--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_package.ML Mon Nov 21 15:15:32 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_package.ML Mon Nov 21 16:51:57 2005 +0100
@@ -2,21 +2,1241 @@
ID: $Id$
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
-Code extractor from Isabelle theories to
+Code generator from Isabelle theories to
intermediate language ("Thin-gol").
-(*NOTE: for simpliying development, this package contains
+(*NOTE: for simplifying development, this package contains
some stuff which will finally be moved upwards to HOL*)
- val bot: unit;
+ type deftab;
+ type codegen_type;
+ type codegen_expr;
+ type defgen;
+ val add_codegen_type: string * codegen_type -> theory -> theory;
+ val add_codegen_expr: string * codegen_expr -> theory -> theory;
+ val add_defgen: string * defgen -> theory -> theory;
+ val add_lookup_tyco: string * string -> theory -> theory;
+ val add_lookup_const: (string * typ) * CodegenThingol.iexpr -> theory -> theory;
+ val add_syntax_tyco: string -> (xstring * string)
+ * (string option * (string * string list)) option
+ -> theory -> theory;
+ val add_syntax_tyco_i: string -> (string * CodegenThingol.itype Codegen.mixfix list)
+ * (string * (string * string list)) option
+ -> theory -> theory;
+ val add_syntax_const: string -> ((xstring * string option) * string)
+ * (string option * (string * string list)) option
+ -> theory -> theory;
+ val add_syntax_const_i: string -> (string * CodegenThingol.iexpr Codegen.mixfix list)
+ * (string * (string * string list)) option
+ -> theory -> theory;
+ val add_alias: string * string -> theory -> theory;
+ val set_is_datatype: (theory -> string -> bool) -> theory -> theory;
+ val idf_of_name: theory -> string -> string -> string;
+ val name_of_idf: theory -> string -> string -> string option;
+ val idf_of_tname: theory -> string -> string;
+ val tname_of_idf: theory -> string -> string option;
+ val idf_of_cname: theory -> deftab -> string * typ -> string;
+ val cname_of_idf: theory -> deftab -> string -> (string * typ) option;
+ val invoke_cg_type: theory -> deftab
+ -> typ -> CodegenThingol.transact -> CodegenThingol.itype * CodegenThingol.transact;
+ val invoke_cg_expr: theory -> deftab
+ -> term -> CodegenThingol.transact -> CodegenThingol.iexpr * CodegenThingol.transact;
+ val ensure_def_tyco: theory -> deftab
+ -> string -> CodegenThingol.transact -> string * CodegenThingol.transact;
+ val ensure_def_const: theory -> deftab
+ -> string -> CodegenThingol.transact -> string * CodegenThingol.transact;
+ val codegen_let: (int -> term -> term list * term)
+ -> codegen_expr;
+ val codegen_split: (int -> term -> term list * term)
+ -> codegen_expr;
+ val codegen_number_of: (term -> IntInf.int) -> (term -> term)
+ -> codegen_expr;
+ val defgen_datatype: (theory -> string -> (string list * string list) option)
+ -> defgen;
+ val defgen_datacons: (theory -> string * string -> typ list option)
+ -> defgen;
+ val defgen_recfun: (theory -> string * typ -> (term list * term) list * typ)
+ -> defgen;
+ val print_codegen_modl: theory -> unit;
+ val mk_deftab: theory -> deftab;
+ structure CodegenData : THEORY_DATA;
-structure CodegenPackage: CODEGEN_PACKAGE =
+structure CodegenPackage : CODEGEN_PACKAGE =
-val bot = ();
+open CodegenThingol;
+(* auxiliary *)
+fun perhaps f x = f x |> the_default x;
+(* code generator instantiation, part 1 *)
+structure Insttab = TableFun(
+ type key = string * string
+ val ord = prod_ord fast_string_ord fast_string_ord
+type deftab = ((typ * string) list Symtab.table
+ * (string * typ) Symtab.table)
+ * (term list * term * typ) Symtab.table
+ * (string Insttab.table
+ * (string * string) Symtab.table
+ * (class * (string * typ)) Symtab.table);
+type codegen_class = theory -> deftab -> (class, class) gen_codegen;
+type codegen_type = theory -> deftab -> (typ, itype) gen_codegen;
+type codegen_expr = theory -> deftab -> (term, iexpr) gen_codegen;
+type defgen = theory -> deftab -> gen_defgen;
+(* namespace conventions *)
+val nsp_class = "class";
+val nsp_type = "type";
+val nsp_const = "const";
+val nsp_mem = "mem";
+val nsp_inst = "inst";
+val nsp_eq_class = "eq_class";
+val nsp_eq = "eq";
+(* serializer *)
+val serializer_ml =
+ let
+ val name_root = "module";
+ val nsp_conn_ml = [
+ [nsp_class, nsp_type, nsp_eq_class], [nsp_const, nsp_inst, nsp_mem, nsp_eq]
+ ];
+ in CodegenSerializer.ml_from_thingol nsp_conn_ml name_root end;
+fun serializer_hs _ _ _ _ =
+ error ("haskell serialization not implemented yet");
+(* theory data for codegen *)
+type gens = {
+ codegens_class: (string * (codegen_class * stamp)) list,
+ codegens_type: (string * (codegen_type * stamp)) list,
+ codegens_expr: (string * (codegen_expr * stamp)) list,
+ defgens: (string * (defgen * stamp)) list
+val empty_gens = {
+ codegens_class = Symtab.empty, codegens_type = Symtab.empty,
+ codegens_expr = Symtab.empty, defgens = Symtab.empty
+fun map_gens f { codegens_class, codegens_type, codegens_expr, defgens } =
+ let
+ val (codegens_class, codegens_type, codegens_expr, defgens) =
+ f (codegens_class, codegens_type, codegens_expr, defgens)
+ in { codegens_class = codegens_class, codegens_type = codegens_type,
+ codegens_expr = codegens_expr, defgens = defgens } end;
+fun merge_gens
+ ({ codegens_class = codegens_class1, codegens_type = codegens_type1,
+ codegens_expr = codegens_expr1, defgens = defgens1 },
+ { codegens_class = codegens_class2, codegens_type = codegens_type2,
+ codegens_expr = codegens_expr2, defgens = defgens2 }) =
+ { codegens_class = AList.merge (op =) (eq_snd (op =)) (codegens_class1, codegens_class2),
+ codegens_type = AList.merge (op =) (eq_snd (op =)) (codegens_type1, codegens_type2),
