fix bugs in Sledgehammer's Isar proof "redirection" code
Fri, 04 Jun 2010 14:08:23 +0200
changeset 37324 d77250dd2416
parent 37323 2f2f0d246d0f
child 37325 c2a44bc874f9
fix bugs in Sledgehammer's Isar proof "redirection" code
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Wed Jun 02 17:19:44 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Fri Jun 04 14:08:23 2010 +0200
@@ -639,6 +639,9 @@
 fun smart_case_split [] facts = ByMetis facts
   | smart_case_split proofs facts = CaseSplit (proofs, facts)
+val indent_size = 2
+val no_label = ("", ~1)
 val raw_prefix = "X"
 val assum_prefix = "A"
 val fact_prefix = "F"
@@ -677,9 +680,6 @@
     map2 (step_for_line thm_names) (length lines downto 1) lines
-val indent_size = 2
-val no_label = ("", ~1)
 (* When redirecting proofs, we keep information about the labels seen so far in
    the "backpatches" data structure. The first component indicates which facts
    should be associated with forthcoming proof steps. The second component is a
@@ -730,8 +730,15 @@
 fun redirect_proof thy conjecture_shape hyp_ts concl_t proof =
+    (* The first pass outputs those steps that are independent of the negated
+       conjecture. The second pass flips the proof by contradiction to obtain a
+       direct proof, introducing case splits when an inference depends on
+       several facts that depend on the negated conjecture. *)
+    fun find_hyp num = nth hyp_ts (index_in_shape num conjecture_shape)
     val concl_ls = map (pair raw_prefix) (List.last conjecture_shape)
-    fun find_hyp num = nth hyp_ts (index_in_shape num conjecture_shape)
+    val canonicalize_labels =
+      map (fn l => if member (op =) concl_ls l then hd concl_ls else l)
+      #> distinct (op =)
     fun first_pass ([], contra) = ([], contra)
       | first_pass ((step as Fix _) :: proof, contra) =
         first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons step
@@ -739,15 +746,19 @@
         first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons step
       | first_pass ((step as Assume (l as (_, num), t)) :: proof, contra) =
         if member (op =) concl_ls l then
-          first_pass (proof, contra ||> cons step)
+          first_pass (proof, contra ||> l = hd concl_ls ? cons step)
           first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons (Assume (l, find_hyp num))
-      | first_pass ((step as Have (qs, l, t, ByMetis (ls, ss))) :: proof,
-                    contra) =
-        if exists (member (op =) (fst contra)) ls then
-          first_pass (proof, contra |>> cons l ||> cons step)
-        else
-          first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons step
+      | first_pass (Have (qs, l, t, ByMetis (ls, ss)) :: proof, contra) =
+        let
+          val ls = canonicalize_labels ls
+          val step = Have (qs, l, t, ByMetis (ls, ss))
+        in
+          if exists (member (op =) (fst contra)) ls then
+            first_pass (proof, contra |>> cons l ||> cons step)
+          else
+            first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons step
+        end
       | first_pass _ = raise Fail "malformed proof"
     val (proof_top, (contra_ls, contra_proof)) =
       first_pass (proof, (concl_ls, []))
@@ -755,11 +766,7 @@
     fun backpatch_labels patches ls =
       fold merge_fact_sets (map (backpatch_label patches) ls) ([], [])
     fun second_pass end_qs ([], assums, patches) =
-        ([Have (end_qs, no_label,
-                if length assums < length concl_ls then
-                  clause_for_literals thy (map (negate_term thy o fst) assums)
-                else
-                  concl_t,
+        ([Have (end_qs, no_label, concl_t,
                 ByMetis (backpatch_labels patches (map snd assums)))], patches)
       | second_pass end_qs (Assume (l, t) :: proof, assums, patches) =
         second_pass end_qs (proof, (t, l) :: assums, patches)
@@ -801,7 +808,11 @@
                                           ||> apsnd (union (op =) drop_ls))
                              |> fst |> SOME
                            end) contra_ls
-               val facts = (co_ls, [])
+               val (assumes, facts) =
+                 if member (op =) (fst (snd patches)) l then
+                   ([Assume (l, negate_term thy t)], (l :: co_ls, ss))
+                 else
+                   ([], (co_ls, ss))
                (case join_proofs proofs of
                   SOME (l, t, proofs, proof_tail) =>
@@ -812,6 +823,7 @@
                   [Have (case_split_qualifiers proofs @ end_qs, no_label,
                          concl_t, smart_case_split proofs facts)],
+               |>> append assumes
            | _ => raise Fail "malformed proof")
        | second_pass _ _ = raise Fail "malformed proof"