new hash table module in HOL/Too/s
Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:06:08 +0100
changeset 18449 e314fb38307d
parent 18448 6e805f389355
child 18450 e57731ba01dd
new hash table module in HOL/Too/s
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Wed Dec 21 12:05:47 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Wed Dec 21 12:06:08 2005 +0100
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
   Lattice_Locales.thy List.ML List.thy Main.ML Main.thy Map.thy			\
   Nat.ML Nat.thy NatArith.thy OrderedGroup.ML OrderedGroup.thy			\
   Orderings.ML Orderings.thy Power.thy PreList.thy Product_Type.thy		\
-  $(SRC)/Pure/General/hashtable.ML \
   ROOT.ML Recdef.thy Reconstruction.thy Record.thy Refute.thy			\
   Relation.ML Relation.thy Relation_Power.thy Ring_and_Field.thy SAT.thy Set.ML		\
   Set.thy SetInterval.thy Sum_Type.thy Tools/ATP/AtpCommunication.ML		\
@@ -105,6 +104,7 @@
   Tools/datatype_rep_proofs.ML Tools/inductive_codegen.ML			\
   Tools/inductive_package.ML Tools/inductive_realizer.ML Tools/meson.ML		\
   Tools/numeral_syntax.ML Tools/primrec_package.ML Tools/prop_logic.ML		\
+  Tools/polyhash.ML \
   Tools/recdef_package.ML Tools/recfun_codegen.ML				\
   Tools/reconstruction.ML Tools/record_package.ML Tools/refute.ML		\
   Tools/refute_isar.ML Tools/res_atp.ML Tools/res_axioms.ML			\
--- a/src/HOL/ROOT.ML	Wed Dec 21 12:05:47 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/ROOT.ML	Wed Dec 21 12:06:08 2005 +0100
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 use "hologic.ML";
-use "~~/src/Pure/General/hashtable.ML";
 use "~~/src/Provers/splitter.ML";
 use "~~/src/Provers/hypsubst.ML";
 use "~~/src/Provers/induct_method.ML";
--- a/src/HOL/Reconstruction.thy	Wed Dec 21 12:05:47 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Reconstruction.thy	Wed Dec 21 12:06:08 2005 +0100
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
 theory Reconstruction
 imports Hilbert_Choice Map Infinite_Set Extraction
-uses "Tools/res_clause.ML"
-         "Tools/res_hol_clause.ML"
+uses 	 "Tools/polyhash.ML"
+         "Tools/res_clause.ML"
+	 "Tools/res_hol_clause.ML"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/res_clasimpset.ML	Wed Dec 21 12:05:47 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/res_clasimpset.ML	Wed Dec 21 12:06:08 2005 +0100
@@ -143,27 +143,30 @@
 (*Hashing to detect duplicate and variant clauses, e.g. from the [iff] attribute
 Some primes from
-   1823   1831   1847   1861   1867   1871   1873   1877   1879   1889 
-   1901   1907   1913   1931   1933   1949   1951   1973   1979   1987 
-   1993   1997   1999   2003   2011   2017   2027   2029   2039   2053 
-   2063   2069   2081   2083   2087   2089   2099   2111   2113   2129 
-exception HASH_CLAUSE;
+(*Catches (for deletion) theorems automatically generated from other theorems*)
+fun insert_suffixed_names ht x = 
+     (Polyhash.insert ht (x^"_iff1", ()); 
+      Polyhash.insert ht (x^"_iff2", ()); 
+      Polyhash.insert ht (x^"_dest", ())); 
+fun make_suffix_test xs = 
+  let val ht = Polyhash.mkTable (Polyhash.hash_string, op =)
+                                (6000, HASH_STRING)
+      fun suffixed s = isSome (Polyhash.peek ht s)
+  in  app (insert_suffixed_names ht) xs; suffixed  end;
 (*Create a hash table for clauses, of the given size*)
-fun mk_clause_table size =
-      Hashtable.create{hash = ResClause.hash1_clause, 
-		       exn = HASH_CLAUSE,
-		       == = ResClause.clause_eq, 
-		       size = size};
-(*Insert x only if fresh*)
-fun insert_new ht (x,y) = ignore (Hashtable.lookup ht x)
-            handle HASH_CLAUSE => Hashtable.insert ht (x,y); 
+fun mk_clause_table n =
+      Polyhash.mkTable (ResClause.hash_clause, ResClause.clause_eq)
+                       (n, HASH_CLAUSE);
 (*Use a hash table to eliminate duplicates from xs*)
-fun make_unique ht xs = (app (insert_new ht) xs; Library.I ht);
+fun make_unique ht xs = 
+      (app (ignore o Polyhash.peekInsert ht) xs;  Polyhash.listItems ht);
 (*Write out the claset and simpset rules of the supplied theory.