+ codegens_expr = AList.merge (op =) (eq_snd (op =)) (codegens_expr1, codegens_expr2),
+ defgens = AList.merge (op =) (eq_snd (op =)) (defgens1, defgens2) };
+type lookups = {
+ lookups_tyco: string Symtab.table,
+ lookups_const: (typ * iexpr) list Symtab.table
+val empty_lookups = {
+ lookups_tyco = Symtab.empty, lookups_const = Symtab.empty
+fun map_lookups f { lookups_tyco, lookups_const } =
+ let
+ val (lookups_tyco, lookups_const) =
+ f (lookups_tyco, lookups_const)
+ in { lookups_tyco = lookups_tyco, lookups_const = lookups_const } end;
+fun merge_lookups
+ ({ lookups_tyco = lookups_tyco1, lookups_const = lookups_const1 },
+ { lookups_tyco = lookups_tyco2, lookups_const = lookups_const2 }) =
+ { lookups_tyco = Symtab.merge (op =) (lookups_tyco1, lookups_tyco2),
+ lookups_const = Symtab.merge (op =) (lookups_const1, lookups_const2) };
+type logic_data = {
+ is_datatype: ((theory -> string -> bool) * stamp) option,
+ alias: string Symtab.table * string Symtab.table
+fun map_logic_data f { is_datatype, alias } =
+ let
+ val (is_datatype, alias) =
+ f (is_datatype, alias)
+ in { is_datatype = is_datatype, alias = alias } end;
+fun merge_logic_data
+ ({ is_datatype = is_datatype1, alias = alias1 },
+ { is_datatype = is_datatype2, alias = alias2 }) =
+ let
+ fun merge_opt _ (x1, NONE) = x1
+ | merge_opt _ (NONE, x2) = x2
+ | merge_opt eq (SOME x1, SOME x2) =
+ if eq (x1, x2) then SOME x1 else error ("incompatible options during merge");
+ in
+ { is_datatype = merge_opt (eq_snd (op =)) (is_datatype1, is_datatype2),
+ alias = (Symtab.merge (op =) (fst alias1, fst alias2),
+ Symtab.merge (op =) (snd alias1, snd alias2)) }
+ end;
+type serialize_data = {
+ serializer: CodegenSerializer.serializer,
+ primitives: CodegenSerializer.primitives,
+ syntax_tyco: itype Codegen.mixfix list Symtab.table,
+ syntax_const: iexpr Codegen.mixfix list Symtab.table
+fun map_serialize_data f { serializer, primitives, syntax_tyco, syntax_const } =
+ let
+ val (primitives, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =
+ f (primitives, syntax_tyco, syntax_const)
+ in { serializer = serializer, primitives = primitives,
+ syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco, syntax_const = syntax_const } end;
+fun merge_serialize_data
+ ({ serializer = serializer, primitives = primitives1,
+ syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco1, syntax_const = syntax_const1 },
+ { serializer = _, primitives = primitives2,
+ syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco2, syntax_const = syntax_const2 }) =
+ { serializer = serializer,
+ primitives = CodegenSerializer.merge_prims (primitives1, primitives2) : CodegenSerializer.primitives,
+ syntax_tyco = Symtab.merge (op =) (syntax_tyco1, syntax_tyco2),
+ syntax_const = Symtab.merge (op =) (syntax_const1, syntax_const2) };
+structure CodegenData = TheoryDataFun
+ val name = "Pure/codegen_package";
+ type T = {
+ modl: module,
+ gens: gens,
+ lookups: lookups,
+ logic_data: logic_data,
+ serialize_data: serialize_data Symtab.table
+ };
+ val empty = {
+ modl = empty_module,
+ gens = { codegens_class = [], codegens_type = [], codegens_expr = [], defgens = [] } : gens,
+ lookups = { lookups_tyco = Symtab.empty, lookups_const = Symtab.empty } : lookups,
+ logic_data = { is_datatype = NONE, alias = (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty) } : logic_data,
+ serialize_data =
+ Symtab.empty
+ |> Symtab.update ("ml",
+ { serializer = serializer_ml,
+ primitives =
+ CodegenSerializer.empty_prims
+ |> CodegenSerializer.add_prim ("fst", ("fun fst (x, _) = x;", []))
+ |> CodegenSerializer.add_prim ("snd", ("fun snd (_, y) = y;", []))
+ |> CodegenSerializer.add_prim ("wfrec", ("fun wfrec f x = f (wfrec f) x;", [])),
+ syntax_tyco = Symtab.empty, syntax_const = Symtab.empty })
+ |> Symtab.update ("haskell",
+ { serializer = serializer_hs, primitives = CodegenSerializer.empty_prims,
+ syntax_tyco = Symtab.empty, syntax_const = Symtab.empty })
+ } : T;
+ val copy = I;
+ val extend = I;
+ fun merge _ (
+ { modl = modl1, gens = gens1, lookups = lookups1,
+ serialize_data = serialize_data1, logic_data = logic_data1 },
+ { modl = modl2, gens = gens2, lookups = lookups2,
+ serialize_data = serialize_data2, logic_data = logic_data2 }
+ ) = {
+ modl = merge_module (modl1, modl2),
+ gens = merge_gens (gens1, gens2),
+ lookups = merge_lookups (lookups1, lookups2),
+ logic_data = merge_logic_data (logic_data1, logic_data2),
+ serialize_data = Symtab.join (K (merge_serialize_data #> SOME))
+ (serialize_data1, serialize_data2)
+ };
+ fun print thy _ = writeln "sorry, this stuff is too complicated...";
+fun map_codegen_data f thy =
+ case CodegenData.get thy
+ of { modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data } =>
+ let val (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =
+ f (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data)
+ in CodegenData.put { modl = modl, gens = gens, lookups = lookups,
+ serialize_data = serialize_data, logic_data = logic_data } thy end;
+val print_codegen_modl = writeln o Pretty.output o pretty_module o #modl o CodegenData.get;
+fun add_codegen_class (name, cg) =
+ map_codegen_data
+ (fn (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =>
+ (modl,
+ gens |> map_gens
+ (fn (codegens_class, codegens_type, codegens_expr, defgens) =>
+ (codegens_class
+ |> Output.update_warn (op =) ("overwriting existing class code generator " ^ name) (name, (cg, stamp ())),
+ codegens_type, codegens_expr, defgens)), lookups, serialize_data, logic_data));
+fun add_codegen_type (name, cg) =
+ map_codegen_data
+ (fn (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =>
+ (modl,
+ gens |> map_gens
+ (fn (codegens_class, codegens_type, codegens_expr, defgens) =>
