Sun, 22 Jul 2018 19:55:26 +0200
changeset 68679 2a20b315a44d
parent 68677 99b1cf1e2d48 (diff)
parent 68678 daf21cb6ebc1 (current diff)
child 68680 0a0e68369586
--- a/src/Doc/ROOT	Sun Jul 22 19:28:18 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/ROOT	Sun Jul 22 19:55:26 2018 +0200
@@ -359,20 +359,6 @@
-session Real_Asymp (doc) in "Real_Asymp" = "HOL-Real_Asymp" +
-  theories
-    Real_Asymp_Doc
-  document_files (in "..")
-    "prepare_document"
-    "pdfsetup.sty"
-    "iman.sty"
-    "extra.sty"
-    "isar.sty"
-    "manual.bib"
-  document_files
-    "root.tex"
-    "style.sty"
 session Sledgehammer (doc) in "Sledgehammer" = Pure +
   options [document_variants = "sledgehammer"]
   document_files (in "..")
--- a/src/Doc/Real_Asymp/Real_Asymp_Doc.thy	Sun Jul 22 19:28:18 2018 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-theory Real_Asymp_Doc
-  imports "HOL-Real_Asymp.Real_Asymp"
-ML_file \<open>../antiquote_setup.ML\<close>
-section \<open>Introduction\<close>
-text \<open>
-  This document describes the \<^verbatim>\<open>real_asymp\<close> package that provides a number of tools
-  related to the asymptotics of real-valued functions. These tools are:
-    \<^item> The @{method real_asymp} method to prove limits, statements involving Landau symbols
-      (`Big-O' etc.), and asymptotic equivalence (\<open>\<sim>\<close>)
-    \<^item> The @{command real_limit} command to compute the limit of a real-valued function at a
-      certain point
-    \<^item> The @{command real_expansion} command to compute the asymptotic expansion of a
-      real-valued function at a certain point
-  These three tools will be described in the following sections.
-section \<open>Supported Operations\<close>
-text \<open>
-  The \<^verbatim>\<open>real_asymp\<close> package fully supports the following operations:
-    \<^item> Basic arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
-    \<^item> Powers with constant natural exponent
-    \<^item> @{term exp}, @{term ln}, @{term log}, @{term sqrt}, @{term "root k"} (for a constant k)
-    \<^item> @{term sin}, @{term cos}, @{term tan} at finite points
-    \<^item> @{term sinh}, @{term cosh}, @{term tanh}
-    \<^item> @{term min}, @{term max}, @{term abs}
-  Additionally, the following operations are supported in a `best effort' fashion using asymptotic
-  upper/lower bounds:
-    \<^item> Powers with variable natural exponent
-    \<^item> @{term sin} and @{term cos} at \<open>\<plusminus>\<infinity>\<close>
-    \<^item> @{term floor}, @{term ceiling}, @{term frac}, and \<open>mod\<close>
-  Additionally, the @{term arctan} function is partially supported. The method may fail when
-  the argument to @{term arctan} contains functions of different order of growth.
-section \<open>Proving Limits and Asymptotic Properties\<close>
-text \<open>
-  \[
-    @{method_def (HOL) real_asymp} : \<open>method\<close>
-  \]
-  @{rail \<open>
-    @@{method (HOL) real_asymp} opt? (@{syntax simpmod} * )
-    ;
-    opt: '(' ('verbose' | 'fallback' ) ')'
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def simpmod}: ('add' | 'del' | 'only' | 'split' (() | '!' | 'del') |
-      'cong' (() | 'add' | 'del')) ':' @{syntax thms}
-  \<close>}
-text \<open>
-  The @{method real_asymp} method is a semi-automatic proof method for proving certain statements
-  related to the asymptotic behaviour of real-valued functions. In the following, let \<open>f\<close> and \<open>g\<close>
-  be functions of type @{typ "real \<Rightarrow> real"} and \<open>F\<close> and \<open>G\<close> real filters.
-  The functions \<open>f\<close> and \<open>g\<close> can be built from the operations mentioned before and may contain free 
-  variables. The filters \<open>F\<close> and \<open>G\<close> can be either \<open>\<plusminus>\<infinity>\<close> or a finite point in \<open>\<real>\<close>, possibly
-  with approach from the left or from the right.
