+by (simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_constrains, project_constrains]) 1);
+by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [extend_constrains RS iffD2 RS constrains_weaken]
+ addDs [constrains_imp_subset]) 1);
+qed "Join_project_constrains";
+(*The condition is required to prove the left-to-right direction;
+ could weaken it to G : (C Int extend_set h A) co C*)
+Goalw [stable_def]
+ "extend h F Join G : stable C \
+\ ==> (F Join project C h G : stable A) = \
+\ (extend h F Join G : stable (C Int extend_set h A) & \
+\ F : stable A)";
+by (simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_project_constrains]) 1);
+by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [constrains_weaken] addDs [constrains_Int]) 1);
+qed "Join_project_stable";
+Goal "(F Join project UNIV h G : increasing func) = \
+\ (extend h F Join G : increasing (func o f))";
+by (simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [increasing_def, Join_project_stable]) 1);
+by (auto_tac (claset(),
+ simpset() addsimps [Join_stable, Collect_eq_extend_set RS sym,
+ extend_stable RS iffD1]));
+qed "Join_project_increasing";
+(*** Diff, needed for localTo ***)
+(*Opposite direction fails because Diff in the extended state may remove
+ fewer actions, i.e. those that affect other state variables.*)
+Goal "(UN act:acts. Domain act) <= project_set h C \
+\ ==> Diff (project C h G) acts <= \
+\ project C h (Diff G (extend_act h `` acts))";
+by (asm_full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [component_eq_subset, Diff_def,
+ UN_subset_iff]) 1);
+by (force_tac (claset() addSIs [image_diff_subset RS subsetD],
+ simpset() addsimps [image_image_eq_UN]) 1);
+qed "Diff_project_component_project_Diff";
+ "[| (UN act:acts. Domain act) <= project_set h C; \
+\ Diff G (extend_act h `` acts) : (extend_set h A) co (extend_set h B) |]\
+\ ==> Diff (project C h G) acts : A co B";
+by (etac (Diff_project_component_project_Diff RS component_constrains) 1);
+by (rtac (project_constrains RS iffD2) 1);
+by (ftac constrains_imp_subset 1);
+by (Asm_full_simp_tac 1);
+by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [constrains_weaken]) 1);
+qed "Diff_project_co";
+Goalw [stable_def]
+ "[| (UN act:acts. Domain act) <= project_set h C; \
+\ Diff G (extend_act h `` acts) : stable (extend_set h A) |] \
+\ ==> Diff (project C h G) acts : stable A";
+by (etac Diff_project_co 1);
+by (assume_tac 1);
+qed "Diff_project_stable";
+(*Converse appears to fail*)
+Goal "[| UNIV <= project_set h C; (H : (func o f) localTo extend h G) |] \
+\ ==> (project C h H : func localTo G)";
+by (asm_full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [localTo_def,
+ project_extend_Join RS sym,
+ subset_UNIV RS subset_trans RS Diff_project_stable,
+ Collect_eq_extend_set RS sym]) 1);
+qed "project_localTo_I";
+(** Reachability and project **)
+Goal "[| reachable (extend h F Join G) <= C; \
+\ z : reachable (extend h F Join G) |] \
+\ ==> f z : reachable (F Join project C h G)";
+by (etac reachable.induct 1);
+by (force_tac (claset() addIs [reachable.Init, project_set_I],
+ simpset()) 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (force_tac (claset() addIs [project_act_I RSN (3,reachable.Acts)],
+ simpset()) 2);
+by (res_inst_tac [("act","x")] reachable.Acts 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (etac extend_act_D 1);
+qed "reachable_imp_reachable_project";
+Goalw [Constrains_def]
+ "[| reachable (extend h F Join G) <= C; \
+\ F Join project C h G : A Co B |] \
+\ ==> extend h F Join G : (extend_set h A) Co (extend_set h B)";
+by (full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_project_constrains]) 1);
+by (Clarify_tac 1);
+by (etac constrains_weaken 1);
+by (auto_tac (claset() addDs [reachable_imp_reachable_project], simpset()));
+qed "project_Constrains_D";
+Goalw [Stable_def]
+ "[| reachable (extend h F Join G) <= C; \
+\ F Join project C h G : Stable A |] \
+\ ==> extend h F Join G : Stable (extend_set h A)";