+ (codegens_class,
+ codegens_type
+ |> Output.update_warn (op =) ("overwriting existing type code generator " ^ name) (name, (cg, stamp ())),
+ codegens_expr, defgens)), lookups, serialize_data, logic_data));
+fun add_codegen_expr (name, cg) =
+ map_codegen_data
+ (fn (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =>
+ (modl,
+ gens |> map_gens
+ (fn (codegens_class, codegens_type, codegens_expr, defgens) =>
+ (codegens_class, codegens_type,
+ codegens_expr
+ |> Output.update_warn (op =) ("overwriting existing expression code generator " ^ name) (name, (cg, stamp ())),
+ defgens)),
+ lookups, serialize_data, logic_data));
+fun add_defgen (name, dg) =
+ map_codegen_data
+ (fn (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =>
+ (modl,
+ gens |> map_gens
+ (fn (codegens_class, codegens_type, codegens_expr, defgens) =>
+ (codegens_class, codegens_type, codegens_expr,
+ defgens
+ |> Output.update_warn (op =) ("overwriting existing definition code generator " ^ name) (name, (dg, stamp ())))),
+ lookups, serialize_data, logic_data));
+val get_lookups_tyco = #lookups_tyco o #lookups o CodegenData.get;
+fun add_lookup_tyco (src, dst) =
+ map_codegen_data
+ (fn (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =>
+ (modl, gens,
+ lookups |> map_lookups
+ (fn (lookups_tyco, lookups_const) =>
+ (lookups_tyco |> Symtab.update_new (src, dst),
+ lookups_const)),
+ serialize_data, logic_data));
+fun add_lookup_const ((src, ty), dst) =
+ map_codegen_data
+ (fn (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =>
+ (modl, gens,
+ lookups |> map_lookups
+ (fn (lookups_tyco, lookups_const) =>
+ (lookups_tyco,
+ lookups_const |> Symtab.update_multi (src, (ty, dst)))),
+ serialize_data, logic_data));
+fun set_is_datatype f =
+ map_codegen_data
+ (fn (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =>
+ (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data,
+ logic_data
+ |> map_logic_data (apfst (K (SOME (f, stamp ()))))));
+fun add_alias (src, dst) =
+ map_codegen_data
+ (fn (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =>
+ (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data,
+ logic_data |> map_logic_data
+ (apsnd (fn (tab, tab_rev) =>
+ (tab |> Symtab.update (src, dst),
+ tab_rev |> Symtab.update (dst, src))))));
+(* code generator name mangling *)
+val is_number = is_some o Int.fromString;
+val dtype_mangle = "dtype";
+fun is_datatype thy =
+ case (#is_datatype o #logic_data o CodegenData.get) thy
+ of NONE => K false
+ | SOME (f, _) => f thy;
+fun idf_of_name thy shallow name =
+ if is_number name
+ then name
+ else
+ name
+ |> NameSpace.unpack
+ |> split_last
+ |> apsnd ((perhaps o Symtab.lookup) ((fst o #alias o #logic_data o CodegenData.get) thy) #> single #> cons shallow)
+ |> (op @)
+ |> NameSpace.pack;
+fun name_of_idf thy nsp idf =
+ let
+ val idf' = NameSpace.unpack idf;
+ val (idf'', idf_base) = split_last idf';
+ val (modl, shallow) = split_last idf'';
+ in
+ if nsp = shallow
+ then SOME (NameSpace.pack (modl @ [
+ (perhaps o Symtab.lookup) ((snd o #alias o #logic_data o CodegenData.get) thy) idf_base]))
+ else NONE
+ end;
+fun idf_of_inst thy (_, _, (clstab, _, _)) (cls, tyco) =
+ (the o Insttab.lookup clstab) (cls, tyco);
+fun inst_of_idf thy (_, _, (_, clstab_rev, _)) idf =
+ Symtab.lookup clstab_rev idf;
+fun idf_of_tname thy tyco =
+ if not (Symtab.defined (get_lookups_tyco thy) tyco)
+ andalso tyco <> "nat" andalso is_datatype thy tyco
+ then
+ tyco
+ |> (fn tyco => NameSpace.append tyco nsp_type)
+ |> (fn tyco => NameSpace.append tyco dtype_mangle)
+ else
+ tyco
+ |> idf_of_name thy nsp_type;
+fun tname_of_idf thy idf =
+ if NameSpace.base idf = dtype_mangle
+ andalso (NameSpace.base o NameSpace.drop_base) idf = nsp_type
+ then
+ if is_datatype thy ((NameSpace.drop_base o NameSpace.drop_base) idf)
+ then (NameSpace.drop_base o NameSpace.drop_base) idf |> SOME
+ else name_of_idf thy nsp_type idf
+ else name_of_idf thy nsp_type idf;
+fun idf_of_cname thy ((overl, _), _, (_, _, clsmems)) (name, ty) =
+ case Symtab.lookup overl name
+ of NONE =>
+ (case Symtab.lookup clsmems name
+ of NONE => idf_of_name thy nsp_const name
+ | SOME (_, (idf, ty')) =>
+ if Type.raw_instance (ty', ty)
+ then idf
+ else idf_of_name thy nsp_const name)
+ | SOME tab => (the o AList.lookup (Sign.typ_instance thy) tab) ty;
+fun cname_of_idf thy ((_, overl_rev), _, _) idf =
+ case Symtab.lookup overl_rev idf
+ of NONE =>
+ (case name_of_idf thy nsp_const idf
+ of NONE => NONE
+ | SOME n => SOME (n, Sign.the_const_constraint thy n))
+ | s => s;
+(* auxiliary *)
+fun find_lookup_expr thy (f, ty) =
+ Symtab.lookup_multi ((#lookups_const o #lookups o CodegenData.get) thy) f
+ |> (fn tab => AList.lookup (Sign.typ_instance thy) tab ty)
+fun name_of_tvar (TFree (v, _)) = v |> unprefix "'"
+ | name_of_tvar (TVar ((v, i), _)) =
+ (if i=0 then v else v ^ string_of_int i) |> unprefix "'"
+(* code generator instantiation, part 2 *)
+fun invoke_cg_class thy defs class trns =
+ gen_invoke
+ ((map (apsnd (fn (cg, _) => cg thy defs)) o #codegens_class o #gens o CodegenData.get) thy)
+ class class trns;
+fun invoke_cg_type thy defs ty trns =
+ gen_invoke
+ ((map (apsnd (fn (cg, _) => cg thy defs)) o #codegens_type o #gens o CodegenData.get) thy)
+ (Sign.string_of_typ thy ty) ty trns;
+fun invoke_cg_expr thy defs t trns =
+ gen_invoke
+ ((map (apsnd (fn (cg, _) => cg thy defs)) o #codegens_expr o #gens o CodegenData.get) thy)
+ (Sign.string_of_term thy t) t trns;
+fun get_defgens thy defs =
+ (map (apsnd (fn (dg, _) => dg thy defs)) o #defgens o #gens o CodegenData.get) thy;
+fun ensure_def_class thy defs cls_or_inst trns =
+ if cls_or_inst = "ClassSimple.Eq_proto" then error ("Krach!")
