Mon, 03 Dec 2007 17:47:35 +0100
changeset 25520 e123c81257a5
parent 25519 8570745cb40b
child 25521 6cebd2ff3ab7
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am.ML	Mon Dec 03 16:04:17 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am.ML	Mon Dec 03 17:47:35 2007 +0100
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 (* The de-Bruijn index 0 occurring on the right hand side refers to the LAST pattern variable, when traversing the pattern from left to right,
    1 to the second last, and so on. *)
-val compile : (guard list * pattern * term) list -> program
+val compile : pattern list -> (int -> int option) -> (guard list * pattern * term) list -> program
 val discard : program -> unit
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_compiler.ML	Mon Dec 03 16:04:17 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_compiler.ML	Mon Dec 03 17:47:35 2007 +0100
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
 	  | SOME r => (compiled_rewriter := NONE; r)
-fun compile eqs = 
+fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs = 
 	val _ = if exists (fn (a,b,c) => not (null a)) eqs then raise Compile ("cannot deal with guards") else ()
 	val eqs = map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) eqs
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_ghc.ML	Mon Dec 03 16:04:17 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_ghc.ML	Mon Dec 03 17:47:35 2007 +0100
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
 fun fileExists name = ((OS.FileSys.fileSize name; true) handle OS.SysErr _ => false)
-fun compile eqs = 
+fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs = 
 	val _ = if exists (fn (a,b,c) => not (null a)) eqs then raise Compile ("cannot deal with guards") else ()
 	val eqs = map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) eqs
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_interpreter.ML	Mon Dec 03 16:04:17 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_interpreter.ML	Mon Dec 03 17:47:35 2007 +0100
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 structure prog_struct = TableFun(type key = int*int val ord = prod_ord int_ord int_ord);
-datatype program = Program of ((pattern * closure) list) prog_struct.table
+datatype program = Program of ((pattern * closure * (closure*closure) list) list) prog_struct.table
 datatype stack = SEmpty | SAppL of closure * stack | SAppR of closure * stack | SAbs of stack
@@ -101,32 +101,19 @@
   | check_freevars free (Abs m) = check_freevars (free+1) m
   | check_freevars free (Computed t) = check_freevars free t
-fun compile eqs =
+fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs =
-	val _ = if exists (fn (a,b,c) => not (null a)) eqs then raise Compile ("cannot deal with guards") else ()
-	val eqs = map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) eqs
-	fun check (p, r) = if check_freevars (count_patternvars p) r then () else raise Compile ("unbound variables in rule") 
-        val eqs = map (fn (p, r) => (check (p,r); (pattern_key p, (p, clos_of_term r)))) eqs
+	fun check p r = if check_freevars p r then () else raise Compile ("unbound variables in rule") 
+	fun check_guard p (Guard (a,b)) = (check p a; check p b) 
+        fun clos_of_guard (Guard (a,b)) = (clos_of_term a, clos_of_term b)
+        val eqs = map (fn (guards, p, r) => let val pcount = count_patternvars p val _ = map (check_guard pcount) (guards) val _ = check pcount r in 
+                                              (pattern_key p, (p, clos_of_term r, map clos_of_guard guards)) end) eqs
 	fun merge (k, a) table = prog_struct.update (k, case prog_struct.lookup table k of NONE => [a] | SOME l => a::l) table
 	val p = fold merge eqs prog_struct.empty 
         Program p
-fun match_rules n [] clos = NONE
-  | match_rules n ((p,eq)::rs) clos =
-    case pattern_match [] p clos of
-        NONE => match_rules (n+1) rs clos
-      | SOME args => SOME (Closure (args, eq))
-fun match_closure (Program prog) clos =
-    case len_head_of_closure 0 clos of
-        (len, CConst c) =>
-        (case prog_struct.lookup prog (c, len) of
-            NONE => NONE
-          | SOME rules => match_rules 0 rules clos)
-      | _ => NONE
 type state = bool * program * stack * closure
@@ -158,7 +145,21 @@
 	  | NONE => proj_S (!s)
-fun weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CApp (a, b))) = Continue (false, prog, SAppL (Closure (e, b), stack), Closure (e, a))
+fun match_rules prog n [] clos = NONE
+  | match_rules prog n ((p,eq,guards)::rs) clos =
+    case pattern_match [] p clos of
+        NONE => match_rules prog (n+1) rs clos
+      | SOME args => if forall (guard_checks prog args) guards then SOME (Closure (args, eq)) else match_rules prog (n+1) rs clos
+and guard_checks prog args (a,b) = (simp prog (Closure (args, a)) = simp prog (Closure (args, b)))
+and match_closure (p as (Program prog)) clos =
+    case len_head_of_closure 0 clos of
+        (len, CConst c) =>
+        (case prog_struct.lookup prog (c, len) of
+            NONE => NONE
+          | SOME rules => match_rules p 0 rules clos)
+      | _ => NONE
+and weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CApp (a, b))) = Continue (false, prog, SAppL (Closure (e, b), stack), Closure (e, a))
