Fri, 22 May 2009 13:22:16 -0700
changeset 31233 c4c1692d4eee
parent 31232 689aa7da48cc (diff)
parent 31225 df6945ac4193 (current diff)
child 31234 6ce6801129de
--- a/src/HOLCF/Domain.thy	Thu May 21 19:15:22 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Domain.thy	Fri May 22 13:22:16 2009 -0700
@@ -202,6 +202,65 @@
 lemmas exh_casedists = exh_casedist1 exh_casedist2 exh_casedist3
+subsection {* Combinators for building copy functions *}
+  cfun_fun :: "('b \<rightarrow> 'a) \<rightarrow> ('c \<rightarrow> 'd) \<rightarrow> ('a \<rightarrow> 'c) \<rightarrow> ('b \<rightarrow> 'd)"
+  "cfun_fun = (\<Lambda> f g p. g oo p oo f)"
+  ssum_fun :: "('a \<rightarrow> 'b) \<rightarrow> ('c \<rightarrow> 'd) \<rightarrow> 'a \<oplus> 'c \<rightarrow> 'b \<oplus> 'd"
+  "ssum_fun = (\<Lambda> f g. sscase\<cdot>(sinl oo f)\<cdot>(sinr oo g))"
+  sprod_fun :: "('a \<rightarrow> 'b) \<rightarrow> ('c \<rightarrow> 'd) \<rightarrow> 'a \<otimes> 'c \<rightarrow> 'b \<otimes> 'd"
+  "sprod_fun = (\<Lambda> f g. ssplit\<cdot>(\<Lambda> x y. (:f\<cdot>x, g\<cdot>y:)))"
+  cprod_fun :: "('a \<rightarrow> 'b) \<rightarrow> ('c \<rightarrow> 'd) \<rightarrow> 'a \<times> 'c \<rightarrow> 'b \<times> 'd"
+  "cprod_fun = (\<Lambda> f g. csplit\<cdot>(\<Lambda> x y. <f\<cdot>x, g\<cdot>y>))"
+  u_fun :: "('a \<rightarrow> 'b) \<rightarrow> 'a u \<rightarrow> 'b u"
+  "u_fun = (\<Lambda> f. fup\<cdot>(up oo f))"
+lemma cfun_fun_strict: "b\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom> \<Longrightarrow> cfun_fun\<cdot>a\<cdot>b\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
+unfolding cfun_fun_def expand_cfun_eq by simp
+lemma ssum_fun_strict: "ssum_fun\<cdot>a\<cdot>b\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
+unfolding ssum_fun_def by simp
+lemma sprod_fun_strict: "sprod_fun\<cdot>a\<cdot>b\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
+unfolding sprod_fun_def by simp
+lemma u_fun_strict: "u_fun\<cdot>a\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
+unfolding u_fun_def by simp
+lemma ssum_fun_sinl: "x \<noteq> \<bottom> \<Longrightarrow> ssum_fun\<cdot>f\<cdot>g\<cdot>(sinl\<cdot>x) = sinl\<cdot>(f\<cdot>x)"
+by (simp add: ssum_fun_def)
+lemma ssum_fun_sinr: "x \<noteq> \<bottom> \<Longrightarrow> ssum_fun\<cdot>f\<cdot>g\<cdot>(sinr\<cdot>x) = sinr\<cdot>(g\<cdot>x)"
+by (simp add: ssum_fun_def)
+lemma sprod_fun_spair:
+  "x \<noteq> \<bottom> \<Longrightarrow> y \<noteq> \<bottom> \<Longrightarrow> sprod_fun\<cdot>f\<cdot>g\<cdot>(:x, y:) = (:f\<cdot>x, g\<cdot>y:)"
+by (simp add: sprod_fun_def)
+lemma u_fun_up: "u_fun\<cdot>a\<cdot>(up\<cdot>x) = up\<cdot>(a\<cdot>x)"
+by (simp add: u_fun_def)
+lemmas domain_fun_stricts =
+  ssum_fun_strict sprod_fun_strict u_fun_strict
+lemmas domain_fun_simps =
+  ssum_fun_sinl ssum_fun_sinr sprod_fun_spair u_fun_up
 subsection {* Installing the domain package *}
 lemmas con_strict_rules =
--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/domain/domain_axioms.ML	Thu May 21 19:15:22 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/domain/domain_axioms.ML	Fri May 22 13:22:16 2009 -0700
@@ -6,124 +6,147 @@
 signature DOMAIN_AXIOMS =
-  val add_axioms : bstring -> Domain_Library.eq list -> theory -> theory
+    val copy_of_dtyp : (int -> term) -> DatatypeAux.dtyp -> term
+    val calc_axioms :
+        string -> Domain_Library.eq list -> int -> Domain_Library.eq ->
+        string * (string * term) list * (string * term) list
+    val add_axioms :
+        bstring -> Domain_Library.eq list -> theory -> theory
 structure Domain_Axioms :> DOMAIN_AXIOMS =
+open Domain_Library;
-open Domain_Library;
 infixr 0 ===>;infixr 0 ==>;infix 0 == ; 
 infix 1 ===; infix 1 ~= ; infix 1 <<; infix 1 ~<<;
 infix 9 `   ; infix 9 `% ; infix 9 `%%; infixr 9 oo;
-fun calc_axioms comp_dname (eqs : eq list) n (((dname,_),cons) : eq)=
-(* ----- axioms and definitions concerning the isomorphism ------------------ *)
+(* FIXME: use theory data for this *)
+val copy_tab : string Symtab.table =
+    Symtab.make [(@{type_name "->"}, @{const_name "cfun_fun"}),
+                 (@{type_name "++"}, @{const_name "ssum_fun"}),
+                 (@{type_name "**"}, @{const_name "sprod_fun"}),
+                 (@{type_name "*"}, @{const_name "cprod_fun"}),
+                 (@{type_name "u"}, @{const_name "u_fun"})];
-  val dc_abs = %%:(dname^"_abs");
-  val dc_rep = %%:(dname^"_rep");
-  val x_name'= "x";
-  val x_name = idx_name eqs x_name' (n+1);
-  val dnam = Long_Name.base_name dname;
+fun copy_of_dtyp r dt = if DatatypeAux.is_rec_type dt then copy r dt else ID
+and copy r (DatatypeAux.DtRec i) = r i
+  | copy r (DatatypeAux.DtTFree a) = ID
+  | copy r (DatatypeAux.DtType (c, ds)) =
+    case Symtab.lookup copy_tab c of
+        SOME f => list_ccomb (%%:f, map (copy_of_dtyp r) ds)
+      | NONE => (warning ("copy_of_dtyp: unknown type constructor " ^ c); ID);
-  val abs_iso_ax = ("abs_iso", mk_trp(dc_rep`(dc_abs`%x_name') === %:x_name'));
-  val rep_iso_ax = ("rep_iso", mk_trp(dc_abs`(dc_rep`%x_name') === %:x_name'));
+fun calc_axioms
+        (comp_dname : string)
+        (eqs : eq list)
+        (n : int)
+        (eqn as ((dname,_),cons) : eq)
+    : string * (string * term) list * (string * term) list =
+    let
+        (* ----- axioms and definitions concerning the isomorphism ------------------ *)
-  val when_def = ("when_def",%%:(dname^"_when") == 
-     List.foldr (uncurry /\ ) (/\x_name'((when_body cons (fn (x,y) =>
-				Bound(1+length cons+x-y)))`(dc_rep`Bound 0))) (when_funs cons));
-  val copy_def = let
-    fun idxs z x arg = if is_rec arg
-			 then (cproj (Bound z) eqs (rec_of arg))`Bound(z-x)
-			 else Bound(z-x);
