evaluator separating static and dynamic operations
Tue, 21 Dec 2010 08:40:39 +0100
changeset 41344 d990badc97a3
parent 41343 71f4f15258a5
child 41345 e284a364f724
child 41346 6673f6fa94ca
evaluator separating static and dynamic operations
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Tue Dec 21 08:40:39 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Tue Dec 21 08:40:39 2010 +0100
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
   val check_code: theory -> string list
     -> ((string * bool) * Token.T list) list -> unit
+  val evaluator: theory -> string -> Code_Thingol.naming -> Code_Thingol.program
+    -> string list -> ((string * class list) list * Code_Thingol.itype) * Code_Thingol.iterm
+    -> string * string
   type serializer
   type literals = Code_Printer.literals
   val add_target: string * { serializer: serializer, literals: literals,
@@ -353,7 +357,13 @@
         class instance tyco const module_name args
           naming (modify naming program) names
     val width = the_default default_width some_width;
-  in prepared_serializer prepared_program width end;
+  in (fn program => prepared_serializer program width, prepared_program) end;
+fun invoke_serializer thy target some_width module_name args naming program names =
+  let
+    val (mounted_serializer, prepared_program) = mount_serializer thy
+      target some_width module_name args naming program names;
+  in mounted_serializer prepared_program end;
 fun assert_module_name "" = error ("Empty module name not allowed.")
   | assert_module_name module_name = module_name;
@@ -361,18 +371,18 @@
 fun export_code_for thy some_path target some_width module_name args =
-  export some_path ooo mount_serializer thy target some_width module_name args;
+  export some_path ooo invoke_serializer thy target some_width module_name args;
 fun produce_code_for thy target some_width module_name args =
-    val serializer = mount_serializer thy target some_width (assert_module_name module_name) args;
+    val serializer = invoke_serializer thy target some_width (assert_module_name module_name) args;
   in fn naming => fn program => fn names =>
     produce (serializer naming program names) |> apsnd (fn deresolve => map deresolve names)
 fun present_code_for thy target some_width module_name args =
-    val serializer = mount_serializer thy target some_width (assert_module_name module_name) args;
+    val serializer = invoke_serializer thy target some_width (assert_module_name module_name) args;
   in fn naming => fn program => fn (names, selects) =>
     present selects (serializer naming program names)
@@ -386,7 +396,7 @@
     fun ext_check env_param p =
         val destination = make_destination p;
-        val _ = export (SOME destination) (mount_serializer thy target (SOME 80)
+        val _ = export (SOME destination) (invoke_serializer thy target (SOME 80)
           module_name args naming program names_cs);
         val cmd = make_command env_param module_name;
       in if bash ("cd " ^ File.shell_path p ^ " && " ^ cmd ^ " 2>&1") <> 0
@@ -400,6 +410,28 @@
     else Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir "Code_Test" (ext_check env_param)
+fun evaluation mounted_serializer prepared_program deps ((vs, ty), t) =
+  let
+    val _ = if Code_Thingol.contains_dict_var t then
+      error "Term to be evaluated contains free dictionaries" else ();
+    val v' = Name.variant (map fst vs) "a";
+    val vs' = (v', []) :: vs;
+    val ty' = Code_Thingol.fun_tyco `%% [ITyVar v', ty];
+    val value_name = "Value.value.value"
+    val program = prepared_program
+      |> Graph.new_node (value_name,
+          Code_Thingol.Fun (Term.dummy_patternN, (((vs', ty'), [(([IVar NONE], t), (NONE, true))]), NONE)))
+      |> fold (curry Graph.add_edge value_name) deps;
+    val (program_code, deresolve) = produce (mounted_serializer program);
+    val value_name' = the (deresolve value_name);
+  in (program_code, value_name') end;
+fun evaluator thy target naming program deps =
+  let
+    val (mounted_serializer, prepared_program) = mount_serializer thy
+      target NONE "Code" [] naming program deps;
+  in evaluation mounted_serializer prepared_program deps end;
 end; (* local *)