--- a/src/Pure/pure_thy.ML Mon Jun 20 22:14:06 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/pure_thy.ML Mon Jun 20 22:14:07 2005 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
signature BASIC_PURE_THY =
- type thmref
+ datatype interval = FromTo of int * int | From of int | Single of int
+ datatype thmref = Name of string | NameSelection of string * interval list
val print_theorems: theory -> unit
val print_theory: theory -> unit
val get_thm: theory -> thmref -> thm
@@ -23,12 +24,14 @@
signature PURE_THY =
- datatype interval = FromTo of int * int | From of int | Single of int
val string_of_thmref: thmref -> string
val theorem_space: theory -> NameSpace.T
+ val print_theorems_diff: theory -> theory -> unit
val get_thm_closure: theory -> thmref -> thm
val get_thms_closure: theory -> thmref -> thm list
val single_thm: string -> thm list -> thm
+ val name_of_thmref: thmref -> string
+ val map_name_of_thmref: (string -> string) -> thmref -> thmref
val select_thm: thmref -> thm list -> thm list
val selections: string * thm list -> (thmref * thm) list
val fact_index_of: theory -> FactIndex.T
@@ -78,15 +81,20 @@
(** dataype theorems **)
-fun pretty_theorems thy theorems =
+fun pretty_theorems_diff thy prev_thms (space, thms) =
val prt_thm = Display.pretty_thm_sg thy;
fun prt_thms (name, [th]) =
Pretty.block [Pretty.str (name ^ ":"), Pretty.brk 1, prt_thm th]
| prt_thms (name, ths) = Pretty.big_list (name ^ ":") (map prt_thm ths);
- val thmss = NameSpace.extern_table theorems;
+ val diff_thmss = Symtab.fold (fn fact =>
+ if not (Symtab.member eq_thms prev_thms fact) then cons fact else I) thms [];
+ val thmss = diff_thmss |> map (apfst (NameSpace.extern space)) |> Library.sort_wrt #1;
in Pretty.big_list "theorems:" (map prt_thms thmss) end;
+fun pretty_theorems thy = pretty_theorems_diff thy Symtab.empty;
structure TheoremsData = TheoryDataFun
val name = "Pure/theorems";
@@ -104,18 +112,23 @@
fun print thy (ref {theorems, index}) = Pretty.writeln (pretty_theorems thy theorems);
-val get_theorems = TheoremsData.get;
-val theorem_space = #1 o #theorems o ! o get_theorems;
-val fact_index_of = #index o ! o get_theorems;
+val get_theorems_ref = TheoremsData.get;
+val get_theorems = ! o get_theorems_ref;
+val theorem_space = #1 o #theorems o get_theorems;
+val fact_index_of = #index o get_theorems;
(* print theory *)
val print_theorems = TheoremsData.print;
+fun print_theorems_diff prev_thy thy =
+ Pretty.writeln (pretty_theorems_diff thy
+ (#2 (#theorems (get_theorems prev_thy))) (#theorems (get_theorems thy)));
fun print_theory thy =
Display.pretty_full_theory thy @
- [pretty_theorems thy (#theorems (! (get_theorems thy)))]
+ [pretty_theorems thy (#theorems (get_theorems thy))]
|> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln;
@@ -145,19 +158,27 @@
| string_of_interval (Single i) = string_of_int i;
-(* type thmref *)
+(* datatype thmref *)
+datatype thmref =
+ Name of string |
+ NameSelection of string * interval list;
-type thmref = xstring * interval list option;
+fun name_of_thmref (Name name) = name
+ | name_of_thmref (NameSelection (name, _)) = name;
-fun string_of_thmref (name, NONE) = name
- | string_of_thmref (name, SOME is) =
+fun map_name_of_thmref f (Name name) = Name (f name)
+ | map_name_of_thmref f (NameSelection (name, is)) = NameSelection (f name, is);
+fun string_of_thmref (Name name) = name
+ | string_of_thmref (NameSelection (name, is)) =
name ^ enclose "(" ")" (commas (map string_of_interval is));
(* select_thm *)
-fun select_thm (_, NONE) thms = thms
- | select_thm (name, SOME is) thms =
+fun select_thm (Name _) thms = thms
+ | select_thm (NameSelection (name, is)) thms =