   | weak_reduce (false, prog, SAppL (b, stack), Closure (e, CAbs m)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, Closure (b::e, m))
   | weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CVar n)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, case List.nth (e, n) of CDummy => CVar n | r => r)
   | weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, c as CConst _)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, c)
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
   | weak_reduce (true, prog, s as (SAppL (b, stack)), a) = Continue (false, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b)
   | weak_reduce (true, prog, stack, c) = Stop (stack, c)
-fun strong_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CAbs m)) =
+and strong_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CAbs m)) =
          val (stack', wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, Closure (CDummy::e, m))
@@ -185,6 +186,18 @@
   | strong_reduce (true, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (true, prog, stack, CApp (a, b))
   | strong_reduce (true, prog, stack, clos) = Stop (stack, clos)
+and simp prog t =
+    (let
+         val (stack, wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, t)
+     in
+         case stack of
+             SEmpty => (case do_reduction strong_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, wnf) of
+                            (SEmpty, snf) => snf
+                          | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: strong failed"))
+           | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: weak failed")
+     end handle InterruptedExecution state => resolve state)
 fun run prog t =
          val (stack, wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, Closure ([], clos_of_term t))
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_sml.ML	Mon Dec 03 16:04:17 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_sml.ML	Mon Dec 03 17:47:35 2007 +0100
@@ -13,12 +13,15 @@
   val save_result : (string * term) -> unit
   val set_compiled_rewriter : (term -> term) -> unit				       
   val list_nth : 'a list * int -> 'a
+  val dump_output : (string option) ref 
 structure AM_SML : AM_SML = struct
 open AbstractMachine;
+val dump_output = ref NONE
 type program = string * string * (int Inttab.table) * (int Inttab.table) * (term Inttab.table) * (term -> term)
 val saved_result = ref (NONE:(string*term)option)
@@ -155,8 +158,8 @@
 	val toplevel_arity = fold (fn (_, p, t) => fn arity => collect_pattern_toplevel_arity p arity) rules Inttab.empty
 	fun arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup arity c)
 	fun toplevel_arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c)
-	fun adjust_pattern PVar = PVar
-	  | adjust_pattern (C as PConst (c, args)) = if (length args <> arity_of c) then raise Compile ("Constant inside pattern must have maximal arity") else C
+	fun test_pattern PVar = ()
+	  | test_pattern (C as PConst (c, args)) = if (length args <> arity_of c) then raise Compile ("Constant inside pattern must have maximal arity") else (map test_pattern args; ())
 	fun adjust_rule (_, PVar, _) = raise Compile ("pattern may not be a variable")
 	  | adjust_rule (_, PConst (_, []), _) = raise Compile ("cannot deal with rewrites that take no parameters")
 	  | adjust_rule (rule as (prems, p as PConst (c, args),t)) = 
@@ -165,13 +168,13 @@
 		fun check_fv t = check_freevars patternvars_counted t
 		val _ = if not (check_fv t) then raise Compile ("unbound variables on right hand side of rule") else () 
 		val _ = if not (forall (fn (Guard (a,b)) => check_fv a andalso check_fv b) prems) then raise Compile ("unbound variables in guards") else () 
-		val args = map adjust_pattern args	        
+		val _ = map test_pattern args	        
 		val len = length args
 		val arity = arity_of c
 		val lift = nlift 0
-		fun adjust_tm n t = if n=0 then t else adjust_tm (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1)))
-		fun adjust_term n t = adjust_tm n (lift n t)
-		fun adjust_guard n (Guard (a,b)) = Guard (adjust_term n a, adjust_term n b)
+		fun addapps_tm n t = if n=0 then t else addapps_tm (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1)))
+		fun adjust_term n t = addapps_tm n (lift n t)
+		fun adjust_guard n (Guard (a,b)) = Guard (lift n a, lift n b)
 		if len = arity then
@@ -179,8 +182,7 @@
 		    (map (adjust_guard (arity-len)) prems, PConst (c, args @ (rep (arity-len) PVar)), adjust_term (arity-len) t)
 		else (raise Compile "internal error in adjust_rule")
-	fun beta_guard (Guard (a,b)) = Guard (beta a, beta b)
-	fun beta_rule (prems, p, t) = ((map beta_guard prems, p, beta t) handle Match => raise Compile "beta_rule")
+	fun beta_rule (prems, p, t) = ((prems, p, beta t) handle Match => raise Compile "beta_rule")
 	(arity, toplevel_arity, map (beta_rule o adjust_rule) rules)
@@ -493,13 +495,13 @@
 fun use_source src = use_text "" Output.ml_output false src
-fun compile eqs = 
+fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs = 
 	val guid = get_guid ()
 	val code = Real.toString (random ())
 	val module = "AMSML_"^guid
 	val (arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, source) = sml_prog module code eqs
-	(*val _ = writeTextFile "Gencode.ML" source*)
