--- a/src/Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML Mon Jun 01 18:59:20 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML Mon Jun 01 18:59:20 2015 +0200
@@ -207,105 +207,6 @@
Need to know if it is a lower or upper bound for unambiguous interpretation!
-fun elim_eqns (Lineq (i, Le, cs, _)) = [(i, true, cs)]
- | elim_eqns (Lineq (i, Eq, cs, _)) = [(i, true, cs),(~i, true, map ~ cs)]
- | elim_eqns (Lineq (i, Lt, cs, _)) = [(i, false, cs)];
-(* PRE: ex[v] must be 0! *)
-fun eval ex v (a, le, cs) =
- let
- val rs = map Rat.rat_of_int cs;
- val rsum = fold2 (Rat.add oo Rat.mult) rs ex Rat.zero;
- in (Rat.mult (Rat.add (Rat.rat_of_int a) (Rat.neg rsum)) (Rat.inv (nth rs v)), le) end;
-(* If nth rs v < 0, le should be negated.
- Instead this swap is taken into account in ratrelmin2.
-fun ratrelmin2 (x as (r, ler), y as (s, les)) =
- case Rat.ord (r, s)
- of EQUAL => (r, (not ler) andalso (not les))
- | LESS => x
- | GREATER => y;
-fun ratrelmax2 (x as (r, ler), y as (s, les)) =
- case Rat.ord (r, s)
- of EQUAL => (r, ler andalso les)
- | LESS => y
- | GREATER => x;
-val ratrelmin = foldr1 ratrelmin2;
-val ratrelmax = foldr1 ratrelmax2;
-fun ratexact up (r, exact) =
- if exact then r else
- let
- val (_, q) = Rat.quotient_of_rat r;
- val nth = Rat.inv (Rat.rat_of_int q);
- in Rat.add r (if up then nth else Rat.neg nth) end;
-fun ratmiddle (r, s) = Rat.mult (Rat.add r s) (Rat.inv Rat.two);
-fun choose2 d ((lb, exactl), (ub, exactu)) =
- let val ord = Rat.sign lb in
- if (ord = LESS orelse exactl) andalso (ord = GREATER orelse exactu)
- then Rat.zero
- else if not d then
- if ord = GREATER
- then if exactl then lb else ratmiddle (lb, ub)
- else if exactu then ub else ratmiddle (lb, ub)
- else (*discrete domain, both bounds must be exact*)
- if ord = GREATER
- then let val lb' = Rat.roundup lb in
- if Rat.le lb' ub then lb' else raise NoEx end
- else let val ub' = Rat.rounddown ub in
- if Rat.le lb ub' then ub' else raise NoEx end
- end;
-fun findex1 discr (v, lineqs) ex =
- let
- val nz = filter (fn (Lineq (_, _, cs, _)) => nth cs v <> 0) lineqs;
- val ineqs = maps elim_eqns nz;
- val (ge, le) = List.partition (fn (_,_,cs) => nth cs v > 0) ineqs
- val lb = ratrelmax (map (eval ex v) ge)
- val ub = ratrelmin (map (eval ex v) le)
- in nth_map v (K (choose2 (nth discr v) (lb, ub))) ex end;
-fun elim1 v x =
- map (fn (a,le,bs) => (Rat.add a (Rat.neg (Rat.mult (nth bs v) x)), le,
- nth_map v (K Rat.zero) bs));
-fun single_var v (_, _, cs) = case filter_out (curry (op =) EQUAL o Rat.sign) cs
- of [x] => x =/ nth cs v
- | _ => false;
-(* The base case:
- all variables occur only with positive or only with negative coefficients *)
-fun pick_vars discr (ineqs,ex) =
- let val nz = filter_out (fn (_,_,cs) => forall (curry (op =) EQUAL o Rat.sign) cs) ineqs
- in case nz of [] => ex
- | (_,_,cs) :: _ =>
- let val v = find_index (not o curry (op =) EQUAL o Rat.sign) cs
- val d = nth discr v;
- val pos = not (Rat.sign (nth cs v) = LESS);
- val sv = filter (single_var v) nz;
- val minmax =
- if pos then if d then Rat.roundup o fst o ratrelmax
- else ratexact true o ratrelmax
- else if d then Rat.rounddown o fst o ratrelmin
- else ratexact false o ratrelmin