-  The class of statements that is supported by @{method real_asymp} then consists of:
-    \<^item> Limits, i.\,e.\ @{prop "filterlim f F G"}
-    \<^item> Landau symbols, i.\,e.\ @{prop "f \<in> O[F](g)"} and analogously for \<^emph>\<open>o\<close>, \<open>\<Omega>\<close>, \<open>\<omega>\<close>, \<open>\<Theta>\<close>
-    \<^item> Asymptotic equivalence, i.\,e.\ @{prop "f \<sim>[F] g"}
-    \<^item> Asymptotic inequalities, i.\,e.\ @{prop "eventually (\<lambda>x. f x \<le> g x) F"}
-  For typical problems arising in practice that do not contain free variables, @{method real_asymp}
-  tends to succeed fully automatically within fractions of seconds, e.\,g.:
-lemma \<open>filterlim (\<lambda>x::real. (1 + 1 / x) powr x) (nhds (exp 1)) at_top\<close>
-  by real_asymp
-text \<open>
-  What makes the method \<^emph>\<open>semi-automatic\<close> is the fact that it has to internally determine the 
-  sign of real-valued constants and identical zeroness of real-valued functions, and while the
-  internal heuristics for this work very well most of the time, there are situations where the 
-  method fails to determine the sign of a constant, in which case the user needs to go back and
-  supply more information about the sign of that constant in order to get a result.
-  A simple example is the following:
-  fixes a :: real
-lemma \<open>filterlim (\<lambda>x::real. exp (a * x)) at_top at_top\<close>
-text \<open>
-  Here, @{method real_asymp} outputs an error message stating that it could not determine the
-  sign of the free variable @{term "a :: real"}. In this case, the user must add the assumption
-  \<open>a > 0\<close> and give it to @{method real_asymp}.
-  assumes \<open>a > 0\<close>
-  shows   \<open>filterlim (\<lambda>x::real. exp (a * x)) at_top at_top\<close>
-  using assms by real_asymp
-text \<open>
-  Additional modifications to the simpset that is used for determining signs can also be made
-  with \<open>simp add:\<close> modifiers etc.\ in the same way as when using the @{method simp} method directly.
-  The same situation can also occur without free variables if the constant in question is a
-  complicated expression that the simplifier does not know enough ebout,
-  e.\,g.\ @{term "pi - exp 1"}.
-  In order to trace problems with sign determination, the \<open>(verbose)\<close> option can be passed to
-  @{method real_asymp}. It will then print a detailed error message whenever it encounters
-  a sign determination problem that it cannot solve.
-  The \<open>(fallback)\<close> flag causes the method not to use asymptotic interval arithmetic, but only
-  the much simpler core mechanism of computing a single Multiseries expansion for the input
-  function. There should normally be no need to use this flag; however, the core part of the 
-  code has been tested much more rigorously than the asymptotic interval part. In case there 
-  is some implementation problem with it for a problem that can be solved without it, the 
-  \<open>(fallback)\<close> option can be used until that problem is resolved.
-section \<open>Diagnostic Commands\<close>
-text \<open>
-  \[\begin{array}{rcl}
-    @{command_def (HOL) real_limit} & : & \<open>context \<rightarrow>\<close> \\
-    @{command_def (HOL) real_expansion} & : & \<open>context \<rightarrow>\<close>
-  \end{array}\]
-  @{rail \<open>
-    @@{command (HOL) real_limit} (limitopt*)
-    ;
-    @@{command (HOL) real_expansion} (expansionopt*)
-    ;
-    limitopt : ('limit' ':' @{syntax term}) | ('facts' ':' @{syntax thms})
-    ;
-    expansionopt : 
-        ('limit' ':' @{syntax term}) |
-        ('terms' ':' @{syntax nat} ('(' 'strict' ')') ?) |
-        ('facts' ':' @{syntax thms})
-  \<close>}
-    \<^descr>@{command real_limit} computes the limit of the given function \<open>f(x)\<close> for as \<open>x\<close> tends
-    to the specified limit point. Additional facts can be provided with the \<open>facts\<close> option, 
-    similarly to the @{command using} command with @{method real_asymp}. The limit point given
-    by the \<open>limit\<close> option must be one of the filters @{term "at_top"}, @{term "at_bot"}, 
-    @{term "at_left"}, or @{term "at_right"}. If no limit point is given, @{term "at_top"} is used
-    by default.