+	val _ = case !dump_output of NONE => () | SOME p => writeTextFile p source
 	val _ = compiled_rewriter := NONE
 	val _ = use_source source
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML	Mon Dec 03 16:04:17 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML	Mon Dec 03 17:47:35 2007 +0100
@@ -15,10 +15,12 @@
     exception Make of string
     val make : machine -> theory -> thm list -> computer
+    val make_with_cache : machine -> theory -> term list -> thm list -> computer
     val theory_of : computer -> theory
     val hyps_of : computer -> term list
     val shyps_of : computer -> sort list
     (* ! *) val update : computer -> thm list -> unit
+    (* ! *) val update_with_cache : computer -> term list -> thm list -> unit
     (* ! *) val discard : computer -> unit
     (* ! *) val set_naming : computer -> naming -> unit
@@ -35,16 +37,12 @@
     val setup_compute : theory -> theory
-    val print_encoding : bool ref
 structure Compute :> COMPUTE = struct
 open Report;
-val print_encoding = ref false
 datatype machine = BARRAS | BARRAS_COMPILED | HASKELL | SML	 
 (* Terms are mapped to integer codes *)
@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@
     val lookup_term : int -> encoding -> term option					
     val remove_code : int -> encoding -> encoding
     val remove_term : term -> encoding -> encoding
-    val fold : ((term * int) -> 'a -> 'a) -> encoding -> 'a -> 'a    
+    val fold : ((term * int) -> 'a -> 'a) -> encoding -> 'a -> 'a  						       
@@ -81,7 +79,7 @@
 fun remove_term t (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
     (case lookup_code t e of NONE => e | SOME c => (count, Termtab.delete t term2int, Inttab.delete c int2term))
-fun fold f (_, term2int, _) = Termtab.fold f term2int 
+fun fold f (_, term2int, _) = Termtab.fold f term2int
@@ -206,11 +204,32 @@
 	ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)
-fun make_internal machine thy stamp encoding raw_ths =
+fun make_internal machine thy stamp encoding cache_pattern_terms raw_ths =
 	fun transfer (x:thm) = Thm.transfer thy x
 	val ths = map (thm2cthm o Thm.strip_shyps o transfer) raw_ths
+        fun make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Abs _) =
+	    raise (Make "no lambda abstractions allowed in pattern")
+	  | make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var _) =
+	    raise (Make "no bound variables allowed in pattern")
+	  | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.Const code) =
+	    (case the (Encode.lookup_term code encoding) of
+		 Var _ => ((n+1, Inttab.update_new (code, n) vars, AbstractMachine.PVar)
+			   handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise (Make "no duplicate variable in pattern allowed"))
+	       | _ => (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (code, [])))
+          | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
+            let
+                val (n, vars, pa) = make_pattern encoding n vars a
+                val (n, vars, pb) = make_pattern encoding n vars b
+            in
+                case pa of
+                    AbstractMachine.PVar =>
+                    raise (Make "patterns may not start with a variable")
+                  | AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args) =>
+                    (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args@[pb]))
+            end
         fun thm2rule (encoding, hyptable, shyptable) th =
 		val (ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)) = th
@@ -234,27 +253,6 @@
 			 (encoding, AbstractMachine.Guard (t1, t2))
 		     end handle TERM _ => raise (Make "guards must be meta-level equations"))
                 val (encoding, prems) = fold_rev (fn p => fn (encoding, ps) => let val (e, p) = remove_types_of_guard encoding p in (e, p::ps) end) prems (encoding, [])
-                fun make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Abs _) =
-		    raise (Make "no lambda abstractions allowed in pattern")
-		  | make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var _) =
-		    raise (Make "no bound variables allowed in pattern")
-		  | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.Const code) =
-		    (case the (Encode.lookup_term code encoding) of
-			 Var _ => ((n+1, Inttab.update_new (code, n) vars, AbstractMachine.PVar)
-				   handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise (Make "no duplicate variable in pattern allowed"))
-		       | _ => (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (code, [])))
-                  | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
-                    let
-                        val (n, vars, pa) = make_pattern encoding n vars a
-                        val (n, vars, pb) = make_pattern encoding n vars b
-                    in
-                        case pa of
-                            AbstractMachine.PVar =>
-                              raise (Make "patterns may not start with a variable")
-                          | AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args) =>
-                              (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args@[pb]))
-                    end
                 (* Principally, a check should be made here to see if the (meta-) hyps contain any of the variables of the rule.
