more thorough read_pid with extra delay, to give external process a chance to write pid file before attempting to terminate it -- especially relevant for PIDE document processing, where interrupts can happen in the range of milliseconds;
Sat, 30 Nov 2013 15:05:10 +0100
changeset 54651 d71e7908eec3
parent 54650 d206c93c0267
child 54652 07ee041537a5
more thorough read_pid with extra delay, to give external process a chance to write pid file before attempting to terminate it -- especially relevant for PIDE document processing, where interrupts can happen in the range of milliseconds;
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/bash.ML	Thu Nov 28 13:59:00 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/bash.ML	Sat Nov 30 15:05:10 2013 +0100
@@ -23,6 +23,13 @@
     val err_path = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("bash_err" ^ id));
     val pid_path = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("bash_pid" ^ id));
+    fun cleanup_files () =
+     (try File.rm script_path;
+      try File.rm out_path;
+      try File.rm err_path;
+      try File.rm pid_path);
+    val _ = cleanup_files ();
     val system_thread =
       Simple_Thread.fork false (fn () =>
         Multithreading.with_attributes Multithreading.private_interrupts (fn _ =>
@@ -55,37 +62,36 @@
           handle exn =>
             (Synchronized.change result (fn Wait => Signal | res => res); reraise exn)));
-    fun get_pid () = Int.fromString ( pid_path) handle IO.Io _ => NONE;
+    fun read_pid 0 = NONE
+      | read_pid count =
+          (case (Int.fromString ( pid_path) handle IO.Io _ => NONE) of
+            NONE => (OS.Process.sleep (seconds 0.1); read_pid (count - 1))
+          | some => some);
-    fun terminate opt_pid =
-      let
-        val sig_test = Posix.Signal.fromWord 0w0;
-        fun kill_group pid s =
-          (Posix.Process.kill
-            (Posix.Process.K_GROUP (Posix.Process.wordToPid (LargeWord.fromInt pid)), s); true)
-          handle OS.SysErr _ => false;
+    fun terminate NONE = ()
+      | terminate (SOME pid) =
+          let
+            val sig_test = Posix.Signal.fromWord 0w0;
-        fun kill s =
-          (case opt_pid of
-            NONE => true
-          | SOME pid => (kill_group pid s; kill_group pid sig_test));
+            fun kill_group pid s =
+              (Posix.Process.kill
+                (Posix.Process.K_GROUP (Posix.Process.wordToPid (LargeWord.fromInt pid)), s); true)
+              handle OS.SysErr _ => false;
+            fun kill s = (kill_group pid s; kill_group pid sig_test);
-        fun multi_kill count s =
-          count = 0 orelse
-            kill s andalso (OS.Process.sleep (seconds 0.1); multi_kill (count - 1) s);
-        val _ =
-          multi_kill 10 andalso
-          multi_kill 10 Posix.Signal.term andalso
-          multi_kill 10 Posix.Signal.kill;
-      in () end;
+            fun multi_kill count s =
+              count = 0 orelse
+                kill s andalso (OS.Process.sleep (seconds 0.1); multi_kill (count - 1) s);
+            val _ =
+              multi_kill 10 andalso
+              multi_kill 10 Posix.Signal.term andalso
+              multi_kill 10 Posix.Signal.kill;
+          in () end;
     fun cleanup () =
      (Simple_Thread.interrupt_unsynchronized system_thread;
-      try File.rm script_path;
-      try File.rm out_path;
-      try File.rm err_path;
-      try File.rm pid_path);
+      cleanup_files ());
       val _ =
@@ -95,10 +101,10 @@
       val out = the_default "" (try out_path);
       val err = the_default "" (try err_path);
       val rc = (case Synchronized.value result of Signal => Exn.interrupt () | Result rc => rc);
-      val pid = get_pid ();
+      val pid = read_pid 1;
       val _ = cleanup ();
     in {out = out, err = err, rc = rc, terminate = fn () => terminate pid} end
-    handle exn => (terminate (get_pid ()); cleanup (); reraise exn)
+    handle exn => (terminate (read_pid 10); cleanup (); reraise exn)