-    \<^medskip>
-    The output of @{command real_limit} can be \<open>\<infinity>\<close>, \<open>-\<infinity>\<close>, \<open>\<plusminus>\<infinity>\<close>, \<open>c\<close> (for some real constant \<open>c\<close>),
-    \<open>0\<^sup>+\<close>, or \<open>0\<^sup>-\<close>. The \<open>+\<close> and \<open>-\<close> in the last case indicate whether the approach is from above
-    or from below (corresponding to @{term "at_right (0::real)"} and @{term "at_left (0::real)"}); 
-    for technical reasons, this information is currently not displayed if the limit is not 0.
-    \<^medskip>
-    If the given function does not tend to a definite limit (e.\,g.\ @{term "sin x"} for \<open>x \<rightarrow> \<infinity>\<close>),
-    the command might nevertheless succeed to compute an asymptotic upper and/or lower bound and
-    display the limits of these bounds instead.
-    \<^descr>@{command real_expansion} works similarly to @{command real_limit}, but displays the first few
-    terms of the asymptotic multiseries expansion of the given function at the given limit point 
-    and the order of growth of the remainder term.
-    In addition to the options already explained for the @{command real_limit} command, it takes
-    an additional option \<open>terms\<close> that controls how many of the leading terms of the expansion are
-    printed. If the \<open>(strict)\<close> modifier is passed to the \<open>terms option\<close>, terms whose coefficient is
-    0 are dropped from the output and do not count to the number of terms to be output.
-    \<^medskip>
-    By default, the first three terms are output and the \<open>strict\<close> option is disabled.
-  Note that these two commands are intended for diagnostic use only. While the central part
-  of their implementation – finding a multiseries expansion and reading off the limit – are the
-  same as in the @{method real_asymp} method and therefore trustworthy, there is a small amount
-  of unverified code involved in pre-processing and printing (e.\,g.\ for reducing all the
-  different options for the \<open>limit\<close> option to the @{term at_top} case).
-section \<open>Extensibility\<close>
-subsection \<open>Basic fact collections\<close>
-text \<open>
-  The easiest way to add support for additional operations is to add corresponding facts
-  to one of the following fact collections. However, this only works for particularly simple cases.
-    \<^descr>@{thm [source] real_asymp_reify_simps} specifies a list of (unconditional) equations that are 
-     unfolded as a first step of @{method real_asymp} and the related commands. This can be used to 
-     add support for operations that can be represented easily by other operations that are already
-     supported, such as @{term sinh}, which is equal to @{term "\<lambda>x. (exp x - exp (-x)) / 2"}.
-    \<^descr>@{thm [source] real_asymp_nat_reify} and @{thm [source] real_asymp_int_reify} is used to
-     convert operations on natural numbers or integers to operations on real numbers. This enables
-     @{method real_asymp} to also work on functions that return a natural number or an integer.
-subsection \<open>Expanding Custom Operations\<close>
-text \<open>
-  Support for some non-trivial new operation \<open>f(x\<^sub>1, \<dots>, x\<^sub>n)\<close> can be added dynamically at any
-  time, but it involves writing ML code and involves a significant amount of effort, especially
-  when the function has essential singularities.
-  The first step is to write an ML function that takes as arguments
-    \<^item> the expansion context
-    \<^item> the term \<open>t\<close> to expand (which will be of the form \<open>f(g\<^sub>1(x), \<dots>, g\<^sub>n(x))\<close>)
-    \<^item> a list of \<open>n\<close> theorems of the form @{prop "(g\<^sub>i expands_to G\<^sub>i) bs"}
-    \<^item> the current basis \<open>bs\<close>
-  and returns a theorem of the form @{prop "(t expands_to F) bs'"} and a new basis \<open>bs'\<close> which 
-  must be a superset of the original basis.
-  This function must then be registered as a handler for the operation by proving a vacuous lemma
-  of the form @{prop "REAL_ASYMP_CUSTOM f"} (which is only used for tagging) and passing that
-  lemma and the expansion function to @{ML [source] Exp_Log_Expression.register_custom_from_thm}
-  in a @{command local_setup} invocation.
-  If the expansion produced by the handler function contains new definitions, corresponding 
-  evaluation equations must be added to the fact collection @{thm [source] real_asymp_eval_eqs}.