+ else trns
+ |> gen_ensure_def (get_defgens thy defs) ("class/instance " ^ quote cls_or_inst) cls_or_inst
+ |> pair cls_or_inst;
+fun ensure_def_tyco thy defs tyco trns =
+ if NameSpace.is_qualified tyco
+ then case Option.mapPartial (Symtab.lookup (get_lookups_tyco thy)) (tname_of_idf thy tyco)
+ of NONE =>
+ trns
+ |> gen_ensure_def (get_defgens thy defs) ("type constructor " ^ quote tyco) tyco
+ |> pair tyco
+ | SOME tyco =>
+ trns
+ |> pair tyco
+ else (tyco, trns);
+fun ensure_def_const thy defs f trns =
+ if NameSpace.is_qualified f
+ then case Option.mapPartial (find_lookup_expr thy) (cname_of_idf thy defs f)
+ of NONE =>
+ trns
+ |> invoke_cg_type thy defs (Sign.the_const_constraint thy (cname_of_idf thy defs f |> the |> fst))
+ ||> gen_ensure_def (get_defgens thy defs) ("constant " ^ quote f) f
+ |-> (fn ty' => pair f)
+ | SOME (IConst (f, ty)) =>
+ trns
+ |> pair f
+ else (f, trns);
+fun mk_fun thy defs eqs ty trns =
+ let
+ val sortctxt = ClassPackage.extract_sortctxt thy ty;
+ fun mk_sortvar (v, sort) trns =
+ trns
+ |> fold_map (invoke_cg_class thy defs) sort
+ |-> (fn sort => pair (unprefix "'" v, sort))
+ fun mk_eq (args, rhs) trns =
+ trns
+ |> fold_map (invoke_cg_expr thy defs) args
+ ||>> invoke_cg_expr thy defs rhs
+ |-> (fn (args, rhs) => pair (map ipat_of_iexpr args, rhs))
+ in
+ trns
+ |> fold_map mk_eq eqs
+ ||>> invoke_cg_type thy defs ty
+ ||>> fold_map mk_sortvar sortctxt
+ |-> (fn ((eqs, ty), sortctxt) => pair (Fun (eqs, (sortctxt, ty))))
+ end;
+fun mk_app thy defs f ty_use args trns =
+ let
+ val ty_def = Sign.the_const_constraint thy f;
+ fun mk_lookup (ClassPackage.Instance (i, ls)) trns =
+ trns
+ |> invoke_cg_class thy defs ((idf_of_name thy nsp_class o fst) i)
+ ||>> ensure_def_class thy defs (idf_of_inst thy defs i)
+ ||>> (fold_map o fold_map) mk_lookup ls
+ |-> (fn ((cls, i), ls) => pair (ClassPackage.Instance ((cls, i), ls)))
+ | mk_lookup (ClassPackage.Lookup (clss, (v, i))) trns =
+ trns
+ |> fold_map (ensure_def_class thy defs) (map (idf_of_name thy nsp_class) clss)
+ |-> (fn clss => pair (ClassPackage.Lookup (clss, (name_of_tvar (TFree (v, [])), i))));
+ fun mk_itapp e [] = e
+ | mk_itapp e lookup = IInst (e, lookup);
+ in
+ trns
+ |> ensure_def_const thy defs (idf_of_cname thy defs (f, ty_use))
+ ||>> fold_map (invoke_cg_expr thy defs) args
+ ||>> (fold_map o fold_map) mk_lookup (ClassPackage.extract_sortlookup thy (ty_def, ty_use))
+ ||>> invoke_cg_type thy defs ty_use
+ |-> (fn (((f, args), lookup), ty_use) =>
+ pair (mk_apps (mk_itapp (IConst (f, ty_use)) lookup, args)))
+ end;
+ open CodegenThingolOp;
+ infix 8 `%%;
+ infixr 6 `->;
+ infixr 6 `-->;
+ infix 4 `$;
+ infix 4 `$$;
+(* code generators *)
+fun codegen_class_default thy defs cls trns =
+ trns
+ |> ensure_def_class thy defs cls
+ |-> (fn cls => succeed cls)
+fun codegen_type_default thy defs (v as TVar (_, sort)) trns =
+ trns
+ |> fold_map (invoke_cg_class thy defs) (sort |> filter (ClassPackage.is_class thy) |> map (idf_of_name thy nsp_class))
+ |-> (fn sort => succeed (IVarT (name_of_tvar v, sort)))
+ | codegen_type_default thy defs (v as TFree (_, sort)) trns =
+ trns
+ |> fold_map (invoke_cg_class thy defs) (sort |> filter (ClassPackage.is_class thy) |> map (idf_of_name thy nsp_class))
+ |-> (fn sort => succeed (IVarT (name_of_tvar v, sort)))
+ | codegen_type_default thy defs (Type ("fun", [t1, t2])) trns =
+ trns
+ |> invoke_cg_type thy defs t1
+ ||>> invoke_cg_type thy defs t2
+ |-> (fn (t1', t2') => succeed (t1' `-> t2'))
+ | codegen_type_default thy defs (Type (tyco, tys)) trns =
+ trns
+ |> ensure_def_tyco thy defs (idf_of_tname thy tyco)
+ ||>> fold_map (invoke_cg_type thy defs) tys
+ |-> (fn (tyco, tys) => succeed (tyco `%% tys))
+fun codegen_expr_default thy defs t trns =
+ let
+ val (u, ts) = strip_comb t;
+ fun name_of_var (Free (v, _)) = v
+ | name_of_var (Var ((v, i), _)) = if i=0 then v else v ^ string_of_int i
+ fun cg_default (Var (_, ty)) =
+ trns
+ |> fold_map (invoke_cg_expr thy defs) ts
+ ||>> invoke_cg_type thy defs ty
+ |-> (fn (args, ty) => succeed (IVarE (name_of_var u, ty) `$$ args))
+ | cg_default (Free (_, ty)) =
+ trns
+ |> fold_map (invoke_cg_expr thy defs) ts
+ ||>> invoke_cg_type thy defs ty
+ |-> (fn (args, ty) => succeed (IVarE (name_of_var u, ty) `$$ args))
+ | cg_default (Const (f, ty)) =
+ trns
+ |> mk_app thy defs f ty ts
+ |-> (fn e => succeed e)
+ | cg_default (Abs _) =
+ let
+ val (bs, tys) = ListPair.unzip (strip_abs_vars u);
+ val t = strip_abs_body u;
+ val bs' = Codegen.new_names t bs;
+ val t' = subst_bounds (map Free (rev (bs' ~~ tys)), t)
+ in
+ trns
