--- a/src/Pure/type.ML Tue Apr 25 22:23:17 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/type.ML Tue Apr 25 22:23:24 2006 +0200
@@ -29,12 +29,15 @@
val eq_sort: tsig -> sort * sort -> bool
val subsort: tsig -> sort * sort -> bool
val of_sort: tsig -> typ * sort -> bool
+ val inter_sort: tsig -> sort * sort -> sort
val cert_class: tsig -> class -> class
val cert_sort: tsig -> sort -> sort
val witness_sorts: tsig -> sort list -> sort list -> (typ * sort) list
val cert_typ: tsig -> typ -> typ
val cert_typ_syntax: tsig -> typ -> typ
val cert_typ_abbrev: tsig -> typ -> typ
+ val arity_number: tsig -> string -> int
+ val arity_sorts: Pretty.pp -> tsig -> string -> sort -> sort list
(*special treatment of type vars*)
val strip_sorts: typ -> typ
@@ -135,6 +138,7 @@
fun eq_sort (TSig {classes, ...}) = Sorts.sort_eq (#2 classes);
fun subsort (TSig {classes, ...}) = Sorts.sort_le (#2 classes);
fun of_sort (TSig {classes, arities, ...}) = Sorts.of_sort (#2 classes, arities);
+fun inter_sort (TSig {classes, ...}) = Sorts.inter_sort (#2 classes);
fun cert_class (TSig {classes, ...}) = Sorts.certify_class (#2 classes);
fun cert_sort (TSig {classes, ...}) = Sorts.certify_sort (#2 classes);
@@ -195,6 +199,19 @@
+(* type arities *)
+fun arity_number (TSig {types = (_, types), ...}) a =
+ (case Symtab.lookup types a of
+ SOME (LogicalType n, _) => n
+ | _ => error (undecl_type a));
+fun arity_sorts _ tsig a [] = replicate (arity_number tsig a) []
+ | arity_sorts pp (TSig {classes, arities, ...}) a S =
+ Sorts.mg_domain (#2 classes, arities) a S handle Sorts.DOMAIN (a, c) =>
+ error ("No way to get " ^ Pretty.string_of_arity pp (a, [], [c]));
(** special treatment of type vars **)