-  These equations must have the form \<open>h p\<^sub>1 \<dots> p\<^sub>m = rhs\<close> where \<open>h\<close> must be a constant of arity \<open>m\<close>
-  (i.\,e.\ the function on the left-hand side must be fully applied) and the \<open>p\<^sub>i\<close> can be patterns
-  involving \<open>constructors\<close>.
-  New constructors for this pattern matching can be registered by adding a theorem of the form
-  @{prop "REAL_ASYMP_EVAL_CONSTRUCTOR c"} to the fact collection
-  @{thm [source] exp_log_eval_constructor}, but this should be quite rare in practice.
-  \<^medskip>
-  Note that there is currently no way to add support for custom operations in connection with
-  `oscillating' terms. The above mechanism only works if all arguments of the new operation have
-  an exact multiseries expansion.
-subsection \<open>Extending the Sign Oracle\<close>
-text \<open>
-  By default, the \<^verbatim>\<open>real_asymp\<close> package uses the simplifier with the given simpset and facts
-  in order to determine the sign of real constants. This is done by invoking the simplifier
-  on goals like \<open>c = 0\<close>, \<open>c \<noteq> 0\<close>, \<open>c > 0\<close>, or \<open>c < 0\<close> or some subset thereof, depending on the
-  context.
-  If the simplifier cannot prove any of them, the entire method (or command) invocation will fail.
-  It is, however, possible to dynamically add additional sign oracles that will be tried; the 
-  most obvious candidate for an oracle that one may want to add or remove dynamically are 
-  approximation-based tactics.
-  Adding such a tactic can be done by calling
-  @{ML [source] Multiseries_Expansion.register_sign_oracle}. Note that if the tactic cannot prove
-  a goal, it should fail as fast as possible.
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/Doc/Real_Asymp/document/root.tex	Sun Jul 22 19:28:18 2018 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amssymb}
-% this should be the last package used
-% urls in roman style, theory text in math-similar italics
-\title{\texttt{real\_asymp}: Semi-Automatic Real Asymptotics\\ in Isabelle\slash HOL}
-\author{Manuel Eberl}
-\parindent 0pt\parskip 0.5ex
-%%% Local Variables:
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--- a/src/Doc/Real_Asymp/document/style.sty	Sun Jul 22 19:28:18 2018 +0200
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-%% quote environment
-  {\list{}{\leftmargin2em\rightmargin0pt}\parindent0pt\parskip0pt\item\relax}
-  {\endlist}
-%% presentation
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-%% character detail
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-%%% TeX-master: "implementation"
-%%% End: 
--- a/src/HOL/ROOT	Sun Jul 22 19:28:18 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/ROOT	Sun Jul 22 19:55:26 2018 +0200
@@ -84,7 +84,18 @@
-    Real_Asymp_Examples    
+    Real_Asymp_Examples
+session "HOL-Real_Asymp-Manual" in "Real_Asymp/Manual" = "HOL-Real_Asymp" +
+  theories
+    Real_Asymp_Doc
+  document_files (in "~~/src/Doc")
+    "iman.sty"
+    "extra.sty"
+    "isar.sty"
+  document_files
+    "root.tex"
+    "style.sty"
 session "HOL-Hahn_Banach" in Hahn_Banach = "HOL-Library" +
   description {*
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Real_Asymp/Manual/Real_Asymp_Doc.thy	Sun Jul 22 19:55:26 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+theory Real_Asymp_Doc
+  imports "HOL-Real_Asymp.Real_Asymp"
+ML_file "~~/src/Doc/antiquote_setup.ML"
+section \<open>Introduction\<close>
+text \<open>
+  This document describes the \<^verbatim>\<open>real_asymp\<close> package that provides a number of tools
+  related to the asymptotics of real-valued functions. These tools are:
+    \<^item> The @{method real_asymp} method to prove limits, statements involving Landau symbols
+      (`Big-O' etc.), and asymptotic equivalence (\<open>\<sim>\<close>)
+    \<^item> The @{command real_limit} command to compute the limit of a real-valued function at a
+      certain point
+    \<^item> The @{command real_expansion} command to compute the asymptotic expansion of a
+      real-valued function at a certain point
+  These three tools will be described in the following sections.