+ |> fold_map (invoke_cg_expr thy defs) ts
+ ||>> invoke_cg_expr thy defs t'
+ |-> (fn (es, e) => succeed (e `$$ es))
+ end;
+ in cg_default u end;
+(*fun codegen_eq thy defs t trns =
+ let
+ fun cg_eq (Const ("op =", _), [t, u]) =
+ trns
+ |> invoke_cg_type thy defs (type_of t)
+ |-> (fn ty => invoke_ensure_eqinst nsp_eq_class nsp_eq ty #> pair ty)
+ ||>> invoke_cg_expr thy defs t
+ ||>> invoke_cg_expr thy defs u
+ |-> (fn ((ty, t'), u') => succeed (
+ IConst (fun_eq, ty `-> ty `-> Type_bool)
+ `$ t' `$ u'))
+ | cg_eq _ =
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no equality: " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy t)
+ in cg_eq (strip_comb t) end;*)
+fun codegen_neg thy defs t trns =
+ let
+ val (u, ts) = strip_comb t;
+ fun cg_neg (Const ("neg", _)) =
+ trns
+ |> invoke_cg_expr thy defs (hd ts)
+ |-> (fn e => succeed (Fun_lt `$ e `$ IConst ("0", Type_integer)))
+ | cg_neg _ =
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no negation: " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy t)
+ in cg_neg u end;
+(* definition generators *)
-end; (* structure *)
+fun defgen_fallback_tyco thy defs tyco trns =
+ if Symtab.fold (fn (_, { syntax_tyco, ... }) => fn b => b orelse Symtab.defined syntax_tyco tyco)
+ ((#serialize_data o CodegenData.get) thy) false
+ then
+ trns
+ |> succeed (Nop, [])
+ else
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no code generation fallback for " ^ quote tyco)
+fun defgen_fallback_const thy defs f trns =
+ if Symtab.fold (fn (_, { syntax_const, ... }) => fn b => b orelse Symtab.defined syntax_const f)
+ ((#serialize_data o CodegenData.get) thy) false
+ then
+ trns
+ |> succeed (Nop, [])
+ else
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no code generation fallback for " ^ quote f)
+fun defgen_defs thy (defs as (_, defs', _)) f trns =
+ case Symtab.lookup defs' f
+ of SOME (args, rhs, ty) =>
+ trns
+ |> mk_fun thy defs [(args, rhs)] ty
+ |-> (fn def => succeed (def, []))
+ | _ => trns |> fail ("no definition found for " ^ quote f);
+fun defgen_clsdecl thy defs cls trns =
+ case name_of_idf thy nsp_class cls
+ of SOME cls =>
+ trns
+ |> debug 5 (fn _ => "generating class decl " ^ quote cls)
+ |> fold_map (ensure_def_class thy defs)
+ (map (idf_of_name thy nsp_class) (ClassPackage.get_superclasses thy cls))
+ |-> (fn supcls => succeed (Class (supcls, [], []),
+ map (idf_of_name thy nsp_mem) (ClassPackage.the_consts thy cls)
+ @ map (curry (idf_of_inst thy defs) cls) ((map snd o ClassPackage.the_tycos thy) cls)))
+ | _ =>
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no class definition found for " ^ quote cls);
+fun defgen_clsmem thy (defs as (_, _, _)) f trns =
+ case name_of_idf thy nsp_mem f
+ of SOME clsmem =>
+ let
+ val cls = idf_of_name thy nsp_class ((the o ClassPackage.lookup_const_class thy) clsmem);
+ val (tvar, ty) = ClassPackage.get_const_sign thy clsmem;
+ in
+ trns
+ |> invoke_cg_type thy defs ty
+ |-> (fn ty => succeed (Classmember (cls, name_of_tvar (TFree (tvar, [])), ty), []))
+ end
+ | _ =>
+ trns |> fail ("no class member found for " ^ quote f)
+fun defgen_clsinst thy defs clsinst trns =
+ case inst_of_idf thy defs clsinst
+ of SOME (cls, tyco) =>
+ let
+ val arity = (map o map) (idf_of_name thy nsp_class)
+ (ClassPackage.get_arities thy [cls] tyco)
+ val clsmems = map (idf_of_name thy nsp_mem)
+ (ClassPackage.the_consts thy cls);
+ val instmem_idfs = map (idf_of_cname thy defs)
+ (ClassPackage.get_inst_consts_sign thy (tyco, cls));
+ in
+ trns
+ |> ensure_def_class thy defs (idf_of_name thy nsp_class cls)
+ ||>> ensure_def_tyco thy defs (idf_of_tname thy tyco)
+ ||>> (fold_map o fold_map) (ensure_def_class thy defs) arity
+ ||>> fold_map (ensure_def_const thy defs) clsmems
+ ||>> fold_map (ensure_def_const thy defs) instmem_idfs
+ |-> (fn ((((cls, tyco), arity), clsmems), instmem_idfs) =>
+ succeed (Classinst (cls, (tyco, arity), clsmems ~~ instmem_idfs), []))
+ end
+ | _ =>
+ trns |> fail ("no class instance found for " ^ quote clsinst);
+(* parametrized generators, for instantiation in HOL *)
+fun codegen_let strip_abs thy defs t trns =
+ let
+ fun dest_let (l as Const ("Let", _) $ t $ u) =
+ (case strip_abs 1 u
+ of ([p], u') => apfst (cons (p, t)) (dest_let u')
+ | _ => ([], l))
+ | dest_let t = ([], t);
+ fun mk_let (l, r) trns =
+ trns
+ |> invoke_cg_expr thy defs l
+ ||>> invoke_cg_expr thy defs r
+ |-> (fn (l, r) => pair (r, ipat_of_iexpr l));
+ fun cg_let' ([], _) _ =
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no let expression: " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy t)
+ | cg_let' (lets, body) args =
