replaced "isabelle components_checksum" shell script by "isabelle build_components" in Scala, with more functionality;
Sat, 08 Dec 2018 22:31:34 +0100
changeset 69429 dc5fbcb07c7b
parent 69428 38ad31191210
child 69430 684935cbc8e1
replaced "isabelle components_checksum" shell script by "isabelle build_components" in Scala, with more functionality; more robust Component.Archive name: avoid rm_tree accidents;
--- a/Admin/components/README	Sat Dec 08 21:21:14 2018 +0100
+++ b/Admin/components/README	Sat Dec 08 22:31:34 2018 +0100
@@ -1,15 +1,28 @@
-Some notes on maintaining the Isabelle component repository at TUM
+Notes on maintaining the Isabelle component repository at TUM
 Quick reference
-  $ install /home/isabelle/components/screwdriver-3.14.tar.gz
-  $ install /home/isabelle/contrib/screwdriver-3.14/
-  $ edit Admin/components/main: screwdriver-3.14
-  $ isabelle components_checksum -u
-  $ hg diff
-  $ hg commit
+  * ensure that Isabelle/Scala/SSH can connect to the host specified via
+    system option "isabelle_components_server"; this may require to install
+    an unencrypted ssh host key as follows:
+      $ ssh-keyscan -t rsa >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+  * local setup (and test) of component directory, e.g. in
+      screwdriver-3.14/
+  * packaging (with associated SHA1 digest), e.g.
+      $ isabelle build_components screwdriver-3.14
+  * publishing, e.g.
+      $ isabelle build_components -P screwdriver-3.14.tar.gz
+  * manual editing of Admin/components/main: screwdriver-3.14
 Unique names
@@ -46,17 +59,20 @@
 The file Admin/components/components.sha1 contains SHA1 identifiers
 within the Isabelle repository, for integrity checking of the archives
-that are exposed to the public file-system.  The components_checksum
-tool helps to update these hash-keys wrt. the information within the
-Isabelle repository.
+that are exposed to the public file-system.  The command-line tool
+"isabelle build_components" maintains these hash-keys automatically.
 Unpacked copy
-A second unpacked copy is provided in /home/isabelle/contrib/.  This
-allows users within the TUM network to activate arbitrary snapshots of
-the repository with all standard components being available, without
-extra copying or unpacking of the authentic archives.  Testing
-services like "isatest" and "mira" do this routinely, and will break
-accordingly if this is omitted.
+A second unpacked copy is provided in /home/isabelle/contrib/. This allows
+users and administrative services within the TUM network to activate arbitrary
+snapshots of the repository with all standard components being available,
+without extra copying or unpacking of the authentic archives. The
+isabelle_cronjob does this routinely: it will break if the unpacked version is
+The command-line tool "isabelle build_components -P" takes care of uploading
+the .tar.gz archive and unpacking it, unless it is a special component (e.g.
+for multiplatform application bundling).
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Admin/etc/options	Sat Dec 08 22:31:34 2018 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+(* :mode=isabelle-options: *)
+section "Admin tools"
+option isabelle_components_server : string = ""
+  -- "user@host for SSH connection"
+option isabelle_components_dir : string = "/home/isabelle/components"
+option isabelle_components_contrib_dir : string = "/home/isabelle/contrib"
+  -- "unpacked components for remote build services"
--- a/Admin/lib/Tools/components_checksum	Sat Dec 08 21:21:14 2018 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Author: Alexander Krauss
-# DESCRIPTION: compute and validate checksums for component repository
-## diagnostics
-PRG="$(basename "$0")"
-function usage()
-  echo
-  echo "Usage: $PRG [OPTIONS] [DIR]"
-  echo
-  echo "  Options are:"
-  echo "    -u           update the recorded checksums in the repository"
-  echo "    -c           compare the actual checksums with the recorded ones"
-  echo
-  echo "  Compute the checksums of component .tar.gz archives in DIR"
-  echo "  (default \"/home/isabelle/components\") and synchronize them"
-  echo "  with the Isabelle repository."