-    fun one_con (con,args) =
-        List.foldr /\# (list_ccomb (%%:con, mapn (idxs (length args)) 1 args)) args;
-  in ("copy_def", %%:(dname^"_copy") ==
-       /\ "f" (list_ccomb (%%:(dname^"_when"), map one_con cons))) end;
+        val dc_abs = %%:(dname^"_abs");
+        val dc_rep = %%:(dname^"_rep");
+        val x_name'= "x";
+        val x_name = idx_name eqs x_name' (n+1);
+        val dnam = Long_Name.base_name dname;
+        val abs_iso_ax = ("abs_iso", mk_trp(dc_rep`(dc_abs`%x_name') === %:x_name'));
+        val rep_iso_ax = ("rep_iso", mk_trp(dc_abs`(dc_rep`%x_name') === %:x_name'));
-(* -- definitions concerning the constructors, discriminators and selectors - *)
+        val when_def = ("when_def",%%:(dname^"_when") == 
+                                  List.foldr (uncurry /\ ) (/\x_name'((when_body cons (fn (x,y) =>
+				                                                          Bound(1+length cons+x-y)))`(dc_rep`Bound 0))) (when_funs cons));
+        val copy_def =
+          let fun r i = cproj (Bound 0) eqs i;
+          in ("copy_def", %%:(dname^"_copy") ==
+                          /\ "f" (dc_abs oo (copy_of_dtyp r (dtyp_of_eq eqn)) oo dc_rep)) end;
-  fun con_def m n (_,args) = let
-    fun idxs z x arg = (if is_lazy arg then mk_up else I) (Bound(z-x));
-    fun parms vs = mk_stuple (mapn (idxs(length vs)) 1 vs);
-    fun inj y 1 _ = y
-    |   inj y _ 0 = mk_sinl y
-    |   inj y i j = mk_sinr (inj y (i-1) (j-1));
-  in List.foldr /\# (dc_abs`(inj (parms args) m n)) args end;
-  val con_defs = mapn (fn n => fn (con,args) =>
-    (extern_name con ^"_def", %%:con == con_def (length cons) n (con,args))) 0 cons;
-  val dis_defs = let
-	fun ddef (con,_) = (dis_name con ^"_def",%%:(dis_name con) == 
-		 list_ccomb(%%:(dname^"_when"),map 
-			(fn (con',args) => (List.foldr /\#
+        (* -- definitions concerning the constructors, discriminators and selectors - *)
+        fun con_def m n (_,args) = let
+            fun idxs z x arg = (if is_lazy arg then mk_up else I) (Bound(z-x));
+            fun parms vs = mk_stuple (mapn (idxs(length vs)) 1 vs);
+            fun inj y 1 _ = y
+              | inj y _ 0 = mk_sinl y
+              | inj y i j = mk_sinr (inj y (i-1) (j-1));
+        in List.foldr /\# (dc_abs`(inj (parms args) m n)) args end;
+        val con_defs = mapn (fn n => fn (con,args) =>
+                                        (extern_name con ^"_def", %%:con == con_def (length cons) n (con,args))) 0 cons;
+        val dis_defs = let
+	    fun ddef (con,_) = (dis_name con ^"_def",%%:(dis_name con) == 
+		                                    list_ccomb(%%:(dname^"_when"),map 
+			                                                              (fn (con',args) => (List.foldr /\#
 			   (if con'=con then TT else FF) args)) cons))
 	in map ddef cons end;
-  val mat_defs =
-    let
-      fun mdef (con,_) =
-        let
-          val k = Bound 0
-          val x = Bound 1
-          fun one_con (con', args') =
-	    if con'=con then k else List.foldr /\# mk_fail args'
-          val w = list_ccomb(%%:(dname^"_when"), map one_con cons)
-          val rhs = /\ "x" (/\ "k" (w ` x))
-        in (mat_name con ^"_def", %%:(mat_name con) == rhs) end
-    in map mdef cons end;
+        val mat_defs =
+            let
+                fun mdef (con,_) =
+                    let
+                        val k = Bound 0
+                        val x = Bound 1
+                        fun one_con (con', args') =
+	                    if con'=con then k else List.foldr /\# mk_fail args'
+                        val w = list_ccomb(%%:(dname^"_when"), map one_con cons)
+                        val rhs = /\ "x" (/\ "k" (w ` x))
+                    in (mat_name con ^"_def", %%:(mat_name con) == rhs) end
+            in map mdef cons end;
-  val pat_defs =
-    let
-      fun pdef (con,args) =
-        let
-          val ps = mapn (fn n => fn _ => %:("pat" ^ string_of_int n)) 1 args;
-          val xs = map (bound_arg args) args;
-          val r = Bound (length args);
-          val rhs = case args of [] => mk_return HOLogic.unit
-                                | _ => mk_ctuple_pat ps ` mk_ctuple xs;
-          fun one_con (con',args') = List.foldr /\# (if con'=con then rhs else mk_fail) args';
-        in (pat_name con ^"_def", list_comb (%%:(pat_name con), ps) == 
-               list_ccomb(%%:(dname^"_when"), map one_con cons))
-        end
-    in map pdef cons end;
+        val pat_defs =
+            let
+                fun pdef (con,args) =
+                    let
+                        val ps = mapn (fn n => fn _ => %:("pat" ^ string_of_int n)) 1 args;
+                        val xs = map (bound_arg args) args;
+                        val r = Bound (length args);
+                        val rhs = case args of [] => mk_return HOLogic.unit
+                                             | _ => mk_ctuple_pat ps ` mk_ctuple xs;
+                        fun one_con (con',args') = List.foldr /\# (if con'=con then rhs else mk_fail) args';
+                    in (pat_name con ^"_def", list_comb (%%:(pat_name con), ps) == 
+                                                        list_ccomb(%%:(dname^"_when"), map one_con cons))
+                    end
+            in map pdef cons end;
-  val sel_defs = let
-	fun sdef con n arg = (fn sel => (sel^"_def",%%:sel == 
-		 list_ccomb(%%:(dname^"_when"),map 
-			(fn (con',args) => if con'<>con then UU else
-			 List.foldr /\# (Bound (length args - n)) args) cons))) (sel_of arg);
+        val sel_defs = let
+	    fun sdef con n arg = (fn sel => (sel^"_def",%%:sel == 
+		                                                  list_ccomb(%%:(dname^"_when"),map 