+ trns
+ |> fold_map mk_let lets
+ ||>> invoke_cg_expr thy defs body
+ ||>> fold_map (invoke_cg_expr thy defs) args
+ |-> (fn ((lets, body), args) =>
+ succeed (Library.foldr (fn ((e, p), body) => ICase (e, [(p, body)])) (lets, body) `$$ args))
+ fun cg_let (t1 as Const ("Let", _), t2 :: t3 :: ts) =
+ cg_let' (dest_let (t1 $ t2 $ t3)) ts
+ | cg_let _ =
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no let expression: " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy t);
+ in cg_let (strip_comb t) end;
+fun codegen_split strip_abs thy defs t trns =
+ let
+ fun cg_split' ([p], body) args =
+ trns
+ |> invoke_cg_expr thy defs p
+ ||>> invoke_cg_expr thy defs body
+ ||>> fold_map (invoke_cg_expr thy defs) args
+ |-> (fn (((IVarE v), body), args) => succeed (IAbs (v, body) `$$ args))
+ | cg_split' _ _ =
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no split expression: " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy t);
+ fun cg_split (t1 as Const ("split", _), t2 :: ts) =
+ cg_split' (strip_abs 1 (t1 $ t2)) ts
+ | cg_split _ =
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no split expression: " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy t);
+ in cg_split (strip_comb t) end;
+fun codegen_number_of dest_binum mk_int_to_nat thy defs (Const ("Numeral.number_of",
+ Type ("fun", [_, Type ("IntDef.int", [])])) $ bin) trns =
+ trns
+ |> (succeed (IConst ((IntInf.toString o dest_binum) bin, Type_integer))
+ handle TERM _
+ => fail ("not a number: " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy bin))
+ | codegen_number_of dest_binum mk_int_to_nat thy defs (Const ("Numeral.number_of",
+ Type ("fun", [_, Type ("nat", [])])) $ bin) trns =
+ trns
+ |> debug 8 (fn _ => "generating nat for " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy bin)
+ |> invoke_cg_expr thy defs (mk_int_to_nat bin)
+ |-> (fn expr => succeed expr)
+ | codegen_number_of dest_binum mk_int_to_nat thy defs t trns =
+ trns
+ |> fail ("not a number: " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy t);
+fun defgen_datatype get_datatype thy defs tyco trns =
+ case tname_of_idf thy tyco
+ of SOME dtname =>
+ (case get_datatype thy tyco
+ of SOME (vs, cnames) =>
+ trns
+ |> succeed (Datatype (map (rpair [] o unprefix "'") vs, [], []),
+ cnames
+ |> map (idf_of_name thy nsp_const)
+ |> map (fn "0" => "const.Zero" | c => c))
+ | NONE =>
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no datatype found for " ^ quote tyco))
+ | NONE =>
+ trns
+ |> fail ("not a type constructor: " ^ quote tyco)
+ end;
+fun defgen_datacons get_datacons thy defs f trns =
+ let
+ fun the_type "0" = SOME "nat"
+ | the_type c =
+ case strip_type (Sign.the_const_constraint thy c)
+ of (_, Type (dtname, _)) => SOME dtname
+ | _ => NONE
+ in
+ case cname_of_idf thy defs f
+ of SOME (c, _) =>
+ (case the_type c
+ of SOME dtname =>
+ (case get_datacons thy (c, dtname)
+ of SOME tyargs =>
+ trns
+ |> ensure_def_tyco thy defs (idf_of_tname thy dtname)
+ ||>> fold_map (invoke_cg_type thy defs) tyargs
+ |-> (fn (dtname, tys) => succeed (Datatypecons (dtname, tys), []))
+ | NONE =>
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no datatype constructor found for " ^ quote f))
+ | NONE =>
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no datatype constructor found for " ^ quote f))
+ | _ =>
+ trns
+ |> fail ("not a constant: " ^ quote f)
+ end;
+fun defgen_recfun get_equations thy defs f trns =
+ case cname_of_idf thy defs f
+ of SOME (f, ty) =>
+ let
+ val (eqs, ty) = get_equations thy (f, ty);
+ in
+ case eqs
+ of (_::_) =>
+ trns
+ |> mk_fun thy defs eqs ty
+ |-> (fn def => succeed (def, []))
+ | _ =>
+ trns
+ |> fail ("no recursive definition found for " ^ quote f)
+ end
+ | NONE =>
+ trns
+ |> fail ("not a constant: " ^ quote f);
+(* theory interface *)
+fun mk_deftab thy =
+ let
+ fun mangle_tyname (ty_decl, ty_def) =
+ let
+ fun mangle (Type (tyco, tys)) =
+ NameSpace.base tyco :: Library.flat (List.mapPartial mangle tys) |> SOME
+ | mangle _ =
+ in
+ Vartab.empty
+ |> Sign.typ_match thy (ty_decl, ty_def)
+ |> map (snd o snd) o Vartab.dest
+ |> List.mapPartial mangle
+ |> Library.flat
+ |> null ? K ["x"]
+ |> space_implode "_"
+ end;
+ fun add_def (name, [(ty, (_, (args, rhs)))]) (overl, defs, clstab) =
+ (overl,
+ defs |> Symtab.update_new (idf_of_name thy nsp_const name, (args, rhs, ty)),
+ clstab)
+ | add_def (name, ds) ((overl, overl_rev), defs, clstab) =
+ let
+ val ty_decl = Sign.the_const_constraint thy name;
+ fun mk_idf ("0", Type ("nat", [])) = "const.Zero"
+ | mk_idf ("1", Type ("nat", [])) = "."
