--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_thingol.ML Fri Jul 02 16:15:49 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_thingol.ML Fri Jul 02 16:20:56 2010 +0200
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@
val is_case: stmt -> bool
val contr_classparam_typs: program -> string -> itype option list
val labelled_name: theory -> program -> string -> string
- val labelled_traceback: theory -> program -> string -> string
val group_stmts: theory -> program
-> ((string * stmt) list * (string * stmt) list
* ((string * stmt) list * (string * stmt) list)) list
@@ -490,15 +489,6 @@
val Datatype (tyco, _) = Graph.get_node program tyco
in quote (Sign.extern_type thy tyco ^ " :: " ^ Sign.extern_class thy class) end
-fun labelled_traceback thy program name =
- let
- val minimals = Graph.minimals program;
- val traceback = these (get_first
- (fn minimal => case Graph.irreducible_paths program (minimal, name)
- of [] => NONE
- | p :: ps => SOME p) minimals);
- in space_implode " -> " (map (labelled_name thy program) traceback) end;
fun linear_stmts program =
rev (Graph.strong_conn program)
|> map (AList.make (Graph.get_node program));
@@ -557,19 +547,21 @@
exception PERMISSIVE of unit;
-fun translation_error thy permissive some_thm msg sub_msg (dep, (_, program)) =
+fun translation_error thy permissive some_thm msg sub_msg =
if permissive
then raise PERMISSIVE ()
else let
val err_thm = case some_thm
of SOME thm => "\n(in code equation " ^ Display.string_of_thm_global thy thm ^ ")"
| NONE => "";
- val traceback = case dep
- of SOME name => labelled_traceback thy program name
- | NONE => "";
- val err_traceback = if traceback = ""
- then "" else "\n(dependencies " ^ traceback ^ ")";
- in error (msg ^ err_thm ^ err_traceback ^ ":\n" ^ sub_msg) end;
+ in error (msg ^ err_thm ^ ":\n" ^ sub_msg) end;
+fun not_wellsorted thy permissive some_thm ty sort e =
+ let
+ val err_class = Sorts.class_error (Syntax.pp_global thy) e;
+ val err_typ = "Type " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy ty ^ " not of sort "
+ ^ Syntax.string_of_sort_global thy sort;
+ in translation_error thy permissive some_thm "Wellsortedness error" (err_typ ^ "\n" ^ err_class) end;
(* translation *)
@@ -706,15 +698,16 @@
handle PERMISSIVE () => ([], prgrm)
and translate_const thy algbr eqngr permissive some_thm ((c, ty), some_abs) =
- val abstraction_violation = (case some_abs of NONE => true | SOME abs => not (c = abs))
+ val _ = if (case some_abs of NONE => true | SOME abs => not (c = abs))
andalso Code.is_abstr thy c
+ then translation_error thy permissive some_thm
+ "Abstraction violation" ("constant " ^ Code.string_of_const thy c)
+ else ()
val arg_typs = Sign.const_typargs thy (c, ty);
val sorts = Code_Preproc.sortargs eqngr c;
val function_typs = (fst o Term.strip_type) ty;
- abstraction_violation ? translation_error thy permissive some_thm
- "Abstraction violation" ("constant " ^ Code.string_of_const thy c)
- #> ensure_const thy algbr eqngr permissive c
+ ensure_const thy algbr eqngr permissive c
##>> fold_map (translate_typ thy algbr eqngr permissive) arg_typs
##>> fold_map (translate_dicts thy algbr eqngr permissive some_thm) (arg_typs ~~ sorts)
##>> fold_map (translate_typ thy algbr eqngr permissive) function_typs
@@ -803,12 +796,6 @@
#>> (fn sort => (unprefix "'" v, sort))
and translate_dicts thy (algbr as (proj_sort, algebra)) eqngr permissive some_thm (ty, sort) =
- fun format_class_error e =
- let
- val err_class = Sorts.class_error (Syntax.pp_global thy) e;
- val err_typ = "Type " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy ty ^ " not of sort "
- ^ Syntax.string_of_sort_global thy sort;
- in err_typ ^ "\n" ^ err_class end;
datatype typarg =
Global of (class * string) * typarg list list
| Local of (class * class) list * (string * (int * sort));
@@ -822,11 +809,11 @@
val sort' = proj_sort sort;
in map_index (fn (n, class) => (Local ([], (v, (n, sort'))), class)) sort' end;
- val (class_error, typargs) = ("", Sorts.of_sort_derivation algebra
+ val typargs = Sorts.of_sort_derivation algebra
{class_relation = K (Sorts.classrel_derivation algebra class_relation),
type_constructor = type_constructor,
- type_variable = type_variable} (ty, proj_sort sort))
- handle Sorts.CLASS_ERROR e => (format_class_error e, []);
+ type_variable = type_variable} (ty, proj_sort sort)
+ handle Sorts.CLASS_ERROR e => not_wellsorted thy permissive some_thm ty sort e;
fun mk_dict (Global (inst, yss)) =
ensure_inst thy algbr eqngr permissive inst
##>> (fold_map o fold_map) mk_dict yss
@@ -834,11 +821,7 @@
| mk_dict (Local (classrels, (v, (n, sort)))) =
fold_map (ensure_classrel thy algbr eqngr permissive) classrels
#>> (fn classrels => DictVar (classrels, (unprefix "'" v, (n, length sort))))
- in
- not (class_error = "")
- ? translation_error thy permissive some_thm "Wellsortedness error" class_error
- #> fold_map mk_dict typargs
- end;
+ in fold_map mk_dict typargs end;
(* store *)