+section \<open>Supported Operations\<close>
+text \<open>
+  The \<^verbatim>\<open>real_asymp\<close> package fully supports the following operations:
+    \<^item> Basic arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
+    \<^item> Powers with constant natural exponent
+    \<^item> @{term exp}, @{term ln}, @{term log}, @{term sqrt}, @{term "root k"} (for a constant k)
+    \<^item> @{term sin}, @{term cos}, @{term tan} at finite points
+    \<^item> @{term sinh}, @{term cosh}, @{term tanh}
+    \<^item> @{term min}, @{term max}, @{term abs}
+  Additionally, the following operations are supported in a `best effort' fashion using asymptotic
+  upper/lower bounds:
+    \<^item> Powers with variable natural exponent
+    \<^item> @{term sin} and @{term cos} at \<open>\<plusminus>\<infinity>\<close>
+    \<^item> @{term floor}, @{term ceiling}, @{term frac}, and \<open>mod\<close>
+  Additionally, the @{term arctan} function is partially supported. The method may fail when
+  the argument to @{term arctan} contains functions of different order of growth.
+section \<open>Proving Limits and Asymptotic Properties\<close>
+text \<open>
+  \[
+    @{method_def (HOL) real_asymp} : \<open>method\<close>
+  \]
+  @{rail \<open>
+    @@{method (HOL) real_asymp} opt? (@{syntax simpmod} * )
+    ;
+    opt: '(' ('verbose' | 'fallback' ) ')'
+    ;
+    @{syntax_def simpmod}: ('add' | 'del' | 'only' | 'split' (() | '!' | 'del') |
+      'cong' (() | 'add' | 'del')) ':' @{syntax thms}
+  \<close>}
+text \<open>
+  The @{method real_asymp} method is a semi-automatic proof method for proving certain statements
+  related to the asymptotic behaviour of real-valued functions. In the following, let \<open>f\<close> and \<open>g\<close>
+  be functions of type @{typ "real \<Rightarrow> real"} and \<open>F\<close> and \<open>G\<close> real filters.
+  The functions \<open>f\<close> and \<open>g\<close> can be built from the operations mentioned before and may contain free 
+  variables. The filters \<open>F\<close> and \<open>G\<close> can be either \<open>\<plusminus>\<infinity>\<close> or a finite point in \<open>\<real>\<close>, possibly
+  with approach from the left or from the right.
+  The class of statements that is supported by @{method real_asymp} then consists of:
+    \<^item> Limits, i.\,e.\ @{prop "filterlim f F G"}
+    \<^item> Landau symbols, i.\,e.\ @{prop "f \<in> O[F](g)"} and analogously for \<^emph>\<open>o\<close>, \<open>\<Omega>\<close>, \<open>\<omega>\<close>, \<open>\<Theta>\<close>
+    \<^item> Asymptotic equivalence, i.\,e.\ @{prop "f \<sim>[F] g"}
+    \<^item> Asymptotic inequalities, i.\,e.\ @{prop "eventually (\<lambda>x. f x \<le> g x) F"}
+  For typical problems arising in practice that do not contain free variables, @{method real_asymp}
+  tends to succeed fully automatically within fractions of seconds, e.\,g.:
+lemma \<open>filterlim (\<lambda>x::real. (1 + 1 / x) powr x) (nhds (exp 1)) at_top\<close>
+  by real_asymp
+text \<open>
+  What makes the method \<^emph>\<open>semi-automatic\<close> is the fact that it has to internally determine the 
+  sign of real-valued constants and identical zeroness of real-valued functions, and while the
+  internal heuristics for this work very well most of the time, there are situations where the 
+  method fails to determine the sign of a constant, in which case the user needs to go back and
+  supply more information about the sign of that constant in order to get a result.
+  A simple example is the following:
+  fixes a :: real
+lemma \<open>filterlim (\<lambda>x::real. exp (a * x)) at_top at_top\<close>
+text \<open>
+  Here, @{method real_asymp} outputs an error message stating that it could not determine the
+  sign of the free variable @{term "a :: real"}. In this case, the user must add the assumption
+  \<open>a > 0\<close> and give it to @{method real_asymp}.
+  assumes \<open>a > 0\<close>
+  shows   \<open>filterlim (\<lambda>x::real. exp (a * x)) at_top at_top\<close>
+  using assms by real_asymp
+text \<open>
+  Additional modifications to the simpset that is used for determining signs can also be made
+  with \<open>simp add:\<close> modifiers etc.\ in the same way as when using the @{method simp} method directly.