   FIXME: argument "goal" is a hack to allow relevance filtering.
@@ -173,15 +176,17 @@
 	    map put_name_pair
 	      (ReduceAxiomsN.relevant_filter (!relevant) goal 
 		(ResAxioms.claset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt))
-      val claset_cls_thms = ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs claset_thms
-      val simpset_cls_thms = 
+      val simpset_thms = 
 	    if !use_simpset then 
-	       ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs 
-		  (map put_name_pair 
+		  map put_name_pair 
 		    (ReduceAxiomsN.relevant_filter (!relevant) goal
-		      (ResAxioms.simpset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt)))
+		      (ResAxioms.simpset_rules_of_ctxt ctxt))
 	    else []
-      val cls_thms_list = make_unique (mk_clause_table 2129) 
+      val suffixed = make_suffix_test (map #1 (claset_thms@simpset_thms))
+      fun ok (a,_) = not (suffixed a)
+      val claset_cls_thms = ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs (filter ok claset_thms)
+      val simpset_cls_thms = ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs (filter ok simpset_thms)
+      val cls_thms_list = make_unique (mk_clause_table 2200) 
                                       (List.concat (simpset_cls_thms@claset_cls_thms))
       (* Identify the set of clauses to be written out *)
       val clauses = map #1(cls_thms_list);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/polyhash.ML	Wed Dec 21 12:06:08 2005 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+(* Modified for Poly/ML from SML/NJ Library version 0.2
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by AT&T Bell Laboratories.
+ * See file mosml/copyrght/copyrght.att for details.
+ *
+ * Original author: John Reppy, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974
+ * Current version largely by Joseph Hurd
+ *)
+(* Polyhash -- polymorphic hashtables as in the SML/NJ Library *)
+signature Polyhash =
+type ('key, 'data) hash_table
+val mkTable     : ('_key -> int) * ('_key * '_key -> bool) -> int * exn 
+                  -> ('_key, '_data) hash_table
+val numItems    : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> int
+val insert      : ('_key, '_data) hash_table -> '_key * '_data -> unit
+val peekInsert  : ('_key, '_data) hash_table -> '_key * '_data 
+                  -> '_data option
+val find        : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> 'key -> 'data
+val peek        : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> 'key -> 'data option
+val remove      : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> 'key -> 'data
+val listItems   : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> ('key * 'data) list
+val apply       : ('key * 'data -> unit) -> ('key, 'data) hash_table -> unit
+val map         : ('_key * 'data -> '_res) -> ('_key, 'data) hash_table 
+                  -> ('_key, '_res) hash_table
+val filter      : ('key * 'data -> bool) -> ('key, 'data) hash_table -> unit
+val transform   : ('data -> '_res) -> ('_key, 'data) hash_table 
+                  -> ('_key, '_res) hash_table
+val copy        : ('_key, '_data) hash_table -> ('_key, '_data) hash_table
+val bucketSizes : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> int list
+(*Additions due to L. C. Paulson and Jia Meng*)
+val hashw : word * word -> word
+val hashw_char : Char.char * word -> word
+val hashw_vector : word Vector.vector * word -> word
+val hashw_string : string * word -> word
+val hashw_strings : string list * word -> word
+val hash_string : string -> int
+   [('key, 'data) hash_table] is the type of hashtables with keys of type
+   'key and data values of type 'data.
+   [mkTable (hashVal, sameKey) (sz, exc)] returns a new hashtable,
+   using hash function hashVal and equality predicate sameKey.  The sz
+   is a size hint, and exc is the exception raised by function find.
+   It must be the case that sameKey(k1, k2) implies hashVal(k1) =
+   hashVal(k2) for all k1,k2.
+   [numItems htbl] is the number of items in the hash table.
+   [insert htbl (k, d)] inserts data d for key k.  If k already had an
+   item associated with it, then the old item is overwritten.