+ | mk_idf (nm, ty) =
+ if is_number nm
+ then nm
+ else idf_of_name thy nsp_const
+ (((perhaps o Symtab.lookup) ((fst o #alias o #logic_data o CodegenData.get) thy) nm)
+ ^ "_" ^ mangle_tyname (ty_decl, ty))
+ val overl_lookups = map
+ (fn (ty, (_, (args, rhs))) => (ty, mk_idf (name, ty), args, rhs)) ds;
+ in
+ (*!!!*)
+ ((overl |> Symtab.update_new (name, map (fn (ty, idf, _, _) => (ty, idf)) overl_lookups),
+ overl_rev |> fold Symtab.update_new (map (fn (ty, idf, _, _) => (idf, (name, ty))) overl_lookups)),
+ defs |> fold Symtab.update_new (map (fn (ty, idf, args, rhs) => (idf, (args, rhs, ty))) overl_lookups),
+ clstab)
+ end;
+ fun mk_instname thyname (cls, tyco) =
+ idf_of_name thy nsp_inst
+ (NameSpace.append thyname (NameSpace.base cls ^ "_" ^ NameSpace.base tyco))
+ fun add_clsmems classtab (overl, defs, (clstab, clstab_rev, clsmems)) =
+ (overl, defs,
+ (clstab
+ |> Symtab.fold
+ (fn (cls, (_, clsinsts)) => fold
+ (fn (tyco, thyname) => Insttab.update ((cls, tyco), mk_instname thyname (cls, tyco))) clsinsts)
+ classtab,
+ clstab_rev
+ |> Symtab.fold
+ (fn (cls, (_, clsinsts)) => fold
+ (fn (tyco, thyname) => Symtab.update (mk_instname thyname (cls, tyco), (cls, tyco))) clsinsts)
+ classtab,
+ clsmems
+ |> Symtab.fold
+ (fn (class, (clsmems, _)) => fold
+ (fn clsmem => Symtab.update (idf_of_name thy nsp_mem clsmem, (class, (clsmem, Sign.the_const_constraint thy clsmem)))) clsmems)
+ classtab))
+ in
+ ((Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty), Symtab.empty, (Insttab.empty, Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty))
+ |> fold add_def (Codegen.mk_deftab thy |> Symtab.dest)
+ |> add_clsmems (ClassPackage.get_classtab thy)
+ end;
+fun expand_module gen thy =
+ let
+ val defs = mk_deftab thy;
+ fun put_module modl =
+ map_codegen_data (fn (_, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =>
+ (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data));
+ val _ = put_module : module -> theory -> theory;
+ in
+ (#modl o CodegenData.get) thy
+ |> start_transact (gen thy defs)
+ |-> (fn x => fn modl => (x, put_module modl thy))
+ end;
+(* syntax *)
+fun gen_add_syntax_tyco prep_tyco prep_mfx prep_primname serializer ((raw_tyco, raw_mfx), primdef) thy =
+ let
+ val tyco = prep_tyco thy raw_tyco;
+ val _ = if member (op =) prims tyco
+ then error ("attempted to re-define primitive " ^ quote tyco)
+ else ()
+ fun add_primdef NONE = I
+ | add_primdef (SOME (name, (def, deps))) =
+ CodegenSerializer.add_prim (prep_primname thy tyco name, (def, deps))
+ in
+ thy
+ |> prep_mfx raw_mfx
+ |-> (fn mfx => map_codegen_data
+ (fn (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =>
+ (modl, gens, lookups,
+ serialize_data |> Symtab.map_entry serializer
+ (map_serialize_data
+ (fn (primitives, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+ (primitives |> add_primdef primdef,
+ syntax_tyco |> Symtab.update_new (tyco, mfx),
+ syntax_const))),
+ logic_data)))
+ end;
+val add_syntax_tyco_i = gen_add_syntax_tyco (K I) pair ((K o K) I);
+val add_syntax_tyco =
+ let
+ fun mk_name _ _ (SOME name) = name
+ | mk_name thy tyco NONE =
+ let
+ val name = Sign.extern_type thy tyco
+ in
+ if NameSpace.is_qualified name
+ then error ("no unique identifier for syntax definition: " ^ quote tyco)
+ else name
+ end;
+ fun prep_mfx mfx thy =
+ let
+ val proto_mfx = Codegen.parse_mixfix
+ (typ_of o read_ctyp thy) mfx;
+ fun generate thy defs = fold_map (invoke_cg_type thy defs)
+ (Codegen.quotes_of proto_mfx);
+ in
+ thy
+ |> expand_module generate
+ |-> (fn tys => pair (Codegen.replace_quotes tys proto_mfx))
+ end;
+ in
+ gen_add_syntax_tyco (fn thy => idf_of_tname thy o Sign.intern_type thy)
+ prep_mfx mk_name
+ end;
+fun gen_add_syntax_const prep_const prep_mfx prep_primname serializer ((raw_f, raw_mfx), primdef) thy =
+ let
+ val f = prep_const thy raw_f;
+ val _ = if member (op =) prims f
+ then error ("attempted to re-define primitive " ^ quote f)
+ else ()
+ fun add_primdef NONE = I
+ | add_primdef (SOME (name, (def, deps))) =
+ CodegenSerializer.add_prim (prep_primname thy f name, (def, deps))
+ in
+ thy
+ |> prep_mfx raw_mfx
+ |-> (fn mfx => map_codegen_data
+ (fn (modl, gens, lookups, serialize_data, logic_data) =>
+ (modl, gens, lookups,
+ serialize_data |> Symtab.map_entry serializer
+ (map_serialize_data
+ (fn (primitives, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+ (primitives |> add_primdef primdef,
+ syntax_tyco,
+ syntax_const |> Symtab.update_new (f, mfx)))),
+ logic_data)))
+ end;
+val add_syntax_const_i = gen_add_syntax_const (K I) pair ((K o K) I);
+val add_syntax_const =
+ let
+ fun prep_const thy (raw_f, raw_ty) =
+ let
+ val defs = mk_deftab thy;
+ val f = Sign.intern_const thy raw_f;
+ val ty =
+ raw_ty
+ |> Option.map (Sign.read_tyname thy)
+ |> the_default (Sign.the_const_constraint thy f);
+ in idf_of_cname thy defs (f, ty) end;
+ fun mk_name _ _ (SOME name) = name
+ | mk_name thy f NONE =
+ let
+ val name = Sign.extern_const thy f
+ in
+ if NameSpace.is_qualified name
+ then error ("no unique identifier for syntax definition: " ^ quote f)
+ else name
+ end;
+ fun prep_mfx mfx thy =
+ let
+ val proto_mfx = Codegen.parse_mixfix
+ (term_of o read_cterm thy o rpair TypeInfer.logicT) mfx;
+ fun generate thy defs = fold_map (invoke_cg_expr thy defs)
+ (Codegen.quotes_of proto_mfx);
+ in
+ thy
+ |> expand_module generate
+ |-> (fn es => pair (Codegen.replace_quotes es proto_mfx))
+ end;
+ in
+ gen_add_syntax_const prep_const prep_mfx mk_name
+ end;
+(* code generation *)
+fun generate_code consts thy =
+ let
+ fun generate thy defs = fold_map (ensure_def_const thy defs) consts
+ in
+ thy
+ |> expand_module generate
+ |-> (fn _ => I)
+ end;
+fun serialize_code serial_name filename consts thy =
+ let
+ fun mk_sfun tab name args f =
+ Symtab.lookup tab name