+			                                                                            (fn (con',args) => if con'<>con then UU else
+			                                                                                               List.foldr /\# (Bound (length args - n)) args) cons))) (sel_of arg);
 	in List.mapPartial I (List.concat(map (fn (con,args) => mapn (sdef con) 1 args) cons)) end;
-(* ----- axiom and definitions concerning induction ------------------------- *)
+        (* ----- axiom and definitions concerning induction ------------------------- *)
-  val reach_ax = ("reach", mk_trp(cproj (mk_fix (%%:(comp_dname^"_copy"))) eqs n
-					`%x_name === %:x_name));
-  val take_def = ("take_def",%%:(dname^"_take") == mk_lam("n",cproj
-	     (mk_iterate (Bound 0, %%:(comp_dname^"_copy"), UU)) eqs n));
-  val finite_def = ("finite_def",%%:(dname^"_finite") == mk_lam(x_name,
-	mk_ex("n",(%%:(dname^"_take") $ Bound 0)`Bound 1 === Bound 1)));
+        val reach_ax = ("reach", mk_trp(cproj (mk_fix (%%:(comp_dname^"_copy"))) eqs n
+					      `%x_name === %:x_name));
+        val take_def = ("take_def",%%:(dname^"_take") == mk_lam("n",cproj
+	                                                                (mk_iterate (Bound 0, %%:(comp_dname^"_copy"), UU)) eqs n));
+        val finite_def = ("finite_def",%%:(dname^"_finite") == mk_lam(x_name,
+	                                                              mk_ex("n",(%%:(dname^"_take") $ Bound 0)`Bound 1 === Bound 1)));
-in (dnam,
-    [abs_iso_ax, rep_iso_ax, reach_ax],
-    [when_def, copy_def] @
-     con_defs @ dis_defs @ mat_defs @ pat_defs @ sel_defs @
-    [take_def, finite_def])
-end; (* let (calc_axioms) *)
+    in (dnam,
+        [abs_iso_ax, rep_iso_ax, reach_ax],
+        [when_def, copy_def] @
+        con_defs @ dis_defs @ mat_defs @ pat_defs @ sel_defs @
+        [take_def, finite_def])
+    end; (* let (calc_axioms) *)
 (* legacy type inference *)
 fun legacy_infer_term thy t =
-  singleton (Syntax.check_terms (ProofContext.init thy)) (Sign.intern_term thy t);
+    singleton (Syntax.check_terms (ProofContext.init thy)) (Sign.intern_term thy t);
 fun legacy_infer_prop thy t = legacy_infer_term thy (TypeInfer.constrain propT t);
@@ -137,62 +160,70 @@
 fun add_defs_infer defs thy = add_defs_i (infer_props thy defs) thy;
 fun add_matchers (((dname,_),cons) : eq) thy =
-  let
-    val con_names = map fst cons;
-    val mat_names = map mat_name con_names;
-    fun qualify n = Sign.full_name thy ( n);
-    val ms = map qualify con_names ~~ map qualify mat_names;
-  in FixrecPackage.add_matchers ms thy end;
-in (* local *)
+    let
+        val con_names = map fst cons;
+        val mat_names = map mat_name con_names;
+        fun qualify n = Sign.full_name thy ( n);
+        val ms = map qualify con_names ~~ map qualify mat_names;
+    in FixrecPackage.add_matchers ms thy end;
-fun add_axioms comp_dnam (eqs : eq list) thy' = let
-  val comp_dname = Sign.full_bname thy' comp_dnam;
-  val dnames = map (fst o fst) eqs;
-  val x_name = idx_name dnames "x"; 
-  fun copy_app dname = %%:(dname^"_copy")`Bound 0;
-  val copy_def = ("copy_def" , %%:(comp_dname^"_copy") ==
-				    /\ "f"(mk_ctuple (map copy_app dnames)));
-  val bisim_def = ("bisim_def",%%:(comp_dname^"_bisim")==mk_lam("R",
+fun add_axioms comp_dnam (eqs : eq list) thy' =
-      fun one_con (con,args) = let
-	val nonrec_args = filter_out is_rec args;
-	val    rec_args = List.filter     is_rec args;
-	val    recs_cnt = length rec_args;
-	val allargs     = nonrec_args @ rec_args
-				      @ map (upd_vname (fn s=> s^"'")) rec_args;
-	val allvns      = map vname allargs;
-	fun vname_arg s arg = if is_rec arg then vname arg^s else vname arg;
-	val vns1        = map (vname_arg "" ) args;
-	val vns2        = map (vname_arg "'") args;
-	val allargs_cnt = length nonrec_args + 2*recs_cnt;
-	val rec_idxs    = (recs_cnt-1) downto 0;
-	val nonlazy_idxs = map snd (filter_out (fn (arg,_) => is_lazy arg)
-					 (allargs~~((allargs_cnt-1) downto 0)));
-	fun rel_app i ra = proj (Bound(allargs_cnt+2)) eqs (rec_of ra) $ 
-			   Bound (2*recs_cnt-i) $ Bound (recs_cnt-i);
-	val capps = List.foldr mk_conj (mk_conj(
-	   Bound(allargs_cnt+1)===list_ccomb(%%:con,map (bound_arg allvns) vns1),
-	   Bound(allargs_cnt+0)===list_ccomb(%%:con,map (bound_arg allvns) vns2)))
-           (mapn rel_app 1 rec_args);
-        in List.foldr mk_ex (Library.foldr mk_conj 
-			      (map (defined o Bound) nonlazy_idxs,capps)) allvns end;
-      fun one_comp n (_,cons) =mk_all(x_name(n+1),mk_all(x_name(n+1)^"'",mk_imp(
-	 		proj (Bound 2) eqs n $ Bound 1 $ Bound 0,
-         		foldr1 mk_disj (mk_conj(Bound 1 === UU,Bound 0 === UU)
-					::map one_con cons))));
-    in foldr1 mk_conj (mapn one_comp 0 eqs)end ));
-  fun add_one (thy,(dnam,axs,dfs)) = thy
-	|> Sign.add_path dnam
-	|> add_defs_infer dfs
-	|> add_axioms_infer axs
-	|> Sign.parent_path;
-  val thy = Library.foldl add_one (thy', mapn (calc_axioms comp_dname eqs) 0 eqs);
-in thy |> Sign.add_path comp_dnam  
-       |> add_defs_infer (bisim_def::(if length eqs>1 then [copy_def] else []))
-       |> Sign.parent_path
-       |> fold add_matchers eqs
-end; (* let (add_axioms) *)
+        val comp_dname = Sign.full_bname thy' comp_dnam;
+        val dnames = map (fst o fst) eqs;
+        val x_name = idx_name dnames "x"; 
+        fun copy_app dname = %%:(dname^"_copy")`Bound 0;
+        val copy_def = ("copy_def" , %%:(comp_dname^"_copy") ==
+                                     /\ "f"(mk_ctuple (map copy_app dnames)));
-end; (* local *)
+        fun one_con (con,args) = let
+            val nonrec_args = filter_out is_rec args;