+   [find htbl k] returns d, where d is the data item associated with key k, 
+   or raises the exception (given at creation of htbl) if there is no such d.
+   [peek htbl k] returns SOME d, where d is the data item associated with 
+   key k, or NONE if there is no such d.
+   [peekInsert htbl (k, d)] inserts data d for key k, if k is not
+   already in the table, returning NONE.  If k is already in the
+   table, and the associated data value is d', then returns SOME d'
+   and leaves the table unmodified.
+   [remove htbl k] returns d, where d is the data item associated with key k, 
+   removing d from the table; or raises the exception if there is no such d.
+   [listItems htbl] returns a list of the (key, data) pairs in the hashtable.
+   [apply f htbl] applies function f to all (key, data) pairs in the 
+   hashtable, in some order.
+   [map f htbl] returns a new hashtable, whose data items have been
+   obtained by applying f to the (key, data) pairs in htbl.  The new
+   tables have the same keys, hash function, equality predicate, and
+   exception, as htbl.
+   [filter p htbl] deletes from htbl all data items which do not
+   satisfy predicate p.
+   [transform f htbl] as map, but only the (old) data values are used
+   when computing the new data values.
+   [copy htbl] returns a complete copy of htbl.
+   [bucketSizes htbl] returns a list of the sizes of the buckets.
+   This is to allow users to gauge the quality of their hashing
+   function.  
+structure Polyhash :> Polyhash =
+datatype ('key, 'data) bucket_t
+  = NIL
+  | B of int * 'key * 'data * ('key, 'data) bucket_t
+datatype ('key, 'data) hash_table = 
+    HT of {hashVal   : 'key -> int,
+	   sameKey   : 'key * 'key -> bool,
+	   not_found : exn,
+	   table     : ('key, 'data) bucket_t Array.array ref,
+	   n_items   : int ref}
+    prim_val andb_      : int -> int -> int = 2 "and";
+    prim_val lshift_    : int -> int -> int = 2 "shift_left";
+    fun andb_ x y = Word.toInt (Word.andb (Word.fromInt x, Word.fromInt y));
+    fun lshift_ x y = Word.toInt (Word.<< (Word.fromInt x, Word.fromInt y));
+    fun index (i, sz) = andb_ i (sz-1)
+  (* find smallest power of 2 (>= 32) that is >= n *)
+    fun roundUp n = 
+	let fun f i = if (i >= n) then i else f (lshift_ i 1)
+	in f 32 end
+  (* Create a new table; the int is a size hint and the exception
+   * is to be raised by find.
+   *)
+    fun mkTable (hashVal, sameKey) (sizeHint, notFound) = HT{
+            hashVal=hashVal,
+	    sameKey=sameKey,
+	    not_found = notFound,
+	    table = ref (Array.array(roundUp sizeHint, NIL)),
+	    n_items = ref 0
+	  };
+  (* conditionally grow a table *)
+    fun growTable (HT{table, n_items, ...}) = let
+	    val arr = !table
+	    val sz = Array.length arr
+	    in
+	      if (!n_items >= sz)
+		then let
+		  val newSz = sz+sz
+		  val newArr = Array.array (newSz, NIL)
+		  fun copy NIL = ()
+		    | copy (B(h, key, v, rest)) = let
+			val indx = index (h, newSz)
+			in
+			  Array.update (newArr, indx,
+			    B(h, key, v, Array.sub(newArr, indx)));
+			  copy rest
+			end
+		  fun bucket n = (copy (Array.sub(arr, n)); bucket (n+1))
+		  in
+		    (bucket 0) handle _ => ();
+		    table := newArr
+		  end
+		else ()
+	    end (* growTable *);
+  (* Insert an item.  If the key already has an item associated with it,
+   * then the old item is discarded.
+   *)
+    fun insert (tbl as HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, n_items, ...}) (key, item) =
+	let
+	  val arr = !table
+	  val sz = Array.length arr
+	  val hash = hashVal key
+	  val indx = index (hash, sz)
+	  fun look NIL = (
+		Array.update(arr, indx, B(hash, key, item, Array.sub(arr, indx)));
+		n_items := !n_items + 1;
+		growTable tbl;
+		NIL)
+	    | look (B(h, k, v, r)) = if ((hash = h) andalso sameKey(key, k))
+		then B(hash, key, item, r)
+		else (case (look r)
+		   of NIL => NIL
+		    | rest => B(h, k, v, rest)
+		  (* end case *))
+	  in
+	    case (look (Array.sub (arr, indx)))
+	     of NIL => ()
+	      | b => Array.update(arr, indx, b)
+	  end;
+  (* Insert an item if not there already; if it is there already, 
+     then return the old data value and leave the table unmodified..