                    As it is, all variables of the rule are schematic, and there are no schematic variables in meta-hyps, therefore
@@ -294,12 +292,32 @@
             in (encoding_hyptable, rule::rules) end)
           ths ((encoding, Termtab.empty, Sorttab.empty), [])
+        fun make_cache_pattern t (encoding, cache_patterns) =
+	    let
+		val (encoding, a) = remove_types encoding t
+		val (_,_,p) = make_pattern encoding 0 Inttab.empty a
+	    in
+		(encoding, p::cache_patterns)
+	    end
+	val (encoding, cache_patterns) = fold_rev make_cache_pattern cache_pattern_terms (encoding, [])
+	fun arity (Type ("fun", [a,b])) = 1 + arity b
+	  | arity _ = 0
+	fun make_arity (Const (s, _), i) tab = 
+	    (Inttab.update (i, arity (Sign.the_const_type thy s)) tab handle TYPE _ => tab)
+	  | make_arity _ tab = tab
+	val const_arity_tab = Encode.fold make_arity encoding Inttab.empty
+	fun const_arity x = Inttab.lookup const_arity_tab x 
         val prog = 
 	    case machine of 
-		BARRAS => ProgBarras (AM_Interpreter.compile rules)
-	      | BARRAS_COMPILED => ProgBarrasC (AM_Compiler.compile rules)
-	      | HASKELL => ProgHaskell (AM_GHC.compile rules)
-	      | SML => ProgSML (AM_SML.compile rules)
+		BARRAS => ProgBarras (AM_Interpreter.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
+	      | BARRAS_COMPILED => ProgBarrasC (AM_Compiler.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
+	      | HASKELL => ProgHaskell (AM_GHC.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
+	      | SML => ProgSML (AM_SML.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
         fun has_witness s = not (null (Sign.witness_sorts thy [] [s]))
@@ -307,17 +325,21 @@
     in (Theory.check_thy thy, encoding, Termtab.keys hyptable, shyptable, prog, stamp, default_naming) end
-fun make machine thy raw_thms = Computer (ref (SOME (make_internal machine thy (ref ()) Encode.empty raw_thms)))
+fun make_with_cache machine thy cache_patterns raw_thms = Computer (ref (SOME (make_internal machine thy (ref ()) Encode.empty cache_patterns raw_thms)))
-fun update computer raw_thms =
+fun make machine thy raw_thms = make_with_cache machine thy [] raw_thms
+fun update_with_cache computer cache_patterns raw_thms =
 	val c = make_internal (machine_of_prog (prog_of computer)) (theory_of computer) (stamp_of computer) 
-			      (encoding_of computer) raw_thms
+			      (encoding_of computer) cache_patterns raw_thms
 	val _ = (ref_of computer) := SOME c	
+fun update computer raw_thms = update_with_cache computer [] raw_thms
 fun discard computer =
 	val _ = 
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML	Mon Dec 03 16:04:17 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML	Mon Dec 03 17:47:35 2007 +0100
@@ -218,6 +218,7 @@
     type pcomputer
     val make : Compute.machine -> theory -> thm list -> Linker.constant list -> pcomputer
+    val make_with_cache : Compute.machine -> theory -> term list -> thm list -> Linker.constant list -> pcomputer
     val add_instances : pcomputer -> Linker.constant list -> bool 
     val add_instances' : pcomputer -> term list -> bool
@@ -237,8 +238,9 @@
 exception PCompute of string
 datatype theorem = MonoThm of thm | PolyThm of thm * Linker.instances * thm list
+datatype pattern = MonoPattern of term | PolyPattern of term * Linker.instances * term list
-datatype pcomputer = PComputer of theory_ref * * theorem list ref
+datatype pcomputer = PComputer of theory_ref * * theorem list ref * pattern list ref 
 (*fun collect_consts (Var x) = []
   | collect_consts (Bound _) = []
@@ -246,7 +248,7 @@
   | collect_consts (Abs (_, _, body)) = collect_consts body
   | collect_consts t = [Linker.constant_of t]*)
-fun computer_of (PComputer (_,computer,_)) = computer
+fun computer_of (PComputer (_,computer,_,_)) = computer
 fun collect_consts_of_thm th = 
@@ -283,28 +285,45 @@
         (monocs, PolyThm (th, Linker.empty polycs, []))