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_Constrains_D]) 1);
+qed "project_Stable_D";
+Goalw [Always_def]
+ "[| reachable (extend h F Join G) <= C; \
+\ F Join project C h G : Always A |] \
+\ ==> extend h F Join G : Always (extend_set h A)";
+by (force_tac (claset() addIs [reachable.Init, project_set_I],
+ simpset() addsimps [project_Stable_D]) 1);
+qed "project_Always_D";
+Goalw [Increasing_def]
+ "[| reachable (extend h F Join G) <= C; \
+\ F Join project C h G : Increasing func |] \
+\ ==> extend h F Join G : Increasing (func o f)";
+by Auto_tac;
+by (stac Collect_eq_extend_set 1);
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_Stable_D]) 1);
+qed "project_Increasing_D";
+(** Converse results for weak safety: benefits of the argument C *)
+Goal "[| C <= reachable(extend h F Join G); \
+\ x : reachable (F Join project C h G) |] \
+\ ==> EX y. h(x,y) : reachable (extend h F Join G)";
+by (etac reachable.induct 1);
+by (ALLGOALS Asm_full_simp_tac);
+(*SLOW: 6.7s*)
+by (force_tac (claset() delrules [Id_in_Acts]
+ addIs [reachable.Acts, extend_act_D],
+ simpset() addsimps [project_act_def]) 2);
+by (force_tac (claset() addIs [reachable.Init],
+ simpset() addsimps [project_set_def]) 1);
+qed "reachable_project_imp_reachable";
+Goalw [Constrains_def]
+ "[| C <= reachable (extend h F Join G); \
+\ extend h F Join G : (extend_set h A) Co (extend_set h B) |] \
+\ ==> F Join project C h G : A Co B";
+by (full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_project_constrains,
+ extend_set_Int_distrib]) 1);
+by (rtac conjI 1);
+by (etac constrains_weaken 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (asm_full_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_constrains]) 1);
+(*Some generalization of constrains_weaken_L would be better, but what is it?*)
+by (rewtac constrains_def);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (thin_tac "ALL act : Acts G. ?P act" 1);
+by (force_tac (claset() addSDs [reachable_project_imp_reachable],
+ simpset()) 1);
+qed "project_Constrains_I";
+Goalw [Stable_def]
+ "[| C <= reachable (extend h F Join G); \
+\ extend h F Join G : Stable (extend_set h A) |] \
+\ ==> F Join project C h G : Stable A";
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [project_Constrains_I]) 1);
+qed "project_Stable_I";
+Goalw [Increasing_def]
+ "[| C <= reachable (extend h F Join G); \
+\ extend h F Join G : Increasing (func o f) |] \
+\ ==> F Join project C h G : Increasing func";
+by Auto_tac;
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Collect_eq_extend_set RS sym,
+ project_Stable_I]) 1);
+qed "project_Increasing_I";
+Goal "(F Join project (reachable (extend h F Join G)) h G : A Co B) = \
+\ (extend h F Join G : (extend_set h A) Co (extend_set h B))";
+by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [project_Constrains_I, project_Constrains_D]) 1);
+qed "project_Constrains";
+Goalw [Stable_def]
+ "(F Join project (reachable (extend h F Join G)) h G : Stable A) = \
+\ (extend h F Join G : Stable (extend_set h A))";
+by (rtac project_Constrains 1);
+qed "project_Stable";
+ "(F Join project (reachable (extend h F Join G)) h G : Increasing func) = \
+\ (extend h F Join G : Increasing (func o f))";
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Increasing_def, project_Stable,
+ Collect_eq_extend_set RS sym]) 1);
+qed "project_Increasing";
+(** Progress includes safety in the definition of ensures **)
+(*** Progress for (project C h F) ***)
+(** transient **)
+(*Premise is that C includes the domains of all actions that could be the
+ transient one. Could have C=UNIV of course*)
+Goalw [transient_def]
+ "[| ALL act: Acts F. act ^^ extend_set h A <= - extend_set h A --> \
+\ Domain act <= C; \
+\ F : transient (extend_set h A) |] \
+\ ==> project C h F : transient A";
+by (auto_tac (claset() delrules [ballE],
+ simpset() addsimps [Domain_project_act, Int_absorb2]));
+by (REPEAT (ball_tac 1));
+by (auto_tac (claset(),