+   *)
+    fun peekInsert (tbl as HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, n_items, ...}) (key, item) =
+	let val arr = !table
+	    val sz = Array.length arr
+	    val hash = hashVal key
+	    val indx = index (hash, sz)
+	    fun look NIL = 
+		(Array.update(arr, indx, B(hash, key, item, 
+					   Array.sub(arr, indx)));
+		 n_items := !n_items + 1;
+		 growTable tbl;
+		 NONE)
+	      | look (B(h, k, v, r)) = 
+		if hash = h andalso sameKey(key, k) then SOME v
+		else look r
+	in
+	    look (Array.sub (arr, indx))
+	end;
+  (* find an item, the table's exception is raised if the item doesn't exist *)
+    fun find (HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, not_found, ...}) key = let
+	  val arr = !table
+	  val sz = Array.length arr
+	  val hash = hashVal key
+	  val indx = index (hash, sz)
+	  fun look NIL = raise not_found
+	    | look (B(h, k, v, r)) = if ((hash = h) andalso sameKey(key, k))
+		then v
+		else look r
+	  in
+	    look (Array.sub (arr, indx))
+	  end;
+  (* look for an item, return NONE if the item doesn't exist *)
+    fun peek (HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, ...}) key = let
+	  val arr = !table
+	  val sz = Array.length arr
+	  val hash = hashVal key
+	  val indx = index (hash, sz)
+	  fun look NIL = NONE
+	    | look (B(h, k, v, r)) = if ((hash = h) andalso sameKey(key, k))
+		then SOME v
+		else look r
+	  in
+	    look (Array.sub (arr, indx))
+	  end;
+  (* Remove an item.  The table's exception is raised if
+   * the item doesn't exist.
+   *)
+    fun remove (HT{hashVal, sameKey, not_found, table, n_items}) key = let
+	  val arr = !table
+	  val sz = Array.length arr
+	  val hash = hashVal key
+	  val indx = index (hash, sz)
+	  fun look NIL = raise not_found
+	    | look (B(h, k, v, r)) = if ((hash = h) andalso sameKey(key, k))
+		then (v, r)
+		else let val (item, r') = look r in (item, B(h, k, v, r')) end
+	  val (item, bucket) = look (Array.sub (arr, indx))
+	  in
+	    Array.update (arr, indx, bucket);
+	    n_items := !n_items - 1;
+	    item
+	  end (* remove *);
+  (* Return the number of items in the table *)
+   fun numItems (HT{n_items, ...}) = !n_items
+  (* return a list of the items in the table *)
+    fun listItems (HT{table = ref arr, n_items, ...}) = let
+	  fun f (_, l, 0) = l
+	    | f (~1, l, _) = l
+	    | f (i, l, n) = let
+		fun g (NIL, l, n) = f (i-1, l, n)
+		  | g (B(_, k, v, r), l, n) = g(r, (k, v)::l, n-1)
+		in
+		  g (Array.sub(arr, i), l, n)
+		end
+	  in
+	    f ((Array.length arr) - 1, [], !n_items)
+	  end (* listItems *);
+  (* Apply a function to the entries of the table *)
+    fun apply f (HT{table, ...}) = let
+	  fun appF NIL = ()
+	    | appF (B(_, key, item, rest)) = (
+		f (key, item);
+		appF rest)
+	  val arr = !table
+	  val sz = Array.length arr
+	  fun appToTbl i = if (i < sz)
+		then (appF (Array.sub (arr, i)); appToTbl(i+1))
+		else ()
+	  in
+	    appToTbl 0
+	  end (* apply *);
+  (* Map a table to a new table that has the same keys and exception *)
+    fun map f (HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, n_items, not_found}) = let
+	  fun mapF NIL = NIL
+	    | mapF (B(hash, key, item, rest)) =
+		B(hash, key, f (key, item), mapF rest)
+	  val arr = !table
+	  val sz = Array.length arr
+	  val newArr = Array.array (sz, NIL)
+	  fun mapTbl i = if (i < sz)
+		then (
+		  Array.update(newArr, i, mapF (Array.sub(arr, i)));
+		  mapTbl (i+1))
+		else ()
+	  in
+	    mapTbl 0;
+	    HT{hashVal=hashVal,
+	       sameKey=sameKey,
+	       table = ref newArr, 
+	       n_items = ref(!n_items), 
+	       not_found = not_found}
+	  end (* transform *);
+  (* remove any hash table items that do not satisfy the given
+   * predicate.
