Hierarchically structured name spaces.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/name_space.ML Wed Oct 01 14:30:38 1997 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+(* Title: Pure/name_space.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+Hierarchically structured name spaces.
+More general than ML-like nested structures, but slightly more ad-hoc.
+Does not support absolute addressing. Unknown short (FIXME?) names
+are implicitely considered to be declared outermost.
+signature NAME_SPACE =
+ val unpack: string -> string list
+ val pack: string list -> string
+ val qualified: string -> bool
+ type T
+ val dest: T -> string list
+ val empty: T
+ val extend: string list -> string list * T -> T
+ val merge: T * T -> T
+ val lookup: T -> string -> string
+ val prune: T -> string -> string
+structure NameSpace: NAME_SPACE =
+(** long identifiers **)
+val separator = "'";
+fun unpack_aux name =
+ let
+ (*handle trailing separators gracefully*)
+ val (chars, seps) = take_suffix (equal separator) name;
+ fun expl chs =
+ (case take_prefix (not_equal separator) chs of
+ (cs, []) => [implode (cs @ seps)]
+ | (cs, _ :: cs') => implode cs :: expl cs');
+ in expl chars end;
+val unpack = unpack_aux o explode;
+val pack = space_implode separator;
+fun qualified name =
+ let val chs = explode name in
+ exists (equal separator) chs andalso (length (unpack_aux chs) > 1)
+ end;
+(** name spaces **)
+(* utils *)
+fun prefixes1 [] = []
+ | prefixes1 (x :: xs) = map (cons x) ([] :: prefixes1 xs);
+fun suffixes1 xs = map rev (prefixes1 (rev xs));
+(* datatype T *)
+datatype T =
+ NameSpace of string list list * string Symtab.table;
+fun entries_of (NameSpace (entries, _)) = entries;
+fun tab_of (NameSpace (_, tab)) = tab;
+fun make entries =
+ let
+ fun accesses entry =
+ let val packed = pack entry in
+ map (rpair packed o pack) (suffixes1 entry)
+ end;
+ val mapping = gen_distinct eq_fst (flat (map accesses entries));
+ in
+ NameSpace (entries, Symtab.make mapping)
+ end;
+fun dest space = rev (map pack (entries_of space));
+(* empty, extend, merge operations *)
+val empty = make [];
+fun extend path (entries, space) =
+ make (map (fn e => path @ unpack e) (rev entries) @ entries_of space);
+fun merge (space1, space2) =
+ make (merge_lists (entries_of space1) (entries_of space2));
+(* lookup / prune names *)
+(* FIXME improve handling of undeclared qualified names (?) *)
+fun lookup space name =
+ if_none (Symtab.lookup (tab_of space, name)) name;
+fun prune space name =
+ let
+ fun try [] = name
+ | try (nm :: nms) =
+ if lookup space nm = name then nm
+ else try nms;
+ in try (map pack (suffixes1 (unpack name))) end;