Names of basic logical entities (variables etc.).
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:17:17 +0200
changeset 20089 d757ebadb0a2
parent 20088 bffda4cd0f79
child 20090 5cf221f2a55d
Names of basic logical entities (variables etc.).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/name.ML	Tue Jul 11 12:17:17 2006 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/name.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Makarius
+Names of basic logical entities (variables etc.).
+signature NAME =
+  val bound: int -> string
+  val is_bound: string -> bool
+  val internal: string -> string
+  val dest_internal: string -> string
+  val skolem: string -> string
+  val dest_skolem: string -> string
+  val clean_index: string * int -> string * int
+  val clean: string -> string
+  type context
+  val context: context
+  val make_context: string list -> context
+  val declare: string -> context -> context
+  val invents: context -> string -> int -> string list
+  val invent_list: string list -> string -> int -> string list
+  val variants: string list -> context -> string list * context
+  val variant_list: string list -> string list -> string list
+  val variant: string list -> string -> string
+structure Name: NAME =
+(** special variable names **)
+(* encoded bounds *)
+(*names for numbered variables --
+  preserves order wrt. int_ord vs. string_ord, avoids allocating new strings*)
+val small_int = Vector.tabulate (1000, fn i =>
+  let val leading = if i < 10 then "00" else if i < 100 then "0" else ""
+  in ":" ^ leading ^ string_of_int i end);
+fun bound n =
+  if n < 1000 then Vector.sub (small_int, n)
+  else ":" ^ bound (n div 1000) ^ Vector.sub (small_int, n mod 1000);
+val is_bound = String.isPrefix ":";
+(* internal names *)
+val internal = suffix "_";
+val dest_internal = unsuffix "_";
+val skolem = suffix "__";
+val dest_skolem = unsuffix "__";
+fun clean_index ("", i) = ("u", i + 1)
+  | clean_index (x, i) =
+      (case try dest_internal x of
+        NONE => (x, i)
+      | SOME x' => clean_index (x', i + 1));
+fun clean x = #1 (clean_index (x, 0));
+(** generating fresh names **)
+(* context *)
+datatype context =
+  Context of string option Symtab.table;    (*declared names with latest renaming*)
+fun declare x (Context tab) = Context (Symtab.default (x, NONE) tab);
+fun declare_renaming (x, x') (Context tab) = Context (Symtab.update (x, SOME x') tab);
+fun declared (Context tab) = Symtab.lookup tab;
+val context = Context Symtab.empty;
+fun make_context used = fold declare used context;
+(* invents *)
+fun invents ctxt =
+  let
+    fun invs _ 0 = []
+      | invs x n =
+          let val x' = Symbol.bump_string x in
+            if is_some (declared ctxt x) then invs x' n
+            else x :: invs x' (n - 1)
+          end;
+  in invs end;
+val invent_list = invents o make_context;
+(* variants *)
+(*makes a variant of a name distinct from already used names in a
+  context; preserves a suffix of underscores "_"*)
+val variants = fold_map (fn name => fn ctxt =>
+  let
+    fun vary x =
+      (case declared ctxt x of
+        NONE => x
+      | SOME x' => vary (Symbol.bump_string (the_default x x')));
+    val (x, n) = clean_index (name, 0);
+    val (x', ctxt') =
+      if is_none (declared ctxt x) then (x, declare x ctxt)
+      else
+        let
+          val x0 = Symbol.bump_init x;
+          val x' = vary x0;
+          val ctxt' = ctxt
+            |> K (x0 <> x') ? declare_renaming (x0, x')
+            |> declare x';
+        in (x', ctxt') end;
+  in (x' ^ replicate_string n "_", ctxt') end);
+fun variant_list used names = #1 (make_context used |> variants names);
+fun variant used = singleton (variant_list used);