+   *)
+    fun filter pred (HT{table, n_items, not_found, ...}) = let
+	  fun filterP NIL = NIL
+	    | filterP (B(hash, key, item, rest)) = if (pred(key, item))
+		then B(hash, key, item, filterP rest)
+		else filterP rest
+	  val arr = !table
+	  val sz = Array.length arr
+	  fun filterTbl i = if (i < sz)
+		then (
+		  Array.update (arr, i, filterP (Array.sub (arr, i)));
+		  filterTbl (i+1))
+		else ()
+	  in
+	    filterTbl 0
+	  end (* filter *);
+  (* Map a table to a new table that has the same keys, exception,
+     hash function, and equality function *)
+    fun transform f (HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, n_items, not_found}) = let
+	  fun mapF NIL = NIL
+	    | mapF (B(hash, key, item, rest)) = B(hash, key, f item, mapF rest)
+	  val arr = !table
+	  val sz = Array.length arr
+	  val newArr = Array.array (sz, NIL)
+	  fun mapTbl i = if (i < sz)
+		then (
+		  Array.update(newArr, i, mapF (Array.sub(arr, i)));
+		  mapTbl (i+1))
+		else ()
+	  in
+	    mapTbl 0;
+	    HT{hashVal=hashVal, 
+	       sameKey=sameKey, 
+	       table = ref newArr, 
+	       n_items = ref(!n_items), 
+	       not_found = not_found}
+	  end (* transform *);
+  (* Create a copy of a hash table *)
+    fun copy (HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, n_items, not_found}) = let
+	  val arr = !table
+	  val sz = Array.length arr
+	  val newArr = Array.array (sz, NIL)
+	  fun mapTbl i = (
+		Array.update (newArr, i, Array.sub(arr, i));
+		mapTbl (i+1))
+	  in
+	    (mapTbl 0) handle _ => ();
+	    HT{hashVal=hashVal, 
+	       sameKey=sameKey,
+	       table = ref newArr, 
+	       n_items = ref(!n_items), 
+	       not_found = not_found}
+	  end (* copy *);
+  (* returns a list of the sizes of the various buckets.  This is to
+   * allow users to gauge the quality of their hashing function.
+   *)
+    fun bucketSizes (HT{table = ref arr, ...}) = let
+	  fun len (NIL, n) = n
+	    | len (B(_, _, _, r), n) = len(r, n+1)
+	  fun f (~1, l) = l
+	    | f (i, l) = f (i-1, len (Array.sub (arr, i), 0) :: l)
+	  in
+	    f ((Array.length arr)-1, [])
+	  end
+   (*Added by lcp.