+  The same situation can also occur without free variables if the constant in question is a
+  complicated expression that the simplifier does not know enough ebout,
+  e.\,g.\ @{term "pi - exp 1"}.
+  In order to trace problems with sign determination, the \<open>(verbose)\<close> option can be passed to
+  @{method real_asymp}. It will then print a detailed error message whenever it encounters
+  a sign determination problem that it cannot solve.
+  The \<open>(fallback)\<close> flag causes the method not to use asymptotic interval arithmetic, but only
+  the much simpler core mechanism of computing a single Multiseries expansion for the input
+  function. There should normally be no need to use this flag; however, the core part of the 
+  code has been tested much more rigorously than the asymptotic interval part. In case there 
+  is some implementation problem with it for a problem that can be solved without it, the 
+  \<open>(fallback)\<close> option can be used until that problem is resolved.
+section \<open>Diagnostic Commands\<close>
+text \<open>
+  \[\begin{array}{rcl}
+    @{command_def (HOL) real_limit} & : & \<open>context \<rightarrow>\<close> \\
+    @{command_def (HOL) real_expansion} & : & \<open>context \<rightarrow>\<close>
+  \end{array}\]
+  @{rail \<open>
+    @@{command (HOL) real_limit} (limitopt*)
+    ;
+    @@{command (HOL) real_expansion} (expansionopt*)
+    ;
+    limitopt : ('limit' ':' @{syntax term}) | ('facts' ':' @{syntax thms})
+    ;
+    expansionopt : 
+        ('limit' ':' @{syntax term}) |
+        ('terms' ':' @{syntax nat} ('(' 'strict' ')') ?) |
+        ('facts' ':' @{syntax thms})
+  \<close>}
+    \<^descr>@{command real_limit} computes the limit of the given function \<open>f(x)\<close> for as \<open>x\<close> tends
+    to the specified limit point. Additional facts can be provided with the \<open>facts\<close> option, 
+    similarly to the @{command using} command with @{method real_asymp}. The limit point given
+    by the \<open>limit\<close> option must be one of the filters @{term "at_top"}, @{term "at_bot"}, 
+    @{term "at_left"}, or @{term "at_right"}. If no limit point is given, @{term "at_top"} is used
+    by default.
+    \<^medskip>
+    The output of @{command real_limit} can be \<open>\<infinity>\<close>, \<open>-\<infinity>\<close>, \<open>\<plusminus>\<infinity>\<close>, \<open>c\<close> (for some real constant \<open>c\<close>),
+    \<open>0\<^sup>+\<close>, or \<open>0\<^sup>-\<close>. The \<open>+\<close> and \<open>-\<close> in the last case indicate whether the approach is from above
+    or from below (corresponding to @{term "at_right (0::real)"} and @{term "at_left (0::real)"}); 
+    for technical reasons, this information is currently not displayed if the limit is not 0.
+    \<^medskip>
+    If the given function does not tend to a definite limit (e.\,g.\ @{term "sin x"} for \<open>x \<rightarrow> \<infinity>\<close>),
+    the command might nevertheless succeed to compute an asymptotic upper and/or lower bound and
+    display the limits of these bounds instead.
+    \<^descr>@{command real_expansion} works similarly to @{command real_limit}, but displays the first few
+    terms of the asymptotic multiseries expansion of the given function at the given limit point 
+    and the order of growth of the remainder term.
+    In addition to the options already explained for the @{command real_limit} command, it takes
+    an additional option \<open>terms\<close> that controls how many of the leading terms of the expansion are
+    printed. If the \<open>(strict)\<close> modifier is passed to the \<open>terms option\<close>, terms whose coefficient is
+    0 are dropped from the output and do not count to the number of terms to be output.
+    \<^medskip>
+    By default, the first three terms are output and the \<open>strict\<close> option is disabled.
+  Note that these two commands are intended for diagnostic use only. While the central part
+  of their implementation – finding a multiseries expansion and reading off the limit – are the
+  same as in the @{method real_asymp} method and therefore trustworthy, there is a small amount
+  of unverified code involved in pre-processing and printing (e.\,g.\ for reducing all the
+  different options for the \<open>limit\<close> option to the @{term at_top} case).