+ simpset() addsimps [extend_set_def, project_set_def,
+ project_act_def]));
+by (ALLGOALS Blast_tac);
+qed "transient_extend_set_imp_project_transient";
+ Converse of the above...it requires a strong assumption about actions
+ being enabled for all possible values of the new variables.*)
+Goalw [transient_def]
+ "[| project C h F : transient A; \
+\ ALL act: Acts F. project_act C h act ^^ A <= - A --> \
+\ Domain act <= C \
+\ & extend_set h (project_set h (Domain act)) <= Domain act |] \
+\ ==> F : transient (extend_set h A)";
+by (auto_tac (claset() delrules [ballE],
+ simpset() addsimps [Domain_project_act]));
+by (ball_tac 1);
+by (rtac bexI 1);
+by (assume_tac 2);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (eres_inst_tac [("P", "A <= ?B")] rev_mp 1);
+by (force_tac (claset(), simpset() addsimps [Int_absorb2]) 1);
+(*The Domain requirement's proved; must prove the Image requirement*)
+by (res_inst_tac [("y1", "x")] (surj_h RS surjD RS exE) 1);
+by (res_inst_tac [("y1", "xa")] (surj_h RS surjD RS exE) 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (thin_tac "A <= ?B" 1);
+by (force_tac (claset() addSIs [ImageI, project_act_I], simpset()) 1);
+qed "project_transient_imp_transient_extend_set";
+(** ensures **)
+(*For simplicity, the complicated condition on C is eliminated
+Goal "F : (extend_set h A) ensures (extend_set h B) \
+\ ==> project UNIV h F : A ensures B";
+by (asm_full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [ensures_def, project_constrains,
+ transient_extend_set_imp_project_transient,
+ extend_set_Un_distrib RS sym,
+ extend_set_Diff_distrib RS sym]) 1);
+by (Blast_tac 1);
+qed "ensures_extend_set_imp_project_ensures";
+(*A super-strong condition: G is not allowed to affect the
+ shared variables at all.*)
+Goal "[| ALL x. project UNIV h G ~: transient {x}; \
+\ F Join project UNIV h G : A ensures B |] \
+\ ==> extend h F Join G : (extend_set h A) ensures (extend_set h B)";
+by (case_tac "A <= B" 1);
+by (etac (extend_set_mono RS subset_imp_ensures) 1);
+by (asm_full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [ensures_def, extend_constrains, extend_transient,
+ extend_set_Un_distrib RS sym,
+ extend_set_Diff_distrib RS sym,
+ Join_transient, Join_constrains,
+ project_constrains, Int_absorb1]) 1);
+by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [transient_strengthen]) 1);
+qed_spec_mp "Join_project_ensures";
+Goal "[| ALL x. project UNIV h G ~: transient {x}; \
+\ F Join project UNIV h G : A leadsTo B |] \
+\ ==> extend h F Join G : (extend_set h A) leadsTo (extend_set h B)";
+by (etac leadsTo_induct 1);
+by (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [leadsTo_UN, extend_set_Union]) 3);
+by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [leadsTo_Trans]) 2);
+by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [leadsTo_Basis, Join_project_ensures]) 1);
+qed "Join_project_leadsTo_I";
+(** Strong precondition and postcondition; doesn't seem very useful. **)
+Goal "F : X guarantees Y ==> \
+\ extend h F : (extend h `` X) guarantees (extend h `` Y)";
+by (rtac guaranteesI 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (blast_tac (claset() addDs [project_set_UNIV RS extend_Join_eq_extend_D,
+ guaranteesD]) 1);
+qed "guarantees_imp_extend_guarantees";
+Goal "extend h F : (extend h `` X) guarantees (extend h `` Y) \
+\ ==> F : X guarantees Y";
+by (rtac guaranteesI 1);
+by (auto_tac (claset(), simpset() addsimps [guar_def, component_def]));
+by (dtac spec 1);
+by (dtac (mp RS mp) 1);
+by (Blast_tac 2);
+by (blast_tac (claset() addSDs [inj_extend RS inj_image_mem_iff RS iffD1]) 2);
+by Auto_tac;
+qed "extend_guarantees_imp_guarantees";
+Goal "(extend h F : (extend h `` X) guarantees (extend h `` Y)) = \
+\ (F : X guarantees Y)";
+by (blast_tac (claset() addIs [guarantees_imp_extend_guarantees,
+ extend_guarantees_imp_guarantees]) 1);
+qed "extend_guarantees_eq";
+(*Weak precondition and postcondition; this is the good one!
