--- a/src/Doc/Datatypes/Datatypes.thy Wed Sep 11 14:07:24 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/Datatypes/Datatypes.thy Wed Sep 11 15:22:43 2013 +0200
@@ -400,14 +400,11 @@
Because @{const Nil} is a nullary constructor, it is also possible to use
@{term "\<lambda>xs. xs = Nil"} as a discriminator. This is specified by
-entering ``@{text "="}'' instead of the identifier @{const null} in the
-declaration above. Although this may look appealing, the mixture of constructors
-and selectors in the resulting characteristic theorems can lead Isabelle's
-automation to switch between the constructor and the destructor view in
-surprising ways.
+entering ``@{text "="}'' instead of the identifier @{const null}. Although this
+may look appealing, the mixture of constructors and selectors in the resulting
+characteristic theorems can lead Isabelle's automation to switch between the
+constructor and the destructor view in surprising ways.
-text {*
The usual mixfix syntaxes are available for both types and constructors. For
@@ -440,17 +437,17 @@
Datatype definitions have the following general syntax:
@{rail "
- @@{command datatype_new} @{syntax target}? @{syntax dt_options}? \\
+ @@{command_def datatype_new} target? @{syntax dt_options}? \\
(@{syntax dt_name} '=' (@{syntax ctor} + '|') + @'and')
@{syntax_def dt_options}: '(' ((@'no_discs_sels' | @'rep_compat') + ',') ')'
-The syntactic quantity @{syntax target} can be used to specify a local context
-(e.g., @{text "(in linorder)"}). It is documented in the Isar reference manual
-The optional target is followed by optional options:
+The syntactic quantity \synt{target} can be used to specify a local
+context---e.g., @{text "(in linorder)"}. It is documented in the Isar reference
+manual \cite{isabelle-isar-ref}.
+The optional target is optionally followed by datatype-specific options:
@@ -461,28 +458,27 @@
The \keyw{rep\_compat} option indicates that the names generated by the
-package should contain optional (and normally not displayed) @{text "new."}
+package should contain optional (and normally not displayed) ``@{text "new."}''
components to prevent clashes with a later call to @{command rep_datatype}. See
Section~\ref{ssec:datatype-compatibility-issues} for details.
The left-hand sides of the datatype equations specify the name of the type to
-define, its type parameters, and optional additional information:
+define, its type parameters, and additional information:
@{rail "
- @{syntax_def dt_name}: @{syntax tyargs}? @{syntax name}
- @{syntax map_rel}? @{syntax mixfix}?
+ @{syntax_def dt_name}: @{syntax tyargs}? name @{syntax map_rel}? mixfix?
- @{syntax_def tyargs}: @{syntax typefree} | '(' ((@{syntax name} ':')? @{syntax typefree} + ',') ')'
+ @{syntax_def tyargs}: typefree | '(' ((name ':')? typefree + ',') ')'
- @{syntax_def map_rel}: '(' ((('map' | 'rel') ':' @{syntax name}) +) ')'
+ @{syntax_def map_rel}: '(' ((('map' | 'rel') ':' name) +) ')'
-The syntactic quantity @{syntax name} denotes an identifier, @{syntax typefree}
-denotes fixed type variable (@{typ 'a}, @{typ 'b}, \ldots), and @{syntax
-mixfix} denotes the usual parenthesized mixfix notation. They are documented in
-the Isar reference manual \cite{isabelle-isar-ref}.
+The syntactic quantity \synt{name} denotes an identifier, \synt{typefree}
+denotes fixed type variable (@{typ 'a}, @{typ 'b}, \ldots), and \synt{mixfix}
+denotes the usual parenthesized mixfix notation. They are documented in the Isar
+reference manual \cite{isabelle-isar-ref}.
The optional names preceding the type variables allow to override the default
names of the set functions (@{text t_set1}, \ldots, @{text t_setM}).
@@ -490,8 +486,8 @@
specify exactly the same type variables in the same order.
@{rail "
- @{syntax_def ctor}: (@{syntax name} ':')? @{syntax name} (@{syntax ctor_arg} * ) \\
- @{syntax dt_sel_defaults}? @{syntax mixfix}?
+ @{syntax_def ctor}: (name ':')? name (@{syntax ctor_arg} * ) \\
+ @{syntax dt_sel_defaults}? mixfix?
@@ -501,7 +497,7 @@
(@{text t.un_C}$_{ij}$).
@{rail "
- @{syntax_def ctor_arg}: @{syntax type} | '(' @{syntax name} ':' @{syntax type} ')'
+ @{syntax_def ctor_arg}: type | '(' name ':' type ')'
@@ -511,7 +507,7 @@
constructors as long as they have the same type.
@{rail "
- @{syntax_def dt_sel_defaults}: '(' @'defaults' (@{syntax name} ':' @{syntax term} +) ')'
+ @{syntax_def dt_sel_defaults}: '(' @'defaults' (name ':' term +) ')'
@@ -811,10 +807,10 @@
Primitive recursive functions have the following general syntax:
@{rail "
- @@{command primrec_new} @{syntax target}? @{syntax \"fixes\"} \\ @'where'
+ @@{command primrec_new} target? fixes \\ @'where'
(@{syntax primrec_equation} + '|')
- @{syntax_def primrec_equation}: @{syntax thmdecl}? @{syntax prop}
+ @{syntax_def primrec_equation}: thmdecl? prop
@@ -966,11 +962,10 @@
Primitive corecursive definitions have the following general syntax:
@{rail "
- @@{command primcorec} @{syntax target}? @{syntax \"fixes\"} \\ @'where'
+ @@{command primcorec} target? fixes \\ @'where'
(@{syntax primcorec_formula} + '|')
- @{syntax_def primcorec_formula}: @{syntax thmdecl}? @{syntax prop}
- (@'of' (@{syntax term} * ))?
+ @{syntax_def primcorec_formula}: thmdecl? prop (@'of' (term * ))?
@@ -1011,10 +1006,10 @@
text {*
@{rail "
- @@{command bnf} @{syntax target}? (@{syntax name} ':')? @{syntax term} \\
- @{syntax term_list} @{syntax term} @{syntax term_list} @{syntax term}?
+ @@{command bnf} target? (name ':')? term \\
+ term_list term term_list term?
- @{syntax_def X_list}: '[' (@{syntax X} + ',') ']'
+ X_list: '[' (X + ',') ']'
options: no_discs_sels rep_compat
@@ -1050,12 +1045,12 @@
Free constructor wrapping has the following general syntax:
@{rail "
- @@{command wrap_free_constructors} @{syntax target}? @{syntax dt_options} \\
- @{syntax term_list} @{syntax name} @{syntax fc_discs_sels}?
+ @@{command wrap_free_constructors} target? @{syntax dt_options} \\
+ term_list name @{syntax fc_discs_sels}?
- @{syntax_def fc_discs_sels}: @{syntax name_list} (@{syntax name_list_list} @{syntax name_term_list_list}? )?
+ @{syntax_def fc_discs_sels}: name_list (name_list_list name_term_list_list? )?
- @{syntax_def name_term}: (@{syntax name} ':' @{syntax term})
+ @{syntax_def name_term}: (name ':' term)
options: no_discs_sels rep_compat
--- a/src/Doc/Datatypes/document/root.tex Wed Sep 11 14:07:24 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Doc/Datatypes/document/root.tex Wed Sep 11 15:22:43 2013 +0200
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@