+section \<open>Extensibility\<close>
+subsection \<open>Basic fact collections\<close>
+text \<open>
+  The easiest way to add support for additional operations is to add corresponding facts
+  to one of the following fact collections. However, this only works for particularly simple cases.
+    \<^descr>@{thm [source] real_asymp_reify_simps} specifies a list of (unconditional) equations that are 
+     unfolded as a first step of @{method real_asymp} and the related commands. This can be used to 
+     add support for operations that can be represented easily by other operations that are already
+     supported, such as @{term sinh}, which is equal to @{term "\<lambda>x. (exp x - exp (-x)) / 2"}.
+    \<^descr>@{thm [source] real_asymp_nat_reify} and @{thm [source] real_asymp_int_reify} is used to
+     convert operations on natural numbers or integers to operations on real numbers. This enables
+     @{method real_asymp} to also work on functions that return a natural number or an integer.
+subsection \<open>Expanding Custom Operations\<close>
+text \<open>
+  Support for some non-trivial new operation \<open>f(x\<^sub>1, \<dots>, x\<^sub>n)\<close> can be added dynamically at any
+  time, but it involves writing ML code and involves a significant amount of effort, especially
+  when the function has essential singularities.
+  The first step is to write an ML function that takes as arguments
+    \<^item> the expansion context
+    \<^item> the term \<open>t\<close> to expand (which will be of the form \<open>f(g\<^sub>1(x), \<dots>, g\<^sub>n(x))\<close>)
+    \<^item> a list of \<open>n\<close> theorems of the form @{prop "(g\<^sub>i expands_to G\<^sub>i) bs"}
+    \<^item> the current basis \<open>bs\<close>
+  and returns a theorem of the form @{prop "(t expands_to F) bs'"} and a new basis \<open>bs'\<close> which 
+  must be a superset of the original basis.
+  This function must then be registered as a handler for the operation by proving a vacuous lemma
+  of the form @{prop "REAL_ASYMP_CUSTOM f"} (which is only used for tagging) and passing that
+  lemma and the expansion function to @{ML [source] Exp_Log_Expression.register_custom_from_thm}
+  in a @{command local_setup} invocation.
+  If the expansion produced by the handler function contains new definitions, corresponding 
+  evaluation equations must be added to the fact collection @{thm [source] real_asymp_eval_eqs}.
+  These equations must have the form \<open>h p\<^sub>1 \<dots> p\<^sub>m = rhs\<close> where \<open>h\<close> must be a constant of arity \<open>m\<close>
+  (i.\,e.\ the function on the left-hand side must be fully applied) and the \<open>p\<^sub>i\<close> can be patterns
+  involving \<open>constructors\<close>.
+  New constructors for this pattern matching can be registered by adding a theorem of the form
+  @{prop "REAL_ASYMP_EVAL_CONSTRUCTOR c"} to the fact collection
+  @{thm [source] exp_log_eval_constructor}, but this should be quite rare in practice.
+  \<^medskip>
+  Note that there is currently no way to add support for custom operations in connection with
+  `oscillating' terms. The above mechanism only works if all arguments of the new operation have
+  an exact multiseries expansion.
+subsection \<open>Extending the Sign Oracle\<close>
+text \<open>
+  By default, the \<^verbatim>\<open>real_asymp\<close> package uses the simplifier with the given simpset and facts
+  in order to determine the sign of real constants. This is done by invoking the simplifier
+  on goals like \<open>c = 0\<close>, \<open>c \<noteq> 0\<close>, \<open>c > 0\<close>, or \<open>c < 0\<close> or some subset thereof, depending on the
+  context.
+  If the simplifier cannot prove any of them, the entire method (or command) invocation will fail.
+  It is, however, possible to dynamically add additional sign oracles that will be tried; the 
+  most obvious candidate for an oracle that one may want to add or remove dynamically are 
+  approximation-based tactics.
+  Adding such a tactic can be done by calling
+  @{ML [source] Multiseries_Expansion.register_sign_oracle}. Note that if the tactic cannot prove
+  a goal, it should fail as fast as possible.
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+\title{\texttt{real\_asymp}: Semi-Automatic Real Asymptotics\\ in Isabelle\slash HOL}
+\author{Manuel Eberl}
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