+            val    rec_args = List.filter     is_rec args;
+            val    recs_cnt = length rec_args;
+            val allargs     = nonrec_args @ rec_args
+			      @ map (upd_vname (fn s=> s^"'")) rec_args;
+            val allvns      = map vname allargs;
+            fun vname_arg s arg = if is_rec arg then vname arg^s else vname arg;
+            val vns1        = map (vname_arg "" ) args;
+            val vns2        = map (vname_arg "'") args;
+            val allargs_cnt = length nonrec_args + 2*recs_cnt;
+            val rec_idxs    = (recs_cnt-1) downto 0;
+            val nonlazy_idxs = map snd (filter_out (fn (arg,_) => is_lazy arg)
+				                   (allargs~~((allargs_cnt-1) downto 0)));
+            fun rel_app i ra = proj (Bound(allargs_cnt+2)) eqs (rec_of ra) $ 
+		                    Bound (2*recs_cnt-i) $ Bound (recs_cnt-i);
+            val capps =
+                List.foldr mk_conj
+                           (mk_conj(
+                            Bound(allargs_cnt+1)===list_ccomb(%%:con,map (bound_arg allvns) vns1),
+                            Bound(allargs_cnt+0)===list_ccomb(%%:con,map (bound_arg allvns) vns2)))
+                           (mapn rel_app 1 rec_args);
+        in List.foldr mk_ex
+                      (Library.foldr mk_conj
+                                     (map (defined o Bound) nonlazy_idxs,capps)) allvns
+        end;
+        fun one_comp n (_,cons) =
+            mk_all(x_name(n+1),
+                   mk_all(x_name(n+1)^"'",
+                          mk_imp(proj (Bound 2) eqs n $ Bound 1 $ Bound 0,
+         		         foldr1 mk_disj (mk_conj(Bound 1 === UU,Bound 0 === UU)
+                                                 ::map one_con cons))));
+        val bisim_def =
+            ("bisim_def",
+             %%:(comp_dname^"_bisim")==mk_lam("R", foldr1 mk_conj (mapn one_comp 0 eqs)));
+        fun add_one (thy,(dnam,axs,dfs)) =
+            thy |> Sign.add_path dnam
+                |> add_defs_infer dfs
+                |> add_axioms_infer axs
+                |> Sign.parent_path;
+        val thy = Library.foldl add_one (thy', mapn (calc_axioms comp_dname eqs) 0 eqs);
+    in thy |> Sign.add_path comp_dnam  
+           |> add_defs_infer (bisim_def::(if length eqs>1 then [copy_def] else []))
+           |> Sign.parent_path
+           |> fold add_matchers eqs
+    end; (* let (add_axioms) *)
 end; (* struct *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/domain/domain_extender.ML	Thu May 21 19:15:22 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/domain/domain_extender.ML	Fri May 22 13:22:16 2009 -0700
@@ -122,8 +122,7 @@
       | typid (TVar ((id,_),_)) = hd (tl (Symbol.explode id));
     fun one_con (con,args,mx) =
 	((Syntax.const_name mx (Binding.name_of con)),
- (fn ((lazy,sel,tp),vn) => ((lazy,
-					find_index_eq tp dts,
+ (fn ((lazy,sel,tp),vn) => mk_arg ((lazy,
 					DatatypeAux.dtyp_of_typ new_dts tp), Binding.name_of sel,vn))
 	     (args,(mk_var_names(map (typid o third) args)))
--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/domain/domain_library.ML	Thu May 21 19:15:22 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/domain/domain_library.ML	Fri May 22 13:22:16 2009 -0700
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@
   val UU : term;
   val TT : term;
   val FF : term;
+  val ID : term;
+  val oo : term * term -> term;
   val mk_up : term -> term;
   val mk_sinl : term -> term;
   val mk_sinr : term -> term;
@@ -89,7 +91,9 @@
   val mk_return : term -> term;
   val cproj : term -> 'a list -> int -> term;
   val list_ccomb : term * term list -> term;
   val con_app : string -> ('a * 'b * string) list -> term;
   val con_app2 : string -> ('a -> term) -> 'a list -> term;
   val proj : term -> 'a list -> int -> term;
   val prj : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> int -> 'a;
@@ -123,11 +127,13 @@
   val mk_All : string * term -> term;
   (* Domain specifications *)
-  type arg = (bool * int * DatatypeAux.dtyp) * string option * string;
+  eqtype arg;
   type cons = string * arg list;
   type eq = (string * typ list) * cons list;
+  val mk_arg : (bool * DatatypeAux.dtyp) * string option * string -> arg;
   val is_lazy : arg -> bool;
   val rec_of : arg -> int;
+  val dtyp_of : arg -> DatatypeAux.dtyp;
   val sel_of : arg -> string option;
   val vname : arg -> string;
   val upd_vname : (string -> string) -> arg -> arg;
@@ -142,6 +148,9 @@
   val bound_arg : ''a list -> ''a -> term; (* ''a = arg or string *)
   val idx_name : 'a list -> string -> int -> string;
   val app_rec_arg : (int -> term) -> arg -> term;
+  val con_app : string -> arg list -> term;
+  val dtyp_of_eq : eq -> DatatypeAux.dtyp;
   (* Name mangling *)
   val strip_esc : string -> string;
@@ -198,7 +207,7 @@
 (* ----- constructor list handling ----- *)
 type arg =
-  (bool * int * DatatypeAux.dtyp) *	(*  (lazy,recursive element or ~1) *)
+  (bool * DatatypeAux.dtyp) *           (*  (lazy, recursive element) *)
   string option *			(*   selector name    *)
   string;				(*   argument name    *)
@@ -211,8 +220,14 @@
    typ list) *		(* arguments of abstracted type *)
   cons list;		(* represented type, as a constructor list *)
-fun rec_of arg  = second (first arg);
-fun is_lazy arg = first (first arg);
+val mk_arg = I;
+fun rec_of ((_,dtyp),_,_) =
+  case dtyp of DatatypeAux.DtRec i => i | _ => ~1;
+(* FIXME: what about indirect recursion? *)
+fun is_lazy arg = fst (first arg);
+fun dtyp_of arg = snd (first arg);
 val sel_of    =       second;
 val     vname =       third;
 val upd_vname =   upd_third;
@@ -221,6 +236,25 @@
 fun nonlazy     args   = map vname (filter_out is_lazy    args);
