Wed, 02 Jun 2010 10:51:55 +0200
changeset 37276 e14dc033287b
parent 37275 119c2901304c (current diff)
parent 37250 e7544b9ce6af (diff)
child 37277 87988eeed572
--- a/src/Pure/axclass.ML	Wed Jun 02 10:50:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/axclass.ML	Wed Jun 02 10:51:55 2010 +0200
@@ -412,17 +412,15 @@
 (* primitive rules *)
-fun gen_add_classrel store raw_th thy =
+fun add_classrel raw_th thy =
     val th = Thm.strip_shyps (Thm.transfer thy raw_th);
     val prop = Thm.plain_prop_of th;
     fun err () = raise THM ("add_classrel: malformed class relation", 0, [th]);
     val rel = Logic.dest_classrel prop handle TERM _ => err ();
     val (c1, c2) = cert_classrel thy rel handle TYPE _ => err ();
-    val (th', thy') =
-      if store then PureThy.store_thm
-        ( (prefix classrel_prefix (Logic.name_classrel (c1, c2))), th) thy
-      else (th, thy);
+    val (th', thy') = PureThy.store_thm
+      ( (prefix classrel_prefix (Logic.name_classrel (c1, c2))), th) thy;
     val th'' = th'
       |> Thm.unconstrainT
       |> Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of thy' (TVar ((Name.aT, 0), [])))] [];
@@ -433,17 +431,15 @@
     |> perhaps complete_arities
-fun gen_add_arity store raw_th thy =
+fun add_arity raw_th thy =
     val th = Thm.strip_shyps (Thm.transfer thy raw_th);
     val prop = Thm.plain_prop_of th;
     fun err () = raise THM ("add_arity: malformed type arity", 0, [th]);
     val arity as (t, Ss, c) = Logic.dest_arity prop handle TERM _ => err ();
-    val (th', thy') =
-      if store then PureThy.store_thm
-        ( (prefix arity_prefix (Logic.name_arity arity)), th) thy
-      else (th, thy);
+    val (th', thy') = PureThy.store_thm
+      ( (prefix arity_prefix (Logic.name_arity arity)), th) thy;
     val args = Name.names Name.context Name.aT Ss;
     val T = Type (t, map TFree args);
@@ -463,9 +459,6 @@
     |> put_arity ((t, Ss, c), th'')
-val add_classrel = gen_add_classrel true;
-val add_arity = gen_add_arity true;
 (* tactical proofs *)
@@ -477,10 +470,7 @@
       cat_error msg ("The error(s) above occurred while trying to prove class relation " ^
         quote (Syntax.string_of_classrel ctxt [c1, c2]));
-    thy
-    |> PureThy.add_thms [((
-        (prefix classrel_prefix (Logic.name_classrel (c1, c2))), th), [])]
-    |-> (fn [th'] => gen_add_classrel false th')
+    thy |> add_classrel th
 fun prove_arity raw_arity tac thy =
@@ -494,9 +484,7 @@
         cat_error msg ("The error(s) above occurred while trying to prove type arity " ^
           quote (Syntax.string_of_arity ctxt arity));
-    thy
-    |> PureThy.add_thms (map (rpair []) (map names ~~ ths))
-    |-> fold (gen_add_arity false)
+    thy |> fold add_arity ths
@@ -613,10 +601,6 @@
 (*old-style axioms*)
-fun add_axiom (b, prop) =
-  Thm.add_axiom (b, prop) #->
-  (fn (_, thm) => PureThy.add_thm ((b, Drule.export_without_context thm), []));
 fun axiomatize prep mk name add raw_args thy =
     val args = prep thy raw_args;
@@ -624,17 +608,17 @@
     val names = name args;
-    |> fold_map add_axiom (map names ~~ specs)
-    |-> fold add
+    |> fold_map Thm.add_axiom (map names ~~ specs)
+    |-> fold (add o Drule.export_without_context o snd)
 fun ax_classrel prep =
   axiomatize (map o prep) (map Logic.mk_classrel)