-fun create_computer machine thy ths =
+fun create_pattern pat = 
+    val cs = Linker.collect_consts [pat]
+    val polycs = filter Linker.is_polymorphic cs
+    if null (polycs) then
+	MonoPattern pat
+    else
+	PolyPattern (pat, Linker.empty polycs, [])
+fun create_computer machine thy pats ths =
         fun add (MonoThm th) ths = th::ths
           | add (PolyThm (_, _, ths')) ths = ths'@ths
+	fun addpat (MonoPattern p) pats = p::pats
+	  | addpat (PolyPattern (_, _, ps)) pats = ps@pats
         val ths = fold_rev add ths []
+	val pats = fold_rev addpat pats []
-        Compute.make machine thy ths
+        Compute.make_with_cache machine thy pats ths
-fun update_computer computer ths = 
+fun update_computer computer pats ths = 
 	fun add (MonoThm th) ths = th::ths
 	  | add (PolyThm (_, _, ths')) ths = ths'@ths
+	fun addpat (MonoPattern p) pats = p::pats
+	  | addpat (PolyPattern (_, _, ps)) pats = ps@pats
 	val ths = fold_rev add ths []
+	val pats = fold_rev addpat pats []
-	Compute.update computer ths
+	Compute.update_with_cache computer pats ths
 fun conv_subst thy (subst : Type.tyenv) =
     map (fn (iname, (sort, ty)) => (ctyp_of thy (TVar (iname, sort)), ctyp_of thy ty)) (Vartab.dest subst)
-fun add_monos thy monocs ths =
+fun add_monos thy monocs pats ths =
         val changed = ref false
         fun add monocs (th as (MonoThm _)) = ([], th)
@@ -318,21 +337,35 @@
                 (newmonos, PolyThm (th, instances, instanceths@newths))
+	fun addpats monocs (pat as (MonoPattern _)) = pat
+	  | addpats monocs (PolyPattern (p, instances, instancepats)) =
+	    let
+		val (newsubsts, instances) = Linker.add_instances thy instances monocs
+		val _ = if not (null newsubsts) then changed := true else ()
+		val newpats = map (fn subst => Envir.subst_TVars subst p) newsubsts
+	    in
+		PolyPattern (p, instances, instancepats@newpats)
+	    end 
         fun step monocs ths =
             fold_rev (fn th =>
                       fn (newmonos, ths) =>
-                         let val (newmonos', th') = add monocs th in
+                         let 
+			     val (newmonos', th') = add monocs th 
+			 in
                              (newmonos'@newmonos, th'::ths)
                      ths ([], [])
-        fun loop monocs ths =
-            let val (monocs', ths') = step monocs ths in
+        fun loop monocs pats ths =
+            let 
+		val (monocs', ths') = step monocs ths 
+		val pats' = map (addpats monocs) pats
+	    in
                 if null (monocs') then
-                    ths'
+                    (pats', ths')
-                    loop monocs' ths'
+                    loop monocs' pats' ths'
-        val result = loop monocs ths
+        val result = loop monocs pats ths
         (!changed, result)
@@ -370,7 +403,7 @@
         map snd (Inttab.dest (!thstab))
-fun make machine thy ths cs =
+fun make_with_cache machine thy pats ths cs =
 	val ths = remove_duplicates ths
 	val (monocs, ths) = fold_rev (fn th => 
@@ -379,20 +412,24 @@
 					     (m@monocs, t::ths)
 				     ths (cs, [])
-	val (_, ths) = add_monos thy monocs ths
-	val computer = create_computer machine thy ths
+	val pats = map create_pattern pats
+	val (_, (pats, ths)) = add_monos thy monocs pats ths
+	val computer = create_computer machine thy pats ths
-	PComputer (Theory.check_thy thy, computer, ref ths)
+	PComputer (Theory.check_thy thy, computer, ref ths, ref pats)
-fun add_instances (PComputer (thyref, computer, rths)) cs = 
+fun make machine thy ths cs = make_with_cache machine thy [] ths cs
+fun add_instances (PComputer (thyref, computer, rths, rpats)) cs = 
         val thy = Theory.deref thyref
-        val (changed, ths) = add_monos thy cs (!rths)
+        val (changed, (pats, ths)) = add_monos thy cs (!rpats) (!rths)
 	if changed then
-	    (update_computer computer ths;
+	    (update_computer computer pats ths;
 	     rths := ths;
+	     rpats := pats;