-  echo
-  exit 1
-function fail()
-  echo "$1" >&2
-  exit 2
-## process command line
-# options
-while getopts "uc" OPT
-  case "$OPT" in
-    u)
-      UPDATE=true
-      ;;
-    c)
-      CHECK=true
-      ;;
-  esac
-shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
-[ -n "$UPDATE" ] || [ -n "$CHECK" ] || usage
-# args
-[ "$#" -ge 1 ] && { COMPONENTS_DIR="$1"; shift; }
-[ "$#" -ne 0 ] && usage
-## compute checksums
-  sha1sum *.tar.gz | sort -k2 -f > "$CHECKSUM_TMP"
-[ -n "$CHECK" ] && {
-  diff "$CHECKSUM_FILE" "$CHECKSUM_TMP" || fail "Integrity error"
--- a/src/Pure/Admin/components.scala	Sat Dec 08 21:21:14 2018 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Admin/components.scala	Sat Dec 08 22:31:34 2018 +0100
@@ -17,8 +17,19 @@
   object Archive
     val suffix: String = ".tar.gz"
-    def apply(name: String): String = name + suffix
-    def unapply(archive: String): Option[String] = Library.try_unsuffix(suffix, archive)
+    def apply(name: String): String =
+      if (name == "") error("Bad component name: " + quote(name))
+      else name + suffix
+    def unapply(archive: String): Option[String] =
+    {
+      for {
+        name0 <- Library.try_unsuffix(suffix, archive)
+        name <- proper_string(name0)
+      } yield name
+    }
     def get_name(archive: String): String =
       unapply(archive) getOrElse
         error("Bad component archive name (expecting .tar.gz): " + quote(archive))
@@ -76,8 +87,8 @@
   /* component directory content */
-  def settings(dir: Path): Path = dir + Path.explode("etc/settings")
-  def components(dir: Path): Path = dir + Path.explode("etc/components")
+  def settings(dir: Path = Path.current): Path = dir + Path.explode("etc/settings")
+  def components(dir: Path = Path.current): Path = dir + Path.explode("etc/components")
   def check_dir(dir: Path): Boolean =
     settings(dir).is_file || components(dir).is_file
@@ -87,4 +98,196 @@
   def write_components(dir: Path, lines: List[String]): Unit =
     File.write(components(dir), terminate_lines(lines))
+  /* component repository content */
+  val components_sha1: Path = Path.explode("~~/Admin/components/components.sha1")
+  sealed case class SHA1_Digest(sha1: String, file_name: String)
+  {
+    override def toString: String = sha1 + "  " + file_name
+  }
+  def read_components_sha1(lines: List[String] = Nil): List[SHA1_Digest] =
+    (proper_list(lines) getOrElse split_lines( =>
+      Word.explode(line) match {
+        case Nil => None
+        case List(sha1, name) => Some(SHA1_Digest(sha1, name))
+        case _ => error("Bad components.sha1 entry: " + quote(line))
+      })
+  def write_components_sha1(entries: List[SHA1_Digest]) =
+    File.write(components_sha1, entries.sortBy(_.file_name).mkString("", "\n", "\n"))
+  /** build and publish components **/
+  def build_components(
+    options: Options,
+    components: List[Path],
+    progress: Progress = No_Progress,
+    publish: Boolean = false,
+    force: Boolean = false,
+    update_components_sha1: Boolean = false)
+  {
+    val archives: List[Path] =
+      for (path <- components) yield {
+        path.file_name match {
+          case Archive(_) => path
+          case name =>
+            if (!path.is_dir) error("Bad component directory: " + path)
+            else if (!check_dir(path)) {
+              error("Malformed component directory: " + path +
+                "\n  (requires " + settings() + " or " + Components.components() + ")")
+            }
+            else {
+              val component_path = path.expand
+              val archive_dir = component_path.dir
+              val archive_name = Archive(name)
+              val archive = archive_dir + Path.explode(archive_name)
+              if (archive.is_file && !force) {
+                error("Component archive already exists: " + archive)
+              }
+              progress.echo("Packaging " + archive_name + " ...")