 fun nonlazy_rec args   = map vname (List.filter is_nonlazy_rec args);
+(* ----- combinators for making dtyps ----- *)
+fun mk_uD T = DatatypeAux.DtType(@{type_name "u"}, [T]);
+fun mk_sprodD (T, U) = DatatypeAux.DtType(@{type_name "**"}, [T, U]);
+fun mk_ssumD (T, U) = DatatypeAux.DtType(@{type_name "++"}, [T, U]);
+fun mk_liftD T = DatatypeAux.DtType(@{type_name "lift"}, [T]);
+val unitD = DatatypeAux.DtType(@{type_name "unit"}, []);
+val boolD = DatatypeAux.DtType(@{type_name "bool"}, []);
+val oneD = mk_liftD unitD;
+val trD = mk_liftD boolD;
+fun big_sprodD ds = case ds of [] => oneD | _ => foldr1 mk_sprodD ds;
+fun big_ssumD ds = case ds of [] => unitD | _ => foldr1 mk_ssumD ds;
+fun dtyp_of_arg ((lazy, D), _, _) = if lazy then mk_uD D else D;
+fun dtyp_of_cons (_, args) = big_sprodD (map dtyp_of_arg args);
+fun dtyp_of_eq (_, cons) = big_ssumD (map dtyp_of_cons cons);
 (* ----- support for type and mixfix expressions ----- *)
 fun mk_uT T = Type(@{type_name "u"}, [T]);
--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/domain/domain_syntax.ML	Thu May 21 19:15:22 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/domain/domain_syntax.ML	Fri May 22 13:22:16 2009 -0700
@@ -6,163 +6,174 @@
 signature DOMAIN_SYNTAX =
-  val add_syntax: string -> ((string * typ list) *
-	(binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list) list
-    -> theory -> theory
+    val calc_syntax:
+        typ ->
+        (string * typ list) *
+        (binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list ->
+        (binding * typ * mixfix) list * ast Syntax.trrule list
+    val add_syntax:
+        string ->
+        ((string * typ list) *
+         (binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list) list ->
+        theory -> theory
 structure Domain_Syntax :> DOMAIN_SYNTAX =
 open Domain_Library;
 infixr 5 -->; infixr 6 ->>;
-fun calc_syntax dtypeprod ((dname, typevars), 
-	(cons': (binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list)) : ((binding * typ * mixfix) list * ast Syntax.trrule list) =
-(* ----- constants concerning the isomorphism ------------------------------- *)
+fun calc_syntax
+        (dtypeprod : typ)
+        ((dname : string, typevars : typ list), 
+	 (cons': (binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list))
+    : (binding * typ * mixfix) list * ast Syntax.trrule list =
+    let
+        (* ----- constants concerning the isomorphism ------------------------------- *)
-  fun opt_lazy (lazy,_,t) = if lazy then mk_uT t else t
-  fun prod     (_,args,_) = case args of [] => oneT
-                            | _ => foldr1 mk_sprodT (map opt_lazy args);
-  fun freetvar s = let val tvar = mk_TFree s in
-		   if tvar mem typevars then freetvar ("t"^s) else tvar end;
-  fun when_type (_,args,_) = List.foldr (op ->>) (freetvar "t") (map third args);
-  val dtype  = Type(dname,typevars);
-  val dtype2 = foldr1 mk_ssumT (map prod cons');
-  val dnam = Long_Name.base_name dname;
-  fun dbind s = (dnam ^ s);
-  val const_rep  = (dbind "_rep" ,              dtype  ->> dtype2, NoSyn);
-  val const_abs  = (dbind "_abs" ,              dtype2 ->> dtype , NoSyn);
-  val const_when = (dbind "_when", List.foldr (op ->>) (dtype ->> freetvar "t") (map when_type cons'), NoSyn);
-  val const_copy = (dbind "_copy", dtypeprod ->> dtype  ->> dtype , NoSyn);
+        local
+            fun opt_lazy (lazy,_,t) = if lazy then mk_uT t else t
+            fun prod     (_,args,_) = case args of [] => oneT
+                                                 | _ => foldr1 mk_sprodT (map opt_lazy args);
+            fun freetvar s = let val tvar = mk_TFree s in
+		                 if tvar mem typevars then freetvar ("t"^s) else tvar end;
+            fun when_type (_,args,_) = List.foldr (op ->>) (freetvar "t") (map third args);
+        in
+        val dtype  = Type(dname,typevars);
+        val dtype2 = foldr1 mk_ssumT (map prod cons');
+        val dnam = Long_Name.base_name dname;
+        fun dbind s = (dnam ^ s);
+        val const_rep  = (dbind "_rep" ,              dtype  ->> dtype2, NoSyn);
+        val const_abs  = (dbind "_abs" ,              dtype2 ->> dtype , NoSyn);
+        val const_when = (dbind "_when", List.foldr (op ->>) (dtype ->> freetvar "t") (map when_type cons'), NoSyn);
+        val const_copy = (dbind "_copy", dtypeprod ->> dtype  ->> dtype , NoSyn);
+        end;
-(* ----- constants concerning constructors, discriminators, and selectors --- *)
+        (* ----- constants concerning constructors, discriminators, and selectors --- *)
-  val escape = let
-	fun esc (c::cs) = if c mem ["'","_","(",")","/"] then "'"::c::esc cs
-							 else      c::esc cs
-	|   esc []      = []
-	in implode o esc o Symbol.explode end;
-  fun dis_name_ con     = ("is_" ^ strip_esc (Binding.name_of con));
-  fun mat_name_ con     = ("match_" ^ strip_esc (Binding.name_of con));
-  fun pat_name_ con     = (strip_esc (Binding.name_of con) ^ "_pat");
-  fun con (name,args,mx) = (name, List.foldr (op ->>) dtype (map third args), mx);
-  fun dis (con,args,mx) = (dis_name_ con, dtype->>trT,
-			   Mixfix(escape ("is_" ^ Binding.name_of con), [], Syntax.max_pri));
-			(* strictly speaking, these constants have one argument,
-			   but the mixfix (without arguments) is introduced only
-			   to generate parse rules for non-alphanumeric names*)
-  fun freetvar s n      = let val tvar = mk_TFree (s ^ string_of_int n) in
-			  if tvar mem typevars then freetvar ("t"^s) n else tvar end;
-  fun mk_matT (a,bs,c)  = a ->> foldr (op ->>) (mk_maybeT c) bs ->> mk_maybeT c;
-  fun mat (con,args,mx) = (mat_name_ con,
-                           mk_matT(dtype, map third args, freetvar "t" 1),