+ Not clear that it has a converse [or that we want one!]*)
+val [xguary,project,extend] =
+Goal "[| F : X guarantees Y; \
+\ !!G. extend h F Join G : X' ==> F Join proj G h G : X; \
+\ !!G. [| F Join proj G h G : Y; extend h F Join G : X'; \
+\ Disjoint (extend h F) G |] \
+\ ==> extend h F Join G : Y' |] \
+\ ==> extend h F : X' guarantees Y'";
+by (rtac (xguary RS guaranteesD RS extend RS guaranteesI) 1);
+by (etac project 1);
+by (assume_tac 1);
+by (assume_tac 1);
+qed "project_guarantees";
+(** It seems that neither "guarantees" law can be proved from the other. **)
+(*** guarantees corollaries ***)
+Goal "F : UNIV guarantees increasing func \
+\ ==> extend h F : UNIV guarantees increasing (func o f)";
+by (etac project_guarantees 1);
+ (asm_simp_tac (simpset() addsimps [Join_project_increasing RS sym])));
+qed "extend_guar_increasing";
+Goal "F : UNIV guarantees Increasing func \
+\ ==> extend h F : UNIV guarantees Increasing (func o f)";
+by (etac project_guarantees 1);
+by (rtac (subset_UNIV RS project_Increasing_D) 2);
+by Auto_tac;
+qed "extend_guar_Increasing";
+Goal "F : (func localTo G) guarantees increasing func \
+\ ==> extend h F : (func o f) localTo (extend h G) \
+\ guarantees increasing (func o f)";
+by (etac project_guarantees 1);
+(*the "increasing" guarantee*)
+by (asm_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [Join_project_increasing RS sym]) 2);
+(*the "localTo" requirement*)
+by (stac (project_set_UNIV RS project_extend_Join RS sym) 1);
+by (asm_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [project_set_UNIV RS project_localTo_I]) 1);
+qed "extend_localTo_guar_increasing";
+Goal "F : (func localTo G) guarantees Increasing func \
+\ ==> extend h F : (func o f) localTo (extend h G) \
+\ guarantees Increasing (func o f)";
+by (etac project_guarantees 1);
+(*the "Increasing" guarantee*)
+by (etac (subset_UNIV RS project_Increasing_D) 2);
+(*the "localTo" requirement*)
+by (stac (project_set_UNIV RS project_extend_Join RS sym) 1);
+by (asm_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [project_set_UNIV RS project_localTo_I]) 1);
+qed "extend_localTo_guar_Increasing";
+(** Guarantees with a leadsTo postcondition **)
+Goal "[| G : f localTo extend h F; \
+\ Disjoint (extend h F) G |] ==> project UNIV h G : stable {x}";
+by (asm_full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [localTo_imp_stable,
+ extend_set_sing, project_stable]) 1);
+qed "localTo_imp_project_stable";
+Goal "F : stable{s} ==> F ~: transient {s}";
+by (auto_tac (claset(),
+ simpset() addsimps [FP_def, transient_def,
+ stable_def, constrains_def]));
+qed "stable_sing_imp_not_transient";
+Goal "F : (A co A') guarantees (B leadsTo B') \
+\ ==> extend h F : ((extend_set h A) co (extend_set h A')) \
+\ Int (f localTo (extend h F)) \
+\ guarantees ((extend_set h B) leadsTo (extend_set h B'))";
+by (etac project_guarantees 1);
+(*the safety precondition*)
+by (stac (project_set_UNIV RS project_extend_Join RS sym) 1);
+by (asm_full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [project_constrains, Join_constrains,
+ extend_constrains]) 1);
+by (fast_tac (claset() addDs [constrains_imp_subset]) 1);
+(*the liveness postcondition*)
+by (rtac Join_project_leadsTo_I 1);
+by Auto_tac;
+by (asm_full_simp_tac
+ (simpset() addsimps [Join_localTo, self_localTo,
+ localTo_imp_project_stable,
+ stable_sing_imp_not_transient]) 1);
+qed "extend_co_guar_leadsTo";
+Close_locale "Extend";
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/UNITY/Project.thy Wed Sep 29 13:13:06 1999 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(* Title: HOL/UNITY/Project.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+ Copyright 1999 University of Cambridge
+Projections of state sets (also of actions and programs)
+Inheritance of GUARANTEES properties under extension
+Project = Extend +
+ restr_act :: "['c set, 'a*'b => 'c, ('a*'a) set] => ('a*'a) set"
+ "restr_act C h act == project_act C h (extend_act h act)"
+ restr :: "['c set, 'a*'b => 'c, 'a program] => 'a program"
+ "restr C h F == project C h (extend h F)"
--- a/src/HOL/UNITY/UNITY.ML Tue Sep 28 22:17:05 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/UNITY/UNITY.ML Wed Sep 29 13:13:06 1999 +0200
@@ -197,6 +197,17 @@
qed "constrains_cancel";
+(*** unless ***)
+Goalw [unless_def] "F : (A-B) co (A Un B) ==> F : A unless B";
+by (assume_tac 1);
+qed "unlessI";
+Goalw [unless_def] "F : A unless B ==> F : (A-B) co (A Un B)";
+by (assume_tac 1);
+qed "unlessD";
(*** stable ***)
Goalw [stable_def] "F : A co A ==> F : stable A";
--- a/src/HOL/UNITY/Union.ML Tue Sep 28 22:17:05 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/UNITY/Union.ML Wed Sep 29 13:13:06 1999 +0200
@@ -250,9 +250,8 @@
Goalw [ensures_def]
"F Join G : A ensures B = \
-\ (F : (A-B) co (A Un B) & \
-\ G : (A-B) co (A Un B) & \
-\ (F : A ensures B | G : A ensures B))";
+\ (F : (A-B) co (A Un B) & G : (A-B) co (A Un B) & \
+\ (F : transient (A-B) | G : transient (A-B)))";
by (auto_tac (claset(),
simpset() addsimps [Join_constrains, Join_transient]));
qed "Join_ensures";