+              Isabelle_System.gnutar("-czf " + Bash.string(archive_name) + " " + Bash.string(name),
+                dir = archive_dir).check
+              archive
+            }
+        }
+      }
+    if ((publish && archives.nonEmpty) || update_components_sha1) {
+      options.string("isabelle_components_server") match {
+        case SSH.Target(user, host) =>
+          using(SSH.open_session(options, host = host, user = user))(ssh =>
+          {
+            val components_dir = Path.explode(options.string("isabelle_components_dir"))
+            val contrib_dir = Path.explode(options.string("isabelle_components_contrib_dir"))
+            for (dir <- List(components_dir, contrib_dir) if !ssh.is_dir(dir)) {
+              error("Bad remote directory: " + dir)
+            }
+            if (publish) {
+              for (archive <- archives) {
+                val archive_name = archive.file_name
+                val name = Archive.get_name(archive_name)
+                val remote_component = components_dir + archive.base
+                val remote_contrib = contrib_dir + Path.explode(name)
+                // component archive
+                if (ssh.is_file(remote_component) && !force) {
+                  error("Remote component archive already exists: " + remote_component)
+                }
+                progress.echo("Uploading " + archive_name)
+                ssh.write_file(remote_component, archive)
+                // contrib directory
+                val is_standard_component =
+                  Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("component")(tmp_dir =>
+                  {
+                    Isabelle_System.gnutar("-xzf " + File.bash_path(archive), dir = tmp_dir).check
+                    check_dir(tmp_dir + Path.explode(name))
+                  })
+                if (is_standard_component) {
+                  if (ssh.is_dir(remote_contrib)) {
+                    if (force) ssh.rm_tree(remote_contrib)
+                    else error("Remote component directory already exists: " + remote_contrib)
+                  }
+                  progress.echo("Unpacking remote " + archive_name)
+                  ssh.execute("tar -C " + ssh.bash_path(contrib_dir) + " -xzf " +
+                    ssh.bash_path(remote_component)).check
+                }
+                else {
+                  progress.echo_warning("No unpacking of non-standard component: " + archive_name)
+                }
+              }
+            }
+            // remote SHA1 digests
+            if (update_components_sha1) {
+              val lines =
+                for {
+                  entry <- ssh.read_dir(components_dir)
+                  if entry.is_file &&
+                }
+                yield {
+                  progress.echo("Digesting remote " +
+                  Library.trim_line(
+                    ssh.execute("cd " + ssh.bash_path(components_dir) +
+                      "; sha1sum " + Bash.string(
+                }
+              write_components_sha1(read_components_sha1(lines))
+            }
+          })
+        case s => error("Bad isabelle_components_server: " + quote(s))
+      }
+    }
+    // local SHA1 digests
+    {
+      val new_entries =
+        for (archive <- archives)
+        yield {
+          val file_name = archive.file_name
+          progress.echo("Digesting local " + file_name)
+          val sha1 = SHA1.digest(archive).rep
+          SHA1_Digest(sha1, file_name)
+        }
+      val new_names =
+      write_components_sha1(
+        new_entries :::
+        read_components_sha1().filterNot(entry => new_names.contains(entry.file_name)))
+    }
+  }
+  /* Isabelle tool wrapper */
+  private val relevant_options =
+    List("isabelle_components_server", "isabelle_components_dir", "isabelle_components_contrib_dir")
+  val isabelle_tool =
+    Isabelle_Tool("build_components", "build and publish Isabelle components", args =>
+    {
+      var publish = false
+      var update_components_sha1 = false
+      var force = false
+      var options = Options.init()
+      def show_options: String =
+        cat_lines( => options.options(name).print))
+      val getopts = Getopts("""
+Usage: isabelle build_components [OPTIONS] ARCHIVES... DIRS...
+  Options are:
+    -P           publish on SSH server (see options below)
+    -f           force: overwrite existing component archives and directories
+    -o OPTION    override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
+    -u           update all SHA1 keys in Isabelle repository Admin/components
+  Build and publish Isabelle components as .tar.gz archives on SSH server,
+  depending on system options:
+""" + Library.prefix_lines("  ", show_options) + "\n",
+        "P" -> (_ => publish = true),
+        "f" -> (_ => force = true),
+        "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
+        "u" -> (_ => update_components_sha1 = true))
+      val more_args = getopts(args)
+      if (more_args.isEmpty && !update_components_sha1) getopts.usage()
+      val progress = new Console_Progress
+      build_components(options,, progress = progress,
+        publish = publish, force = force, update_components_sha1 = update_components_sha1)
+    })
--- a/src/Pure/System/isabelle_tool.scala	Sat Dec 08 21:21:14 2018 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isabelle_tool.scala	Sat Dec 08 22:31:34 2018 +0100
@@ -172,4 +172,5 @@
+  Components.isabelle_tool,