-			   Mixfix(escape ("match_" ^ Binding.name_of con), [], Syntax.max_pri));
-  fun sel1 (_,sel,typ)  = (fn s => (s,dtype ->> typ,NoSyn)) sel;
-  fun sel (con,args,mx) = List.mapPartial sel1 args;
-  fun mk_patT (a,b)     = a ->> mk_maybeT b;
-  fun pat_arg_typ n arg = mk_patT (third arg, freetvar "t" n);
-  fun pat (con,args,mx) = (pat_name_ con, (mapn pat_arg_typ 1 args) --->
-			   mk_patT (dtype, mk_ctupleT (map (freetvar "t") (1 upto length args))),
-			   Mixfix(escape (Binding.name_of con ^ "_pat"), [], Syntax.max_pri));
+        local
+            val escape = let
+	        fun esc (c::cs) = if c mem ["'","_","(",")","/"] then "'"::c::esc cs
+			          else      c::esc cs
+	          |   esc []      = []
+	    in implode o esc o Symbol.explode end;
+            fun dis_name_ con     = ("is_" ^ strip_esc (Binding.name_of con));
+            fun mat_name_ con     = ("match_" ^ strip_esc (Binding.name_of con));
+            fun pat_name_ con     = (strip_esc (Binding.name_of con) ^ "_pat");
+            fun con (name,args,mx) = (name, List.foldr (op ->>) dtype (map third args), mx);
+            fun dis (con,args,mx) = (dis_name_ con, dtype->>trT,
+			             Mixfix(escape ("is_" ^ Binding.name_of con), [], Syntax.max_pri));
+	    (* strictly speaking, these constants have one argument,
+	     but the mixfix (without arguments) is introduced only
+	         to generate parse rules for non-alphanumeric names*)
+            fun freetvar s n      = let val tvar = mk_TFree (s ^ string_of_int n) in
+			                if tvar mem typevars then freetvar ("t"^s) n else tvar end;
+            fun mk_matT (a,bs,c)  = a ->> foldr (op ->>) (mk_maybeT c) bs ->> mk_maybeT c;
+            fun mat (con,args,mx) = (mat_name_ con,
+                                     mk_matT(dtype, map third args, freetvar "t" 1),
+			             Mixfix(escape ("match_" ^ Binding.name_of con), [], Syntax.max_pri));
+            fun sel1 (_,sel,typ)  = (fn s => (s,dtype ->> typ,NoSyn)) sel;
+            fun sel (con,args,mx) = List.mapPartial sel1 args;
+            fun mk_patT (a,b)     = a ->> mk_maybeT b;
+            fun pat_arg_typ n arg = mk_patT (third arg, freetvar "t" n);
+            fun pat (con,args,mx) = (pat_name_ con, (mapn pat_arg_typ 1 args) --->
+			                                                      mk_patT (dtype, mk_ctupleT (map (freetvar "t") (1 upto length args))),
+			             Mixfix(escape (Binding.name_of con ^ "_pat"), [], Syntax.max_pri));
-  val consts_con = map con cons';
-  val consts_dis = map dis cons';
-  val consts_mat = map mat cons';
-  val consts_pat = map pat cons';
-  val consts_sel = List.concat(map sel cons');
+        in
+        val consts_con = map con cons';
+        val consts_dis = map dis cons';
+        val consts_mat = map mat cons';
+        val consts_pat = map pat cons';
+        val consts_sel = List.concat(map sel cons');
+        end;
-(* ----- constants concerning induction ------------------------------------- *)
+        (* ----- constants concerning induction ------------------------------------- *)
-  val const_take   = (dbind "_take"  , HOLogic.natT-->dtype->>dtype, NoSyn);
-  val const_finite = (dbind "_finite", dtype-->HOLogic.boolT       , NoSyn);
+        val const_take   = (dbind "_take"  , HOLogic.natT-->dtype->>dtype, NoSyn);
+        val const_finite = (dbind "_finite", dtype-->HOLogic.boolT       , NoSyn);
-(* ----- case translation --------------------------------------------------- *)
+        (* ----- case translation --------------------------------------------------- *)
-local open Syntax in
-  local
-    fun c_ast con mx = Constant (Syntax.const_name mx (Binding.name_of con));
-    fun expvar n     = Variable ("e"^(string_of_int n));
-    fun argvar n m _ = Variable ("a"^(string_of_int n)^"_"^
-				     (string_of_int m));
-    fun argvars n args = mapn (argvar n) 1 args;
-    fun app s (l,r)  = mk_appl (Constant s) [l,r];
-    val cabs = app "_cabs";
-    val capp = app "Rep_CFun";
-    fun con1 n (con,args,mx) = Library.foldl capp (c_ast con mx, argvars n args);
-    fun case1 n (con,args,mx) = app "_case1" (con1 n (con,args,mx), expvar n);
-    fun arg1 n (con,args,_) = List.foldr cabs (expvar n) (argvars n args);
-    fun when1 n m = if n = m then arg1 n else K (Constant "UU");
+        local open Syntax in
+        local
+            fun c_ast con mx = Constant (Syntax.const_name mx (Binding.name_of con));
+            fun expvar n     = Variable ("e"^(string_of_int n));
+            fun argvar n m _ = Variable ("a"^(string_of_int n)^"_"^
+				         (string_of_int m));
+            fun argvars n args = mapn (argvar n) 1 args;
+            fun app s (l,r)  = mk_appl (Constant s) [l,r];
+            val cabs = app "_cabs";
+            val capp = app "Rep_CFun";
+            fun con1 n (con,args,mx) = Library.foldl capp (c_ast con mx, argvars n args);
+            fun case1 n (con,args,mx) = app "_case1" (con1 n (con,args,mx), expvar n);
+            fun arg1 n (con,args,_) = List.foldr cabs (expvar n) (argvars n args);
+            fun when1 n m = if n = m then arg1 n else K (Constant "UU");
-    fun app_var x = mk_appl (Constant "_variable") [x, Variable "rhs"];
-    fun app_pat x = mk_appl (Constant "_pat") [x];
-    fun args_list [] = Constant "_noargs"
-    |   args_list xs = foldr1 (app "_args") xs;
-  in
-    val case_trans = ParsePrintRule
-        (app "_case_syntax" (Variable "x", foldr1 (app "_case2") (mapn case1 1 cons')),
-         capp (Library.foldl capp (Constant (dnam^"_when"), mapn arg1 1 cons'), Variable "x"));
-    val abscon_trans = mapn (fn n => fn (con,mx,args) => ParsePrintRule
