--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/class_package.ML Mon Nov 14 15:15:34 2005 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+(* Title: Pure/Tools/class_package.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
+Haskell98-like operational view on type classes.
+signature CLASS_PACKAGE =
+ val add_consts: class * xstring list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_consts_i: class * string list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_tycos: class * xstring list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_tycos_i: class * (string * string) list -> theory -> theory
+ val the_consts: theory -> class -> string list
+ val the_tycos: theory -> class -> (string * string) list
+ val is_class: theory -> class -> bool
+ val get_arities: theory -> sort -> string -> sort list
+ val get_superclasses: theory -> class -> class list
+ val get_const_sign: theory -> string -> string * typ
+ val get_inst_consts_sign: theory -> string * class -> (string * typ) list
+ val lookup_const_class: theory -> string -> class option
+ val get_classtab: theory -> (string list * (string * string) list) Symtab.table
+ type sortcontext = (string * sort) list
+ datatype sortlookup = Instance of (class * string) * sortlookup list list
+ | Lookup of class list * (string * int)
+ val extract_sortctxt: theory -> typ -> sortcontext
+ val extract_sortlookup: theory -> typ * typ -> sortlookup list list
+structure ClassPackage: CLASS_PACKAGE =
+(* data kind 'Pure/classes' *)
+type class_data = {
+ locale_name: string,
+ axclass_name: string,
+ consts: string list,
+ tycos: (string * string) list
+structure ClassesData = TheoryDataFun (
+ struct
+ val name = "Pure/classes";
+ type T = class_data Symtab.table * class Symtab.table;
+ val empty = (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
+ val copy = I;
+ val extend = I;
+ fun merge _ ((t1, r1), (t2, r2))=
+ (Symtab.merge (op =) (t1, t2),
+ Symtab.merge (op =) (r1, r2));
+ fun print _ (tab, _) = (Pretty.writeln o Pretty.chunks) (map Pretty.str (Symtab.keys tab));
+ end
+val lookup_class_data = Symtab.lookup o fst o ClassesData.get;
+val lookup_const_class = Symtab.lookup o snd o ClassesData.get;
+fun get_class_data thy class =
+ case lookup_class_data thy class
+ of NONE => error ("undeclared class " ^ quote class)
+ | SOME data => data;
+fun put_class_data class data =
+ ClassesData.map (apfst (Symtab.update (class, data)));
+fun add_const class const =
+ ClassesData.map (apsnd (Symtab.update (const, class)));
+(* name mangling *)
+fun get_locale_for_class thy class =
+ #locale_name (get_class_data thy class);
+fun get_axclass_for_class thy class =
+ #axclass_name (get_class_data thy class);
+(* assign consts to type classes *)
+fun gen_add_consts prep_class prep_const (raw_class, raw_consts_new) thy =
+ let
+ val class = prep_class thy raw_class;
+ val consts_new = map (prep_const thy) raw_consts_new;
+ val {locale_name, axclass_name, consts, tycos} =
+ get_class_data thy class;
+ in
+ thy
+ |> put_class_data class {
+ locale_name = locale_name,
+ axclass_name = axclass_name,
+ consts = consts @ consts_new,
+ tycos = tycos
+ }
+ |> fold (add_const class) consts_new
+ end;
+val add_consts = gen_add_consts Sign.intern_class Sign.intern_const;
+val add_consts_i = gen_add_consts (K I) (K I);
+end; (* local *)
+val the_consts = #consts oo get_class_data;
+(* assign type constructors to type classes *)
+fun gen_add_tycos prep_class prep_type (raw_class, raw_tycos_new) thy =
+ let
+ val class = prep_class thy raw_class
+ val tycos_new = map (prep_type thy) raw_tycos_new
+ val {locale_name, axclass_name, consts, tycos} =
+ get_class_data thy class
+ in
+ thy
+ |> put_class_data class {
+ locale_name = locale_name,
+ axclass_name = axclass_name,
+ consts = consts,
+ tycos = tycos @ tycos_new
+ }
+ end;
+fun add_tycos xs thy =
+ gen_add_tycos Sign.intern_class (rpair (Context.theory_name thy) oo Sign.intern_type) xs thy;
+val add_tycos_i = gen_add_tycos (K I) (K I);
+end; (* local *)
+val the_tycos = #tycos oo get_class_data;
+(* class queries *)
+fun is_class thy = is_some o lookup_class_data thy;
+fun filter_class thy = filter (is_class thy);
