removed old datatype_info;
Tue, 04 Nov 1997 13:35:13 +0100
changeset 4119 de6e388f3d86
parent 4118 4e75435b01e5
child 4120 57c1e7d70960
removed old datatype_info;
--- a/src/HOL/simpdata.ML	Tue Nov 04 13:31:14 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/simpdata.ML	Tue Nov 04 13:35:13 1997 +0100
@@ -444,39 +444,11 @@
     Simp_tac i;
-(*** Install simpsets and datatypes in theory structure ***)
+(* install implicit simpset *)
 simpset_ref() := HOL_ss;
-type dtype_info = {case_const:term,
-                   case_rewrites:thm list,
-                   constructors:term list,
-                   induct_tac: string -> int -> tactic,
-                   nchotomy: thm,
-                   exhaustion: thm,
-                   exhaust_tac: string -> int -> tactic,
-                   case_cong:thm};
-exception DT_DATA of (string * dtype_info) list;
-val datatypes = ref [] : (string * dtype_info) list ref;
-let fun merge [] = DT_DATA []
-      | merge ds =
-          let val ds = map (fn DT_DATA x => x) ds;
-          in DT_DATA (foldl (gen_union eq_fst) (hd ds, tl ds)) end;
-    fun put (DT_DATA ds) = datatypes := ds;
-    fun get () = DT_DATA (!datatypes);
-in add_thydata "HOL"
-     ("datatypes", ThyMethods {merge = merge, put = put, get = get})
 (*** Integration of simplifier with classical reasoner ***)
 (* rot_eq_tac rotates the first equality premise of subgoal i to the front,