--- a/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Map_by_Ordered.thy Mon Nov 16 17:00:11 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Data_Structures/Map_by_Ordered.thy Mon Nov 16 17:02:12 2015 +0100
@@ -34,22 +34,24 @@
and delete: "inv t \<and> sorted1 (inorder t) \<Longrightarrow>
inorder(delete a t) = del_list a (inorder t)"
and inv_empty: "inv empty"
-and inv_insert: "inv t \<and> sorted1 (inorder t) \<Longrightarrow> inv(update a b t)"
+and inv_update: "inv t \<and> sorted1 (inorder t) \<Longrightarrow> inv(update a b t)"
and inv_delete: "inv t \<and> sorted1 (inorder t) \<Longrightarrow> inv(delete a t)"
sublocale Map
- empty update delete "map_of o inorder" "\<lambda>t. inv t \<and> sorted1 (inorder t)"
+ empty update delete lookup "\<lambda>t. inv t \<and> sorted1 (inorder t)"
proof(standard, goal_cases)
- case 1 show ?case by (auto simp: empty)
+ case 1 show ?case by (auto simp: lookup empty inv_empty)
- case 2 thus ?case by(simp add: update map_of_ins_list)
+ case 2 thus ?case
+ by(simp add: fun_eq_iff update inv_update map_of_ins_list lookup sorted_upd_list)
- case 3 thus ?case by(simp add: delete map_of_del_list)
+ case 3 thus ?case
+ by(simp add: fun_eq_iff delete inv_delete map_of_del_list lookup sorted_del_list)
case 4 thus ?case by(simp add: empty inv_empty)
- case 5 thus ?case by(simp add: update inv_insert sorted_upd_list)
+ case 5 thus ?case by(simp add: update inv_update sorted_upd_list)
case 6 thus ?case by (auto simp: delete inv_delete sorted_del_list)