- val bnds = map (fn (a,le,bs) => (Rat.mult a (Rat.inv (nth bs v)), le)) sv
- val x = minmax((Rat.zero,if pos then true else false)::bnds)
- val ineqs' = elim1 v x nz
- val ex' = nth_map v (K x) ex
- in pick_vars discr (ineqs',ex') end
- end;
-fun findex0 discr n lineqs =
- let val ineqs = maps elim_eqns lineqs
- val rineqs = map (fn (a,le,cs) => (Rat.rat_of_int a, le, map Rat.rat_of_int cs))
- ineqs
- in pick_vars discr (rineqs,replicate n Rat.zero) end;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* End of counterexample finder. The actual decision procedure starts here. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -432,7 +333,7 @@
val nziblows = filter_out (fn (i, _) => i = 0) iblows
in if null nziblows then Failure((~1,nontriv)::hist)
- let val (c,v) = hd(sort (fn (x,y) => int_ord(fst(x),fst(y))) nziblows)
+ let val (_,v) = hd(sort (fn (x,y) => int_ord(fst(x),fst(y))) nziblows)
val (no,yes) = List.partition (fn (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) => nth l v = 0) ineqs
val (pos,neg) = List.partition(fn (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) => nth l v > 0) yes
in elim ctxt (no @ map_product (elim_var v) pos neg, (v,nontriv)::hist) end
@@ -458,7 +359,6 @@
if Config.get ctxt LA_Data.trace then tracing msg else ();
val union_term = union Envir.aeconv;
-val union_bterm = union (fn ((b:bool, t), (b', t')) => b = b' andalso Envir.aeconv (t, t'));
fun add_atoms (lhs, _, _, rhs, _, _) =
union_term (map fst lhs) o union_term (map fst rhs);
@@ -607,46 +507,6 @@
(* Print (counter) example *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun print_atom((a,d),r) =
- let val (p,q) = Rat.quotient_of_rat r
- val s = if d then string_of_int p else
- if p = 0 then "0"
- else string_of_int p ^ "/" ^ string_of_int q
- in a ^ " = " ^ s end;
-fun is_variable (Free _) = true
- | is_variable (Var _) = true
- | is_variable (Bound _) = true
- | is_variable _ = false
-fun trace_ex ctxt params atoms discr n (hist: history) =
- case hist of
- [] => ()
- | (v, lineqs) :: hist' =>
- let
- val frees = map Free params
- fun show_term t = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (subst_bounds (frees, t))
- val start =
- if v = ~1 then (hist', findex0 discr n lineqs)
- else (hist, replicate n Rat.zero)
- val produce_ex =
- map print_atom #> commas #>
- prefix "Counterexample (possibly spurious):\n"
- val ex = (
- uncurry (fold (findex1 discr)) start
- |> map2 pair (atoms ~~ discr)
- |> filter (fn ((t, _), _) => is_variable t)
- |> map (apfst (apfst show_term))
- |> (fn [] => NONE | sdss => SOME (produce_ex sdss)))
- handle NoEx => NONE
- in
- case ex of
- SOME s =>
- (warning "Linear arithmetic failed -- see trace for a (potentially spurious) counterexample.";
- tracing s)
- | NONE => warning "Linear arithmetic failed"
- end;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun mknat (pTs : typ list) (ixs : int list) (atom : term, i : int) : lineq option =
@@ -731,9 +591,6 @@
-fun add_datoms ((lhs,_,_,rhs,_,d) : LA_Data.decomp, _) (dats : (bool * term) list) =
- union_bterm (map (pair d o fst) lhs) (union_bterm (map (pair d o fst) rhs) dats);
fun refutes ctxt :
(typ list * (LA_Data.decomp * int) list) list -> injust list -> injust list option =