require_thy/schedule: improved task graph, actually observe dependencies on running tasks;
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML Wed Jul 25 17:05:49 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML Wed Jul 25 17:05:50 2007 +0200
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
structure ThyInfo: THY_INFO =
(** theory loader actions and hooks **)
datatype action = Update | Outdate | Remove;
@@ -373,7 +372,7 @@
val _ = member (op =) initiators name andalso error (cycle_msg initiators);
(case try (Graph.get_node (fst tasks)) name of
- SOME task => (is_none task, tasks)
+ SOME task => (Task.is_finished task, tasks)
| NONE =>
val (current, deps, parents) = check_deps ml strict dir' name
@@ -391,8 +390,8 @@
val _ = change_thys (new_deps name parent_names (deps, thy));
val tasks_graph'' = tasks_graph' |> new_deps name parent_names
- (if all_current then NONE
- else SOME (fn () => load_thy really ml time initiators dir' name));
+ (if all_current then Task.Finished
+ else Task.Task (fn () => load_thy really ml time initiators dir' name));
val tasks_len'' = if all_current then tasks_len' else tasks_len' + 1;
in (all_current, (tasks_graph'', tasks_len'')) end)
@@ -400,20 +399,27 @@
-(* use_thy etc. -- scheduling required theories *)
+(* variations on use_thy -- scheduling required theories *)
fun schedule_seq tasks =
Graph.topological_order tasks
- |> (fn name => the_default I (Graph.get_node tasks name) ());
+ |> (fn name => (case Graph.get_node tasks name of Task.Task f => f () | _ => ()));
-fun next_task (SOME f :: fs, G) = (SOME f, (fs, G))
- | next_task (NONE :: fs, G) = next_task (fs, G)
- | next_task ([], G) =
- (case Graph.minimals G of
- [] => (NONE, ([], G))
- | ms => next_task (map (Graph.get_node G) ms, Graph.del_nodes ms G));
+fun next_task G =
+ let
+ val tasks = map (fn name => (name, Graph.get_node G name)) (Graph.minimals G);
+ val finished = filter (Task.is_finished o snd) tasks;
+ in
+ if not (null finished) then next_task (Graph.del_nodes (map fst finished) G)
+ else if null tasks then ((Task.Finished, I), G)
+ else
+ (case find_first (not o Task.is_running o snd) tasks of
+ NONE => ((Task.Running, I), G)
+ | SOME (name, task) =>
+ ((task, Graph.del_nodes [name]), Graph.map_node name (K Task.Running) G))
+ end;
fun schedule_tasks (tasks, n) =
let val m = ! Multithreading.max_threads in
@@ -422,7 +428,7 @@
(warning (loader_msg "no multithreading within critical section" []);
schedule_seq tasks)
- (case Multithreading.schedule (Int.min (m, n)) next_task ([], tasks) of
+ (case Multithreading.schedule (Int.min (m, n)) next_task tasks of
[] => ()
| exns => raise Exn.EXCEPTIONS (exns, ""))