+ |> Option.map (fn ms => Codegen.fillin_mixfix ms args (f : 'a -> Pretty.T))
+ val serialize_data =
+ thy
+ |> CodegenData.get
+ |> #serialize_data
+ |> (fn data => (the oo Symtab.lookup) data serial_name)
+ val serializer = #serializer serialize_data
+ ((mk_sfun o #syntax_tyco) serialize_data)
+ ((mk_sfun o #syntax_const) serialize_data)
+ (#primitives serialize_data)
+ val compile_it = serial_name = "ml" andalso filename = "-";
+ fun use_code code =
+ if compile_it
+ then use_text Context.ml_output false code
+ else File.write (Path.unpack filename) (code ^ "\n");
+ in
+ thy
+ |> (if is_some consts then generate_code (the consts) else I)
+ |> `(serializer consts o #modl o CodegenData.get)
+ |-> (fn code => ((use_code o Pretty.output) code; I))
+ end;
+(* toplevel interface *)
+structure P = OuterParse
+and K = OuterKeyword
+val (generateK, serializeK, extractingK, aliasK, definedK, dependingK, syntax_tycoK, syntax_constK) =
+ ("code_generate", "code_serialize", "extracting", "defined_by", "depending_on", "code_alias", "code_syntax_tyco", "code_syntax_const");
+val generateP =
+ OuterSyntax.command generateK "generate executable code for constants" K.thy_decl (
+ Scan.repeat1 P.name
+ >> (fn consts =>
+ Toplevel.theory (generate_code consts))
+ );
+val serializeP =
+ OuterSyntax.command generateK "serialize executable code for constants" K.thy_decl (
+ P.name
+ -- P.name
+ -- Scan.option (
+ P.$$$ serializeK
+ |-- Scan.repeat1 P.name
+ )
+ >> (fn ((serial_name, filename), consts) =>
+ Toplevel.theory (serialize_code serial_name filename consts))
+ );
+val aliasP =
+ OuterSyntax.command aliasK "declare an alias for a theory identifier" K.thy_decl (
+ P.name
+ -- P.name
+ >> (fn (src, dst) => Toplevel.theory (add_alias (src, dst)))
+ );
+val syntax_tycoP =
+ OuterSyntax.command syntax_tycoK "define code syntax for type constructor" K.thy_decl (
+ P.string
+ -- Scan.repeat1 (
+ P.xname -- (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.string --| P.$$$ ")")
+ -- Scan.option (
+ P.$$$ definedK
+ |-- Scan.option (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.string --| P.$$$ ")")
+ -- (P.string -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ dependingK |-- P.list1 P.string) [])
+ )
+ )
+ >> (fn (serializer, xs) =>
+ (Toplevel.theory oo fold)
+ (fn ((tyco, raw_mfx), raw_def) =>
+ add_syntax_tyco serializer ((tyco, raw_mfx), raw_def)) xs)
+ );
+val syntax_constP =
+ OuterSyntax.command syntax_constK "define code syntax for constant" K.thy_decl (
+ P.string
+ -- Scan.repeat1 (
+ (P.xname -- Scan.option (P.$$$ "::" |-- P.typ)) -- (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.string --| P.$$$ ")")
+ -- Scan.option (
+ P.$$$ definedK
+ |-- Scan.option (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.string --| P.$$$ ")")
+ -- (P.string -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ dependingK |-- P.list1 P.string) [])
+ )
+ )
+ >> (fn (serializer, xs) =>
+ (Toplevel.theory oo fold)
+ (fn ((f, raw_mfx), raw_def) =>
+ add_syntax_const serializer ((f, raw_mfx), raw_def)) xs)
+ );
+val _ = OuterSyntax.add_parsers [generateP, serializeP, aliasP, syntax_tycoP, syntax_constP];
+val _ = OuterSyntax.add_keywords [extractingK, definedK, dependingK];
+(* setup *)
+val _ =
+ let
+ val bool = Type ("bool", []);
+ val nat = Type ("nat", []);
+ val int = Type ("IntDef.int", []);
+ fun list t = Type ("List.list", [t]);
+ fun pair t1 t2 = Type ("*", [t1, t2]);
+ val A = TVar (("'a", 0), []);
+ val B = TVar (("'b", 0), []);
+ in Context.add_setup [
+ CodegenData.init,
+ add_codegen_class ("default", codegen_class_default),
+ add_codegen_type ("default", codegen_type_default),
+ add_codegen_expr ("default", codegen_expr_default),
+(* add_codegen_expr ("eq", codegen_eq), *)
+ add_codegen_expr ("neg", codegen_neg),
+ add_defgen ("clsdecl", defgen_clsdecl),
+ add_defgen ("fallback_tyco", defgen_fallback_tyco),
+ add_defgen ("fallback_const", defgen_fallback_const),
+ add_defgen ("defs", defgen_defs),
+ add_defgen ("clsmem", defgen_clsmem),
+ add_defgen ("clsinst", defgen_clsinst),
+ add_alias ("op <>", "neq"),
+ add_alias ("op >=", "ge"),
+ add_alias ("op >", "gt"),
+ add_alias ("op -", "minus"),
+ add_alias ("op @", "append"),
+ add_lookup_tyco ("bool", type_bool),
+ add_lookup_tyco ("IntDef.int", type_integer),
+ add_lookup_tyco ("List.list", type_list),
+ add_lookup_tyco ("*", type_pair),
+ add_lookup_const (("True", bool),Cons_true),
+ add_lookup_const (("False", bool), Cons_false),
+ add_lookup_const (("Not", bool --> bool), Fun_not),
+ add_lookup_const (("op &", bool --> bool --> bool), Fun_and),
+ add_lookup_const (("op |", bool --> bool --> bool), Fun_or),
+ add_lookup_const (("HOL.If", bool --> A --> A --> A), Fun_if),
+ add_lookup_const (("List.list.Cons", A --> list A --> list A), Cons_cons),
+ add_lookup_const (("List.list.Nil", list A), Cons_nil),
+ add_lookup_const (("Pair", A --> B --> pair A B), Cons_pair),
+ add_lookup_const (("fst", pair A B --> A), Fun_fst),
+ add_lookup_const (("snd", pair A B --> B), Fun_snd),
+ add_lookup_const (("1", nat),
+ IApp (
+ IConst ("const.Suc", IFun (IType ("type.nat", []), IFun (IType ("type.nat", []), IType ("type.nat", [])))),
+ IConst ("const.Zero", IType ("type.nat", []))
+ )),
+ add_lookup_const (("0", int), Fun_0),
+ add_lookup_const (("1", int), Fun_1),
+ add_lookup_const (("op +", int --> int --> int), Fun_add),
+ add_lookup_const (("op *", int --> int --> int), Fun_mult),
+ add_lookup_const (("uminus", int --> int), Fun_minus),
+ add_lookup_const (("op <", int --> int --> bool), Fun_lt),
+ add_lookup_const (("op <=", int --> int --> bool), Fun_le),
+ add_lookup_const (("Wellfounded_Recursion.wfrec", ((A --> B) --> A --> B) --> A --> B), Fun_wfrec),
+ add_lookup_const (("op =", A --> A --> bool), Fun_eq)
+ ] end;
+(* "op /" ??? *)
+end; (* local *)
+end; (* struct *)