-        (cabs (con1 n (con,mx,args), expvar n),
-         Library.foldl capp (Constant (dnam^"_when"), mapn (when1 n) 1 cons'))) 1 cons';
-    val Case_trans = List.concat (map (fn (con,args,mx) =>
-      let
-        val cname = c_ast con mx;
-        val pname = Constant (strip_esc (Binding.name_of con) ^ "_pat");
-        val ns = 1 upto length args;
-        val xs = map (fn n => Variable ("x"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
-        val ps = map (fn n => Variable ("p"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
-        val vs = map (fn n => Variable ("v"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
-      in
-        [ParseRule (app_pat (Library.foldl capp (cname, xs)),
-                    mk_appl pname (map app_pat xs)),
-         ParseRule (app_var (Library.foldl capp (cname, xs)),
-                    app_var (args_list xs)),
-         PrintRule (Library.foldl capp (cname, (app "_match") (ps,vs)),
-                    app "_match" (mk_appl pname ps, args_list vs))]
-      end) cons');
-  end;
+            fun app_var x = mk_appl (Constant "_variable") [x, Variable "rhs"];
+            fun app_pat x = mk_appl (Constant "_pat") [x];
+            fun args_list [] = Constant "_noargs"
+              |   args_list xs = foldr1 (app "_args") xs;
+        in
+        val case_trans =
+            ParsePrintRule
+                (app "_case_syntax" (Variable "x", foldr1 (app "_case2") (mapn case1 1 cons')),
+                 capp (Library.foldl capp (Constant (dnam^"_when"), mapn arg1 1 cons'), Variable "x"));
-in ([const_rep, const_abs, const_when, const_copy] @ 
-     consts_con @ consts_dis @ consts_mat @ consts_pat @ consts_sel @
-    [const_take, const_finite],
-    (case_trans::(abscon_trans @ Case_trans)))
-end; (* let *)
+        fun one_abscon_trans n (con,mx,args) =
+            ParsePrintRule
+                (cabs (con1 n (con,mx,args), expvar n),
+                 Library.foldl capp (Constant (dnam^"_when"), mapn (when1 n) 1 cons'));
+        val abscon_trans = mapn one_abscon_trans 1 cons';
+        fun one_case_trans (con,args,mx) =
+            let
+                val cname = c_ast con mx;
+                val pname = Constant (strip_esc (Binding.name_of con) ^ "_pat");
+                val ns = 1 upto length args;
+                val xs = map (fn n => Variable ("x"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
+                val ps = map (fn n => Variable ("p"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
+                val vs = map (fn n => Variable ("v"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
+            in
+                [ParseRule (app_pat (Library.foldl capp (cname, xs)),
+                            mk_appl pname (map app_pat xs)),
+                 ParseRule (app_var (Library.foldl capp (cname, xs)),
+                            app_var (args_list xs)),
+                 PrintRule (Library.foldl capp (cname, (app "_match") (ps,vs)),
+                            app "_match" (mk_appl pname ps, args_list vs))]
+            end;
+        val Case_trans = List.concat (map one_case_trans cons');
+        end;
+        end;
+    in ([const_rep, const_abs, const_when, const_copy] @ 
+        consts_con @ consts_dis @ consts_mat @ consts_pat @ consts_sel @
+        [const_take, const_finite],
+        (case_trans::(abscon_trans @ Case_trans)))
+    end; (* let *)
 (* ----- putting all the syntax stuff together ------------------------------ *)
-in (* local *)
+fun add_syntax
+        (comp_dnam : string)
+        (eqs' : ((string * typ list) *
+	         (binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list) list)
+        (thy'' : theory) =
+    let
+        val dtypes  = map (Type o fst) eqs';
+        val boolT   = HOLogic.boolT;
+        val funprod = foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT (map (fn tp => tp ->> tp          ) dtypes);
+        val relprod = foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT (map (fn tp => tp --> tp --> boolT) dtypes);
+        val const_copy = ( (comp_dnam^"_copy"), funprod ->> funprod, NoSyn);
+        val const_bisim = ( (comp_dnam^"_bisim"), relprod --> boolT, NoSyn);
+        val ctt : ((binding * typ * mixfix) list * ast Syntax.trrule list) list = map (calc_syntax funprod) eqs';
+    in thy'' |> ContConsts.add_consts_i (List.concat (map fst ctt) @ 
+				         (if length eqs'>1 then [const_copy] else[])@
+				         [const_bisim])
+	     |> Sign.add_trrules_i (List.concat(map snd ctt))
+    end; (* let *)
-fun add_syntax
-  (comp_dnam : string)
-  (eqs' : ((string * typ list) *
-	(binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list) list)
-  (thy'' : theory) =
-  val dtypes  = map (Type o fst) eqs';
-  val boolT   = HOLogic.boolT;
-  val funprod = foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT (map (fn tp => tp ->> tp          ) dtypes);
-  val relprod = foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT (map (fn tp => tp --> tp --> boolT) dtypes);
-  val const_copy = ( (comp_dnam^"_copy"), funprod ->> funprod, NoSyn);
-  val const_bisim = ( (comp_dnam^"_bisim"), relprod --> boolT, NoSyn);
-  val ctt : ((binding * typ * mixfix) list * ast Syntax.trrule list) list = map (calc_syntax funprod) eqs';
-in thy'' |> ContConsts.add_consts_i (List.concat (map fst ctt) @ 
-				    (if length eqs'>1 then [const_copy] else[])@
-				    [const_bisim])
-	 |> Sign.add_trrules_i (List.concat(map snd ctt))
-end; (* let *)
-end; (* local *)
 end; (* struct *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/Tools/domain/domain_theorems.ML	Thu May 21 19:15:22 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Tools/domain/domain_theorems.ML	Fri May 22 13:22:16 2009 -0700
