--- a/src/Pure/context.ML Sun Aug 16 15:36:06 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/context.ML Sun Aug 16 17:11:31 2015 +0200
@@ -28,10 +28,13 @@
(*theory context*)
+ type theory_id
+ val theory_id: theory -> theory_id
val timing: bool Unsynchronized.ref
type pretty
val parents_of: theory -> theory list
val ancestors_of: theory -> theory list
+ val theory_name_id: theory_id -> string
val theory_name: theory -> string
val PureN: string
val display_names: theory -> string list
@@ -41,7 +44,11 @@
val str_of_thy: theory -> string
val get_theory: theory -> string -> theory
val this_theory: theory -> string -> theory
+ val eq_thy_id: theory_id * theory_id -> bool
val eq_thy: theory * theory -> bool
+ val proper_subthy_id: theory_id * theory_id -> bool
+ val proper_subthy: theory * theory -> bool
+ val subthy_id: theory_id * theory_id -> bool
val subthy: theory * theory -> bool
val merge: theory * theory -> theory
val finish_thy: theory -> theory
@@ -153,36 +160,46 @@
(** datatype theory **)
-datatype theory =
- Theory of
+datatype theory_id =
+ Theory_Id of
{id: serial, (*identifier*)
ids: Inttab.set} * (*cumulative identifiers -- symbolic body content*)
- (*data*)
- Any.T Datatab.table * (*body content*)
- (*ancestry*)
- {parents: theory list, (*immediate predecessors*)
- ancestors: theory list} * (*all predecessors -- canonical reverse order*)
{name: string, (*official theory name*)
stage: int}; (*counter for anonymous updates*)
+datatype theory =
+ Theory of
+ theory_id *
+ (*ancestry*)
+ {parents: theory list, (*immediate predecessors*)
+ ancestors: theory list} * (*all predecessors -- canonical reverse order*)
+ (*data*)
+ Any.T Datatab.table; (*body content*)
exception THEORY of string * theory list;
+fun rep_theory_id (Theory_Id args) = args;
fun rep_theory (Theory args) = args;
-val identity_of = #1 o rep_theory;
-val data_of = #2 o rep_theory;
-val ancestry_of = #3 o rep_theory;
-val history_of = #4 o rep_theory;
+val theory_id = #1 o rep_theory;
+val identity_of_id = #1 o rep_theory_id;
+val identity_of = identity_of_id o theory_id;
+val history_of_id = #2 o rep_theory_id;
+val history_of = history_of_id o theory_id;
+val ancestry_of = #2 o rep_theory;
+val data_of = #3 o rep_theory;
fun make_identity id ids = {id = id, ids = ids};
+fun make_history name stage = {name = name, stage = stage};
fun make_ancestry parents ancestors = {parents = parents, ancestors = ancestors};
-fun make_history name stage = {name = name, stage = stage};
+val theory_name_id = #name o history_of_id;
+val theory_name = #name o history_of;
val parents_of = #parents o ancestry_of;
val ancestors_of = #ancestors o ancestry_of;
-val theory_name = #name o history_of;
(* names *)
@@ -229,8 +246,8 @@
fun insert_id id ids = Inttab.update (id, ()) ids;
fun merge_ids
- (Theory ({id = id1, ids = ids1, ...}, _, _, _))
- (Theory ({id = id2, ids = ids2, ...}, _, _, _)) =
+ (Theory (Theory_Id ({id = id1, ids = ids1, ...}, _), _, _))
+ (Theory (Theory_Id ({id = id2, ids = ids2, ...}, _), _, _)) =
Inttab.merge (K true) (ids1, ids2)
|> insert_id id1
|> insert_id id2;
@@ -238,12 +255,14 @@
(* equality and inclusion *)
+val eq_thy_id = op = o apply2 (#id o identity_of_id);
val eq_thy = op = o apply2 (#id o identity_of);
-fun proper_subthy (Theory ({id, ...}, _, _, _), Theory ({ids, ...}, _, _, _)) =
- Inttab.defined ids id;
+fun proper_subthy_id (Theory_Id ({id, ...}, _), Theory_Id ({ids, ...}, _)) = Inttab.defined ids id;
+val proper_subthy = proper_subthy_id o apply2 theory_id;
-fun subthy thys = eq_thy thys orelse proper_subthy thys;
+fun subthy_id p = eq_thy_id p orelse proper_subthy_id p;
+val subthy = subthy_id o apply2 theory_id;
(* consistent ancestors *)
@@ -276,25 +295,25 @@
(* primitives *)
-fun create_thy ids data ancestry history =
- Theory (make_identity (serial ()) ids, data, ancestry, history);
+fun create_thy ids history ancestry data =
+ Theory (Theory_Id (make_identity (serial ()) ids, history), ancestry, data);
val pre_pure_thy =
- create_thy Inttab.empty Datatab.empty (make_ancestry [] []) (make_history PureN 0);
+ create_thy Inttab.empty (make_history PureN 0) (make_ancestry [] []) Datatab.empty;
fun change_thy finish f thy =
- val Theory ({id, ids}, data, ancestry, {name, stage}) = thy;
- val (data', ancestry') =
+ val Theory (Theory_Id ({id, ids}, {name, stage}), ancestry, data) = thy;
+ val (ancestry', data') =
if stage = finished then
- (extend_data data, make_ancestry [thy] (extend_ancestors thy (ancestors_of thy)))
- else (data, ancestry);
+ (make_ancestry [thy] (extend_ancestors thy (ancestors_of thy)), extend_data data)
+ else (ancestry, data);
val history' = {name = name, stage = if finish then finished else stage + 1};
val ids' = insert_id id ids;
val data'' = f data';
- in create_thy ids' data'' ancestry' history' end;
+ in create_thy ids' history' ancestry' data'' end;
@@ -310,10 +329,10 @@
fun merge_thys pp (thy1, thy2) =
val ids = merge_ids thy1 thy2;
- val data = merge_data (pp thy1) (data_of thy1, data_of thy2);
+ val history = make_history "" 0;
val ancestry = make_ancestry [] [];
- val history = make_history "" 0;
- in create_thy ids data ancestry history end;
+ val data = merge_data (pp thy1) (data_of thy1, data_of thy2);
+ in create_thy ids history ancestry data end;
fun maximal_thys thys =
thys |> filter_out (fn thy => exists (fn thy' => proper_subthy (thy, thy')) thys);
@@ -327,15 +346,15 @@
Library.foldl merge_ancestors ([], map ancestors_of parents)
|> fold extend_ancestors parents;
- val Theory ({ids, ...}, data, _, _) =
+ val Theory (Theory_Id ({ids, ...}, _), _, data) =
(case parents of
[] => error "Missing theory imports"
| [thy] => extend_thy thy
| thy :: thys => Library.foldl (merge_thys pp) (thy, thys));
+ val history = make_history name 0;
val ancestry = make_ancestry parents ancestors;
- val history = make_history name 0;
- in create_thy ids data ancestry history end;
+ in create_thy ids history ancestry data end;
(* theory data *)