-    (map (prefix classrel_prefix o Logic.name_classrel)) (gen_add_classrel false);
+    (map (prefix classrel_prefix o Logic.name_classrel)) add_classrel;
 fun ax_arity prep =
   axiomatize (prep o ProofContext.init_global) Logic.mk_arities
-    (map (prefix arity_prefix) o Logic.name_arities) (gen_add_arity false);
+    (map (prefix arity_prefix) o Logic.name_arities) add_arity;
 fun class_const c =
   (Logic.const_of_class c, Term.itselfT (Term.aT []) --> propT);
--- a/src/Pure/display.ML	Wed Jun 02 10:50:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/display.ML	Wed Jun 02 10:51:55 2010 +0200
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
     fun prt_cls c = Syntax.pretty_sort ctxt [c];
     fun prt_sort S = Syntax.pretty_sort ctxt S;
-    fun prt_arity t (c, (_, Ss)) = Syntax.pretty_arity ctxt (t, Ss, [c]);
+    fun prt_arity t (c, Ss) = Syntax.pretty_arity ctxt (t, Ss, [c]);
     fun prt_typ ty = Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt ty);
     val prt_typ_no_tvars = prt_typ o Logic.unvarifyT_global;
     fun prt_term t = Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t);
--- a/src/Pure/sorts.ML	Wed Jun 02 10:50:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/sorts.ML	Wed Jun 02 10:51:55 2010 +0200
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   val insert_terms: term list -> sort OrdList.T -> sort OrdList.T
   type algebra
   val classes_of: algebra -> serial Graph.T
-  val arities_of: algebra -> (class * (class * sort list)) list Symtab.table
+  val arities_of: algebra -> (class * sort list) list Symtab.table
   val all_classes: algebra -> class list
   val super_classes: algebra -> class -> class list
   val class_less: algebra -> class * class -> bool
@@ -105,15 +105,14 @@
   arities: table of association lists of all type arities; (t, ars)
     means that type constructor t has the arities ars; an element
-    (c, (c0, Ss)) of ars represents the arity t::(Ss)c being derived
-    via c0 <= c.  "Coregularity" of the arities structure requires
-    that for any two declarations t::(Ss1)c1 and t::(Ss2)c2 such that
-    c1 <= c2 holds Ss1 <= Ss2.
+    (c, Ss) of ars represents the arity t::(Ss)c.  "Coregularity" of
+    the arities structure requires that for any two declarations
+    t::(Ss1)c1 and t::(Ss2)c2 such that c1 <= c2 holds Ss1 <= Ss2.
 datatype algebra = Algebra of
  {classes: serial Graph.T,
-  arities: (class * (class * sort list)) list Symtab.table};
+  arities: (class * sort list) list Symtab.table};
 fun classes_of (Algebra {classes, ...}) = classes;
 fun arities_of (Algebra {arities, ...}) = arities;
@@ -225,9 +224,9 @@
     Pretty.string_of_arity pp (t, Ss, [c]) ^ " and\n  " ^
     Pretty.string_of_arity pp (t, Ss', [c']));
-fun coregular pp algebra t (c, (c0, Ss)) ars =
+fun coregular pp algebra t (c, Ss) ars =
-    fun conflict (c', (_, Ss')) =
+    fun conflict (c', Ss') =
       if class_le algebra (c, c') andalso not (sorts_le algebra (Ss, Ss')) then
         SOME ((c, c'), (c', Ss'))
       else if class_le algebra (c', c) andalso not (sorts_le algebra (Ss', Ss)) then
@@ -236,19 +235,18 @@
     (case get_first conflict ars of
       SOME ((c1, c2), (c', Ss')) => err_conflict pp t (SOME (c1, c2)) (c, Ss) (c', Ss')