+      This is essentially the hashpjw function described in Compilers:
+      Principles, Techniques, and Tools, by Aho, Sethi and Ullman.*)
+ (*  local infix << >>
+	 val left = Word.fromInt (Word.wordSize - 4)
+	 val right = Word.fromInt (Word.wordSize - 8)
+	 open Word
+   in  
+   val mask = 0wxf << left
+   fun hashw (u,w) =
+     let val w' = (w << 0w4) + u
+	 val g = Word.andb(w', mask)  
+     in  
+	 if g <> 0w0 then Word.xorb(g, Word.xorb(w', g >> right))
+	 else w'
+     end;
+   end;*)
+   (*This version is also recommended by Aho et al. and does not trigger the Poly/ML bug*)
+   val hmulti = Word.fromInt 65599;
+   fun hashw (u,w) = Word.+ (u, Word.*(hmulti,w))
+   fun hashw_char (c,w) = hashw (Word.fromInt (Char.ord c), w);
+   fun hashw_vector (v,w) = Vector.foldl hashw w v;
+   fun hashw_string (s:string, w) = CharVector.foldl hashw_char w s;
+   fun hashw_strings (ss, w) = List.foldl hashw_string w ss;
+   fun hash_string s = Word.toIntX (hashw_string(s,0w0));
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML	Wed Dec 21 12:05:47 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_clause.ML	Wed Dec 21 12:06:08 2005 +0100
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
   (*for hashing*)
   val clause_eq : clause * clause -> bool
-  val hash1_clause : clause -> word
+  val hash_clause : clause -> int
   val list_ord : ('a * 'b -> order) -> 'a list * 'b list -> order
   type fol_type
@@ -659,17 +659,17 @@
 val xor_words = List.foldl Word.xorb 0w0;
-fun hash_term (UVar(_,_), w) = w
-  | hash_term (Fun(f,tps,args), w) = 
-      List.foldl hash_term (Hashtable.hash_string (f,w)) args;
+fun hashw_term (UVar(_,_), w) = w
+  | hashw_term (Fun(f,tps,args), w) = 
+      List.foldl hashw_term (Polyhash.hashw_string (f,w)) args;
-fun hash_pred (Predicate(pn,_,args), w) = 
-    List.foldl hash_term (Hashtable.hash_string (pn,w)) args;
+fun hashw_pred (Predicate(pn,_,args), w) = 
+    List.foldl hashw_term (Polyhash.hashw_string (pn,w)) args;
-fun hash1_literal (Literal(true,pred,_)) = hash_pred (pred, 0w0)
-  | hash1_literal (Literal(false,pred,_)) = Word.notb (hash_pred (pred, 0w0));
+fun hash1_literal (Literal(true,pred,_)) = hashw_pred (pred, 0w0)
+  | hash1_literal (Literal(false,pred,_)) = Word.notb (hashw_pred (pred, 0w0));
-fun hash1_clause clause = xor_words (map hash1_literal (get_literals clause));
+fun hash_clause clause = Word.toIntX (xor_words (map hash1_literal (get_literals clause)));
 (* FIX: not sure what to do with these funcs *)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_hol_clause.ML	Wed Dec 21 12:05:47 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_hol_clause.ML	Wed Dec 21 12:06:08 2005 +0100
@@ -709,13 +709,12 @@
 val xor_words = List.foldl Word.xorb 0w0;
 fun hash_combterm (CombVar(_,_),w) = w
-  | hash_combterm (CombFree(f,_),w) = Hashtable.hash_string(f,w)
-  | hash_combterm (CombConst(c,tp,tps),w) = Hashtable.hash_string(c,w)
-  | hash_combterm (CombApp(f,arg,tp),w) = 
-    hash_combterm (arg, (hash_combterm (f,w)))
+  | hash_combterm (CombFree(f,_),w) = Polyhash.hashw_string(f,w)
+  | hash_combterm (CombConst(c,tp,tps),w) = Polyhash.hashw_string(c,w)
+  | hash_combterm (CombApp(f,arg,tp),w) = hash_combterm (arg, hash_combterm (f,w))
   | hash_combterm (Bool(t),w) = hash_combterm (t,w)
   | hash_combterm (Equal(t1,t2),w) = 
-    List.foldl hash_combterm (Hashtable.hash_string ("equal",w)) [t1,t2]
+    List.foldl hash_combterm (Polyhash.hashw_string ("equal",w)) [t1,t2]
 fun hash_literal (Literal(true,pred)) = hash_combterm(pred,0w0)
   | hash_literal (Literal(false,pred)) = Word.notb(hash_combterm(pred,0w0));
--- a/src/Pure/General/hashtable.ML	Wed Dec 21 12:05:47 2005 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-(*Hash tables. Taken from SML/NJ version 110.57.