+fun assert_class thy class =
+ if is_class thy class then class
+ else error ("not a class: " ^ quote class);
+fun get_arities thy sort tycon =
+ Sorts.mg_domain (Sign.classes_arities_of thy) tycon sort
+ |> (map o map) (assert_class thy);
+fun get_superclasses thy class =
+ Sorts.superclasses (Sign.classes_of thy) class
+ |> filter_class thy;
+(* instance queries *)
+fun get_const_sign thy const =
+ let
+ val class = (the o lookup_const_class thy) const;
+ val ty = (Type.unvarifyT o Sign.the_const_constraint thy) const;
+ val tvar = fold_atyps
+ (fn TFree (tvar, sort) =>
+ if Sorts.sort_eq (Sign.classes_of thy) ([class], sort) then K (SOME tvar) else I | _ => I) ty NONE
+ |> the;
+ val ty' = map_type_tfree (fn (tvar', sort) =>
+ if tvar' = tvar
+ then TFree (tvar, [])
+ else TFree (tvar', sort)
+ ) ty;
+ in (tvar, ty') end;
+fun get_inst_consts_sign thy (tyco, class) =
+ let
+ val consts = the_consts thy class;
+ val arities = get_arities thy [class] tyco;
+ val const_signs = map (get_const_sign thy) consts;
+ val vars_used = fold (fn (tvar, ty) => curry (gen_union (op =))
+ (map fst (typ_tfrees ty) |> remove (op =) tvar)) const_signs [];
+ val vars_new = Term.invent_names vars_used "'a" (length arities);
+ val typ_arity = Type (tyco, map2 TFree (vars_new, arities));
+ val instmem_signs =
+ map (fn (tvar, ty) => typ_subst_atomic [(TFree (tvar, []), typ_arity)] ty) const_signs;
+ in consts ~~ instmem_signs end;
+fun get_classtab thy =
+ Symtab.fold
+ (fn (class, { consts = consts, tycos = tycos, ... }) =>
+ Symtab.update_new (class, (consts, tycos)))
+ (fst (ClassesData.get thy)) Symtab.empty;
+(* extracting dictionary obligations from types *)
+type sortcontext = (string * sort) list;
+fun extract_sortctxt thy typ =
+ (typ_tfrees o Type.unvarifyT) typ
+ |> map (apsnd (filter_class thy))
+ |> filter (not o null o snd);
+datatype sortlookup = Instance of (class * string) * sortlookup list list
+ | Lookup of class list * (string * int)
+fun extract_sortlookup thy (raw_typ_def, raw_typ_use) =
+ let
+ val typ_def = Type.varifyT raw_typ_def;
+ val typ_use = Type.varifyT raw_typ_use;
+ val match_tab = Sign.typ_match thy (typ_def, typ_use) Vartab.empty;
+ fun tab_lookup vname = (the o Vartab.lookup match_tab) (vname, 0);
+ fun get_superclass_derivation (subclasses, superclass) =
+ (the oo get_first) (fn subclass =>
+ Sorts.class_le_path (Sign.classes_of thy) (subclass, superclass)
+ ) subclasses;
+ fun mk_class_deriv thy subclasses superclass =
+ case get_superclass_derivation (subclasses, superclass)
+ of (subclass::deriv) => (rev deriv, find_index_eq subclass subclasses);
+ fun mk_lookup (sort_def, (Type (tycon, tys))) =
+ let
+ val arity_lookup = map2 mk_lookup
+ (map (filter_class thy) (Sorts.mg_domain (Sign.classes_arities_of thy) tycon sort_def), tys)
+ in map (fn class => Instance ((class, tycon), arity_lookup)) sort_def end
+ | mk_lookup (sort_def, TVar ((vname, _), sort_use)) =
+ let
+ fun mk_look class =
+ let val (deriv, classindex) = mk_class_deriv thy sort_use class
+ in Lookup (deriv, (vname, classindex)) end;
+ in map mk_look sort_def end;
+ in
+ extract_sortctxt thy raw_typ_def
+ |> map (tab_lookup o fst)
+ |> map (apfst (filter_class thy))
+ |> filter (not o null o fst)
+ |> map mk_lookup
+ end;
+(* outer syntax *)
+structure P = OuterParse
+and K = OuterKeyword;
+val classcgK = "codegen_class";
+fun classcg raw_class raw_consts raw_tycos thy =
+ let
+ val class = Sign.intern_class thy raw_class;
+ in
+ thy
+ |> put_class_data class {
+ locale_name = "",
+ axclass_name = class,
+ consts = [],
+ tycos = []
+ }
+ |> add_consts (class, raw_consts)
+ |> add_tycos (class, raw_tycos)
+ end
+val classcgP =
+ OuterSyntax.command classcgK "codegen data for classes" K.thy_decl (
+ P.xname
+ -- ((P.$$$ "\\<Rightarrow>" || P.$$$ "=>") |-- (P.list1 P.name))
+ -- (Scan.optional ((P.$$$ "\\<Rightarrow>" || P.$$$ "=>") |-- (P.list1 P.name)) [])
+ >> (fn ((name, tycos), consts) => (Toplevel.theory (classcg name consts tycos)))
+ )
+val _ = OuterSyntax.add_parsers [classcgP];
+val _ = OuterSyntax.add_keywords ["\\<Rightarrow>", "=>"];
+end; (* local *)
+(* setup *)
+val _ = Context.add_setup [ClassesData.init];
+end; (* struct *)