-    | NONE => (c, (c0, Ss)) :: ars)
+    | NONE => (c, Ss) :: ars)
-fun complete algebra (c0, Ss) = map (rpair (c0, Ss)) (c0 :: super_classes algebra c0);
+fun complete algebra (c, Ss) = map (rpair Ss) (c :: super_classes algebra c);
-fun insert pp algebra t (c, (c0, Ss)) ars =
+fun insert pp algebra t (c, Ss) ars =
   (case AList.lookup (op =) ars c of
-    NONE => coregular pp algebra t (c, (c0, Ss)) ars
-  | SOME (_, Ss') =>
+    NONE => coregular pp algebra t (c, Ss) ars
+  | SOME Ss' =>
       if sorts_le algebra (Ss, Ss') then ars
-      else if sorts_le algebra (Ss', Ss) then
-        coregular pp algebra t (c, (c0, Ss))
-          (filter_out (fn (c'', (_, Ss'')) => c = c'' andalso Ss'' = Ss') ars)
+      else if sorts_le algebra (Ss', Ss)
+      then coregular pp algebra t (c, Ss) (remove (op =) (c, Ss') ars)
       else err_conflict pp t NONE (c, Ss) (c, Ss'));
@@ -265,7 +263,7 @@
   algebra |> map_arities (insert_complete_ars pp algebra arg);
 fun add_arities_table pp algebra =
-  Symtab.fold (fn (t, ars) => insert_complete_ars pp algebra (t, map snd ars));
+  Symtab.fold (fn (t, ars) => insert_complete_ars pp algebra (t, ars));
@@ -310,16 +308,17 @@
   in make_algebra (classes', arities') end;
-(* algebra projections *)
+(* algebra projections *)  (* FIXME potentially violates abstract type integrity *)
 fun subalgebra pp P sargs (algebra as Algebra {classes, arities}) =
     val restrict_sort = minimize_sort algebra o filter P o Graph.all_succs classes;
-    fun restrict_arity tyco (c, (_, Ss)) =
-      if P c then case sargs (c, tyco)
-       of SOME sorts => SOME (c, (c, Ss |> map2 (curry (inter_sort algebra)) sorts
-          |> map restrict_sort))
-        | NONE => NONE
+    fun restrict_arity t (c, Ss) =
+      if P c then
+        (case sargs (c, t) of
+          SOME sorts =>
+            SOME (c, Ss |> map2 (curry (inter_sort algebra)) sorts |> map restrict_sort)
+        | NONE => NONE)
       else NONE;
     val classes' = classes |> Graph.subgraph P;
     val arities' = arities |>' (map_filter o restrict_arity);
@@ -355,7 +354,7 @@
     fun dom c =
       (case AList.lookup (op =) (Symtab.lookup_list arities a) c of
         NONE => raise CLASS_ERROR (No_Arity (a, c))
-      | SOME (_, Ss) => Ss);
+      | SOME Ss => Ss);
     fun dom_inter c Ss = (inter_sort algebra) (dom c, Ss);
     (case S of
@@ -380,11 +379,8 @@
   in uncurry meet end;
 fun meet_sort_typ algebra (T, S) =
-  let
-    val tab = meet_sort algebra (T, S) Vartab.empty;
-  in Term.map_type_tvar (fn (v, _) =>
-    TVar (v, (the o Vartab.lookup tab) v))
-  end;
+  let val tab = meet_sort algebra (T, S) Vartab.empty;
+  in Term.map_type_tvar (fn (v, _) => TVar (v, (the o Vartab.lookup tab) v)) end;
 (* of_sort *)
@@ -425,9 +421,9 @@
             S |> map (fn c =>
-                val (c0, Ss') = the (AList.lookup (op =) (Symtab.lookup_list arities a) c);
+                val Ss' = the (AList.lookup (op =) (Symtab.lookup_list arities a) c);
                 val dom' = map (fn ((U, d), S') => weaken U d S' ~~ S') ((Us ~~ dom) ~~ Ss');
-              in class_relation T (type_constructor (a, Us) dom' c0, c0) c end)
+              in type_constructor (a, Us) dom' c end)
       | derive (T, S) = weaken T (type_variable T) S;
   in derive end;