-  Copyright (c) 1989-2002 by Lucent Technologies*)
-signature HASHTABLE =
-   type ('a,'b) table
-   val create : { hash : 'a -> word, 
-                  ==   : 'a * 'a -> bool,
-                  exn  : exn,
-                  size : int 
-                } -> ('a,'b) table 
-   val size         : ('a,'b) table -> int
-   val clear        : ('a,'b) table -> unit
-   val insert       : ('a,'b) table -> 'a * 'b -> unit
-   val remove       : ('a,'b) table -> 'a -> unit
-   val lookup       : ('a,'b) table -> 'a -> 'b 
-   val copy         : ('a,'b) table -> ('a,'b) table
-   val app          : ('a * 'b -> unit) -> ('a,'b) table -> unit
-   val map          : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> ('a,'b) table -> 'c list
-   val fold         : ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> ('a,'b) table -> 'c
-   (*Additions due to L. C. Paulson and Jia Meng*)
-   val hash_word : word * word -> word
-   val hash_char : Char.char * word -> word
-   val hash_vector : word Vector.vector * word -> word
-   val hash_string : string * word -> word
-   val hash_strings : string list * word -> word
-structure Hashtable :> HASHTABLE =
-   structure A = Array
-   type ('a,'b) table = ('a -> word) * 
-                        ('a * 'a -> bool) *
-                        exn *
-                        ('a * 'b) list A.array ref * 
-                        int ref
-   infix ==
-   fun create{hash,==,exn,size} = (hash,op==,exn,ref(A.array(size,[])),ref 0)
-   fun copy(hash,op==,exn,ref a,ref c) = 
-         (hash,op==,exn,ref(A.tabulate(A.length a,fn i => A.sub(a,i))), ref c)
-   fun size (_,_,_,_,ref n) = n
-   fun clear (_,_,_,ref a,c) =
-       let fun f ~1 = ()
-             | f i  = (A.update(a,i,[]); f(i-1))
-       in  f(A.length a - 1); c := 0 end
-   fun insert (hash,op==,exn,A as ref a,c) (k,v) =
-   let val N  = A.length a
-       val h  = Word.toIntX(hash k) mod N
-       val es = A.sub(a,h)
-       fun insrt ([],es') = (A.update(a,h,(k,v)::es'); 
-			     c := !c + 1;
-			     if !c >= N then grow(hash,A,N) else ())
-         | insrt ((e as (k',_))::es,es') = 
-            if k == k' then A.update(a,h,(k,v)::es'@es) 
-            else insrt(es,e::es')
-   in  insrt (es,[])
-   end
-   and grow(hash,A as ref a,N) =
-       let val M = N + N
-           val M = if M < 13 then 13 else M
-           val a' = A.array(M,[])
-           fun insrt (k,v) = let val h = Word.toIntX(hash k) mod M
-                             in  A.update(a',h,(k,v)::A.sub(a',h)) end
-       in (fn es => app insrt es) a;
-           A := a'
-       end
-   fun remove (hash,op==,exn,ref a,c) k =
-   let val N  = A.length a
-       val h  = Word.toIntX(hash k) mod N
-       val es = A.sub(a,h)
-       fun del ([],es') = ()
-         | del ((e as (k',_))::es,es') = 
-            if k == k' then (A.update(a,h,es'@es); c := !c - 1)
-            else del(es,e::es')
-   in  del (es,[])
-   end
-   fun lookup(hash,op==,exn,ref a,_) k =
-   let val N  = A.length a
-       val h  = Word.toIntX(hash k) mod N
-       fun find [] = raise exn
-         | find ((k',v)::es) = if k == k' then v else find es
-   in  find(A.sub(a,h))
-   end
-   fun app f (_,_,_,ref A,_) = ( f) A
-   fun map f (_,_,_,ref A,_) =
-   let fun fl([],x) = x
-         | fl((k,v)::es,x) = f(k,v)::fl(es,x)
-   in  A.foldr fl [] A end
-   fun fold f x (_,_,_,ref A,_) = 
-   let fun fl([],x) = x
-         | fl((k,v)::es,x) = f(k,v,fl(es,x))
-   in  A.foldr fl x A end
-   (*Additions due to L. C. Paulson and Jia Meng*)
-   val myw = ref 0w0;
-   val () = myw := 0wx70000000;  (*workaround for Poly/ML bug*)
-   local open Word
-	 infix << >>
-   in
-   fun hash_word (u,w) =
-     let val w' = (w << 0w4) + u
-	 val g = Word.andb(w', !myw)    (*I hope this hex constant is correct!*)
-     in  
-	 if g = 0w0 then Word.xorb(w', Word.xorb(g, g >> 0w24))
-	 else w'
-     end;
-   end;
-   fun hash_char (c,w) = hash_word (Word.fromInt (Char.ord c), w);
-   fun hash_vector (v,w) = Vector.foldl hash_word w v;
-   fun hash_string (s:string, w) = CharVector.foldl hash_char w s;
-   fun hash_strings (ss, w) = List.foldl hash_string w ss;