@@ -577,21 +577,28 @@
 val copy_strict =
+    val _ = trace " Proving copy_strict...";
     val goal = mk_trp (strict (dc_copy `% "f"));
-    val tacs = [asm_simp_tac (HOLCF_ss addsimps [abs_strict, when_strict]) 1];
+    val rules = [abs_strict, rep_strict] @ @{thms domain_fun_stricts};
+    val tacs = [asm_simp_tac (HOLCF_ss addsimps rules) 1];
   in pg [ax_copy_def] goal (K tacs) end;
   fun copy_app (con, args) =
       val lhs = dc_copy`%"f"`(con_app con args);
-      val rhs = con_app2 con (app_rec_arg (cproj (%:"f") eqs)) args;
+      fun one_rhs arg =
+          if DatatypeAux.is_rec_type (dtyp_of arg)
+          then Domain_Axioms.copy_of_dtyp (cproj (%:"f") eqs) (dtyp_of arg) ` (%# arg)
+          else (%# arg);
+      val rhs = con_app2 con one_rhs args;
       val goal = lift_defined %: (nonlazy_rec args, mk_trp (lhs === rhs));
       val args' = List.filter (fn a => not (is_rec a orelse is_lazy a)) args;
-      val stricts = abs_strict::when_strict::con_stricts;
+      val stricts = abs_strict :: rep_strict :: @{thms domain_fun_stricts};
       fun tacs1 ctxt = map (case_UU_tac ctxt stricts 1 o vname) args';
-      val tacs2 = [asm_simp_tac (HOLCF_ss addsimps when_apps) 1];
-    in pg [ax_copy_def] goal (fn ctxt => (tacs1 ctxt @ tacs2)) end;
+      val rules = [ax_abs_iso] @ @{thms domain_fun_simps};
+      val tacs2 = [asm_simp_tac (HOLCF_ss addsimps rules) 1];
+    in pg (ax_copy_def::con_appls) goal (fn ctxt => (tacs1 ctxt @ tacs2)) end;
   val _ = trace " Proving copy_apps...";
   val copy_apps = map copy_app cons;
@@ -706,8 +713,12 @@
       fun mk_eqn dn (con, args) =
           fun mk_take n = dc_take (List.nth (dnames, n)) $ %:"n";
+          fun one_rhs arg =
+              if DatatypeAux.is_rec_type (dtyp_of arg)
+              then Domain_Axioms.copy_of_dtyp mk_take (dtyp_of arg) ` (%# arg)
+              else (%# arg);
           val lhs = (dc_take dn $ (%%:"Suc" $ %:"n"))`(con_app con args);
-          val rhs = con_app2 con (app_rec_arg mk_take) args;
+          val rhs = con_app2 con one_rhs args;
         in Library.foldr mk_all (map vname args, lhs === rhs) end;
       fun mk_eqns ((dn, _), cons) = map (mk_eqn dn) cons;
       val goal = mk_trp (foldr1 mk_conj (maps mk_eqns eqs));
@@ -812,7 +823,9 @@
           tacs1 @ maps cases_tacs (conss ~~ cases)
-    in pg'' thy [] goal tacf end;
+    in pg'' thy [] goal tacf
+       handle ERROR _ => (warning "Proof of finite_ind failed."; TrueI)
+    end;
   val _ = trace " Proving take_lemmas...";
   val take_lemmas =
@@ -842,6 +855,7 @@
   val _ = trace " Proving finites, ind...";
   val (finites, ind) =
+  (
     if is_finite
     then (* finite case *)
@@ -860,8 +874,10 @@
               asm_simp_tac take_ss 1,
               atac 1];
           in pg [] goal (K tacs) end;
+        val _ = trace " Proving finite_lemmas1a";
         val finite_lemmas1a = map dname_lemma dnames;
+        val _ = trace " Proving finite_lemma1b";
         val finite_lemma1b =
             fun mk_eqn n ((dn, args), _) =
@@ -908,7 +924,9 @@
               fast_tac HOL_cs 1];
           in pg axs_finite_def goal tacs end;
+        val _ = trace " Proving finites";
         val finites = map one_finite (dnames ~~ atomize global_ctxt finite_lemma1b);
+        val _ = trace " Proving ind";
         val ind =
             fun concf n dn = %:(P_name n) $ %:(x_name n);
@@ -952,7 +970,14 @@
         val ind = (pg'' thy [] goal tacf
           handle ERROR _ =>
             (warning "Cannot prove infinite induction rule"; refl));
-      in (finites, ind) end;
+      in (finites, ind) end
+  )
+      handle THM _ =>
+             (warning "Induction proofs failed (THM raised)."; ([], TrueI))
+           | ERROR _ =>
+             (warning "Induction proofs failed (ERROR raised)."; ([], TrueI));
 end; (* local *)
 (* ----- theorem concerning coinduction ------------------------------------- *)
@@ -1010,6 +1035,7 @@
 val inducts = ProjectRule.projections (ProofContext.init thy) ind;
 fun ind_rule (dname, rule) = ((Binding.empty, [rule]), [Induct.induct_type dname]);
+val induct_failed = (Thm.prop_of ind = Thm.prop_of TrueI);
 in thy |> Sign.add_path comp_dnam
        |> snd o PureThy.add_thmss [
@@ -1019,7 +1045,8 @@
            (( "finite_ind" , [finite_ind]), []),
            (( "ind"        , [ind]       ), []),
            (( "coind"      , [coind]     ), [])]
-       |> snd o PureThy.add_thmss (map ind_rule (dnames ~~ inducts))
+       |> (if induct_failed then I
+           else snd o PureThy.add_thmss (map ind_rule (dnames ~~ inducts)))
        |> Sign.parent_path |> pair take_rews
 end; (* let *)
 end; (* local *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/ex/Domain_ex.thy	Thu May 21 19:15:22 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/HOLCF/ex/Domain_ex.thy	Fri May 22 13:22:16 2009 -0700
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
 text {*
   Indirect recusion is allowed for sums, products, lifting, and the
   continuous function space.  However, the domain package currently
-  generates induction rules that are too weak.  A fix is planned for
-  the next release.
+  cannot prove the induction rules.  A fix is planned for the next
+  release.
-domain 'a d7 = d7a "'a d7 \<oplus> int lift" | d7b "'a \<otimes> 'a d7" | d7c "'a d7 \<rightarrow> 'a"
+domain 'a d7 = d7a "'a d7 \<oplus> int lift" | d7b "'a \<otimes> 'a d7" | d7c (lazy "'a d7 \<rightarrow> 'a")
-thm d7.ind -- "note the lack of inductive hypotheses"
+thm d7.ind -- "currently replaced with dummy theorem"
 text {*
   Indirect recursion using previously-defined datatypes is currently