val n = length thms;
fun select i =
@@ -170,9 +191,9 @@
(* selections *)
-fun selections (name, [thm]) = [((name, NONE), thm)]
+fun selections (name, [thm]) = [(Name name, thm)]
| selections (name, thms) = (1 upto length thms, thms) |> ListPair.map (fn (i, thm) =>
- ((name, SOME [Single i]), thm));
+ (NameSelection (name, [Single i]), thm));
(* get_thm(s)_closure -- statically scoped versions *)
@@ -182,7 +203,7 @@
fun lookup_thms thy =
val thy_ref = Theory.self_ref thy;
- val ref {theorems = (space, thms), ...} = get_theorems thy;
+ val (space, thms) = #theorems (get_theorems thy);
fn name =>
Option.map (map (Thm.transfer (Theory.deref thy_ref))) (*dynamic identity*)
@@ -191,22 +212,26 @@
fun get_thms_closure thy =
let val closures = map lookup_thms (thy :: Theory.ancestors_of thy) in
- fn (name, i) => select_thm (name, i) (the_thms name (get_first (fn f => f name) closures))
+ fn thmref =>
+ let val name = name_of_thmref thmref
+ in select_thm thmref (the_thms name (get_first (fn f => f name) closures)) end
fun get_thm_closure thy =
let val get = get_thms_closure thy
- in fn (name, i) => single_thm name (get (name, i)) end;
+ in fn thmref => single_thm (name_of_thmref thmref) (get thmref) end;
(* get_thms etc. *)
-fun get_thms theory (name, i) =
- get_first (fn thy => lookup_thms thy name) (theory :: Theory.ancestors_of theory)
- |> the_thms name |> select_thm (name, i) |> map (Thm.transfer theory);
+fun get_thms theory thmref =
+ let val name = name_of_thmref thmref in
+ get_first (fn thy => lookup_thms thy name) (theory :: Theory.ancestors_of theory)
+ |> the_thms name |> select_thm thmref |> map (Thm.transfer theory)
+ end;
-fun get_thmss thy names = List.concat (map (get_thms thy) names);
-fun get_thm thy (name, i) = single_thm name (get_thms thy (name, i));
+fun get_thmss thy thmrefs = List.concat (map (get_thms thy) thmrefs);
+fun get_thm thy thmref = single_thm (name_of_thmref thmref) (get_thms thy thmref);
(* thms_containing etc. *)
@@ -220,7 +245,7 @@
(theory :: Theory.ancestors_of theory)
|> map (fn thy =>
FactIndex.find (fact_index_of thy) spec
- |> List.filter (fn (name, ths) => valid_thms theory ((name, NONE), ths))
+ |> List.filter (fn (name, ths) => valid_thms theory (Name name, ths))
|> gen_distinct eq_fst)
|> List.concat;
@@ -232,7 +257,7 @@
(* thms_of etc. *)
fun thms_of thy =
- let val ref {theorems = (_, thms), ...} = get_theorems thy in
+ let val (_, thms) = #theorems (get_theorems thy) in
map (fn th => (Thm.name_of_thm th, th)) (List.concat (map snd (Symtab.dest thms)))
@@ -246,7 +271,7 @@
fun hide_thms fully names thy =
- val r as ref {theorems = (space, thms), index} = get_theorems thy;
+ val r as ref {theorems = (space, thms), index} = get_theorems_ref thy;
val space' = fold (NameSpace.hide fully) names space;
in r := {theorems = (space', thms), index = index}; thy end;
@@ -280,7 +305,7 @@
| enter_thms pre_name post_name app_att (bname, thms) thy =
val name = Sign.full_name thy bname;
- val r as ref {theorems = (space, theorems), index} = get_theorems thy;
+ val r as ref {theorems = (space, theorems), index} = get_theorems_ref thy;
val space' = Sign.declare_name thy name space;
val (thy', thms') = apsnd (post_name name) (app_att (thy, pre_name name thms));
val theorems' = Symtab.update ((name, thms'), theorems);
@@ -423,7 +448,7 @@
val A = Free ("A", propT);
val proto_pure =
- Context.pre_pure
+ Context.pre_pure_thy
|> Sign.init
|> Theory.init
|> Proofterm.init
@@ -461,7 +486,7 @@
[("Goal_def", Logic.mk_equals (Logic.mk_goal A, A))]
|> (#1 o add_thmss [(("nothing", []), [])])
|> Theory.add_axioms_i Proofterm.equality_axms
- |> Context.end_theory;
+ |> Theory.end_theory;
structure ProtoPure =