--- a/src/Pure/library.ML Sun Aug 28 09:02:42 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/library.ML Sun Aug 28 09:18:22 2005 +0200
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
val the: 'a option -> 'a
+ val these: 'a list option -> 'a list
val if_none: 'a option -> 'a -> 'a
val is_some: 'a option -> bool
val is_none: 'a option -> bool
@@ -220,13 +221,12 @@
val duplicates: ''a list -> ''a list
val has_duplicates: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool
- (*association lists*)
+ (*association lists -- see also Pure/General/alist.ML*)
val assoc: (''a * 'b) list * ''a -> 'b option
val assoc_int: (int * 'a) list * int -> 'a option
val assoc_string: (string * 'a) list * string -> 'a option
val assoc_string_int: ((string * int) * 'a) list * (string * int) -> 'a option
val assocs: (''a * 'b list) list -> ''a -> 'b list
- val assoc2: (''a * (''b * 'c) list) list * (''a * ''b) -> 'c option
val gen_assoc: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> ('b * 'c) list * 'a -> 'c option
val overwrite: (''a * 'b) list * (''a * 'b) -> (''a * 'b) list
val gen_overwrite: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> ('a * 'b) list * ('a * 'b) -> ('a * 'b) list
@@ -353,6 +353,8 @@
exception OPTION of invalid;
val the = Option.valOf;
+fun these (SOME x) = x
+ | these _ = []
fun if_none NONE y = y
@@ -1045,16 +1047,7 @@
| assoc_string_int ((keyi, xi) :: pairs, key) =
if key = keyi then SOME xi else assoc_string_int (pairs, key);
-fun assocs ps x =
- (case assoc (ps, x) of
- NONE => []
- | SOME ys => ys);
-(*two-fold association list lookup*)
-fun assoc2 (aal, (key1, key2)) =
- (case assoc (aal, key1) of
- SOME al => assoc (al, key2)
- | NONE => NONE);
+fun assocs z = curry (these o assoc) z
(*generalized association list lookup*)
fun gen_assoc eq ([], key) = NONE